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 Creative Writing

The Conceptual Deck (OC insert in the MCU)

 Thread starterMetaBettaOmegaLetta 

 Start dateDec 20, 2021 

 Tagsmarvel cinematic universe

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Staff Post

Reader mode


Jan 9, 2022


Belial666 said:

If he didn't merge pizza slices to enhance quality/flavor and make it magic pizza he loses his magic card privileges forever.

while combining a few slices of really good pizza might be interesting, imagine what three slices of mediocre pizza combined might be like?



Jan 10, 2022


It seems that the cards themselves could be used like the usual pocket space power. Which begs a lot of further analysis : Can you store a big boulder ? Release it from above ? If you want to store multiple objects in one card do you need a container or can store just store a pile of different things ? Can you store a bus ? A building ? Are the object stored time suspended ? It seems like it with the flames. Can you store a moving object ? How fast can it be ? Will it keep its momentum when you release it ? Can you store air ? Water ? Sand ? How much ? With what pressure d you release it ? All at once or does it flow ? Can you control that ? Can you store light, like a flash ? Can you sore coldness ?


Threadmarks Chapter 7 - Getting lucky 



Jan 10, 2022


Hello! Thank you for stopping by, I'm glad that you have been interested in my fan-fiction! Unfortunately I'm going to have to do something a bit controversial. I was having a conversation with a close friend a few days ago and they pointed something out to me. With the world like it is, and with how my life is at the moment, I can't really afford to be investing so much time for nothing. So I've started a Patreon. It is, of course, completely voluntary and 100% separate from my continued writing. But if you would like to show your support I would be forever thankful! The dream is to somehow be able to write full time, maybe write two fan fictions at once without slowing down this story, but that's a bit of a pipe dream. Regardless, please enjoy this chapter!

The next day was a rather simple one. I woke up early and attempted to go for a run. What actually happened was a series of jogs connected by breaks to lean against buildings, sit on benches, and single break under a tree. It wasn't pretty, but it honestly went better than I thought it would, all but convincing me that the ring was helping me change my body. When I got back Ema wanted to run her scan, but I convinced her to wait until that night, so we had a full twenty-four hour difference. She relented eventually.

Once I recovered from my morning exercise I began my stretches and practice, running through various forms and movements to help my body get used to the movements I now knew thanks to my ring. I even put on my armored suit, getting to know how the movements felt while I was wearing it. After that we had a lot of nothing to do and a lot of time to do it in. Ema spent her time using my laptop, watching news broadcasts and the like. She seemed to be taking her task of compiling a file on Stark pretty seriously. I watched TV in between stretching and practicing my various martial art forms.

Eventually it started to get dark again and we both prepared to head out. I rode my bike around with Ema in my pocket, taking our time to try and find a good spot to hide, somewhere we could keep an eye out. Eventually, around ten o'clock we settled on the rooftop of a sandwich shop, watching down a long street with an alley and another street behind us. It was just enough room to practice while waiting. I didn't climb up immediately however. Instead I rode my bike a bit farther away, changed into my suit and walked back. I easily got up onto the roof by jumping up and off a dumpster.

"Those free running books are really paying for themselves." I said to Ema as I popped out my chair and took a seat.

"I can see that. Now sit still while I scan you."

I relaxed back in the chair while Ema slowly scanned my body. A soft white scanning beam slid over me as she performed the most detailed scan. I sat up when she finally finished my head.

"Give it to me straight, doc. "

"Hmm… from what I can see you were correct. Your ligaments and muscles show significant change." She answered, before adding. "Well significant for twenty four hours at least. In truth the change is small but noticeable"

"That's good. I'd be more worried if it was a massive shift" I admitted, scratching my face after pulling down my scarf. "How does my brain look?"

"Your brain is active but not overly so. Slight changes in the areas related to motor control and reflexes but that's it. Nothing you wouldn't expect to see if someone took up martial arts as a hobby…. For a few weeks or so though."

"Good. I was kinda nervous with the few biographies we mixed in. Thought maybe they would be changing my brain or something." I admitted. "It's why I picked a ring and not a pill to take or something. I'm worried about unforeseen conceptual mixes popping up changing me permanently."

"Oh… In truth I hadn't considered what an effect those would have." Ema responded before continuing. "We will be repeating this scan every 24 hours. At least."

"Yeah, good idea."

After a few more minutes we went to either side of the building, watching the streets go from almost completely empty to empty. I alternated between practicing and stretching, doing basic bodyweight exercises and sitting in my chair. Even when I was busy I was keeping an eye on the streets.

It was frustrating, watching the clock on my phone go, knowing I was basically wasting time until I gave up and went to Stark for help. The chances of someone randomly commiting a crime on this street were tiny, and the chances that they could lead me to something useful was even smaller. It was annoying knowing that being there was almost certainly pointless. I should probably just-

"Carson, there is someone cutting through the alley." Ema whispered into my ear.

