





The Latest Game Is Too Amazing Chapter 31.3

Published at 10th of January 2022 08:42:26 PM

Chapter 31.3

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"Please stop, Father! Teacher is a mage from another country. Wouldn't it be bad to arbitrarily lay claim to a mage from another country?"

"Yes, however… Alexia, he is a commoner, is he not? In that case, we should seek prosperity for our house. He may be appointed nobility."

"But…!" Alexia says, at a loss for words. She's so upset that she can't get her thoughts in order, her mind stuck on her father's words. If Chaos was a noble…

"Why are you so desperately… Could it be, have you developed feelings for a commoner?!"

Alexia's white skin suddenly flushes. That alone makes her answer clear.

"I won't allow it! You are the daughter of the Zavarish family. You will not be taken by a man of such dubious origin!"

Those few words leave Alexia shocked, as if she was drenched with cold water. Realizing her romantic interest in Chaos made her lose her composure and she was feeling a bit giddy. Because of this, before joining the line of defense, she unconsciously averted her gaze from the wall of the difference in status between herself and Chaos which should have been incredibly obvious to her.

Love between a noble girl like her and a foreign commoner boy would never bear fruit.

Even though she realized her feelings, nothing about the situation has changed. If anything, it's gotten worse. She has ended up in such an important position that she's being called a saint. Now that it's come to this, her father – no, this country will never allow it. How ironic it is that the days she spent with Chaos learning magic so desperately in order to fulfill her wishes would widen the distance between them even further.

Alexia loses all hope, as if she's been drained of vitality. Chaos should have been her moral support, but now he's become a faraway existence.


Unconsciously, she reaches for the staff by the side of the bed. The same staff as Chaos's. Her keepsake. Since she no longer has his support, she wants to feel his presence at her side, even if only a little bit.

However, from another's perspective, Alexia's actions look different. A mage holding a staff can only mean that they intend to use magic.

"What are you doing, Alexia?!"

Before Alexia's hand can reach it, her father snatches the staff away from her. Not once has Alexia taken her eyes off of it.

"I won't let you use teleportation magic to escape! This accursed thing…! I'll show you what I'll do to it!"

"Father, stop!" Alexia frantically reaches out for it, having guessed what her father intends to do, but she doesn't make it in time. The sound of wood snapping echoes through the room. The broken remains of the staff slowly fall to the floor.

"You've become indispensable to this country! Cool your head a bit, Alexia!" Count Zavarish says, leaving the room in indignation. The only one left is just a single girl.

"Ah, aaaaahh…!" the girl wails in solitude.

The lovebird has lost her mate and has been locked inside a cage.

I still can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. If anything, now that more time has passed, I've spent even more time thinking about it. When Alexia collapsed, it was just so bloody and vivid. Maybe I'm just biased because of that experience, but I feel like that's way too graphic to say it's just a game.

When I analyzed these suspicions that rose from the depths of my heart, the conclusion I arrived at was kind of absurd: Maybe this isn't a game. Maybe I thought Another World was just a game I was playing, but I was actually just going to a world that's really similar to Another World or something like that. It kind of sounds like the setup for an anime or a game, but after spending a whole day agonizing over it, that explanation makes the most sense to me.

If it's true, then what are the other players doing? Valgears are expensive, but there should be a lot of people logging into the open beta test. If they're playing this game, I'd expect at least a few of them to notice. But when I search online for it, I can't find anything like that. (Apparently, the network problems were fixed.) There certainly are a lot of people freaking out over how realistic it is since it's the first VRMMORPG, but none of them are saying "this is reality" except the advertisements. And even when there are, none if it is very credible, like occult stuff or made-up stories if anything.

Which would mean that the other players are all playing around in a game world and I'm the only one going to another world. Though, I don't need to go as far as going to another world to be a solitary player. But why am I the only one who can go to another world even though there's no particular reason for it? I don't have any skills that are unique enough to say that I'm special, and I've never had anything amazing happen to me like reincarnating or having someone summon me to another world or being sucked into a hole to another world. In that case, I can't think of anything at all that could have caused it. It also bothers me that I can use my game character's abilities as is.

In any case, I'll put speculation into the cause of why I can go to another world on hold. And it's still not certain that I really am going to another world. But how can I prove that I went to another world? I can't log in right now since the beta test is over, so I can't investigate inside the game. And there's only so much I can investigate.

Oh yeah, what about yesterday's network problems? The way MMORPGs work is that you have to access a server to be able to play the game. That would mean that even if I'm the only one going to another world through the Valgear, I wouldn't be accessing the same server as the other players. The other players should be able to play the game without any difficulties. Of course, it's possible that it was just that the internet connection at my house was bad, but it's one thing I can use to judge the situation, at least.

I waste no time in going to the official site for Another World. On the official site's main page, there's information posted on events and announcements regarding Another World. If the network problems were on their end, it should definitely be publicly announced. And in the announcements section, there is an entry added last night which says "Technical Difficulties: Report on Server Issues".

"Technical Difficulties: Report on Server Issues.

Thank you for your continued patronage of Another World. Below are the issues which occurred starting from around 10 p.m. on July 1X, 20XX.


At around 10 p.m. on July 1X, 20XX, the following issues occurred:

Unable to log into Another World. Disconnected while playing Another World, game closed.


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Temporary server malfunction.


Urgent server inspection by maintenance.

We deeply apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused for our users. We will strive to continue improving our service so that this does not occur during the official release.

-Another World admin team"

…Oh, so the network problems were on the servers' end? I probably wasn't able to connect to the servers because of the server malfunction. Even on the Another World forums, all of the most active threads are about the server malfunction just before the end of the open beta test, expressing concerns about whether there will be problems after the official release.

In other words, the fact that I was having network problems due to the server malfunction means that I was connecting to the same server as the other players. Does that mean that thinking it was another world was just a mistake? …Yeah, no matter how you look at it, that's way too absurd. Aagh, this is such a weird misunderstanding that it's embarrassing! But thanks to that, I was able to get it off my chest!

…But the horror of seeing a friend dying before my eyes was real. My data will be deleted when the official release starts, but I have to get stronger so that nothing like that happens again.


Deleting character data… Finished.

The open beta test phase has ended.

In the Weichsel Empire, there was a very devout, kind girl named Alexia. Alexia was praying at the church just as she always did when she heard a voice from the heavens. Alexia realized that this was the voice of a god.

"Hear me, Alexia. In a few days, a monster horde of unprecedented size will attack this land and bring ruin."

Alexia trembled in fear.

"Fear not, Alexia. You must not give in. I shall bestow you with power," the god said, and Alexia was surrounded by light and granted the power of the gods. "Listen well, Alexia. This is a trial that a god bestows upon a human. You must join forces with everyone to overcome this trial. You must never forget this."

One day, just as foretold, a horde of monsters attacked Brandenburg. As the people were overcome with despair, Alexia rose up.

