
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Austrichh replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Cells of Bells (DBZ SI)


"CELL!" An enraged voice called out. Annoyingly enough it wasn't the latter devil but the former. Aka, Future Trunks. Though I suppose that it'd be more accurate to call him Present Trunks, huh?


Spoiler: Trunks Briefs

Above me in the air stood the Trunks of my time, my present if you will, in his Capsule Corp. jacket with his hair in the ever iconic gold and spiky style commonly associated with the Super Saiyan form. Along with said golden locks was the golden aura swelling furiously from him. And judging by his muscles he's in SSJ Grade 2, it seems that he learned his lesson from the last time he went Grade 3.

And boy is he pissed off judging by that glare of wrath, yet I could also detect some fear and desperation within him through said glare. Rage has many sources after all.

Which is very much understandable considering what he went through in the past. Hell, what was to be a moment of triumph and long awaited revenge for Trunks and all that was lost upon his return home has just become the worst possible scenario for him to encounter. Perfection.

But I'm not the Cell for said scenario now am I?

Welp, time to de-escalate this before monkey boy here bursts a vessel or two.

"Who, me?" I asked, pointing to myself.

"Yes you!" Trunks confirmed.

"Couldn't be."

"It shouldn't be!"

How could this be!? Hehe, metal cooler.

"Well, hello Trunks! It's a pleasure finally to meet you." I greeted with a smile, not one like the usual cruel and mocking ones Frieza or Vegeta gave, but a simple one like Goku's.

"Yet you already know who I am, along with what I have already done." Trunks said back tersely.

"Yep, you went back in time to save the Earth from Androids #16, #17, #18, #19, and Gero. Then had a run in with my alternate self which ended in your death, Son Gohan killed him back, then you got brought back, said your goodbyes, and are now here. I believe that covers most of it, though events may vary." I listed off, giving a brief summary of his shenanigans.

"Speaking of which, wood ya recognize this here trucker hat?" I asked in a mocking recreation of #13's accent as I pointed to the hat hanging on my crown/head thing. It was too big to put on the middle of my head so it was hanging off the side of it. "Or would you recognize these pieces of scraps?" I said as I waved my hand towards the mess on the floor.

"Androids #13, #14, and #15." Trunks quickly identified with narrow eyes before bringing them back to me. "We destroyed them in the past, just as much as we destroyed you."

"Correction, that was Son Gohan along with the slight assistance of daddy departed Goku and your daddy dearest Vegeta." I corrected, but that reminder only served to make the boy tenser, which wasn't what I wanted. But I should possess an easy fix that should calm him down. "And I know that you can't help but think the worst of this situation but I'll ask for you to do one thing. Check my Ki, hell I'll make sure it's loud and clear for you."

I imitated Cell's pose from his intro in Fighterz and let out a yell heard from many an EVO tournament.


I couldn't help but let out a satisfied grin, the yell was just music to my ears along with the feeling of flexing my power at its entirety. And you can't just power up without some loud screaming. Though I could see that Trunks suppressed the urge to cover his ears judging by his slight wince.

"Now tell me what you noticed." I asked.

"...There's not a single presence within you that isn't your own." Trunks realized stunned with wide eyes. "Other than the Androids, you haven't absorbed anyone."

Of course there was a risk that fully powering up could've pushed Trunks into deciding to fight me, but like I expected, the revelation of no human being absorbed was the first impression he got from it. After all, it could be easy to lie and say that I hadn't absorbed any humans just by suppressing my Ki to hide their influence, but by letting it all out for him to sense, it became rather clear that I was telling the truth.

"Correct! The first thing I've done since emerging from my pod was to deactivate the Androids using the shutdown signal Gero installed in me,"

"He installed what!?" He said with shock. After the big ordeal that is the Cell Saga happened, it'd be pretty understandable to be surprised that it could end so quickly and easily.

"I know right, that was incredibly convenient! Anyway, after absorbing #17 and #18 while they could do nothing to stop me, I paid your mother a visit and had a lovely chat. I believe that you already spoke with her, yes?"

"Yes." His face tightened in anger at the mention of her, but I could also sense some relief from him that she was unharmed, barring her mind hehe. With that relief came confusion as well. "Both her and Android #16. All you asked about was for me from my mother, and then you went looking for whatever could be in Gero's lab."

It then dawned on him. "You were waiting for me."

"Indeed I was, good on you for figuring it out so quickly." I praised with a little applause.

"But why? If you already knew about me, why didn't you just hold my mother hostage until I came back-"

"Because I didn't want to?" I cut off. "Bulma's a pleasant woman who's done me no wrong, and you've done me no harm either. Though I'll admit that I'm surprised, but happy that we're talking at all."

"Why's that?"

"I expected you to be your father's son. But I'm glad that you could use the brain your mother gave you and speak rather than just shout as you Saiyans tend to do."

"I know that I have no chance against you." Trunks freely but sourly admitted, his fists clenched at his sides. But he then pulled a still clenched fist against his chest. "Still, I was more than willing to die if that was what it took to spare the Earth from your cruel amusement."

Huh, what does he mean by that? Don't tell me that he's comparing me to that jackass from the past.

"Him, not me. Much like the Androids of the past weren't murderous cunts, the Cell of your present isn't a genocidal maniac who would misuse his Perfection."

"Wait! You're from this timeline?!"

"Is it really that much of a surprise? I mean, sure I woke up earlier than expected-"

"You're as strong now as he was after coming back from blowing himself up!"

Huh. That's weird, does that mean I'm stronger than Gohan now? Neat. Oh wait, Gohan was still stronger and would've beat him if it weren't for that arm injury, but still it's good to know that some light training is all I need to close the gap.

"If I were to wager a guess, it seems that since these Androids had 17 years to waste with Gohan as their chew toy every so often likely made them stronger than the past, thus yielding a higher boost in power from absorbing them."

