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What, Failure to Transition!? Volume 2 Chapter 3

Chapter 3 – Confessions of the Princess Knight

"Oh, no, the time. I still have a plane to catch...."

Karin opened her eyes wide as she fully woke up. This was after she and Yoichi had combined their bodies until it was almost dawn.

Right now, the two are slumping against the sofa, both naked and covered in fluids all over their bodies.

Karin wriggled a little, and semen poured out of her still-closed vulva.


"Yeah, tomorrow...or I should say today, I'm going on a business trip again."

"Is that so…."

"Yeah, that's why I came here. To tell you that."

"I see. Wait, you came all the way here just to tell me that?"

"Mou~, can you show some consideration here!?"

(So that's why she came here directly from the office, instead of just calling me.)


"Fufufu. It's okay. Still, I didn't see this one coming."

Karin looked at her own naked body with self-mockery. After all, it was covered in bodily fluids of hers and Yoichi and is now in a sticky state.

"I'm really sorry. I just couldn't stop myself...."

"Like I said, it's okay. If anything, I'm the one who asked for it."

As she said this, Karin slowly stood up.

"But to think you're still in good spirits after 'working out' all night. You've improved, Yoichi. And by that, I mean by a lot."

"Really? I haven't really felt anything."

"Geez, enough of your humble boasting. By the way, where is your shower?"

"It's over here."

Yoichi also stood up from the sofa and guided Karin into the bathroom of his new place. Then, after making sure that she had started to shower, he began to pick up their clothing which were strewn on the floor.

"Wow. They're really oozing out...."

While they ended up being naked altogether, since they had done it many times with their clothes on from the beginning, Yoichi and Karin's clothes were without exception covered in bodily fluids, some of which had started to dry out and become sticky.

Yoichi put them in the [Infinite Storage+], cleaned them up, then took them out. Then, he headed for the bathroom.

"I've cleaned your clothes. I'll leave them here."

"Eh...? Ah, yes."

After placing Karin's clothes in the changing area of the bathroom, Yoichi also went and grabbed a towel, wet it a bit, then wiped his entire body before changing into a jersey.

After a while, Karin came back into the living room, dressed as she was yesterday but with a difference of a towel over her wet head. She looked like she had just finished her shower.

"Hey, about my clothes, they're indeed all cleaned up, but aren't you too quick in washing them? Just how did you do it?"

"Oh, that, huh. Well, let's just say that's just one of the good parts of this place."

"Good parts, huh...."

Karin, now dressed in a suit, stared at Yoichi with suspecting, half-opened eyes.

"Well, you know...it's still early in the morning and it's true that there aren't that many people yet, but you can't just walk home in all that sludge, can you?" If you a re ab le to re ad this mes sage, you ar e readi ng fr om an un aut hor zed aggre ga te s ite. Re ad at my Wor dPre ss at sta bbi ng with a syr inge. h ome. bl og to supp ort me and my t rans ation s.

"...and here I'm planning on borrowing your jersey temporarily. Idiot."

"Ah...my bad. Damn it."

"Fufufu, well, this is not bad either. Thanks."

Seeing Yoichi still being vague at him, Karin couldn't help but express her frustration.

But when she told him that he had lost a perfect chance and how he showed a sad face after that, she couldn't help but make a slight giggle in the end.


"I see. Good luck on your job."


As Karin walked lightly to the door, Yoichi decided to follow suit to see her off.

"Hey, Yoichi?"


Putting on her shoes at the entrance, Karin asks a question with her back to the man.

"Someday, when we have time, talk it to me properly, okay?"


Because of the unexpected question, Yoichi stood dumbfounded for a moment. Meanwhile, Karin used this chance to finish putting on her shoes.

After that, she turned around. She put her face close to Yoichi's who was still unsure of what to say, and lightly put her lips on his.

"Well then, I'll be going now."

"Y-yeah...good luck out there."

"Ehehe...I kinda like it, this greeting...."


However, after her cheerful words, Karin looked down a little sadly and walked out the door without making eye contact with Yoichi.

"...and there she goes."

After seeing Karin off, Yoichi stood in the doorway for a while, dazed and with an indescribably pathetic expression on his face.

Then he scratched his head, still thinking deeply on whether he should disclose his skills and the existence of the otherworld or not....


After seeing Karin off, Yoichi also took a shower, then went and opened the door to his bedroom with a bit of nervousness.

He went a bit relieved when he found out that there was not a trace of that lewd smell anymore, unlike the night before.

Yoichi then checked on the woman he has taken in.

Looking at her face, he could see that the princess knight's sweat had receded to some extent, and her sleeping face is now peaceful.

Reaching under the covers, Yoichi then touched her shoulders and was gladdened when he found that her body temperature is normal and she wasn't sweating anymore.

As for Yoichi's lower body, it has fully calmed down as well, maybe thanks to the fact that he and Karin banged each other to the point of exhaustion yesterday.

But as there's no sign of the princess knight waking up yet, Yoichi first checked her equipment in the [Infinite Storage+].

He found no problems with her armor, but her clothes were already in a miserable state. They have been cruelly torn apart and rendered useless.

(I wonder if this can be fixed with the maintenance function...ooh, it can! Alright!)

The maintenance function of the Infinite Storage+ does not allow for the regeneration of missing parts, but it does allow for the repair of cut, torn, and broken items on a molecular level.

Of course, Yoichi hadn't yet understood this difference of performance.

In this case, it was only a knife cut, so the skill was able to repair it without any problem.

When Yoichi took out the repaired clothes, he found that the torn innerwear and the clasps of the dress had been restored to like it was before.

(I'll leave it where she can see it for now.)

From there, Yoichi took out a camping table and placed it on the side of the bed, placed her armor and clothes on it, and left the bedroom, thinking that if she woke up while he was out of sight, she would feel safer if her belongings were in plain sight.

"Ah. In the end, I'm back to where I started."

When Yoichi returned to the living room, he felt unfocused, not knowing what to do next.

After all, the otherworldly adventure that he had set out on with such gusto had been interrupted after a day and a half, and his plans were all thrown out of the window by the otherworldly people he first met. Th is cha p ter tra nslat ion is ma de pos sib le by st abb ing w ith a syr in ge tra nslati ons. ch eck on ly u p-to-dat e trans lat ions on my Wor dpr ess si te.

"For the time being, let's cook...no, let's clean up first."

Looking at the aftermath of his living room, Yoichi felt weak.

For the time being, he put the sofa, table, carpet, and other items that had become sludgy with translucent mucus into the [Infinite Storage+]. Then, he quickly activated the maintenance function to clean them. While at it, he wiped the floor and walls that got stained with their fluids, then rearranged the furniture again after taking them out one by one.

After that, he finished with a quick breakfast with one of the packed lunches he had bought for the trip.

After filling up his stomach, Yoichi took a short break then went into the room again, only to find out that the 'patient' inside of it had already woken up.

"Good morning. How are you feeling? Is your body okay?"

"Uh,...yeah, I think."

As she said this, the princess knight tried to raise her body, only to cause the beddings to fall together with the bath towels draped on her chest, also exposing her bountiful and ripe chest in Yoichi's full view.

Yoichi was only able to see these beautiful mounds in a horizontal position the entire time, so when he saw them stood vertical, it was only to his surprise that it was much bigger and perkier than he had imagined.

"...I still can't seem to move my limbs, though."

Yoichi checked her status using his [Appraisal+] and immediately determined the issue.

With the effect of the [Full-Body Restraint] expired, the princess knight can now move her body, from her head till her torso, but she couldn't still move her limbs due to the [Quadriplegia] still there.

Thankfully, the evaluation also showed that the effects of the [Mana Seal] and [Aphrodisia] had also worn off. However, it would still take about 20 hours for the [Quadriplegia] to start weakening its effects.

"Ah. S-sorry. Also, for yesterday…."

Seeing her chest exposed in her carelessness, the princess knight apologized in embarrassment.

