
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Lope Rodrigues replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Sunshine... In Fantasy China?? (Xianxia OG/ Sunshine)


You might wonder, Wei Luoyang, how in the blood-sucking Christian hell did you land an excellent title as Lord of the Western Lands and Prince of the Wilds? I'll tell you then.

The last fucker I fought, you know the moment I reached the capital had the backing of 3 important people. The Prime Minister, the Empress Dowager, and the Chief Eunuch. How did he do it? Simple.

He healed the prime minister's 4-year-old son from a cold, gave away a priceless jade artifact to the Empress Dowager, and helped the Chief Eunuch be saved from charges of corruption.

He came into my home and challenged me to a fight, ending like it always does. With him dead in a ditch.

But this time the people behind him were influential. Honestly, if I wasn't part of the Wei Family I would have been executed, or worse. But luck was on my side at that moment.

As the emperor was no puppet of his family and ministers and decided to give me a task while fulfilling their demands and outrageous requests.

You see, while the emperor controls the empire 1 man can't do all at once, he isn't Qin Yingzheng, or by his real title Qin ShiHuang, so he needs ministers to help him, that's where those three come into play because, despite the unity front of the Imperial Family, there are 4 major factions and a couple of small ones.

The Prime Minister controls some of the merchants and scholars, the Empress Dowager the Nobility and administration, and the Chief Eunuch the Finances and the Servants. And the emperor controlled a bit of everything.

There were also factions with stable hands, cooks, guards, Imperial hunters, painters, etc. But those 4 factions controlled the day-to-day life of the empire. The 3 factions, outside of the emperor, were always at each other throats so they often tried to curry favor with his Majesty. But those 3 with 2 small factions could overpower the Emperor if the rest kept neutral.

The amazing thing happened, apparently the Prime Minister, Empress Dowager, and Chief Eunuch bribed all minor factions with better benefits and was able to get the first major success against the emperor. The day I was leaving I heard 4'000 families were castrated, executed, and had their properties taken by the emperor.

The empress Dowager was, exiled to the Cold Palace, the chief eunuch replaced on grounds of treason, and the prime minister executed on grounds of Imperial Betrayal and Attempted Coup d'etat.

Don't ask me how the Emperor managed to get all that done in a day, the man scares me and I have the power of the sun on my back.

I nodded, guess there was a reason why the emperor managed to Keep all factions against each other instead of against him. He just needs the smallest reason and he'll kill them.

And since the Wei family wanted some payback due to my exilement I guess the other families fell in line.

You might also wonder, Luoyang, wasn't the Wei Family stupidly Overpowered and surpassed the 10 families? Yes, I did say that.

However, the empress dowager carried some influence in courts, the chief eunuch brushed up some major bribes to the officials and the Prime Minister gave an eloquent speech on why I should be given the Western Wastelands. Don't worry I made sure to get the last laugh and I was given the chance to request anything for the trip.

I requested everything I had the right to.

You see, despite being a great vast land, the west wasn't really all that great for a number of reasons. The soil fertility was super low, like Oil Soil, and the winds made sand storms from the desert a seasonal occurrence, the temperature could kill almost any crop if it survived the black soil, and the water while much was filled with sediment, too much to be drinkable, and was right near where people hate to be.

For some reason, that reason itself doesn't know, the Demons made the Entirety of Middle East their Home, ohh yeah Judea was part of the demon vacation home. It wasn't just the middle east, the Demons had the entirety, and I do mean entirety, of the fantasy Arabic Pennisula, the discount Asia Minor, Egypt, Iran, the Levant, Fantasy Mesuptania, and the archipelago of beneath the peninsula.

Is that a lot? Well hold on to your shit because they get bigger, they held the North West of Chinese Fantasy India, the Majority of the Frozen Hellscape that is Magic Siberia, and the entire land on the way to the horn of Mystical Africa.

And that is their summer home, the kind where a demon can go have some fun and then return when his banishment ends. Demons can appear anywhere in the world, as proven by the fact we had chocolate and coffee in Europe, they already took over a major part of America, I'll say they took over the entirety of the USA and some parts of the South Americas because the Records say the amazon had life.

No in the life flourishes kind of way, more like the very Forest, the Lungs of the World were alive there.