"Now if you excuse me, I'm going to open Android #21."

"There's another one?" Trunks asked exasperated, before quickly turning frustrated. "How many of you damn Androids are there?!"

"Well, I'd say that almost all of them should be decommissioned. Barring Android #8."

"And where has he been all of this time?"

"Oh he's hardly relevant. He's a bigger softy than Android #16 and was made when Goku was a kid. He actually betrayed the Red Ribbon Army to help Goku save that village, which is where he's been all this time."

I looked deeper into Gero's sub lab until I finally found it. Android #21's pod.

"What are you doing here now?" He asked as he followed me deeper inside.

"I didn't come just to mess around with these inferior models, you know." I explained, turning to address him. "I really did just want to give this place a look around, then I found #16's pod all mossy yet functional. Figured that I might as well set him on the right path and give your mother some help and a gift."

"According to her you gave her a headache with that info of yours and a heart attack with Sixteen."

"And I'm sure that the lab technology cheered her up some?"

"She was gushing over it when I came back from the past. By the way, she isn't too pleased that you failed to mention who killed me however."

"Standing there, you should've realized, You've self-sabotaged to not have fucking dodged.~" I taunted in a singing tone. If Gohan saw fit to continue Piccolo's teachings, then with the fellow inside me I should offer some of that to Trunks too.

"You try to not be surprised when your enemy comes back from what was certain death!" He countered in his defense.

"Goku blew his head off and he was still alive, not to mention that he does have Frieza and Saiyan DNA, of course he'd be a sturdy enough fucker to walk that off."

"You can't expect people to use techniques that they've never used before!"

"That was literally how Goku learned the Kamehameha Wave and he used Instant Transmission enough that Cell would've eventually gotten the hang of it."

"...I can understand why my mother was so frustrated after a conversation with you."

I simply laughed as I turned my attention back to the pod. Like mother, like son, so fun to mess around with.

"I'm going to open Android #21's pod now, so it'd be really appreciated that you don't do a repeat of the last time you saw an Android awaken, I still want to loot this place for your mother."

"You can't be serious, what reason would you have to want to awaken it? You've already absorbed Seventeen and Eighteen and set Sixteen free, you know of them. But I never even saw what Android this is, how would you know about this one? What does it hold?"

"Oh you'll learn soon enough." I said, trying not to sound ominous but couldn't help but feel that I failed judging by how guarded Trunks was.

With a push of a button, the pod opened just as seamlessly as #16's did.

Spoiler: Android #21

And out from the pod did the Android modeled after Gero's fine wife emerge. She looked the same as she did in Fighterz, long auburn hair, white lab coat with the Red Ribbon logo on it, red and blue turtleneck sweater, and black leggings. The only thing she was missing were her glasses but I quickly found them in her coat pocket.

After stepping out of the pod, a 'clock' from her shoe rang throughout the lab though it was drowned out by Trunks' still ongoing aura. Unlike #16, who seemed ready to go as soon as he woke up, #21 was still groggy from her sleep. Which was further proved when the first thing to come out of her mouth was a yawn.

After rubbing the sleep from her eyes, reaching into her coat pocket for her glasses and putting them on, it was only then that she noticed the two of us, a giant bug man and a guy with spiky hair on steroids. She blinked a few times, checked her glasses again, and gave us a few more glances.

"Oh, hello!" She greeted a bit sheepishly, "Sorry for not noticing you, I didn't see you until just now. I'm…Android #21? Yes, Android #21."

"Funny that, I'm technically Android #21, though I am designated as Biomechanical Android #1."

I greeted back.

Android #21/Biomechanical Android #2

How the hell does that work? Gero must've gone senile in terms of labeling.

"I thought your name was Cell?" Trunks asked.

"Said who? I never told your mother that and I did introduce myself to #16 as Biomechanical Android-."

"You did when you accepted me calling you that."

"I don't know, thinking of changing it to something else now. I'm thinking… Jiren." I couldn't help myself, not when the opportunity just presented itself.

Trunks was not amused while #21 only looked confused at me.

"Yeah, I thought the name was a bit boring too. Seems like Cell will have to stick for now." And honestly, I couldn't think of a better name at the moment. Oh, sure, there were countless ones that I could borrow from throughout fiction but I'd like to see you try to rename yourself into something other than what your parents gave you, it's a tricky thing after all.

"It certainly seems to fit you well enough." #21 said.

"Thank you #21." I thanked before turning to my companion of sorts. "Now for the grump with the ridiculous do, that's Trunks Briefs."

"It's not ridiculous!" Trunks defended a little too quickly.

"...I'll admit, it is a little outlandish." #21 added.

Trunks expressed his displeasure by shifting his glare from me to her, at which she just held up her hands with a shrug. "And you sure do seem grumpy."

"It wouldn't surprise me if that thing was sharper than your sword. How poor Tapion must feel at having his sword outclassed."

Rather than feel offended for the hero that gave him his weapon, he just blinked in confusion. "Who the hell is that?"

I blinked in confusion as well. "... the guy who gave you that sword, I think."

"You thought wrong, that was Gohan. He said it was something that his teacher had done for him when he finished his training."

Huh, guess that Tapion giving kid Trunks that sword really was just a symbolic thing. Damn you DBZA, you got me lacking with fanon.

"Now, #21, how much are you aware of?" I asked, going back to the person of focus here.

"Hmm, not much to be exact. I can recall my designation, my status as a bio-android, and the fact that despite this body I'm only ten years old. Anything else either isn't there or will hopefully come to me later."

"Disregard that last part, you were built 10 years ago, but you aren't 10." I interrupted. Yeah, no, miss me with that loli bullshit, she has an adult body and acts like one, she damn well is one (Applies to robots only, no comment on meatbags). "You were modeled after Vomi, the late Dr. Gero's wife."