"Eh? Ah, yeah. I'm sorry as well."

Yoichi, too, apologized for seeing the view, then took out a new bath towel and wrapped it around her chest while also picking up the one that had fallen off on the bed.

"T-thank you for taking care of me. H-how could I ever repay you?"

"There's no need. Just think of it as something decided by fate, I guess?"

"Fate, huh..."

The princess knight looked down in apology but quickly raised her head again and looked at Yoichi with a dignified expression, a complete change from the sultry one she had yesterday.

"Pardon me. I haven't yet introduced myself, have I? I'm Alana. I'm an adventurer."


"I'm Yoichi. I'm a commoner."

Since it is common in otherworldly stories that only noblemen have last names, and with the other party not giving hers in her introduction even though she looked like they suit the bill of those rich people, Yoichi followed suit and omitted giving his last name as well.

"Yoichi...so Mister Yoichi, huh. Hmm."

Alana nodded a few times upon hearing Yoichi's name as if engraving it in her mind. Then after a bit, she started looking around the bedroom.

"...You seem to live in a very nice place for a commoner."

"Well, about that...let's just leave the explanation for later."

"Mm. Ah, my armor."

It was then when Alana finally noticed the silver and white armor on the desk near the bed.

"Wow, even my dress…."

"Yeah. I fixed it up for you. Do you want to wear it?"

"You fixed it? As far as I can remember, it's been ripped beyond repair."

"Let's just say it's one of the skills I have."

The moment he mentioned that, the princess knight's gaze became a little sharper.

"Skills, huh...then, is [Transfer] one of your skills as well?"

"Well, sort of. How did you know?"

"One minute I was in the woods, the next I was indoors. No matter how dazed I am, of course, I'll be able to notice that."

"So, you're still conscious that time, huh."

"Yes...so, who are you really, Mister Yoichi?"

"We can deal with that later. I think you should rest first until your Quadriplegia heals."

"...Yeah. You're right. *growl*."



It was then when Alana's stomach cried out loud.


The princess knight slumped in embarrassment.

"Right. You must be hungry now."

"Uhm, Mr. Yoichi...can I first...have some of that nice drink from yesterday?"

"Ah, that one? Here you go."

Yoichi took out a sports drink from the [Infinite Storage+] in front of Alana.

"You can use [Storage] too, Mr. Yoichi?"

"Somehow, yeah," he twisted the cap plastic bottle and gave it to Alana, where she then drank the 500mL of sports drink in one go. If you a re ab le to r ead t his me ssag e, you ar e re ad ing fr om an unau thor ized agg regat e sit e. Re ad at my Word Pr ess at stabb ing wit h a syrin ge. ho me. bl og to sup port me a d my tran sla tions.

"Nhaa... this, it's good. What kind of drink is this?"

"That? It's a sports drink."

"Supo-tsu durinku...hmmm, I've never heard anything like this before."

"Ah, I almost forgot. Here you go."

Yoichi also took out a pouch of Jell-O drink, opened the lid, and made her drink a mouthful.

Alana gulped down the jelly drink as she was prompted.

"...mm, this is good too. I never thought you can also crush the jelly into bits to make it easier to drink. This is interesting."

(Oh, so there's jelly in that other world as well. Well, agar and gelatin have been around for a long time, so it's no wonder.)

"Uhm...Mister Yoichi ... I'm very sorry to tell you this, but...I need a towel...."

Alana turned her gaze at her own crotch.

"Ah, okay."

To this, Yoichi immediately caught up on what the other meant and flipped the comforter until it exposed what's underneath.

Alana couldn't look straight in embarrassment, but Yoichi pretended not to notice and proceeded to replace the now soggy and wet towels on the bed.

First, he placed the entire bundle of wet towels in the [Infinite Storage+]. Since the towels were attached to Alana's body, it was treated as her equipment in the system.  Because of this, Yoichi was unable to 'loot' them on the spot and has to rely on touching each of them to store them properly.

About the same time as he looted them, Yoichi commanded the skill to immediately replace the wet towels with the dry ones he stored beforehand. With this, Yoichi was able to save himself the trouble of lifting Alana's waist again.

(Pretty skillful, even if I say so myself.)

Then, it came to him.

(Wait. If it's like this, then I don't have to flip the covers, right? I could just stick my hand in…)

For once, Yoichi felt like an idiot for doing such a roundabout way.

Then again, he also couldn't help but look at the princess knight's crotch once again.

The crack of the secret part that caught his field of vision was fully open, and the linings inside it were peeking out as they twitched.

Of course, Yoichi also pretended not to notice this, also the fact that the towel he just changed was filled with some of her pee and wiped off the rest of her body with another dry towel.

After getting comfortable with the sports drink and jelly drink, Alana slumped down on the bed again.


Perhaps it was because of so much embarrassment, she muttered words no more and also stopped looking at Yoichi, and the question of whether or not to wear the restored clothes had already been forgotten by both of them.

"Mr. Yoichi?"

After a while, Alana, who had been gazing into the void, suddenly opened her mouth.


"Who took care of me last night?"

"That's...let's just say she's a woman I know very well."

"How well do you know her? Are you in a romantic relationship with her, by any chance?"


The princess knight's gaze, which had been vague just a moment ago, was now firmly fixed on Yoichi.

"No, it's... It's kind of...."

"Your voices...I could hear them here...."


Yoichi has indeed observed that Karin yesterday was in a wilder state than usual, and the volume of her moans were louder than before. He suspected that it was maybe due to the effects brought by the aphrodisiacs, but he didn't expect that her moans could be heard from the other side as well.

Now that he thought of it, the only parts of the wall that he was told to be soundproof was the one that shares the partitions with his neighbors, and those partitions within the insides of his unit were totally not insulated at all.

Since Alana's consciousness had returned albeit intermittently, it was obvious that she would hear the voices and sounds being made in the living room from her spot.

"At first, I thought it might have been a dream brought upon by the aphrodisiac, but with the way she wiped me down last night, I was able to tell it was all real."

"I see... I'm sorry about that."

"No, I don't mean to blame you. In fact, I should be thanking you."

Alana looked away after saying those lines; her face gradually growing redder.

Her breathing was also getting more and more ragged.

To this, Yoichi began to worry that her conditions are worsening again, but to his surprise, Alana's gaze refocused on Yoichi once more.

This time, the princess knight looked as if she had made up her mind, and she opened her mouth soon after.

"By the way, speaking of gratitude...."


"Do you find the likes of me...unattractive?"

"Come again?"

Far from being unattractive, in Yoichi's perspective, Alana possessed a face and body that was already enough to lose his reason many times. Thi s chap ter tra nslat ion is ma de poss ib le by st a bb ing wi h a syr in ge tra nslati ons. ch ck on ly up -to- da te tr ans lat ions on my Wo rdp ress si te.

It was to the point that calling her overly attractive is not enough as a description anymore.

"Wait, what are you talking about!?"

"Well...you didn't accept my offer, did you? Yet you immediately did it with that woman upon coming here."

A frustrated expression began to appear on Alana's face.

"You already had a non-resisting woman in front of you, all served in a silver platter, yet, you still summoned another woman to take care of your needs."

"No, I didn't summon her. In fact, it was she who called—"

"Does that mean I'm not even worth embracing for you?"

"Like I said, that's not what I—"

"Then why didn't you accept my gratitude back then?!"

"That's because you were not in the right mind that time! It's not because you're unattractive!"

"Do you mean it?"

"Of course! You have the most beautiful face I've ever seen, your skin is smooth and white, your breasts are huge, you have a good figure, I've never seen anyone as attractive as you!"

Unable to hold himself back anymore, Yoichi blurted out his real feelings one by one.

Meanwhile, the princess knight's face became redder and redder as she was praised each time.

"Then...how about now?"


Alana raised her head. Though her face was still blushing, Yoichi could see that her eyes were moist, like she was about to cry.

