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The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]




Bonus Chapter 3 Desperation and Screaming Trees: Wizard Kyle Goldman (14th Universe)

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Bonus Chapter 3

Desperation and Screaming Trees

Wizard Kyle Goldman (14th Universe)


  I will say that I have never felt quite so stupid, until I am told so by not one but four trees. Granted these trees are children of the great world tree, meaning they hold a small portion of knowledge from a being that lasted for thousands of years. A being so powerful that in its prime, it was able to manipulate the genetic code of creatures floating around it, to become nearly immortal servants. Such feats should not be forgotten when talking about the once glorious entities. At least that is what I am telling myself, as I am being told once again that my spell form is terrible.


  To my defense, I have only been using spells and spell forms for a little over eight months in all. During that time, I have grown in leaps and bounds above where I was supposed to be. I have even managed to graduate from the introductory courses on how my powers are supposed to work.


  The only problem is him, that other Kyle Goldman from another universe. I am constantly being compared to him and am constantly falling short. Apparently, the kid is a prodigy, one that only comes along once in multiple generations. One who can understand the powers they have been granted so well, that they even know how other's spells should work. This is why my training is so tough. Not only am I given an unrealistic example of how far along I should be. I also know that their comparisons are accurate.


  "Again!" Omen the tree demands. Yes, a tree has taken to referring to themselves as Omen. Why Omen? Well, it is because they are the seventh seed of a world tree that was planted.


  That's right, the world trees all know what number chronologically they were planted and base their names from that.


  "This time, focus on your seventh sigil." The Tree Hunger adds, so not helpfully. Why is this one named Hunger? Well, it seems tree humor is just as bad as everyone else's, if not worse. See Hunger is the eighth tree, or eight. So how did they get Hunger from that? Yeah, because he eight and ate and ate.


  "We are losing him." Nothing, the ninth tree said. Again, one might ask, why the moniker nothing? Well nine is phonetically similar to the German word Nein, which means no. Then from there apparently no is a short skip and a jump to nothing. I don't know, it is tree logic, or humor? All I know is that it got old from the beginning.


  "Oh, we are getting a message from Prime." Deca, the tenth and seemingly less pretentious tree said. Prime is also apparently one of their trees, but he is the eleventh tree. When I asked why Omen didn't take the title of Prime, Omen just said. "It is because seven is often the number signifying a change or deviation from the start. Thus, by choosing the name Omen. I note how I am in fact the leader of this next generation of World Trees."


  Yeah, that's tree logic for you. Between those types of thoughts and trying to learn how to cast spells across universes, I figured I'd drive myself insane. Especially if I wanted to meet imposing doom deadline that was getting close. What was this imposing doom? No clue. Maybe the Twelfth world tree would be planted, and it would want to be called Tweeny.


  "He is once again lost in his own head space." Omen says dejectedly, as if I have somehow ruined their entire existence. Who knows, perhaps I have. Perhaps I am this tree's greatest bane of existence right now.


  "No, you are not a bane of our existence. But the window that you can go and be of use is quickly drawing to a close." Hunger states.


  Wait, did they just read my mind? I think to myself as I realize Hunger just spoke about my personal thoughts.


  "Of course, we can read your mind. You are our Guardian. How else do you think we can project our thoughts directly to your mind?" Nothing, the tree, said.


  How do I know the different voices of the tress speaking in my head? Simple, they all sound as if they are on different levels of annoying. With Omen being the most annoying and Deca being the least annoying.


  "Hey, no need to be rude." Omen says.


  "No, he kind of does have a point." Deca quipped back.


  Yeah, I wonder if just dealing with one of these is as annoying as dealing with the four stooges. I doubt it though.


  "Yes, that should be even more reason for you to go to the alternate universe to bring your universal twin here. To help save your Jess." Nothing states.


  "Astra, will you try to tell him how important this is? Also, please let him know how great it is to be working with us?" Omen asks my instructor for this process Astra.


  I want to point out the fact that they need someone to vouch for them being great, isn't exactly a great selling point in their favor.


  "Mr. Goldman. I understand you are pushing yourself very hard. The fact that you are working diligently is apparent to all. But what I think the four world trees are trying to impart on you is the sense of urgency. The fact that we have but a small window of time to do this right. Also, since you are gaining the direct support of the world trees, you are effectively at the easy stage of spell casting. The trees are placing the runes to cast directly into your mind, right?"


  Hearing that, I sigh, but answer truthfully. "Yes."


  "Can you think of this as more of a paint by numbers kind of experience then? Rather than trying to learn how to draw the runes needed from scratch, why don't you just take the images that are being projected into your mind and add them directly where they are supposed to go. Then channel your energy through them as needed." Astra states in a calm tone.


  The fact that she is equating this to a paint by numbers type of exercise is a bit demeaning. Well at first it is, but then I realize there is some merit to what she is saying. I have been spending this whole time on trying to figure out how to create the runes being presented. But that is not what I need to do. Instead, I just need to take what is before me, align that within my spell and…




  A dark portal to an alternate universe blooms to life before me.


  There, on the other end of the portal is Jess. Not just any Jess, but a super sexy soldier Jess with butterfly wings. She is hot, with toned muscles and moves with a purpose and attitude that demands attention and respect. She is, perfect, for lack of a better word.


  "Is that the future?" I find myself asking aloud.


  My words apparently travel through the portal I have created as sexy winged Jess turns to me.


  Badump, badump.


  My heart begins to race as her eyes lock onto mine.


  Then she says the five words that let me realize she truly does see me. The fact that I somehow managed to truly create a portal to an alternate universe. This is justification that all my hard work and effort have finally paid off. Her five words:


  "Who the fuck are you?"


  Of course, as soon as those five words register in my mind. I feel like I'm some kind of peeping tom, being a voyeur into an alternate universe.


  Sexy winged Jess takes a step forward, and I panic. I watch as her muscles ripple and coil. She is clearly a killing machine, and I am barely a few weeks through basic training.


  Then she takes another step forward, and another. I watch her get closer. Each step causes a pulse and surge of energy to roll through me.


  She gets to where she is right next to the portal. She raises her right hand as if to touch the portal. That is when I lose my nerve and cut the connection to the portal.


  I suddenly feel weak, as all the energy within my body has been drained.


  My legs feel like they are rubber as I try to hold my weight up on the spindly things. I am exhausted.


  The world spins for a second.


  It takes me a bit longer than I'd like, to realize I am falling and there is nothing I can do to stop myself.


  "This is what happens when you skip leg day." Omen says admonishingly.


  I want to glower at the tree, but I cannot. All I can do is pant wildly. I had done it. I had created a two-way portal to another universe. Then I remembered the sexy combat Jess and figured it must have been something in that other universe's water that caused the Jess and Me from that universe to be so crazy good looking.


  "That was a good start. Next time, we will do so from space. That should help, but since you chose a spot on this planet in a different universe, you didn't have to worry about updating the coefficients for constantly shifting locations." Astra added.