"I was modeled after my maker's wife?" #21 questioned with surprise and a slight amount of alarm. Seems that she picked up a few implications.

"Gero had a wife? Who could possibly love that monster?" Trunks questioned with revulsion.

The urge to give him a half-lidded stare and let my only reply be 'Vegeta' was really strong. I mean, Gero did some fucked up things so he wasn't wrong to feel that way, but he's the son of Vegeta, he has have no room to complain.

Instead, I said. "If you can consider the resemblance between Gero and #13 to mean that he built a younger version of himself, it might not be too much of a surprise how they got together. Besides, I never knew the woman. I just know of her. Like I do of most things."

"Besides how I got my sword." Trunks, that cheeky brat, added in.

"Like I said, most things. Kinda like how you got the appearance of the Androids wrong when you went back in time to warn Goku and friends." I shot back just as cheeky.

"How does that work?" #21 asked.

"Me knowing things or the time travel."

"The theory of time travel isn't in my area of expertise so while I'd be more than happy to hear of it was possible, I was referring to how you know things."

"It's in a similar vein to time travel actually."

From the way Trunks was about to tell #21 something, it was likely a warning if Bulma was to go by, but he was too late.

"Multiverse theory." I simply said. The last time fried Bulma's head, let's see what it'll do to #21's.

"...how?" She asked with a simple curosity.

"You are familiar with the theory, yes?" I asked.

"Like time travel, it's not my area of expertise but I am aware of it."

"I thought that you weren't aware of much?" I asked with a raised brow.

"It just came to me." #21 blinked at that before she shrugged it off. "Anyway, while I am aware of the idea of the multiverse and branching timelines, I want to know from you how exactly such a varied thing applies to your knowledge."

"In case you can't speak S.C.I.E.N.C.E!-" I said to Trunks.

"I am more than aware of science!"

Didn't even capitalize it smh.

"That's a story for another time, my dear. You haven't been exposed to enough of the weird things that go on here to believe me. But I do want to ask, how's your stomach?"

"My stomach? Why would you-." #21 was about to ask confused before a rumble came out of her, followed by a pink blush against her pale skin. "Oh. I suppose that I am hungry."

"As in hunger for food, or as in mad hunger for energy that'll make you go crazy. Because there's not much energy to go around on the planet, unless you'd like to engage in Ki Transfer with me. In which case I'd be more than happy-"

"What do you mean by a mad hunger for energy!?" Trunks demanded.

"How did you know about that before I did?" She asked before shaking her head at it. "And no, I do mean hunger for food. I've just woken up and haven't had any breakfast yet! Though I could go for some sweets…" She trailed off with a faraway face, so it seemed that she was a sweet tooth even without Buu's cells being within her,

Huh, what time is it anyway? Judging by the sky still being blue, then again it was almost always blue since sunsets were never used during fight scenes, I'd say that it's still daytime.

4:44 P.M. EST

I come with a clock? Neat.

"It's too late for breakfast and much too soon for dessert I'm afraid. But lunch does sound good. Speaking of,"

"Trunks, how exactly do you or Gohan eat?"

"What the hell brings that up for?"

"She's biomechanical, much like I am. Therefore we share the same DNA, which includes Saiyan."

"Oh." Trunks just understood, not much more needing to be said. But that was soon replaced with confusion. "Wait, you two are just going out to eat?"

"If you wish to join us, I see no reason why you can't." #21 welcomed, but then took notice of his aura and the raging wind-like effect that it had. "Though you may have to turn off that aura of yours if you don't want to blow away the food."

"Huh, no not that." Trunks said a bit stumped, even toning down his aura a tad. "The fact that the first thing you plan on doing is going out to eat. Regular food at that, rather than go on a rampage and eat people."

At that claim, she just scrunched up her face in distaste. "I don't exactly find turning to cannibalism to be an appealing prospect. And I just woke up so I don't exactly have the inclination or desire to do such a thing even if I had."

"Alright, despite not knowing you, I can… believe you." Trunks said to #21 before he turned to me, his aura back in full force. "But you. What the hell are you up to?"

As much as I'd like to say 'doin' your mom' I can't exactly say that with #16's mom right there, who I also very much wish to do. Though it may catch him off guard enough to clear up that distrust with shock or just piss him off royally.

But in all seriousness, this is likely my moment to convince him of my intentions. The lack of absorbed humans and his desire to not fight an unwinnable battle have already given me an in, our interactions along with #21 have wormed the idea that we don't need to be enemies into him, now is the time to solidify that.

"Are you familiar with the concept of Perfection? It can hold many meanings and definitions depending on who you ask and what it can be applied to."

"The one that likely comes to mind to you is the concept that my alternative preached to all who could hear. Rather insistently and forcefully at that."

"If there is one thing that you could take in that would separate me from the Cell that you knew, one fundamental difference among the many that we have, it is our interpretation of Perfection.

"His interpretation of Perfection is without flaw or fault. That once it was attained, he was the pinnacle of all and thus infallible. Which is rather ironic when that view in itself is flawed, and thus leads that Cell to be flawed himself."

"My interpretation is that Perfection is not something that one could truly have or be but what one can strive to. Once I had attained my Perfect form, it did not make me the embodiment of Perfection but out of all life in the cosmos it has given me the most potential to do reach it."

"In essence, I wish to grow rather than to be. And where better to grow than on Earth?" I ended my speech with my answer.

Interestingly enough, you could also simplify our approach to Perfection by using what we both have. Alternate Cell's take was Frieza like in seeing himself as already the pinnacle despite the fact that he should know better, my take was Goku like in seeing how far I can go and continually pushing himself.