"You say I was in bad shape back then so you didn't do it with me, but what about now?"


"The aphrodisiac has already worn off."

Yoichi has also confirmed this with [Appraisal+], so he has no doubt about it.

"At the very least, I'm aware that my thoughts are normal now. So, I'll gonna ask you once again, Mr. Yoichi. Will you embrace me or not?"

"... What's with you, all of a sudden?"

To this reply, however, Alana's brows furrowed, and her mouth quivered.

"Why!? Why are you not embracing me!? ...I just don't understand!"

After a sudden scream and using the strength of her freely moving torso, Alana bent over and crawled her body towards Yoichi.

"I know, I know too that it's strange, that why I am asking a man I just met to embrace me, but…."

Because she stooped over, the smooth and slender back of the princess knight was presented in Yoichi's full view, but at the same time, the said back also started to tremble slightly in return.


"Last night, whenever I hear the sweet voices of your woman in my foggy consciousness, my heart seemed to tighten each time. I'm not sure why."

"Ms. Alana..."

"When I woke up this morning, I felt a loud thumping in my chest soon as I saw your face."

Alana's voice began to tremble, and a sniffling sound began to mix with it.

"...You know, when you looked at my chest just now, I felt the same thing again. I was embarrassed, yet my mind desires you to look at them more. The time when you saw my wet crotch as well. Instead of feeling shame, I, I wanted you to touch it more...like what you did to me yesterday! This, just what is this feeling...?"

The back of the princess knight, who had been trapped, deprived of her physical freedom, and nearly lost her sanity to the aphrodisiac, still looked dignified, but to Yoichi, it seemed very feeble and was about to collapse at any time.

"...give me a break."


"You think you're the only one having a hard time? It's hard to be around you, even for a second, all the more that you can't move your arms or legs or even comfort yourself."

Yoichi thinks.

She was probably having a temporary freak-out.

Her body was deprived of its freedom, she was laced with an aphrodisiac, and in such a state, she was saved from danger.

(It can't be helped for her to think of me as strange, not having any motives even after all that. The world is just that heartless, no matter which one it is.)

However, Yoichi also knows that he'll be a shame of a man if he were to retreat here after having a beautiful woman say this much right in front of his face.

Yoichi was attracted to this woman whom he called the princess knight from the very moment he laid his eyes on her.

And he, too, believed that anyone, even if it's a woman, would be the same, that they would also be attracted to her the moment they meet her.

After all, she has the kind of looks that one would wish for at least once in their life.

So why is it that Yoichi is still rejecting her despite being courted by such a level of beauty?

―That's because he was trying to look cool.

"I'm a gentleman who doesn't take advantage of women's weaknesses," is what he's trying to convey.

(Well, I'm not a gentleman anymore now that I let a lady like her say this much.)

He's a bit calmer now that he fucked Karin yesterday till dawn, yet when he saw Alana's breasts and crotch earlier, he immediately went hard as if it didn't happen. He has already gotten to the point where his fluids were already leaking from his tip, and if not treated soon, they would ooze out of his pants at any moment.

With this, Yoichi knew that if he insisted any further, it would only backfire for the both of them.

(I guess I don't have a choice now.)

Finally deciding on what to do, Yoichi stripped himself naked, then pulled the rest of the covers off Alana with great force. If yo u are a le to re ad thi s mes sage, yo u a re re ad ing fr om an una uth ori zed agg re gate si te. R ad at my W ordPr ess at stab b ing wi th a sy ringe. h ome. bl og to sup p ort me and m y tran slat ions.


The princess knight, who was suddenly stripped of her bedding, let out a pathetic scream, but Yoichi paid this no mind as he put his hands on her shoulders and rolled her over onto her back.

Because of the [Quadriplegia], Alana's arms and legs were strewn about, but along with that, her huge breasts swayed greatly as well, catching Yoichi's eyes.

"Eh? Uhm…M-Mister Yoichi?"

"I've wanted to do this since the moment I saw you, Alana, but I held back. I really held back good, you know?"


Alana looked down at Yoichi's crotch, which was already undressed.

From there, her eyes widened at the sight of his towering fig.

"But if you want me to embrace you that much, then I won't put up with it anymore."

"You didn't have to put up with it in the first place."

"Yes. There's no going back now."

"Mmm-hmm. This is just what I want."

Alana raised the corners of her mouth awkwardly, despite a hint of fear in her eyes.

Yoichi wondered if she thought of this as an expression of braveness, putting up a big front like that, but unknown to her, this actually made her look very cute to the man instead.

Yoichi got on the bed and kneeled down, straddling the princess knight underneath.

Then, he brought his face close to hers, close enough that their noses were almost touching, and their hot breaths almost 'splashing' into each other's faces.

Meanwhile, Alana closed her eyes and lifted her chin slightly, as if telling him that she was already set. Yoichi smiled at this sight and in response, he finally placed his lips on hers.


Yoichi began by sucking on Alana's tightly closed lips repeatedly.

He started with a series of shallow kissing and gentle traces of his tongue. All to relieve Alana's tension.

"Hammu... chupu... nchiuru... mmu!?"

Soon, it took effect, and the tightly sealed lips opened slightly.

Yoichi didn't miss this chance and pried Alana's lips open. Using his tongue, he dug further into her orifice and began rummaging what was inside.


As for Alana, as this was the first time she accepted a tongue of the opposite sex in her mouth, she was naturally surprised and confused at first. Still, Alana knew that she has to respond to it well, so she followed suit and awkwardly intertwined her tongue with Yoichi's as if to copy him.


After a few moments of tonguing each other, Yoichi placed his hands on Alana's ample breasts next.

From there, he felt a sensation so soft it was as if they were sucking his palms in each grab, and before he knew it, the soft breasts had already changed shape in his hands.

Not only they were soft, but they also returned a right amount of elasticity whenever he gropes them.

And whenever he lifted them from below, he could feel the immense weight possessed by both of them.


Yoichi continued to devour the princess knight's tongue while playing with her soft breasts. While at it, he noticed that the princess knight is getting used to the deep kisses as well, as she would slip her tongue into Yoichi's mouth when given a chance.

Still, Alana's body couldn't help but tremble from time to time as she was groped in her swaying breasts and her nipples being touched.


After that, the kiss ended, with Yoichi pulling away from Alana's face. The moment the kiss was undone, however, Alana's tongue remained sticking out of her lips, as if it was seeking out Yoichi's and telling him that she doesn't want to separate yet.

When Yoichi tried to bring his face close to hers again, Alana seemed to smile happily, but Yoichi bypassed Alana's face and placed his lips on her neck instead.

Feeling the elasticity of the soft skin against his lips, Yoichi stuck out his tongue and started licking Alana's neck.

"Ahnn, nhu...."

This action caused the princess knight to jerk back. After that, her body started to occasionally shake in response to Yoichi's tongue movements.

Yoichi then crawled his tongue further. From her neck down to her chest.

Through this wet appendage of his, Yoichi felt in full the elasticity and the moderate fat beneath the white skin of his partner as he traced Alana's dainty collarbone.


Yoichi kept on tracing down, until tongue reached her breasts.

Up close, the bulges looked like a work of art made of white porcelain, but they were also soft enough to change shape with the flick of his tongue.


Yoichi then reached for the tips. His lips touched Alana's pink, shapely nipples above them, and the moment he did so, Alana moaned loudly in response.

Every time Yoichi traces his tongue on each of them, Alana gasps and shakes her body uncontrollably in turn, as if she was turning wild.

"Aah aaahh, nhhhhh!!"

Alana let out a huge moan. Her body stiffened, followed by her back curving upwards in a great motion.

Then, after a few twitches around her waist, Alana slumped limply on the bed as she was.

"Haaa, haaaa...nnn...."

But Yoichi didn't stop there.

