
Questionable Questing

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[NSFW] - Swiss Arms (Historical SI Gamer)


Swiss Arms

Chapter 40


For all of the differences I have seen in this medieval world compared to my modern world, I found that too many things remained the same. People in positions of high power still used their power, if more openly and honestly here than in the future. The working class still worked, if much more disillusioned and aware of their position in the social hierarchy. If nothing changed no matter what the time and place, then what was the point of it all?

I found that idea occasionally coming back to me.

And I found myself rejecting the question and the anarchistic answer the modern me would have presented.

There was a point. When I opened my eyes every morning, saw the people who lived and improved their lives, and realized all over again that these people lived because I had been here, because I had taken part in the war, and that I found myself caring for them more every day.

To question the unchanging yet ever-changing reality and answer it with nihilism and hopelessness was wrong from where I stood.

Why did this question keep popping up?

Because I kept seeing hopelessness and fear for the future in the faces of the constantly arriving if in trickling flow of runaway serfs and free people. It was a duality that I kept on seeing in my people and those who weren't.

My people - and I think I had enough claim to say that within my head at the very least - moved with a sense of purpose, and they made improving their lives in my fashion their purpose because it made their lives easier in the immediate future and made their children's lives better in the long term.

The slaves, serfs, and impoverished who found themselves entering my lands looked at me with fear. They knew just as I did that I could kick them back out. There was hopelessness, resignation for some, and clever wit in the minds of others as they tried to work out how they could keep running away.

And every single one of them, upon hearing me out, gave me looks of disbelief.

I offered them food, water, shelter, and even work. If they weren't sure about my offer, then they got to stay around for a day and talk with the villagers from Davos working in my fort or the residents of the fort itself.

And most would accept my offer after a day.

This was how I gained almost a hundred additional residents after only three months since I first paid off my neighbor for his "lost" serfs.

It was also the third month that I got a very, very rude awakening.

Because Venetian merchants somehow heard about my arrangement with the Count of Zernez and came over with non-Christian slaves, asking if I was interested.

Slavery was wrong, and I wanted no part in it. I also could not strike down the Venetian merchant because he was, legally speaking, within his right to sell his human property as long as they were not Christian.

I glared at the merchant, and the merchant, a thin man with a full beard and bald head, seemed to realize that he may have trusted the rumors a bit too much because he could see and feel the utter hostility and disdain I gave off.

I may or may not have activated [Intimidation].

"Mr…?" I asked in Latin.

"Horatio de Unhort Venezia!" he squeaked out while squeezing his tudor hat very tightly.

"Mr. Horatio," I began as calmly as I could. "I do not buy or sell slaves. It is an affront of God's will upon this earth."

He nodded fervently. "Aye, yes, yes, I-. I was mistaken! I was just -."

"I will also make it very clear that I despise slavery. It irks me."

The man looked like he was going to piss himself.

The slaves behind him, all sorts of people from across the Mediterranean, shuffled as they sat at the edge of my [Intimidate] range.

I took a few steps forward, slowly and calmly but no less heavy and firmly, until I loomed over them with the sun directly above me.


When he heard about a kind lord who paid for the serfs so that they would not be hunted down by their lords, Horatio thought it would have been a good money maker.

It wouldn't be hard to play into the lord's kindness and pity to make himself some fat bag of coins.

He realized now that he shouldn't have trusted rumors too much nor come up here without having someone else investigate first.

He quailed underneath the burning gaze of the Mountain Lord. Horatio could take the disdain, but the fury behind those eyes scared him.

He's been at the receiving end of hate before.

He didn't think he had ever been hated this much by someone who could take his head off on a whim.

"How much did you buy them for?"

"Three hundred fifty guelders e-each."

"Then you will release them and receive exactly three hundred and fifty guelders in compensation. Understood? Lest I need to make an example out of a slaver in my lands."


At least, he wasn't losing money or his head.

"Now, what else did you bring to trade?"

Horatio actually found himself a better trade buying shiny glazed wares, quality steel, jewelry, and sugar.

So maybe it was a good idea to return.

Just … not with slaves.


After the Horatio the Venetian merchant left, I turned to the freed slaves.

And, of course, most of them didn't understand a lick of what I said in any language.

Except for one.

She was a …

I tried not to look down.

She was a mature lady, dark-skinned and with silky black hair. Even with my hazy memory of my first life, I could tell that she was a Middle Eastern (don't know why the merchant said she was a Andalusian, which was the opposite side of the Mediterranean from where she should come from).

Unlike others, she had the bearings of a noble lady.

I wondered how she ended up as a slave.

"Are you my master?"

I nearly did a spittake when she asked me that with a stoic face in Latin. Never mind the fact that it was the phrase from one certain unfateful yet interesting anime, I had already made it clear to her that she was not my slave.

"I already told you," I grunted. "You're not a slave anymore and I'm no one's master. Did you tell this to the rest?"

"I have," she nodded without meeting my eyes. She looked down in deference. "However, I am a woman without craft skills, only administrative ones. If you do not take me as your servant, then I have no choice to offer my body to-."

I raised a hand, cutting her off.

"You are still not a slave nor am I your master… but I can find work for you."

She smiled and curtised. "Thank you, master."

"You're not going to stop, are you?"

Her smile became just a little bit mischievous. "I don't know what you're implying, master."

I gave her a deadpan stare.


"This … the bishop will appreciate a fine gift like this," the man-at-arms in charge of the caravan said as he stared at the gold-plated ring between his fingers and thumbs. The ring had a detailed four-pointed star.

This was Sergeant Hughes, a man Bishop Siegfried trusted to secure the trade caravan directly between the Prince-Bishop and myself.

Well, I say trade but the truth of the matter was that it was really the bishop buying my goods on the cheap and selling them elsewhere for a profit. Because I couldn't personally go around selling stuff nor did I care enough to. Profit was great and all, but I could literally mine my own gold, smelt them, and be rich.

Letting the bishop make profit buying and selling like a merchant was a good thing, actually, because there was no way that he could keep the information about me to himself. It would get out eventually, and merchants will surely come.

"Yes," I hummed as I counted the boxes, their serial number, and compared them to the sheet in my primitive clipboard. I checked them off on my sheet and smiled. "That should be all, sergeant!"

He nodded and put the gold-plated ring back into the leather pouch it came from before dropping it back into the crate he pulled it out of. He gave me a slight bow, and he and the Chur caravan took off.

As they left, I found myself blinking as another caravan came towards my fort and, to my surprise, a young woman in a blue dress was at the head of the caravan, riding sideways on top of a horse.

She looked… pretty. I'll just go with pretty.

Also unusual. Ladies, rich and noble alike, traveled within carriages, not atop horses.

When she saw me, she lit up with an enthusiastic smile and jumped off of her horse. A pair of guards quickly flanked her, and the trio made their way up to me.

When she was at a respectful distance, she curtsied.

"Good morning! Who would you be, big man?" she asked.

She knew that I was somewhat important. If she didn't think so, then she would not have curtsied.

I bowed. I don't see how playing along would hurt me right now. "I am Hans of Fluela. You are…?"

She smiled.

Damn, she looked pretty.

She curtsied again. "I am Isabella, daughter of the Count of Gorizia, the governor of Tyrol and the vassal of the king of Bohemia. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"And why might a fine lady such as yourself be up here in the desolate Swabian Alps…?"

Her smile became nearly incandescent.

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C32: Rising Airplane


"Now! The time for the second question has ended. The hottest fruit in the world… is Nectarine! It's called 1,000 degrees nectarine*, so it's probably the hottest! Hahahahaha!" *TN: Nectarine in Korean is '천도 복숭아 (Cheondo Boksungah)', and 'Cheondo' also means '1,000 degree'.

"Let's move on to the third question. What would the servant say in three letters when he parts from the king?"

"The answer was Viking. Bye King*! Hahahahaha!" *TN: In Korean, 'V' doesn't exist, so Korean people usually pronounce English words that start with 'V' as 'B'. In this situation, 'Viking' will be pronounced as 'Biking', which sounds similar to 'Bye King'.

"Fourth question! What would it be to call a country that has no beef in 5 letters?"