I hadn't noticed her coming closer in the slightest, and I almost yelled out in surprise. I managed to bite it back however, if barely. I sat up out of my chair, simultaneously pulling it into a card and pulling my scarf up over my face as I crept over to the edge, Ema following alongside me. I didn't want anyone to know I was up here, even if I was considering leaving soon.

A man, hood up and dressed in a dark brown jacket was walking through the Alley, stopped at the entrance. He looked down the street for a while before pulling out his phone.

"Hey man, the boss was looking for one of those newer Chevy trucks right? Ask him if it matters that there's one of those things on top…. No? Alright I'll be right back to the shop with one in a bit."

With a look around the man confidently walked out of the alleyway, pulling a slim jim out from his belt. He made his way to one of the closest vehicles, a black truck. I looked over my shoulder at Ema, my eyes wide before I reached out. She bobbled and flew into my hand, letting me put her into a card. I jumped off the roof, using the other side of the alley to slow myself down. I landed heavily and rolled, getting up quickly and walking out into the poorly lit street. My heart was beating fast as I waited, listening to the man fiddle with the truck door before it popped open. Taking a risk I peeked around the edge of the truck and could see the man leaning in, fiddling with something. Realizing he was trying to jumpstart the vehicle, I weighed my options. I had no idea where this guy was going to take this truck, though I assumed it would be nearby. My decision was made for me as the truck started up and the man climbed into the driver's seat. I took advantage of the movement he made to hop up on the trailer hitch of the, my hands grabbing the ladder bar above.

The truck pulled out of its parking spot smoothly, picking up speed quickly. As I hung on I chewed my lip nervously, looking around to see if anyone could see me. Thankfully the streets were still empty, even as we turned the corner into a new street. I hung on as the truck made several turns, eventually pulling down into a large work lot.

Feeling him slow down and pull in I hopped off and rolled with the impact. We were in a small parking lot with a few dark warehouses around it. Cars were lined up everywhere in different states of repair, or disrepair. There was one building still lit up, which the truck seemed to be heading straight for. I quickly made my way around a rusted car before pushing Ema out of her card. For a moment she just swiveled around in place, before floating closer.

"That is very disorienting." She whispered. "Where are we?"

"I hitched a ride." I explained, my stealth suit muffling it down to a whisper. "Pretty sure we found a chop shop."

Slowly Ema floated above the car before sinking back down.

"I agree." She responded simply.

"Okay… Here is the plan. I want you to get closer and watch the front. Get a good angle and let me know if they start panicking or anything weird. I'm going to sneak around the back and see if there is another way in."

As I explained the plan I pulled out my bluetooth earbud, putting it in my ear and adjusting my stealth suit. I pulled out my phone and accepted the call when it came through. Now when Ema talked her frame was silent and I could hear her through my ear.

"I'm going, be safe. I should be able to make enough noise to get them out here if you get stuck."

I nodded and gave her a thumbs up, and she turned to float away. I could barely see her when she eventually stopped, having found a good position to observe the interior of the shop. With another nod I slowly made my way around, using the various broken down cars, trucks and vans to hide as I went. Eventually I reached the side of the building, my back pressed against the wall.

"Carson, there are four of them that I can see, inspecting what I assume is the truck you rode here on. I don't know if anyone is in the back though."

"Okay, I'm heading around the back." I whispered, crouch-walking under a newspaper covered window.

Slowly I made my way to the back, avoiding a few obstacles as I went. Eventually I peeked around the corner, only to immediately pull back. Around the corner was another man, slowly smoking a cigarette as he checked his phone. I paused as I tried to think through my options. I could have Ema cause a distraction, then sneak in and out, or I could-

"Hey boss!" Someone called from inside the shop. "Jack found one of those trucks you were looking for, come check it out!"

The man cursed quietly, flicking his cigarette before turning and heading back inside. I could hear him yelling back as I peeked around the corner to find the door still open. Slowly I walked around, making my way to the door before pausing to peek in. Through the doorway I could see a short hallway. It branched out to the side but directly in front was some sort of office.

"Another man is up front now, he is inspecting it with the others." Ema confirmed.

"Gotcha. I found a door and I'm heading in." I responded before standing and walking around the door, stepping into the building.

The hallway was poorly lit, but as I got closer to the office it got brighter and brighter. Slowly I made my way into the well lit room, crouching down as I did. The place was an organized mess, like four offices stuffed into one. Model cars, paper work, bobble heads, coffee mugs, all sorts of stuff filled the desks and shelves. Examining the room I paused before starting to go through and loot it. In quick succession I pulled in a computer tower and monitor, a laptop, two cell phones and two office chairs. I made my way deeper, quickly snagging the charging cables for three phones as well as a good sized tv that was on but muted. I snagged a printer next, followed by a dozen books about mechanic work and car repair. I grabbed three decently made flashlights before I checked in with Ema.

"How is it going up there?" I asked, scanning the room for anything else.

"They are looking under the hood and examining what's in the back." She answered. "But it might be time to play it safe."