What came next was him running his tongue all over the rest of the princess knight's body. Thi s cha pt er trans lat ion is ma de poss ibl e by stab bing wi th a sy r inge tran slatio ns. ch eck on ly up-to- da te tra nsl ations on my Wor dpre ss sit e.

He traced her chest, her ribcage, even her stomach as if he was a hungry beast intending to devour them all.

Yoichi didn't let the flanks and hips be missed as well where from them he felt the shape of well-trained muscles of an adventurer hiding behind its plump and soft skin.

Alana had a slender figure, but even so, she didn't give the impression of being thin. Rather, she had an exquisite body that was overly enough to make others feel sensual about it instead.


No spot of Alana's skin was left untouched. It was so smooth that Yoichi felt as if it was drawing him in in every inch he covered, and whenever he puts a light pressure on her soft flanks, it would return with perfect elasticity that makes him enchanted to lick it more.

Eventually, Yoichi's tongue reached her lower abdomen.

"Nn, nhu, aahnn...that's...ahhhnn!"

As he crawled around to what was the mid-section of her thighs, skipping her crotch intentionally, all of a sudden, Alana's panting, which supposed to have calmed down a bit, intensified once again.

Yet, Yoichi didn't stop. Instead, he took this chance and rubbed her thighs and buttocks down below.

Gently squishing with his hands, Yoichi felt that the plump and taut butt was more elastic than before. The same could also be said for her thighs. Especially her thighs.

Whenever he presses them, Alana's white and unblemished thighs would resist and bounce back on his hands, giving him an exquisite feeling that was not as soft as her breasts yet not as firm as her butt.

Yoichi enjoyed rubbing them for a while, and after having a good taste with them, he finally went back his tongue over the private parts that he "missed".

Yoichi spread out Alana's legs. Because they were languid and have no power, it easily exposed the slick wet linings leaking about at its center.


The princess knight looked at Yoichi and opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but she quickly closed it and turned her face away in embarrassment instead.

The pink mucous membranes were twitching behind the gaping crack. Its love juices were flowing out incessantly, and it was already with the same description for the towel underneath her butt – which is wet and sticky.

"Hyaaaaa! Nnnnmm!!"

Yoichi crawled his tongue along the perimeter of the open crevice, but just from that, Alana already responded more than her usual moans.


After enjoying the feel of the folds of her flesh, each of which was already sopping wet, Yoichi utilized this chance to dig his tongue deeper.

"Nhaaa, nguuu...kuhh...."

After 'worming' out repeatedly and tasting enough of her vaginal opening, Yoichi retracted his tongue and began extending it towards her vulva next.

Since it was already swollen, it took him almost no effort to peel off the foreskin hiding the clit inside.

"W-wait, if you do that...."

This time, Alana intended to say something, but it was already too late, as Yoichi had already reached his tongue towards the swollen bean.

"Aaaaahhh! Nnn, No, not thereee! That spot is...nnhhoooo...!!"

What came next was consecutive sets of alluring gasps.

Alana writhed in so much pleasure that it felt like it was digging into her own brain.

If her arms and legs were freely moving, she might have resisted by holding Yoichi's head or closing her legs, but unfortunately, all her limbs were not responding to any of her thoughts and were all but hanging lifelessly.

"Aahhaaah, cumming, I'm cummiiinnngg!!"

The princess knight, unable escape Yoichi due to her helpless state, not that she was intending to anyway, continued to have her crotch flicked and licked by the invading relentless tongue.

Alana reached her climax for the second time.

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3 thoughts on "What, Failure to Transition!? Volume 2 Chapter 3"

Red Dragon

12 Mar 2022 at 12:32 am

I like this series, but we are getting more sex than story. I have no issue with mature content but if we forget the story and just get the mature part it becomes a waste of time for me. I will give this a little longer but about to give up on it.




12 Mar 2022 at 2:55 pm

I'm guessing his [Healthy Body+] is emitting some strong pheremones.




29 Sep 2022 at 2:24 pm




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What, the Transition Failed!? (LN) v3c8

Reborn as A Holy Knight (Remake) Prologue 10

I Became an Adjutant in Another World v6c8

I Became an Adjutant in Another World v6c7

I Became an Adjutant in Another World v6c6


Abandoned Royal Bastard (256)

Peerless Elf Swordsman (156)

Reborn as A Holy Knight (10)

Reincarnated Elf Prince (97)

Reincarnated Tower Magician (105)

Reversed World's Messiah (113)

Second-in-Command (86)

Teacher at Elreis Academy (86)

Uncategorized (6)

What, the Transition Failed (46)




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A Syringe's tip is not scary.

The moment it pierces is.

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What, Failure to Transition!? Volume 2 Chapter 4

Chapter 4 – Innocence of the Princess Knight ※

"Haaa, haaa..."

Reaching orgasm after being licked on her crotch, the princess knight Alana dropped her gaze downward in exhaustion.

From there, Yoichi stopped his cunnilingus and raised his gaze above.

The two pairs of eyes met.

Staring at each other for a while, Alana was the first to nod, as if giving him a signal.

Yoichi in return put his hands on Alana's plump thighs. He also he opened Alana's legs wide and pulled their hips close to his.

Yoichi by this time already had clear liquid flowing on the tip of his cock. It looked like it was about to explode at any moment.


Yoichi hit this tip against Alana's crack next, to which the princess knight made a short cry.

Her wet crotch squirted a bit as well, wetting the already moist tip of Yoichi's with its own hot juices.

Feeling the moistness right after he plunged down, Yoichi slowly sank his hips.

Alana's linings were already wet and slippery inside. And it felt was as if it was urging him to go deeper.

But as if they were against it, the walls also tried their best to push away his tip while he was halfway down.


Still, Yoichi tried his best, and just as his bellend was about to be buried, he felt that this motion was stopped.

He could feel that his entry was blocked by something.

(Her hymen, is it?)

Yoichi, who had been concentrating on his crotch, then looked up.

From there, he saw that Alana was already looking back at him. And it was with an expression that held both anticipation and fear.


A faint smile was then brought to Yoichi's mouth.

To relieve her for a bit, Yoichi decided to cover her body with his own. This is to block her sight to the connection before submerging the remaining parts in the folds of her flesh. He also wrapped his hands around her back to hold her tightly in place.

Because of this, Alana's  bountiful breasts were now sandwiched between the two bodies, and they changed their shape as if resembling white bunnies.

Feeling the soft elasticity of her large breasts against his chest as well as the rest of her warm skin, Yoichi looked at Alana's face.

Then he proceeded to kiss her on the lips.

However, when he stuck his tongue inside, the princess knight flicked her tongue frantically, as if it was trying to escape from something.

"Mmmm, mhuuu...mlem, chuup...churp..."

But eventually, the princess knight cooperated.

Seeing Alana now entranced with the kiss, which is but literally a violent intertwining of their tongues together, Yoichi immediately resumed on what he was working on earlier.

Hugging her tightly, he pushed his hips forward all at once.

From there, Yoichi felt Alana's membrane rupturing.

And utilizing the remaining momentum, Yoichi kept going deeper.


Alana's eyes widened as she made a muffled groan, and she was even about to scream, but her mouth was sealed shut by Yoichi's kiss.

Realizing that she was blocked, she tried to throw her arms and legs as well, but realizing they can't move yet because of her condition, she tried curving her back instead to escape the pain.

However, that move of hers backfired as it also induced the inner walls of her vagina to tightly clench further, causing her to get more stuck instead.

From here, Yoichi stopped his hips and hugged Alana tightly, trying to distract her from the pain.

And since Allana's lips had already stopped kissing, Yoichi did the same, but he still kept his lips on hers while holding her still.

From here, Yoichi could feel that the interior of the princess knight was moist with love juices and that the walls of her flesh were firmly entwined with his meat rod. However, because her 'pot' was not yet accustomed to Yoichi's 'stirrer', it remained tightly clamped yet throbbing in all directions, as if it was unsure how to move.