"The answer was beef radish soup*! No beef country (無國)! Hahahaha!" *TN: 소고기무국 (Sogogi Muguk) is a Korean dish. 'Muguk' means 'Radish soup', but is also written as 無國 in Hanja with the meaning of 'The country without'.

As the questions continued, the expression of passengers gradually darkened.

Those who were quite good at first started to get it wrong one by one as the questions continued.

And this game… If you make one mistake, you're out.

In other words, by the end of the second half, there were only a few people left.

Honestly, this is considered a lot.

Honestly, Egostic himself thought that there would be no one left by the eighth quiz.

Surprisingly, there were three left.

A little boy who got everything right, he must have read a lot of humor books since he was young.

Chewing bubble gum, a high school girl who doesn't seem nervous at all.

A guy who seems like he would have made a lot of dad jokes to his subordinates at a get-together.

The eyes of passengers were focused on these three who were still holding smartphones.

Because their last hope was these three. They were looking at them with more earnestness than anyone else.

In the tense situation, desperate eyes that suffocate people come from all over the place

The man, who was a little bald, was sweating while looking around.

Of course, the child, who still knows nothing about this world, was waiting for the next question without caring about the situation. Maybe he thinks this is an actual game. Only his mother, who was next to him, was looking at him with an anxious look.

And a high school girl who is chewing bubble gum in a red baseball jumper.

I don't know why she was flying alone in her school uniform at this time of day, but she was watching the video from the front, casually, with her chin on her hand.

And at the same hour. There was someone on the ground looking up over them.

[…Stardus. Are you there yet?]

"Yes, I arrived. For now."

The Jeju branch of the Hero Association.

In the basement deep in the building, Stardus responded to the call.

"Barf. Barf*. *TN:Puke sfx"

"…Kim Ja-hyun, are you okay?"

"Do I look okay to you? Barf ."

The person who is vomiting is Kim Ja-hyun. His hero's name is Shadow Walker.

He is one of the three A-class heroes in Korea along with the Stardus, and is also the strongest person in certain circumstances.

Yeah, he's the strongest 'only in certain circumstances'.

Shadow Walker. A hero who is purely strong at night.

Only working at night, he can be melted into the shadow and moved anywhere without difficulty.

He's different from Egostic, who will probably die from a heart attack after traveling more than 100 kilometers, or the Teleporter, who traveled only 100 meters and was killed in one shot.

As long as it's dark enough where he is, and as long as it's dark enough where he's going to move.

In theory, he can move to the other side of the Earth. Of course, it's daytime on the other side of the world, so it's impossible.

And the most important thing. At night, he's invincible because half of his body is actually a shadow.

In other words, he doesn't die. Whether it's a physical attack or a biochemical attack, he's practically invincible.

In addition, he can suck his opponents into his own shadow and move them anywhere.

He's the Lord of the Night. This is why criminals in Korea don't commit anything at night, and villains never commit terrorism at night.

People gave him the nickname 'Shadow Kidnapper'.

As soon as he gets a report, he moves there and instantly moves the criminal to prison.

In other words, even if he can only work at night, he can still be considered at the top level among most heroes in the world.

In fact, he was the only person in Korea who almost has every qualities to be an S-class hero.

But because of that weakness, he was forced to be an A-class.

It's just that he's so weak during the day.

Whether it's teleporting or Buddhist judgment.

If there's light, he's useless.

His body, which was clearly athletic at night, strangely weakens rapidly during the day.

Well, he always sleeps during the day because it's hard to stay awake beyond getting weak.

Of course, he's not that useless in the daytime.

Whether it's teleportation or Buddhist judgment he can work it out during the day to some extent as long as there is enough 'darkness'. Of course, there will be severe side effects.

So the Hero Association of Korea has created a basement under the Association's branches in Seoul, Busan, and Jeju.

They create a very dark environment artificially so that he can move other heroes in shadow movement.

For that reason, Shadow Walker,  Kim Ja-hyun, who was sleeping well, woke up in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, used his shadow and took Stardus from Seoul to Jeju Island.

Although he didn't seem to like it so much.

"Barf… Haa… Hey, did you have to do this? I feel like I'm going to die…"

"Yes, it was necessary. But I'm sorry, rest well."

"Haa… I feel like dying…"

The Stardus ran as soon as they arrived.

The lone Shadow Walker took his breath as he waited for the staff to come down to help him.

"Haa… Please, you villains. Please only commit crimes at night."

His monologue only sank deep in the basement where darkness had fallen.

The characteristic of villains these days is that they are always active during the day.


[…The answer to the ninth question was Deoksugung Palace!]

"Oh, fuck."

[Oh! Did someone make a sound? Now, now. I'm going to cut one wire. Oh, man! There are only two left!]

The line of the bomb was cut off as the high school girl confirmed her answer. One of the three was cut off, so there are two left.

All the passengers around glared at her, but she didn't mind but murmured quietly.

'I shouldn't have trusted that kid.'

Fortunately, she was only muttering something to herself, so no one noticed, not even passengers or Egostic.

Of course, passengers were not in a fortunate situation at all. The high school girl and the kid, both got it wrong.

His mother quietly hugged the tearful and regretful child.

So there's only one left.

There was only one man sitting in the middle, sweating like a waterfall with his head peeled off.

The egotistic laughter came out from the speakers.

[Oh, my! There's only one person left. Shall I call you the famous last one? Let's see… Kim Deok-bae! Yes, Kim Deok-bae is the only one who got all 9 questions right]

A man was surprised when his name is mentioned.

[He's the only person who can challenge the 10th question. It must be a burden to think that the lives of all 80 people on this plane now depend on Kim Deok-bae's fingers. Kim Deok-bae, how do you feel? Say something.]

As Egostic asked him to speak, as someone who was about to die of nervousness, the sad middle-aged man Kim Deok-bae looked like he was about to faint.

Kim Deok-bae stuttered in a red face while having the eyes of everyone around on him.

"Uh, I-I will take responsibility and-"

[How dare you! Didn't I say earlier that I would cut a wire if anyone made a sound? Why did you open your mouth? Let me cut another wire.]

Then, the line attached somewhere on the plane was cut off.

People who saw it on the screen in front of the seat in real-time.


They were about to vent their anger at the moment when they were dumbfounded.

Now that there was really only one wire left, they had no choice but to express their anger with their expression without speaking up.

[Wow, he's a real devil]

[Isn't it similar to the situation where someone says 'If you move this, I will shoot you!' 'Put your hands up! Why are you moving your hands?' and then shoot?]

[This is… Egostic? Where's the Mango Stick that I knew so far?]

[???: Have you came to your sense yet?]

When the chat window, which was usually favorable to Egostic, sticks out their tongue at his viciousness.

Only Egostic, as if for granted, only raised his voice.

[Why did you speak up? You can use body language. Sign language. Gosh. You're not witty.]

People angered a bit but immediately calmed down at Egostic's words.

The man must have noticed how everyone burst into anger.

There's no point in having one line left to stop the bomb explosion.

If they get the last quiz wrong in the first place, the bomb will explode.

This place is full of breathtaking coldness.

Only the speaker's voice answered the last question brightly.

[This is the 10th and the last question! If you get this right, you will get off the plane safely, and if you get it wrong… You know, right? Here's the question. What is the kids' favorite oil? Countdown, here we go!]

[3 : 00]

[2 : 59]

[2 : 58]

He gave out the last question.

Everyone's attention was focused on the sweating middle-aged man.

The people who can't guess any answers at all,

People who know the answer to a certain extent,

Even those who are sure of the answer cannot say anything.

Just the middle-aged man, eagerly. he just looked at it more eagerly than ever.


The man with such a red face, contemplated for a long time.

[0 : 03]

[0 : 02]

[0 : 01]

At the last minute, he wrote the answer.

[Three, two, one. Time's up! Let's guess the answer. Let's see, he wrote 'IU'. Now, let's see. Let's see. Yes! The answer is…]

A breathtaking strain

The passengers on the plane.

People who are watching from the ground.

Everyone swallowed saliva and waited, and then the answer was announced.

[The oil that kids like the most… It was May Oil (May 5th*)! IU was the wrong answer!!! That's too bad. Well then, tsk…] *TN: May 5th (오월 오일 [O-wol O-il]) is Children's day in Korea. O-il (5th) also sounds very similar to the English word 'Oil'.