"My beloved people. If the monsters intend to harm what is precious to you, I will stand against them. However, I cannot do it with my power alone. Everyone, please lend me your strength."

Moved by Alexia's words, they fell to their knees. Then, the people united to face the monsters.

The battle was incredibly fierce. Using the power of the gods, Alexia fought as hard as she could, but they were outnumbered. One by one, the people fell. Alexia's heart pained, and she prayed to the heavens.

"O gods, why did you bestow this trial upon me? Is it necessary for my people to be harmed any further? I do not mind if harm befalls me, but I beg you, please do not harm my people any further."

Then, a barrage of lightning poured down from the sky as if to pierce the heavens. The barrage of lightning fell all throughout the surrounding land and wiped out all of the monsters. The gods heard Alexia's wish.

And so, peace returned to Brandenburg.

Chapter end









The Latest Game Is Too Amazing Chapter 32.1

Published at 17th of January 2022 07:40:49 PM

Chapter 32.1

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After the end-of-term ceremony, we've finally made it to summer break. It's depressing to think about the pile of homework I've been given, but I'm glad I'll have more time to play Another World. After all, it's not like I have any plans for summer vacation. Haha… Feels kind of empty.

The official release of Another World also starts just in time for summer breaks everywhere. As far as I can tell from game info sites, it's not that different from the open beta. The only change is probably that paid items are now available. I'll take a look at the official site and see what kind of items we can buy, since there's still time until the official release.

But as I'm looking at the game info site, I see an article that catches my eye. It says that an MMO that I used to play has shut down. There's no official explanation given for why it shut down, but the article says that the cause may be a drastic decrease in players due the persistent lack of new features and events and, most importantly, the rise of VRMMORPGs as the next generation of online games.

Huh, so that game shut down. I haven't played it lately since I've been playing nothing but Another World, but I can't help but feel a tinge of sadness now that it's gone. Memories of the first day I logged in and defeated a monster suddenly flash in my mind.

Though, MMOs aren't a charity. It costs money to maintain servers, and the labor costs for game admins are also nothing to sneeze at. If they can't expect to make a profit, they have to shut the game down. In fact, around one to two hundred MMOs are launched every year, but in contrast, almost a hundred MMOs are forced to shut down every year, and that number is gradually increasing. Few MMOs have been around for more than a decade.

Still, from the users' perspective, it's probably dissatisfying for the characters they created and the items they collected to be deleted after they invested so much time and effort into them. However, most MMOs' terms of service clearly state that the admins aren't responsible for any losses incurred by the user as a result of terminating their service. And since you have to accept the terms of service when you create an account for the game, there are no problems with the game company terminating their service and deleting user data according to those terms.

When it comes to the demise of MMOs like this, Another World is no exception. Now, it's making a spectacular debut as the world's first VRMMORPG, but in 10 or 20 years, there will be other MMOs with better features, so they can't keep their advantage of being the world's first VRMMO forever. Someday, Another World will also meet its end.

Although, judging by the current popularity of Another World, that day won't come anytime soon. Since the company was an affiliate of the developers of Valgear from the start, no other VRMMOs have been announced since, so I'm sure Another World will stay in service for a while longer to promote the sale of Valgears.

Alright, it's almost time for the official release. To purchase paid items, you use WebMoney or a credit card to purchase points on the official site and then use those points to buy the items. Obviously, I don't have a credit card, so I use WebMoney to buy 2000 yen worth of points (one yen = one point), but I hope that's enough.

Now, I'll go see what kind of items are up for sale. There's a lot of different types of paid items. They're cheaper than I expected, too. Each item is about 100 to 200 yen. The Book of Blessings, the item I used in the open beta which doubles experience points, is being sold in a set of five plus one free extra. That's some strong business sense. They also sell items that reset stat points or skill points, but I don't need those at this point. They even have recovery items? Apparently, it's a recovery item that has no disadvantages during emergency use. It seems like it'd be useful for stuff like PVP. I don't need it right now, but I might buy some in the future.

Plus, there's even a revival item called the Doll of Sacrifice. When you or another player are dead, you can use it to revive and fully recover HP. (Apparently, to use it for yourself, you set it to activate automatically.) Before, when a player died, you could only revive them with a Healer's revival skill. Although, there's a limit to how many of these you can have at one time, and since it's a paid item, it's not something you can just freely use whenever. Even so, the ability to revive yourself would be useful in an emergency.

And among the many items available for purchase, what interests me the most… is the gacha. Gacha is a system where you receive items randomly. Basically, if you invest a little money into a draw, you'll randomly win a rare item. By the way, in Another World, one draw costs 200 points. In other words, you can win a rare item for 200 yen.

Some people may wonder if you can even get any decent items from a gacha like this. In the past, multiplayer phone games had a system called "complete gacha" where you had to complete a set of items before you got a rare item, and apparently it was a nasty business where you had to invest hundreds of thousands a month to collect them all. But it was a problem for a while, so now it's regulated so that you're sure to win a rare item so there are no duds, and the estimated maximum amount of money it takes to obtain all the rare items is specified in detail. That said, since there are rare items with high and low rarities, the items that are easy to obtain will naturally become the duds, so it would take a lot of money to collect all of them.

But this gacha… There certainly seem to be some pretty good items in this. The paid mount items are especially valuable. According to the item descriptions, a lot of the mounts in the gacha are faster than the ones sold in-game, and there are even dragons with fancier decorations than the dragons from the dragon flight I rode on before and carriages that multiple people can ride in. And apparently, these are gachonly items that you can't get anywhere else. And the five draw set is on sale to celebrate the official release. Dang it, this gacha is really effective on the mind of a player. …I guess I'll do what the admins expect me to!

Soon, I only have one draw left and not a single rare item (though I did get a Book of Blessings and Doll of Sacrifice). Let me at least get a rare on my last one! With this silent plea, I press the button on the screen for the Another World gacha, and it plays an animation of a capsule machine's lever turning. Normally, the capsule just rolls out and displays its contents, but this time, the animation is a bit different. When the lever turns, the background of the capsule machine glows in rainbow colors. Woah, maybe this is a special animation for drawing rare items?! It looks pretty promising. And the item I won is… a carriage! With this, we can move together as a party. Since I'm recruiting party members, this might be the best item for me. My dream is to one day give a lot of friends a ride in this carriage…

I bought a great item, so I guess I'll start the game. I pick up the Valgear and take a deep breath. Yup, it's all good. After finishing setup, I select Clermont, the capital of the Allied Commune, as my starting point. I wonder if I'll be able to meet Alexia and Irene.

I arrive at the portal of my starting point, Clermont. The portals are always on the edge of town, but even so, it's too quiet. Clermont should be the capital of Commune, but it's way quieter than the other capitals, Mouct and Stolbrussen. The houses have their doors and windows closed, so I can't even look inside. Hrmm, is this normal in Commune? There are no people in the city, there's no life to it. It's bothering me, but for now, I guess I'll head to the Adventurer's Guild.