Yoichi stayed in that position and remained quiet until their breathing was the only sound in the room.

A few minutes passed with Yoichi holding Alana in his arms and she in his.

Surprisingly, it was Alana who was the first to move. If you are ab le to re ad this mes sage, you are read ing from an unau thor ized aggre gate si te. Re ad at my Wor dPr ess at sta bb ing with a syr in ge. hom e. b l g to s ppor t me a d my tra nsl atio ns.

She began by twirling her tongue, seeking Yoichi's lips again.

Yoichi responded by twirling with his and slowly pulling back his hips.


Amidst the kiss, the princess knight's expression twisted in pain. However, Yoichi only progressed further, pulling his manhood halfway out and slowly sinking it back again.


From there, Yoichi felt the princess knight's body stiffen.

Thinking that he should not go any further, he slowly pulled his hips out.

But this time, Yoichi pulled out completely, not halfway through.


Feeling the loss of the sensation, Alana parted her lips and looked at Yoichi with a tearful gaze. Then she shook her head in a minute motion.

"Is it really fine?"

"Go...do it until the end."

Yoichi couldn't help but feel his chest tighten upon hearing the princess knight appeal to him in such a sad expression.

Because of this, he has no choice now but to respond as the person herself is asking for it.

Yoichi adjusted the position of his hips and placed the glans against her crack. Then he slowly entered her vagina again.


Alana's urn was already wet with love juices and blood from the gash, so at the very least, she was able to accept Yoichi without any resistance.

However, the pain was still noticeable on Alana's face.

Despite that, Yoichi felt that her vagina was tightening around him as if it's trying its best to keep him in.


It wasn't a while when Yoichi's voice leaked out from too much pressure.

Alana has clamped him shut.

But even with that, he still tried to pull his hips back.

This caused Alana's insides to tangle themselves more, stimulating both his rod and his head relentlessly.



Soon, Alana started groaning.

The more Yoichi's rod rubbed against her walls, the more stimulation and pleasure the both of them received.

However, Alana only felt more pain than pleasure as it was her wounded part that is squeezing Yoichi tight.

"Alana. Relax for a bit."

To this, Yoichi called to her in a tone as if admonishing her.

Yoichi hadn't realized it at this point, but the tone he was calling Alana has changed entirely, a matter immediately noticed by the girl.

It was not that overly formal anymore, but that of close acquaintances or that of lovers.

Because of this, the princess knight's mouth, which was quivering from fear and tension earlier, gradually slackened in pleasure, which in turn loosened her vagina as well.

"I'll move now, okay?"

To this, Alana nodded silently. Yoichi, having confirmed this, sank his hips into the same spot once more.


Seeing that Alana wasn't in as much pain as before, Yoichi began to pump his cock continuously.


Still, as he couldn't get rid of being conscious of Alana's wellbeing, he made his strokes as gentle as possible.

This was to not hurt Alana even though she had loosened up a bit.

Yoichi continued to work his way down, concentrating his meat rod on thrusting in and out.

However, when Yoichi looked up one time, he noticed something odd in Alana's state.

She was panting a lot, and there's so much sweat on her forehead.

It wasn't only her forehead but also her thin neck, narrow shoulders, large breasts, curvy yet moderately fleshy hips, firm buttocks, and translucent white skin. They are all oozing with sweat.

(I can't believe I'm really doing it with such a beautiful woman...)

Because of the grand spectacle before his eyes, Yoichi was lost in a moment.

He finally realized that he had just taken the virginity of what can be called an "unparalleled" beauty. Moreover, he was enjoying sex and was even permitted to do anything he wanted in this kind of body.

Realizing this fact, Yoichi's heart thumped again, and he felt his penis swell even more.

"Nhaaa...!? Inside...it's gotten bigger...nguuh!"

He also felt his limit coming. But he tried his best to hold back the urge.


But he was unable to endure it in the end. So instead, Yoichi pulled out the tip until it was just about to come out and then plunged it deep with a bit more force than before.


Alana gasped briefly but more loudly in response.

At this point, her mixed sensations of pain were already overtaken by her pleasure without her knowing. Thi s chap ter transl atio n is ma de pos sib le by sta bbi ng wi th a sy ringe tra nslat ions. che ck o nly up-t o-d ate transl atio ns on m y Wo rdp ress si te.

Yet, Yoichi continued to push his penis into the narrow vaginal canal without regard.

Due to this, he felt his penis getting wrapped even tighter in her sticky flesh walls. And as soon as he felt the tip pierce her cervix, Yoichi was unable to endure any longer.

Yoichi ejaculated.

"Nnhguhh!! Nhaaa..."

A large amount of semen was released from his pulsating penis.


Alana, too, came in response. Her hips started to quiver, and short gasps began to escape from her.

The reason why Yoichi ejaculated into her vagina was not that he had confirmed the [Contraception] with [Appraisal+].

It was because after he started the act with Alana, all these unnecessary things were already lost in his mind.

Yes. From here, Yoichi was acting on his instincts – and that is to impregnate the woman in front of him. This was also why it led him to shoot his semen into the womb of the princess knight without qualms – something he was cautious of doing in every woman he had partnered with, even if they had contraception.

Of course, it wasn't only Yoichi who felt like this. Actually, if Yoichi were to ask Alana right now, she would answer that she "liked it" as well.

In fact, her body and mind are now shaking with pleasure in accepting the pulsating penis of the man she met just before.

After ten minutes have passed, the two released themselves from their embrace. And right after realizing what he has done, Yoichi quickly lifted himself and pulled his body away from the woman.



Seeing this also withdrew the meat stick inside her; Alana gave a short gasp of regret.

She couldn't help but look at the place where their parts were connected earlier, and her stare took longer than usual.

It was as if she's in a trance.


"Do you want to take a bath?"

After they did the deed, Yoichi and Alana fell asleep together. But probably because they had slept so well the day before, the two woke up immediately around two hours after.

Since their meeting, Alana had only her sweat wiped off lightly and had not even taken a shower. Because of this, Yoichi suggested that she take a bath first.

"Bath? You have a bath here?"


"Then please do."

However, Yoichi suddenly noticed a certain weight locking his legs as he was about to get up.

He looked over and saw that it was Alana twisting one of her legs around Yoichi's leg.

"Hey. You can move your arms and legs now?"

"Mmm...Nope, not yet. if I put some pressure on the main joints, I can lift it up a little bit, but…"

Alana tried to raise her arm around Yoichi's body, but even with a lot of effort, she could only lift her arm slightly with the parts past her elbow hanging down.

Still, Yoichi thought it was a little cute that she went out of her way to entwine her legs with his in such a state. But seeing she's still in a miserable condition, he got up and fixed the girl's position, mainly her arms and legs out of the way.

Then he left the room and went for the bathroom.

Soon as he got inside, he cleaned the bathtub lightly with a gentle wipe. Then he turned on the automatic hot water switch of the water heater, set the alarm, and left the water going.

After that, he returned to the bedroom and changed the dirty towels on Alana. Then he fed her the usual sporks drinks and Jello drinks until the water was filled up.

After the girl was well-fed, he draped up the covers over her body again, then sat down on the chair at his bedside in his robe.

"Speaking of which, Miss Alana, does that ... hurt?"

Remembering all that he did, Yoichi asked Alana with a worried expression.

However, the person in question just turned her head away in a slightly sulky manner.

"...sigh. Alana."


"Was it because I called you without the 'miss' part earlier? If that's the case, then I'm sorry for being rude. But, then again, what would you like me to call you?"

"You can call me whatever you like, Mister Yoichi. Though it's better if you remove the 'Miss' part in Miss Alana."

The princess continued to mumble, to which Yoichi would only smile in exasperation and let out a short breath.

"In that case. Alana."

"What is it~?♡"


This time Alana turned around to him so happily that Yoichi couldn't help but smile as well.

"Mou, what's so funny?"

"No, it's nothing. No, it's not that. Is it...still painful?"