How did we know? Because a smart-ass cultivator decided to test if they were alive the result was his corpse raped by tribals and his women forced to carry tribal children for the rest of their lives.

All this to say that no one really wanted the Western Lands, since it was mostly black earth, mountains, deserts, sediment-rich water, near demons, and all-around pain in the ass.

So what was my mission and what did I take? My mission was simple really.

I needed to create 1 city, can be more, and a series of forts and defenses in case the demons come knocking again. To be blunt, I was in charge of making a Marginot Line, chief commander of making the Great Wall 2: Desert Bogaloo, and lord supreme of building, supplying, and making a quasi-autonomous state in the worst place to make it.

So I decided to be petty. I took all servants had to my name, around 300'000 of them, half the guards I was allowed, 100'000, every last supply I could buy, costing around 1 million gold taels, and all miscellaneous things I brought over like builders, engineers, accountants, all that.

Trust me there are more people in ancient fantasy china than I know what to do with it. The entire population of This Dynasty could run against the entire USA Military Forces, all of it, and somehow kill them all.

Putting it bluntly, "We run towards their Arrows they will eventually run out of arrows!" taken to the absolute logical extreme.

I sighed as Qinghe leaned on my chest as we lay on our carriage/house.

Apparently despite my prestige being too much for anyone, not only that I had so many people and the entire Wei Family full power behind me. Ohh you thought I used the Wei Family people and money? Nah, I used the all power, and wealth I got from the faction that sent me here. A last fuck you from the emperor to the people that sent me here.

Technically speaking, the Wei Family lost nothing and gained everything, but since the Yue, Su, Qin, and Wei Families united due to Su Mingsu becoming my concubine, Qin Chun Li making me her prince consort, my own cousin coming with me, and Yue Qinghe and I officially becoming engaged in a rushed ceremony the Major Central Block was united.

Basically, these Four families could no longer be shaken from their pedestal, and trust me some idiot will try to do it.

Su Mingsu, and Wei Mingkong would be coming later with their own forces but I needed to make a foothold. In the desert.

"My Lord," said a guard outside as Qinghe groaned due to the sun hitting her eyes "We found a bandit camp, 10'000 strong, what shall we do?"

I raised an eyebrow quite amused by his question, raising my official fiancee and getting to see the bandit camp I was quite surprised to see they had a small village going on there.

I smirked and began to walk towards the Bandit Village hoping to not destroy a building, otherwise, it will be a pain to rebuild.

POV Change

Chang Ye was a kid in the Bandit village, they weren't ruled by anyone except those they choose to rule, they raided what they could and survived by raising animals, his father was the current leader of the Village and his mother and aunties were already carrying his siblings for the 9 times.

He sighed, life was good, no obeying the Qin dynasty tyrants, no dying to demons too, merely living life as it should be...

Until he came, the bastard as he cut their men, their soldiers and gathered all women and children in the main circle where his father would give speeches.

He looked at them with a critical eye before more people came inside before the demon asked "Are there any unmarried men with us?"

Many steps forward "Pick one and try you tame her," he said washing his hands of the matter.

Until his mother bit the neck of a soldier and spit out chunky flesh.

"How barbaric," the man that killed all the men in their village said with a smirk "I like you, you're my maid now."

"No I'm not!" his mother roared in defiance as the women began to have steel in their backs, but the demon only laughed.

"Is that so?" he asked as he looked at the carriage "Qinghe you might look away."

A loud scoff was heard as the demon appeared in front of his mother and ripped her clothes slammed her into the ground.

the guards and soldiers prevent them from running, not that anyone was, and Chang Ye had front-row seats to his mother's rape and, shockingly enough, her pleasure.

POV Change

Luoyang was quite amused by this savage trying to fight back, but he merely slapped her twice and revealed his cock as she became dazed.

"nooo~" she begged but Luoyang wasn't having it and plunged his cock deep into her birth canal.

"OOOHHH!" he grunted "Your husband must've been small, If you are this tight!" he mocked as the woman moaned from her pleasure, "Tell me are you a mother?"

"Stopp!" she begged but Luoyang began to thrust into her womb where she flinched in horror "Please gentle!" she begged and Luoyang understood.

"You're pregnant?" he asked as he slowed down and she nodded "Why should I care for kids not my own?!" he trusted violently again making her moan and scream.

