
wanna a funny thing I always found amusing after I realized it happens in Xianxia every time?

The place we are going could be called the True Capital as its economy, culture, and spiritual center of the Empire while the capital is the Military and Administrative centers.

And every time I came here there were 1 or 2 auctions with some pieces of jade, 1 or 2 artists performances. The second we arrived I caught winds of 1 in a millennia auction that was going from start to finish of the tournament. I heard that the Greatest performer, poet, and actress will play for the whole month of the tournament. I caught sight of the bandit gangs beginning to act bolder and bolder. The medicine centers were filled to the brim and the sects were making shows of their Sacred Sons.

The only thing that went through my mind was "How much obvious can it be, that protagonists are here?" well ask and ye shall receive. As I caught sight of a boy with an arrogant, but calm expression.

The only thing that came to my mind was "He looks like ancestor Wei," which was all I need to know to realize I had reincarnation in the tournament. When I walked past a downturned clinic I saw a confident and fiery kid who had a necklace of black jade... Yet another hidden master.

These are the two of the 6 I found...

"Husband are you alright?" my fiancee asked with concern, ever since our night of passion she grew very spoiled and flirtatious, until I say behave and she acted like we were married already for fifty years. That attitude drove my sister and the rest of our group females high in anger.

"Sister-in-law," Mingkong began with her eye twitching rapidly "Perhaps you should save such tones when you are alone without my brother." Ohh yeah, Mingkong, Su Mingsu, and Qin Li Chun were very angry with Qinghe but I washed my hands of womanly intrigue.

I don't want to have to deal with that, no sir~

I breathed in and gave a single sentence "I'm going out~" and so I left our inn and began to walk around trying to find something to do and enjoy.

Imagine my surprise when I arrived at a gambling house and saw another protag, winning big as they often do, but cheating.

How? The fucker likely trained under a master and was trying to make money to support his family. Likely story...

I sat down at the table to the shock of all and said "I want in."

And so I traded 300 gold coins for a seat and began to play Mahjong... And let me tell you, I can play mahjong sometimes but Gambling in Mahjong I did only once to get in the pants of a Chinese Girl... I later found out her dad owned the Gambling house and was a high-ranking triad member. Almost died due to a beating but I got the pussy.

I rolled a 4 with the two dice so I was out from dealing. And when the preparation round was over I had almost a Chow, kinda like a straight in poker, I looked at my pieces and realized I needed just three more pieces, 1 flower, 1 season, and 1 dragon.

I grabbed a piece while discarding my bamboo and to my dismay, it was a character. I traded my dot and got a bamboo. Making narrow my eyes.

I traded my bamboo again, the piece I just got, and received a Flower tile. I kept my expression cold and impassive since Mahjong was a lot like poker, and I didn't want people to think I was close to winning. I traded my previous character and received another dot.

This game went for 2 more rounds until I had my dragon and season which I shouted "MAHJONG!" and revealed my hand making it a chow.

In the next game, it was obvious the protagonist was cheating so I decided to break the normal rules of gambling houses and make small talk.

"So little brother," I said as he looked at me and the people merely smirked, "What's your reason to gamble?" I looked at him as he sneered and replied hypocritically.

"I need money to enter the tournament as a cultivator," he said as I nodded "I'll bet half my winnings on myself and a few others to ensure my parents can move out of our hovel."

Ohh my, it appears I have a self-righteous protag, they were amusing because they very easily were criminals and then the next moment was destroying the gambling house that got them so much money and kicked them out of poverty. I can clearly see this guy came from an Artesanal family and was likely betting something of worth.

"Hmm," I hummed as he got Mahjong 3 times in a row.

So I fought fire with fire.

The only thing you needed to know was I won 30'000 gold coins in Mahjong, alongside 5'000 in Pai Gow, and received deals in property on the barren downside of the city. These deals amounted to 300 thousand altogether but would be far more when news came that the Wei family was now the owner of the entire District. Because despite the upbringing my mother had she was a business genius and would make these worthless lands make us Neverending gold!