"Hm. What is?"

"I mean, it was your first time yesterday, wasn't it?"

Yoichi's gaze traveled to the Princess Knight's crotch area.

"Hmmm, come to think of it, it is not painful anymore."

"Oh? I didn't know that such pain can go away that quick."

Yoichi was rudely reminded at this point of his first experience with Karin.

At at time, it was both their first time, but although they were both clumsy, in the end, they were able to finish it well. But how was Karin during those times? If you ar e ab le to re ad this m ss age, you are rea d ing from an un authori zed agg rega te site. Re ad at my Wo rdPr ess at sta bbin g wit h a syri nge. ho me. bl og to supp ort me a nd my tr nslat io ns.

"Let's just say it varies from person to person."

"Is that so?"

"Yes. I have two sisters. The older one said it hurt so badly she couldn't walk for three days."


Yoichi also remembered that Karin suffered from this pain for a few days.

"But as for my younger sister, it's not so bad. She said that the first time she did it, she only felt a slight tug, and there was almost no pain."

"I see. So how was yours, Alana? Was it painful?"

"It was the most intense pain I've ever felt. I once had a spear rabbit pierce my belly and nearly killed me, but this hurt worse than that."

He knows it was rude to ask a woman about the pain of rupture, even if it was just for the sake of conversation, and even more rude to ask a maiden whom he had personally taken her own virginity, but Yoichi still couldn't help but worry.

However, despite asking about such a disturbing topic, he noticed that Alana didn't seem to mind and even replied matter-of-factly to him.

"But...you don't seem to be in any pain now? Well, at least I'm glad you're okay now."

"Yes. But it is sure strange that all that pain just disappeared like a lie...."

(Don't tell me...Was it because of me injecting my fluids inside her? For real? But her hands and feet seem to be healing much faster....)

"Well, it's also maybe because I'm keeping up my good health and have been working out ever since? I suppose that trained my body to heal faster."

"Does it work like that? I see. Nevermind. Well, I could have been gentler to you yesterday, but I couldn't control myself. So for that, I'm sorry."

"No, no, no, it's okay! That pain is also something precious that Mister Yoichi has given me...and I really treasure that...rather, you see, the fact that you can't control it means that you...."

Realizing the implication of what she just said, Alana's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and she looked away from Yoichi to hide it in her face. However, that didn't stop her from mumbling still.

"Well, if you say so...wait, when the hell did you settle with the "Mister Yoichi" way of calling me?"

"What? Isn't it that you have agreed to, Mister Yoichi?"

"No, I'm talking about the fact that you let me call you by your name, but you still call my name with 'Mister' on top."

"Ehh? But you didn't say anything at first when I called you Mister Yoichi. Also, I like to call you 'Mister Yoichi'. Or is there a problem?"

Making sure that her color has returned and she is not blushing anymore, Alana turned and faced Yoichi, not even hiding her new smug face in it, which annoyed the man.

"No, that's not what I…."

"I even said, "You can call me whatever you like, Mister Yoichi." Just earlier, you know?"

"Geh, we're settling with that?"


The princess knight huffed and snickered even as if she's a playmate that scored higher in a street game, and Yoichi showed great regret.

Of course, it's not like he was really frustrated.

"Oh yeah, I now remember. I started calling you that when I was doing foreplay with you!"

"Kyaaa! What's with you blurting that out all of a sudden!?"

At this point, Yoichi observed that the barrier between him and Alana is now broken.

To this, he decided to ask what's on his mind.

"No, I just thought it went pretty well for your first time."

This time, Yoichi was thinking about what happened to him and Misato.

Because he was thinking of another woman, Yoichi was really careful not to let it out, but he still couldn't help but think about what happened to the call girl who had suddenly left without notice.

As far as he remembered, Misato is a woman who, despite being a prostitute, has never experienced the feeling of a real climax before, even mistaking the wetting of herself the actual process that she's orgasming.

However, Alana, who was supposed to be new to this, climaxed several times during the foreplay. She even squirted several times as well.

With this, Yoichi also couldn't help but wonder if the rate of women reaching their climax differs from that of each woman, like the pain of taking away their virginities.

Of course, the prostitutes he had embraced in the past came into his mind as well, but as they were often 'acting out' in accordance to the mood of the customer, and because Yoichi is prioritizing his own comfort over them, he couldn't really put them as reference.

"Mmh, you know, I'm already...that...an adult, you know...."

This time, as if finding Yoichi's silence hurting, the princess knight spoke first.

However, her eyes were swimming all over, and she was faltering in her speech.

"The thing...I'm doing it already...at least to comfort myself...."

"Oh, you mean masturbation."


Alana's face turned red as if an anime character with a face that went poof.

Speaking of Yoichi, he had completely lost track of the fact that women enhance their orgasms by masturbating alone as well, and he felt slightly remorseful about that.

What he didn't realize is that he was now being extremely rude. After all, he's mentioning the word "masturbation" in front of a woman he just met, but Yoichi's ethics were slightly wonky right now due to the aftermath he had done.

(Ahh, crap. This has gone awkward now. Damn it, me. If I had thought that women also masturbate, I wouldn't have bothered bringing it up.)

Either way, Yoichi couldn't bear to look at Alana's reddened face now because of this apologetic feeling.

(Well, on the second thought, I am also glad that I asked.)

It was because the sight of the princess knight blushing in embarrassment tugged his heartstrings, which also stimulated his daringness to ask for more.

"So, you have experienced clit-fingering before?"

Yoichi decided that now that he has started it, he has to push it all the way through.

"L-like I said, y-you don't have to say it anymore!"

But Alana just turned her face away from him, her voice hoarse.

(How cute...)

As for the other matters, Yoichi was impressed with the high performance of [Language Comprehension+], which conveyed his intentions, even specific slangs in sex without error. T his chap ter t ransl a tion is mad e pos sible by sta bbing wit h a sy ring e translat io ns. ch eck on ly up -to -da te tra ns lat ions on my Wo rdp r ess sit e.

While at it, the alarm indicating the bathtub was fully set off.

The bath is ready.


After checking that the bath is indeed prepared, Yoichi took off his bathrobe and lifted Alana up in his arms.

So right now, without the robe, both Yoichi and Alana weren't wearing any clothes underneath.

As for a reason, this was, of course, so that they could bathe together. But, it was also because Alana could barely move her arms and legs yet because [Full-Body Restraints] were still active, so she still needed Yoichi to assist her.

It was pretty difficult to carry an unconscious or immobile person, and unless he had gained a certain amount of muscle strength, it would only hurt the person being carried.

For this, Yoichi was very thankful for his job and prior combat training. Otherwise, he would have resolved himself on the embarrassment of dragging Alana on the floor or carrying her over a cart instead.

Besides that, he is thankful that Alana could at least move her trunk now. Because with this, she was now able to lean her body in Yoichi and keep her back upright, making her much, much stabler to be held by the man.

"Hehe~. Being picked up by a man like this is not so bad."

"Really? Thank goodness. And here I'm worrying I'm grabbing you too hard and hurting you."

"Nope. You're doing well. You're doing...very, very well, in fact."

Their skin-to-skin contact was so close that their body heat could be felt by each other. This was also the same for their sweat which has begun to trickle down. For other people, it may feel icky, but for these two, it was a sensation they both find pleasant.

The bath in Yoichi's room was quite spacious. This is what Alana had first observed upon entering.

The bathtub was large enough for an adult to stretch out their legs in, and the shower area is also correspondingly huge.

"Mmm, that's quite a lavish bath. Are you really just a commoner, Mister Yoichi?"

"Well, I'll guess I can get back to you on that."

"No, I'm sorry for being so inquisitive. You don't have to tell me what you don't want to tell me."

"Haha. Glad to hear you say that as well."

After entering the bathroom, Yoichi adjusted the position of the bathing stool with his legs and lowered Alanna to sit on it.