Trunks was silent but paid rapt attention to my monologue. Seemingly analyzing and dissecting every word that came out of my mouth. By the time I was done, his face was scrunched up in deep thought, yet still focused and more than ready to defend or strike should he need to.

#21 kept silent, having seemed to sense the tension between Trunks and myself. Though she did listen on to my words as well with a look of fascination.

After a few moments, with the only sound being Trunks' aura that raged in tandem with his thoughts, did he finally speak.

"I sense no deceit, malice, or ill-will from you, besides a contempt towards the Cell that I faced. Your concept of perfection is far preferable to what he had tried and failed to practice. Honestly, it's what Goku or even my father would describe themselves to be if they had the desire to explain it in a way you had. It's for those reasons that I tentatively accept that you are not an enemy of the Earth. But if you show any signs of evil as your past self had, I will do everything in my power to ensure that your concept of perfection ends just like the other Cell's did." Trunks acquiesced, proven as while he did not depower himself out of his Super Saiyan form, he reverted back to Grade 1.

"I find that to be agreeable. Perfectly agreeable." I accepted with a smile and an open hand.

Trunks looked at it wearily, likely preparing to intercept a Ki Blast or just recalling the last time he saw an open hand from my alternative self. But soon bit the bullet and grabbed my hand with his own.

I made sure to give Trunks a firm handshake to convey my intentions while keeping it light enough that he could let go at anything he chose to.

Trunks chose to grip my hand as hard and firmly as he could, but his intentions were conveyed through this action, not gently or lightly but still willing.

We shook on it, signalizing the acceptance between us.

"Now that we've gotten that out of the way…" I started before I went off in motion.

Much like I did for the main lab, I looked for some empty capsules before proceeding to loot everything in the lab, even including the scraps of the Androids that I had destroyed. All that was left was one supercomputer.

The supercomputer containing Dr. Gero's memories.

Trunks seemed to realize this as he walked beside me.

"I can understand why you'd take everything from here when I'd much rather destroy it all and be done with it, but surely you can understand that this has to be destroyed. Dr. Gero has no place in the world that his actions led to the destruction of, be it in the form of an Android or a computer."

"Be that as it may, would you mind allowing me to speak with my maker? There is so much that I'd like to know but am missing. Of myself and whoever Vomi was." #21 requested Trunks, though her focus was entirely on the machine containing our creator.

"I wouldn't bother, this man is a monster." Trunks stated bluntly but not rudely either, seems that there's some sympathy at play. "If you're an Android, it could be just as likely that he forcibly turned you into a cyborg or even worse if you are fully bio-mechanical."

"I agree with Trunks. Our maker he may have been, I hold no love for the man." I said, adding my voice in this. He looked at me surprised, not expecting me to share his opinion. "And while he may have loved his wife Vomi and son Gevo enough to rebuild them, Android #16 was considered a failure in his eyes. You might not like how he'll view Android #21." I also cautioned. Now both Trunks and #21 looked at me in surprise at the reveal of Android #16's parentage.

"You both raise valid points regarding who he is. But still, I want to speak with him. I don't want to remain in the dark regarding my history, no matter how unpleasant it may be."

"Fine, but should it attempt anything I will destroy this entire cave and the surrounding area. I won't take any chances this thing may try to take." Trunks stated, while he compromised somewhat he was still fully intent to carry out his words.

"That's understandable." #21 accepted Trunks' condition without much fuss.

She stepped right in front of the main panel and stared at it for a moment before moving to turn it on. Trunks was tense and ready to act should he feel the need to. I was also ready but more to get #21 out of the way should Trunks or Gero do something.

The supercomputer came alive as it started up with lights and beeps. Its activation was a little slow but was otherwise seamless. How the man could be content to leave what was essentially a clone of himself here is beyond me yet not too surprising since he was content to abandon his original body, but at least that was a body rather than just a brain. Dr. Wheelo would be malding if he saw this smh.

"Ah, Biomechanical Android #1! It is good to see that you have achieved perfection so swiftly." The remnant of Dr. Gero praised, probably the most genuine thing I've ever heard out of his mouth besides his hate boner for Goku..

"Thanks for the shutdown signals, that was really convenient." I thanked, just as genuine as he was. Sure Gero was human garbage but it would've been a pain in the ass to become Perfect without those signals and likely damn near impossible for me to get Trunks to allow me to absorb them and not just vaporize me.

"You are welcome. Though if only I had installed such a mechanism into my own Android body… Regardless, my project has come to completion and Son Goku is dead. As regrettable as it is that neither I nor my Androids could've done it, the death of his allies has made up for it."

"Yet I detect the DNA of Bulma Briefs and Vegeta right beside you. What is the meaning of this, why is he not terminated?" Gero demanded with a mix of confusion and displeasure.

"Why should he be?" #21 spoke up with a confusion and displeasure of her own. "He has done no wrong to you and was born long after the fall of the Red Ribbon Army. There is no reason to kill him."

"You." He said in a tone that didn't bode well. "It seems that even one of my most successful of projects can carry defects."

"...what is that supposed to mean?" She asked with furrowed brows, voice tinged with concern.

"Android #16, too much like Gevo who was soft despite being willing to fight for the Red Ribbon Army. You are too much like Vomi, still too soft despite knowing of the work that must be done."

"What do you mean by 'too soft'? I simply do not wish to harm another who is of no threat to me, that is just decency."

"Bah! Even now you still speak to me of decency. You were a genius, a peer to my own intellect! Yet you've almost always allowed morality to blind you, to slow us down. You and that damned Frappe."


"You were driven and dedicated, more than any other that I knew. It was what drew me to you, Monroe." A woman said wistfully.

"But that just meant that when you decided to get revenge on Son Goku, for destroying the army that you slaved away for, that Gevo died for, you've allowed that drive for revenge to consume you utterly. You still had other children to live for, a grandson for fucks sake! And now you're torturing these kids… How could you fall so low from the man I loved?"