After a few seconds of harsh thrust, a liquid came from her womb making her and Luoyang wide eyes, one in horror the other in amusement. "Now this is quite a thing isn't it?" he asked.

He continued to slam his cock deep into her cave, and when he was about to pull out her legs wrapped around him.

"Mo'e," she begged "Plz," she asked with no coherence of her own Luoyang laughed and began to slam his groin into her vulva with a renewed passion.

"I must say I very much enjoyed this," he said as her nails scratched his back to no avail "Should I release inside?" he asked curiously.

"OUT!" she begged as she had enough sanity to not get his semen inside of her...

"Too bad!" he mocked as he plunged deep making her release her own orgasm and began to fill her womb with his seed, he pulled out as thick virile seed seeped out from her birth canal as she moaned stupidly.

"You won't raise a bastard in my present will you," Qinghe asked from her carriage "Because I'll kill them."

"Don't bother," he said as he walked to the carriage ignoring the woman he most likely just impregnated "I merely did it to make them obey nothing more."

"BASTARD!" a small child cried out as he came running with a knife but Luoyang just gave him a slap that made his neck turn 360 degrees.

"Now," he said with a smile "Time for business."

POV Change

You might ask, Luoyang, do you feel nothing at raping an innocent woman? Well, I'll say no. I feel nothing by raping her.

And my reason is quite simple, after moving to the big house of the chief, the former husband of that woman, I found a woman raped as well, a Qin woman with a bulging belly and a neutral face.

I found out that many wives of the bandit village were raped into submission and she was merely one of the most recent catches, the head wife of the chief often helped her husband try and tame her.

So no I felt nothing at raping her, is it evil? Yes. Is it cruel? No doubt. Was it necessary? Probably not. So why did I?

Simple... Bandits and raiders deserve no mercy, if I give mercy to my enemies I'm inviting them to stab me in the back, by raping one bandit, I made sure the rest fell in line and revenge was served. But why did I do it?

Well, because she angered me, well not her but her husband did, he said after he killed me he was going to rape my woman and make her feel the pleasure of a real man.

So maybe I was taking my frustrations on her. But hey... My conscience is clear and I feel no guilt.

And besides,, who is going to argue on behalf of a bandit? I know I wouldn't care if heard a bandit woman was raped. Was I a sociopath? I mused with a frown...

Sometimes I wished I could get tested by professionals back on earth, I was pretty sure I had some sociopathy since while not Egotistocal I felt no attachments to those I didn't call mine, to the point of absolute cruelty.

I frowned again, why do I feel I'm trying to justify my actions... Ohh well...

I didn't feel anything by raping that woman I really didn't.View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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Questionable Questing

Gusfes, arg3nt replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Uncommon Wealth (Fallout 4)


Due to awareness about the metaphysical, the Nexus Severalty took every rumor seriously. It often led to dead ends, but the few pay-offs were significant enough to justify the thorough procedures.

Even if the results of the investigation was something completely unrelated to the metanatural.

Hearing stories of a 'haunted' region, where children were abducted every few years or so, and where even raiders warily tread through, immediately stood out like a sore thumb. Fortunately, eyebot scans of the region quickly found a very mundane source of it all, and some simple forensics and tracking confirmed that the regional threat was anything but eldritch.

Chase could appreciate that. After the hell she'd been through, an underground raider base was a very welcome threat to deal with. The new commander of the Nexus 5th Company had the honor of taking charge of the operation, with only robotic elements to assist. After the mopping up of the Capital Wasteland, this was supposed to be another proving ground to further blood and temper the company.

The updates from the eyebots ensured that the infiltrating squads would not be caught by surprise, and teleport beacons set and reset at frequent intervals would ensure that the company's reserves would deploy where they were needed in a pinch.

They had expected raiders, super mutants, and maybe even ghouls. But instead, first encounter with the enemy introduced Chase and her soldiers to misshapen giants, over-muscled bodies hunched over or curled up with facial features that'd make even a super mutant look dashing in comparison.

The brutes were immediately hostile, charging at the scouts with gurgling war cries. Thankfully, they seemed no more resilient than super mutants, and were put down without issue. If anything, they whimpered submissively after the company's first show of firepower, and were easily herded and cuffed instead of requiring the standard shattering of limbs.

