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[NSFW] A Travelling Deity (Multicross)


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Which Mjolnir design looks best from the 'Mjolnir Question' in the Extras section?

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Threadmarks: 01: Facing the Cold


The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


Okay, first off. This is the link to the CYOA that was used for the backstory for the MC.

Next, yes. The events in CYOA have already happened to the main character. The build will be posted shortly after this chapter is posted.

I actually wrote most of this chapter and created the build a full year and a half ago. It's only thanks to God of War: Ragnarok that I came back to finish it. Chapter 2 is about halfway finished and I already have a list of worlds that SI will visit.

Please inform me of any universe that you would like my character to visit (please give ones that are easy to digest like games or a website that explains the timeline and places of the universe), I don't take this fic seriously, so I'm not going to make a massive amount of effort to pour over every detail.

This is just a hobby.

Also, each universe will have different lengths on how long SI will stay there for. So, SI might stay for five chapters in one verse, then stay for only one in another.

The drops of cold awoke me, and the pains that littered across my body protested as I rolled over, and pushed upwards. The battle with the Absolute Primordial, Khaos, was long and hard-fought, time had been forgotten, and nothing but the fight had mattered. The fight for everything; for vengeance, for justice, for the tiniest insect to the largest giant.

I had won - and for it? Was cast into the void between worlds.

Maybe the other pantheons had placed a curse on me. To be exiled from my universe when the mission was complete, the mission to find the one who slammed down the walls of the supernatural - unleashing monsters, curses and magic onto the innocents. When the final blow was struck and the final spell uttered - Khaos was finally sealed away. However, I knew something had gone wrong. The terrifyingly strong pull out of the void was tremendous, stronger than even my own power as a new High God.

"How many pantheons took part in that banishment curse, I wonder? Three? Four? Maybe all of them?"

It was a miracle that I, somehow, landed on a world with a breathable atmosphere, with a freeze that reminded me more of Antarctica in the middle of winter months

Forcing my eyes to open, a crater of rock, snow and steam greeted me - and beyond the dip, a land of seemingly endless white was a sight to see. Reminding me of my home back in Norway. A flat plain surrounded on all sides by mountains and hills, some looked to touch the sky and others merely dotted the horizon.

Normally, this wouldn't be out of the blue, maybe this world was in a permanent ice age, or had a very strong winter. However, the…things that surrounded the crater on all sides told a very different story.

Because covering the land of rock and snow like a field of grass, were the rotting corpses of men, women, children - even gigantic humanoids - with every single one in various degrees of decomposition, standing upright. Some held only the barest pieces of rotting skin and flesh that covered blackened skeletons, and others seemed like people that had just lost pigmentations in their skin but all held icy blue in their eyes, like two blue stars shining in the dark.

They stood and stared; not a single finger, toe, arm, leg, mouth, nose or brow twitched. No, they were straight and never wavered nor were they distracted by the cold - a cold so numbing, that I knew a mortal man would've been dead from hypothermia in ten, maybe five, minutes. Silent as statues, the dead looked as if they were left abandoned after hundreds of years. Numbering in the tens of thousands - maybe hundreds of thousands - my awareness couldn't tell where the army of dead ended.

"Revenants?" I mused, a hand slowly, but casually, going underneath my black, feathered cloak. "Zombies?"

Searching further, beyond the physical, I spotted strands of ice and darkness that flowed from the dead army, as if they were streams of water, and towards a group standing on top of a steep hill that overlooked the valley.

Familiar-looking men filled with nothing but a mashed pot of orderly and emotionless cold that matched their outer icy skin. A few wore black armour while others just had ripped rags to cover themselves, in hand were swords made of sparkling crystals, a magic field wrapped around the blades, and I knew they would be dangerous to mortal weapons and armour.

I knew them from a lifetime ago. They were not a monster of myth that I killed or a deity that I met.

White Walkers.

Lips curling, I gave an excited scoff. Somehow, someway, I had been shoved into another world. A world that had first been a book series then translated into a TV show, one I could not finish - as after the Calamity, TV was reserved for updates on monster attacks and religious sermons, watching the television for enjoyment was a non-factor.

After all, deities of mythology were now real, with their sons and daughters in the form of demigods appearing - and what a discovery that was. Everyone joined a religion, and Irreligion practically died overnight, leading the way for the various faiths to try and convert people en masse like salesmen on amphetamines.

Catching something in the bottom half of my sight, turning from the necromancers towards the area around the crater I stood in.

At the dead around me.

I smirked, a full row of teeth showed in the cold.

"Well, this is gonna be a slaughter."

Clasping a handle under my cloak, I retrieved the trusted replica of my father's hammer, Mjolnir, and struck the ground with all of my strength, calling upon the power of magic and earth to obliterate the land. The crater grew deeper, and cracks and splinters formed, prying the world open and swallowing up the countless army of undead. A dust storm of snow and destroyed stone covered my natural vision, blanketing the white desert for miles around.

Inside the cover of dirt and smoke, with a chant and a single-handed gesture - the pain of my previous fight with Khaos faded away with a calm, happy warmth.

The ground beneath fell into the chasm I had forged, and, now that a smokescreen had given me a covering, launched towards the White Walkers with a fierce skip.

Mid-air, I called out towards a bag that dangled from my belt.

"Chain!" A uniquely ornate-styled, thick link of metal adorned with runes blew up from the bag, wrapping around a leather gauntlet tightly before the metal became obscured as dark clouds spiralled around the chain, with the sound of lightning crackling as blue jagged lines crisscrossed around and through the weapon. The snow steamed as the tip of the chain clipped the ground - flicking snowflakes, steam, and liquid rock into the air.

I was a foot away from a White Walker, enough to see the surprise on its face when my Mjolnir replica slapped its cheek. The wide blue eyes would be a look that I would savour for a long time; the skin and muscles melted into shiny puddles as if ice had been dropped into a star - the bones and marrow followed, shattering into tiny segments of milky glass. A small inky blue energy stood where the White Walker was, fading away like smoke in the wind.

"So, Replica can destroy them." I thought, the grin grew on my face as I turned to another Walker and waved Chain with a flick. The bladed links whistled like birds in a forest, passing through armour and skin. A second puddle joined the first.

"Next!" I demanded.

All of them charged - some mounted on rotting horses, bears, and even giant spiders. The battle was one-sided. Every attack from the monsters was brushed aside by a parry from the hammer and sword, and the few that passed my guard pinged off the armour that was created in the same vein as the sword. Dark and covered from shoulder to toe. My strength, speed and the armour's magical durability combined with my own were too much for the Others, their own weapons couldn't break, let alone scratch, my armaments - not even their ice powers that would've frozen a mortal man had no effect. The Walkers that attacked from behind were seen and easily countered with a quick lightning bolt that sprang from my body.

One by one, ten of the monster's bodies melted and their spirits vanished - but they kept coming, screeching like ice clawing against each other.

It was then I realised that there were more than I naturally expected. A lot more.

Looking past the hill, nearly a hundred more of those Others graced my sight, and at the back - stood an all-encompassing figure.

The Night King. The head honcho of the White Walkers. His aura was large, for bigger than the nearly one hundred White Walkers combined, a blanket of heart-stopping energy that roared like a lion establishing his dominance. My hair could feel his presence from even the front of his elite centuria.

"Imma kill ya," I was unafraid. After all, I had faced worse: monsters, demigods, demons, angels, gods, and primordials.

Compared to them? The Night King was a joke.

The distance between myself and the Night King took away the drama that I wanted, as looking back on it. The Night King wouldn't have heard what I said over the howling wind and screeching Others.

Launching once again, I knew the enemies below had no reach at the height I jumped to, and even if their strength was heightened to the point the ice swords could strike me - I was unafraid of that possibility.

Seeing The Night King make a gesture, I quickly found out that I needn't have bothered. As a wall of thick ice leapt from the ground, forcing a thick, misshapen wall between itself and I.

My answer?

Throwing Replica.

A cone of air spawned from the tip of its head, and a boom of air roared as if challenging the Night King to a duel.

A resounding, and booming, noise would have deafened anyone nearby, another reason I was thankful. For no living person would be inside the centre of the Night King's army, I was sure of it.

The wall fell, the centre collapsing inwards as the hammer continued and struck the White Walker leader. Its armour breaking apart, the chest caving like the wall in front, and the Night King shattered into tiny shards.