"Yeah, I think you're right." I agreed, slowly making my way out of the office.

As I crouch-walked to the hallway I scanned for anything else worth taking. Snagging a few of the cooler looking models I stopped and focused for a moment. Tucked under the desk was a locked box that looked suspiciously like a cash box. With a smirk I pulled it into a card before peaking around the corner and darting back into the darker hallway.

I snuck back, peeking down the hall that I had skipped before, before creeping further into it. I pushed the partially opened door that blocked the way, opening it slowly and peering inside. It was a long room filled with tools, parts and other repair shop stuff, with aisles running down the room, hiding some of it from view. I quickly pulled in four heavy boxes of tools as I walked deeper, turning the corner and freezing as I spotted the holy grail.

"That's… a big-fuck off safe." I cursed in amazement.

"Can you grab it?" Ema asked. "Otherwise you should just leave it."

I looked down at the legs of the safe, checking to see if they were bolted to the ground. With a smirk I answered.

"I can grab it. Do me a favor and hang up and call the cops. Tell them you think you found a chop shop on a walk and that you think they are armed. Then tell them you're not sticking around and hang up. I'm going to jump the fence behind the building and escape that way."

I put my hand on the safe and pulled, the safe disappearing into a C ranked card. Surprisingly I could feel the effort required to pull it in. It wasn't much but it was noticeable. My mission accomplished, I walked out of the hallway and noticed a well made leather jacket hung on the wall. I reached out and moved the jacket around, trying to see what condition it was in.

"Hey! What the hell!?"

I turned to see another man, coming in from the back door. The man looked confused and uncertain, but realized I was checking out the jacket with the intention to take it.

"Hey, that's my jacket, get your fucking hands off it!" He shouted, his face clearing into anger.

He took a step towards me while reaching to his hip to pull out a knife, flicking it open and holding it out threateningly. I slid into a combat stance easily, keeping my eyes on the knife while listening to the people in the front of the shop calling out.

Before I could respond the knife wielding man advanced again, taking my silence as non compliance, getting ready to slash at me. Instinctively I stepped into his advance before lashing out with a low kick to his leg, pulling him off center and opening him up for me to block his arm with my left forearm. I fired off two quick punches into his chest before bringing up my knee to pummel his side. He stumbled back against the wall, the knife still held up, though with much less confidence.

"Jesus, what the fuck?"

I turned to find three more people, one armed with a large wrench, all of them looking pissed. I looked back over my shoulder, checking the guy I had just hit as he struggled to get back fully upright. Before I could turn to leave past the still staggered man, one of the guys from the front came at me, swinging his fist.

My hands were already up by the time his telegraphed punch made it to me, his fist slamming into my forearm. I could feel the impact with my armor but it wasn't even enough to bruise. I countered with a fist to his shoulder, followed by a low kick to his knee. It popped out and the man crashed to the floor, screaming even as the next man stepped over him.

By now the knife wielding man was standing behind me, lunging at me with a straight stab. I stepped back into the blow, letting the knife skitter off of my armored stomach while firing my elbow back at his face. I felt his nose crunch, before grabbing his off center body and pulling it forward, kneeing him in the stomach and shoving him into the hallway I had just come from.

Turning back to the other criminals I had just enough time to duck under a wide swing of a red monkey wrench. It smashed into the wall, leaving a large hole in the drywall. The man, a muscular guy with a scar on his chin, sneered and yanked the wrench from the wall, swinging it again. This time I stepped forward, pulling both arms up to block the swin and hooking my foot around his and pulling him off center before laying a devastating series of blows against his chest and side. He grunted and stumbled back with a shove, giving me enough time to lift both of my hands up.

With a gesture I filled the hallway with thick white powdery smoke, spraying constantly as I walked backwards, only stopping long enough to card the leather jacket as I went. When I was outside I held the spray down for another few seconds before slamming the door shut.

"Carson?! Are you alright?" Ema asked, floating down to me. "The cops are only a minute out or so."

I nodded, pulling some scrap from a nearby pile and wedging it against the door before climbing up and over the fence, landing easily on the other side.

"I'm fine, just hit a little snag, nothing I couldn't handle." I explained, running away from the garage.

Ema floated down next to me as I ran back into the shadows. I made my way around, staying in the alleyways before finding one that could just barely see the entrance to the small parking lot. Not thirty seconds later two police cars pulled into the parking lot and out of my view. After a moment I could hear shouting in the distance.A few minutes after that I turned and walked away, fading completely into the darkness of the alley.

Last edited: Jan 10, 2022



Jan 10, 2022

Reader mode



Jan 10, 2022


nice chapter thx for writing it

will be interesting to see what is in the save and if the mc can upgrade it to make better use of it



Jan 10, 2022


I do think it's a bit unrealistic for Carson to not notice multiple people come up on him especially when he's trying to sneak around. Like him getting caught navel gazing at a jacket when time is of the essence and he's just told Ema to call the cops.