  Again, I think I understood what she was talking about, vaguely. She was commenting on the fact that it was easier for me to create a portal to another universe on the same planet I was inhabiting. The reason being that I could then just keep the same distance parameters in place, and not have to worry about the rotation of differing planets in two different universes.


  "So, we are on to phase two?" I ask, as my body is sucking down oxygen like a fat kid with a milkshake. I of course was exhausted from using so much mana in such a short period of time, but it was worth it. I had done the impossible, or at least I had done something that I had thought was impossible days or even weeks ago.


  "Calm down there. All you did was manage to color a predesigned Magic Spell without crossing the lines. Congratulations, you are the equivalent of a very good elementary school student." Omen states.


  There we go, the reality check I so needed. I think to myself as I take in a deep breath and sigh. They are right, it isn't like I created the spell forms and positioned them properly. All I did was effectively connect the dots of power and then fill the different points with energy as needed.


  "Come on, be somewhat nicer to him. This was a great first time. I would have gladly hung that spell on my fridge. If I had a fridge." Hunger said, though I couldn't quite tell if they were trying to be funny or legitimately thought I did a good job.


  "You are being too kind to him. He still needs to practice more. Yes, he managed to cast the spell, but what happens if Prime wishes to keep him in the alternate universe?" Deca asks.


  At that question, my heart begins to race. That is a good point. If I cannot cast this spell on my own to get back, then my entire trip and preparation to get there would have been for nothing. I need to go there, get the other universe's version of me, then come back.


  "You all worry too much. The other Kyle Goldman is more than capable of coming back here on his own. He is our true father after all." Omen said.


  I feel a bit of bite at the word true when they refer to the other universe's version of me. It of course is a not too subtle reminder that I am the secondary version of who they truly care about. The one they wanted to have help them.


  "Regardless, we will have him cast the spell again tonight when he has had time to recharge. We have wasted enough time waiting for him to learn to pedal on his own. Eventually we just need to throw him into the deep end to see if he can bike his way out." Deca said.


  I wanted to point out that I think the tree was getting their analogies confused there but was soon cut off.


  "No. We have asked a lot of you. In a way that analogy is fairly accurate. We have asked you to not only learn how to use your Teleportation ability in a fast way. But the level and degree of difficulty that we are asking you to learn is at a level that would be similar to forcing you to learn to both learn to ride a bike while swimming at the same time. You are doing a great job, and what you have shown so far appears to be the best we can hope of at the moment." Hunger says, while I feel they meant to be supportive. I can't help but feel that they were still a little harsh with their final statements.


  "Come now. You need to rest. Tonight, we will be in the openness of space, where you will make a quick pierce in the veil of our universes. Where you will go through to another universe entirely. No pressure." Astra said, as she clasped my shoulder, then gave a light squeeze.


  "Yeah, no pressure." I reply, as I suddenly feel a lot of pressure from this one act. The sad part is, I don't even know how to fly a plane.


  "Don't worry about flying. Guardian Rayquel will be the pilot of your vessel. All you will need to do is open the portal between the two universes. Then she will take care of the rest." Omen states.


  Well, that is one less thing for me to worry about, I guess. Also, with Rayquel along, I feel that things will be a little less awkward.


  Taking a deep breath, I relax and head back to my room. Ready to rest up long enough so I can get the energy needed to try creating a paint by numbers portal again.




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The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]




Chapter 96 Dogfighting, the Morally Acceptable Version

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Chapter 96

Dogfighting, the Morally Acceptable Version


  Oddly enough, even before beastkin were known to exist, apparently air combat was called dogfighting. Also, it should be pointed out that dog, well wolf beastkin, are surprisingly the best combat pilots. Even now, generations after the great collapse of the beastkin empire, wolves, or beastkin that most resemble wolves, are prized for their ability to add to space combat.


  Why does this matter? What does this mean? Does this mean that we are currently going to fight beastkin wolves? No. Sadly not, for this battle, the wolves have decided to fight with the Endarians. Apparently after the break, the wolf beastkin were the ones that often-found roots or positions within the Endarian fleets.


  Also, I know you are thinking it too. But no, I will not make any jokes about the dogs being attracted to the Endarians, due to an intense want to pee on their sacred tree. Mainly because the world-tree didn't exist for most of the time that the Endarians and Beastkin knew each other, at least not in this universe. Thus, that joke would not only be in bad taste, but also historically inaccurate. So, I will not even mention the idea of that being a possibility. Nope, not one mention of a beastkin dog, peeing on, biting at, or otherwise marking the sacred tree. I am above such crude attempts at humor or imagery. Also, apparently such thoughts are enough to warrant four hours of EO training, so I don't want that.


  For the sake of combat, oh that's right, we are about to enter battle with Admiral Lemitov's first fleet, that might be important. Well for the sake of combat, Alien Jess and I have been put in command of two different squadrons. Jess got the fleet of sexy Endarians. While I got the fleet of mixed Beastkin and Endarians. Supposedly the quality of the two squadrons is equal, but I can't help but feel there is a slight disparity between the two squadrons.


  Maybe I am just prejudice against beastkin? That is a troubling thought. I remember Goldie's comment about not wanting to be with them due to rug burn, and that probably gave me a far more negative opinion of them than I should have.


  "Father, you should know. The reason you have all the beastkin in your squadron, is because they all volunteered to be with you. These beastkin are extremely loyal and will pledge themselves to a commander through death. So, the fact that they are all willing to follow you means a lot." Prime says. He is speaking in that way that only I can hear his broadcast, which I am thankful for. Especially with the message he is now sharing. For after hearing the words, I realize I missed a lot. It took a second for the meaning of his statement to get through, but once it did, wow.


  Then just like that, I realized I was a prejudiced asshole. Wow, not sure that self-reflection is always best before a battle, but better now than never, I guess. Yes, that one comment was enough to make me realize I had been completely dismissive of an entire species of space people.


  "Portal opening for first squadron will begin in 5, 4, 3…" General Fellina states.


  There is a veritable fleet of support casters ready to help with our operations. My squadron, the first squadron, are made up of the craziest pilots. We are the tip of the spear and will be given a teleport that puts us right at the under belly of the advancing human fleet.


  Once we are through, Astra, the portal grand wizard, will pause, then open a second portal where Alien Jess' squadron will go through. Then sometime later Rayquel will lead the main fleet through at a different location far to the front.


  The idea is that with our pincer maneuver, we will have effectively cut off the enemy fleet's advancement. Then when they circle back to try and stop our fleets. That is when Rayquel will make her grand entrance.


  On paper the theory is sound. But then again, a war was never won by a clipboard or data pad.


  In the end, even the best laid plans mean nothing, if you don't execute. And that is just what I will need to do for this battle, execute humans. My own kind. Well, half my kind, but still, they are my kind. At least they are what is seen as the base of my genetic coding and to some extent, I can't help but feel that this is somehow a betrayal. Not that a human killing other humans is in any way a new or novel concept. We were doing it religiously back in the day. Now, well now, I almost wish we could avoid it.