It was dead.

Around me, the White Walkers; the ones that were falling into the cracks, into the unexplored earth below - and the ones that stood on shaking ground, all disappeared in a mist of flaky crystals. Seeing further at the sight of the undead weights falling into dust and unmoving corpses filled me with no small figure of relief.

"Well," I joyfully muttered. "Guess 'canon' is derailed." The crying of the Earth and the crunching of rocks alerted me to the damage I had done to the landscape. "Ah, shit."

The land was…different, in the middle of the once flat plain was now a crater - a fifteenth of a mile deep, with fissures that had me flinching in shame. The dead bodies were piled high, unmoving in their stacks. Mountains and hills were shorter by several tens of feet, their shapes now more jagged as rocks and show slid down in joint avalanches

"Grandmother's gonna kill me if she found out." I shuddered. Gaea, the Primordial Earth herself, was always a terrifying disciplinarian. Demanding you to go on quests or even have allow any springling, ent, fae and any other forest spirits in the vicinity to do what they wanted to you.

Shaking my head at the memory of Grandmother's disappointed face, I breathed deeply and performed two simple spells.

One for time and one for space.

"Noon…very, very, far north of a large landmass. I've got a bit of flying to do."

Falling to a knee, recalling the Chain's reach to shorten to a more comfortable length, and recalling Replica to stay on my back. I placed a palm on the stone, mud and snow - connecting to the world - the natural and the super.

Unyielding biting cold greeted me as it waned away. The all-encompassing magic of the Night King was losing its grip on the elements of winter and as such, the Land of Always Winter was becoming the Land of Warmer Winters. It would still be freezing, and the snow would still fall, but blizzards will be rarer and the sunlight will pierce through the veil more often than not.

And further south was the gleam of life, both human, animal and giant.

However, before he could even leave the ground, a tingle, one that splashed in the back of his head, drew him away from the collection of life south - and towards the southeast.

"This way, Outsider." A small, whispery voice glided in the air, child-like in pitch and tone.

"A prayer?" I couldn't stop the bemusement as the sliver of strength added to my being. While being prayed to was nothing new, especially since my quests were broadcasted to the entire world, saving the world from annihilation between the pantheons, the forces of darkness, and Khaos itself. The difference was that the world knew who I and my fellow demigods were, but here? They should not have known that I existed. 'No, most likely, someone saw or sensed me killing the Night King.'

Intrigued, and sheathing Replica onto my back, I called upon my magic to fly high into the air, pulling out my Wayfinder along the way.

"Brynden Rivers," I called, but what happened I couldn't help but make a noise of interest. The Wayfinder was meant to move and point towards the name or object I stated, but the Wayfinder did not move.

It stayed still.

Frowning, I eyed the horizon. The direction of the prayer. Now, it was interesting.

Following the prayer, I couldn't help but wonder who was calling. "This way…" and "Over here…" The voice continued, adding more and more strength to my soul.

The journey wasn't long, the time spell announcing less than fifteen minutes had passed when the sight of an utterly massive white tree with blood-red leaves appeared over the quickly passing horizon. A form of giddiness for a life long passed rose back to life. A time of calmness and innocent excitement: Going to school, goofing off with friends, complaining about homework and even getting detention. I didn't even remember my original name, the one my mother gave me.

Dropping to the ground below, the prayers led me to a flat frozen lake with the white tree overlooking on top of a small hill. I wasn't far away when very familiar-looking people appeared: from the snow, from the roots, from the branches, from the leaves, from the cave in the hillside, the air and the wind - with a number far, far, larger than what was seen in the TV show. Easily numbering in hundreds, maybe in the thousands, tens of thousands.

They were small, my large stature easily towering above them; a strange forest-brown skin, three fingers and a thumb that ended in black claws, large pointed ears, with equally large gold and green cat-like eyes. The Children of the Forest, covered in leaves and other foliage, all stood shoulder to shoulder all formed in front of me - a foot or so away.

And knelt.

"Um…?" Blinking, I attempted to ask a question only for one of the little elves to speak up.

"Great Outsider, we of the forests have guided you to us to offer our utmost thanks for slaying the great enemy. We are forever humbled and honoured by your actions."

Turning to the one who spoke, her tone was monotone, a hint of reverence clear. I cleared my throat. The language of the Children was beautiful for my ears to hear, the sounds of nature itself sang like a siren at sea.

"No thanks are needed, little one," I responded, hoping that my own attempt at the sounds of nature was up to snuff. "I had sensed the dark and cold that were those ice demons and killed them in return."

A fling of magic behind them caught my attention. "The ones in the trees, they're expecting me?"

The one who spoke nodded. "Yes, Great Outsider. They are waiting for you."

Nodding, I walked up to her and knelt, a hand on her shoulder seemed to surprise the little elf look-alike. Drawing my hood back, I let out an easy-going smile. "And what shall you of the forest do? Now that your enemy is gone."

The question stumped her. A moment passed before another said. "We…would ask you for your help again, Great Outsider, but please, talk to the trees first. We wouldn't dare take more time away from you."

Leaving them and pondering on when I had arrived in this world, I entered the cave gently, but swiftly, with long roots of white singing to me like a summer breeze. Continuing into the cave, I couldn't help but caress the long, gnarled roots of the great weirwood. The essence of gods, faceless and nameless, sparkled like stars in the night sky. Unlike the Night King who wanted to snuff out the light, these Gods felt more like Gaea herself. Trees, rivers, birds, wolves, wind, cold, hot, flowers and so much more.

The Nature Gods of this land were content, and I smiled.

Inside was a clearing, a misshapen circular room with roots and rock for walls and ceiling. Where I hoped to see Bloodraven, alongside the hope that something was wrong with my Wayfinder, was empty and the hope quickly fizzled out. No Bryden Rivers was seen strung up and fused with white weirwood.

"We greet you, Outsider."

The voices were whispers, howls, growls, caws, wind blowing, water rushing and lighting crackling.

Bowing my head in greeting, I spoke to the Nature Gods in their language. "I thank you for this wonderous meeting and greet you as well."

"Please, ask any boon that is within our power." The Nature Gods offered. "The enemy was an ancient enemy that our Children and the humans could not defeat, even with our help - a force that would've suffocated life."

I waved off their thanks, however, for I had already accumulated more than enough items, magical and mundane, as well as curious trinkets and weapons. "There is no need to grant me a boon, all I ask is information. This world is not mine, and as such, I ask what is occurring in these lands right now?"

The Nature Ones were silent for a brief moment and I couldn't help but wonder if I had somehow offended them. Gods are fickle and prone to outbursts of a childish nature, being the son of one that had a thunderous temper helped me…work around that nature when conversing with them.

"Invaders, Outsider." They finally said, filled with wrath for the ones who received their ire, and at themselves. "From a land in the east, full of believers with the Seven Who Are One in their hearts, and conquest of our lands in their minds - even now, they spill the blood of man, child and giant."

"The Andal Invasion?" I muttered, a shock to be sure, but one that would be interesting to live in.

"You are a seer, Outsider?" Around me, the voices of nature croaked with surprise.

"No, but seers existed in my world." The lie was birthed quickly, one of the easiest ones I had made in my life. "Too many, in fact, so no one took them seriously, but the sight before me, alongside the Others and what you have told me has forced the memory to appear in my mind."

"I see." The Nature Gods murmured, intrigue and surprise at my words were clear, with only a hint of worry. "Then you know of the invaders that come to kill our children and our trees?"

"I do." I nodded, already knowing what they were going to ask.

"Then, we ask for your aid, Outsider. Our forms cannot become corporeal and our domains are not one for battle."

Crossing my arms, I couldn't help but sigh. "Why should I?" I asked - already knowing what my decision was.

Life after the Calamity was not a calm one, nightmares still cursed me - even after I had removed the one that was forced onto me when my divinity awakened. Monsters of all myths and legends hounded and stalked both innocent and guilty for decades.

I could still feel their claws on my flesh, and their teeth in my bones.

"For innocents will die, the ones who just wished to live in peace will be slaughtered." The matter-of-fact statement was strange, stranger to hear but one that did make me tilt my head in agreement.

The Andal Invasion.

Andalos was on the warpath of the Valyrian Freehold, taking slaves of those conquered and only allowing those that surrendered some modicum of independence. Allowing the conquered to practise the religions and practises of their people, but only to keep them docile and divided so they couldn't attempt a slave revolt and probably many more examples that I couldn't think of at that moment.