Egostic thought once and then went on.

[The end, bye!]



With the sound of something exploding.

The plane began to crash.

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The plane began to crash

The passengers screamed and grabbed the seat armrest.

[I can't believe you're making sounds! I'm going to cut the last line, too! BOOM!]

The popping sound can be heard again,

The plane began to crash faster and faster.

And all of this was being broadcast live to everyone.

"Crazy punk…"

Of course, there were people who were watching it in real-time.

"…President, what do we do now?"

[What do you mean?… Give up. I'm busy writing a statement of condemnation. Phew, I will have to go around while lowering my head again. You come and get ready to write me an apology for throwing popcorn at me. Oh, damn it, some reporters are already here. I'm hanging up now.]

The Association's president hung up the phone.

Stardus remained by herself, she could only look up into the sky with a mixed mind.


The plane is slowly falling.

It's falling so slowly that you might think it's landing normally.

The smoke on both wings showed that there was something serious going on.

Stardus thought.

Isn't this the biggest terrorist attack ever?

Egostic… He's finally committing a real crime.

The most frustrating thing was she couldn't do anything and could only watch.

The speed of an airplane is at least 1,000 kilometers.

Considering the speed of the train that he barely blocked is about 100 km, it's about 10 times faster.

Trying to stop that, it's simply like banging rock with an egg. It's like an ant trying to stop a car.

In other words, there is nothing she can do.

Just helplessly, she has no other choice but to write a report.

When she looks up with such a complicated mind.

Suddenly, she could hear the phone rang from her in-ear earphones.


She frowned at the unexpected phone call and tried to hang up by turning off her earphones.

'Wait… But these earphones surely are only connected to the Association'

She picked it up by tapping her earphones one more time.

It was a man's voice.

And Stardus pricked her lips at the familiar voice

[Hello, Stardus. It's Egostic]

"You garbage…"

She almost threw her earphones out on the floor because she couldn't control her anger.

But as he continued, she shut her mouth for a moment.

[I'm just curious. Why aren't you saving them?]


[I mean, don't you have to fly up and save the plane? What are you doing?]

Stardus got burned up for a moment when he spit out those words so nonchalantly.

However, she thought that if she got angry here, she would be involved in his scheme, so she tried to calm down her anger and spoke calmly.

"….So now, you want me to stop the plane from crashing? The one you dropped?"

[Yes, of course]

Shin Haru seriously wanted to give this guy a punch in the face by talking so shamelessly.

A punch that is strong enough to kill him on the spot.

Holding down her anger, she spoke up.

"How can I… stop that? Huh? That thing that's falling at 1,000 kilometers per hour? You want me to die? Oh, I guess so. You crazy punk."

…She's losing her temper, and her concept is starting to unravel.

But before she could scream, Egostick interrupted her.

[No, you can do it.]

For a moment, his voice on the phone sounded more serious and sincere than anyone else. She was speechless for a moment.

[You can do it. Stop the plane from falling.]

As if he was stating a completely undeniable truth.

As if he was telling the obvious that the sun rises when the moon goes down.

His voice is too assured.

After being speechless for a moment, she caught her senses and quietly spoke up.

"…Does that make sense to you? You think I don't know you're just going to take this opportunity to eliminate me?"

[Why would I want to kill you?]

And then he continued with his calm voice.

[Without you, what would life mean to me? Without you, I'm just a common villain.]

[You complete me.]

[So step up. Clench your fists, strain your legs, and fly into the sky to save people. You can do it. Because that's you.]

And at the end, the phone was cut off.

Left alone, she was possessed by the sudden development of the situation, and blanked out for a moment…

She shook her head as she had come to her senses.

That crazy guy is just saying his usual crap.

That's what the guy said when he blew up the plane in the first place.

She knows her ability, how can she stop that?

Isn't he just trying to kill her this time?

However, what he said echoed through her mind.

'No, you can do it.'

'You complete me.'

'Clench your fists, strain your legs, and fly into the sky to save people. You can do it. Because that's you.'

As those are unbelievable words that only her fans would say.

But this is what her enemy, that Egostic guy, said.

'Isn't there more reliability and objectivity?'

Her brain was now in a state of confusion.

She was feeling helpless and hopeless at the same time, saying that she would only be able to watch everyone in that plane die in real time.

When the villain who dropped the plane called her and told her to go and save them, she ended up losing her mind.

'Yeah, I blocked the train, so why can't I stop a plane? In fact, looking at airplanes, isn't it a kind of flying train? What's an airplane? Isn't it short for an air train*? I mean, wouldn't I be able to stop the plane?' *TN: Airplane in Korean is '비행기(Bihaengi', and train is '기차(Gicha)'. So in this part, Stardus is convincing herself that airplane is shorten for '비행기차 (Bihaenggicha)', which literally can be translated to 'Air train'

She began to think using some seriously flawed logic.

Finally, her mind came to a conclusion.

[The 247th Shin Haru Brain Regular Decision Council]

[Result of the subject: Let's go get the plane.]

'Yeah, if I watch they die anyway, I will be crushed by guilt for the rest of my life. Rather than do it without regrets.'

And immediately.

She flew in the sky.





Inside the plane, it was filled with people's screams.

Although the fall itself was somehow going smoothly despite the explosion, that didn't mean the fear was gone.

Out of the window, it seemed to be getting closer to the ground.

At first, only clouds could be seen clearly, but now the sea can also be seen.

People were screaming, and praying to God. Some people fainted, some just gave up as they closed their eyes quietly.

So gradually the plane is getting closer to the sea, and now people start to lose hope as they think, 'So there are only a few minutes left before I die.'.


They began to hear a sound from the front.

Thump-. Thump-. Thump-.

The sound continued.

A thud sound can be heard as if something keeps hitting the front of an airplane.

And the sound of the wave.



Suddenly, a huge shock can be felt at the front.

The passengers recalled themselves as if they were bouncing forward in unison.

The shock would have made people bounce off if everyone hadn't been wearing their seat belts.

The shock came and went as if something had hit the front of the plane like a car hit a tree on the street.

The speed of the plane that was running to break into pieces toward the sea.



It started to slow down.


So the passengers were shocked at something hitting the front that they even thought, 'Now, I'm dead.' but they noticed something was off.

They are definitely getting close to the ground.

The plane gradually slows down as if it were landing.

"Huh…? Huh?"

The plane was getting slower and slower.

Soon, it landed in the sea with a roar.



Of course, in the process, there was a slight impact so the plane suddenly split.

As a result.

All the passengers survived.

"…What happened?"

The passengers were stunned by the sudden situation.

They didn't know what was going on, they didn't realize they were alive, and they couldn't even feel happy.

Some of them woke up and went inside to find the crew.

The crew members were knocked out.

People woke them up and they opened the door of the plane and set up a slide for people to get to the lifeboat out of the gate and ride it.

People saw something when they got on the lifeboat and rowed to the front of the plane with their absent mind.

A blonde woman in red tights was sweating and catching her breath in the front of a heavily dented plane, holding the plane by herself so tightly that it was dented.

It was Stardus.

People instinctively realized that she saved them.

One of them unknowingly muttered.


The protector.

The hero.

The savior.

Everyone there felt that as they watched her catch her breath in a shabby way on a huge plane.


That person.

Just saved everyone.

That's our hero.


[Yes!!! Stardus!!! Has succeed in landing!!! The plane!!! All passengers are safe!!! They are getting off!!!! Everyone!!! Korea is safe!!!]

[Yes, and as you can see… Wow. She did it! Viewers, The Korean A-class hero Stardus just stopped the plane from crashing in midair! Unbelievable that it happened in Korea.]

[はい,ちょうど韓国のヒーローStardus-sanが飛行機を上空で止めることに成功しました. すごいですね. 韓国ができることはありますか?]

[韓國的英雄星塵攔住了飛機. 是的,這對於半島上一個流氓國家來說很棒.]

[En Corée, un petit pays à l'Est, un héros a arrêté un avion dans le ciel. Elle s'appelle Stardus.]

[Who is the hero Stardus? The one that made The U.S. surprised, Japan shocked! And got praised by China and feared by France. "Japan now has to admit that we completely lost to Korea when it comes to heroes. Even if we combine the Japanese heroes, we won't be able to beat Korea." Japan's Interior Minister's Shock Revealed!]