  "…Go!" The Admiral's words bring me back to the present, to the giant open rift that lays before us.




  I power up my ship, and before I have a second-to-second guess my actions, we are moving forward. It has taken me a long time to get to the point where I don't hesitate in combat anymore. Even moving in formation is important, especially when you are the leader of an elite tactical squadron.


  Normally I would give a speech to rally the troops. That is why I decide to begin with a classic.


  "WAHHAAAHAA-HHOOOO!" I scream out, as I enter the rift in space and instantly emerge on the far end of space a few thousand light years away.


  I of course make sure to broadcast my war cry loudly and on the open comms channel, meaning that the human fleet that is moving from one sector of space to another can easily hear me.


  Why do this? Why give away the tactical advantage of surprise? Simple, after the first ship is taken offline, our surprise will be known.


  We emerge to find several light fighter vessels surrounding the supply ships of the fleet. These supply ships are easy to notice, as they are squat square, and generally less armed than other vessels of the fleet. The armaments are meant mainly as a last-ditch survival mechanism, more than anything else.


  Still, I have my task set out before me. Punch a hole straight through the fleet.


  That is just what I do.


  Mind Rend-X.


  I find the different minds of the enemies before me and begin snuffing them out like they are candles on a birthday cake. I fire a focused burst at the different supply ships. Supply ships that are now unmanned and floating listlessly in space. But I don't focus on any one target. Instead, I fire, duck, and weave through the fleet. I know I am a member of a squadron and that dozens of fighters will follow in my path.


  I must trust that the rest of my squadron will follow in my wake. With me setting the path and pace, it is clear what my targets are. At least that is why I target what I do.


  A short time later, when we are nearing the halfway point of our push through the enemy lines, I feel the portal open again. This time it is Alien Jess' squadron that comes through. They are at a different angle and direction entirely than us, but I feel their entrance all the same.


  I spare half a glance to see that they all made it through the gates unscathed. The entry was always going to be the hardest point of this, and the part that we had to worry about the most. Still her entrance goes largely unnoticed. Mainly due to Alien Jess not taking this seriously and not giving out a war cry.


  Also, our small squadron is already causing a lot of damage on our way through the heart of the fleet.


  More and more squadrons assemble to form up and strike at us. This is standard practice for most fleets, but also one that I have encountered numerous times in my past lives. Sadly, for the assembling forces, I have a method of dealing with them.


  Mind Rend-X.


  The squadron of eight ships that had been assembling to form a wedge formation, now float listlessly within the confines of space. I tag a few of the ships, but again they are mainly a waste of precious time right now.


  At this moment, everything is going smoothly. Not that you expect things to go wrong, but mentally you always need to be prepared for something to go wrong.


  Still the plan is flawless, so far. The portals are crisp and clean. Alien Jess' squadron is encountering some resistance, but nothing they can't handle. Especially with most of the fleet being focused on us.


  Even the automatic systems are proving to be nothing for my elite forces of dogfighters, sorry beastkin fighter pilots.


  Yes, everything is going smoothly. So why do I get the feeling that something terrible is about to happen? Is that just my natural pessimism? Is this mainly because I just assume something terrible will happen? Or is it something more?


  I don't know.


  Still, we have a mission to perform. The squadron that is with me are top notch. I honestly don't even look back to make sure they are still with me anymore. After the first few turns, it was apparent that they were able to adapt and move around obstacles, only to come back in tight formation immediately afterward. To put it simply, they are amazing, and I am glad I got this opportunity to fight by their side.


  We of course can't go near the flagship. At least not yet. We are too few to pose any real threat to the massive structure. Also, the number of automated turrets are enough to cause even trouble to our well-choreographed strike teams.


  No, our job is to disrupt the supply lines, cause trouble, then get the enemy to double back on us. This would be the time when Rayquel would barrel through with the main forces. Also, she would lead several capital class ships. Capital class ships are not as powerful as flagships but are far more maneuverable and able to take the hits that the flagships can give out. Basically, they are the rock in rock, paper, scissors. Small fighter craft like mine are the paper that could take out the rock or capital class ships but would ultimately be cut to pieces by the flagships, or scissors of this analogy.


  Now there are obvious exceptions to every example, but that is the basic premise for how space combat is handled.


  Also, that is the base way that most people instill logical objectives in a combat mission. Of course, things like Magic and Psychic abilities throw a lot of these theories out of the water. Take for instance the fact that I can sense and detect minds from nearly twice as far away as most other psychics, and you realize I have a huge advantage. Then take that advantage and put it in space, where the abilities of psychics are nearly expanded tenfold and space combat for someone like me becomes a breeze.


  In fact, our squadron alone has already done enough damage to this human fleet, that their advance either must stop here shortly, or they would need to find additional supplies.


  Still, they are fighting, just as we are.


  "You ready for phase three?" Rayquel's voice calls out.


  At that sound, I let out a sigh of relief. I had missed the third portal opening. Again, space and the distances of how far away we are is not to be overlooked. We are so far away, that I couldn't even feel the portal where Rayquel's forces were to originate from.


  The fact that she is talking at all means that all of her forces are through the portal and are now prepared to engage in combat.


  "WOOHOO!" I shout back, trying to sound more energetic than I feel.


  As for how I am feeling, I am getting fairly tired.


  Fighting is tough, add to that the fact that I am constantly feeling for enemy minds, then snuffing them out, then flying between debris, auto turrets, and trying to find easy objectives for my squadron to focus on, and it is easy to see why I would be tired.


  "All squadrons, prepare for our final objective." Rayquel states.


  That is our cue. With that, we are to finish any last strafing runs, form up and make consorted attacks against the human flagship.


  The only problem is that I feel a slight tightening in my chest as fear grips me.


  Not wanting to appear weak, I fight through the sudden phantom pain in my chest. Though I wonder what it is, maybe gas?


  Still, I take a moment to cast Healing-X on me. The spell of course does nothing, as nothing is in fact wrong with me. I am perfectly healthy.


  Yet, I can't help but feel there is a slight problem.


  Regardless, I lead my squadron in on our rear flanking run. Then out of an abundance of caution, I for whatever reason feel the need to do a quick check on my seals. Everything is in place, at least that is the way it looks now. Then I feel it, something feels wrong. My hands start to sweat. I feel a tightness of breath, and even my heart begins to pound faster.


  Badump. Badump.


  Fear. This is fear, irrational and intangible fear. But I can't look weak, not here, not now. Not in front of my troops.


  "Hahaha. Welcome Cadet Kyle Goldman." A voice mad with insanity speaks out over the open communications in human English.


  At that voice, I know it. That is the voice of Admiral Lemitov, the hidden Prolaxian Herald. We are so close; this is but one more herald to kill. Still, I can't help but feel an impending sense of doom coming over me.


