
Aerys III: 282 AC

Yes, yes, burn, burn!!!!!

Aerys mad voice raged in his head in pleasure as he saw Wildfire burn several prisoners in the dragon pit. Their screams echoed through the pit, only the fact that they were in the subterranean part of it prevented their screams from leaking out to the city.

Fucking psycho, Aerys thought as he tried to ignore the yells of pleasure that echoed in his head.

He felt a stiffness in his breeches, he looked down and sighed. Hey Aerys, you really need to get a new fetish. He thought as Aerys continued cackling in his head.

A man walked up besides him. "Ahh, wisdom Qyburn." Aerys said in a friendly tone as Qyburn approached him. He had insisted the king come to the dragon-pit to see the results of his research, and Aerys, wanting to explore the city agreed.

"Your grace, as you can see, we are still working on finding a watered down version of wildfire. 40 percent purity allows for safe and rapid transportation, but the intensity is significantly decreased. As you can see from the prisoners you just burned, the 40 percent mixture can kill, but it does it agonizingly slow, unlike the true substance." Qyburn said, almost ashamed of his lack of success.

Aerys nodded. "And the live dissections? I'm assuming you've had time to choose from the black cells?"

Qyburn nodded. "Indeed, and this theory you have, this germ theory, it seems to be accurate so far. It certainly explains the gaps that Miasma, and humor theories have. And confirms the suspicions I have had, though I will need of more, subjects." He said in a sheepish manner.

"Then you shall have them." Aerys said. "I already said you can have you pick of the black cells, I just ask for discretion."

Qyburn nodded, "As you wish, and actually your grace, a question if you may?"

"What is it?" Aerys asked.

"Having me teach the Alchemists the way of maesters, medicine, handling ravens, it's as if you're trying to create your own order of maesters, at least from what I can tell."

Aerys leaned forward and whispered in his ear. "You'd best keep that question and my answer to yourself, but yes, that is the case, I have, suspicions about them, and a dislike of their methods, but that it all."

Qyburn nodded. "A wise choice, the maesters, they are....cowardly, afraid to push the boundaries of knowledge, and their loyalty, they claim they're only here to advise their lord...but so many of them, often come from other great houses, bastards, seconds sons or below, we may take vows, but blood runs thicker than water."

"Indeed." Aerys said. "Now hold you tongue on that, and like I said, should you need anymore subjects or funding just come to me, in the meantime, continue training the Alchemists."

Qyburn nodded. "As you wish."

Aerys left the Dragon-pit, Ser Dayne waiting right outside the massive structure along with some city watch members.

"Your grace", Dayne nodded.

They made their way back to the keep, Aerys went into his room, he found Rhaella waiting for him inside.

"Hey Rhaella, what do you need?" He asked in a curious tone.

She hadn't really been to his chamber and shared his bed since the incident with Melisandre a few weeks back. Though she continued attending small council meetings and helping him rule, she had become more distant ever since.

"We need to talk." Rhaella said in a serious tone.

Aerys turned to Ser Dayne. "You're dismissed, wait outside."

Dayne nodded and left the room, leaving the two if them alone.

What does the traitorous bitch want. Aerys roared in his head.

We had a deal, Aerys thought. You watch people burn to death and you fuck off for a day. I won't be going to a burning for another month now.

Fine! Sorry usurper, I'll start over. Aerys said in his head, a pleading tone.

Fine, Aerys thought as he sat besides Rhaella.

"So, what you need to speak about?" He asked her.

"You." Rhaella said as she posted her finger at him. "What are you? I believe the red priest, it explains everything, and our last conversation we had on this confirmed it. I want to know what are you, what are your goals? I don't think you are a demon, with my husband's power, you could have had me and Viserys killed, I want to know, can I trust you? What are you? How did you end up in my husband's body?"

He sat down and cleared this throat. "Swear to me you'll tell no one about this, understand?"

Rhaella nodded. "On the old gods and new. She said in a firm tone."

Aerys nodded. "I'll start from the beginning, when my illness started."

He sat down and explained everything, his old life, his illness, his death and waking up in Aerys body. The books, the show, Robert's Rebellion, and the others.

Aerys sighed. "And that's it really." He said. "Robert's Rebellion has been nipped in the bud so that's a major obstacle done with. You'll probably survive giving birth, Aegon will live and will reign once I'm gone, now, all I'm going to focus on, is the others."