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The Japan reactions feels like a fucking parody of Korean nationalism in novels lmao.

1, December 2022 at 7:13 PM



Besto fan

11, October 2022 at 2:01 AM




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C34: Reasonable Doubts


[Hello, everyone. It's the 9 o'clock news. This afternoon, there was a plane attack by a villain. Our nation's hero caught this falling plane and saved everyone. Reporter Jeon Jae-seung will tell you more about the news.]

[1 PM today. The screens of the three terrestrial channels suddenly changed.]

The TV screen that used to show entertainment becomes black. And suddenly, an image of the inside of an airplane began to be shown on the screen. People were in fear, and Egostic's voice could also be heard.

[Welcome to The Ego Show, the biggest quiz show in the sky!]

On TV,  Egostic appeared on the screen, which was previously showing a show. Somehow, he was smiling wickedly.


[This is Egostic's third terrorist attack. After the previous two attacks, he chose the air this time.]

And Egostic's voice came out again.

[The rules are simple! There will be 10 questions for the non-sense quiz, so you just have to answer them correctly! If you get even one person right, quietly. And safely! I will let you go. But what if everyone is wrong? The bomb will explode!]

Confused passengers were taking the quiz in fear.

[The passengers calmly solved the questions even in panic when he said he would save them if they got the nonsense quizzes right, or he would explode the bomb on the plane. However.]

The humorous voice of Egostic.

[…was the wrong answer!!! That's too bad. Well then, tsk. The end. Goodbye!]

At the same time, Bang! with a loud sound, everything inside the plane was shaking.

People screamed, and the plane began to fall gradually.

The camera changed.

The news showed a video of a camera filming the sea far from the ground.

You may not notice at first glance, but if you look closely, you can clearly see the plane going down at an angle.

Just like that, as the plane was going down,

A little dot started flying toward the plane.

And that dot hit the plane.


The vibrating was so hard that you can feel it on the camera.

The anchor continued.

[Then a figure flies toward the falling plane. She is the A-class hero, Stardus. Waiting near the plane's expected landing site, she flew alone to stop it when the plane was about to crash.]

[Many experts predicted that she would not be able to stop it, but the plane stood and slowed down as if it was laughing at the prediction.]

In the video, it can be noticed that the plane was falling slowly.

[The plane eventually stopped, and all the passengers were rescued safely. Stardus later collapsed and was taken to a hospital, but the Hero Association announced that she fainted due to fatigue and that her life was not significantly affected. This has been reporter Jeon Jae Seung.]

After the reporter's report.

The screen changed to the standing female anchor from the news again.

She spoke up.

[Yes, hero. What is a hero? Justice, salvation, sacrifice, faith… This time Stardus, what she showed us was simply a hero's thing. On behalf of our broadcasting company, I would like to express my gratitude to Stardus for protecting the citizens of Korea.]

So the anchor bowed her head.


[Yeah, you can take a day off. Come down and go sightseeing at the sea. Just relax. Let's go for a run together after a while.]

"Okay, I will go this time."

[Really? Promise! Promise?]

"Yeah, yeah."

They hung up.

Sitting in a chair in front of her desk with her phone, she sighed deeply.


It's already been a few days since she blocked the plane by herself.

She wondered how she stopped it herself and how she was still alive.

Anyway, the important thing was that she saved people by blocking the plane, and she's still alive.

She clenched her right hand then relaxed it.

Her strength got stronger again this time.

It's a lot different than before.

Seeing her unusual growth, the association has probably judged that they have underestimated her power so far.

She already had that much power and accepted that no one knew it.

In fact, that wasn't the only improvement in her ability.

When she flew to the plane, she clenched her teeth and flew with desperation.

She has crossed another wall.

Somehow, her speed when she flies is much faster than before.

The association explained that she seems to have underestimated her power so far.

She knows her own power very well.

Her power wasn't this strong, but it has clearly improved.

She wouldn't doubt it.

Indeed, her ability has become stronger.


She met a situation that she couldn't handle with her own ability,  so her ability grew on its own to solve it?

Does that make sense? How convenient it is.

However, she cannot deny that her ability had become stronger because it had already happened.

But, actually.

She doesn't seem to care about how her power has grown.

But what she's still thinking about right now is

Him, Egostic.

Many people who indiscriminately followed EgoStick as anti-heroes have disappeared due to the plane attack. Through this incident, people have come to their sense again that he was a villain that the association has approved.

Although there was no civilian damage this time, there were many opinions criticizing him because this time, many people would have died if Stardus hadn't stopped him.


Only Stardus, as the person involved in the case, was thinking differently from the public.

A sudden contact when she stood still helplessly.

And he said.

Look at yourself, stop that crashing plane.

'You have to fly up and save the plane.'

As she asked him how she could stop it.

In a confident voice, he said…

'You can do it. Stop the plane from falling.'

When she asked if he was trying to kill her, he said…

'Without you, what would life mean to me? Without you, I'm just a common villain.'

'You complete me.'

When she was slightly stumped by a sudden remark.

He then spoke in a heartfelt voice, appealing.

'So step up.'

'Clench your fists, tighten your legs, and fly into the sky to save people.'

'You can do it.'

'Cause, that's you.'

His words that she has never heard in her hero career before as if he believes in herself more than she does.

Has anyone ever believed her this way, even once?

When she first worked as an A-class hero, she was too young. She only heard bad criticism, such as not being able to solve the case quickly.

In the eyes of the public who don't really trust the hero in the first place, she just stayed quietly.

She has only been working so quietly to protect her own justice.

But the first time she heard it,  it was from her villain nemesis as if he trusted her completely. How ironic.

And it actually worked out as he said.

She doesn't understand how he could believe in her and said that, but she succeeded as he said.

Hitting a rock with an egg

An act of suicide

Whatever you say, something that could be raised, has actually been done.

As he foretold.


Staying alone inside her house, she murmured his name quietly.

He said he believed in her.

He told her to pick up the plane.

But the point to note here is not the part where he told her to believe in herself.

He told her to lift the plane.

Why is that?

He dropped the plane, and he told her to save it?

Then why did he drop it in the first place?

There was something doubtful about him, more than simply being a psycho who killed people with his own ability.

An airplane that would have fallen if she had stayed still.

But because he told her to save it, she was able to save it.

So why did he ask her to save it?

He wants to plan a crazy death game where a plane crashes if people get the nonsense quiz wrong, but he doesn't want to see people die?

Alright, there is a possibility. There is, but…

Somehow, her gut was screaming that it couldn't be.

'Without you, I'm just a common, a normal villain. You complete me.'

What he said, kept ringing in her ears.

Without her, he was just a common villain, so he said he needed her.

How come without her existence make him a common villain?

It's not a big deal if other hero comes as his opponent, right? Is it because she's the only A-list hero near him?

She doesn't think so.

Her gut kept shouting like that.

There seems to be some other reason.

Groundless, logical leap, absurd speculation, almost a kind of delusion to be frank.

She decided this time to believe what her senses were telling her.

"…I'm gonna have to look into his tracks so far."

What has he done so far?

How did that end up?

If she put all the events he has caused together, wouldn't something come out?

She got up from her seat and began to go outside.

Egostic. She doubts that he's planning something, intent on something and doing all this.

Not a reasonable doubt, though.

She decided to make a guess.

So Shin Haru dressed up and went out.

Egostic. Whatever you're hiding. Whatever you're planning.

I will find out.


"Why do my ears tickle?""

"Oppa, isn't it because you don't pick your ears?""

"No, I don't think so."

What the hell. Is someone cursing me?

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C35: Behind the scenes


Starting a few weeks ago, on the day where Stardus saved a falling plane on the sky.

In the underground, I declared with determination.

"Well, let's give it a try. Airplane terrorism."

The two of them nodded at my words.

That's how we got to plan a plane attack.

"Oppa, where should we attack the plane?"

"We have to choose a domestic flight. We can just go to Jeju Island."

"Why not an international flight?"

"There is a high possibility that foreign heroes will come if we attack planes going abroad. I don't know what will happen if they're on the plane. That's why we have to attack a Korean airline's plane that only Koreans ride within Korea. "

"Aha… You're nitpicking again. You can't even fly at night, right?"