The kid looked shocked at the fact he lost his money and got kicked out when he blurted out he cheated.


So I had 300 thousand gold worth of land... Time to plan developments!

POV Change

Mei Yunquan was shocked at the news she received from her son, he won 240 Li of land in the Tournament City or Shihuangdi city. She was practically salivating at the news when his grandfather said it was worthless land.

She liked to say she never raised her voice against her father, but she did this day. The land was land and land could be developed and increased to make more gold. She made such a compelling argument on why they should develop this land both her father and her son demanded and requested to make her supervise the land development.

Her son then contacted her in private about his plans, he planned to make a large Inn at the center and large shops, weavers, blacksmiths, healers, fletchers, and more in this district and at the center was the Yunquan Inn... She had to ask where the name came from and he said it was from her. She saw worth in what he saw so she must be remembered.

She smiled gently and ask if she could have full and complete control of the District which he allowed and made a slight suggestion to go brag to her former place...

Her eyes dimmed but she smirked and walked to the Whorehouse where she bragged she was still First Madame of the Wei, that her 6 sons and 7 daughters were the prodigies of Wei and that her youngest son would win the tournament.

Her former sister and blood mother looked like they swallowed something sour and glared at her before reminding her she came from a Whore family and would die a whore.

She left with her head high to her loving husband. After claiming that she made a request to the owner of the land the Whorehouse stood and found this building a sore to her eyes.

The way they begged forgiveness for a candy she didn't know she needed.

POV Change

So the tournament began early in the dawn. It began with a large and awesome spectacle of Cultivator dancing with fire. Then the 7th prince, the one that controlled the arena, announced that the Tournament would begin with the first round of philosophers, followed by warriors, then schoolers, and then the first round of cultivators.

I nodded feeling that the play was good, cultivators needed to be last because of shock and awe. If they go first the crowd would interest in the rest.

And I must say it was funny. A scholar was proving his worth by bending mortal iron. I nodded impressed. He looked like Chinese Senator Armstrong.

I snorted at the mental image of Chinese Senator Armstrong... It was too funny.

Then came the first round which I was first with a no name figure.

He quickly entered in a stance which I had to remind him again, "Where are your manners!-" I got cut off as he tried to strike at me while I was talking I decided to not play fair...

Accidents happened all the time in tournaments. I revealed my axe and began to strike at him as he tried to stop me. But then I grabbed his ankle and smashed him like a ragdoll until I was sure he was dead...

And by that I mean I smashed him into a bloody paste on the ground and left feeling insulted.

"Have you shame!" the reicarnation protag said with a self-righteous expression "He could have surrender, don't you have anything to say to his distraught family, and his sect?"

I looked at the people looking at the arena crying and the sect glaring at me and I just said "You should have taught him better manners."

The gasp was loud and clear. And the reincarnation found this anger fuel worthy as he began to try and scowl at me. "Have you no shame, a family lost their son, and a sect lost a star pupil can you not be kind and say it was an accident?! Must you be villainous in actions, rhetoric, and weaponry?!" the people began to agree and I just looked at him with an amused expression.

"Do you enjoy your body?" making him freeze solid as people thought I was threatening him, but I was asking the spirit that houses an innocent man's body if he was enjoying it "Perhaps you should spend less time looking at my villainous actions and take a look in a mirror." His face was black with anger and rage as he realized I was calling him on his hypocrisy. I was villainous because I killed but he took a step further by claiming an innocent body. He had no moral ground to stand and I was comfortable in my hypocrisy.

People who weren't confident in their Hypocrisy were the biggest hypocrites.

I sat down with my fiancee, cousins, and friends as the Old Spirit glared at me with rage.

POV Change

"Becareful student," said an old voice in a necklace to his student as he glared at Luoyang "That boy is no easy man to defeat."