Rhaella's eyes widened in fear when he mentioned the others. She had read the stories, and what the maesters told her, she had thought it was all a myth. But, seeing her husband's new owner, she didn't doubt it anymore.

She sighed. Putting her hands to her face. "I.....this...this is a lot." She said in a skeptical tune.

"You mean to tell me, all this, the life I've known, all the tragedies, it's all just from a book, a mummers play? Then what, what's the point of it all? What is..."

Aerys sighed. "I don't know, but look at the bright side, your son's will live, The child in your belly, she'll live a long happy life."

"If you defeat the others." She said.

"Which I will." Aerys said in a confident tone. "dragon glass and Valyrian steel, we don't have much of the former, but Dragonstone is full of that shit, I can have miners start working on it once the crisis has passed."

Rhaella sighed. "Yes the crisis, what about Rhaegar, you're sending him beyond the wall practically to his death, no one knows where the sword is, or where uncle Brynden i-."

Aerys cut her off. "He's a green-seer now, he came to me in dreams. He's already influencing Rhaegar, he'll guide him there."

Rhaella sighed and chuckled. "Of course you know everything."

"Except what I don't know." Aerys said as Rhaella laughed a little.

"Now I get why you say that." She said as she laughed.

Aerys nodded. "actually, I'd like to give you an offer."

Rhaella nodded. "What exactly do you offer me?"

"Bonnifer Hasty." Aerys said in a casual tone.

Rhaella gasped and let out a sullen sigh. "So, you even know about that." She said in a forlorn voice.

Aerys nodded. "I know you two loved each other in your youth, but your father had other things to say about that."

Rhaella sobbed slightly when hearing that. Aerys continued.

"When you give birth, should you survive, I can make arrangements with the high septon, a well placed bribe, and he'll be more than willing to annull our marriage. If he did it with Rhaegar, I'm sure he'll do it to me, that and my birds have enough dirt on him to do it." He said in a casual tone.

"From there." Aerys said. "You can marry him, I'll even give you some land in the rainwood to settle down with him there, I intend to annex the entire Stormlands from Robert and reduce Storms Ends to a vassal, like Rosby or Stokeworth so I should have the authority to do that."

Rhaella was dumbfounded. "Why?" She asked. "Why are you suddenly being so generous?"

"Because you've suffered long enough, you deserve a break. If you choose not to, life will continue as usual, you can serve in the council, stay in the Capital, I don't give a shit what you do."

You would dare separate my wife from me! Aerys roared in his head. And wed the blood of the dragon to some knight from a mere vassals house, this will not stand, this will n- ow! Aerys pinched himself.

Rhaella gasped slightly. "That was the original Aerys wasn't it?" She asked.

Aerys nodded. "He's angry I'm willing to let a vassal marry the blood of the dragon, but fuck him, I saw what he did to you in his memories, it was atrocious, no one deserves that." He said in a gentle tone.

You shall not defile our house, damned usurper, traitor, th-ow! He cried out as Aerys pinched himself.

"Aerys, we're not going to a burning for a month now."

No! No! I'm sorry. He pleaded.

"Enough." He pinched himself.

Ow! No! He yelled in his head.

Rhaella was taken aback. "I hope you don't let him take over again, he was a terrible king." She said in a confident tone.

You dare insult me you who- ow! Aerys pinched himself.

"And you're a tyrant, a monster, abuser, I never loved you, you soulless beast."

You traitorous whore, I will have you-ow! Aerys pinched himself again.

"So," Aerys said, "what will you do?" He asked Rhaella.

"I'll go with Ser Bonnifer." She said in a cheerful tune.

"Good." Aerys said. "You can sleep in Viserys room, I'll just call on a maid to warm my bed until I remarry."

Rhaella was confused. "Who do you plan on marrying?"

"Cersei Lannister or Catelyn Tully, not sure which one to go with frankly. I'll decide once this is over."

Yes, yes!!! Aerys roared in his head, Cersei looks just like her mother, go with her, do it, do it I command you! He roared.

"Catelyn Tully?" She asked confused.

"Isn't she betrothed to Brandon Stark?"

Aerys nodded. "Who I just exiled, and let's just say, I made other arrangements with him, he'll be stumbling into someone on his way to Lys, and eloping with them."

"Who?" Rhaella asked.