Brill Adrien

Jan 10, 2022


CellularSeppuku said:

I do think it's a bit unrealistic for Carson to not notice multiple people come up on him especially when he's trying to sneak around. Like him getting caught navel gazing at a jacket when time is of the essence and he's just told Ema to call the cops.

I agree the jacket distraction is weird BUT he only got surprised by one guy coming in the back door* while the others were likely alerted by the first guy yelling about his jacket.

*Given the timing, and assuming the MC would leave by the back door, he would have likely run into him anyway. Bit convenient but totally fine as a bit of bad luck in a low stakes scenario like this.



Jan 10, 2022


To me it seems like he needs some method of detecting people, as he might be a bit absent minded. This is twice he's been caught out, so I think he needs either a much heavier stealth that would allow him to hide in plain sight, or a method of detecting people, and I think the second would be easier. Maybe a stethoscope combined with earplugs for hearing quiet things? While not as effective as it still requires him paying attention, it at least can work until he can create a radar or seismic sense device, which I think would be a bit more expensive. Either than or just finding a book on espionage, stealth, and tracking and going from there

Either way, enjoyed the chapter! I'll have to look through my current followings on patreon, see what I can give up to support you, as I definitely want to support you! Thanks for the chapter and hope you have a great day!



Up to No Good

Jan 10, 2022


TorrentAB said:


Maybe stop by a taxidermy place or a pet store (ask for dead critters to dissect)?

Spiders have little hairs called trichobothria that enable "detection of airborne vibrations and currents, and electrical charge." Fish have a similar thing with their lateral line. Mammal whiskers and insect antennae are pretty cool too. Snakes can sense a bit of infrared. Loads of different animals can perform echolocation. Mantis shrimp (and others) can see outside the range of human vision (including polarized light).

Edit: Thinking about other utility things, laser rangefinders can be handy. Ultrasonic sensors (rangefinder/proximity) are useful. A FLIR (thermal) camera could be handy. Would putting a GPS on something help with knowing where he is?

Last edited: Jan 10, 2022


Brill Adrien

Jan 10, 2022


Stethoscope (concept: heart beat detector/sense) plus stud finder (concept: directional short range detection of designated target) plus earplugs (concept: selective noise reduction) to make earplugs that allow you to only hear heart beats in a direction? Maybe some toy "motion detector" to make the stetho and stud concepts to be more open in their detection.

Ooh! Toy motion detector (or something like a toy Ghostbusters detector thing forget the name) plus small screen plus raspberry pi to make a real motion detector.



Jan 10, 2022


MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:

Hello! Thank you for stopping by, I'm glad that you have been interested in my fan-fiction! Unfortunately I'm going to have to do something a bit controversial. I was having a conversation with a close friend a few days ago and they pointed something out to me. With the world like it is, and with how my life is at the moment, I can't really afford to be investing so much time for nothing. So I've started a Patreon. It is, of course, completely voluntary and 100% separate from my continued writing. But if you would like to show your support I would be forever thankful! The dream is to somehow be able to write full time, maybe write two fan fictions at once without slowing down this story, but that's a bit of a pipe dream. Regardless, please enjoy this chapter!

Click to expand...

Friends like this make you reach an even higher level in life, mate!



Jan 10, 2022


Just saw this and loved it! Any thoughts on combining a bunch of medications to make some sort of panacea? Or combining them with water or something to make health potions? Could be a literal life saver if he or someone else gets injured fatally.

Also, I was wondering if combining a bunch of muscle building supplements or various kinds of steroids could make some kind of bootleg super soldier serum? Could be really useful for some upcoming fights.

Also, also, what's your plan for scaling? You've got stuff here like the ring at rank B so what about things like the infinity stones, Mjolnir, or metals like uru, adamantium and vibranium? I assume the infinity stones would be a greater rank than Mjolnir and Mjolnir would be a greater rank than uru or the other metals so how are you going to scale everything when a basic knowledge granting ring is B rank. Assuming you keep up with the letter scheme A and potentially S rank wouldn't really suffice for some of the crazier stuff out there.



Jan 10, 2022


I wonder if merging a few spy books could help him.

Maybe military training manuals (merge a few from different countries).

Threadmarks Chapter 8 - Just desserts 



Jan 14, 2022


Just a reminder that I started a Patreon, and a thank you to those who have supported me so far! Every dollar helps!

By the time I got home it was almost two in the morning, but I was still wired from my success. Not only had my martial arts ring performed brilliantly, I finally had some resources to play around with! I had to fight the urge to go through the cards before I was even home. Instead I rode back as fast as I could, huffing and puffing when I finally reached my apartment. I couldn't help but muse that somehow straining myself physically felt better now that I knew it would help me utilize the skills from my ring. I carded my bike before rushing up the stairs, quiet as a mouse from the combat boots I was still wearing. I pushed into my apartment, releasing Ema from her card the second the door was closed.

"That is still extremely disorienting." Ema complained as she lifted off my hand and floated in front of me. "Did you make it back without any trouble?"