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The doors to the Adventurer's Guild are locked. What the heck is going on here? Are they closed today…? Nah, there's no way. They've never been closed before. Which would mean that something out of the ordinary has occurred. But I can't see any other players, which would make it impossible to meet up with Irene and Alexia. I wonder when's the next time I'll see them. …I hope I can see them again.

I leave and start walking around the city, but it looks like a ghost town, almost like all the people suddenly disappeared. I can't tell if it's a bug where none of the NPCs are spawning outside or if it's some sort of event. An event on this scale would be unthinkable for a normal MMORPG, but there was another city-wide event recently.

I consider deleting the character I'm using right now and creating a new one, but since I bought items and the data doesn't transfer, I can't just carelessly delete it like that. I guess there's nothing else to do but go somewhere there might be people, like the neighboring town. At worst, I'll have to go all the way to the Castal Kingdom or the Weichsel Empire. Alright, I guess I'll try out the carriage! Selecting the carriage icon, I take the carriage out of my inventory. The phrase "take the carriage out" is pretty weird when you think about it.

A space nearby breaks like glass, and out of a black hole appears a two-horse box seat carriage. The two horses aren't as big as the dragons I saw before, but they're one or two sizes bigger than normal horses, their bodies and manes are completely jet black, and they have eight legs altogether. They clearly aren't normal horses. The harnesses are decorated, and their bits might be made of gold, because the horses' jet black bodies are sparkling. The large, four-wheeled carriage is an incredibly plain black, and the lamps are lit with blue flame. Although it's a box carriage, there's also a roof above the coachman's seat. The two horses stop in front of me and neigh, and the hole that split open closes back up like it's playing in reverse. Woah, that's really cool!

Anxiously, I approach a horse and try stroking him, but he doesn't seem to dislike it, and he's looking at me with his round eyes. He's more gentle than he looks. In that case, it seems like he'll listen to what I tell him.

And now, let's head out! I board the carriage, grab the reins, and snap them like I've seen on TV to order the horses to move.

By the way… I wonder how many people in modern-day Japan enjoy horseback riding. I bet most people would only have experience riding a slow, docile pony for about ten minutes at most. In fact, I haven't ridden a horse since I was in elementary school. Even fewer people would have experience driving a carriage. At least, I've never done it before.

So, what am I trying to say, you ask? The horse starts running, accelerating as quickly as a car. I clutch the reins, desperate not to let them go. My hair is blown by a surge of wind. Our course is decided by the horses' whims. The runaway super express carriage is complete.

They race towards the city gates. I spot a soldier-looking guy in front of the city gate, but to be honest, that's the least of my concerns right now. Although the gate isn't closed, there's a barricade in front of me. Normally, I'd want to make a U-turn right about now, but it's not like this runaway carriage is going to follow my orders, and it shows no sign of stopping. I cling to the thin reins. I close my eyes in fear, and in that moment, there's the sound of a violent collision as a floating feeling runs through my whole body. It doesn't hurt, but I never thought I'd experience the feeling of falling on a roller coaster in a carriage of all things. It doesn't seem like I ran the soldier over, but I am not liking this carriage.

Anyway, it looks like I made it out of Clermont, but… Horsey, hey horsey, where the heck are you guys going?

Chapter end









The Latest Game Is Too Amazing Chapter 32.2

Published at 28th of June 2022 05:44:58 AM

Chapter 32.2

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Chapter 32.2 - Paid Items (Part 2)

The Allied Commune. Located to the west of the Castal Kingdom and to the east of the Weichsel Empire, it has less territory than the great nations to its east and west. However, it makes use of its location between these two great nations to its advantage for its active commerce, prospering as a trade nation.

Before the Allied Commune was established, it was originally divided into three countries. At the time, the Castal Kingdom and the Weichsel Empire were at war to expand into safe territory with few monsters. And so, the three countries, threatened by the two to their east and west, formed an alliance. However, to strengthen their alliance against the two countries which had expanded their territories and become considerably powerful, they united into a single sovereign nation. This is how the Allied Commune came to be.

The Allied Commune arranged for the new royal family to inherit the blood of each of the old royal families, with the old royal families supporting the new one as dukedoms. Broadly speaking, the Allied Commune is divided into the center region which is under the direct control of the royal family, the northeast governed by Duke Numour, the northwest governed by Duke Mayenne, and the south governed by Duke Chartelle.

And Clermont, the capital of the Allied Commune where the royal family lives, is currently in an unprecedented state of high alert as declared by the king. As if they are under a wartime military occupation, residents are strictly forbidden to go outside except to receive their rations in the early morning. And if a resident goes outside without authorization, they will be severely punished. Just about the only ones who can roam the city freely right now are the occasional soldiers on patrol. 

During a situation like this, a man and a woman are on the move, concealed in shadows. One is an old man, the other is a woman under 20 years of age. Both are wearing clothes that are filthy even for commoners, looking more like thieves than anything else. While taking notice of their surroundings, they enter a house near the city walls. Dust has accumulated in the house, as if nobody has lived there for many years, but the two show no concern as they push on the wall near the cabinet. Then, the floor rumbles as it slowly slides until it reveals a staircase leading underground. The two hurry down the stairs. After passing through a long, straight passageway, they finally make it to the door leading outside. The old man opens it and, just as he's about to set foot outside, he stops.

"I will buy you some time, so please escape before me. This passageway can only be closed from the inside."

"Don't say such foolish things! Even if you stay behind, our pursuers will soon come after us! There's no point if you…"

"I won't have it. Commune is in crisis. Now that things have gotten to this point, we must inform those on the outside as soon as possible. I have to buy even a little bit more time. They pose a threat to the nation. The average person won't stand a chance against them. Therefore, please turn to Duke Chartelle for assistance."

The woman continues her attempt to persuade him, but the old man flatly refuses. There is no hesitation in his eyes. Understanding that he can't be persuaded, the woman weakly hangs her head.

"…I swear that I will pay them back for your sacrifice. …Forgive me," she says, and with tears in her eyes, she runs off with her hair pulled back in the breeze. Watching her from behind, the old man closes the door.

"Oh, have you finished your tearful goodbyes?" says an out-of-place voice from behind the old man the moment the door closes. Startled, the man turns around. As if amused by this, the voice's owner starts giggling.

"You scoundrel, what's so funny?!"

"What, that's your retort? Whatever, I'll tell you. Did you really think I wouldn't notice this at all? You guys were obvious about it from the start. Hiding so sneakily, like stray rats. It was laughable, seeing you hiding so desperately without knowing that you were already found out. With what you're wearing right now, you really do look like a filthy rat. Want to look in the mirror later? And the moment I call out to this filthy rat, this is how you react, like you just got caught by the cat. Oh, it's so funny!" the girl, the owner of the voice, calmly answers while brushing off the fiery– no, murderous look in the old man's eyes. Even though their ages look far enough apart that they could be grandfather and granddaughter, there's a bloodthirsty aura in the air. However, the old man is intimidated.