"I can beat him with your help master," the student said confidently and arrogantly "Had it been me he fought he would have been a corpse or a cripple."

"You are the heir of the Chu War God," the old voice said scowling at the boy gently "You cannot be complacent! If you die-"

"Please calm down master, I won't die until you are free and back in the mortal world," the boy said to his master "I shall do what you desire and Remake Chu to fight against the Tyranny of the Qin Empire!"

The boy was named Hao Feng, his parents were killed when they had no money to pay taxes, and fought back when his sister was taken to pay off their taxes. Since then Hao Feng trained alone until he found The Greatest War God of Chu and one of the 19 rivals of the First Emperor Of Qin. He just needed to make sure had no rivals in front of him when he tried to remake his kingdom.

POV Change

Shang Hao Fu glared at the junior that told him to stare in a mirror. He couldn't believe a Boy from Qin, those damn horse growers, dare to talk to his elder, not only an elder But Shang Hao Fu the Annihilation King of Shang Kingdom. He glared at all the princesses that bore the Symbol of the man that ordered his assassination with spite.

Qin Yingzheng was once King of horse raisers and he didn't think much of it until he ate 9 of the Kingdoms and revealed his cultivation to be the Highest in the World.

He snarled as he recalled the bastard looking silent before unleashing his spiritual presence that made the sun go black for 2 days. And his Dao of Conquest made him an Immortal in the Upper plane when he finished with all of them before leaving his descendants to rule the masses.

He snarled at the reminder of this tournament, he sent invitations and said anyone from any Kingdom could partake and become part of Qin.

He should have sent assassins, spies, and more to make sure the bastard didn't live past that day.

He sighed quietly as he waited to be called upon and fight a Qin child. He couldn't be shown as a hypocrite no matter how much he wanted to kill the people of Qin. So he beat the boy and made him surrender before quietly and subtly destroying his cultivation.

He glared at The Princess and thought of something bold and amusing. What if he made the legacy of Yingzheng fight against what he built... Wouldn't it be poetic justice?

He nodded and made up his mind to seduce the crown princess of Qin...

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Sep 30, 2022Report

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Eirian, Cynical, PIEGURU and 73 others like this.

Threadmarks: So I must die? Uno Reverse Biatch!

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Lope RodriguesNot too sore, are you?

The last couple of days were fun for me. I went to an auction and got 3 jades so that was cool. I drank tea and made an ally of convenience by the name of Dong Xuebing. The guy was a riot. He reminded me of a CN protagonist but with some actual sense.

Not only that he took care of those that were his and never struck first. He was a simple official under the empire. But he had 6 women. His first was his former Superior and the oldest granddaughter of Qin Chun Li, Xie Huilan. Next was the mother of his oldest child Qu Yunxuan, followed by his former housekeeper Mei Xia, then his former superior in State Security Yu Qianqian, and his former subordinate Lei Yan. And finally his current or rather former superior Ning Ling.

The man went around, I met him while he was breaking everything in his path because someone tried to rape Yunxuan. So I quickly helped him and made a quick friend.

And his daughter was such a cutie! I swear she was the most adorable baby I saw.

But then bad things as always happened.

"The Next round shall be Wei Luoyang," that's me for those that are of short memory "And Shang Haofu!" the bastard that took over the body of an innocent.

The way he was glaring at me spoke of a rage that wouldn't end until he burnt everything I loved to the ground.

"I swear," he began "I'll defeat you or my name isn't Shang Haofu!" he said "I'll prove your villainous ways if it is the last thing I do!"

I yawned bored out of my mind.

I took a stance and took out a Ji Halberd, for those that don't know what it is, it's like a spear with a hook at the side. I responded in kind and took out my 1 handed axe.

I must give thanks to cultivation otherwise my axe would have been unusable like Escanors Rhitta.

"BEGIN!" the match officially started as the body snatcher began to run towards me with the intent to kill. I merely parried his slashes and thrusts with my axe and waited for the right moment.