"It's a secret." Aerys said as he smiled. He stood up and made his way out of the room. "I'm going to get dinner, until you give birth, you can stay and take part in the small council. Once that's done and you recovered I'll speak with the high septon and you can leave, you can even visit the Capital when you want and see your kids and grandkids, though Viserys won't stay there for long."

"Why won't he?" Rhaella asked.

"I intend to rebuild summerhall and make him prince of it, and I'll betroth him to Arianne Martell, and make amends with Dorne hopefully."

Rhaella nodded. "A good idea frankly."

Aerys nodded. "With those concessions, it should be enough to placate them." He said.

He stood up and made his way to the door. "I'm going to grab a bite to eat, wanna come with me or just eat alone?"

Rhaella shook her head. "I'll eat here." She said.

Aerys nodded and left the room. He ate in the dining room by himself. With a meal of dornish sausages, roast beef, and a plate similar to pizza which he taught the chefs how to do. He had them make the dough, make a tomato paste, cut up dornish sausages, and spread cheese all over the dough.

Aerys finished his meal and retired to his chambers, finding it empty again. He went to sleep, finding himself in the haunted forest with the crow landing on his shoulder.

The prince has been given the dreams, his heart and mind is all set on going north.

But be wary, for there is danger along the way.

Aerys awoke. Dawn's rays peering through the window. He emerged from his bed and went over to change himself. He did so and took his new Valyrian steel Sword from his closet, put on his crown and made his way to the throne room.

Dragon Claw, he named it, it was a fine sword, the size of a normal longsword, but so sharp and fine, that even a string of hair could be cut if put on it, as Tobho showed him. It had only just been prepared a few days before Rhaegar arrived, with a cost of 50 thousand gold dragons, there was even enough steel, to make a long Dirk, as well. Which Aerys strapped on as well.

He entered the throne room, and beheld the iron throne for a moment as the courtiers nodded. It was a monstrous thing, over 20 feet tall with jagged swords and spikes jutting out from everywhere. And the seat itself was uncomfortable, even more so than the seats at church in his old life.

I know a king must seat uncomfortable and all, but couldn't Aegon have made it less of a cutting hazard. He thought as he ascended the steps.

He sat down and looked down at the throne room. Kevan the hand came in, along with the other small council members, lords Stark, Tully, and Arryn came in, then Elia and her family, with Lyanna and Rhaegar coming in last.

Aerys tapped his sword on the throne. Everyone looked at him and stood at attention "We're now here to oversee the trial of Rhaegar Targaryen." He yelled out.

He looked at Rhaegar, "my son, you are here on trial, for the crime of seducing, fornication, and stealing the bride of Robert of house Baratheon. How do you plead?"

Rhaegar walked forward and cleared his throat. "Not guilty. I never abducted her, the high septon had the marriage annulled and now me and Lyanna are lawfully wed."

An uproar emerged in court, screaming and shouting. Aerys tapped his sword on the throne. "Quiet!" He roared. "Hold your tounges or lose them. My lord hand, bring in the high septon."

Lord Kevan nodded and looked at the guards standing at the door he nodded and the man was let in. He was a skinny man, around 5 and a half feet in height, with a massive crown that added a foot in height. He walked up to the throne and nodded. "Your grace." He said in a meek tone.

"Explain your holiness." He said in a firm tone.

He looked at Ser Kevan and nodded. He walked to the high septon and handed him documents. The high septon read them, his face turning white. "Your grace, this."

Aerys nodded. "This document, is proof you annulled the marriage, as well as notes from your diary, and another document stating you wedded them. Explain, why did you do this?"

The high septon stammered. "I....the prince....he bought up good points. His wife was unable to bear more children without dying, and as the seven pointed star said, thou shalt not murder and thou shall spread thy seed as numerously as sand, as such. I ruled that Rhaegar could have his marriage annulled."

The court erupted again in outrage.

"Quiet!" Aerys roared again.

He looked at Rhaegar, "a solid excuse." He said, "but you not only disgraced house Martell, you disgraced house Stark and our house. And you defiled Lady Stark, leaving her pregnant."

Rickard Stark erupted in outrage again. "Lyanna! You foolish child!"

Behind him, his son Eddard, put his hand on his face and shook his head in disappointment.

Lyanna erupted in anger. "Better that than being dishonored by that Baratheon brute!" She yelled back as she ran to Rhaegar and held him.

Aerys sighed and looked at Rhaegar and Lyanna. He looked at Lord Rickard.