After the girl came to Commune, the country began to go crazy. When the girl was brought there by a noble in charge of a certain territory in the north, the old man thought that she was the daughter of some noble at first. However, nobody in the royal court noticed that this was only camouflage. 

Then, without a single person noticing, the country was invaded. Anyone who noticed was changed by her. It wasn't their appearance that changed. It was the atmosphere about them that changed. Military men and bureaucrats alike who were known to be men of integrity began to look at people as if they were garbage. By the time they began to take notice of the phenomenon, most humans had that look in their eyes. Those eyes made the old man's blood run cold, and that's when he knew. If nothing was done, this country would surely perish.

This girl in front of the old man isn't the least bit adorable as her appearance would suggest. She is no doubt something inhuman, something repulsive. And there's no way for the old man to know what that something is.

"Damn. You accursed witch, beguiling this country!" the old man says, taking the knife hidden in his pocket and pointing it at the girl. He lunges at her vulnerable, unguarded body, and for an instant, his vision goes dark. The old man doesn't understand what just happened to him. However, from the aches in his body and the sharp pain surging in his arm, he figures out what happened. He was tossed onto the ground, and his arm was bent in the wrong direction. The moment he figures everything out, the old man screams as loud as he can.

"Oh dear, my sincerest apologies. I don't enjoy abusing old men, but, well, that was legitimate self-defense, probably," the girl says, grinning as she apologizes to the old man while he writhes in pain.

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The girl's movements from earlier weren't caused by magic. They were caused purely by her physical abilities. By moving at speeds faster than the old man can perceive, she twisted his arm with her strength alone. 'Monster,' the old man curses as he faints from the pain.

"Oh, right. There was one thing you were mistaken about, so I'll tell you a little something. You called cute little Carmilla a witch, but I'm not. I'm actually… Oh my, you already fainted? How boring," the girl says as she nudges the collapsed old man with her foot, her expression turning dull as if she was a baby who lost interest in a toy that stopped moving. However, as if she's collected herself, the smile returns to her face. "Now, I'll have to send someone after that girl. I'll be quite busy."

She runs. Having made it outside the city walls of Clermont, she heads straight for the Duchy of Chartelle to the south, running straight through the woods. In order to escape her pursuers, she travels where there is no path. She wouldn't be going through such hardship if she had a horse, but since they snuck out in a hurry so that they wouldn't be found out, she isn't that well prepared. Not to mention that since the gates are closed and packed with soldiers, it's hard enough to make it out of the city walls as it is. There's no telling how many people are involved in the Commune conspiracy, so even ordinary soldiers can't be trusted. She couldn't have even made it out without using the secret passageway.

That's why she's running as fast as her feet will carry her. There are also towns and villages on the way to the Duchy of Chartelle. 'And there, I must buy a horse and make it to the duchy as quickly as possible,' she thinks, with nothing else on her mind.

However, as if trampling these thoughts, she hears a loud noise from far away. She guesses that it is most likely her pursuer. The old man may have fallen into their hands as well. Tears of regret run down her cheeks. But she isn't allowed time to mourn. From what she can hear, there are several horses. Without turning around, she contemplates her situation. 'What should I do?' she thinks in indecision. Should she stop and hide somewhere? But can she avoid detection from that many horses? With hesitation, she crawls into a bush and hides. Either way, they'd catch her for sure at that speed. In that case, she decides that any hiding place would be better than none.

The pursuing horses are apparently very fast, since she's sure she heard them from far away, but they soon sound close by. She's certain that she's not mistaken.

However, her judgment was wrong. If they were normal horses, they probably would have already passed her by. But who could have possibly predicted that her pursuer was a carriage pulled by two giant horses? Moreover, they're knocking down trees as they go, as calmly as if nothing happened. Yes, even the trees can't stop their advance. And even if there was a woman hiding in the bushes in their path, it would pose no obstacle to them.

The horses, which are more than double the size of normal horses, run towards her at a speed unmatched by the average fast horse. She doesn't even have any time to dodge. As the sight of the heavily-breathing horses' forelegs fills her vision, she foresees her death.

But they were never a threat to her. As if in fear of the bushes, the carriage turns so abruptly that it almost looks like a right angle. The horses also stop suddenly. Knowing that she is free from danger, the exhaustion comes flooding in, and before she knows it, she topples backwards.

Then, she observes the carriage intently. What catches her eye are the two giant horses… Or rather, beasts that look like horses. She's never heard of a horse with eight legs. They're most likely a type of monster. Considering that, their wild running earlier makes sense. However, their ferocity from before has disappeared, and now they're as well-behaved as trained war horses. How in the world could the owner of these horses have made these monsters so docile?

The next thing she notices is the carriage's ornamentation. It's simple, but more expensive than anything a commoner could manage, with decorations made of gold. However, it's all in black and looks a bit too plain for nobles to ride. It's so imposing that she can't even imagine what sort of person would own this carriage. The blue flames also give it a sense of unreality; if anything, it would feel realistic if she was told that this was the carriage that Death uses to take the living.

As she is thinking such absurd thoughts, a man steps down from the carriage. The carriage is so extravagant that she can't imagine that he's her pursuer, but his identity is unknown. She automatically reaches for her dagger. In contrast with her dirty clothes, her dagger is beautifully decorated.

However, her hand stops when she sees the man who steps down from the carriage, who looks nothing like she imagined the owner of this carriage to look like. He doesn't feel high class like a noble, the impression he gives is far from that of unyielding strength. He's just a poor-looking black-haired boy who looks so pale that it seems as if he could collapse any moment now.

Chapter end









The Latest Game Is Too Amazing Chapter 33.1

Published at 28th of June 2022 05:44:57 AM

Chapter 33.1

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Chapter 33.1 - Pursuer (Part 1)

I… I feel like I'm gonna hurl… While my eyes are spinning, I somehow manage to step down from the carriage. I feel so sick that I hang my head and fall to my knees. I was still fine right after I made it out of the city walls. The carriage must have some sort of suspension to keep the shaking under control, since there was hardly any shaking while it was moving.

The problem was after I made it through the city gate. No matter what I did, I couldn't change course on the runaway carriage, so it went through the forest that was in my path. There was only an animal trail inside the forest, not a maintained road, but even if there was one, I couldn't change course. So naturally, problems arose when there were trees in my path. What happened, you ask? Well, it's very simple. The horses ran at full speed, knocking down all the trees. Just how powerful is this carriage, anyway?

Although it didn't break, even this carriage can't suppress the impact caused by the trees being knocked down. Riding in that carriage was like being inside a blender, so I had no choice but to surrender and be at its mercy. When I had gone deep into the forest, I pulled at the reins with all my strength and finally managed to stop the carriage.

Man, that was awful. It feels like my stomach is trying to empty itself.