He suddenly backed off and threw a few talismans of fire making me narrow my eyes. They activated before they reached me and I blocked his swing that would have removed someone's head. Just not mine.

I sneered as he huffed and threw more talismans, poisonous talismans this time, and he made a thick cloud of smoke and I smirked.

I waited with my breath held for 4 seconds and then simply lean back a bit making my glass crack. I smiled.

This was unplanned, I didn't expect him to reach my glasses to be fully honest, at best I expected him to reach my nose or chin.

But making a small crack in my glasses made my body begin to use sunshine.

I then coughed as I finally reached my limit in breath holding and etched. Great removed at the second round of preliminaries, only that I noticed my body destroy the poison faster than it was harming me. My inner body temperature was so hot that the poison was having no effect.

It was better to say that my body was filtering the poison faster than it did harm.

With a swing of my axe, I made the cloud of poison gas vanish as the body snatcher glared angrily at me. "Is that best you got?" I asked amused and taunting my opponent as his gas did not affect me.

He breathed in and snarled and began to make formations. Very complicated ones.

I smirked amused as I prepared my axe to deflect whatever he brought my way.

"DIE!" he roared as a large Qi wave began to attack me in five elements. Wood constrained me and feed a fire. Earth buried me under its weight and metals began to pierce my body. Finally, water began to drown me. As I was in a tomb of metal, earth, and woof burnt and drowning.

'Not bad old goat' I thought to myself as I began to overheat the water. 'My Turn~'

As the water boiled, metal melted, the earth became lava, and wood ashes I emerged from my tomb like a God of Fire unleashing my might on pitiful mortals.

"How?" my foe asked shocked that fire overwhelmed the other elements.

"Fuck you that's how," I replied as I made an upward swing with my axe and a wave of fire followed its path "Don't worry elder, this junior will make your last moments..." my eyes glinted "memorable~"

POV Change

It was no secret since they lay together that Wei Luoyang, was overwhelmed with Yang Qi. Her very own physique of Ice Yin Physique. Qinghe blushed as she recalled his own Fire Yang Physique. His body had so much Yang it would be poisonous to anyone else to try and take body.

But it made him perfect for dual Cultivations as his Yang Qi was so immense he could feed an entire Sect of Women without issues.

She was sure the Joyous Unity Sect would love him as their holy son. She snarled gently as she caught the 5 Saintesses of that sect eyeing her fiancee.

Their body was lightly clothed and revealed as much skin as they could get away with, their ankles had small bells that rang softly when they walked. Their bodies were curvaceous and bodacious, but not to the point of being obscene. She scoffed as she recalled her fiancee hopelessly lost in those sluts. But the worse was-

"Problems Sister?" her eldest sister, owner of the Ice Moon Womanly Yin Physique, she joined the Joyous Unity Sect and became their Holy Daughter, the strongest, most beautiful, and seductive member. Adding insult to injury she looked like a bigger version of herself making Luoyang's eyes wander.

"Not at all eldest sister," Qinghe said with a tight smile as she glared at her older sister with hate "I was just gazing at my fiancee fight."

Despite Qinghe being the daughter of the Main Wife she wasn't the eldest, she was the 6th daughter and 12th child. Her oldest brother and the heir were from a concubine alongside 5 other sons, 3 sisters were from another concubine and 1 sister was from her mother. The 5 eldest sons belong to the concubine that made the first child Yue Shuyan.

Meaning while her mother held the title of Main Wife, her status in the Mansion was very low. 2 children both daughters, despite having many nights together. Meanwhile, the concubine had 1 daughter after 1 night and 2 sons in the second.

"I can see why you gave away your fatal Yin Sister," her oldest sister said softly "I wonder can be more?" she asked smiling like a vixen.

"You wouldn't dare!" Qinghe said hotly as her sister laughed like softly tinkling bells "Sister, you can not!" Qinghe didn't beg. No that was foolish!