"Yeah, it was fine." I answered as I made my way through my tiny kitchen and back to my living room. "C'mon, I want to go through what we found."

I laid out all of the cards containing everything I had taken, slowly separating them out into two piles. One was what I planned on keeping for my own use, the other were things I planned on selling to pawn shops.

"Ema, do me a favor and go through the laptop, phones and the computer, see if there is anything other than the chop shop stuff on it." I asked, pushing out the two cell phones and the laptop. "If there isn't just reset them all to factory settings or whatever, wipe them all out."

"What do you plan on doing with them?" she asked, hovering over the cellphones first.

"I'm going to pull the computer and laptop apart." I explained as I finished separating the cards. "Then combine it all into my laptop and see if I can make a super laptop for you to use."

While she was working on the phones and laptop I pushed out my first big prize, the cash box. I lifted it off of the table, feeling the heft and listening to the coins. I fiddled with the small lock on the front before tilting my head. I held the lock in my hand, positioning it just right so it wasn't making contact with the loop before pulling. I couldn't help but laugh as I carded the lock, but not the cash box.

"That's handy." I said, showing Ema the card with the lock inside.

"It is. Those cards get more and more powerful every time you find a new use for them." She said, a bit flummoxed as I flicked the card back into the deck. "The first phone was clear, save a list of cars that the man in charge wanted as well as some details of the operation. Apparently he ran a car repair shop in the day and a chop shop at night."

"That sounds about right from what I know about how they work." I nodded as I flicked up the latch of the cash box. "Which is admittedly not very much. What about the second one?"

"That seems to be where we have hit another stroke of luck. It seems the owner of the phone had two shops he would bring cars to, depending on how close he was and what they were looking for. Though the exact location isn't said, several references put it in Harlem.

"Well I guess we know where we are taking the night shift next." I said with a smile. "Nice find Ema."

Ema bobbed and nodded, her parts shifting before she turned her attention to the laptop. With a soft hum it turned on, revealing it needed a password to log in.

"Ah, I was afraid of that." She said. "It appears that they have a password Carson, should I… wipe… it… anyway?"

Ema's question trailed off when she turned back to me. My eyes are locked to the now open cash box, my eyes and jaw hanging. Inside the box were several stacks of bills in various denominations. I pulled out a stack of tens and flicked through them.

"Well, it seems like some of our money problems are solved. " Ema said happily before doing a scan of the box. "Four Hundred and thirty six dollars in cash, eighteen dollars in coins."

"Really?" I asked, looking at her and then back down at the box. "It looks like much more than that."

"The box has two layers and the bottom layer is empty."

"Ah, gotcha." I nodded and closed the box, pulling it back into the card. "Hey… do you think you could scan a safe and find out what the combination is?"

I ask before pushing the safe out of its card. It was a pretty large safe, reaching all the way up past my belly button by a few inches. It wasn't ancient, but it definitely had the look of something that was made before I was born.

"I can think of a few ways to get in with the Deck, but I don't want to ruin the safe, having a secure place to keep things is pretty handy."

"I can attempt it, yes. My scans won't penetrate the metal, but I could construct an image using sound and vibrations…" She admitted, floating over to the large metal box. "You should get some rest, with any luck I'll have the number when you wake up."

"Sounds… like a good idea" I agree through a yawn. "Thank you for your help Ema."

"It's why I'm here, Carson. Pleasant dreams."

I made my way to my bedroom, stripping down to my boxers and sliding into bed. Excited as I was, my exhaustion soon caught up with me and I was soundly asleep not long after I laid down. I slept like a log, only waking once the sun started shining through my bedroom window. I woke up with a smile, my mind already back to my successes the previous night as well as the potential goodies that the safe might contain. I quickly got dressed and headed into the living room. The safe was, obviously, where I had left it and Ema was hovering above my laptop. She turned to me as I entered and headed to the kitchen.

"Good morning Carson. How did you sleep?"

"Like a rock." I answered as I started my coffee machine. "I hardly even remember my head hitting the pillow."

"That is good. I thought you would sleep longer considering how late you were up…"

"No, I've got stuff to do today. I want to bring one of the phones, the tv and the car models to the pawnshop." I explained with a shake of my head. "I also want to see about expanding my repertoire."

As the coffee machine was going I quickly made myself some eggs and toast for breakfast, bringing it to the living room when everything was done. I almost dropped them both when I bumped into the safe I had left in the small room.

"Fuck, I forgot that was there!" I cursed, putting my eggs and mug on top of the metal box. "I'm gonna have to figure out where to put this if I'm gonna keep it."

"Indeed. Good news though, I was able to form an internal framework of the safe." Ema stated as she floated over to me. "The combination is eighteen, then twenty four, then six."

I rub my hand together with a big smile, walking around to the front of the safe. I spin the dial, entering the code before giving the lever a spin and…. It didn't open.

"You went the wrong direction." Ema corrected, her amusement clearly audible.

