
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Silver W. King replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Too Badass For This NTR World's Plot (Inside An Adult Game As A Former Hero/FGO Reincarnation)


Mars was an orphan with a dream to one day be a knight.

It was the type of dream many peasant children would speak about, but never actually manage to achieve. While yes, the military will take in any talented warrior if they notice them. The key is, the need to have something worthy of being noticed. There is no placement test for Knighthood for commoners, only those of nobility. You need to be given a letter of recommendation to even apply.

People would either try and be an Adventurer to gain accolades and fame, and thus succeed to be recruited. Or more likely they die on some random quest. Or they quit as the lifestyle proved too dangerous, and take on a more safe job, like a craftsman or farmer. Very rarely does someone get noticed for their combat talent early on, to be accepted into the Knighthood without trying at being an Adventurer first.

Mars didn't expect to be that lucky. He's not sure about how talented he was either. All he knew was that he was going to swing his wooden sword everyday till he got somewhere. He would train what meager sword skills he had everyday, along with any advice he could manage to pull from Adventurers passing by.

So that's what Mars did. Training day in, day out.

That was his life for a few years now, until the last thing he could ever imagine broke the monotony.

A pair of Adventurers--at least that's his first impression--stayed into the inn next to the area he trained at the edge of town, along with their servants, or subordinates. They looked like nobles. That wasn't unusual.

What was, were the names they addressed themselves by.

Cloud and Frillite.

'Cloud' isn't an uncommon name. If someone said their name is 'Cloud', your first thought wouldn't be that they're Prona's Hero, but someone with a similar name. Not only that, but the Hero of Prona...didn't used to have the best reputation. Now with his accomplishment that the Kingdom couldn't wait to spread far and wide, he was more respected, but people still felt ambivalent if that news was genuine or not.

Could someone change so fast, after a poor showing for three years. Yet, he was one of the Four Heroes, shouldn't that be expected.

The two opinions went back and forth in most people's minds. Ultimately, most people that new of the Pronaian Hero, were unsure, but felt positive toward him. That maybe, hopefully, he would continue his successful streak and rise his fame and glory ever more, as the Hero representing Prona.

The other Adventurer, the one name 'Frillite', well...

If a woman, an Adventurer, with a warrior's pose strength and gait, and a noble lady's beauty and grace were to introduce herself as that, you wouldn't think it's someone with a similar name to the Hero of the Empire. You'd be immediately think you're talking to the real deal. Even if you felt skeptical, you wouldn't say so.

Mars almost didn't want to believe it, because...what are the odds that two Heroes would pass by his small nameless town, and stay in the inn at the town's edge, thus near where he trained.

Also because...

Now what? Was the thought that immediately came to Mars' mind after his elation at seeing the two Heroes. He wanted to go up to them right away, ask them if they could train him for a day, or just give him some pointers, maybe even advice, just something.

Yet he was just some orphan. How can he walk up to the Heroes and ask for anything?

...Maybe the Hero Cloud? He was a commoner as well, right? So that makes him approachable.

But the Hero Cloud was busy with his servant training his other party member. Mars wasn't sure which stories on why he dissolved his former party members were true, although they were a source of gossip and speculation.

The only thing Mars could do was watch the Hero Cloud training and teaching the Healer party member, while he trained his sword skills himself. He did catch some advice sometimes from his eavesdropping. They didn't seem offended at his presence. Or maybe they just didn't care?

This continued for a few days, then suddenly the two Heroes talked about sparring among themselves. They said they'd head out from the town so as not to make a commotion.

So Mars followed them.

Not in a creepy way, just out of sight so as not to bother them. It was good that they didn't take Hero Cloud's wyvern, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to follow.

Hero Cloud has a wyvern!? Mars was surprised by that, as it really was at odds with how the Hero was first seen. That's really, really cool!

Although Mars didn't expect the two Heroes and their party members to walk so far away from town.

And it was completely justified once they reach a large empty grassland region. Mars saw the magic barrier form once Hero Cloud shot four arrows away. He didn't stay near the Healer and Rogue, as it was too far away to see the fight, and he didn't want to be found by them.

He hide on the closest hill he could find, and waited.

The fight started...

And it was awesome.

The two Heroes started out just testing each other, delivering fast and heavy strikes, that Mars felt as if the echo and feel of those strikes happening next to him.