"Of course sister~," Shuyan said with a giggle "bye~bye~"

She left her body almost dancing to her seat.

Qinghe snarled as a hand landed on her shoulder and she saw Mingkong and Qin Chun Li with dark expressions.

"I rather have you as a sister-in-law than have her as it," Mingkong said with a black face and Qin Chun Li nodded.

"I rather lose to you than that strumpet!" the crown princess said glaring at the Holy Daughter of the Joyous Unity Sect.

POV Change

Ya know I was having a bit of fun with this~ This guy was clearly throwing everything he had but it just didn't work. I had to laugh I really had.

Eventually, he was just swinging his halberd than actually doing martial arts. So I decided to counterattack!

"Divine AXE: WOLF!" I swung downwards as the surface of the sun made its way to Shang Haofu. I chuckled as he blocked and was silent as he was unharmed.

This was a first... Usually, Wolf killed anyone, since when a cultivator could withstand the temperature of the surface of the sun? This Guy apparently.

"Now this is a first," I said as I circled around this guy and followed me, making me know he wasn't wounded in the slightest "The first time someone survive Wolf."

"I can survive much more," he bragged, I wasn't sure if he was lying or not but I was more interested in the fact he had survived.

"This is a first," I muttered again as I readied my axe once more "Let's see if you can do it again!" I smirked.

POV Change

He shouldn't be alive. He really shouldn't but by exchanging 20 years of his life he was able to improve his cultivation to the point he could survive. Shang Hao Fu was ashamed, a brat from Qin was able to push him to the brink and make him exchange 20 years for an absolute defense. He wasn't sure if this Villain could do it again but he wasn't eager to find out.

He stepped forward as Wei Luoyang appeared in front of him and swung his axe with the heat of Wolf. Making him fly and almost leave the ring. He snapped his head up and saw Luoyang already on top of him swinging his blow.

But by rolling out of the way he was able to dodge it but he couldn't have predicted his leg snapping and kicking him to the other side.

"Come on," Luoyang begged excitedly "The day is still young there is so much more we can do," he said "COME ON!" he roared as he slammed his barbaric weapon to the ground making steam burst from everywhere including under him.

He was on his ropes he couldn't last much longer but he wouldn't give up. He refused to lose to Qin trash!

"Is that all?" Luoyang asked as punched his making him kneel before a Qin as Yingzheng did, and the words "Is that all?" another punch to his head, were the exact same.

He snarled, again with this humiliation he refused to lose. "IS. That. All!" another punch this he didn't move and countered with his own.

That did the same effect. Only Luoyang was smiling like a tiger that found his dinner "Apparently yes."

He suffered a stronger punch making his head snap back and stumble like he had drunk too much wine. He stumbled and tried to find his foe but he was seeing 6 Luoyangs, 6 voices entered his head.

"Come on," they said "is that all elder? Is that you can do in this day and age? What were you a horse caretaker before?!" they slammed their fists on his head making him spit blood. "Is that the best you can do?!"

He would die before surrendering, he swore it.

"If so," they said as they raised their axes "Die... Divine Axe: Tiger!"

Damn you Qin bastards, I swear I'll come again for my revenge...

And so the soul fo Shang Hao Fu, the War God of the Shang Kingdom perished alongside the body he took over, and finally joining the afterlife where he should have been in the first place.

POV Change

That fight was good, I felt myself excited and bounced on my foot as I walked around feeling very happy.

"Hmm?" I asked as I glanced to a shop I never thought I would see.

Origins Internet Cafe.

My eyes were wide and my mouth opened wide as I walked inside and saw what I suspected, rows of computers, a mini freezer for drinks, and a black board for the prices.

"Welcome," the owner said as he yawned "Prices are on the board."

I glanced and saw 100 gold coins for Resident Evil 1, 500 gold coins for Diablo, and stuff like that.