With a shake of my head I re-entered the combination and spun the handle, the safe unlocking with a series of clunks. I slide the door open to find it full. Most of it was paperwork, a few stacks of insurance, tax and other records. I resisted the urge to shove all of that into a card and tear it. Instead I put on my gloves, ruffled it all together and put it on a nearby shelf. If there was anything groundbreaking on it I could turn it in to the police as evidence, and if I did that I didn't want my fingerprints on them.

Under the paperwork was the real prize, a pile of twenty dollar bills, all rolled into different rolls, as well as a stack of other bills. I pulled them out, eyes wide and looked to Ema, who scanned it without me even having to ask.

"Two thousand four hundred and eighty dollars in twenties. That is quite the prize."

"Yeah… that's a lot of cash…"

"There are a few more things inside, on the bottom shelf."

I nod, putting the cash on the coffee table and bending down to look at the lower section of the safe. On it were two boxes of shotgun slugs, another sheaf of paper. I carded the slugs and started going through the paper.

"Ah, its requests and parts lists from certain vehicles. Pretty straight… forward…" I stated, trailing off as I kept reading. "Interesting. Looks like we might have two leads, Ema."

"What did you find?" she asked, floating to my shoulder.

"It's a list of vehicles someone else was interested in, that they wanted whole. Some more expensive stuff here as well. It's also got an address to deliver them too. It's further in state though…"

"What do you think?"

"I think that it sounds like we have no idea what is going to be there, and that we should consider it but not rush into it."

"Right, I agree." I said, putting the information into a card and standing straight. "For now though…I need to go spend some of this money."

"What do you plan on spending it on?" Ema asked.

"An offensive option." I answered, grabbing and carding almost half the cash. "I was thinking about a bow."

"Do you know how to use a bow?"

"Not the foggiest. But I can make a ring that will teach me." I responded with a smirk. "Plus with the cards the possibilities for arrow payloads are pretty much endless. The most difficult part is going to be finding trigger mechanisms. I'll make a super gun at some point but a bow will give me serious flexibility."

"Ah, that's a fair point. Are you going out today?"

"As soon as I finish breakfast and shower"

About an hour later I was riding my bike to the closest pawn shop I could find online. When I got close I performed the usual alleyway switch, this time bringing out the TV I was getting rid of. It was a bit difficult but I managed to get it into the shop. It took a bit of haggling but eventually I sold the phone, TV and the models for three hundred dollars as well as fifty dollars off of two compound bows. I also bought every arrow he had that was sized for my new bows, almost two hundred. Between all of that, four quivers and a simple gold ring I ended up spending just a bit over eight hundred dollars.

The next three hours were spent riding my bike around the city visiting various stores. A well stocked hobby shop, a home goods store, a bookstore, and a few different hardware stores. In one morning I spent almost two thousand dollars, a serious hit to my recently acquired funds.

"Well, that was a lot of money I just spent." I called out to Ema when I got back to the apartment. "But I think I have all I need to make some serious additions to my arsenal."

"Welcome back." She called out, voice coming from the living room. "And I'm glad you found what you needed."

I head into the living room, kicking off my shoes as I go. After a few minutes of set up I had a pile of arrows next to me, my quivers on the table and a dozen bags in arms reach.

"Okay, first things first. Instant Legolas ring." I mumbled to myself as I worked.

I quickly combined several archery books together, including two about trick shots and another about Robin Hood. I combined the result with my simple gold ring, making a C rank card.

"This one is much easier." I assured Ema after I slid the ring on. "It must have been because we jammed too much info into the last one."

"That's good to know for the future I suppose." she responded, floating around me as I worked. "Oh! You'll be happy to know that there were several clean arrests last night."

"That's good! Got what I needed and uncovered a chop shop, not bad!"

I chuckled as I carded each of the quivers and combined each of them with some left over sound baffling foam. I then combined them all together before going to my closet and pulling out an old backpack, adding to the new quiver as well. The result was a large quiver that was almost as wide as my back. Putting the C rank card to the side I pulled out four books on organization and combined them into one, combining it with a large magnet I bought from a hardware store. With a pause I combined it with the backpack.

"Still C rank…" I mumbled, flipping the card in my fingers.

I slid ten arrows into the quiver and they all moved around, organizing by what color the shaft of each arrow was. I pulled them out and this time found ten arrows that were as similar as I could find. Sliding them into the pack I watched as they all grouped together off to the side.

"Okay, that's cool…"

"But?" Ema asked, sensing I wasn't satisfied.

"I was hoping for a higher rank." I admitted, putting the quiver on my back.

It slid on easily and felt like a great fit. I reached behind me and had to grab for a full five seconds before I found all the grouped arrows.

"I'll have no idea which arrow I'll be grabbing. I was kind of hoping for it to auto organize like it does but also feed me the arrow I want."

"Hmmm… well you haven't added a concept that would allow that. Organization worked like it was supposed to but being able to recognize what arrow you ask for requires some intelligence. Or at least the ability to listen and react."