  Maybe this has something to do with the warning that the other Herald gave. The one where killing one more could cause the summoning of the behemoth? Is that why I feel so uneasy. The fact that killing the Admiral will lead us, into an even greater conflict with that behemoth monster, the one that is larger than solar systems?


  That must be it, this is a warning for me to disable but not kill the Admiral. I am about to make a comment to that effect when I feel even more pain coursing through my body.


  "DIE, you traitorous scum!" The Admiral's Voice shouts out.


  At least that is what I think he says, as I am suddenly filled with an intense burning pain within my chest. My entire body begins to light up with pain.


  "GAAHHHHHH!" I manage to cry out, before the world goes black as my mind is shut down with intense and overwhelming pain.



  MEANWHILE, aboard the Flagship of the first fleet, a trinket that Admiral Lemitov carried with him religiously suddenly crumbled to dust.


  "Hahaha!" The Admiral cackled with delight as he watched the lightning bolt shaped trinket crumble to dust. He had won. He had managed to survive another day. His trinket was none other than the legendary artifact Hero Slayer, a special item that could only be purchased when he first chose to take his form. He had many times to use the powerful relic, but only now did it feel so sweet to use the instrument.


  Now this next part was where he had to reveal his next part of the plan. A part that might out him, if he wasn't careful.


  Using his natural powers, he the herald of Locusts, created a portal that summoned forth the lowest level of Prolaxians.


  "WAHH!" His crew chief cried out, "we have sightings of Prolaxians."


  "Quickly, all ships move to evacuation points now." Admiral Lemitov shouted.


  This was too perfect. The fool fell right into my clutches. Now I will use the Prolaxians to devour his corpse and ensure we are safe to move on to our next phase without issue. We can still win with just the three of us, Admiral Lemitov thought to himself as he and his fleet prepared to depart amid the chaos of battle that was forming around them.


  While it was a shame to lose so many of the young to such a cause, sometimes such casualties were needed for the overall success of the mission. With that, he created more and more pockets where the locust grade Prolaxians could be produced in the thousands.


  "Emergency destination point set."


  "Get us out of here." Admiral Lemitov said.




  There was the distinct sound of a hand pressing the emergency jump button firmly. Then a slight blur as space began to fold around their flagship as they raced through space.




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The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]




Chapter 97 Unfettered Consciousness

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Chapter 97

Unfettered Consciousness


  I was floating aimlessly throughout the universe. My consciousness was simultaneously everywhere and nowhere all at once. Here in the void, I saw three figures of darkness and four figures of light.


  If I focused on the different entities, I could see them. The entities would go from being a glowing light, to a true entity that was easy to understand. The dark entities were Admiral Lemitov, the Dwenvarian Queen's Bro Consort, and someone I missed entirely. Someone we all seemed to have missed.


  As for the beings of light, I already knew one of them just by the way their energy felt, though I wasn't quite certain how I knew how energy could feel from sight. As for the other three, they were odd. One was far brighter than the others and I focused in on them. Instantly I felt their bright energy change shape and grow dimmer. It was almost as if the more I realized who they were, the more they seemed to fade from reality. Seeing that I focused on the two lights that were glowing ever so brightly, the ones that seemed odd and alien to my senses.


  The brightest one, they were a hunter. At least that was the impression I got from their posture and bearing. There was also the fact that their final form had them wielding a powerful scythe. Who wields a scythe? I mean seriously, that just seems ridiculous.


  Then again for the types of beings these Celestials were supposed to be, this weapon sort of made sense. I mean they were meant to be avenging angels or some such nonsense.


  Then there were the other two glowing lights. Once again, it seemed that just by looking at them, they began to dim and fade before my very gaze. But I could see them. Both were secretaries at different parts of the military. One desk had the plaque that read Ms. June, while the other had the plaque that read Ms. Allbright. These were of course just names at this point. Names with a vague sense that they were both at different military complexes on his home planet.




  It felt odd. Now that he was dead, that he was nothing more than a consciousness floating around in space, he could see everything. He finally had his moment to understand everything.


  How had he died?


  Well, he was still wondering about that. All he knew is that there was a dark bolt of energy that went from Lemitov to him. Something that should have killed him instantly, apparently. Worse, his ship had been on a direct collision course with the flagship before he lost consciousness.


  He idly remembered jerking about wildly and hitting the control stick, but he didn't know if that was enough to get him off the collision course he was set on.


  The Admiral apparently got away, that much was apparent from the fact that his glowing light was now far away from where the rest of his fleet was.


  Looking down with his detached mind, he tried to find his body. Of course, after the battle his ship would have looked like nothing more than one more husk of a ship floating about lifelessly in the aftermath of the space battle.


  Looking down at the wreckage it appeared he had been a little too good with his different attacks. For there were dozens if not hundreds of ships that were all moving about on final trajectories. All with pilots who died behind the wheel. That was the thing about space and inertia, once a ship was moving, they stayed moving.


  It took a moment, but I finally found the tether that led to his ship. He had somehow survived, though parts of his ship were bent and dinged up from colliding with different space debris. This was odd, it almost felt like he had unlocked Far Viewing in a way, though he knew it was different. Far Viewing wouldn't allow him to use his other powers. He also knew that he had used his Revelation Sight to see and find the different forces of his universe. He was close, so close, he could feel it. He also saw the binding marker that tied the remaining three together. It was like they had all been selected for slaughter as they could only sit around and wait for death to come.


  So many things. In his next life, if there was a next life, he vowed to do things differently. First off, he would get rid of the stupid wings. Looking down at his body, he wondered why he even had such appendages. Then he felt like a complete moron as he realized he had the ability to hide his abnormalities from the start. He had been given the ultimate form of reprieve from his odd looks with his Master Tier Shapeshifting, but he had been so caught up in his own machinations that he lost sight of it. In the end, he realized that cosmetic changes were minor in the grand scheme of things, but he had been given a way to fix his mishaps.


  He also realized that the longer he stayed detached from his body, the less he felt like the body was his own. He felt like it had been a rental body at best. One that he would now have to return to the fold. Even now he somehow realized he was thinking about himself in third person. He had done a lot with this life. According to what he saw, good outshone the bad. The universe was safer. There was now a world tree. Everything was going well, at least that is what he told himself.


  If he had to go, then dying on the battlefield would not be such a bad way to go.


  Looking down, at the vastness of space, he could see a portal forming off in the distance. Oddly enough it looked like his ship was about to enter the opening rift in space.


  "Father! You must awaken yourself." The voice of Prime his tree came to him. With that, he jerked and twisted.


  His spirit that had been so ready to let go of all attachments suddenly spun to life. He fell, then felt his consciousness slam into his body.






  I suck in a deep lungful of air, only to find that my oxygen levels are depleted. A quick scan shows that my hull had been breached. All my auxiliary oxygen had escaped. Now I was left with the oxygen that was protected by my combat suit. The only problem was a quick glance showed that my oxygen levels were at dangerous levels.


