
Aerys IV: 282 AC

There are three things I cannot tolerate: cowardice, bad haircuts, and military insurrection

-Aerys Targaryen briefing new recruits in the royal army

Aerys sat down on his chair in his bedchamber, staring down at Melisandre.

"So Melony, explain yourself? Why the fuck, did you break into my chamber with a glass candle?"

Melisandre's eyes widened in fear. She looked at him blankly.

She's scared, judging from what happened last time, she definitely knows about my situation.

We should send her to the black ce-Ow!

Aerys pinched himself and sighed. "Before you make a scene like last time, I ask you to speak softly."

"Fine." She said in a meek tune. "In that case, let me begin, what are you?" She asked him. "Why are you here? The mad king's soul, he is screaming inside you, begging to be let out."

Ha! She really does now, she shall expose you, she shall liberate m- Ow! Aerys pinched himself. He sighed and nodded.

He looked at Thoros and Melisandre and sighed in relief.

Thank god for my book knowledge. He thought.

"I don't feel the need to explain things to you." Aerys said.

"But, you and I have the same common enemy." He continued.

"You don't mean." Thoros said. "The great other."

Aerys nodded. "Indeed, the next and final war for dawn will take place in the far north, at the wall. The brothers of the nights watch have watched over the realm for thousands of years, and now, war is coming, haven't you seen them in your fires priestess?"

Melisandre nodded. "Yes, indeed, I have seen them in my fires on the ship. Tall slender beings, with swords of ice and mastery over the dead. They slumber in the far north beyond your wall, but you say they will stir in the future. The fires agree with this as well."

Aerys nodded. At least she trusts me on this. He thought in relief.

No! You will not shift the subject, priestess! Release me, I shall reward you, I shall embrace your red god, relea- Ow!

Aerys pinched himself.

Aerys looked at Melisandre. "Do tell me Melony, can you hear him?"

Melisandre shook her head. "No, I can see his lips moving, and him shaking angrily in your mind, but I cannot hear his words."

Aerys chuckled and nodded. "Good, you see Aerys, she can't hear you, so learn your place." He said as he smiled. He looked at Melisandre in her eyes. "Now then priestess, we have a major problem that we need to fix if we want to win the war."

"What exactly is the problem then pretender?" Melisandre asked.

"Simple, the Nights Watch that mans the wall have been depleted, they are down to barely 1500 men, wildings are infiltrating the wall daily, frankly as of right now should the long night come today let's be honest, they would stand no chance, which is why I need your organization."

Need help? A king does not ask for help, we shall drive the dead ba-Ow!

Aerys pinched himself.

"What would you ask of us?" Melisandre asked.

She took the bait. Aerys thought as he smiled.

"Go to where you came from, warn your leaders of the long night, have them send men, money, and weapons to the Nights Watch and help them reinforce the wall. Though I will require them to respect the gods old and new up in the wall, so no burning septs and heart trees up there."

Melisandre's face frowned. "Thralls and servants of the great other, why should we tolerate them?"

Aerys laughed. "Because, if you follow that route and get all fire crazy the wrath of the kingdoms would come down on you all."

Thoros frowned and took a step towards Aerys. "You dare threaten a priestess of th-"

Aerys sighed. "I'm not threatening her priest, I'm educating her on what would happen, if I said something like, Ser Dayne, cut her throat if she speaks again, then that would be a threat."

Thoros sighed and took a step back.

That's right, step back fat priest, don't yo-Ow!

Aerys slapped his arm.

"Now then." Aerys said. "These others, they have one primary weakness."

He pulled out a black blade from his waist, he handed it to her. "Dragon-glass." He said as he smiled. "From the depths of Dragonstones' volcanoes, stab one of them with these are they'll fall apart like water on a sand castle." He said in a confident tone.

Aerys drew his Valyrian steel sword. "Valyrian steel is also effective, but we don't have that many swords so Dragon-glass will be our primary weapon, as for the wights, fire and steel will be fine. Now, I hope I can trust you to send this message to them, can I Melony?" He said in a smug tone.

Fire and steel, yes! He hissed happily in his head. We shall annihila-Ow!

He slapped himself.

Melisandre winced at the mentioning of her original name. "How?" She asked. "How do you even know what my name is?"

Aerys chuckled a little. "Because I know everything except what I don't know." He said in a confident tone. "In the meantime, I have prepared a ship for you, take it with you and go back to where you came from, do as I have instructed, take the Dragon-glass with you as well. The next time you go to Westeros travel to the wall and have the Maester Aemon send a message to me back in Kings Landing that you and your men have arrived, in the meantime, I'll have my castellan over in Dragonstone start mining Dragon-glass, once the message is sent from the wall I'll start sending over the Dragon-glass."