"Of course not. Then the Shadow Walker would teleport to the plane and end it all."

"Okay, let's see… I think we can attack the plane at this time."

"Let me see. Um… Yeah, that period of time would be perfect. Well then, we need to prepare it in advance. What do we need?"

"You said you were going to do some death nonsense quiz. Go think of some nonsense quizzes."

"You want me to search for some nonsense quizzes? Seo-eun, I already know tons of them. Do you know how to say a monk goes down in 6 letters?"

"…I don't know. What does it mean?"

"Illegal Download(佛法 Down Road*)! Hahahaha!" *TN: There is no 'L' in Korean alphabet, so Korean often pronounce words starting with 'L' as 'R'. In this situation, 'Download' would be pronounced as 'Down Road'.

"…Oppa, please look for something else. When I still ask you nicely."

Seo Eun gave me a cold reaction.

Illegal downloading is fun. Why…

When I was about to make such a different old man joke, Soobin next to me talked to me.

"Da-in, shall I just look for some bombs? Do I just need to search for the route that we bought during the train attack last time?"

"Oh, Soobin. We don't really need a bomb this time."

In my words, both Seo-eun and Soobin looked suspicious.

"Hey, I heard you're going to detonate a bomb on the plane"

Oh, I didn't explain this.

"Well… Yeah, I will explain it in detail from the beginning."

Ego show implementation plan.

A non-sense quiz contest will be held on the plane.

If no one gets all 10 questions right, it is said to detonate a bomb.

"The point here is, I'm going to crash the plane no matter what. But if you use a bomb, the plane will be shattered from above, right? So we won't use bombs, we will just crash it down."

"What? What does that mean?"

Seo-eun sounded like she didn't understand.

"Well… There are a lot of weird points. You're going to crash the plane. But what if someone gets all 10 questions right? You are still going to drop it?"

"I won't let that happen. I will act like I wonder if there's anyone who can get all the questions right… Still, I already set things up ready just in case."

"Set what up?"

"I'm going to give them two answers for the last quiz. So even if they get it right? I can just tell them the other one is the correct answer and drop the plane. If it doesn't work, just force it."

"Wow… I didn't know until now, but you look a little devilish now."

Seo Eun looks at me like she's bewildered.

What, kiddo?

This is the way the world is! The world is all about trick or be tricked!

"Da-in, what does it mean to crash without using a bomb?"

"Oh, that one. If you use a bomb, the plane can break down into pieces at unexpected directions So we're just going to pretend that the bomb went off, and we're actually going to just point the plane down at an angle. But if you don't catch a landing point in the air, that's a crash."

As I shrugged my shoulders and said so, Seo-eun asked once again.

"Oh… So, if we crash a plane, it's our goal to get Stardus to hold it, right?"

"Exactly! Increase my sense of power, increase my Stardus' popularity. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone?"

"Well… Da-in, can you stop the plane?"

Soobin, who was searching for something on the computer and calculating it, asked me.

Let me look that way. She continued to speak.

"It's my plan to crash the plane, but… The biggest achievement Ms. Stardus has ever done is to stop the running train she last time. It's great to block the train, but there's a huge difference between the train and the plane. I think Ms. Stardus really squeezed her way to the limit and stopped it, but the plane…. It's not just ten times faster, it's hundreds of times harder considering gravity, weight, and energy."

Soobin's reasonable doubt.

In fact, it is a suspicion that anyone would has.

It's like a kid who learned to add and subtract yesterday saying that she will challenge 30 calculus tests today.

Speaking orthodoxly.

How can Stardus, who barely blocked the train, block a plane?

So I only answered them like this.

"Stardus can do it."

That's what the main character of this cartoon is like.

In the second half of this world, enemies who can stop time, dominate space, and cause natural disasters alone are going to pour out.

It becomes a crazy worldview where divine beings pop out and try to destroy the Earth later on.

And Stardus will be the hero who protected Korea and the earth alone in that world.

She's the main character.

In fact, this world is rotating for her.

And there's only one thing that makes this possible.

That there is no limit to her ability to grow.

The main character doesn't die.

In reverse, the pain that cannot kill her will make her stronger.

I mean, as long as she's desperate and has will.

There's nothing she can't stop.

"Stardus can do it. So we can trust her and crash the plane."

When I said so with a serious face, Seo-eun asked with a slightly sulky face.

"It's funny. Why do you believe in her?"

I just laughed at the question and passed.


The preparations went smoothly.

We took fake bombs, and we secretly put smoke generators on our wings to pretend the explosion.

Before the takeoff, I teleported into the plane, set up this and that, set up the captains to fall asleep in the middle, set up the panel in advance…

My plans that I could squeeze out by reading so many hero cartoons and movies, and the result of the two geniuses' assistance combined.

Honestly, with this kind of terrorist attack… I must say that I already the reach the level of arts.

As long as the project took place, the terror itself was fast.

It was my first time doing a non-face-to-face terrorist attack, so I felt a little strange, but I will have to live with it. I can't get on a plane that is going to crash! Safety is good. Good, good!

"Hello, everyone! The biggest quiz show on earth at the height of 25,000 feet. No! Welcome to The Ego Show Live, the biggest quiz show in the sky!"

But when I was looking at the camera in an open space, it came out smoothly.

I started to feel a little embarrassed when I spoke to the microphone in a narrow room deep underground.

Seo-eun and Soobin keep looking at me, please stop looking at me.

It bothers me a lot! My energy isn't coming out!

"The rules are simple! There will be 10 questions for the nonsense quiz, so you just have to answer them correctly!"

"But what if everyone is wrong? The bomb will explode!"

I spoke diligently into the microphone.

On the screen in the base, people on the plane were being broadcast live in real time.

FYI, the video is also being shown nationwide as we hacked into three terrestrial broadcast stations.

It looks like all the technicians are clinging together and doing everything they can to prevent the hijacking…

Yes, I spent like water for Seo-eun and Soobin. Adios, Amigo…

But actually, I don't think it's necessary to do this, and just upload a live video on YouTube, people will send it as an emergency program.

I don't know. It's a tradition now.

"Okay! Let's move on to the second question! What is the hottest fruit in the world?"

I realized this while doing nonsense quiz…

Why are they so good at answering?

Honestly, I thought I'd be out of the 7th and 8th rounds.

The man endured with evil to the end and came to the tenth.

The last man to survive was a bald man. Let's see. The name is… Kim Deokbae? How do you keep getting it right?

"Now! Finally, the 10th and last question! What is kids' favorite oil?

That's how I asked my last question.

The answer IU was sent to me.

Actually, it doesn't matter whether I sent IU or May 5th.

The important thing is that whatever he sends it, it's definitely wrong.

…But he got it right to the end. If I didn't get 'revenge', I would have been in big trouble.

"Let's guess the answer. Let's see, he wrote 'IU'. The answer is May Oil (May 5th)! It's a shame. Well then, goodbye!"

I pressed the button.

Bang! The silencer that I set up in advance works.

The plane began to fall down with smoke. Actually, it's just going down.

"Phew, it's finally over."

I turned off the microphone and lay down on the chair.

It's so hard to keep up the tension because I just sit still and open my mouth.

When I was lying down like that, Seo-eun, who finished the operation, talked to me.

"Oppa, what are you doing now?""

"What do you mean, wait until the Stardus come."

"Will she come?"

"Of course, she will come. She's Stardus."

So I waited.

"It will be here soon."

I've been waiting.

"You must have left now, right?"

I kept waiting.

"She's on her way, isn't she?"

After waiting for so long.

"Arrrrrgh!!! Why isn't she coming?

I just screamed!

Why aren't sge coming? If she doesn't come by now, the plane will break into pieces!

"Oh! Why are you screaming?"

"Seo Eun! Hurry up and check what she's doing! I will hack into a nearby CCTV!"

"Okay, okay… Alright."

"Oh, I found it. Stardus is just watching the plane from the beach."

"What did you say!!! Why the hell is she doing that?"

This is not the Stardus I know!

"I think she knows it, too. She knows that they will die, so she just stays still."

I jumped at Seo-eun's words.

What! No! Stardus can do anything she wants! If she is put in front of the plane, she will be able to wake it up and stop it!