  I suddenly realized quite a few things. This explained why and how my mind was spinning out, how I was losing consciousness and why I was accepting of death.




  I use my air affinity to create a breath of air. Then a second, then a third. Each breath is like honey on my lips. With each breath I can feel my mind slowly awakening.


  I struggle to remember everything that I had just seen. I remember the two known Prolaxian Heralds, then the third.


  In a second I remember how my rebel tree saved me. They brought me back from the brink of death.


  Then I remember the most important part. The magic portal that was forming in front of me. I begin trying to spin up my ship, trying to move away from the direct collision course with the spell that is being poorly formed. If I wanted, I could take control of the portal and shut it down entirely. I am about to do that, to turn away from the portal that goes to where only the Gods know, when I hear a voice again.


  "Father, wait."


  "What?" I ask, though with my lack of oxygen and severely dry throat it comes out as more of a wheeze than anything.


  "Father, just wait." Prime states, again.


  I like an idiot look around for the source of the voice. Of course, only after I look around do I realize I am in the middle of space and looking for a talking tree. I want to blame it on the oxygen deprivation, in fact I decide to do just that.


  I am so busy trying to regain my faculties, that I miss the moment the portal before me locks into place and I lifelessly glide through it. I begin trying to activate my ship, hitting the auxiliary power supply sources and what not.



  Yeah, it was dead. Worse, there were ships right on the other end of the portal. Ships that I was about to crash into. Was this some sort of invasion? Did Astra create a second portal so rescue and salvage ships could be sent to the battlefield?


  I could feel the minds of people all around the other end of the portal. But then I also felt her.


  Badump. Badump. Badump.

  My heart started beating faster, as I felt a warmth right in my very core ignite. An empty part of me was right there, being re-awakened.


  Then to make matters worse.


  "Father! You have finally come to us."

  "Hooray, father's here."


  "Father, father…"

  "I need to speak to him first."

  "No, I do…"


  There were four voices, at least that is what I got from the rapid-fire shouts in my mind. Idly I wondered if this is what happened to Uncle Lou, the one time he came back to visit his kids for the holiday? Of course, after this, I fully understand why he left and never came back.


  "Hey! That is not very nice."

  "Yeah, Prime has been hogging you all to herself."


  Yeah, and these trees can all read my mind as well. Yep, this won't be annoying at all.


  My ship's forward momentum was stopped by the liberal use of Telekinesis. Of course, I could tell what power was being used against me, especially now that I had a superior version of it. The only problem was that I have no way of stopping it, unlike magical abilities. Not that I particularly wanted to continue flying aimlessly into space, mind you. I would just like the ability to stop whatever would happen next if it came to such an event.


  "Father. They want me to tell you to just hold still and that you will be rescued shortly." One of the trees spoke.


  I had no real way of knowing what the tree voices were, other than they were different decibels of annoying within my mind.


  "I am Nothing."


  "I am Omen."

  "I am Hunger."

  "I am Deca."


  They all say in near unison right in my mind. I sigh, noting that they all have chosen stupid names for themselves. I don't even want to know where or why they got these names.


  "I am the ninth iteration of the first great tree. And nine is phonetically the same thing as the German word for no." The one calling himself Nothing states.


  "See, this is why kids should not be allowed to name themselves." I mutter to myself.


  The others also go through their stories about how they got their names to be equally annoying and pretentious. The only one that at all seems accurate is Omen, in that they are likely a bad Omen.

  The sad part, well the worst part about all this. With my power down and communication system offline, I need to have open dialog with the trees, so I can find out what is going on.


  Apparently, Wizard me, was the one who opened the portal to my universe. His version of Jess is sick, or something and they need me to heal her?


  I am about to not do anything. When I twist. At least I try to turn my back, only to find that my metallic butterfly wing is caught within my chair. Then like a cosplayer who realizes they are about to go from a convention, straight to a family reunion, I panic for a second.


  I can't let that loser Wizard version of me, see me in this state. That is when I remember my revelation from my near-death experience. I begin to use Master Tier Shapeshifting.

  Now I have never used this power before, but the threat of future embarrassment is the mother of all learning and all that.


  With that in mind I focus on my wings and slowly begin to pull them into my body. I let them slide under my skin. I don't want to get rid of them. They are metal plated wings that can survive in space and shrug off blaster fire like it was nothing. If anything, I want the wings to cover more of my body, but in a less obvious way. That is why I begin to let the wings dig into my body and slide under my skin.


  Oddly enough, it doesn't hurt, but it does tingle in that way your skin does when it is being stretched.


  The process is long and slow, at least that is the way it feels to me. But finally, I feel an intense cold on my back, as my wings no longer fill in the hole of the back plate of my space suit. I want to fix that but realize that is now the least of my worries. If I am jettisoned into space, I realize I am just a short Total Recall away from going to my own universe.


  With my wings hidden under my skin, I look in the reflective mirror and see my hideous eyes. The eyes that speak of me having excessive amounts of power. With a sigh, I change those back. Well, I just change them to a green. I even change my hair color so that it is sandy blond. Now for the first time in this lifetime I look and almost feel normal.


  Almost, there is still that intense cold draft of wind that is blowing down my back. I realize now that I don't have my wings, I will need deal with the cold seeping into my space suit. Fortunately for me, by the time I am done with everything. I am already aboard an older model Endarian Capital class ship.


  I am taken through a series of compression locked doors and seals. Until finally taken to the fully stabilized hanger. Only once I am there do I hear the hiss of magnetic locks being released, after which my hatch opens and allows me to get out.


  I move, my body stiff from having been in one cramped position for so long. Thinking about it, it had been a bit of a day. I started off with the dogfight, well that's what it should have been, but it was more of a slaughter, until it wasn't. Then I nearly died.


  At the thought of the dark lightning bolt that struck me, I instinctively grab for my chest. I wonder how I survived. But then in a flash of Precognitive-X insight, I am reminded of my title.


  Title Gained: Herald Slayer X5  Herald Slayer X5: You have killed five of the legendary Heralds of the apocalypse. You have managed to kill them in such a way that they will never respawn in any time restart. For this you gain a blessing. All attributes increased by 5% (X5 for a total of 25%). You are now 50% more resistant to all Herald events.


  With that, I realize I am likely far luckier to have killed so many of those things permanently. I also realize that there are two more awaiting me after my next time reset.


  Wow, saved by a title. Well, the resistances that came from the title, but basically the same thing. With that I take in a deep breath, and then let it out. There is more to do. So much more to do. The first and foremost thing I need to do, is get rid of this pair bonding with my soul.


  At least that is my plan, before I get down from my craft, turn around, and see her.


  Badump. Badump. Badump.