A sword lock happened, the two Heroes exchanged some banter, then they actually started fighting. What was happening before was them just testing the waters?


The next clash of sword send a pressurized force outward that it knocked down the faraway trees. More and more as the Heroes met one another's attacks, the ground would crack, or even the hills nearby would shatter. Like the hill Mars was hiding on, watching from.

Mars let out a squeal, buried in the noise of the swords clashes, as he jumped away from his hiding spot. He ran around from place to place, trying to find a safe hiding spot, while still being able to watch the fight. He managed to find a large luckily, unscathed tree and climbed it, sitting on one of it's branches.

Is...Is this what high level Sword Masters are like? Mars watched in awe.

Then the Heroes started to use magic, and Mars was blown away by the thought that sword and magic, the two disciplines could be united in such a way. Sure, he knew that both uses mana for the higher level feats, but to use mana for higher Sword Skills, and for casting spells, was not something he ever thought was possible, or that he would get to see.

After all, if both were easy to use, then why would people specialize in one or the other?

Heroes are just something else. Mars thought in admiration and envy.

Hero Cloud would then use Earth Spells to make more weapons to fight with, while Hero Frillite would just overcome any trick the Hero of Prona used, just through sheer power and speed.

The problem for Mars was, the two Heroes were moving so fast, that if he blinked it felt like he would miss a dozen exchanges. He could only see the beginning and the end of the attacks, or the formation and effect of magic spells. Yet slowly he was able to follow a bit more of what they're doing.

"Devastation Slash!"

"Sword Beam!"

And suddenly the world was on fire.

Two magic charged blades clashed and the grassland place, turned into one that looked like one near a volcanic area. The ground was cracked and scorched, heat reaching even where Mars was hiding. He kept hearing explosions and other magic spells cast, while the clash of blades continued.

"Hot, hot, hot, hot!" Mars hissed as the ground under him felt too heated, that he ran around before climbing to higher ground. Grass was incinerated, while tree leaves nearby dried and caught on fire.

Mars found a good far away enough place to watch, only to see the two Heroes pause for a moment. He strained his ears as much as he could, wondering what they're saying.

"That seemed almost childish." Hero Frillite said, rubbing her cheek once, while moving her jaw a bit. Then a golden light of divine energy ran through her body for a moment.

"What? Never been in a street fight before?" Hero Cloud said back with a smirk. "By the way, you also know Holy Spells? You're a Healer too?"

"I fight alone, so of course I know healing spells. And yes, Holy Spells too. And yes, I've been in a brawl before." She said taking a fighting stance again. The Hero Cloud never let his guard down. "I just tend to find those type of opponents too weak to matter." She said with a smile, which the other Hero mirrored back.

The two Heroes dashed at each other again, this time there was something more vicious and brutal about their attacks. Frillite made another one of her heavy diagonal slashes, filled with so much power in her swing, and dense mana in the blade, that the blade burn the air as it moved, and sent shockwaves in its swing.

Cloud did...something that had Mars blinking a few times, trying to see if he saw it right. Hero Cloud launched multiple Aura Slashed in a single moment, while his sword moved behind those crescent energy waves, so both moves hit Frillite's sword in tandem. Cloud did succeed in deflecting Frillite's great sword aside, but it looked like he hit her blade ten times in the same instance, to force it to change trajectory.

However this was only a plot by Frillite, as all it did was allow her to move in close, and elbow Cloud in the face. Yet Cloud, with blood spill from his nose, and a bloody toothy grin, moved with the momentum, to flip backward, and cause Frillite to move back to dodge a somersault kick, before move into swinging an crescent wave from an Aura Slash.

Only to be meant by Frillite dashing in, stabbing her great sword forward with seeming dozens of thrusts, like it was light weight rapier, with the Triple Blade Stab Sword Skill taken to an extreme, and turned into a Ten Blades Thrust. Mars didn't even think those types of Sword Skills were real.

Cloud met the blaze of thrust, having his sword coated in dense winds as he tried to divert Frillite's powerful, heavy blade with equal speed. The two sword multiple clashing sounded like rocks being grinding and shattering.

The two Heroes continued their clash with swords, magic and now punches and kicks. Mars sympathetically paled when Frillite tried to knee Cloud in the groin, only for the Pronaian Hero to thankfully moved aside, as he moved to counter her, and the battle dance continued.

Mars then noticed that the longer the fight went on, the less flashy attacks the two Heroes used.