"Damn it… What should we do? If we keep going like this… Yeah, earphones. In-ear earphones!"

I came up with something!

Shin Haru always wore small in-ear earphones inside her ears. If only we could communicate there!

"Seo-eun, can you contact Shin Haru from the earphones in her ears?" Hurry up!"

"Wait a minute… Oh, this is a security network connected by an extension, so it's a little hard to get through… Soobin! Please help me."


While the two of them stick together and keep trying on the computer.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

I shook my legs like crazy. I'm so nervous.

After that ridiculous time.

"Da-in! I succeeded in getting into it!"


I ran in a hurry.

What's on the computer is a complicated frequency graph.

"Da-in, but the important thing is that if she doesn't answer your call, you're out."

"It's okay, then I can keep calling until she picks up."

I answered that and sat down.

Take a deep breath.


Ring. Ring.

An outgoing call


Pick up.

She picked up.

I spoke up calmly, quietly.

"Hello, Stardus. It's Egostic"

[You garbage…]

She cursed at me as soon as we connected.

However, it wasn't important that I was criticized now.

"I'm just curious. Why aren't you saving them?"

Why aren't you saving them?

Why are you standing still?

After a few more mild curses at my question, she eventually spoke up.

[How can I… stop that?]

[That thing that's falling at 1,000 kilometers per hour.]

[You want me to die?]

As I heard her words,

More than I thought.

I was shocked

Much more than I thought.

I suppose. That's what she was thinking.

Exactly at moment like this, that's what she thinks.

Just when I thought Stardus I knew wasn't like this.

Come to think of it, I realized Stardus at this time could be like this.

In second half of the story, Stardus never gives up even if she meets an enemy she cannot win.

At the beginning of the original comic, she only fought against enemies who seemed to be able to compete with her.

She was feeling frustrating, because I twisted it.

However, the situation I have suggested is a situation that cannot be solved by her current power alone.

The first sudden disaster left her frustrated.

It shouldn't be like this.

The Stardus I know are not like this.

Even if you encounter a situation that seems insurmountable, you clench your teeth, raise your head, step forward and break through the situation.

A person who believes in her ability, trusts her will, and goes forward with an indomitable will toward the enemy. That's Stardus, Shin Haru.

But why isn't she stepping up this time?


Did I give her a wall that is too high from the beginning?

Little by little, she had to cross the wall and give herself confidence that she could break the next wall.

Did she break her will against the overwhelming wall?

What should I do?

What should I do now?

How what.

I have to give back her will.

Let her know that she can.

She has to make them believe in themselves.

Now, what did she say?

'How am I going to stop that? You want me to die?'

Yeah, that's what she said.

After organizing my thoughts, I opened my mouth again in a calm voice.

"No, you can."

You can do it.

Because you are the hero of this world.

Because you're the person who can win anything if you have the will.

"You can do it. Stop the plane from falling."

Her quiet voice came as I delivered it with a heavy heart.

[…Does that make sense to you? You think I don't know you're just going to take this opportunity to eliminate me?]

Me? You?

I was dumbfounded.

You mean who's getting rid of who?

I lost my mind for a moment and told her with all my heart.

"Why would I want to kill you?"

Why would I kill you.

"Without you, what would life mean to me?"

After I realized that I had fallen into this damn world of comics, I wandered and agonized and vowed to live the rest of my life for you.

"Without you, I'm just a common villain."

It cannot simply be referred to as a villain.

Without you, I'm just a stranger in this world. An unnecessary accessories

Living in this world without all my family, friends, assets, social status, honor, friendship, love, everything, I am not myself.

What's the point of me not living for you in this world?


Only you.

"You complete me."

So step up.

Clench your fists, strain your legs, and fly into the sky to save people.

You can do it.

Because that's you.

I just cut off contact like that.

Looking to the side, I could feel Seo-eun and Soobin looking at me with a surprised face.

Oh, come to think of it, I recited my feelings for Stardus in front of those two.

Well, I'm embarrassed.

I only smiled lightly and said to them,

"Now, let's see what happens."

I did everything I could.

Now, it just depends on how she decides.


[Yes!!! Stardus!!! Has succeed in landing!!! The plane!!! All passengers are safe!!! They are getting off!!!! Everyone!!! Korea is safe!!!]

"Wow, Da-in. Just like you said, she stopped that. How did she do that? Da-in? Da-in!"

When Seo-eun called me, I was sliding straight from my seat.


"What's wrong with you?"

"Let's go traveling…"

It's really tiring after every terrorist attack.

I need to rest.

Really need to rest.

"If I do terrorism one more time, I will get sick…"

Since we did three consecutive terrorist attacks.

Let's take some time off now.

This villain needs a break.

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1 Comment


seriously the back and forth are so annoying ,one time is good but seeing the action like 3 times is a no no ,you aldready know what will happen so its about how it happen but its so …how can i say it ? boring? yeah boring . the plot of the story is not so bad but man the rythme is plain horrible.

26, November 2022 at 7:28 PM




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C36: Let's Go on a Trip


"Let's go!"

Riding the SUV we bought before, we left the house.

The destination is Busan.

Seo-eun said she had never seen the sea, so she decided to take this opportunity to see it.

"Da-in, can't we just take the KTX*?" *TN: Korean Express Train

Seo-eun in the back seat grumbled.

"Seo-eun, can you see the bag in the trunk? That's all guns and stuff, how can we get on a train with that?"

"I'm so… How long are we going to be there? Why did you pack that much for 3 days and 2 nights?"

Seo-eun turned her head and was looking at the things on the bag behind her.

I'm driving, and she's doing something dangerous.

"Da-in, what is this mask? It's my first time seeing it

Seo-eun took the mask out of the bag.

It's not a mask that covers only half of my face, but a mask that covers the entire face.

"You don't know what's going to happen there. Just in case, I will take something to cover my face."

Soobin, who was in the passenger seat next to me, asked curiously.

"Didn't you come wearing derecognition device?""

"Oh, I didn't. Seo Eun and I haven't been exposed to the public yet."


Soobin said softly as the end of her sentence.

Wait, now that I think about it, Soobin is the only one who came here to travel with a derecognition device.

And I was the one who hit Soobin's face live.


Let's stop talking about this. I'm sorry.

In the back, only Seo-eun was playing looking at her phone without thinking. I hope she doesn't have any thoughts.

So we went to Busan.

It's exhausting to drive for 5 hours.


"It's the sea!"

We came to Haeundae.

I'm glad that Seo Eun likes it.

The child ran and played, and I laid out a mat and sat under the parasol.

It's hard to even stand. I need to sit down.

Soobin, who sat next to me, bought two drinks and gave me one.

It's nice that the sun is bright and there aren't many people on the beach.

This is why you have to travel on weekdays.

Soobin sitting next to me took a sip of the drink with a straw and told me, sweeping her hair behind her ears.

"It's also… been a while since I last saw the beach since I was young."

"It's been a while since I saw it, too."

It's the first time I've seen it since I fell into this world.

Of course, it's the sea. It's just the sea, but… Still, there's something bothering me inside.

In this world.

I eliminated four villains.

I committed three terrorist acts.

I have been so busy.

Being packed is good, but it's also necessary to take a good rest like this sometimes.

"…I'm always grateful to you, Da-in."

I was looking at the sea… What should I call it? "Sea blanking?" "Water blanking?"

Soobin spoke quietly from the side.

"Grateful? For what?"

"It's just… everything. Thank you for saving me without killing me in the beginning. I'm thankful that you treat me well…"

"Ha ha, what are you talking about? There are more things that I'm thankful for. You always take care of the house and even support Seo-eun."

"Thank you for saying that."

Soobin smiled quietly.

What's up with this atmosphere?

Is this some kind of flag this?

In the comic, the person who said this always dies or betrays in the next episode.

I'm scared!

Before I could ask why, Seo-eun came back from running alone to look at the sea.

"You're back already? Did you see it all?

"Yeah, it's not that different from the sea I saw in the game. It just feels familiar."

Oh, my God.

She's feeling familiar because of the sea that she saw from the game.

Is this… Is it the net function or bad influence of the game?

I don't know, but I think I should adjust her frequency of playing games once we go back.

"But stepping barefoot on the beach was refreshing. About 3 out of 5 stars?"