Actually, is it even possible to vomit in this world? I doubt they would go that far, but we can already eat and drink, and they made this game to be so realistic that it might actually be possible, which is a problem. But since the sensation of being sick to my stomach is coming from my real body, wouldn't it affect the real world? In that case, what's going on with my body in the real world? Maybe I'll feel so sick that I'll puke in my sleep… Please don't let me wake up and find myself covered in puke.

"Hey, hang in there! Are you okay?" I hear a young woman ask. Apparently, there was someone nearby.

Lifting my head seems like a pain, so I stay like that and answer, "I'm fine, I just feel sick to my stomach."

"Just sick to your stomach? That's good."

When I look up, there's a beautiful girl with long, dark brown hair. She looks about the same age as me. Irene was also beautiful, but she had a cool, dignified, very serious aura. But this girl is a different kind of beautiful, with a bright, lively aura. Her clothes are plain, but it seems like it's not the right size for her, since it's pretty tight. Especially in the chest… I think they need to update the equipment.

"So, who the heck are you? What are you doing here?"

"My name is Chaos. When I arrived in Clermont, it looked like there was something weird going on there, so I gave up and tried going to the neighboring town. But then I lost control of the carriage and before I knew it, I was in the middle of a forest."

"Ah, I see. Clermont is on high alert right now. Residents are forbidden from going outside."

Oh, so that's why there weren't any people around. Looks like there's some sort of event going on after all. That's annoying, but if that's the reason, then there's nothing we can do about it. She's probably also traveling because she thought she wouldn't make any progress in Clermont.

"Then, are you also planning on going to the neighboring town?"

"…Y- yeah. Pretty much. For now, I'm planning on heading south to Treve."

"So, does that mean you're going on foot?"

"I was planning to buy a horse on the way, but… Until I make it to Treve, yeah."

South, huh? As far as I can tell from the map, Treve is kind of far. It reminds me of when I was traveling to Maeldia during the closed beta test. For a whole week, every time I logged in, I was running all by myself. From an outsider's perspective, it would probably look like I lost a bet or something. This isn't quite that big of a distance, but walking would take a lot of time. Without paid items, you normally wouldn't have a mount or anything like that right at the start. Unfortunately, there's a weird event happening in Commune. I feel kinda bad for her.

Oh, yeah. I could invite her to ride in my carriage. Maybe I'm just being nosey, but I feel like we met for a reason. If I'm lucky, I might go from being a solitary player again to making a friend.

"If you want, you could ride in this carriage. It'd be kinda tough to walk all the way to Treve."

"…In that?" she says, looking at the carriage as if she's looking at something shady. I can understand why. Since she just saw it running out of control, it's only natural that it would make her nervous. After all, it even makes me nervous.

Without knowing their master's feelings, the two horses look at me with somewhat of a look of accomplishment (though that's just my own perception of it). They remind me of loyal dogs waiting to be praised. I guess I'll give them a pat.

"Have they calmed down? Those horses are surprisingly docile," she says, but they were also like that when they ran wild earlier. But it's useless as a mount if it goes out of control that easily, so maybe I messed up the steering somehow. But this is a game, so I doubt steering it would be difficult. Maybe I'll figure it out by riding it? Or maybe I should log out for a minute and look up how to steer it.

"Can we make it to Treve (safely)?" I mumble unconsciously. Then, the two horses nod. …Maybe if I tell them the destination, they'll take me there? The horses stare back without giving me an answer. …I– I'm putting my trust in you!

"Chaos, could I take you up on your kind offer and ride with you? I'd like to make it to Treve as quickly as possible."

"Alright. Then, it looks like we'll be traveling together. Um, what's your name?"

"Oh, I'm Ro…"


"Ro… sa. I'm Rosa!" Rosa shouts so hard it hurts my ears. I could hear her just fine without the shouting, though.

That aside, there's a risk of monster encounters when moving outside. Even if we're using a mount, that doesn't mean we won't be attacked by monsters. In other words, we may engage in combat. If I invite her to my party, that should decrease the risk a little bit.

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"Nice to meet you, Miss Rosa. We'll be traveling by carriage, but we might have to fight on the way. Would you join my party and fight with me?"

"Yeah, I don't mind. You're the one who's giving me a ride. And you don't need to call me 'miss'. I don't really like being shown so much respect," she says, agreeing without hesitation. I immediately invite her into my party.

Roseline du Commune has been added to the party.

Woohoo! I got a new party member!

But the name she gave me is different from her actual character name.

Roseline du Commune.

Normally, it would be Roseline. Maybe Rosa is a common nickname overseas? But having Commune as her surname, she really set her sights on it. It's almost like she's Commune royalty. Like she's secretly the princess or something. Yeah, right.


A pathetic and unreliable foreign boy. This was the princess of the Allied Commune, Roseline du Commune's first impression of Chaos.

It's only natural that she would have this impression. She saw him weak with motion sickness after losing control of the carriage, so this was the obvious result. Since he was too much of an idiot to be her pursuer, it helped her relax her guard.

However, Roseline hasn't completely lowered her guard around Chaos. Even if he isn't her pursuer, she doesn't know what kind of person he is. Therefore, she has absolutely no intention to be honest with him and reveal her identity.

The purpose of Roseline's current outfit was to disguise herself as a commoner in order to deceive those around her when she was escaping from the palace. She had to play the role of a commoner out of necessity. Although, since she has been known as a tomboy from a young age and teased by those around her for not being princess-like, she doesn't have to try very hard to act like a commoner.

Contrary to her expectations, Chaos was staring at her chest, which left her shocked. She felt ridiculous for being cautious of such a man. As her wariness dwindled, her opinion of him fell tremendously to compensate.

However, this wasn't the first or even the second time a man had stared at her chest like this. She often feels men's gazes when she appears before them in high society. Because of this, Roseline always wears dresses that conceal her chest and feel stifling. This may be the reason why she became incredibly sensitive to those kinds of gazes.

But compared to those disrespectful gazes, Chaos's felt much less lewd, so she didn't mention it. Though if he had been blatantly lewd, she would have slapped him on the spot.

Although he wasn't her pursuer, he was suspicious, so Roseline tried asking him who he was. It seemed that he was a traveler who came to Clermont. Apparently, he had sensed from outside the city walls that there was something strange happening inside the city, so he was on his way to the neighboring town. It's true that, since the residents are forbidden from going outside, the city is too quiet even from outside the walls, and there's a barricade at the city gate, so he would notice that something was out of the ordinary even from outside. To someone who doesn't want to get dragged into troublesome things like that, turning around is the obvious choice.

Then, when Roseline was thinking of asking Chaos why he came to Clermont, Chaos asked Roseline if she was on her way to the neighboring town. Roseline decided that being considered suspicious because she's the only one asking questions would also be bad. However, she was hesitant to answer honestly and tell a guy who she still couldn't completely trust that her destination was Charante, where Duke Chartelle resides. However, thinking that there was no need to lie, she only told him that she was heading to Treve, which was closest. Upon hearing this, Chaos invited her to ride in his carriage. It was fortunate that she would be able to ride in a carriage during this race against time where pursuers could be on their way.