Bit by bit, the dirty fighting receded, then the magic spells, and now it was only pure swordsmanship. He felt his eyes glued to the fight even more, as he began to take in both combatants fighting styles.

Frillite's attack were fast, yes, but it seemed like they were overly charged with mana and it was like she put all her strength into each swing. This was something Mars was told commonly from Adventurers not to do, as it would cause him to overextend, or overcommit to an attack, which would leave him vulnerable. Yet Hero Frillite seemed to have perfect control in her arms, that she could stop or redirect her swing as she saw fit.

Cloud was the opposite the more Mars focused on his fighting style. Cloud would launch so many attacks, that he would overwhelm his opponent, rather than focus on one sure strike, even if he can also do so. At times, Cloud's blade seems to move so fast, it was attacking multiple times in each swing. Mars wondered if his eyes were playing tricks on him. Is it a magic sword technique? No, he was sure Cloud's arm moved a lot in an instant, so it was just a dozen swings in an instant. Isn't that crazy though? How could someone be that fast?

Then at some unseen signal, the two Heroes separated. Their faces drenched with sweat, their armors scratched, light wounds littering their bodies, as they assessed each other.

They each took a battle stance once more, with smiles of respect, except this time the spar it felt grave.

A golden aura covered Frillite, divine energy engulfing her. It looked like she had some secret move she wanted to bring out, but held back. Her stance is odd, Mars thought. She held the sword above her head, her feet weren't far apart, and her body looked oddly relaxed, sans for her eyes. Her weigh was more focused on the ball of her back foot.

Mana surged through and around Cloud. He held his blade to the side and back, yet the sword only had mana for durability. He also held something back. The weight was focused on the front foot, with the back one ready for him to jump at any time.

Their breath also seem different, as if they were synchronizing their movement with their breathing.

Was that something swordsman are suppose to do? Mars looked on in focus, moving further along the branch he was sitting on, as if he could be closer to the fight and see better.

"Holy Smiting..."

"Nine Lives..."

The branch broke.


"AAAAAAAAAH!" Mars screamed as he suddenly found himself falling.


The two Heroes paused as they heard the scream and fall. The tension and exciting climax of the spar was undercut. They both sighed, as the released their stances and let their energies recede.

"I guess this is a good place to stop. Shall we go see if your little curiosity was worth anything?" Frillite said.

"Yeah." Cloud said with a pout, as the two headed out.

"Don't look that disappointed." Frillite said with a jovial tone.

"That wasn't an attack I could pull on anyone else." Cloud sighed. "Also, that last move, the sheer energy in it. Were you gonna use a serious Holy Slash?" He asked with an amused look and raised eyebrow.

"Yes." Frillite said bluntly as she nodded.

Cloud laughed back at that.


"I'm really, really sorry Lord and Lady Hero. I didn't mean to bother you, or spy. Not that I was spying, I mean, I'm not spy, I was watching. But not in a creepy way. It's just that, that was so cool! It was amazing." The boy, Mars, kept running his mouth, trying to explain himself, while spouting on how cool the spar was.

"I concur, Lord Cloud! Lady Frillite was amazing, but not only where you able to equal her, but also challenge her at times. And Lady Frillite's sheer power was sending shivers into my bones." Irena said with an equally giddy grin.

"Yes, shivers." Shedia said, as she shuddered, now looking at me with renewed fear, as she realized just how out of her depth she was, when we first met.

"And then that time you made multiple slashes with flying Aura Slashes just to match, Hero Frillite's sword. Even more amazing that Lady Frillite is so strong, you need dozens for slashes just to meet or deflect her sword--" Mars kept geeking out, before I blinked as I caught what he just said.

"Wait, you caught that?" I asked.

"Um, yeah. You'd make multiple slashes that looked like they overlapped, just to meet Hero Frillite's sword when it looked really, really heavy with mana." Mars said timidly at my question.

Frillite and I exchanged looks, as that was more that I anticipated from this kid. I thought he might catch one or two attacks and how they happened. That would have been enough for me to give him some training on the side as an investment.

But managing to actually see the Heracles Style, even if I was using a very weak diminished version of it? Yeah, no, I'm--

"I'm taking this kid." Mars suddenly found himself grabbed and held up from the scruff of his shirt by Frillite, like he was a cat. Mars even looked like a scared cat, overwhelmed by this sudden situation.

"Frillite, what the hell!?" I cried out.

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