…I have never seen a kid who scores stars at a beach.

But it's even salty! She should give it 4 points!

"Shall we grab something to eat then?"

Let's do that.


We came to a Gukbap* restaurant. *TN: Hot soup with rice

Busan is famous for Gukbap.

"Oppa, it says to pour the radish kimchi water into the gukbap. Is that true?"

"Well, if you want to eat like that then eat it like that."

I don't like it.

Seo-eun poured radish kimchi water into the gukbap. Why would people do that?

"It tastes fine."

Surprisingly, Seo-eun responded that it tasted fine.

Is that so? Is it because of the difference in taste?

Well, it's nice to see her eat well.

Rather than always eating home-cooked meals at home, you should sometimes go eat out while blowing out the hot earthen pot like this.

There's a lot of meat in gukbap here, too. Good.

News was coming out on the TV on the wall of the Gukbap restaurant.

[The association issued a statement condemning A-class villain Egostick, saying, "We are doing our best to catch him." However, the investigation is disrupted by the fact that the criminal can teleport and is good at manipulating the network. Netizens say, "Egostick is scary."" Did you see Stardus vs. Egostick fight? It's a legend.", and many more kinds of reactions.]

It happened to be talking about me. But the news seems a bit strange…

When I was watching my face on the screen while munching on radish kimchi, Seo-eun, who was eating in front of me, asked me.

"Why did you name yourself Egostick?"

For a moment, the radish kimchi almost came out of my nose.

Why is she talking in loud voice in such crowded place about that?

I looked at the people around me in a hurry, luckily, everyone seemed not to be very interested in this.

When I looked at Seo-eun with a very embarrassed face, she looked at what I was looking at then said, "Ah!" and took something out of her pocket.

"Don't worry. Last time, when you were grumbling too much, so I made a noise canceling device and brought it with me."

And then on the desk, it was something that looked like a small walkie-

"What is this?"

I asked carefully, Seo-eun shrugged her shoulders and said,

"It makes what we say among ourselves will be silent to others."

"Oh? When did you make this again?"

"Last time, you told me not to talk about identity in a crowded place, so I looked through the design at home and it came out. HanEun Group has everything."

"It's fascinating."

"So, Da-in, why did you name yourself Egostic?"

Seo-eun asked me with a mischievous smile. Didn't she ask this before?

"It's derived from egoistic, which means selfish. Doesn't it remind you of that?"

"No, I can only think of a stick… But why did you take out in the middle?"

"Why did I take it out? I just… took it out."

Stardust reduced her name to Stardus.

So what's the point of not reducing the Egoistic to the Egostic.

"Stardus again… Honestly, I don't know why Stardus took out the back. Why didn't you just go with 'Egois' without the tic? This is much better."

"I think I could have made it better if I were with you when you were deciding your name, I feel sorry for you"

Soobin, who was quietly eating next to us, also spoke up.

"…If you keep doing this, I will change my name to Mango Stick. 'Welcome to Mango Stick's Mango Show in front of the camera during the next terrorist attack.' I'm going to be like this."

"I think that's cute. I agree!"

My heart was broken when Seo-eun said with a bright smile.

I'm just kidding… I'm just kidding…

The news on TV ended my story and was reporting on the following.

[Breaking news. A-class hero Shadow Walker currently passed out. The association said, 'The cause is the use of too much ability during the day for special activities,' and said they would complete the treatment as soon as possible. Netizens responded by saying, "I'm afraid of the association's incompetence," "Isn't it a mischievous disease?" and "The president of the association should take responsibility for the security vacuum and resign."]

"No, why did he suddenly pass out?"

I watched TV in a hurry. Don't tell me that's what made Stardus go back and forth to Jeju Island? I feel so sorry for him if it's because of that.

[Stardus' fan cafe, "Stardust Team" membership is increasing rapidly. The cafe, which was founded after the last airplane incident, quickly surpassed 100,000 members in just a few days. It's very unusual for a hero's fan cafe to be opened in Korea.]


I focused on TV instead of eating.

Yeah, I believed you! As expected, my rolling like a dog works!

"…You like it more than when you opened the fan cafe." Oh, my. People might think you're Stardus' dad."

Seo-eun, who was eating in front of me, grumbled at me. Well, did I like it too much?

[Breaking news. Experts are causing a stir by announcing the results of Egostic's last plane crash that "It doesn't look like a bomb exploded." Experts say the aircraft is currently sunk in the sea and cannot be accurately identified, but based on the last photograph taken, no trace of the explosion can be identified. We're lifting the sunken plane and as soon as the results come out…]

"How did you know that?"

The world is killing me.

"Oppa, just give up now. I heard that #1 on the real-time trend is '#MangoStick.'"

Seo-eun showed me the terrible truth on her phone.

No, this can't be real.

"No, wait. Whether it's a bomb or not, I did crash it, but there are people left covering me?"

"These people say that you must have drawn a big picture. In the end, they claim that there was no civilian damage this time. Mangodan's support is amazing."

"No, does that make sense? I did something"

"It's weird for me, too. Did they all take medicine? That's abnormal support Look at this."

"What is it?"

I got a phone from Seo-eun.


[Mango stick <— If you believed in me, it's super recommended. Hahahaha]

I will go firstLOL

[Recommendation] 1355. [Not recommended] 32

[Really? There's no one who didn't believe it, right?]

[Why didn't he use the bomb? He did it to save everyone. Hahaha]

[I agree with the big picture. Hahaha]


"Seoeun… Where the hell did you get these comments."

"Da-in, look at this. It was posted on my school community."

"What's that?"


[Writer] Anonymous

[Title] The interview for the passengers on the plane is up!

How was it?

(Passenger 1) It was scary. I was scared, but when I thought about it after getting off, it was still a meaningful experience. It reminded me of the importance of life. It feels like I'm on a scary roller coaster.

(Passenger 2) I think it was kind of fun. I was dizzy when I fell at the end. But I arrived in Jeju Island normally, so I had fun and came back home.

Roller hahahaha. Coaster hahahaha.

[Anonymous 1] All the passengers are brave.

[Anonymous 2] Korea, the land of manly men

[Anonymous 3] You can't get scared on the roller coaster hahaha.

[Anonymous 4] Roller coaster! Fuck hahahaha


My emotion was plain.

"The world is going crazy."

It's the end of the world.


After we finished eating, we went around looking around.

I went to the international market and visited other famous restaurants.

After having fun, at night.

"Seo Eun, did you reserve our hotel?"

"Of course! I have a reservation for a five-star hotel."

"Oh, what's the name?"

"I think it's called Signature hotel"

"Really? I think I've heard of it…"

"It's the biggest, most famous, and most expensive hotel in Busan! It was hard to make a reservation."

"Yes, you did a good job. Let's hurry up and get some rest."

I'm so tired. Gosh.

Ha, I'm going to go get some rest and sleep.

But it's nice to take a good rest after a long time after going around terrorizing all the time.

Everything's gonna be okay for a while, right?


A dark space

Heavy armed men lined up in unison.

Standing in front of him, a man who appeared to be a colonel spoke.

"Tonight. We're going to air-raids. Do you understand?"


"Where did I say our unit were attacking?"

"You said Busan's Signature hotel!!!!"

The shouts of the soldiers filled the place.



Everything will be fine, right?

"I somehow feel worried…"

"Da-in, stop muttering to yourself. Hurry up and come."


Yeah, whatever happens, at least it's not today.

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The MC is a bit too broken… this needs to be addressed….

6, December 2022 at 10:25 AM



poor guy can't even let his pp rest

5, October 2022 at 7:57 AM




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C37: The Night Before the Storm


It's been a while since we had dinner.

After walking around excitedly in Busan for a day, we came into the hotel to take a rest.

The most expensive five-star hotel in Busan, "The Signature" hotel.

Personally, I don't like the fact that Busan's iconic hotel name is English. Let's say it in Korean. There's a good Korean word for "sign" instead of "signature" though.

…Come to think of it, the autograph doesn't seem to be Korean either. No, isn't that what the signature means? I don't know. Let's just go in.

The lobby inside was very big and antique. It's like a space where hundreds of people can fit in. Soobin told me that she would keep our luggage for now, and Seo-eun and I headed to the front desk to check in. Seo-eun made a reservation, so Seo-eun went with me.