Melisandre sighed. "I see that you're not deceiving me, the flames told me that you spoke the truth, but your true nature, it couldn't reveal it to me, you are like a void of darkness, I cannot gleam anything from you, tell me something, anything that can show me that you are to be trusted." She almost pleaded with him.

"I already told you what their strengths and what their weaknesses are. If you can't trust me enough, would you like me to expel you along with Thoros Melony?"

Melisandre winced again. "Fine then pretender, I shall take my leave, and I shall return to Volantis and report to my masters." She stood up from her chair.

No! Return her to me, I shall not let you allow her to le-Ow! He pinched himself.

"Ser Dayne!" Aerys called.

Arthur Dayne entered the room. "Yes your grace?" He inquired.

"Escort the priestess back to the ship I chartered earlier." Aerys ordered.

Ser Dayne nodded. "As you wish your grace." He said as he escorted Melisandre out of the room.

Thoros and Aerys were left in the room again, he looked over at Thoros.

I should probably start putting him to use. He thought.

He cleared this throat and spoke. "Thoros." Aerys said to the fat priest in his presence.

"What is it your grace?" He asked him.

"I have a job for you as well."

"What do you need from me?" He asked.

"I need you to start preaching about your R'hllor in my city, my son Rhaegar claims Aegon is the prince that was promised, Azor Ahai reborn. So while you preach about your red god, I want you to also preach about my grandson as well, say how he is Azhor Ahai reborn, gather as many fanatics as you can, when you have around 1000 men, return to me, I'll arm you all and send you to the wall."

"Very well your grace, But what about the faith, I don't' think they'll be too happy with me preaching out in the streets."

Aerys laughed. "My spies have far too much dirt on the high Septon and his most devout, I don't think they'll care too much about one little fire priest. Just make sure you don't preach near Baelor's, stick by Fishmonger's square." He said in a friendly tune.

"If that's what you say your grace, I shall depart and start preaching tomorrow in the morning." He said.

"Perfect." Aerys said. "You're dismissed for now, report to me when you're finished."

Thoros left the room and once again Aerys was left alone. He saw back on his chair and sighed in relief.

At least the red priests are on my side, the wall should be better reinforced with this should it work out well. He thought as he sat back.

You may have gott-Ow!

Aerys pinched himself again. "Shut up." He said as he got up from his chair and laid down on his bed.

Fuck, I'm tired. He thought as he fell asleep.

He let sleep take him, once again he was in the forest beyond the wall. The crow landed in front of him.

The red priests are useful. But be wary of them, do not let them loose upon the wall without a leash, the north holds the old gods dear, and they do not.

"How's Rhaegar?" Aerys asked him. "Are you still visiting in dreams?"

Yes. The crow said. You will find him near the heart tree of the red keep, there I speak to him, train him. But, have him continue to train his body as well before his journey, that is all I ask.

Aerys nodded. "Very well, we shall speak later."

Aerys woke up, the sun shining down on his room. He found himself still in the clothes he was wearing yesterday. He got up from bed and headed out of his room, making his way towards the Godswood, with Ser Dayne following him as soon as he walked out of his bedroom.

He walked through the keep, ignoring the courtiers and servants greeting him.

He arrived at the small Godswood, finding Rhaegar sleeping at the foot of a heart-tree, Lyanna snoring by his side with Ser Oswell Whent.

"Your grace." Ser Oswell said as he nodded.

Fucks sake Rhaegar. Aerys thought as he walked up to him and kicked him lightly in the belly.

"Hey, wake up jackass." He said as he continued kicking him.

Rhaegar opened his eyes. "Father." He said as he woke up.

Lyanna woke up as well, rubbing her eyes, when she realized who was speaking she tried to lunge at him but Rhaegar grabbed him.

"Lyanna, cut it out!" He hissed at her.


"Enough!" Rhaegar cut her off.

"Stop acting so foolish, you've already been sentenced to exile, don't dig your grave any further than you already have." He said in a firm tone.

"About time you got your woman under control." Aerys said in a rude tone, he looked at Lyanna. "Lady Stark, if you behave yourself during your stay at Kings Landing I am more than willing to shorten your exile to the same period that Brandon is currently sentenced to, I'll even let you stay at court with your child once time is up."

"Really?" Lyanna's eyes lit up.

"I swear it on the gods, old and new." Aerys said. "Now then." He looked at Rhaegar

"What did the crow show you?" Aerys asked in a casual tone.