They were correct, the Andals would indeed flee the land that would become Essos and instead land in Westeros - only to slaughter the First Men and any not human due to their religious dogma.

Another breath escaped me.

"Fine, I'll do it."


Index >>

Last edited: Dec 23, 2022

Dec 19, 2022Report

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Par Tzu, João Max, OPWalrus and 131 others like this.

Black287Know what you're doing yet?


It would be nice if you threadmarked the chapters

Dec 19, 2022Report

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Extras: Demigod 3.0 Build


The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ



Fated Death [+10, 410]: When given your powers for the first time, it comes with a vision foretelling your violent death in battle, but you don't know when, or where.

Twisted Tongues [+14, 424, Later removed due to 'The Mother Goddesses' Quest]: You lose the ability to speak English and any other speaking language you know. Instead, you instantly know how to speak both the ancient and modern languages associated with your parent's mythology. Note: you can still understand your original languages, you just can't write or speak in them. Sign language is not affected by this drawback.

Kryptonite [+14, 438]: Dark Manipulation. One element hurts you more now. Select from the Manipulations page, and you cannot choose any element that you have power over, or, Time/Space. You are more susceptible to attacks from this element.

Hellbound [+12, 450]: You are destined to enter the underworld at some point. If you take this drawback, you are required to take one of the following quests: 'Hella' or 'Hell Hath No Fury'.

Intoxicated [+10, 460]: You will become intoxicated through carbonated drinks, and alcoholic drinks will have no effect on you anymore.

Tantalus [+10, 470, Later removed due to 'The Quest for the Holy Grail' Quest]: You cannot die from hunger or thirst, you no longer feel hunger or thirst, but drinks and foods no longer have any taste.

Like Parent, Like Child [+10, 480]: Your personality changes to be more like your Godly Parent. Example: If your Parent is a War God, you will be more aggressive.

Black Cat [+14, 494, Later removed due to 'The Oncoming Storm' Quest]: You are unconventionally unlucky. You will never go through a battle without at least a minor injury, you will frequently trip over rocks, and bullets/arrows you fire will have a greater chance of missing. On the plus side, cats seem to like you know.

Secret Identity [+12, 506]: You must maintain a normal life, so that everyone in your life, other than your Companions and Life Partner, never knows that you are a Demigod.

In Session [+10, 516]: You must save the world while keeping your grades up. You are a student in either High School or College, and you must stay in school while also occasionally breaking up fistfights between Zeus and Quetzacoatl, which is weird since only one of them actually has fists.

Hypnos Curse [+25, 541, Later removed due to 'I Wanna Know What Love Is' Quest]: Once every two months, you will enter an 18-hour sleep, plagued by a constant, vivid, terrible nightmare. You cannot be woken during a nightmare. During this nightmare, you will cry and sob often, you will develop a fever, you will occasionally attempt to claw at your skin, and your powers will flare slightly. This will be highly distressing to your Life Partner, your Companions will have to watch over you, and you will always know when your nightmare will occur.

Learning Curve [+18, 559]: It takes a while to get used to your powers. You start at all basic levels, and as you practise, you gain access to the higher levels that you have purchased. If you use your powers too much, you get nosebleeds and fatigue.

Beacon [+18, 577, Later removed due to 'King of Serpents' Quest]: Your scent is irresistible to monsters, and you attract many, many beasts and creatures, all seeking to devour you.

Total Points:



Parent - Thor [-50, 527]: Norse God of Thunder

Gain Lv2 Enhanced Strength for free

Gain Lv2 Electricity Manipulation for free

Gain Lv1 Weather Manipulation for free

Gain Basic Elemental Weapon for free

Gain Mjolnir Lite for free (Parent only bonus)

Legacy 1 - Gaea [-40, 487]: Embodiment of Earth

Lv2 Longevity halved

Lv2 Earth Manipulation halved

Lv2 Nature Manipulation halved

Lv 2 Stoneskin halved

Lv1 Giant Form halved

Legacy 2 - Odin [-30, 457]: Norse God of War, King of the Aesir

Lv2 Enhanced Combat halved

Lv2 Enhanced Perception halved

Lv1 Mental Manipulation halved

Lv1 Enhanced Magic halved

Greater Powers (Physical):

Lv 2 Enhanced Strength [Free due to Godly Parent]: Your strength is Herculean. You can easily bench press a 33,000 lbs school bus, and the max amount of weight you can lift is around 100 tons.

Lv 2 Enhanced Durability [-30, 427]: Most bullets can't pierce your skin, leaving only a light bruise instead. You can survive at up to 2000°F/1093.333°C and down to -200°F/-128.889°C for long periods of time.

Basic Level Enhanced Speed [-8, 399]: You can move and run at peak human speeds, allowing you to run at around 30 mph. You also have slightly better endurance.

Lv 2 Longevity [-15, halved due to Gaea Legacy, 384]: You can now live up to 800 years old, and your prime will last for about half of that. You are very resistant to radiation, you can slowly regrow limbs over the course of months, and you cannot get cancer.

Lv 2 Enhanced Combat [-15, halved due to Odin Legacy, 349]: You can generate any normal weapons out of thin air, and you have 50 years of special ops experience.

Greater Powers (Magical):

Lv 2 Enhanced Healing [-30, 339]: You are now an expert neurologist, and you can regrow people's limbs in a matter of weeks, you can bring others back from the brink of death and you can purge cancer and destroy tumours.

Lv 2 Enhanced Magic [-36, 303]: You can cast spells that mimic the Manipulation Powers at the first level, and mimic Time and Space at the basic level.

Level 1 Mental Manipulation [-7, 296, halved due to Odin legacy]: You can now convince people of simple ideas and give them basic commands, and you can telepathically communicate with anyone nearby.

Greater Powers (Manipulation):

Lv 2 Earth Manipulation [-18, halved due to Gaea Legacy, 278]: You can lift up to 500 tons of solid rock and sand, shatter rock with a punch, topple buildings with quakes, create sandstorms, and ride rocks in geokinetic surfing.

Lv 2 Weather Manipulation [-36, 242]: You can create tropical storms, summon tornados, manipulate air to fly at the Basic Level of Flight, and you are highly resistant to both wind and electrical damage.

Lv 2 Electricity Manipulation [Free due to Godly Parent]: Automatically charge any and all electronic devices within a 10-foot radius, and you are immune to electrocution. Electrify your skin, call down lightning strikes from the sky twice a day, and can generate up to several million volts of electricity. You can fire off bolts of lightning from your hands, chain lightning between enemies, absorb electricity, generate ball lightning, and manipulate magnetic fields to move small metal objects around you.

Lv 2 Nature Manipulation [-18, halved due to Gaea Legacy, 224]: You can telepathically communicate with any animal, you can induce the growth of plants around you, and you can telekinetically control leaves and throw them like throwing stars. With a touch, you can heal dying or injured plants, trees, and animals. You can also summon and talk to Spriggans, Dryads, Ents and other forest spirits, as well as control nearby animals and nearby vines. Nature will actively assist you in battle and seek to protect you, with tree branches catching you from falls, roots tripping enemies, and forest spirits often appearing to help alongside you.

Special Powers:

Harem Mode [Free due to Quest Reward]: You can now either into a friends-with-benefits relationship with any or even all of your companions. This will not cause jealous infighting between your companions, except possibly about time allotment. Any and all Life Partners you may have will be fine and completely accepting of your relationships and are likely to even want to join in from time to time.

Form Powers:

Level 1 Giant Form [-11, 213, halved due to Gaia legacy]: You grow in size, strength, and durability, taking on the form of a Giant. Your speed is reduced in this form, and you are an obvious target, but you can deal out tons of damage. You cannot use your other powers, but Flight and Super Speed are much weaker. There is no time limit for this form, but prolonged usage of this Form, as well as rapidly switching in and out of it, will cause large amounts of bodily strain. You can grow to a height of 20 meters (65 feet tall).

Level 2 Godly Form [-50, 163]: Summon the Divine energy inside yourself and ascend to your Godly Form. Godly Form is characterised by bright, glowing eyes, but it is slightly different for everyone. Some people have glowing tattoos, others have a bright, colourful aura. This form allows you to boost up to three powers by one level, so you can boost level 1 to level 2, or boost level 2 powers into level 3, which is what most Gods operate on. Your Godly Form lasts a limited amount of time per day, and you only boost Powers into Level 3 if they are listed on the level 3 Power Sheet. You will feel exhausted and pass out after exiting Godly Form. Godly Form will boost three Powers and lasts for 30 minutes a day.