"...I can see why I remember very little of my past beyond what seems to have truly mattered to me. My son and my decency. Whatever love Vomi once had for you must've been too painful and distant a memory to bother keeping."

At that the supercomputer was silent, all beeping and flickering absent as if it had suddenly shut down. Then it soon came back to life blaring in alarms and flashing lights.


"Hmph, it's just that she has a conscience. You build Androids with decent hearts and you deem them defective, you build Androids with the monstrous qualities you seek and they rebel against you and ruin everything. Are you sure that you're not the one who's defective?" Trunks said, righteous anger fueling his taunts.


"While you aren't wrong about the bastard part," I started off.

"What the hell?"

"I'm going to have to say, no." I ended.

Gero didn't take that so well. "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY NO!? YOU ARE MY CREATION! YOU! MUST! OBEY! ME!"

"Funny how often that seems to work for you, the whole demanding to obey thing. I'm sure #17 seemed real inclined to obey right before he put #20 out of commission. Besides, I am Perfection, so while grateful to you for my existence, I owe no obedience to an inferior relic such as yourself."


"You know, phrasing it like that also implies that #20 and this supercomputer counts as defective too. Kinda proving the bastard child's point." I pointed out.


After letting out a roar of rage that I was more than sure ruptured some of his audio speakers, the most unexpected thing happened. Three models of Android #20 revealed and activated themselves.

What the hell?

"KILL THE BASTARD AND SUBDUE #21!" He ordered. Two of the Geros lunged for #21, one of them aiming for her throat, while the other went for Trunks.

I used my telekinesis to suspend all of them in the air.

"You can detect power levels and you still chose to send units who aren't even close to #18 at #21 and a Saiyan who's power is beyond that. You really are defective, old timer." I chided as I shook my head, it seems that I was right. Gero's gone senile.

"Trunks, since I feel bad for stealing your catharsis in dealing with #17 and #18, how about I make it up to you and let you thrash Gero around a bit." I offered to the half-Saiyan. I even waved a Gero frozen in fury while screaming around for emphasis.

"I was just about to blow this place to kingdom come, but when you put it like that… Sure, I can use the relief. I want two." Trunks agreed, his Super Saiyan aura roaring with life at the prospect.

"#21, I'm sorry that you had to learn firsthand about how much a piece of shit Gero is. Would you like some catharsis as well?"

#21 says nothing as she walks over to the suspended Gero, her face a sad but frustrated one to Gero's angry mania.

"...it's sad that you lost your wife to your insanity. I don't need to know what happened to Vomi, she's more than likely dead and it's a certainty that you were involved somehow." She said, her face like her tone in being soft but unwavering. Though they both hardened in scorn. "But it's pathetic that you felt the need to recreate a version of her that you had the total obedience of! You are no longer the version of the one that she loved, and as you drifted away from decency, your cold heart pushed away from her decency."

"They say 'till death do we part' is how a marriage is ideally supposed to end. But that is far beyond what you deserve, and since it's likely that Vomi never got the chance to, I'll do it for her."

"Consider this a divorce!" #21 exclaimed as she charged an energy ball of black and red crackling ki in her hand while powering it up with her arm on it.



"No! Wait! I didn't even get to kill my Gero yet!" Trunks cried out while in the middle of beating Gero with his leg.


It was kinda funny how similar the explosion effect was here to how it was when she performed that move as a finisher in Fighterz. A massive explosion of light that could've been seen for miles while it briefly rained rocks and rubble.

"While I'm happy that we got through… that mess, it didn't make my hunger go away." #21 said after a few huffs and puffs.

"You hear that Trunks, she's still hungry. We'd best get on that before she starts hungering for people."

"But I didn't get to kill my Gero yet! Or an Android at all!" Trunks whined.

"You literally just had Gohan and Vegeta as an example of what not to do when it comes to having an opponent that you outclass. Hell, it's probably a lesson you were taught since you were a toddler, don't play with your fucking food." I lectured. The boy should know better by now.

"You were just doing that with Androids Thirteen, Fourteen, and Fifteen before I got here!"

"Yes, I had my fun but I didn't drag it out needlessly. And such a shame too since you did it masterfully with Frieza and Cold."

"...there was no emotional investment on my end though…" He grumbled under his breath.

"She said that she didn't want to eat people!" Trunks said, changing the subject once he knew that there was no winning that last one, but was still concerned with this one.

"She also said that she's missing some details about herself, and even I don't know if not eating normal food will keep that energy hunger away."

"After the emotional ache that I went through, I could go for a tub of ice cream. Oh, with whipped cream, caramel and chocolate syrup! With little bits of candies on it too!"

"And a movie! And a shoulder to cry on! That's what people do during emotional duress, right?!" She asked while gripping and shaking my shoulders.

To that, I just turned my head to Trunks and asked. "Do you guys still even have ice cream, or tvs with decent movies?"

"What do you mean by 'do they'?" #21 asked after tightening her grip on my shoulders.

"Oh. It may not look it from where we are, a giant crater surrounded by rock, but we're currently in a post-apocalyptic world courtesy of Androids #17 and #18 being genocidal cunts." I helpfully explained. Though it didn't help much judging by her down spike in mood.

"Huh… so I guess that means no ice cream or movie then."


"...don't tell me that means sweets either."

"Sorry to say but people are more concerned with surviving from rampaging monsters than they are for making candy."

"We may not have ice cream but we do have powdered yogurt. It's just as edible and more importantly nutritious too." Trunks added, trying to help but only got a dirty glare from #21. Not so fun getting glared at now is it?

"Dammit! I killed that bastard Gero too quickly!" She cursed at the top of her lungs.

"At least you got to kill him." Trunks grumbled at the reminder of the second time his kill got stolen.