Rhaegar gasped slightly. "How did you know? Have you seen it as well?"

Aerys nodded. "Indeed, thanks to the crow my mind is somewhat clearer, and my madness has abated." (ohh, he said the name XD)

Lies! Lies! You have usurped me, you and my ungrateful son, traitors all of y-Ow!

Aerys pinched himself.

Rhaegar nodded. "Indeed, you're completely different than when I left the capital. Is it true father? That Varys is dead? And by your hands?"

Aerys nodded. "Yes, the traitor was working with a magister of Pentos, it seems he married a descendant of Daemon Blackfyre and had a son with her. They were planning on destabilizing the realm to make way for him, but with Varys gone, those plans are up in flames."

"I see." Rhaegar said. "How, how did you even come to find out about this?"

"The crow came to me in a vision. He showed me a mummer's dragon parading in the capital, with a whispering eunuch behind him. What about you, what did he show you?"

Rhaegar nodded and he sighed. "I saw, a land of perpetual winter, being of ice, with mastery over the dead, and blades of ice, one of them reached out to me and touched my chest."

He unbuttoned his chest, revealing a slight scar on his chest. "Even now." Rhaegar said, I can feel a slight chill when recalling his, and every-time I touch it I feel the chill of winter."

Aerys knelt down and touched the spot on his chest, it felt cold to the touch. He looked over to Arthur Dayne. "Dayne, check this out."

"Let me see." Dayne said as he went over and knelt down to touch the spot.

"What in the seven hells?!" He exclaimed as he retracted his hand. "Its, its like Ice."

Oswell and Lyanna went over and touched his scar as well. Oswell took a step back in surprise, Lyanna's eyes widened in terror.

"Rhaegar." She said in a concerned tone as she felt his scar again. "Old nan." She whispered in fear. "Its like the stories she told back in Winterfell, being of ice, with mastery over the dead. The others." She looked at Aerys. "Its them, it's the others, I know it."

Aerys nodded. "Yes I know, the others are real, and they will come, within our lifetime, don't worry I am taking measures against them, I am sending weapons and men to the wall shortly."

"Then why are you sending Rhaegar over beyond the wall on some mummers quest?!" She yelled in an angry tone. "You're just sending him to his death."

"Enough!" Aerys said. "Rhaegar already has a guide. He shall find what he needs to up north, and you will enjoy a nice exile, I already arranged with a few merchant lords in Braavos to host you."

Lyanna was going to say something, but Rhaegar put a hand on her shoulder. "Lyanna, trust me, I'll be in good hands, I shall return alive, I promise you." He leant over and kissed her.

Aerys sighed. "If you're going to do this, not in the red keep, you dishonored Elia enough Rhaegar. Its like you don't want to remarry her."

"Quite frankly I do not." Rhaegar said.

This fucking idiot I swear. Aerys thought in frustration as he sighed.

Faithless son, listen to me, you shall avoid that northern wh-Ow!

Aerys pinched himself.

"You know I already had to send Viserys off to marry Doran's daughter just to appease them, and your Rhaenys to wed Jaime Lannister as well, all because of what you did."

"My daughter yes." Rhaegar said in a bitter tone.

"You bought this on yourself Rhaegar, if you had kept her as a paramour, I would have been willing to legitimize your child if you asked." Aerys said.

"As if you were sane enough to listen to me back when all this happened. From what Gerold happened you were about to have them killed until you passed out from your illness. And, Lyanna would have never been willing to be dishonored like that." He said.

"Either way." Aerys said. "You will remarry Elia should she choose to forgive you, and should you choose to continue this affair with Lyanna when her exile ends I will send her off to the silent sisters, and you will permanently lose your inheritance."

"Now." He looked at everyone around him. "Swear to me you'll keep what me and Rhaegar discussed about the others a secret for now, if this secret comes out, panic and chaos would run rampant through the realm. We shall make our preparations, and we will win this war when the times comes."

He looked around at everyone again. "So, do you all swear it."

"I do." Arthur Dayne said.

"I do." Oswell Whent said.

"I do." Lyanna Stark Said.

"Now then, come with me Rhaegar, we have work to do." Aerys said and he helped Rhaegar up.

"Oswell, with me, Arthur, guard lady Stark."

Aerys, Rhaegar, and Oswell left the godswood and gathered a few guards from the castle. Once they had a retinue of around 20 guards the exited the Red Keep and made their way towards the street of steel.

"Father, where are we going?" Rhaegar asked as they marched down the street of steel, wit the crowds getting out of the way to make way for them.