However, the problem was that there was a possibility that this would put Chaos in danger. Normally, putting someone in danger without them knowing would weigh on her conscience. But just this once, in this emergency situation, she suppressed her conscience. Since she was the princess, there were things she had to do, even if she would be denounced as unjust.

Another problem was that carriage he was riding – or, to be precise, the horses pulling it. The large, horse-like beasts with eight legs. There was also the fact that they had been running out of control, but no matter how strong-willed Roseline was, even she was hesitant to ride in a carriage pulled by strange, unknown monsters.

Perhaps Chaos sensed Roseline's feelings, because he gently stroked the two horse-like beasts and showed her that there was no need to be scared. The horse-like beasts were docile, with no sign of the violent temperament she'd expect of monsters. Moreover, when Chaos told the horse-like beasts where to go, they nodded as if they understood. He showed her proof that they were intelligent enough to understand human language. If Chaos was doing this much for her after inviting her simply out of good will, Roseline had no choice but to say yes.

"Anyway, this carriage is fast!" Roseline excitedly tells Chaos as she grabs the reins. Chaos isn't saying anything, but maybe he's feeling better, since he's looking less pale. She was worried that her pursuers might catch up with her, but now she's relieved that she might have a safe journey to Treve.

Chapter end









The Latest Game Is Too Amazing Chapter 33.2

Published at 28th of June 2022 05:44:56 AM

Chapter 33.2

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Roseline considered revealing her identity, but Chaos is so cautious that he turned around as soon as he sensed that something troublesome was happening in Clermont. He would probably toss her out and run away. She felt guilty about it, but the nation is in crisis right now. She decided not to reveal her identity and assumed the alias of Rosa. Therefore, Chaos surely hasn't yet realized that Roseline is the princess of this country.

If he knew that he was making the royal princess act as a coachman, what kind of expression would he make? Remembering Chaos's pale face from earlier, Roseline makes a mean smile.

By the way, as to why she is acting as the coachman, everything was fine until she boarded the carriage, but then Chaos admitted that he had no experience handling a carriage until now. As she looked at him with the realization that he and his inexperience may have been the cause of the carriage running out of control, she began to regret her decision a bit, thinking it may have been a mistake.

Because of this, Roseline volunteered to be the coachman. As she enjoys exercise more than dressing up in the palace, she has experience horseback riding. Therefore, she concluded that it would be better for her to do it herself than leave it to Chaos, who is an amateur.

This turned out to be the correct decision. Currently, the two horses are sprinting through the forest according to her wishes. At the palace, she was never able to ride as she liked, since she could lose her life if she fell from the horse the wrong way. Being able to drive a carriage without restraint is a new experience for her.

These horse-like beasts are faster than the war horses that the knights of the palace ride, and they're tough enough that they show no sign of exhaustion. The carriage itself is also comfortable to ride in. She hasn't been riding in it for very long, but Roseline has already lost her aversion to the monsters and begun to like this carriage.

"How did you get a carriage this good?"

"From gacha. I just happened to get it by chance."

"Gacha? Is there a place like that?"

Chaos nods. Apparently, Gacha is the name of a location. She isn't very well-informed about these things since she lives in the palace, so the name doesn't ring a bell. But if they produce horses and carriages this good, then she definitely wants to order some for the palace.

But the palace is already… A shadow is cast on Roseline's heart. Her parents have already fallen into their hands. She remembers the distant, cold gaze they directed at their own daughter as they passed her by. Since then, she's stopped thinking of her parents as family. At this point, more than half of the palace has already been changed into entirely different people by a mysterious group. At this rate, there's a chance that Roseline may also fall into their hands. Fearing this, the few that still retained their sanity felt that she alone, as the legitimate heir, must live on, and through their efforts, she was able to escape from the palace and head to Charante.

Duke Chartelle is her uncle. She has met several times before, and he is someone she can put her trust in. Around her, he was always a funny, nice old man, but her father, who she looked up to, described him as a sincere yet cunning person. With this unknown group as her enemy, the existence of Duke Chartelle is reassuring to her. No matter what it takes, she must inform him of the palace's crisis, mobilize the duke's army, and eliminate the group that threatens the palace.

Even if that means defeating her own parents, the king and queen.

Chaos, who was sitting quietly, suddenly turns to the back of the carriage. Roseline, who was lost in her thoughts, is brought back to reality. At some point, they made it out of the forest, far enough that the ravine will soon be within sight. Once they cross the bridge over the ravine, they'll reach Treve. She wouldn't have made it this far in one day on foot. It just goes to show how abnormally fast this carriage is.

"What's wrong, Chaos?"

Chaos's gaze is still fixed on the rear. Since there's a glass window at the back of the box seat carriage, they have a good view of the rear. Roseline follows suit and looks behind her. However, there's nothing that looks out of the ordinary. All she can see is the cloud of dust being kicked up by the racing carriage. Roseline can't figure out what Chaos is staring at.

"Rosa, speed the carriage up more."

'Even though we're going this fast, he wants to speed up?' Roseline thinks questioningly, but Chaos looks serious, so she says nothing and pulls the reins to have the horses run faster. She's astonished to see such a pathetic man make an expression like that.

Even with the carriage sped up, Chaos's expression remains stern, and he continues staring at the rear. Once again, Roseline looks to the back. This time, she's able to clearly see what's so unusual. In addition to the dust cloud being kicked up by this carriage, there's another cloud of dust approaching from behind.

"That's absurd! They're catching up to this carriage?!" she shouts in disbelief.

There was a possibility that someone would pursue. However, there are no war horses in the palace that are this fast, so she never anticipated that they would come after her at even higher speeds.

In a way, her prediction was incorrect. Let's assume that this is a pursuer. The carriage certainly is fast compared to normal ones, but they're crossing a forest with low visibility, not a paved road. Since she started driving the carriage, she's been doing her best to avoid obstacles as they go. But even if they were tracking her all the way from Clermont, there was a decent chance they would catch up to her. And above all else, the speed of the carriage doesn't necessarily give them an absolute advantage depending on the situation.

The thing chasing after the carriage is becoming visible through the cloud of dust. It's not a horse. It's a lizard-like reptilian monster which is bipedal with a green body as large as a horse. And the monster isn't all there is. She can also see a man in armor riding on the monster's back. Roseline doesn't recognize him, but she does recognize the armor he's wearing.

'There's no doubt about it! That's our soldiers' armor!'

He's clearly a pursuer who's after Roseline. She did expect soldiers to come after her if they sent pursuers, but she never expected them to be riding monsters.

Although bipedal monsters are slower than carriages when running in a straight line, they're agile with good maneuverability, so they can take the shortest path to the carriage. In contrast, since they're on a winding path with many obstacles such as boulders, they can't make full use of the carriage's maximum speed. The carriage is sturdy enough that they could just cut through, but either way, when you compare a bipedal monster that can move with ease and a carriage that's likely to be slowed down by obstacles, the results are clear as day.