Not so the few women who were found among the oversized thugs.

That was completely unexpected. The women were obviously the leaders of the pack, being better armed and armored, and all six of them wore haughty superiority like a second skin.

Well, until the scouts utterly humiliated them in melee and wrenched their limbs out, anyway. Then they were mewling pathetically like any other raider.

The prisoners were quickly dragged back for a quick interrogation, where the brutes proved to be barely intelligent, let alone intelligible, but the female raiders quick caved in to standard questioning.

Hearing about captured breeders gave Chase flashbacks about her time with the Children of Atom. Sure, the cleansing rituals drained off the nightmares and the trauma, but the sterile memories were still there, and hearing such barbarity being repeated stoked wrath in the survivor of the Rape of Acadia.

"Deploy everyone," Chase ordered immediately after finishing off with the interrogation and sending an update back to Caladan. "Form a cordon, make sure nobody escapes."

A quick battleplan was formed, and 5th Company began to close in on their target. A huge wave of muscled, twisted brutes surged out, with nothing but rusted metal plates for armor and improvised heavy melee weapons. Knowing what little she did about Vault 93, Chase pitied the mutants, but ordered them processed nonetheless.

5th Company encountered no other resistance as they came across a primitive, sprawling shanty town by the foot of a hill. It stank worse than any wasteland settlement Chase had encountered so far, filled with the concentrated stench of rust, blood, and shit. Then they found a section walled off with rusted metal, and inside they found the prisoners, all women, all shackled and chained, some pregnant, some not.

Commander Chase amended the battle plans after witnessing that. The robots would only aid in securing the immediate area outside of Vault 93. Only 5th Company would take part in besieging the cavern, with its commander leading from the front. She wanted as many of the people responsible to herself.

Instead of a slow climb up, the entirety of the company engaged their armor's integrated jump packs and shot up towards the lone entrance to the supposed citadel of the Queendom of Vault 93. The soldiers obeyed without hesitation their synth commander's order to switch to blades only. Most shared her fury and were keen to take part in a very bloody, very ruthless Nexus processing.

The vanguard descended into the hole in the hill and immediately broke into a charge the moment their armored boots hit the ground. Laser and bullet fire did not slow them, and neither did the oversized clubs and the meaty mass of wretched giants. Commander Chase was at the forefront of the assault, severing muscular limbs and tossing aside the brutes in her way.

Even through her cold rage, she knew that these pathetic things were not her true prey, only chaff and fodder that the so-called rulers of Vault 93 hid behind. A clatter of grenades were flung at the vanguard, heedless of the brutes that swamped the soldiers. The explosions and shrapnel only served to lighten the press of bodies, and show just how callous the armored defenders of Vault 93 were.

"Don't stop! To their leaders!" Chase yelled in her comms and through her helmet's speakers, pointing her crystal blade at the vault's barricaded entrance. "Peace through power!"

She finally made it past the scrum of deformed brutes, and then met a mob of tattered, normal, sickly humans that crowded the rest of the way to the vault proper. The women were armed with clubs and wooden sticks barely deserving to be called spears. They were obviously terrified of her, but their weapons remained raised.

Chase snarled and focused back to the main objective, the armored figures taking indiscriminate potshots at her and 5th Company.

With no brutes to potentially bar her path, the commander engaged her jump packs again and shot like a missile towards the entrance. The looks of surprise and fear on these women's faces made Chase grin, and the grin grew as they tried and failed to riddle her with bullets.

Several power armored forms stomped up to the commander, their Rippers buzzing as they swung and thrust, but Chase's Tiberium blade easily cut through both weapons and wielders with ease. She did not enjoy their screams, but their fear? Their realization that the tables had turned?

Oh, Chase enjoyed that very much.

She cut her way through several more power armors before the sounds of boots behind her signaled the arrival of her troopers. Upon seeing this, the remaining defenders of Vault 93 finally dropped their weapons and raised their hands.

"We surrender!" a woman wailed. "Please, we beg you, we surrender!"

The company commander finally paused to take stock of the situation. These women, bleeding or not, were weeping in terror. They looked so frail underneath their armor. A few with exposed hands had thin, fragile fingers that were carefully manicured.

She compared that to the prisoners she had seen outside, to the weak stick-wielding women just outside the vault door.