To that I just laughed. Seems that out of the two, I'm the only one who came out a winner here. The diabetic #21 getting food blocked, Trunks getting 0 Android killstreak, while things so far have been going Perfect. (eat a bag of dicks murphy nothing happens here until years later)

A dark and hopeless time this world may have been in, I have a feeling that things will be getting lighter as time goes on. I'll make sure of it.


"Hey Mom, I'm back! We also picked up another Android and I need you to cook enough food for three saiyans…" Trunks greeted as he walked in with dinosaur meat. Though the lad was happy to be back, he was also quite nervous.

"Hello Mrs. Briefs, you have a wonderful home. A pleasure to see you here as well Android #16." #21 greeted while munching on her dinosaur meat, her munchies made her impatient enough to just fry it with Ki despite it apparently tasting like crap Trunks warned and #21 soon confirmed.

"Hey Bulma I'm back, did you miss me!?" I re-introduced while waltzing in the place the same way I left. "Now rev up those fryers! Because I sure am hun-gry-"

#16 was just about to say something before an oil and soot covered Bulma rushed in. "You assholes!" She screamed upon the sight of us.

"Why'd you include me?!" Trunks asked with wide eyes and a hurt tone.

"Because you brought that asshole back here." She explained, pointing at me for emphasis, before continuing. "After worrying me about the shit a version of himself has done in the past. Thanks for not mentioning that Cell, YOU ASSHOLE!"

"Would it help if I told you that I brought more advanced tech?" I asked, waving up the capsule packs in my hands. She just walked over and snatched it out of them. After reading a brief Sparknotes-tier summary of what was in said packs, she seemed to have calmed down significantly though she still kept me in her eye with a glare.

"And cooking for multiple Saiyan appetites isn't fun. The artificial food garden doesn't grow like it used to." She finished in a more subdued tone.

"How about Chi-" Trunks brought up but was swiftly interrupted.

"You are more than welcome to fly all the way over to Mount Paozu and ask Gohan's mother to cook you some food, I'm sure it'll be a pleasant time too." Bulma countered, that statement full of conflicting emotions. A bit irritated that her son would just as quickly go to someone else for food and some uncertainty I couldn't source.

"Oh come now, lunch would be a perfect opportunity for us to get to know each other better. And we can share stories. " I suggested, drawing everyone's attention. I added to that with the second most enticing thing I could think of. "Bulma, all the embarrassing things baby Trunks has gotten into."

If there was anything that could brighten a mother up, it was the idea of embarrassing her kids, as proven by Bulma rushing off to the kitchen. Though Trunks seemed to be debating between killing himself to avoid that fate or killing me for suggesting it.

"Trunks, the fun you must've had spending two entire years training with Vegeta."

"You know just as well as I do that fun was the last thing I had in mind to describe that."

"Unfortunately, neither #21 nor #16 have much of any stories to tell but that's fine, we'll make some together. By the way #16, she's a copy of your mother."

"And I'll be looking forward to that, Cell."

#16 just blinked at me before turning to stare at #21. She looked back at him with a sweet smile.

"And what about you?" Bulma asked with her head out of the door, a bit too smug for my liking. "What story of the past can you tell that Trunks or I don't already know?"

"Via the multiverse, quite a lot actually, but that's not entirely what I'll be talking about. I'll be telling stories of the future, both the present's and the past's!" I revealed with gravitas.


Ok, I know I said this in the last author's notes, but Jesus Christ that reception was beyond what I would've ever guessed! My most liked chapter in all my time as an author, sheesh. First and foremost, thank you to all of you who've read this fic, liked it, gave feedback, and had discussions. It was fun engaging with you guys, now enough of this sappy stuff and let's get to the notes.

Not much happened this chapter but what happened was big, Trunks confronts Cell, Cell finds #21, and they all confront Gero's supercomputer. Originally I was just going to have Trunks blow it up and have #21 find some answers later on, but I figured that Gero would be good for some drama and the interactions all three of them had with him were fun for me to write. The most fun this chapter was Cell and Trunks, but I also enjoyed having #21 being a third and mostly oblivious third wheel as well.

Also something noticeable is that there's a lot less of inner dialogue. I got more into Cell's interactions with others than I did his thoughts. I'll add more of those in but other than that I think this chapter was fine, but feel free to bring up any issues you have tho.

As for the three Geros, that was a thing in DBZ Supersonic Warrior 2. Found it on the DBZ wiki for future present Gero's supercomputer. Trunks and Past Gohan went to the lab to destroy the supercomputer and ended up fighting the three Geros. Pretty weird since it's an old video game and something I thought about removing since it was similar to the last chapter with Cell thrashing inferior androids. But like I said earlier, I felt that it was nice for #21 to get some answers to her past.

Next chapter as you can tell from the cliffhanger will be Cell telling Trunks of the shit that will go down in the future for both timelines. That ought to be fun for Trunks lol.

And I'm sorry for the wait, but the only reason I've been able to get chapters out so fast, for those of you who are familiar with me my update speed is significantly slower than this lol, is that they were mostly made last month lol, as some of you may know that chapter 1 was a thing finished and posted since the 23rd of August and chapter 2 finished and uploaded on the 8th of September. Tbh I probably would have posted this a few days ago but I usually like to iron things out a bit before sending it out. I hope you guys liked the chapter and feel free to tell me what you thought. Though I'll add some edits later on after getting this update out here and a bit of a brake from it.

Also a thing to note, I added some new pics to the character images. So go check 'em out if you'd like. They're in a similar vein to how Cell's pics are. Btw plz don't kill me for the lack of Bulma pics, not in a place where I can do that freely lol. Also, no nfsw of her will be posted until nsfw stuff with her happens, only showing when they show up sorry lol.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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[NSFW] - A Hollow in DC.