"Welcome. What's the name of the person who made the reservation?"

"Oh, it should be Han Seo-eun."

"Yes, it's confirmed. I will give you the key to 2708."

"…Is there only one room?"

"Yes, you reserved only one room."

"Oh, yes…"

I trudged out of the lobby with a card key and asked Seo-eun next to me.

"Seoeun, why did you choose one room?""

In my questionable gaze, Seo-eun said while avoiding my eyes.

"Well, it's good to save money…"

"Why do we have to save money? When you and I put it together, it's money that overflows."

"The bed is super king, so just come and sleep!"

"Seo-eun? And there's only one bed?"

When I looked at Seo-eun in a hurry, Soobin, who was next to me, came and hugged Seo-eun and said.

"It'd be nice if the three of us slept together after a long time. Whoo-hoo, I'm looking forward to it."

"Well… We have never slept together before…"

They didn't listen to me and went to the elevator.

My authority as the head of the family…


"Wow, the room is so big!"

Seo-eun, who came into the hotel room, ran around and admired.

It's nice to see her eyes twinkle like this after her time sitting in front of the computer all day.

As expected, a student should go out and play a little bit.

"Wow, there's a warm bath."

Soobin, who entered the bathroom, also opened her eyes wide and said.

Is it because it's a five-star hotel?

It was the biggest and widest hotel I have ever been to in my life.

Every piece of furniture is made of wood that looks like it's worth tens of millions of won if you accidentally burn it.

I don't think we should ever play with fire in this hotel. Oh, we just can't play with fire, right?

"The night view is wonderful."

I removed the curtains. Perhaps because it's a high floor, the view overlooks the night view of downtown Busan. I can also see the waves of the night sea far away.

"Wow, the TV is really big."

I was amazed by the TV in the bed room. The TV in our base is not this size either, should we change one?

But in the meantime, there was really only one bed. Of course, the size is so big that it looks like four beds are stuck together… Did she really have to reserve a single-bed?

I said first to those who were clueless with the luggage.

"Let's pack up first, wash up, have some fun, and go to bed."

I'm tired because I have been walking around all day.


So everyone washed up, and lay down on the bed.

Seo Eun lies in the middle, and Soobin and I lie next to each other.

We decided to lie down and watch TV and rest.

When I was changing the channel to see if there was anything fun, Seo-eun, who was looking at her phone next to me, opened her mouth.

"Da-in, bring me some water."

Huh? What?

Did I hear you wrong?


But Seo-eun said one more time casually.

No, Seo-eun. Do you have hands or feet?

"Seo-eun…I can't believe you're trying to push me like that now. I raised you wrong. I should've raised you a little more strictly. Oh, my."

When I made a mischievous wail, Seo-eun waved her hand in embarrassment and said.

"No, it's not like that! You have telekinesis. Can you just take it out with that? Don't you just have to lift your hands?"

Oh, was it like that?

I thought that Seo Eun was a spoiled kid.

"Well, unfortunately, Seo-eun. Just get up and bring it."

"Hmm… Alright."

"No, it's because I have to save my energy.""

"Power? What does it mean?"

"Well…Did I not explain this? Let's see… You know, when you play RPG games, you know things like MP, right? Should I call it mana? The number that wizards have to fill in when they use magic."

"Oh, that one? The blue stick under the HP?

"Yes, that one. That's what my telekinesis is like. If I use it often, it's not as powerful as a claw machine. Why can I just not use it and just stay still? How can I say? Concentrating? If I do it, I get stronger. That's why I need to save my energy for a crisis."

Actually, the last time I wrote it was a few months ago when I was dealing with a crocodile, but now I feel pretty strong. Bearing is victory…!!

"Oh, now I know. I thought you were just using whatever you want. I will be back."

In that way, Seo-eun trudged toward the hotel's mini refrigerator.

I'm just going to watch the channel.

Variety show…News…

I just turned on the news.

Honestly, news is more fun in this world than entertainment shows.

On the news, a B-class villain. There's no way it's not fun when you do this.

When I turned on the news, there was a picture of a woman with blonde hair and a woman with long sky blue hair. Uh, on the left is Stardus. The one on the right is her. North Sea Ice Girl.

The voice of the anchor came out of the news.

[After Shadow Walker's report of coma, A-class Hero Stardus and Icicle of the association explained themselves as concerns about the security of the people continued. The two say they will be in a 24-hour emergency system, and as usual, Stardus will be in charge of Seoul and the metropolitan area, and Icicle will be in charge of Gyeongsangbuk-do, Gyeongnam, and Busan.]

Well, Stardus were originally in charge of Seoul and the North Sea Ice Girl was in charge of Busan, so that means that the two actually work 24 hours a day. I feel sorry for them.

The North Sea Ice Girl appears on the news with the official hero's name "Icicle" without anyone saying it yet. Well, it's only natural that North Korean ice woman got tinnitus after freezing North Korea in the second half.

While I briefly recalled the original work, the anchor continued.

[When the public expressed concern, saying, "How big is Korea? How big can it be covered with two?" The association said, "Make sure to have a baseball bat next to your bed in case of danger."]

….Still the association is like that.

Well, the association has always been like that, so there's nothing awkward about it. In my memory, the president of the association went around a little bit.

But the security must be a bit unstable. Should I prepare something?

"Da-in, are you watching the news again? You look like a real old man at times like this."

Seo-eun suddenly came back to her bed with a lot of negotiations. No, it's unfair. This may be your daily life, but I feel like I'm watching a movie.

"Oh? But that's not water. It's coke. Where did you get that?"

"Coke? I opened the mini bar and found it."

For a moment I almost screamed.

"Seo-eun! You can't drink that! Do you know how expensive the drinks and snacks are in the hotel minibar? The can you're drinking is probably 5,000 won."

When I said in surprise, Seo-eun shrugged her shoulders as if she was wondering why.

"It doesn't matter if it's 5,000 won or 50,000 won for a drink. We have a lot of money."

I was at a loss for words from Seo-eun.

Right, we have a lot of money, right?

Including the money I earned from the original knowledge since I fell into the world and the money Seo-eun made in the first place, it's a lot.

Maybe it's because I've been living like a small citizen for too long, but I forget about it.

"How much is this hotel in the first place? This is probably the most expensive of all the buildings in Busan It's the only five-star hotel here."

"Well, yes, drink a lot. Drink and brush your teeth."

"Oh, my. Am I a kid?"

Seo-eun complains to me with her cheeks swollen. Awe, you look like a kid right now.

Soobin just smiled quietly at us


"Oh my god… I'm sleepy now. Let's all go to bed."

How to get up early tomorrow and go to bed early to play.

So everyone brushed their teeth, turned off the lights, and lied down on their seats.

We all lied down together, but the bed was so big that it was not particularly uncomfortable.

But it's kind of weird to sleep under the same blanket.

It hasn't been long since I lied down, but I heard Soobin whispering quietly on the other side.

Are you asleep already? I fall asleep as soon as I lie down.

When I was lying with my eyes closed to sleep, Seo-eun, who was lying next to me, murmured quietly to see if she was still awake.

"Today was fun…"

"Hmm? Yeah, what was the most fun?"

"It was nice to see the sea, and it was fun to see the market… I think it would be good to hang out like this sometimes."

"Okay. Let's come out sometime."

If I could come out to play.

First, I've completed all the terrorist plans and Stardus growth projects in my head.

"Let's go to sleep if we want to have fun tomorrow."


Seo-eun yawned once and lay down with her face buried in her belly.

I'm going to go to bed soon.

The hotel is so quiet, I think I will fall asleep soon.

And just like that, I fell into a deep sleep a few minutes later.

When I wake up tomorrow, the sun will be up, right?


But late at night, when the moon is still shining on the dark city, the hotel.


Boom, boom, boom.

Heavy footsteps heard from all sides


The sound of something popping somewhere.


Someone's scream, something breaking.


Knocking on our room, noise between floors.


And the shouting in front of the door.

"Fuck it…"

I woke up and murmured.

Why are you doing this to me?

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1 Comment

eternal perspective

Thanks for chap

Fbi?? ??? Thos clearly villain looking shadows were freaking fbi?

7, November 2022 at 2:07 PM




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