"I'll tell you when we get there." Aerys said.

A few minutes passed and they arrived, it was the biggest building in the street. Abuilding with several stories, a door made of weirwood and ebony depicting a hunting scene. Aerys knocked on the door. The door was opened, and Tobho Mott greeted them.

"Your grace?" Tobho Mott asked in a surprised tone as he kneeled. "What brings you to my shop again." He asked.

"I have need of your services again. Ser Whent, come inside with me and Rhaegar, the rest of you wait out here."

They walked into the building and made their way to Tobho's workshop. He sat down by his smith and cleared his throat. "What do you need for me to do your grace?" He asked.

Aerys took Rhaegar's arm and revealed his stump. "Can you make a prosthetic hand for him? Something that will allow him to at least hold up a shield."

Tobho stood up and took a look at the stump. He looked at Rhaegar. "Could you hold up your other arm my prince?" He asked.

Rhaegar held up his good arm, Tobho grabbed it and compared it with the other arm, he nodded to himself.

What is he even doing? Aerys thought to himself.

How dare he simply touch royalty like that, he nee-Ow!

Aerys pinched himself.

Tobho stopped and looked at Aerys. "He's lucky his arm was only cut below the elbow, anymore than that and it would be impossible."

"You're saying you can make me an arm?" Rhaegar asked in a slightly enthusiastic tune.

Tobho nodded. "Indeed, though I'm assuming the arm you lost was your dominant hand correct?" He asked.

Rhaegar nodded.

"Then I would suggest, for you to get used to using your other arm, acquaint yourself with fighting in a one-armed style, Bravoosi water dancing would suit you. Should you lose the prosthetic in a battle you would at least be able to somewhat protect yourself. As for your prosthetic, it shall take me a month or two to get everything ready." Tobho said in a confident tune.

"How much?" Aerys asked.

"3000 gold dragons, material included." Tobho said.

"Done." Aerys said. "Speak to the master of coin and he'll take care of the compensation." He said.

Aerys looked at Rhaegar.

"Once we're done here lets go back to the red keep, I'll find a water dancer to teach you." He said.


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Today at 3:34 AM


Melisandre watched the red keep slowly disappear as her ship left the harbor. She looked down at her hand, the Dragonglass dagger looking both so simple and beautiful.

She sighed in relief.

He knows my name, yet he cannot see through my lie. She thought as she recalled the conversation with Aerys.

He is an enemy of the great other, that's for sure. But, the fact that his soul is in there, pleading to be released. His soul is clearly mad, just like Thoros said.

She recalled the manic pleas from Aerys' body as she spoke to this fake Aerys. I must report everything to the priests in the temple. She thought as she looked at the Dragonglass dagger. She went over to the center of the ship, she spoke with a few of the crewmen.

"Gather materials and a brazier, I must make a fire and see." She spoke in Pentoshi.

The crewmen nodded and gathered material, they put a small brazier in the center of the ship and put the wood inside. They set it on fire, Melisandre handed each of them a knife, they cut their fingertips, letting their blood enter the fire. Melisandre took the knife from them and slashed her own wrist, letting her blood flow into the fire.

"Ohh R'hollor." She spoke in the tounge of Asshai. "Reveal it to me ohh lord, does this mummer with the vessel of a king speak the truth."

She stared deeply into the fire, its height growing as she put her face closer to the fire. The fire consumed her head, she she did not burn, she looked deeper into the fire, she heard nothing but in her soul she felt the answer.

Yes.....She thought as she realized. He speaks the truth.... she thought.


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Threadmarks Omake: High times in the Red Keep 



Today at 3:52 AM

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It was the day after his visit to Tobho Mott's shop with Rhaegar. He walked into a woodworkers shop.

"Your grace." The woodworker said. "It is ready."

He went into the back of his shop, revealing what seemed to be what looked to be a pipe with a narrow opening on one wide, and an opening that looked upwards.

"Thank you." Aerys said as he took the pipe and left 5 gold dragons on the counter.

He went back to the Red Keep, finding the hemp plant the Alchemists left in his room still there. He took a few leaves and crushed them as much as he could, he stuffed a little bit into the end of the pipe, then went over to one of the candles in his room. He held the pipe over the candle, leaving it there until some smoke came out. He put his mouth in the pipe and took a small huff.

He started coughing heavily.

Ow! My lungs! What in the seven hells is this usurper? He asked

Aerys took a deep breath and put the pipe down.

Damn it, He thought. I can't even get high, count that as a failure. He thought as he sighed in disappointment.


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