"Here's what will happen with the baby. Though Lyanna dishonored your house with her actions, the fault lies in my son for taking this up with her, as such, they will remain married until the babe is born, then the marriage will be annulled due to a generous donation from the crown. The babe will be raised with the name Targaryen, not as a bastard. Should it be a boy, he shall be eventually sent north to live with your family when he is of age, and you may marry him to any heirs Brandon has. Should it be a girl it'll be the same. But in the meantime, the babe shall remain in King's Landing to be raised."

He cleared his throat and took a breath. "As for us, we will send you Lyanna's weight in gold to your treasury in Winterfell as compensation. And Lyanna shall be sent back to winterfell as soon as the baby is born, Does that sound good Enough for you lord Stark?"

As Rickard was about to say something a shout was heard from Lyanna.

"No! I won't let you take him from me!" Lyanna shrieked as she tried to rush towards the throne. The guards grabbed her and held her down, as she struggled and writhed underneath them.

Aerys laughed. "It seems my good daughter is acting hysterically. Lord Stark, I won't tell you how to raise your family, but this act of attempted treason cannot stand. While your son only said words Lyanna did actions, as such, I rule that once the baby is born, Lyanna shall not be sent to winterfell as planned, she can fuck off to Essos for 14 years."

"You can't take him from me! You monster, tyrant!" She yelled as she screamed out more obscenities, some that made even Lord Stark and his son Eddard lower their heads in shame.

"My good daughter I advise you that should you do or say any more treasonous words and actions, then I will be forced to start taking body parts on top of the exile, starting with the tounge so you don't disgrace both our houses further. I'll even do it myself, since you Starks believe that the man who passed the sentence should swing the sword, or the pincers in this case. Does this seem fair lord Stark?" He looked at Rickard, he simply nodded as he shook his head in shame.

"Someone gag Lyanna and send her back to her chambers."

One of the guards ripped a part of his cloak and put it on Lyanna's mouth, dragging her out of the way as Lyanna continued thrashing and screaming under the gag.

He looked at Rhaegar. "Now son, since your guilt is so obvious, you have a few options, a trial by combat Ser Dayne will be my champion and you can pick someone else, as I told Brandon you can pick your own champion but Dayne will simply slaughter him. Should you lose that trial I'll geld you and send you to the wall. Or, the second choice, you can renounce your rights to your inheritance, leaving you son Aegon to inherit if I die, with the opportunity to earn it back should you go on to complete a quest from me."

"What quest would you ask of me father?" Rhaegar asked.

"Simple, you are to go beyond the wall and recover Dark Sister, the ancestral sword of our family, succeed, and all will be forgiven, fail, and you can stay beyond the wall and let the others or the wildlings take your life. Now choose, your cock or the sword?"

Rhaegar nodded. "I choose the sword." He said in a firm tone.

"Good." Aerys said. "Once Lyanna gives birth and the marriage is annulled, should lady Elia want to she can re-wed Rhaegar, and we shall give her weight in gold to prince Doran Martell. And as a token of our apology we will betrothe my son Viserys to Prince Doran's daughter Arianne."

He looked at Prince Lewin and Elia, "do these terms satisfy you?" He asked.

Elia and Lewin nodded.

Aerys looked to lord Rickard, "There, it's done, my Rhaegar is saying he'll risk his life and go on to near certain death to reclaim his sword due to him dishonoring your family, are you happy with that?"

"Only if I escort him to the wall myself." He said in a firm tone.

Aerys nodded. "Done, he shall go once the baby is born, in the meantime, feel free to remain here as a guest." Aerys said in a friendly tune.

There. He thought. That's one crisis nipped in the bud.

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It was the morning after the trial Aerys walked into a leatherworkers shop, with the city watch in tow.

"Tomms, is the ball ready?" Aerys asked.

The shop-owner, Tomms, a short burly man nodded, he produced a leather ball, the size of a football in our world with the banner of house Targaryen painted on it.

"It's done you grace." He said in a nervous tone.

Aerys took it and thanked him, paying him 2 gold dragons for it. He went back to the keep and gathered 11 people from lord Starks guards, and 10 people form his own castle guard.

He gathered them in the training yard, explaining the rules of a game he called Football (anyone who calls it soccer can shove it where it doesn't shine). With the rules explained, they cleared the training yard and installed posts that marked where the goal was. And so, the first football game in Planetos was played. With the Kings Landing Dragons losing against the Winterfell Direwolves 3-2, with Ser Arthur Dayne as a referee.

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