He then turned on the shower to wet the hair and limbs of the princess knight.

Alana didn't show any particular reaction to the shower. With this, Yoichi thought that perhaps there is also one in them on the other side, making him believe that there was also a reasonably developed civilization out there in the otherworld, at least for baths.

After taking a shower to remove all the dirt from her body, Yoichi proceeded to wash her hair with shampoo.


"How is it? Do you find it itchy somewhere?"

"No, I'm fine. It feels good. So, this is how Mister Yoichi washes his hair. Oh, my eyes!"

Some of the shampoo foam seemed to have gotten into her eyes, making Alana scream in agony.

"What are you doing ...?"

Yoichi aimed the showerhead on her face and lightly dabbed the affected area with his hand.

And for precaution, he also removed the foam from her bangs above.

"Bufuu. .... This is so embarrassing..."

This time, Yoichi dabbed the conditioner into her hair and massaged it in, and then rinsed it out before Alana repeats her misfortune.

Then he picked up the face wash.

"Wow~, this soap has so many bubbles coming out of it — mmmppph!?"

Giving her no time to be impressed, Yoichi quickly washed the face of the princess knight, who was staring in amazement as if a kid seeing bubbles for the first time.

(There. All done. All that is left was to wash her body with body soap.)

Yoichi uses the type of body soap that comes out with lots of bubbles, the same one Alana is playing with. he picks up the bubbles in his hands and dabs them on Alana's body, rubbing them gently on her skin.

"ah, wait...that tickles...."

Alana squirmed as her back and arms were washed, but as Yoichi's hands began to wash the front of her body, her voice became more and more lustful in time.

"Nn... ah... haa... haa..."

This time, Yoichi carefully washed the area around her breasts.

(Now that I have looked at them again, they're really massive, aren't they?)

Yoichi was holding Alana from behind as she sat on the bath stool, carefully kneading her breasts while also staring at the swelling of her chest from below.

From there, he discovered that the feeling of her soft skin slicking with the foam of the body soap was truly exceptional.

Moreover, whenever he lifts her breasts around her ribcage, it wondrously retains its shape, and again, they showed no signs of sagging at all, even when he removed the support from his arms.

Alana's taut breasts perked upwards, giving the shape and impression that she was not at all Japanese.

(Well, she isn't really Japanese. Moreover, she's not from Earth either.)

Sliding his hands into the cleavage of her overly full breasts and her lower tits, Yoichi carefully washed every inch of them as if he were gently stroking a cat.

Little by little, Yoichi's desire and lust were stirred up by the slick and slippery feeling – the elasticity, pressure, and weight that was being given off by his hands – all of this, added to his continuous rubbing and stroking, the princess knight's breathing became rough in no time.


After carefully washing the surface of her breasts, Yoichi pressed her nipples with his palms and slowly stroked them around. If you ar e a ble to re ad this mes s ge, you are rea din g fro m an una uth or ized agg rega te sit e. Re ad at my Wor dP r ess at stab bi ng wi th a syr in ge. hom e. b log to sup p ort me and my tra nslat ions.

He lightly rubbed them while also lightly squeezing his fingers in between them, which seemed like he was cupping the entirety of her breasts.

"Nhhh, mmmh...that spot...nhhhmm!"

From here, Alana's moans began to get mixed up with her rough breathing. It also wasn't a while when her body started to shiver.

At this time, Yoichi had already finished washing Alana's entire breasts. But this didn't stop him from directly pinching the hardened cherries at the tip of the outwardly protruding mountains just yet.

"Hiuuu!? Where do you think...fingers...going...ahhnn!!"

Then he rubbed her nipples with a gentle twist, and Alana jerked back.

"Looks like we're gonna have to wash this off again. And thoroughly at that."

"Mmm, no ..., but that spot is ... no way!"

Ignoring her protests, Yoichi washed the left and right nipples again – or rather, carefully stimulated them once again.

And because he had already fully witnessed the princess knight transforming into a lascivious person, Yoichi's penis was already rock hard. He was even dripping clear liquid on his tip, but even with this, he still decided that he would concentrate on washing Alana for a while longer.

After 'rewashing' her breasts, Yoichi's hands went down and started massaging her belly.

He gently washed the abdomen which was wrapped in flexible muscles and soft skin that returned just the right amount of elasticity. After a bit of rubbing, he went his hands further down – towards her groin.

"Hyauuuuuu! Nnhh, that part is not good! Nhaaaaa..."

Then, he washed the soft pubic hair and the crack between her legs, gently stroking just above the surface of the crevasse.

But for some reason, Yoichi ended his washing in this area abruptly.

Then he reached for her legs.

"Ahhh...eh...? Mou...~"

Maybe she was left unsatisfied with his act with her crotch; the princess knight looked at Yoichi with a slightly grumpy look.

But Yoichi just brushed her gaze aside. This time, he lightly rubbed her plump thighs, completing the wash down to her toes. Then he retook the showerhead to rinse the foam off her body.


After rinsing her armpits and behind her knees to which the foam tends to accumulate and become itchy, he made one last sprinkle in her crotch again.

It was totally not because he couldn't take the grumpy look she had on him.

"Nhuuuu!! Aahh, over there is...not good, nhaaaaaaaaaa!!"

Yoichi first got rid of the foam that accumulated in her crotch, then reached for her private place to wash its insides with his hands.

"Nnnhh...Mister Yoichi...that's..."

"No, I mean, it looked like I didn't wash this part enough just now."

"No way, even if you tell me that...nhuuuuu...mm, mm, mmhh!"

At the beginning, Yoichi was rubbing Alana gently as if he was really washing it, but as time passed by, the movement of his fingers became more and more intense.

"Aah ahhh...no, not there...nnn...!! Mister Yoichi, stop...something, something's coming out...."

Alana gave Yoichi a sultry look and begged to stop, but her actions and her gleaming eyes told otherwise to the man.

"You don't have to hold back."

"No way, Mister Yoichi, please, at the very least, please don't look at mee...nnn...haaaaaahh!"

From there, Yoichi felt something warm splashing his hands, but he couldn't see clearly where it came from because he had the showerhead between her legs.

Still, Yoichi knew.

After washing her body, Yoichi decided to prepare himself for their next activity in the bathtub.

Yoichi lifted Alana in a princess carry, sliding with his arm under one of her armpits, then placed her in the bathtub with her butt in first.

Then he came into the bathtub next.

He decided to go in with her because there is the possibility that she could drown at worst, slip, being she could not move her arms and legs yet.

It was also for the 'activity' he will do to her later.

"Can you sit on your own?"

"I can't yet, but I can manage if you support me."

"I see."

After getting Alana to sit up straight, Yoichi went and squeezed himself behind her in the tub.

From there, he sat down and soaked in the hot water with Alana, all while supporting her from behind.

"Whew...that feels so good...."

The two of them enjoyed the bath in silence for a while, but of course, the bath did not end peacefully considering Yoichi's personality.

Yoichi had his hands under Alana's breasts to keep her body from sliding, but soon after, the same hands began to move around and play with the said breasts.


This time, Alana didn't say anything and just let her mountains get squeezed. Moments later, she squirmed around then turned her head back to the man. Thi s chap ter tran slatio n is ma de pos sib le by stabb ing wi th a sy ri nge tra nslati ons. check only up -to -da te tran sla tions on my Wo rdp ress sit e.

"I won't protest in any way anymore." "Go further"

Yoichi guessed this upon seeing Alana's expression on her face.

Due to this, he pulled her face close to his and kissed her on the lips. Then he stretched out his tongue to intertwine with hers.


While intertwining their tongues, Yoichi's hand also reached for the Princess Knight's crotch. He gently stimulated her vulva with his fingers, inserting them directly into her already wet hole.

"Nnn nn, nmmm, mhaaaa, mmmmmhaaaaa!!"