After a mentally exhaustive debrief where Batman more for my own benefit as being new to the whole hero business went over several hundred satellite gathered images of the island, we were going to raid we were finally taken off our chains as it were with Batman telling Robin he was likely going to be busy dealing with some kind of Vampire clan that's been pushing into Gotham over the last couple nights for the next couple days.

"Uhm Batman, I got question? I know all too well the leagues zero tolerance stance on killing but what are your people's stance on beings that only treat humanity like cattle like Vampires or even alien invaders." I asked curiously and Batman stilled with Robin grimacing at my question.

"Lorde... No Jake, that is a question all of us on the League struggle with, but in the end when it comes to vampires in particular and other magical beings their lifestyle is that of predator and prey in the magical side of the world. No prison can realistically hold them and to keep them bound and sealed to an area magically is a fate worse than death. So, the League has come to the conclusion that should such beings be found in the process of harming humans they must be dealt with permanently lest they destroy a whole town or city by spreading their affliction." Even as Kid Flash muttered about Vampires not being real, Batman stoically went back to ironing out the final details of our mission.

"Now for any criminals you apprehended on the island they are to be bound and left for the Costa Rican forces that will be made aware of the need to pick them up once your mission is complete." Batman finally told us before he left the briefing room through the teleporter.

"Alright so Miss Martian you are going to be taking us there via your Bio-Ship, correct?" I asked as we left Mount Justice through a small tunnel.

"Yes Jake! Uhm, I parked her outside the Mountain in the nearby forest so she could sunbathe and photosynthesize in peace." She explained and even as we approached the large somewhat circular alien ship, I couldn't help but ruminate of the thought of a big green Boeing aircraft that could absorb the suns energy and be far cheaper to fly.

Maybe then the prices of flying wouldn't be so prohibitively expensive.

"How fast can she fly." Superboy asked as he admired the ship and Megan's enthusiasm hit the roof as she excitedly to her crush how bio ship could travel faster than the speed of light simply by using the basically infinite energies it could absorb from star light to eventually go slighter faster than the speed of light.

"But here in the Earth's atmosphere she hates going more than a couple of your earth Machs level of speed as the friction hurts her skin." Megan explained wryly and as we boarded the ship with the seat, I took warping underneath me to perfectly support my back.

"Damn... I could fall asleep in this. Thank you." I said to the ship which freaked out Robin and Kid Flash as the ship shuddered in response to my gratitude as though saying you're welcome.

"So, Jake I didn't mean to pry but why can't I sense your mind?" Megan asked as she finished putting in the coordinates to the island we were heading to and her chair whirled around as she focused on me.

"Heh Jake doesn't have a mind." Wally joked earning an elbow from Robin as Miss Martian briefly freaked out about me somehow not having a mind to which she could interface with. Which for a Martian that lived with their minds touching their neighbors regularly must have been something anathema to her.

After explaining how I was basically literally a dead person still walking around she nodded in understanding. "I see... Back on Mars only the greatest of telepathic shamans could connect to the passed remnants of our ancestors so maybe one day I will be connected to your mind as well!" She said brightly making me want to face palm.

'Honestly having no telepath being able to enter or even feel my mind is a load off my back as I certainly have plenty of secrets especially about this universe that I don't want others to hear...' I thought before I shuddered at the thought of some of the pyscho's of this universe getting free range to my thoughts and learning the speed force formula or likewise the Life and Anti-Life equation that were firmly rooted in my head.

Neither was I willing to speak such things aloud as becoming a speedster although certainly an extremely powerful boost to my abilities would frankly acquire the attention of cosmic beings that I certainly had no fucking chance against who would smite me for stepping in other future speedsters' shoes.

But who is to say I couldn't help another deeply fated person acquire such powers? Honestly, I was always curious as to how Robin or Batman would approach having such high tier powers... Because no matter how much a universe may make Batman and the other heroes suffer, I doubt they will stay dead for more than a year in the end.

"So, who is going to be the leader of our mission? I of course nominate myself!" Kid Flash said as our cloaked ship approached Santa Priscillia Island before landing.

"Hey I would make a good leader!" Robin said throwing his name in to the hat and then Miss Martian nominated Superboy making the two younger boys fume as the clone just stared through the windshield of the ship into the jungle ahead of us seemingly ignoring the voices of the teenagers.

"Kaldur should be our leader. His time as Aquaboy was also spent doing military operations under his king so he has experience in coordinating multiple people whereas we all are either solo acts or working with our teachers." I said making the ship go silent.

Honestly, I wasn't interested in being the leader of our team as frankly with Kid Flash loving to run off faster than the speed of sound and Robin being a ninja and loving to sneak off it was a thankless task to hope to keep those two in line along with dealing with Superboy's surly demeanor along with Miss Martian already simping her him.

He could have the dubious honor of leading our team's version of feral cats and I will be a good little wrecking ball and just break a couple limbs as I was being paid very well for being a hero in an account Batman had setup for me as I certainly couldn't get a job.

"Alright my friends." Kaldur said making everyone relax as his easy-going demeanor set everyone at ease. "I shall take up the leadership role of this mission, now Miss Martian please setup a mental link between us all so we can telepathically communicate should we get separated."

Superboy loudly coughed and shook his head. "If Lorde doesn't need a mental connection than I don't want one either... Let me be clear I don't want you touching my head." Superboy said looking deeply uncomfortable at the thought of being mentally touched as his mind was during his time in Cadmus.

It took a lot of cajoling but eventually Megan managed to 'sweetly' bully Superboy into allowing her to make a very weak connection that he would need to shout his thoughts to Megan before he would consent to being added to the mental connection between them all.

So, a couple minutes into walking into the jungles I realized very quickly that I was the heaviest third wheel there was as the group was obviously speaking to one another mentally as I covered the right side of our little procession into the jungle.