She looks at Chaos, who's been dragged into her problems. Chaos leans off the side of the carriage, takes a staff out from somewhere, and readies it.

'Chaos is a mage?' As soon as she realizes this, purple lightning surges from the end of Chaos's staff towards their pursuer. However, the soldier riding the bipedal monster isn't the least bit bothered by this, bending forward and swiftly veering to the side of the road to evade it.

At this rate, he'll catch up to them. As if her internal panic is seeping out, Roseline's face breaks out into sweat. Conversely, her throat feels dry.

'I dragged Chaos into it…' Even though she suppressed her conscience to make that decision, now that the time has come, her chest tightens with the feeling of guilt that should have been suppressed. Looking at Chaos right now fills her with an all-consuming dread. But since it was her who dragged him into it even though he had nothing to do with it, the responsibility for possibly leading him to his death is a sin she must bear. Roseline steels her resolve and looks at Chaos.

Chaos is still leaning off the side, looking backwards and forwards repeatedly. Ahead of them is the stone bridge. Roseline thinks he's calculating the timing for something. But in the next moment, Roseline freezes. She doesn't know what Chaos is thinking, but he fires a spell forward. Roseline wants to shout and ask him if he's lost his mind, but Chaos opens his mouth before she gets the chance.

"Rosa, keep going!"

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The man she thought of as unreliable is diligently giving instructions. He probably has some sort of plan. Struck by this realization, Roseline diligently steers the horses.

The bridge that Chaos is attacking is only just barely wide enough for a two-horse carriage to pass through. In other words, the bipedal monster can't overtake the carriage. The spell has left cracks on the stones of the bridge.

"Now! Stomp through!" Chaos shouts the instant the horses pass the cracked stones. The eight-legged horses take those legs and smash the stones. There is a strange noise as it begins to shake. Roseline finally understands what's happening.

'Is Chaos trying to break the bridge?!'

The carriage clears the bridge, and Chaos fires another spell at the collapsing bridge for good measure, destroying it completely. The bipedal monster and its rider, being very close behind, have no way to evade this. Caught up in the collapse, they fall to the bottom of the ravine. Nobody can pursue them now.

Even though he was riding a monster and chasing after her, it breaks her heart to see one of her country's soldiers lose his life, so Roseline instinctively averts her gaze.

"It's alright. That's a vampire, not a human," Chaos says to her.

"A… vampire…?"

A soldier of her own country is a monster? 'If what Chaos said is true, then this country is…' A terrible premonition crosses Roseline's mind.


As I looked at the map to monitor our surroundings, a monster attacked us on our way to Treve. It was a dinosaur-type, a deinonychus. And there was even a humanoid vampire riding it. It made me want to shout, "Is this even a thing?!"

In most RPGs, the monsters get stronger the farther you are from a town. The same is true for Another World. In other words, the deinonychus and the vampire were both over level 20. Rosa and I, who hadn't leveled up since logging in, were both level 1. If we fought them, we wouldn't be able to beat them. To be exact, it was an unwinnable fight.

The situation reminded me of a chase scene from an action movie, but to be frank, actually being chased by a drooling dinosaur is bad for my heart. If I was alone, it would have gotten ugly, but now I had Rosa. I doubt it was very pleasant for her either. She looked really nervous. I had to give it my all! I am a guy, after all, so I wanted to show off just a little.

At this rate, they would catch up with us and it would be game over. Even when I attacked, they evaded. After staring at the map and thinking as hard as I could, I came up with an idea.

Alright, I'll break the bridge up ahead and make them fall.

…No, wait. Other players are supposed to be playing this game, so destroying the bridge would cause problems. But I couldn't think of any other way.

I glanced at Rosa. Her eyes were downcast and she was trembling. …She was pretty scared, huh.

Alright, I'm doing it. I estimated the distance to the bridge. It would be tough with only a low-power Mana Bolt. But if the horses' legs were strong enough to knock down trees, they should be able to break it.

The bottom of the bridge was an arch shape, so I used Mana Bolt to crack the part where the bridge was thinnest to mark it, and the moment we passed by it, I gave the horses an order. The horses acted according to my will and kicked through the bridge. Then, the bridge made a noise and started to collapse. 'Take this!' I thought as I used Mana Bolt to destroy the bridge.

As the bridge suddenly collapsed, the monsters fell. A few seconds after they sank to the bottom of the ravine, I leveled up. …Huh, this counts as defeating them? Should it really work that way? Come to think of it, the Archer's Rank 2 class does have a trap skill. I guess this is treated the same way…? W- well, since I leveled up, I guess it's all good.

I looked at Rosa to see what she thought. She was averting her gaze as if she was disturbed by this chain of events. Well, vampires do look human, so watching one fall to the bottom of a ravine would be pretty traumatic.

Uhh, that's just a monster. It really is, honest.

Chapter end









The Latest Game Is Too Amazing Chapter 34.1

Published at 28th of June 2022 05:44:56 AM

Chapter 34.1

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Chaos and Roseline arrive in Treve after dusk. Unlike Clermont and its state of high alert, Treve is peaceful, and as Roseline watches the tranquil scenery from inside the carriage, she breathes a sigh of relief. Apparently, the vampire's influence hasn't reached the neighboring towns yet. And it doesn't look like their pursuers made it here before them.

Reassured, Roseline thinks about what to do next. Her opponents have seized control of Clermont's upper echelon. There's a high chance that the surrounding lords have also fallen into their hands, and more importantly, they don't have enough military strength to retake the palace, so she can't rely on them. Of course, this can also be said of the three dukes, including Duke Chartelle, but if the three dukes have also fallen into the enemy's hands, then there's not a single person in the country who she can turn to. There's only a limited number of nobles who have enough military strength to retake Clermont.

Her original plan was to buy a horse at Treve and then head for Charante. But there's another mode of transportation that can make it to Charante faster.

"Is something wrong?"

"No, it's nothing. Sorry, Chaos, but can we make a detour?"

"I don't mind, but where do you want to go?"

"The airport."

The mode of transportation known as dragon flight. She purposefully excluded it from her plans, but the dragon flights might also be in service. With this in mind, she hurries to the airport.

The airport takes up a lot of space for the giant dragons to land. The dragons' wing flaps and their cries make a lot of noise, so they're usually located on the edge of town, and Treve is no exception. Unlike Clermont, the airport has few customers, so since it's only a pit stop, there are no dragon stables. Sure enough, just as Roseline expected, there are no dragons in sight.

"The dragon flights aren't in service?"

"Yeah, the last stop of the flight is Clermont, so if there are no dragons flying in from Clermont, there's nothing we can do. Dragons hardly ever come to Treve in the first place, but there are no dragons flying from Clermont even to more distant locations. And there's that rumor that guys who go to Clermont don't come back. What the heck happened in Clermont?" the airport employee replies, grumbling about how he can't make a living like this.