Level 3 Powers (Can upgrade 3 powers when Godly Form is activated):

Level 3 Enhanced Healing: You can bring the recently dead back to life, heal everyone within a dozen yards of you, and you can cure genetic/birth defects.

Level 3 Enhanced Magic: You can mimic all Manipulation Powers at Level 2, mimic Time and Space Manipulation at Level 1, mimic Creation and Destruction at the Basic Level, your shields can withstand ICBMs, and your telekinesis can lift a dozen tanks at once.

Level 3 Earth Manipulation: You can transform your body into rock, which allows you to reshape your body, become larger, and reform if broken. You can also transform your body into sand and manipulate sand around you to the same effects as rock. You can also move enormous amounts of rock, and generate powerful earthquakes.

Lesser Powers:

Lv 2 Enhanced Beauty [-18, 145]: You're almost as stunning as Helen of Troy herself. Everyone is attracted to you, and you could put a few goddesses to shame.

Lv 2 Enhanced Perception [-9, halved due to Odin Legacy, 136]: You have eagle eyes, a bloodhound's sense of smell, and your eyes move and capture images faster. You can visually perceive magic, see through illusions, and see the invisible.

Lv 1 Enhanced Agility [-10, 126]: Your reflexes are greatly enhanced, you can jump 30 feet vertically, and you are a master of parkour.

Lv 2 Enhanced Endurance [-18, 108]: You can run, at full sprint, through three marathons without stopping.

Basic Elemental Weapons [Free due to Parent]: Form weapons using Basic powers.

Lv 2 Water Breathing [Quest Reward]: You can breathe underwater just as easily as you breathe air. You can see clearly through dark, murky waters, and very cold waters don't bother you. You swim as fast as a shark, and you can endure the pressure of the deepest reaches of the seas.

Lv 1 Technopathy [-11, 97]: You can silently communicate with electronics through touch, but you can only send basic commands. You can break through passwords and firewalls with a touch.

Enhanced Awareness [-12, 85]: Through a combination of sensing vibrations in the air, and through the ground, as well as changes in airflow, you have basic 360-degree awareness. Nobody can sneak up on you, you always notice all but the most cleverly hidden traps, and you can usually tell when others are lying.

Basic Level Enhanced Sex [-4, 81]: Your sexual characteristics (Penis/Breasts) are doubled in size.

Lv 2 Enchanted Crafting [-12, 69]: You can create beautiful sculptures, masterpiece paintings, and masterwork weapons and armour.


Enchanting (Requires Lv 2 Enhanced Magic + Lv 2 Enhanced Crafting): You can forge magical weapons and armour. This allows you to create your own personal weapon. This weapon will be of your design, and the only magical property will be its durability, that it can be recalled to you, it burns monsters on contact and it can shrink down to a necklace, a ring, or some other small object that can fit in a pocket.

Items (Gear):

The Passport [-4, 65]: This passport will allow you to travel to other dimensions, such as the Fae Otherworld, the various Underworlds, and the Norse Realms, among others. Simply follow the map included with the passport to one of the many magical entrances leading to one of these worlds, and this passport will allow you to both enter and remain in the world unmolested by local authorities, divine or otherwise.

The Wayfinder [-6, 59]: This magic compass, when told the name of a person or place that you wish to find, will point you in the exact direction of that person or place. If the person or place you wish to find is mobile, the needle will follow and adjust accordingly. This compass is very durable and can be worn on a chain as a necklace.

Handbook of Thoth [-6, 53]: This pocketbook is the Handbook of Thoth, Volume 10. Written by the Egyptian God of Knowledge, this handbook contains the alphabet for every language in history, including sign languages. It also includes a brief overview of over 300 monsters from various pantheons and has detailed instructions for performing over three dozen unique spells and rituals.

Bag of Holding [-4, 49]: This bag links to a pocket dimension 30 feet deep and 10 feet wide, and contains no gravity and no air. In order to recall items from the bag, simply open it up and say the name or describe the thing you wish to find while your hand is at most 1 foot away from the opening, and that item will exit the bag of its own accord. The bag is very durable and slowly repairs itself over time.

Trevali Necklace [-6, 43]: This large, jewelled necklace protects its wearer against mild curses, mind control, curses and protects against diseases like smallpox, whooping cough, measles, and Spanish Flu, and purges its wearer's body of snake venom. This necklace will also drive away venomous snakes, as they despise the sight of it.

Items (Armour):

The Elemental Shield [Quest Reward]: This plain steel shield can, at will, change to defend against a certain element. It can switch between fire, ice, water, earth, air and nature, and its appearance changes with its element. The shield can withstand large amounts of the element it defends against, but it mostly projects an invisible barrier around it that forces that element to move around both it and the wielder.

Rending Gauntlets [-10, 33]: A pair of hyper-durable, metal-plated, clawed gauntlets. These boost your upper body strength when worn, the claws can cut through steel, and the metal can deflect bullets.

Items (Weapons):

Mjolnir Lite [Free due to Godly Parent]: This heavy Nordic Warhammer is a close replica of Thor's own personal weapon. It is extremely durable and easy to use, it can be recalled to you, and you can use it to channel and focus any Electrical Manipulation powers that you may have.

Quests (Gods):

1. The Oncoming Storm: Typhon, the Scourge of the Greek Gods and Father of Monsters, has emerged from Tartarus to destroy Mount Olympus. This ancient, powerful Storm Giant is marching once again across America towards the home of the Greek Gods. This time, they stand together against this evil, but they are weaker than they once were, and they need your help. Typhon is almost 150 metres tall and commands power over storms and fire.

Remove one drawback

Gain the Gauntlets of Zeus for free

2. King of Serpents (Choose 2 rewards + Remove 1 Drawback): Bast, Goddess of Cats, has come to you with a mission. Multiple gigantic serpents, led by Apophis, God of Chaos, are rampaging across the world. Nidhogg is destroying villages in Finland, the Basilisk is devouring humans in England, Python is devastating northern Greece, and Jormungandr is disrupting shipping lanes and destroying ships in the North Atlantic. You must team up with multiple Gods, including Bast, Apollo, and Thor; and destroy these snakes.

Gain Bastet for Free

Gain Basilisk Fang Dagger for Free

Remove the 'Beacon' drawback

3. The Mother Goddesses (Choose 2 Rewards + Remove 1 Drawback): There are several Goddesses who exemplify Mother Nature and the Earth itself; Gaia and Dana are two, and Pachamama, the Incan Goddess of Earth and Time, is another. But, Pachamama has disappeared, and her father, Viracocha, the Incan Great Creator, has come to you for assistance in finding her. He believes she is trapped somewhere, frozen in time, and he has already gotten three other demigods to agree to venture out and look for her, and they wait for you.

Gain Max and Chloe for Free

Gain Aloy for Free

Remove the 'Twisted Tongues' Drawback

4. I Wanna Know What Love Is (Choose 2 Rewards + Remove 1 Drawback): Aphrodite, Greek Goddess of Beauty and Love, has come to you with a plea for help: Her son Eros, God of Love, has been captured by a group of Succubi, who plan to drain his powers. Both the group of super-charged Succubi and the graining of Eros will cause immense damage to the world. Wars will erupt as people lose the love they feel for each other, and there will be chaos in the streets! Aphrodite is quite panicked and again begs for your assistance, assuring you that she will make it worth your while.

Gain Aphrodite as a Free Companion

Gain Harem Mode for Free

Remove the 'Hypnos Curse' drawback.

5. The Quest for the Holy Grail (Choose One Reward + Remove 1 Drawback): A powerful and famous welsh Goddess, the Lady of the Lake, has come to you with a mission; dark forces are searching for the Holy Grail, which can now truly make anyone who drinks from it immortal and nigh-unkillable. She is entrusting you and your Companions to find it and bring it back to her, and she will reward you greatly. This quest will truly be an odd one, taking you into numerous pocket dimensions, where you will have to negotiate with Fae and cursed humans. You will battle demons atop mountains, and follow the clues that lead to the magical chalice. In the end, you shall find it, but it has long since been corrupted and blackened. It does make those it drinks immortal…by transforming them into vampires. You, and only you, may drink from it, and become a vampire.