Thankfully the awkward silence for me was broken as a series of gunfire broke out in the distance and Kid Flash spoke out confidently. "Ha I will scout on ahead!" And dashed forward but even as Aquaboy cried out for him to stay with the group I couldn't help noticing how Robin had at some point also disappeared.

"Might as well go loud if gun fights are already happening." Superboy grunted as he stomped on the ground causing a small earthquake as he sprinted forward through the undergrowth with Miss Martian flying behind the clone leaving me and Kaldur awkwardly meeting each other's eyes.

"You relied on teenagers to follow logic?" I scoffed before I chuckled and grabbed Kaldur by his shoulder before he could run to catch up. "Let me take us there." I said before the air was rent with the scream of my heavier Sonido rang out as me and Kaldur all but teleported into the side of the gun fight that was taking place.

For a moment even as my eyes tracked the slow bullets being fired between the thugs and what I recognized to be Kobra Cultists fighting a gun fight in the jungle I couldn't help but consider just blowing this whole chunk of the jungle to ashes with a cero.

I swiftly shook my head and pushed down my Hollow instincts in just killing the human insects around me as I matched Kid Flash's in going around with super speed breaking the guns they were wielding and leaving them subdued on the ground.

Whereas Kid Flash would rain a flurry of super speed punches on the grunts he captured I instead just flicked them on their foreheads and the force knocked them out cleanly enough as their heads would snap back before their helmets absorbed the rest of the blow.

But surprisingly as we finished capturing the grunts Robin and Kaldur came out of the jungle with the heavily bound form of Bane who Superboy had met while he was running over, and the trio of boys beat him up and captured the villain.

"Wow Bane. Not only is your island being taken over by a bunch of shitty cultists, but you also got your ass kicked by a trio of teenagers... You should remove your mask and become a farmer as you have lost these matches." I taunted as this Bane was wearing a Mexican wrestling mask and I knew how much honor they put on those masks.

"Hmph I only lost as this Chica got the drop on me by smashing me with a tree... So why don't you guys undo these bindings, and I can help you all capture Kobra Heh?" Bane asked with his Spanish accent having no sign of distress at his predicament.

For a moment I wanted to taunt him about how we were going to blow up the island's facilities, but I knew this island had a lot of bolt holes and hidden tunnels what with it being a drug runners hide out.

Even as the team discussed our options, we knew all too well that Bane with his super strength would break out of his bindings should we leave him alone and even when Miss Martian attempted to break into his mind to get the information, we wanted on his Venom Plants along with where Kobra was, He apparently began reciting baseball information in Spanish...

Megan didn't even know Spanish to begin with, so she wasn't able to get anything useful.

"Very well lets free him so we can take down Kobra as he is the bigger issue." Kaldur said solemnly with Superboy standing right beside Robin as he began taking off Bane's bindings to make sure the villain didn't sucker punch Robin.

In the end our mission wasn't to capture Bane it was to gather intel on the enhancement drugs going through here and destroy the facility but if we could capture Bane then that would be for the best but if not then we can always get him another day. "Alright hombres follow me. I will show the way to that cabrón Kobra." Bane said.

Within a couple minutes I was proven correct about this place being a mess to investigate as Bane nonchalantly moved a moss-covered rock displaying a large tunnel that he explained lead to the main fabrication plant that Kobra had taken over during their skirmish's

"So how do you kids plan on fighting that Kobra? He is invulnerable to physical damage after all?" Bane asked curiously and as Aquaboy spoke out on Kobra's powers and his obvious weakness that we could use to counteract it I noticed how every few dozen meters we traveled through the large tunnel that Robin who was in the back was literally slapping small C4 tablets to the walls.

Seeing me focusing on him Robin put his fingers to his lips and I nodded in understanding.

As for dealing with Kobra despite his longevity nonsense and his physical invulnerability well I could easily just fly off with his ass as he didn't have overly enhanced strength that could break a hold, I had on him and at that point I could simply drown or suffocate him via the ocean surrounding the island we were at or similar just go super high into the air with him.

Finally, as we entered the heart of the factory it seemed the Bane was tired of leading us as he 'tripped' forward and smashed into a large pipe sending burning hot steam over him and towards us before he managed to bear rush through the steam and with a war cry, he smashed into the Kobra cultists that came to investigate all the noises.

"Viva Revolution! Come on little sidekicks you won't allow a villain to save the day, will you?" He taunted through the steam cover before he ran off as Aquaboy used his hydro magic to shut off the water and let us pass through the steam.

"We should have just broken his legs and left him on the beach." I muttered as I absently slapped a cultist through a metal door leading deeper into facility and low and behold was a massive chemical factory with harsh fumes being inefficiently pumped into the sky above the facility.

"Not a very heroic thought but sometimes I cannot deny that would be by far the easier option." Robin agreed as he likewise began beating up the cultists that shot at me and Superboy who acted as bullet sponges and gathered their attention with our very attention grabbing superhuman feats.

"Let's split up." Kaldur called out as he too finished some cultists and some of Banes thugs that were seemingly trying to take back this factory. "Me, Miss Martian, and Superboy will push through the facility while Lorde you and Kid Flash go directly for Bane and Kobra while we clear out the facility. Robin you are in charge of evidence gathering as we deal with the thugs."

I nodded to his plan and with a blur of motion me and Wally burst into action as I stopped being so considerate in nonlethally taking down the thugs and instead just tossed them into walls as I sped through rooms until finally I smashed through the back of the factory and came face to face with a fully roided up Bane duking it out with Kobra and who I believed to be Sports Master as he was the only dumbass I knew that would stick a blade on a hockey stick and call it a weapon.

But then again Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is canonically in DC so for all I knew Casey Jones was also running around.

Next ten chapters on supporting sites.

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