Clermont is the first and last stop of dragon flights, so it's the origin of all routes throughout Commune. If they're stopped due to being on high alert, then they can't operate. Roseline expected this, but she's a bit disappointed. She could get there in a few hours with a dragon flight, but on horseback, it would take a week at the earliest even if everything goes smoothly. And since there's the concern of her pursuers interfering, if she's unlucky, it'll probably take even more time. It's incredibly inconvenient for her, since she needs to meet with Duke Chartelle as soon as possible.

However, if she has Chaos's carriage, that's a different story. If she has this carriage which is faster than a war horse, she should make it to Charante more quickly.

"Hey, Chaos. Do you have any plans after this?"

"Nope, none at all. Originally, my plan was to look for someone at the Clermont Adventurer's Guild, but in these circumstances, that's impossible. So I have no idea what I'm gonna do now."

"Then, do you want to go to Charante with me?" she invites Chaos, who wandered off somewhere while she was talking to the airport employee. Her distrust of Chaos hasn't disappeared entirely. But at the very least, he isn't a pursuer from Clermont, so if she has his help, she's sure to be able to shorten her transportation time. And to Roseline, who is anxious about fighting, his strength is reassuring.

"Sure. I don't have anywhere to go, so I'll go with you," Chaos nods after thinking for a bit. Roseline, who was disheartened at the thought of making that difficult journey alone, relaxes a bit. That may be the biggest reason she invited him.

"You will? Then, let's leave as soon as we can!"

"You should probably hold off on that, it's almost night. If you're going to Charante, you'll have to go through mountain roads. It's dangerous to cross a mountain in total darkness. Why don't you stay here for the night instead?" the airport employee, who was watching their exchange, interjects. But Roseline, who wants to hurry to her destination, is prepared to take some risks.

"We were just attacked a little while ago. I'd rather not get ambushed at night."


"If you're in a hurry, can't we just up the pace?" Chaos makes a reasonable argument, not knowing the circumstances or noticing her impatience. Roseline tries to think calmly with a cool head.

No matter how strange that horse-like beast is, a horse is a horse. Even if they can run at monstrous speeds, travel will tire them, so they can't keep running day and night. That means they would have to camp somewhere outdoors. Roseline, who lived in the palace, has never once done anything similar to camping.

"Alright. Then, we leave first thing tomorrow morning. I'll make sure of it!" Roseline reluctantly agrees after weighing the various risks against the carriage's speed and deciding that staying the night would be the better plan.

And so, Chaos and Roseline stay overnight in Treve.

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After arriving at the inn and logging out, I think back on all that happened today.

It's a good thing I met Rosa. Since I couldn't find Alexia and Irene, I thought for sure I'd go back to playing all by myself, so meeting her was a huge help. Anyway, I wonder why she wants to go to Charante. I was planning on going somewhere else since this area is dangerous, so it was convenient for me. Judging by the map, Charante is farther away than Treve. When you're just starting a game, you don't have money and your means of transportation are limited, so it would be quite the distance going on foot. Doing that alone would be way too hard. Well, to be honest, my real motivation is just that I didn't want to part ways with her now and go back to playing all by myself after I was lucky enough to meet her.

Even though this was the official release, Another World was kind of weird today, especially the weird event in Clermont. Why was even the Adventurer's Guild closed? Treve was normal, but this would confuse the newbies who started from the official release. What the heck were the admins thinking?

And then there were those high-level monsters we encountered on the way to Treve. Monsters do tend to get stronger and higher-level the farther you are from Clermont. But I've never heard of monsters that high level appearing on the road south from Clermont. Well I have heard that there are a lot of new monsters added in Clermont, so I can't deny the possibility that the spawn points got updated during the official release, but that's still way too high level.

What are other players saying about this? If there's this much weird stuff happening at a starting location, I'd expect a ton of criticism. With that in mind, I check the Another World forums, and as I expected, the reactions online are out of control. Yikes. Almost everyone is criticizing the admins, and there's no trace of the mostly positive opinion they've maintained until now. …So everyone else saw that weird event after all.

Apparently, it's called "The Evil God's Invasion", and it's a large-scale event to celebrate the official release. It seems like this is the event that the "Something is happening in Commune?!" announcement that was posted near the end of the open beta was talking about. Just as the name implies, the evil god from the Another World setting is having his subordinate monsters rampage in a bunch of places in Commune, and there are even whole towns that have been occupied. The objective for this event is for the players to free those random towns from the monsters' evil clutches. In other words, Clermont is like that because it's been occupied by monsters.

Naturally, this is shocking to me. Seriously, It's way too unreasonable. If we had upgraded our classes and gotten stronger, that'd be one thing, but what do they expect us to do if a bunch of level 1 players right at the start of the game have their starting location taken over by monsters?! Sure, Clermont may be categorized as a town, but at least exclude Clermont from the event!

Also, the event apparently started abruptly, and all the NPCs in the city suddenly disappeared. I probably logged in right after that. It seems like a lot of the players who picked Clermont as their starting location decided to delete their character and start again at a different location. When I logged in, Rosa was the only one I could find, but it looks like there were other players after all.

It probably takes a lot of work to deal with a large-scale event and the official release at the same time, but if they do something like this on the first day, there's nothing they can do to come back from that. The players' reactions will obviously be harsh. No matter how interesting a game is, if the admins handle it poorly, people will leave. But it really is an amazing game, so the last thing I want is for it to have a setback like this.

But anyway, the monsters are taking over towns, huh. We still don't know how strong the monsters are or what the scope of it is, but these are monsters that can take over cities. There are probably a lot of them, and really strong ones. I wouldn't be able to deal with them by myself. Hmm, I guess the only way to clear it would be to form a party– no, a guild.

When I say guild, I don't mean the Adventurer's Guild. Guilds are communities where players team up and form a group. This system may look the same as a party at first glance, but in reality, it's different. You can't share experience points and items gained from battles like in a party, but by being in a guild, you can receive benefits like "guild skills" that affect all players in the guild, and there are also quests that only guilds can attempt. A guild can have over a hundred people. In military terms, parties are squads and guilds are more like companies.

For example, there's that knight group I encountered in the Treant Forest. That group was definitely put together by guild members. To fight a boss monster, you also have to fight the monsters surrounding it. A single party wouldn't have enough people. In the first place, boss monsters themselves are so powerful that it would be difficult for a single party to defeat one. Multiple parties need to work together in an orderly manner, so these fights are usually centered around guilds.

From a solitary player's point of view, it's an impossible dream. Joining a party is hard enough. The reward is that you're given the freed town as a territory. Along with that, you also get a palace and town tax collection authority, a function that allows you to collect money by putting taxes on item sales. In the future, there may be more battles between guilds fighting each other for territory.

In that case, it doesn't seem like the sort of thing an individual can obtain. However, it looks like there are also rewards for players who participate in the battle, so maybe I'll participate sometime.

First, we head to Charante. I hope we get there quickly.

Chapter end