I blinked and looked at the guy and asked "Do you have Wi-fi?"

The kid froze.

POV Change

He has been here for 2 years, and last week he received his own system. At first he was happy, thinking he could face-slap nobles and become immortal, but his system was an internet cafe system. His despair was real.

So he opened the shop in an abandoned corner and hoped his system sank so he could have something useful. Of course, after 3 days he found someone entered his shop and asked something he never expected.

"Do you have Wi-Fi?" he asked with an excited face and Zhang Feng asked his system.

"Wi-Fi is not a service provided by the Store" the system was adamant on this and the cultivator, which apparently was from earth pouted.

"Man that is such BS," he said as he looked at the prices "You got a system huh? No way you would charge this much if not for it."

Was this for real? Another person from earth?

"The Host cannot reveal the system's existence to anyone" the system warned him as he sighed and said.

"I don't know what you are talking about," and the guy nodded.

"Yeah maybe it's just crazy talk," he said with a wink as Zhang Feng smiled "Yeah I'll go for Resident Evil 1."

He accepted the gold and entered the resident evil 1 area.

He pressed 2 keys and arrived at the Wi-Fi browser.

"So you do have Wi-Fi!" he said happily as he typed made some changes to the browser and typed something Zhang Feng didn't understand but the system alarmed him.

"Host this client is searching for pornography in an open space! Stop him!" Zhang Feng didn't understand how could a Chinese man search for pornography.

"I know what you are thinking," the man said, "I'm not Chinese, So tell your boss I can search with western values in my head."

"The System does not allow such crude and shameless behavior in its shop," the system replied "He shall be kicked out!"

"If you want shameless tell your system to look at prices, might as well rob the empire," the man said as he clicked on a view and moans began to be heard.

"The System failed and host has now been marked by this black spot," the system bemoaned "The system can never show its face again."

But Zhang Feng didn't care with a few changes to his blackboard he smiled.

"What is the host doing?!" the system shot enraged "This is a violation of the agreement!"

"You mean the thing where you came into my life, made me forget my cultivator dreams, and made me almost the most hated human in the city? That agreement? I'm changing it!" Zhang Feng said with a proud look.

"Pray he doesn't change it further!" The Cultivator said as he laughed and gazed at his screen with fond memories.

"hey what's going on?" a pair of men walked by followed by more and more.

Soon after the Origins Internet cafe became known as Sexy Sect Babes with many men, and women coming in and being in virtual reality porn.

Zhang Feng soon became a Billionaire by starting pornography in the world. But that is for another time.

POV Change

Man~ now killed some nostalgia, Wei Luoyang said with his cock hard...

"Hello handsome," said one of the five Saintesses of the Joyous Unity Sect as Wei Luoyang had fun the whole night in the morning too, and the saintesses were undisposed until midday.

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Thursday at 3:16 PMReport

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Fieryfoxpaws, aquod, fatman1 and 77 others like this.

Threadmarks: I think I did something right~

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Lope RodriguesNot too sore, are you?


When I arrived at the arena I saw glares from my fiancee, older cousin, and childhood friend the princess, as well as the girl that has had a crush on me since we were children.

Why? Well, when I sniffed my body I found out I had the glorious scent of the morning after.

"Have you no shame brother?" my sister asked with a sour look as she glared "To bed some sluts and be proud of it?"

"They were willing and I feel no regret from it," I mean should I? I didn't rape them and was rather relaxed, and sixsome was something a man could only dream and imagine but that night made me feel so relaxed my muscles were jello.

"Well," a new voice said as I caught sight of a handsome man in a black hanfu with a black jade necklace as he walked towards us "I feel that you owe an apology to these women, after all, you did betray their trust."

I raised an eyebrow feeling amused and merely felt the need to ask...

"Who are you?"

"I'm Hao Feng," he said with a smile "The winner of this tournament."

"Really?" I asked amused as the girls chuckled "Why do you think you'll beat me?"