"Huh, that makes a lot of sense" I agreed with a nod, before thinking about how I would do that. "Oh! The laptop!"

"That might work, should I wipe it first?"

I nodded and pulled the arrows from the pack and pulled it into a card as Ema floated over to the older laptop. It didn't take long for her to wipe it clean. I quickly carded it when she gave me a nod before combining them.

"Aha! B rank!" I quickly pulled the quiver out, giving it a look. "Wow, that's sleek."

The large quiver had new metal accents that lined around the edges, as well as a new square of leather that was latched over, covering most of the quiver's top. I lifted the latched cover and fed in twenty arrows, watching them organize into colors. I latched the new piece of leather over and slid it over my shoulder. I reach back, thinking about an arrow with a red tip and instead pull out a random arrow.

"Huh? What-"

"Try saying it out loud." Ema said, interrupting my complaint. "You didn't give it mind reading abilities after all."

"Oh. Makes sense." I admitted sheepishly. "Red fletching."

I called out before reaching back. I could hear the shifting and moving arrows as I reached back and pulled the arrow out by the nock. Low and behold an arrow with red fletching was in my hand.

"Nice call Ema, worked like a charm!" I praised excitedly, pulling the quiver back into a card and sitting back down. "Alright! Let's make some crazy trick arrows."

Over the next four hours I puzzled my way through over a hundred and fifty trick arrows, using four combined sensors I bought in bulk from the hobby store to create a sensor that activates on impact. Explosive arrows from nitro shots, lighters and the biggest fireworks that were legal in New York. Ice arrows that are each a combination of Ice, water, dry ice and liquid nitrogen from wart treatment kits. Shock arrows made from dozens of batteries and capacitors charged from the wall socket. I made three different strengths of capture arrows, each filled with nets, ropes or chains. I also made two special arrows, each holding a box of shotgun shells. I even managed to make what I think was a blunt impact and armor piercing arrows out of foam and needles respectively, though I had no idea how effective they would be. Eventually I leaned back, feeding my quiver a selection of each type before carding it.

"Well, how does it look?" I asked Ema, latching the quiver on.

"It looks good." She answered, circling me slowly. "The question is how is it going to interact with your stealth suit."

"Shouldn't be too bad. And if it is, I can keep it in a card until I need it."

I explained as I started to clean up the mess of plastic bags, containers and boxes, ultimately carding it and tearing the card in two.

"Well that's done. I think I'm gonna head down early to Harlem."

"Why so early?" Ema asked, floating around.

"There is a pizza place my dad used to take me around there. I want to see if it's still there in this reality."

"I see… do you want me to stay here?"

"You can if you want." I answered, standing as I stretched my back. "But I'm probably gonna stay around there on a camp out. I can card you if you want"

She answered by floating closer and waiting for me to hold out my hand. She landed in my palm with a soft pulse of green.

"Like I would let you do that on your own." She said with a scoff. "See you in a while."

I pulled her into a card, smiling as I got ready to go. It had been a while since I had been to Harlem.

Last edited: Jan 14, 2022



Jan 14, 2022

Reader mode


Magni Imitator

A Simple Imitator

Jan 14, 2022


I don't think Abomination vs Hulk happens then, so he should be safe. Hopefully? Either way - interesting to go with the bow and arrows given it's decently powerful but also going to be slow regardless of the ring aiding. Sounds like someone needs to fix a bow up far better.



One Track Mind

Jan 14, 2022


Would have been more interesting if no one at the chop shop actually got arrested, but oh well.

If he's going the Hawkeye route then he needs an arrow-fabricating quiver, stat. Something that can endlessly spit out copies of arrows that you put in. Pocket dimension plus arrow duping plus voice recognition-based arrow dispensing actually cleans up most of the disadvantages of being an archer in a super setting. That, plus a bow with inbuilt aimbot/skill/trajectory-warping/whatever, and his stealth archer build is a go for launch.



Jan 14, 2022


Those criminals are poor.


Zealous Specter

Somewhere left of nowhere near anywhere

Jan 14, 2022


MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:

I was thinking about a bow

Ya can't lie that him using a bow just screams of not only wasted potential and bad imagination, but also a really bad economical decision. He should have went with an airsoft weapon. The price of the arrows alone could have gotten the OC Tens of thousands of BB's to screw around with. Just thinking about the possibilities that could be combined into each BB and the gun itself is scary. Not to mention it could all be done in a small package of a pistol. Like seriously how disappointing.



Jan 14, 2022


Zealous Specter said:

Ya can't lie that him using a bow just screams of not only wasted potential and bad imagination, but also a really bad economical decision. He should have went with an airsoft weapon. The price of the arrows alone could have gotten the OC Tens of thousands of BB's to screw around with. Just thinking about the possibilities that could be combined into each BB and the gun itself is scary. Not to mention it could all be done in a small package of a pistol. Like seriously how disappointing.

Click to expand...