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The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]




Chapter 98 A Second Time to Make a First Impression

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Chapter 98

A Second Time to Make a First Impression


  There standing on the landing dock for the Endarian Fleet, I realize a few things. First, I realize that this is my second time coming to this fourteenth universe. Then in that same thought, I realize that for the second time I got here by a random portal opening and my disabled ship floating through. Granted last time there was an extra hop that I had to make after coming to and maneuvering around a destroyed world. But still the final result was the same, I still ultimately ended up here after the same set of circumstances.


  The fact that this was the fourteenth universe was unquestionable, as there were too many signs that I had already been here. First there was my bun in the oven of Rayquel. By bun I of course mean part of my soul. Just as I can feel her soul within me as well. Honestly, I don't quite know how I feel about that. Here we are effectively linked by our souls, and yet I have never met this person. I haven't, right?


  Just out of an abundance of caution, I test my concerns by making Revelation Sight go from passive to active.




  I even make sure to do a large sweep of the deck, only to find that no one here is a Celestial. Nor are they a Herald, but I don't need this ability to be in active mode to get that.


  This of course brings me back to square one. I am stuck here with someone who has part of my soul, and I have never met them. I don't know them at all, and I feel rather odd with my back still being extremely cold. While this deck is heated, it is apparently assumed that everyone here will have a completely intact space suit.


  We all stand there awkwardly for a few minutes. Or what feels like minutes. I know while I am using my abilities to scan them, they are likely using the same abilities to scan me.


  Finally, I decide to break the tension.


  "So, anyone read any good web novels recently?"




  I am about to follow up with my personal preferences, but Rayquel beats me to the punch.


  "How did we…" She says we as she points first to herself, then to me, then back to herself again. "End up getting pair bonded."


  I am about to answer, but then I realize stop myself.


  "Well, first off how much do you know about the Celestials and Prolaxian Heralds and their war to fuck over all existence?"


  Everyone looks like I just said I attend church naked. I don't, not anymore. That was a onetime thing, where I went on a dare. There was only one female, the head priestess, and the rest were all old dudes who went to gawk at her. Yeah, I lost a lot of faith in humanity, and myself, that day.


  Fortunately, Wizard me cuts in to save the day.


  "I know of the Prolaxians, but I'm confused about the Herald part." Wizard me states.


  I turn to look at him, and man he is even making me look bad with how terrible he looks. Out of sympathy I run through the gambit of spells on him. Purge, Cleanse, and Heal are all cast in rapid succession. It doesn't do much, but at least now I can say I tried.


  "So, the Prolaxians, the little space goblin amoeba monsters that come through portals. They all have seven generals that are hidden in the universe. This one should only have five generals remaining, along with one lead general, the Puppet master. They are in a war against the Celestials, whose sole job is to go around and make life difficult for us. At least that is what I have gathered to this point." I pause as I turn to Rayquel.


  "Last time I was here, a Celestial used a trinket on us, to get us pair bonded." I say, doing the same back and forth pointing gesture that Rayquel had used on me a moment ago.


  After hearing this, Rayquel's face drops as she tries to take in the information. It is so odd seeing her do the same exact expressions that the Celestial Rayquel used to make while puppeting her body.


  Seeing her move, I almost wonder if there could be something between us, if we just tried. Then I quickly shake my head, realizing this is like the type of forced emotional response that would come from the pair bond. The bond that has made us into one conjoined soul. That is when I remember my hatred for the Celestials in this as well. They make us prisoners to our emotions, making it so we cannot even have our own thoughts without wondering if they are being influenced by external forces. That is part of why I went to Jess. In all my lifetimes, she is the only constant I had. She is the only one I truly felt that I belonged with, every step of the way.


  I look to Wizard me and add. "That's when you were also pair bonded with the Jess of this universe."


  "Yes, I know…" He says, in that arrogant way that just makes me want to punch myself in the face, well his face, my fist. Do I look and sound like this guy?


  Wizard me looks at me in confusion for a moment, but then asks. "Are you actually the same Kyle Goldman that came here last time? I remember you being well different?" He states.


  It takes me a minute, as I know for a fact, I didn't get the wings until later. But that is when I remember the fact that the wings weren't the only thing I changed. I also got rid of the glowing eyes and hair.


  "Right, I found a way to blend in since then." I state.


  Hearing that, Wizard me just nods. Then points to the violin case by my side. "You still have the violin case?"


  "Yeah, with the same violin I got from here last time." I add.


  Then before I let this get too awkward, I check out my ship and realize that while it is not exactly a cracked windshield like last time. There are clearly breaches to the hull that would make driving this vehicle more dangerous. I wonder if I should have gone with the electric lime green-shoot-me-now three-seater, but then thought better of that. That ship would have been far too large of a target during battle. Also, that was my civilian vessel, one that the warranty expressly states will not cover damage caused by acts of war.


  I nod, as there is an awkward tension that fills the hanger.


  "Well, I guess I will be going. Time to undo this pair bonding, then get back to my universe. There is a war going on, after all." I state as I am about to cast Total Recall. Since I am here, it will be an easy enough task to find my residual psychic resonance that is on General Fellina, or General Tigran as she is known here. Gods, that is another thing that I do not like about this place, all the different names for the same people.


  "Wait!" Wizard me shouts as they lunge forward trying to get my attention.


  I pause and stare at the man, who by his own actions is now making me look bad. I just raise an inquisitive, are you serious, eyebrow.




  Just before I am about to speak and add more awkward tension to this random meeting, he speaks.


  "I need you to fix Jess." Hearing his voice, the pain in his voice, it does something to me.


  "What happened?" I ask.


  Wizard me takes in a deep annoyed breath, then answers in two words. "My brother."


  He is about to continue, but I hold up a hand as I think I see where this is going.


  "Right, I fixed him the first time through, so you didn't see his actions. Then let me guess, there was a reset, and you two remained aware?"


  He nods, so I continue.


  "Then the second time through he went and did his mind alterations?" I ask.


  "Yes, then those alterations stayed when the timeline restarted again." Wizard me starts, but then pauses. "The only problem was, with it being reset she was forced to love someone who she had never actually met. This apparently caused a mental collapse of her mind, leaving her in a coma. That was when General Tigran said we should reach out to you."


  At the mention of the General's name, a chill runs down my back. "Wait. So, the General knows I am here?" I ask.


  "Yes, she is the reason so many resources were gathered to open the portal." Rayquel adds, apparently not wanting to be left out of the conversation.


  Hearing this, I can't help but feel that there is more to this plot than simple altruism. The General must know for a fact what I am capable of, as that is why Rayquel is now Celestial free. That must mean she has something planned, but what?


  Suddenly I don't think I like the idea of being here. It feels like I am part of a final plot that is about to go horribly wrong for me. I mean, why would the General want me here, especially if she knew my whole purpose for coming here was to erase her and the acts she conducted while she was here? Surely, she knows that I will stop at nothing to end this pair bond between myself and Rayquel. So, what is her goal? What does she have planned for all of this? The General Tigran I know, is far more resourceful than just letting me come here to undo her schemes. She must have an ulterior motive, but I can't quite fathom what that motive is, and that scares me.