"Process them," Chase spat. The women screamed as she and the soldiers of 5th Company stalked towards them with blades raised.

With the leadership literally disarmed…and dis-legged, Chase only needed to show off the screaming 'queen' to the rest of the surviving defenders in the cavern to get them to meekly drop their weapons. She left the processing of the prisoners to Blake, her second-in-command, and sent an update to Sev. No doubt the ruler of the Nexus would be interested in such a foul discovery.

"That's…disturbing," he commented after Chase's debriefing outside the cavern. "No males?"

The commander shook her head. "Found a few, but they weren't in armor or given guns like those in the vault. Dressed a bit better than the others, but that's about it."

Sev's face scrunched up into a deeper frown on her screen. "Well… No, not the time for a gender equality joke." His eyes seemed to pierce right into hers. "How are you holding up, commander?"

Chase shook her head again. "I'm…fine, sir."

"You sure?"

"Positive," she answered with a decisive nod.

Sev stared at her for a second longer before sighing with what she thought was relief, though the smile caught her off guard. "You did good here, Commander Chase. I take it you wish to see through the whole wrapping up operation?"

"Yes, sir." The thought of all those prisoners wallowing in dirt like that… She could do more for them.

"You have it. As usual, you have the Nexus' resources at your disposal. Medical teams are already ready to teleport and fly over."

Chase snapped a sharp salute. "Thank you, sir."

Sev nodded in reply, and then he appeared to rest his chin on his interlaced fingers. "The leadership you captured… Once the healing arches are set up, can you get me a thorough report on how Vault 93 operates?"

She couldn't hide her grin even if she wanted to. "With pleasure sir."


"The recordings of the interrogations are available for reference," Sev said casually after everyone was suitably appalled from reading through the reports about Vault 93.

Nora was tempted to scratch at the disgust crawling under her skin. A facade of a kingdom - or 'queendom' as they called themselves - operating with a caste system that determined the status of the children you're forced to birth out. And most of the males were pumped so full of chemicals and hormones from the start that they became misshapen monsters.

No, they weren't monsters. The ruling 'court', the self-declared 'nobles' of the vault were the monsters. The brutes were as much victims as the kidnapped people forced to become broodmares.

"There's accounts of the…'toy' caste males being nothing more than just that: Convenient dicks to use and share. As far as we know, their mental capacity is barely developed enough to properly consider sexual encounters…"

Nora sighed. "Hence female rapists?"

"Hence female rapists," Sev echoed with a nod.

That most in the toy caste seemed barely old enough to be considered adults, and coupled with their stunted mental states…

"How do you wish to proceed with them?" Nora asked, already knowing the answer.

"No exceptions to be made," Sev declared, earning stern nods and agreements throughout the meeting room. "Blacksite Tleilax, with all that entails."

And 'all that entails' meant they'd lose all basic rights down in that despicable hole. But still, Nora couldn't really find a solid reason to argue against that. Not after the atrocities Vault 93 had committed.

"What about the peasant caste?" she asked with a heavy sigh.

"We'll see if deprogramming and rehab takes with them, same as the toy males. If yes, we put them through the usual channels for probation. If no…"

"Euthanize?" Curie of all people asked.

"I guess we'll see when the time comes," Sev decided with a shrug. "As for the…'brutes'..."

Nora held her breath, hoping that she wouldn't have to argue against a genocide. The Nexus' ruler turned to Dr Li, who quickly took up a frown.

"Any chance we can undo the damage done to them?"

The head of the Nexus Occuld Department took a moment to think before answering. "Gene-repairing is still being worked on… But even then, we could try bolstering the emitters with a few rituals to alter the metaphysics of healing."

"Worth a shot, I guess."

The meeting was finally concluded shortly after that, and Nora found herself plagued over the next few nights with nightmares of grotesque women hovering around her as a monstrous parody of a man violated her. It was bad enough that she had to see an occultist to have her first dream-purge.

When rumors of a few of the Vault 93 'nobility' might be used for breeding experiments, Nora actually took a full hour to decide whether to arrange another meeting with Sev. Ultimately, she decided that the rumor was only that, a rumor, and until substantial evidence could be found, she'd leave it at that.

Or maybe it'd be easier to forget that she ever heard such things?View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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