
As a senior operations manager in Night City's Militech branch, Meredith knows she's in a precarious situation. With many of her fellow 'co-workers' competing for a spot in Militech's branch in Night City, many are willing to kill for a seat in the big wigs. If Meredith makes a single misstep, she'll find herself buried six feet deep.

Or worse.

Feeling goosebumps on her person, she routinely shuffled it down with the ease of someone working for Militech for a long time. But weariness still lingers as Meredith's gaze looked at the other occupant sitting in her office.

Thomas Star, one of the engineers who worked on the SKL-1903, looked at her with such intensity that her instincts almost kicked in. As one of the few people in Militech Meredith could trust, the fact that he was in her office meant that Thomas wanted something from her.

And favors, in her mind, are akin to that of a bullet: either it could save her or kill her.

"What do you want from me, Star? If you want something, then talk to HR. Not to me, as I have other businesses to do." Meredith started, opening up her cigarette case to calm herself down.

"You know why I'm here, Stout. I need to ask you for a favor." The man had the gall to lean back in his chair, knowing he was mocking her.

Attempting not to grit her teeth in anger, Meredith leaned forward on the table separating the two of them, "And what do you think I'll do? Bend over like some puppy just because you managed to make a name for yourself? Please, if anything, you're more worthless than a pile of dirt attempting to grow some plants in the Badlands. Leave my office, Star, before I call security to dump your ass out of Militech Tower." Her threats triggered a laugh from Star, causing her to grit her teeth.

"And what's so funny, Star? Have you lost your mind?" Meredith gritted, the man's laughter dying as he gave her a contemptuous look.

"Ah... thank you for that joke, Meredith. But, no. My mind is in perfect health, thank you very much." Meredith had to lean backward as Star gave her a look, "You see, whether you want it or not, you WILL help me. You don't have any choice in the matter. Besides, you think I don't have something to make you help me?" Star's grin widens as Meredith's eyes widen, "Yes, you know what I'm talking about."

"You bastard! You said that you've deleted everything from that day!" Meridith shouted, her soundproofed office covering up her anger. For his part, Star only gave her a calm look.

"You know better than I that trusting someone in this company is akin to a death sentence. Besides, I promise you that if you help me, I'll delete everything I have on you." Meredith, now looking at her former friend as a rival, grunted as she sat back in her seat.

"And what kind of favor do you want from me that you're willing to throw away the trust we've built since we first met?" Meredith questioned as she thought of numerous ways to make Star suffer from his betrayal.

For his part, either ignorant of the signs Meredith is giving him or uncaring of what Meredith did to him, Star smiled at her question, "Well, I want you to make me disappear."

Meredith's eyebrows rose at his reply, "Disappear? You know that you have an outstanding debt to Militech, and the only reason you aren't dead yet is because of the project you did, right?"

"I know, and so does everyone in the department. But I was given a lease on life, Meredith. Someone finally saw my worth, and they'll be damn sure I'll make them grateful for the work I'll bring to their company." Meredith raised a hand to stop him from his rant.

"Wait, a company? Do you mean to tell me you're defecting from Militech?" The man gave her a small smile, filled with contentment and bothering her wrongly.

"Yes, I am, Meredith. You have heard of them. Builders Incorporated?" Meredith's brows furrowed, nodding at his question.

Builders Incorporated: the recent upstart corporation founded in 2072 by Watson local Tom Hiddleston. During its interim years, according to the reports, the company focused on buying abandoned warehouses throughout Watson. It wasn't until the corporation's founder took the mantle of CEO that Builders Incorporated truly burst into the scene. From producing organic food crops to expanding its pseudo-military forces in the form of the gang they're supporting and masquerading as such, Builder's Incorporated had made a name for itself as the only shining example of what a corporation could do for the people.

It also helped that the CEO was a renowned Solo and, most importantly, the man responsible for decimating numerous gangs in NC. With Maelstrom cowering like rats on the Northside Industrial District, the Scavs hiding in the trash mountains of the Badlands, and the Tyger Claws allied with the company, the man truly cemented Builders Incorporated to the minds of the people.

It also says a lot about NCPD's incompetence if the thing that forced them to deploy their troops in Watson was when the Solo-turned-CEO finished his war against its gangs and proclaimed his work for their own.

And while Meredith could've scoffed at the things coming out of Builders Incorporated, she was nonetheless curious. If what they're promoting on the billboards, television, and radio is true, the question remains: where did the company get its cash flow? Even Kang Tao, the Chinese megacorp that could have the ability to demolish its fellow megacorp if they weren't busy managing China's economy, could only offer Gold Trauma Package in exchange for fifty years of service.

Sadly for her, it seems that Militech is determined to keep Builders Incorporated a vital ally and thus; rendering her line of questioning short, that is, if she wants to find herself wrapped in a trash bag for wanting to know more about Builders Incorporated.

"Who hasn't? By this point, everyone in Night City knows about them." Meredith stated as Star nodded before giving her a shard.

"What's this?" Taking the shard, Meredith looked at Star.

"That, my dear, is my new contract with Builders Incorporated. You'll understand why I wanted to disappear from Militech if you read that shard." Looking wearily at Star, Meredith nonetheless inserted the shard. She could feel her mouth open in surprise the longer she read the contract.

"Platinum Trauma Package, sick leave, vacation plans, health insurance, overwork pay..." By this point, Meredith found herself thoroughly reading every single word of the contract: her mind in disbelief of what she was reading.

By the end, she numbly returns the shard, with Star giving her an understanding look, "Now you know why I wanted to leave. Please, Meredith. Help me disappear, and you'll never see me again. I promise you that."

Taking a deep breath and shifting her body, she gave Star a look before answering, "Fine, I'll do it. But if ever see you again, Star, you'll find yourself buried beneath my house, is that understood?" Star stood up, taking her hands and shaking with the feeling of relief in them before leaving her office.

Leaning back in her chair, she contemplated silencing Star for daring to barge into her office like he owned the place, but she stopped. Instead, she focused on what she'd read.

Exhaling a sigh, she stood up, contacting a fixer who knew how to perform a cover-up. And as Meredith strides to her car, she only could think one thing in her mind:

'If things aren't going to work out, I might as well prepare my job application for Builders Incorporated.'

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