Return the Holy Grail for Free and gain the Excalibur for free

Remove the 'Tantalus' drawback

Quests (Misc):

6. Hella (Fulfils the 'Hellbound' Drawback + Choose 2 Rewards): Your Life Partner was struck with a strange, mythical poison, and died within hours. You have since discovered that their soul has gone to Helheim, the Norse underworld. Now you must venture into the land of the dead and retrieve your loved one's soul. How you do it, and who you take, is up to you. You will meet several people along the way that can help you with your journey, whether or not you trust them is up to you. And once you get there, how will you retrieve the soul? Perhaps you found someone familiar with the landscape, and they lead you to the soul's location, and you simply sneak out with it, or you went straight up to Hel and bargained for your partner's soul, or perhaps she found you, and you were forced to fight her off.

Exada the Reaper as a Free Companion

The Reaper now costs only 10 points

7. Under the Sea (Choose 2 Rewards) [-10, 23]: You have received a request for assistance from Atlantis, the advanced Mer-city several dozen miles west of the Strait of Gibraltar. Since The Calamity, multiple Mer-Cities have been attacked and damaged by Kaiju, causing a mass exodus to Atlantis, which has the technology and power to defend itself against the monsters. Ariel, Warrior-Queen of Atlantis and Daughter of Triton, requests your assistance, for Atlantis is losing ground as half a dozen Kaiju slowly make their way closer to the city. Over 20 million merpeople live in that city. They have technology that will allow you to breathe underwater, so don't worry about that. They are also prepared to repay you generously once the Kaiju are defeated. Ariel herself even offered to join your cause.

Gain Lv 2 Waterbreathing for Free

Gain the Elemental Shield for Free

Life Partner:

Choose Your Own [-10, 13]: The Grim Reaper


Max Caulfield, Champion of Chronos [Quest Reward]

Chloe Price [Quest Reward]

Rachel Amber [Free with Max Claulfield]

Aloy Savvine, Daughter of Gaia [Quest Reward]

Aphrodite [Quest Reward]

Bastet [Quest Reward]

Exada the Reaper [Free for Quest Reward]

The Grim Reaper [Cost lowered due to Quest Reward, -10, 3]

Quest Rewards:

Gauntlets of Zeus: When you summon these gauntlets, they form around your hands out of clouds and air, solidifying into hyper-durable gauntlets that can generate throwable spears of electricity, which turn into actual bolts of lightning once they leave your hand. You can also electrify the gloves, allowing you to generate up to one million volts.

Excalibur: The legendary sword of King Arthur. By wielding this sword, you technically become the king of Britain, but not really. Excalibur comes with a scabbard, and while the scabbard is worn, its wearer cannot die from blood loss. The sword itself blinds enemies for a short time when it is drawn, and it can cut through solid steel. It automatically moves by itself to deflect arrows and even semi-automatic fire.

Basilisk Fang Dagger: This basilisk fang has been converted into an elegant dagger, but it still retains its deadly poison. A tiny amount of the poison it secretes, roughly the same as a small cut from the blade, will paralyze an adult human within seconds, and a larger dose will cause total organ failure. Only items such as phoenix tears/blood or certain magic items can protect against this weapon's poison.


The House of Knowledge [-1, 2, cost changed due to Handbook of Thoth]: This large, beautiful 7-story building belongs to Thoth, the Egyptian God of Knowledge. This base houses a 4-story library with original texts in hundreds of languages. It also has plumbing, electricity, and plenty of interesting rooms with unique artwork and artefacts. Egyptian magicians frequent this location.

Location: Egypt

Companion Rooms: 6

The Witch's Hut [Free with Level 2 Enhanced Magic]: Hidden inside a large cave and protected by powerful magic, this hut is secluded and has plumbing as well as air conditioning and heating. There are tons of magical tomes, ingredients and components for magical rituals, and it is very difficult to find this hut without the use of magic.

Location: The caves of England

Companion Rooms: 3

The Viking House [Free due to Godly Parent]: In the forests of Scandinavia. A large, long, 2-story Viking house. It is guarded by two supernaturally enhanced bears, and the house has electricity, air conditioning, heating, plumbing, and wi-fi. It also has stores of melee weapons and a large cellar full of mead and beer.

Location: The forests of Scandinavia

Companion Rooms: 5

The Saturn Base [Free with Max Caulfield as a Companion]: This spaceship is roughly as long as an aircraft carrier, with three decks. You can reach and leave it via wormholes. You cannot pilot this base, it auto-pilots itself moving between each of Saturn's moons and through the rings in a pattern. There is artificial gravity and food generators.

Location: In orbit around Saturn

Companion Rooms: 7


End Game - Conquest

First Choice: Take control of the Mortal World. Urusrp the mortal governments and declare yourself the ruler of Earth. You make whatever changes you wish, but note that certain changes and the removal of rights will spark revolutions and cause lots of problems. If you enforce worship of yourself, you will slowly gain power, just like how the Gods gain power from worship. Eventually, you will become a High God in your own right, and you can elevate all of your Mortal, Monstrous, and Semi-Divine Companions into Gods. You cannot elevate Divine Companions, as they are already Gods in their own Pantheons. You can have up to three spheres of influence, choosing from your Powers, and you choose what your Companions become the Gods of.

Lv 3 Strength: Your normal lifting capability is somewhere around 3,000 tonnes. You could juggle the Christ the Redeemer statue! But under duress, if you really push yourself, you might be able to lift up to 20,000 tonnes. That's the equivalent of two Eiffel Towers stacked on top of each other!

Lv 3 Durability: Your skin is nigh-invulnerable, and you can endure the force of a 30-megaton nuclear blast and receive nothing but emotional distress and temporary blindness.

Lv 3 Longevity: You don't age and it is difficult to die. You heal 3000x faster than normal, and you are immune to radiation.


Post Endgame - Search for Answers: Well, don't say I didn't warn ya, kid. One day it hits you, that The Calamity was not natural. Something, someone tore down the walls between worlds. Something with immense power, equal to a Primordial God, at the very least, and very likely much more powerful than that. You have little to go on, but whoever, whatever did this to your world, they must answer, they must pay for the lives that were lost because of their actions. This will be difficult and may take many years, but your resolve is steel, and your determination is endless. You will find this mysterious, immensely powerful being, and…then what? Demand answers from them, demand they fix what they have wrought, or will you even…attempt to kill them? Whatever you decide…JUST KNOW THAT I WARNED YOU. GOOD LUCK FINDING ME, LITTLE DEMIGOD. YOU'RE GOING TO NEED IT.

Index >>

Last edited: Dec 22, 2022

Dec 19, 2022Report

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WinterPhoenix, Rui Pascoal, A quite reader and 19 others like this.

The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


Black287 said: ↑

It would be nice if you threadmarked the chapters

Thank you, and fixed.

Dec 19, 2022Report

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Sypho.uad and moontheir4 like this.

Extras: MC Looks


The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


What I imagined SI to look like.

Spoiler: What SI looks like

<< Index >>

Dec 19, 2022Report

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WinterPhoenix, ShadowNic94, BloodWolf752 and 10 others like this.

Uncle Red HoodThat thing. Your Lewd Soul, hand it over.


Lewd the forest, dew it.

Dec 20, 2022Report

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WinterPhoenix, Reading reader, igfry and 3 others like this.

Razor172022Making the rounds.


More pls.

Dec 20, 2022Report

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WinterPhoenix, jaesonscott12, Sypho.uad and 2 others like this.



too bad the MC does not have Longevity 3. Since without it he is still limited to a "Mortal" life. Without actually having Eternal youth or Agelessness.

Personally I think the MC would look better as a combination of Kratos(GoW) and Ragnar(Vikings).

Spoiler: pics

Ragnar's Face & Hair, with Kratos's body/build.

Last edited: Dec 20, 2022

Dec 20, 2022Report

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Felixx, ShadowNic94, Reading reader and 6 others like this.

Sypho.uadI trust you know where the happy button is?


Mastersgt said: ↑

too bad the MC does not have Longevity 3. Since without it he is still limited to a "Mortal" life. Without actually having Eternal youth or Agelessness.

Personally I thing the MC would look better as a combination of Kratos(GoW) and Ragnar(Vikings).