The moment he entered her vagina, Alana shivered and trembled, and as if she couldn't take it anymore, she started to orgasm with her body and head leaning forward.

"Mmmh, mmmhh, no more, I'm cumming!!"

The princess knight reached her climax, and her body convulsed in small throbs.

Yoichi pulled his finger out at once.

Then he waited for Alana to calm down.

After sensing she's okay, he lifted her by the hips again and slid his thighs directly underneath.

Yoichi is now in a position where the princess knight is sitting directly on his lap.

He fixed the princess knight's buttocks (which he felt somewhat lighter now due to their buoyancy in the hot water), into position with his left hand.

Then, he aligned the tip of his member against her crack while also checking the position of her vagina with his other hand.

Soon, the tip found its hole.

But perhaps the temperature of the water and Alana's body temperature were not that different, Yoichi could not feel much body heat when his thing made contact with her wet membranes.

Nevertheless, Yoichi didn't mind that minor detail and just pushed his hips up, penetrating his penis deep into her vagina once again.


He felt the area around her entrance is starting to feel slippery.

He also felt the texture spreading as if her love juices were being assisted by the tub's hot water.

However, as if to balance out, more and more love juices started to secrete from Alana. Yoichi was gladdened by this. After all, he didn't need to worry about her lubrication anymore, so he immediately began to increase his thrusting.

"Nngu... haa... mmm….."

At first, Yoichi started slow, planning to insert it bit by bit until it was all the way to the root.


But midway, he found that Alana looked like she was having trouble.

"Alana, are you okay?"


To this, Yoichi decided to continue.


But after a single thrust, Yoichi stopped. Then, he found out something.

It seems that every time he pumps, hot water enters their joint parts through the gaps as well. This ends up diluting the love juices inside Alana and making it less slippery.

This was bad news for Alana, as the less slippery her insides were, the more friction she would be feeling, and because she wasn't used to the penetration yet, rather than feeling pleasure, Alana would feel more pain.

"Haaa...haaaa...Mister Yoichi..."

"What is it?"

"It's fine...to enjoy yourself...so don't...hold back."

It was already obvious that she's acting tough. Yoichi already knows this.

Indeed, he still didn't know anything about Alana, but for some reason, there is something in her that he just couldn't help but find endearing.

Alana wanted Yoichi to feel good, even at the expense of getting hurt.

It wasn't bad for him to respond to such desire, but deep down, Yoichi also wanted to repay this pleasure with his own.

"Ah...Mister Yoichi?"

Yoichi got up.

He slowly withdrew his hips, pulling his meat stick entirely out of the orifice.

Then he changed his position, then also changed the way he's supporting Alana's body.

He placed her knees on the bottom of the bathtub and her hands on the edge. To sum it up, he made the princess knight pose on all fours.

"Do you think you can hold yourself up in this position?"

"Yeah... I think?"

At this point, Alana's [Quadriplegia] already had its effects reduced significantly, so although she still couldn't move freely, at the very least she could now support herself without using much of Yoichi's assistance. If yo u ar e ab le to re ad t his me ssa ge, you are rea di ng from an unau thor ized aggr egat e si te. Read at m y Word Pre ss at stab bi ng with a syr inge. ho me. bl og to s upp ort me and my tran slat ions.

Yoichi unplugged the drain in the tub. Then he reduced the water level until it reached the point where Alana's crotch area is just visible above the water.

"Mister Yoichi...this is embarrassing...."

Realizing her butt and her private parts are now in full view from behind, Alana flushed in embarrassment.

Still, since she couldn't move her arms and legs properly, she couldn't do anything to cover herself, or else she would risk slipping the hard tiles causing her a terrible injury.

Of course, it wasn't as if she hated it either. In fact, the folds of her open flesh twitched actively as if inviting the man, telling its excitement from being brought out in the open.

And from it, a stream of love juices flowed as well, dripping and coating the water's surface with its viscous fluids.

"This is embarrassing for you? Then we'd better hide it fast."

After he teasingly said so, Yoichi plunged his meat rod straight into Alana's orifice.


"Woah there!"

However, it might be because he put too much force, her limbs relaxed the moment the tip of his rod slammed her orifice, and she was almost thrown out of position on the tub.

Thankfully, Yoichi made it in time to hug Alana on the stomach and chest to keep her from falling.

"Sorry about that. Are you okay? Are you hurt somewhere?"


Yoichi held the body of the princess knight tightly as if he was covering her from behind.

But seeing she was okay, he continued penetrating inside her as it is.

"Ahaa~...Mister Yoichi's thing...is coming inside...."

In truth, Alana is still feeling pain from Yoichi's penetration. Nevertheless, the pleasure she was feeling was much better than before.

The bathwater may have washed away the love juices in her vagina, but as she continued to feel good, more and more of this sweet mucus began to spill out of her insides, which greatly helped her relieve the pain as well.

As for Yoichi, he could feel a significant difference in Alana compared to yesterday.

The walls that had been almost a vice were now gently wrapping his member, and unlike before, it was now being coated in some sort of wet wrapping, maybe from the love juices she secreted and the bathwater combined.

Despite that, the overall 'size' of her orifice was unchanged, so he was still subjected to a tight fit inside.

(I guess it's about time to loosen her up.)

From here, Yoichi started moving his hips more.

Whether it was Alana's good luck or Yoichi's bad luck, due to their position where Yoichi is hugging her tight and holding her back close to his, Yoichi's member is currently unable to reach the deepest parts of her crack.

This was fortunate for Alana as if it had been in the normal Doggy Style position, Yoichi's thing would have reached the deepest part of the princess knight, and it would be much, much painful for her as her body was still sensitive and is not yet used to the penetration.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."


But because it was a slightly uncomfortable position for Yoichi, he was only able to move his hips in short strokes.

Even so, it was already enough for him as Alana's tight vagina was already pleasing on its own, especially the deeper parts where he is getting plenty of pleasure from.

Alana, on the other hand, felt different. She was letting out short cries of pleasure whenever Yoichi's thing 'shook' her insides. This was because she was feeling more pleasure from the vibrations hitting her buttocks than the sensation of the rod rubbing against her vagina.

"Oh, no, not there...No!!"

Soon, Alana couldn't take it anymore and started to wriggle, trying to escape Yoichi's grasp. However, not wanting to let her go, Yoichi held her tightly with his left arm and instead moved his fingers even more relentlessly at her cunt.

"Aaah! I'm coming! I'm coming! Nhooooahhhh!!"

Unable to endure the impact on her buttocks and the stimulation of his fingers on her private parts, Alana began her climax.

Yoichi responded by reaching his limit as well.

"Alana, I'm going to cum in your pussy. Can I?"

"Yes, Shoot it inside! Shoot it inside my pussy, Mister Yoichii!"

For his final act, Yoichi pulled his hips a little further. Then, he pushed himself all the way in, and from there, he ejaculated.

A vigorous release of baby seed splashed onto Alana's cervix after Yoichi reached a short distance from it with his tip.

"Aahhh...Mister Yoichi's is...it's throbbing so hard inside my pussy...and it's pouring in hot...."

Alana's hips jerked and shuddered as she felt Yoichi's dignity pulsing inside her womb.

Yoichi looked down, and what he saw from there was a chrysalis gate fully open, twitching and throbbing in time with the pulsation of his hot rod.

"Mmm, oh..."

When the ejaculation was over, Yoichi slowly withdrew his object.

This spilled the baby batter from the open vulva, causing its contents to noisily drip and fall into the now quiet bathtub.

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2 thoughts on "What, Failure to Transition!? Volume 2 Chapter 4"


4 Mar 2022 at 3:51 pm

I wonder if he will eventually end up having his way with that administrator

Liked by 1 person



29 Sep 2022 at 9:42 pm




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What, the Transition Failed!? (LN) v3c8

Reborn as A Holy Knight (Remake) Prologue 10

I Became an Adjutant in Another World v6c8

I Became an Adjutant in Another World v6c7

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