He scoffed "Please you are nothing more than a stepstone for me to reach higher, my teacher taught me since I was 5 and never once I lost."

I nodded as I smiled "Well I hope you bite as well as you bark dog," I said politely "It would be a shame to be a disgrace this quick."

I left and sat at my place and waited for my opponent.

"Wei Luoyang please come forward," the announcer said as I walked towards the arena "Ye Lee please come forward."

Ye Lee, now that is a fucked up name, I snorted as I saw the guy with a cocky and arrogant look.

I don't think this match will be very fun to me, I sighed as the dude was lost in his head and I knew this fucker had a system to fight.

POV Change

Ye Lee was an orphan, he never had the talent to cultivate, and his life would end at 40 as all mortals do. It wasn't until he awaken the Madness Fighting System that he began to shine.

The process was simple if he did something that people called madness, like say one person says Ye Lee can't eat 200 buns, then Ye Lee would gain a point for the number of people that said it was madness, and 2 if he fulfilled the task. These points could be exchanged for cultivation manuals, improving cultivation, buying pills, weapons, talents, physiques, and more.

Naturally, he was low profile but doing things people said it was madness for someone like him to do. He currently had 400 points and his status window was very good.

Ye Lee

Cultivation: Peak Golden Core Realm

Talents: Holy Physique, Dao Bones, Demonic Heart, Yin-Yang Spirit

Cultivation path: Way of Celestial Dao (perfect)

Points: 400 Points

So it was natural that Ye Lee was proud and excited to beat up some nobles from the Capital. But when he came back to his sense he saw his opponent smile.

"... Begin!"

Immediately Ye Lee ran towards his foe as his foe summoned his barbaric weapon, and made an upwards cut to his position.

He merely parried his weapon but flew off and coughed and was forced to kneel.

"Ohh~" the villain mocked "Why do you kneel before me? Did you find a coin on the ground?" Ye Lee snarled and moved faster.

system exchange the 400 points into temporary cultivation! Ye Lee demanded.

"Exchange complete," The system notified him, "Current cultivation at Entry Ensoulment Realm," Ye Lee was suddenly punched by his foe and forced to fly.

"Interesting," Wei Luoyang said amused "Come on then."

Ye Lee snarled, this villain was slapping his face until he looked like a pig! "As you wished!"

POV Change

This was an embarrassment, was the only thing Qinghe could think, Ye Lee had talent no doubt but he looked like a drunkard trying to fight a martial artist.

He had power but no skill, he had might but no finesse, and Qinghe could only cover her eyes to prevent her from crying from the horror happening in the arena.

Mingkong and Chun Li had the same idea as they covered their eyes and groaned, it was only thanks to Luoyang their groans went unnoticed.

"This is a farce," Qinghe said, "Luoyang could have finished the match as soon as his foe came into the ensoulment realm."

"Indeed he could," Mingkong said with a grunt as the crowd laughed as if they were seeing a circus instead of a cultivator match "Why he doesn't is what I want to know."

"Humility," Qin Chun Li said with a disgusted tone "He wants to show humble his foe as he tries and fails to reach higher than he should."

"Talent isn't everything," said a girl as they uncovered their eyes and saw a beautiful girl glaring at them "Just wait brother Ye Lee will defeat this bully and win the tournament."

They looked at themselves and laughed "This boy? Win against Wei Luoyang? Madness!"

Another breakthrough, their eyes turned to the arena, as Ye Lee was in the Middle Ensoulment Realm. "How?" they asked shocked.

"Don't underestimate brother Ye Lee," the girl mocked them as Wei Luoyang lost his smile.

POV Change

How fun~ This guy could get stronger with each passing moment. If so...

"Well this was fun," I said with a grin and removed my glasses, the midday sun was already gone but the Sun was still shining "But enough is enough."

Steam was being released from my every pore, my muscles increased and became denser, and my eyes became a wild yellow.