Spoiler: pics

Ragnar's Face & Hair, with Kratos's body/build.

Click to expand...

I agree. This would be a lot more better look for him.

Dec 20, 2022Report

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jaesonscott12Getting out there.


Very good. Hope for more.

Dec 20, 2022Report

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The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


Mastersgt said: ↑

too bad the MC does not have Longevity 3. Since without it he is still limited to a "Mortal" life. Without actually having Eternal youth or Agelessness.

Personally I think the MC would look better as a combination of Kratos(GoW) and Ragnar(Vikings).

Spoiler: pics

Ragnar's Face & Hair, with Kratos's body/build.

Click to expand...

Hmm, yeah, it does look like a good fit.

On the Longevity thing. In the ending section, he does have Level 3 Longevity as I stated as that is his third Sphere Of Influence when he became a High God after the "Take Control of the Mortal World" ending.

Spoiler: CYOA Endings

Dec 20, 2022Report

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WinterPhoenix, Grimmouse197, Mastersgt and 1 other person like this.



The_Exile said: ↑

Hmm, yeah, it does look like a good fit.

On the Longevity thing. In the ending section, he does have Level 3 Longevity as I stated as that is his third Sphere Of Influence when he became a High God after the "Take Control of the Mortal World" ending.

Spoiler: CYOA Endings

Click to expand...

Nice, must have missed that.

Dec 20, 2022Report

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Extras: Mjolnir Question


The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


Question, which Mjolnir look do you think is best?

There will be a questionnaire above for you to answer.

Spoiler: 1

Spoiler: 2

Spoiler: 3

Spoiler: 4

Spoiler: 5

<< Index >>

Dec 21, 2022Report

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ShadowNic94, BloodWolf752, meloa789 and 3 others like this.

Extras: Updated SI Look


The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


This is where the face picture would be but I haven't found a suitable look for SI

Spoiler: Physique

Spoiler: Armour

Spoiler: Rending Gauntlets

Spoiler: Mjolnir Design (Voted)

Spoiler: Excalibur

Spoiler: Basilisk Fang Dagger

Spoiler: Gauntlets of Zeus

Spoiler: Elemental Shield

<< Index >>

Last edited: Dec 25, 2022

Dec 22, 2022Report

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WinterPhoenix, Sovereign Of All, A quite reader and 9 others like this.

Threadmarks: 02: Massacre at the Weeping Water


The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


Oh, have an Updated SI Look in the Extras section if people want to have a gander and see if that's good or not.

Tholar grunted weakly as his worn battleaxe diverted the shining blade of the dark-haired invader, his feet attempting to keep him standing but only barely succeeding. Only his instinct to live warned him of another strike aimed at his neck. His legs answered the call and finally collapsed - dropping the young boy, barely in his teens, to the rocky field below.

His back arched when the rocks of his land seemingly punished the boy for daring to fail in defending. The boy's helmet of animal skin slid from its place, abandoning him during the fall to skip across the stones. Tholar shut his eyes tight, trying to find acceptance as death came for him. Only to stop as the invader that prayed to a false God said something. A language that Tholar would never care to learn, not after how much the fucker's people had taken from him.

It was only a year since that day, when the men with dark hair, welding sharpened, gleaming weapons and strange five-pointed shapes painted on their chests, came to his village, to his home.

His brother's head rolled across the floor of their hut, the neck stump throwing blood out of his body - colouring his home red. Tholar's father was not much better as the old man's head was split down the middle, the halves waving before the body too fell. The boy could still hear his sister's and mother's screams as the fuckers had their way with them from sunrise to sunset.

And he just hid in the downstairs compartment - shaking in his own piss.

When the fuckers were…finished, the fuckers had slaughtered the last of his family. One final offence to him and to the gods - slitting their throats to drown in blood, letting them die slowly and in agony.

One laughed, and Tholar committed his face to memory.

The same face that now stood above him. A grin of teeth and savagery that the young boy saw only in the most berserk of warriors. Those that were too far gone, engulfed in the dance of battle and addicted to their enemy's blood.

Tholar closed his eyes again, praying to the Gods that the beast above him would suffer as his family had done.

He had heard that another invasion was arriving, and Tholar was near enough the first to join the men that marched with Magnar Stark to strike them at a river near Clan Bolton's. Many laughed, thinking of the boy as some pup trying to gain glory, though some took pity - as the boy's story was one of many on the western coast - and allowed Tholar to join them. Giving the young teen an axe with a shortened shaft and a shield too large for him to use with one hand.

The death blow never came. A strike of lightning wafted up his nose, the crash of metal yelping before splintering like thunder erupting next to his ear. Drips of something wet splattered against his face, and a hand went up and wiped it away. Tholar's eyes shot open at the sight of the red on his palm, only for his face to whizz around to search for the one who raped his little sister stood. Tholar could not see him for a split second - only for the monster's body to unceremoniously fall from the sky.

Both armies around him stopped their fighting - staring at Tholar.

"No." Tholar realised, slowly shifting his head around. "Not at me."

The fire-kissed-haired half-giant, for what else could be that tall, looked down at him with piercing eyes of two colours - one lightning blue and the other a warm brown - supported on both sides by a dark feathered hood; a smile filled with understanding barely seen underneath a long and unkempt mane. Tholar shifted in the giant's gaze as red cheerfully rose to his face, and a gigantic hand connected to a mountain-wide arm gently grasped Tholar's shoulder.

The young teen gasped as a warmth filled his being, from the top of the boy's head down to his toes. A warmth that drew water in Tholar's eyes, for only the memory of his father's proud smile and mother's embrace could compare to the Half-Giant's hand.

"Rest now, young one." The Half-Giant spoke, a voice so deep that Tholar felt his very bones shake. "You have done enough."

The Half-Giant stood and raised a hand, clicking his meaty fingers as he did so. A grey hammer with a short handle, adorned with connected runes that were unknown to the boy, shot to the Stranger's hand - the air gently blew the boy's hair as hand and hammer met.

"Invaders!" Thunder and lightning and rain fell, cracking the sky at the Half-Giant's echoing growl. "You will not pass my hammer! You have one chance, and only one, to heed my warning and leave these lands - and never return!"

Tholar went to speak, to yell at the Half-Giant to even have the gall to allow the invaders to leave. To even give them a choice when they had taken everything from him…but no noise came from his lips. His brain killed the sound before it could escape the boy's throat - wanting to not draw the Stranger's ire.

The invaders were silent but not for very long, answering with zealot belief.

"Kill the abomination!" Cried one warrior, eyes wide and teeth gnashing against themselves, spit and froth flying from the mouth. Blade raised in the challenge as if wanting to fight one-on-one with the Half-Giant.

"Come on men, the Seven shall bring us salvation and victory!"

They charged from all sides, seemingly forgetting the men they were killing just a few minutes ago, colliding and pushing against their enemies.

"Poor fools." Tholar could hear his saviour's whisper through the storm and the thumping of metal-clad men.

He was…sad. As if killing monsters was something to be ashamed of.

The first invader was the unfortunate soul to become a stepping stone to reveal the Half-Giant's might. Transforming into a haze of red as the magical hammer unmade them, followed by a chain that somehow elongated to an unnatural length, waving through neck after neck - never once hitting a follower of the true Gods in its journey. Only for the slaughter to end quickly when the Half-Giant raised his hammer high before striking the ground with a thunderous bang - a bolt of blue enveloped the man, before reaching out to spike and pierce the invaders with branch-like arms. Tholar spluttered and retched as his nose was stabbed with cooked meat and melting metal. The invaders cried and screamed, thrashed and twitched, before falling - their armour nothing more than containers for ash.

Tholar scanned around him, paradoxically surprised and expecting it when he spotted that not a single man of true faith died. The battle covered the entire Bank of the river, four thousand men of northern blood faced off against heathen enemies from the Eastern sea, one that was expected to last a full day - the arrival of this powerful being allowed nearly all men of the North to survive.

Tholar knew what he saw was nothing more than salvation.

"The Gods have saved us!" Cried Tholar, his voice reaching out to overshadow the thunder that transitioned back into the clouds above.

His fellow warriors muttered, shocked and in awe at the spectacle they had seen. Unsure if the boy's claims were true. The muttering turned quiet when Magnar Stark himself stepped through the sea of men, his subjects giving their King space to stand across from the Half-Giant.