Funnily enough originally the character was going to experiment with an air rifle but

Spoiler: Spoiler - removed content


Zealous Specter

Somewhere left of nowhere near anywhere

Jan 14, 2022


MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:

Funnily enough originally the character was going to experiment with an air rifle but

Spoiler: Spoiler - removed content

Should have stuck with Airsoft. Also BBs are customizable as well, from explosive, tracer(glow in the dark stuff) and even material(metal, ceramic). Plus it's all cheaper than buying bow and arrows. And with Bullshit magic cards that have the ability to combine big things and even concepts into small packages, BB's and things like it are perfect for it.



Jan 14, 2022


Funny thing is you are not only under SHIELDS radar but you just got Hawkeye intrigued the you use those arrows.



Jan 14, 2022


I was thinking he could merge a car with bulletproff vest and other things to improve performance.


The Armchair Reader

Jan 14, 2022


MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:

I explained as I started to clean up the mess of plastic bags, containers and boxes, ultimately carding it and tearing the card in two.

Should have combined the boxes. You might have developed a bag of holding or something if you kept at it. I'm not sure what power a million grocery bags would have, but quantity would have a quality all its own.

I also like the whole Arrow thing. It's always a classic!



Jan 14, 2022


A gang of miscreants are going to drop bricks when a mysterious shadowy figure comes out of an ally , holding his mighty bow while shouting " Let me show you its features" laughting deeply


Mystical Arcane

Jan 14, 2022


Zealous Specter said:

Should have stuck with Airsoft. Also BBs are customizable as well, from explosive, tracer(glow in the dark stuff) and even material(metal, ceramic). Plus it's all cheaper than buying bow and arrows. And with Bullshit magic cards that have the ability to combine big things and even concepts into small packages, BB's and things like it are perfect for it.

You greatly overestimate airsoft and greatly underestimate archery.

Not only is airsoft worse in the longrun than a bow, especially when it comes to customizable attacks, airsoft weapons are just... Far less subtle than a bow is. Bows increase the strength of the user overtime, are *THE* ranged weapon when one thinks of a ranged weapon so their conceptual nature is far more, and they are, in general, far more customizable than any airsoft pellet.

BBs aren't nearly as painful as a blunted arrow tip, nor are they as useful.



Cuddling Guppies

Jan 14, 2022


Zealous Specter said:

Ya can't lie that him using a bow just screams of not only wasted potential and bad imagination, but also a really bad economical decision. He should have went with an airsoft weapon. The price of the arrows alone could have gotten the OC Tens of thousands of BB's to screw around with. Just thinking about the possibilities that could be combined into each BB and the gun itself is scary. Not to mention it could all be done in a small package of a pistol. Like seriously how disappointing.

Click to expand...

MetaBettaOmegaLetta said:

Funnily enough originally the character was going to experiment with an air rifle but

Spoiler: Spoiler - removed content

Zealous Specter said:

Should have stuck with Airsoft. Also BBs are customizable as well, from explosive, tracer(glow in the dark stuff) and even material(metal, ceramic). Plus it's all cheaper than buying bow and arrows. And with Bullshit magic cards that have the ability to combine big things and even concepts into small packages, BB's and things like it are perfect for it.

ManikMania said:

Funny thing is you are not only under SHIELDS radar but you just got Hawkeye intrigued the you use those arrows.

Mystical Arcane said:

You greatly overestimate airsoft and greatly underestimate archery.

Not only is airsoft worse in the longrun than a bow, especially when it comes to customizable attacks, airsoft weapons are just... Far less subtle than a bow is. Bows increase the strength of the user overtime, are *THE* ranged weapon when one thinks of a ranged weapon so their conceptual nature is far more, and they are, in general, far more customizable than any airsoft pellet.

BBs aren't nearly as painful as a blunted arrow tip, nor are they as useful.

Click to expand...

I want to toss in my single IOU token into this! Sounds like a cool discussion!

I feel that this being the MCU, its not a craptastic death world compared to other universes. I wholeheartedly agree, BBs would be super cool (probably by experimenting with enhancing the magazines rather than the individual BB pellets.) However on the other hand, the bow and arrow is a pretty classic 'Hero' gear. I mean, Clint survived through the whole Infinity War saga relatively in one piece.

If we're talking about arrow costs, our MC could cheese the system by cardifying some sticks and stones or flint to create a stack of simple arrows and then combine those into better quality arrows, rinse and repeat.

In all honesty, I feel that this MC could go the route that MCU Peter Parker didn't really get to expand in. That being the Neighbourhood Hero like Cage or Daredevil.

That'll be a route to read! Also, we already know that Hawkeye is very looked over in many of the Avengers' battles (as shown in the Hawkeye show with that Captain America Musical) and Clint prefers it that way. Our MC could the the archer that gets to represent the Bow and also have an active scene in the Neighbourhood Hero sub plot.

That's just my take of it. Other than that, I'm eagerly waiting for the next chapter OP!


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