I let out a prideful smirk and said "Say your prayers boy, for this is the end~"

I raised my axe high and slammed it into the arena floor making it geyser out high-pressure steam all over. And with my signature "Divine Axe: Wolf." I almost ended the match.

Keyword there almost, as impossible as it sounded the guy survived, with some blisters over his forearms but alive and well.

"Interesting," I mused as I began to understand how he got so powerful, he was literally buying time, exchanging whatever currency in his system to survive and try to outlast me.

Such an annoying foe, I sighed as made a Straight Punch toward him and the pressure from the air made him fly away.

I could only "tch" as he kept getting up.

"Give it up boy," I mocked as he snarled "You did well until you met me."

"I'll win!" he roared defiantly as he ran towards me but I caught him unaware.

By grabbing his neck and with a smooth but harsh snap I broke his neck and let him fall to the ground bonelessly and dead.

POV Change

"So about your wager?" Qinghe smirked.

She won't lie and say she was unafraid when the boy survived Wolf but the sickening snap made her grin maliciously and she glanced at the girl.

"I-I," she stuttered "You can't make me!" she screamed defiantly.

"We can't?" Mingkong asked amused "I can very much assure you we can," she giggled devilishly as Qin Chun Li giggled alongside her "You gambled your virtue against us, and against that you demanded we bowed and apologized to your brother Ye," Mingkong smirked deviously "So now that you lost you want to flee?"

"I-I can't," she begged as the three Noble girls laughed vicariously and ruthlessly stamp her out.

"You will," Qin Chun Li said as her beautiful visage turned evil and cruel "Otherwise don't blame us for being impolite."

The girl cried, it was such a heartbreaking scene, but the girl paid her no mind, the slut wanted them to bow and apologized to the commoner for beating their man, they only accept if she lost her virtue and became a cauldron to the man she so ruthlessly hated.

The girl Zhao Linghe, cried as she lost her brother, virtue, and cultivation to Wei Luoyang because she decided to gamble against his women.

POV Change

We reached the last rounds therefore instead of each day having many groups fight, we would have 1 day for a group and so on until he reached the End of the Month. Wei Luoyang decided to walk around and try to find more things to enjoy but never in a million years would he expect to find this...

"Earths' Culture Store?" He asked amazed as he walked in with a grace of a noble and saw again the store empty. He walked to the Comic Section and saw spiderman, he walked to the TV DVD/CD and saw Game of Thrones, Naruto, Popeye, and more, he walked to the Books and saw Lord of the Rings, Iron Widow, and more... I was very happy to see that there was a manga/manhua/manhwa section.

The works were what you expected, Naruto, One Piece, Dragon Ball, The Gamer, and the like.

"Hello," I saw a young man yawn as he had the three characteristics of being a Stereotypical Otaku, fat, neckbeard, and glasses.

"Greetings," I said bowing my head as I walked around trying to find more works I enjoyed. Eventually, I sighed and picked a movie to see.

"Sorry," he said "30 gold pieces to see it," I blinked 30 gold pieces to fucking see Outlander? Was he also?

"System?" I asked amused with a devil-may-care smirk as he froze over and looked scared.

POV Change

Chang Yan was from the earth, he enjoyed earth media and was an otaku. He was forced to relive his shame by becoming the Host for the "Earth Culture Store System!" every word he read, heard of, or had spoilers for the system would make a book or something like that.

So to hear someone was from the earth as well and that he had a system made him very scared, oh no his anxiety was kicking back in he was seeing black...

And so a system host dies from shock and lack of breath in his own store...

POV Change

It wasn't my fault, Wei Luoyang thought was the books, movies, mangas, and all vanished like cinders leaving only a broken down store with a cadaver.

He sighed and left, there went his fun for the day...

His eyes suddenly glinted as he entered his room and saw Qinghe reading a manual.

Well, it was obvious what happened isn't it? Maybe next time you will get to see what he did.

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