"Y-You…" The Magnar stuttered as if forgetting noble blood was running through his veins. Taking a second for a heavy breath, he continued, cautiously. "I thank you, Stranger. You have saved many warriors this day. A feast shall be made in your honour and in this victory, we would be honoured ourselves if you would join us."

The Half-Giant looked at the Magnar as if staring into his soul. "I thank you for your hospitality, Stark. I shall follow you once I have helped your men."

"We do have healers, Stranger." Magnar Stark informed him. "There is no need to tire yourself further."

The Stranger simply shook his head, curved lines appearing on his skin - glowing a brilliant sharp blue.

"It is alright, Stark. I have a far more effective method."

With a raised hand and a click of his fingers - a sphere of air erupted from him, blowing back the dust and clothes of the Northmen.

Immediately, desperate and wailing inhales startled Tholar, and the dead rose. Grasping at wounds: at stomachs, at throats or even at arms and legs now rejoined.

Tholar turned back to the Half-Giant, watching him stumble for a brief moment, only to stand straight and unflinching at the miracle he performed.

"These men will need water and food. Dying has a tendency to leave one starved and parched."

Magnar Stark simply nodded, mouth gaped and eyes wide. The image of a king temporarily shattered.

Tholar stood to his feet and walked tentatively towards the Miracle maker. Standing close, Tholar strained his neck as he tried to look the Half-Giant in the eyes. The boy might have been punished with a lashing for talking to the Stranger while the Magnar was doing the same; for thinking that he had the same importance as his Lord.

Tholar's hope outgrew the hierarchy that was forged inside his head. The boy gazed into the Stranger's face and questioned him.

"Can you bring my family back?" Tholar pleaded, his heart standing on a crumbling pillar, barely escaping from the despair below.

The Stranger's mismatched eyes softened, kneeling, the Stranger placed another soft hand on his shoulder - and the warmth returned to him only for the tears to fall on the second try.

"When did they die, little one?" He asked softly.

Tholar kept the strength that birthed inside his heart, despite the question telling the Half-Giant's answer before the boy did. "A-A year ago today."

"Then I am sorry, little one. I cannot revive the long deceased."

The Boy didn't know when he was pulled into an embrace, nor when his body gave way and his consciousness passed into the realm of sleep.

He just wanted to see his family again.

Taking the young boy into my arms, I shuffled him around to my back, letting the cloak be his bed.

Giving the Stark my attention once again, I stood and waited for him to give the order to his men. When no order came, I blinked at the sight of a King patting his standing subject on the gut - making sure that his intestines were not on the outside.

"Oh, right," I muttered. "No resurrections have happened yet."

"My King?" Questioned the once-dead man. "Have we passed into the realm of the gods?"

"No, Rodnar." Stark shook his head before Indicating towards me. "This…Stranger has brought you, and many others, back from death."

Grumbling, I walk over, standing above the risen to ask him a question.

"Are you well? No pain or discomfort?"

Rodnar shuddered. "N-No, Strang-"

"Call me Haakon." I corrected him, a bit rude to my immediate shame.

"No, Haakon." Rodnar quickly yelped. A blush on his face as the revived man realised the crack in his voice.

"Good. Stark, I will say again, your men need food and drink."

My words seemed to strike a chord with the young King. Regaining his kingly demeanour, Stark turned to those with more ornate brooches and knitted symbols.

"Ready the men, we return to the Dreadfort for the night! Send your fastest riders to your holdings! Let every man, woman and child know what happened here!" Stark unleashed his orders.

His men did so with many giving answers.

"Yes, my King!"

"Yes, Magnar Stark!"

They left, slowly at first to stare at me - my height or my face. Inwardly groaning at the sight of grown men blushing like schoolgirls, I was able to keep my face stoic and focused on Stark.

Another byproduct of my divinity activating on Calamity Day, my face morphed to be handsome of a supernatural degree - which quickly became a double-edged sword. I was an introverted lad in school, and I had my own little geek and nerd squad to hang around with: discussing the new anime coming out that year, badmouthing the jocks behind their backs to make ourselves feel better when they would bully one of us, or even talking about which video game character was the hottest.

You know, typical geek and nerd stuff.

Then the Calamity happened, and my father spoke to me - Thor Odinson himself. Declaring me as his champion and child, and everything physical about me changed.

I grew to an enormous height, well over seven feet; grew muscles that made the weightlifting team jealous, even my cock doubled in size. My face, I believe, was the biggest change, every single person looked at me: girls, boys, and especially the teachers stared with lust.

To teenager me, it was scary at first. Those who shunned or bullied me suddenly wanted to be my friend - asking me to parties or to help with my homework. Teachers would always call on me for answers, a few straight-up gave me the answers in tests.

It felt like cheating, a concept I believed back then would always allow bad people to succeed, and good people to fail.

There were upsides, of course.

Ripping myself back to the present, I caught the men starting to march away. Quickly chastising myself for falling into memory, I went to find Stark at the head of the line.

"Haakon. We tried to get your attention." He said slowly as if hoping that he didn't offend me.

"Apologies, Stark. Was lost in thought." I grunted. "Where do you lead these men?"

"To the Clan Bolton's Dreadfort," Stark answered, the men that followed us were silent and sucked in bated breath. "If it is as you say, then the men who…returned from death need to eat and drink."

He paused, the question in his thirst gated before it escaped his lips.

"Speak your question, Stark. You will not insult me by asking." I assured him, taking a moment to give the boy a more comfortable position.

"Then I shall ask you several. If nothing else than for my men's peace of mind." Stark breathed silently. "How did you bring these men back to life, Haakon?"

"I brought these men's souls back from the other side and healed their bodies through magic," I answered his first question easily enough.

"I…I have heard of no such magic that can..that can accomplish what only the gods could even attempt."

I nodded. "In my lands, however, it is possible to revive the dead - but only the recent. If a man, woman, child or beast passed for more than an hour, then their souls have gone to whatever afterlife awaits them."

Stark went quiet, and the men behind us simply goggled at my back. Their thought processes halted at the implication that somehow mortals could bring the dead back to the land of the living. I imagined some thought I was a demon or some nefarious being - saving them in their time of need only to demand their firstborn or their virgin daughters, or something even more stupid.

No more words for the final kilometre were spoken as we soon arrived at the Dreadfort. A strong fortress with thick stone walls and massive squared towers, with a central, keep standing taller than the walls themselves. As we got closer, I did feel the mood change in most of the men. Worry and fear grew within their stomachs, enlarging with every step they took.

"What is this Dreadfort, Stark, that so many men would fear coming close?" I questioned the king.

He moulded over his words, still shaken up At my casual admission of bringing back the recent dead.

"I am sorry, Magnar Stark." Called out a voice so full of ice that I thought it was Ymir speaking for a second. The one who spoke was not a tall man, reaching five-eleven when standing straight, with eyes that showed nothing but an empty heart. "I believe it best if I speak. It is my home after all."

The Stark King nodded stiffly, making one of my brows rise.

"The animosity is recent." I reminded myself, thinking about when I entered this world. "If this is between six and two thousand years before the events of the main series. Then the Stark and Bolton families still full-on hated each other."

"And you are?" I already knew who this was, a Bolton, maybe the leader of the clan.

"Anther Bolton." The man confirmed my hypothesis with a slight toothy smile that didn't reach his eyes. "This is the Dreadfort, the home of my family, the Boltons."

Exerting the outside of the fortress with my eyes, I couldn't help but draw attention to the size of the Bolton's home. "From what I can see, your Dreadfort cannot hope to house all of these men."

While the fortress was indeed a sight to behold for mortal hands, it was nowhere near large enough to take care of all the soldiers. The only way I could think of was if every single man stood shoulder to shoulder, and there would still be soldiers forced to be outside.

"That is true," Anther said. "My fort can only house and feed, at best, one and a half thousand for a single night. The rest will have to stay outside and gather their own food - but back to your questi-"

The declaration seemed to anger his King, whose scraping teeth were loud to my heightened senses. "Then we shall ask the Children for help. I know a few that decided to stay on this side of the wall that could help us."

The interruption clearly annoyed Anther but the Bolton leader quickly gathered his composure. "The Dreadfort has a…well-deserved history to put it bluntly."

"They flayed people while they were alive." A tall man said, with a height, build and beard that was significally smaller than my own.

Again annoyed, with a mouth morphing to one of anger. Anther continued. "It is as Umber said. My clan perfect the art of flying people and a reputation grew of my keep and clan."