  That brings me to my next question, "where exactly is the general?"


  At that, many of the faces drop.


  "She is not doing that well." Rayquel is the first to speak.


  Suddenly I am reminded of how Mel, well Mel's second incarnation looked when I was aware of her existence. She had been on life support, and by the end it was a mercy for me to fully reveal her. To think that the General was suffering in much the same way, and likely for a lot longer, said something about her personal fortitude. That alone was almost enough to give me a slight feeling of respect for the Celestial. That is, if it wasn't for her being the root of the problem between us and the Prolaxians. The fact that she clearly used her power on me, an outsider to this universe was not lost on me. I realize she likely only meant to join Wizard me and Jess with the pair bond. The fact that I happened to be here and was able to get swept up in the same power play likely was a bonus. One that the General couldn't pass up. Then I ask myself if I would be any different if I were in her shoes. Would I be any different as a leader? Wouldn't I also use all resources available to me to win a battle for the universe?


  I know for a fact I would, have, and will do so again. At least that is what the memories of my past lives tell me.


  "…So will you, do it?" Wizard me asks.


  Suddenly I realize he was talking for a while and I just kind of drowned him out. To my defense, it is hard to focus with my own inner monologue, and Wizard me talking with effectively the same voice. The only difference being that my inner voice is worth listening to, while Wizard me is just well worth punching.


  "What?" I ask, shaking my head.


  Seeing this Wizard me, looks agitated, but then before he can reply back. Rayquel cuts him off.


  "Will you be able to help our Jess?" Rayquel asks.


  "Oh, that. Yeah sure. Though I would like to speak to our dear older brother first." I say as a malicious grin fills my face.


  Seeing the look, a look of pain crosses Wizard me's face. "Sadly, that will not fix anything."


  "Oh, that is fine. I don't intend to fix anything with him anyways. Instead, I intend to break him, before I fix your Jess." I state.


  "I don't think we can…"


  "That is my condition. Let me mentally neuter our brother, or I walk." This of course was a lie. I would help this universe's Jess regardless of circumstance. I just wanted to see how fast I could get about correcting the problem that was my brother. Practice makes perfect, after all.


  "Fine. I'll take you to him. Just realize he is still out running freely in this universe." Wizard me states morosely.


  "Oh, don't worry about that. That only helps to make this even better." I say, as a malicious grin crosses my face.


  "Come on, I'll drive you all." Rayquel states.


  I take one look at her, then remember her piloting from the last time. I also realize she was being puppeted at the time and should likely give this Rayquel the benefit of the doubt, but I can't.


  At least I knew the old me couldn't. Still, I want to see how different the real Rayquel is from the person who puppeted her. With her as my test case. I decided to go with it.


  I was about to follow Rayquel into a three-person ship that looked surprisingly like the one I won at Wango Tango, when I realized one thing.


  "Something the matter?" Rayquel asks.


  "Yeah, is there any way I can get a new space suit. Mine seems to have sprung a leak." I say as I point to the open slits on the back of my suit.




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The 13th Loop [A Progression, GameLit, Sci-Fi Adventure]




Chapter 99 Operation Brotherly Payback

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Chapter 99

Operation Brotherly Payback


  In the end I had to get a new suit entirely. It seemed that the patented tri-weave blend still has not come to this universe. That is why I am stuck with this seemingly semi-archaic version of a space suit that barely has four hours of oxygen available. Of course, with my powers and abilities, I can theoretically extend that for quite a while.


  Why am I thinking about being lost in space, dying slowly as I wait for death to take me? No clue, just something that weighs on my mind, ever since that first death. Of course, now I have ways to avoid that fate. I can always teleport out using Total Recall, a feat that was unavailable to me that one lifetime. Which lifetime was it? I don't really remember, they all sort of blend together. In fact, I don't know if I ever actually died from just being left in space? Or if I was on the brink of death, up to and until I was devoured by Prolaxians.


  It is odd, the longer I go. The harder it is for me to gain concrete details from my past lives. It is almost as if they are a movie that played in my mind, and now that months have passed, when I need to recall the moments, they are gone.


  Still, there is one thing I am certain of. Regardless of the world, universe or timeline, my brother is a perpetual mind rapist.


  Also, with me back and having the same facial features as the Kyle Goldman, Wizard me, from this universe, we have come up with a plan.


  The plan is simple. Wizard me will show himself to be in public at the Endarian planet with the tree that goes by the stupid name Orgy? Orange? Whatever, the one beginning with an 'O'. Then once he is done being noticed.



  There it is. I will get a missed communications notice from him, which means it is now my turn to move.


  I also take the liberty of changing my face with Master Tier Shapeshifting, but I don't want the knowledge of this power getting out. Thus, the subterfuge.


  For this operation, I choose to go as Admiral Lemitov. I know, for this universe, the Admiral is an innocent person of my hate. But I can't help but want to punch that cheap shotting bastard in the face. So, my disguising myself as Lemitov is the next best thing, for me.


  Fortunately for me, Captain Chet Goldman is nothing if not a perpetual sycophant. This is why when I happen to run into him in the hallway, by coincidence. He pauses and renders a salute.


  I of course salute back, but then pretend like seeing him reminded me of something important I needed to discuss.


  "Captain Goldman, a word of your time?"


  "Sure, thing Admiral." Chet says.


  With that I gesture him into a disused conference room. If you are wondering why there is a disused conference room, don't. There are thousands of these rooms and offices that are abandoned at any one time. Some have people's personal effects in them, signifying they are occupied.


  This one for instance has the picture frames and knickknacks of a mother of four about the desk.


  Chet goes in, sees the items on the desk and pauses. His mind is clearly working to try to catch up.




  Fortunately for me, I am already ready for this moment. Closing the door behind me, I move quickly, far faster than the Chet Goldman of this universe can react. At least that is what I think, until he turns his head and I see his eyes glowing silver.


  "Stop!" He commands. I feel his slimy grip on my mind. This is the equivalent of having a grease stain on an otherwise perfectly clear sliding glass door. You can see it, the stain is disgusting, but does nothing to the glass itself. His feeble attack is the same.


  I smile viciously, as I lunge forward, grabbing him. Then using Total Recall we are gone. We make a quick detour to the world tree that goes by Humanitarian? Humble? Something.


  "That is Huger, father. I am Hunger." The tree complains in annoyance.


  Still, I use this time to change my features back to that of my regular body. Well, my regular body, sans the butterfly wings. I still have the metal components of the wings within my body, but that just adds density and protection to my organs.


  "Father. Why don't you want the wings that we have bestowed upon you?" Hungarian, the tree states.


  "That is Hunger. Dad, why are you so mean!"


  With that I sigh, children, am I right?


  "Look, I need to see your brother Organ." I reply.


  "Hahaha. Yes, that is her name." Humor states.


  "Dad, now you are just doing that on purpose."


  Well on the bright side, I now know the different names. I am Father when they want something, and I am Dad when they are annoyed at me. This is good to know.


  "Wait, did you do all that just to get me to reveal my thoughts to you?"


  "I don't know what you mean, Humid, but I need to go."


  With that, I look around to see that Chet has taken off. I then use Total Recall to get next to him, where I first tackle him to the ground. Then I teleport the both of us to Wizard me's location.


  "Let go of me!" Chet screams.


  I do, well after I give him an awkward shove.


  "We ready for this?" I ask, Wizard me.


  "More than ready!" Wizard me states as he lets a low grumble fill his voice.


  With that, I quickly apply Mind Rend-X on the mind of Chet. Though this time something feels off about the mind. I have done this enough to note that there is something more to this one.


  On a hunch and mostly out of habit by now. I use Revelation Sight on the recently mind-neutered Chet Goldman.


  As soon as I turn on the power, I am met with a golden glowing light that causes not only me but everyone else who was staring at Chet Goldman to turn away. That slight turning away, was enough for me to break my concentration on my power, but the damage had already been done.


  When I turned back to look at Chet, I found that he was still glowing. Well glowing isn't quite the exact way to describe how he looked. It looked like he was a human shaped egg filled with golden yolk that was slowly pouring out. Suddenly I was hungry for omelets.


  "So, all this time, you were a Celestial?" I ask. I am about to unleash pent up violence against this monster before me, but fortunately Wizard me beats me to the punch, well kick.




  A well-placed kick to the ribs sends the Celestial in Chet Goldman's body to the ground.


  "A what?" Chet asks, as if he just now heard my question.


  "He is a Celestial. The other annoying part to this whole battle we are stuck in the middle of." I state.


  "We are the heroes." Chet says through clinched teeth, as he clutches his side where Wizard me's foot struck.


  "Heroes? Of what?" I ask.


  "Of all of this. We are the beacon of light, that helps to save the life of each universe." Chet says.


  "So is the mind raping a fringe benefit to your benevolence?" I ask, as I get closer to this monster.


  "No," he says, this time he looks down as if he is disgusted with himself. "How do you deal with it? The urges, the impulses? They are so hard to fight against, to deny. But that only makes it, so the urge gets stronger."


  "Well, maybe it would help if you didn't try to commandeer the mind of a sociopath. But besides that, you all have no impulse control in general. At least not from what I have seen." I answer.


  "Wait? I don't get this. What is happening?" Wizard me asks.


  Taking a deep breath, I am about to explain.


  "Actually, while we have the bleeding expert here, this might be a chance to get much needed answers." I respond.


  "Answers to what?" Wizard me asks.


  With that I turn to Wizard me and am about to tell him everything I know. He has managed to remain outside the loop for whatever reason. So having someone else to talk to might be a good thing. I am about to explain this all to him when I notice movement out of the corner of my eye.


  Chet, the bastard has a hidden communicator on his uniform lapel.




  "I have been made. The target is here. Repeat the target is here. Commence with the endgame." Chet says quickly.


  I mentally rip the communicator off his uniform, with Telekinesis-X. In the process, I end up tearing away a huge chunk of his uniform, but that is a small price to pay.


  I am on Chet in a second, using the time to deliver a few quick punches to the kidneys. The sad part is, he doesn't even defend himself. Instead, he just looks at me with a look of pure contempt.


  "Who was that!" I demand.


  Chet for his part just smiles and grins evilly at me.



  My right cross meets his smug little face. With that, his whole attitude changes as he begins to cover up his nose that is now spraying a stream of red blood.


  Gods that feels good. If only it wasn't against the Celestial version, but the real one. No wait, on second thought this is the best of both worlds. I get to punch my brother and a celestial in the face with the same punch. You know what, I'm glad they aren't fighting back.


  With that I go savage.


  Wham. Wham. Pop.


  "Stop! Stop!" I end up tackling me. Well Wizard me, ends up tackling me off his brother.


  I roll to get up, but then see the broken and bloody face of my brother laying before me. I don't know what I expected to feel at that moment, but empty wasn't the emotion I had dreamed of. I was empty.


  I didn't care for my brother, forgotten lifetimes of his betrayals wound up in my mind. Then just when I wanted to grasp them to give me strength, they disappeared like evanescent clouds of smoke. I stared down at the monster that was inside the monster of my brother. Well, this universe's version of my brother, which somehow made the anger I felt even more distant.


  Just when I was about to turn away.




  There was an explosion, on the outside of the complex we were in.


  "What was that?" Wizard me asked, being slightly quicker on the draw.


  Chet, with his annoyingly punchable face just grinned and said, "that is the end game."


  "What?" Wizard me asked.


  Thinking back, I remember Chet talking about this with the person at the other end of the communicator. That is when I cut in with the more important question.


  "Who were you talking to?" I asked.


  Chet just smiled that annoyingly smug smile he had. "Don't you have a princess to save? No time to waste on me."


  At those words, I felt it, the pang of a vision. Doom, that is all I felt in the vision.


  "You did something." I state, more than ask.


  "Tick tock." Chet says, trying to get us to go.


  "You know what, fuck you." I say, as I activate Revelation Sight. This time I don't turn away at the brilliant light, I stare at it, letting the golden light burn onto my retinas.




  Distantly I can hear him crying out in pain. Sadly enough, I use his own pain as motivation to continue to stare into what is the equivalent of staring at the sun during a solar eclipse.


  Then finally after a long moment the glowing light fades and I am left staring at my brother's collapsed form. His body surrounded by a silhouette of ash and soot.


  "What was that?" Wizard me asks.


  "Justice." I answer.


  "Is he dead?" Wizard me asks.




  Well, that answered that question.


  Chet coughs from the ground, his face still looks like hamburger meat, and he is clearly unconscious, but he is alive and breathing.


  I am about to say we need to move when Rayquel comes in. "Come on. You two need to move." She says gesturing to the two of us who are still standing. Then seeing that she has our attention she turns to leave.


  "Who sent you?" I ask.


  Rayquel pauses for a second, then states. "The General." A slight pause, before she continues. "She knows she has a lot to atone for. But first she wants to make sure you fix Jessica Childers. Only then will she allow an audience with you."


  I am about to protest, to say that this arrogant general would dare deny me. But then I realize that fixing Jess is why I am here. That to deny that would be pointless. Taking a moment's breath, I pause, then calming myself I follow her to wherever she needs to take me. I assume it is Jess, as I get no sense of deceit from our pair bond.




  More impacts fire off, rocking our building, but Rayquel and the others don't seem to care. I wonder what they know about what will happen. I also want to know about this endgame.


  Then unable to take the silence any longer, I ask just that.


  "Just what exactly is this end game?"



As always, thank you for reading.









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 11/17/2022, 10:46 PM




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