While his words were careful in not antagonising his fellow Northmen. I couldn't help but peek into his mind - as all I know about the Bolton's was through the books and television shows, and they didn't paint a pretty picture of the ones that would later become traitors in the North.

And what I saw was the beginnings of a basic plan that got me to tip my metaphorical hat to Anther.

Anther Bolton wanted me to join his clan, either via marriage or with a blood pact. Making a persona of one who is almost ashamed of his clan's past as torturers, one who was ridiculed and shunned by his fellow lords and his king - and only wants the best for his people to make it seem like he was an underdog to try and appeal to my kindness.

One I showed by resurrecting the soldiers who died in the Battle at Whispering Water.

Too bad I could read his mind.

For he harboured thoughts of rebellion against the Stark family and planned to rule the North as king instead. The bloodlust rose with each interruption and looking at the families that helped the Kings of Winter subjugate his family did not help.

Placing that piece of information away, I could help but wonder why everyone had to pile around a single fortress.

"Are there no nearby villages?" My question to them was met with a silent answer, causing anger to strike my soul. "My condolences," I grunted with a frown.

Maybe it was cliche or white knight, or ignorant of me to say, but I hated indiscriminate killing on the orders of religion. From what I remembered of history, my own world had many innocents die due to the machinations of distorted teachings to increase pocket sizes or get rid of a rival, or increase their status in the world.

"I shall be with the men that are forced to stay outside." I declared. These men had been through a trying day and I was asked to give aid to the First Men by their gods.

I will do as I was asked.

The Northmen around me seemed to take offence to my declaration but held themselves back. Their thoughts showed the fear of angering me.

"If that is your wish," Stark said, throwing a glare behind at the ones who looked ready to fling insults at my apparent slight against their king. I realised later that I had apparently insulted King Stark by refusing to be a guest in the keep. Some kind of honour-bound tradition.

We were half a mile away when the King gave the order to sound a horn. The booming noise was met with a waving banner over the main gate, which opened with lightning speed, and screams of ordering men. Seeing so many come back was met with silent jubilation, happy smiles from the women and children shone like the sun.

Stark coordinated the placement of men with his lords as night fell. Thankfully the men who died were the ones who entered the keep first, though there was some grumbling from the others - Stark's words quickly stopped any complaints.

My stature and more ornate leather armour were certainly an eye-catcher - though what didn't help was the army spreading my deeds of calling the heavens themselves to smite the Andals, around like it was going out of style, proclaiming me as 'Champion of the Gods' or 'Saviour'. I even heard one call me one of his Gods given physical form.

Not giving any indication I was hearing the gossip, I stepped towards Stark, who in turn saw me walking over and gave me his attention.

"Can you bring this little one to a comfortable room?" I asked, raising the boy to show the King. "He has been through much for one so young."

Stark easily agreed and called for a servant. A young woman barely out of her teens quickly took the boy from my back and gave a small curtsy, trying to hide the blush on her cheeks.

When the servant girl was gone with the boy, I immediately turned to the King of Winter.

"If there is nothing else, I shall go to make sure the Northmen outside are taken care of," I said, circling to do so only to be stopped.

"Haakon, I would ask that you stay for the feast, at least for a little while. This feast is for your honour and the men inside would like to know of the person who brought them back from the realms of the gods."

Letting my head limp to look at the ground, I couldn't help but give a deep sigh.

"Alright, but only until the necessary speeches are done."

The next hour went by with nothing much happening in the way of excitement. Only being guided by another blushing woman towards a somewhat spacious room that was very spartan that was meant for guests: a bed - which was amusingly much too small for me, a desk with a small mirror on top and a wardrobe that held nothing but dust. I had nothing to entertain me but my own thoughts, which instantly turned back to the ones I left behind.

Sweet Max Caulfied, the Goddess of Space and Time when she ascended to godhead. A mousy, introvert that felt photography was worth more of her time than going out to parties like her friend Chloe Price. The teen girl certainly didn't think she would be a champion of Cronus, the Greek Titan of Time, but her powers and inner strength grew from quest after quest. Leading to a woman that became the second in command of our group.

Thoughts switched to her friend, Chloe Price. A girl that was just a normal human, a smart human, but just a mortal nonetheless. The girl would always get on my nerves, somehow getting into her head that I would become a tyrant to her, Rachel and Max. Only after a full six months did Chloe trust me fully, despite her…less than stellar attitude though I knew that it came from a heart of protectiveness for both Max and Rachel. Inspired by her anti-authority nature, she was granted the title of Goddess of Artistic Freedom, and prayed too for help in times of stifled art and stifled freedoms.

Speaking of Rachel. She was such a strange girl at the start, somehow saying the right thing to get everyone on board with each other. Becoming the team's mediator when grievances and drama were occurring. It helped to be a legacy of Jupiter to force people to talk instead of. The roman in Rachel's blood allowed her speeches to pierce through and speak to our very souls - becoming the Goddess of Speechcraft and Negotiation after ascending.

Aloy Savvine, the Daughter of Gaia, and technically my Great Aunt, was a fierce and kind woman. Embodying the term 'Altruistic' fully, always helping even the poorest and downtrodden of people, helping them in their 'hunt' for a better life - becoming the Goddess of Charity and the Hunt.

Exada the Reaper, a being that was walking the Earth when the Calamity began. A hard-working being that helped defend souls to their afterlife from anything that wanted to devour them. While slightly naive to the manipulative beings out there, once she was in fighting mode - nothing would stop Exada in the defence of her charge, be they Deity, Demon Lord, Spirit or sorcerer with delusions of grandeur. For her efforts, Exada was granted the Goddess of Death to help take care of the souls in our underworld.

Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Passion, and many more synonyms in that same vein. What could I say about her that wasn't already explained in Mythology, she was vain and easily offended when not pampered - which was near enough all the time by Chloe, causing Rachel to step in and calm the two down. It was only a matter of time before we essentially stole her from the Greeks and added the Goddess to our own pantheon.

Bastet, the Goddess of Cats and Protection of the Household. She was a good friend and an even better bodyguard. Stopping many dangerous daemons or assassins that were sent my way from gods or archdemons that felt I would be a threat. Her cat-like nature was…more exasperating at first, as she would always find a way to try and get a rise out of me - either to annoy me or arouse me.

Finally, there was my love.

The Grim Reaper, Death itself.

How to describe it? She, or he depending on the mood, was…kind. When your life has been cut and the fear grows as you find yourself standing over your dead body, she or he will appear - gifting you a smile and a comforting hand, saying "Everything is going to be okay."

And you believe her. For she will never judge you, never curse you. She will just give you a smile and guide you to where you need to go.

Letting my headrest, I call to my pantheon, flying by the connection we created.

I hissed, the normally gentle pull towards my pantheon's realm was more akin to fitting through a tight ten-inch gap between a wall filled with adamantine rocks digging into my back - while crawling on nails and screws that were forged of lava and metal from the Abrahamic Hell, the left and right walls of the tight gap were not as hurtful - merely rotating serrated blades that jabbed at my ribs and arms in chaotic patterns; but I pushed through and found myself in a warmer room, sitting in a more secure chair.

It was circular and massive. The ceiling easily reached fifty feet in height and one hundred and fifty feet in width, decorated with greek ionic columns that held up a dome - various colours mixed together to tell the story of our pantheon's creation.

The Calamity causing untold chaos.

My first quest in helping the Greek Pantheon seal Typhon away on my first quest.

The battles against the great serpents: Apophis, Nidhogg, Basilisk, Python and Jormungandr.

My first meeting with Thor, my father.

Gaining Bastet's allegiance and skills as a bodyguard.

The first meeting between myself, Chloe, Max, Rachel and Aloy in our search for Pachamama.

Wondering about the world together as a group, laughing, and creating a life together.

Freeing Eros, the God of Love from a group of succubi and our…reward from Aphrodite.

Giving back the Holy Grail to the Lady of the Lake and being gifted Excalibur.

Our first meeting with the Grim Reaper and Exada.

My love for Death increased with each passing image before she was stolen by Hel, the Norse Goddess of Death.

The near rampage I caused in the realm of Helheimr to reach her and the battle against Hel was hard-fought. It was only thanks to Max and Aloy's quick thinking that we are able to find Death's essence and escape the realm of Hel.

The final quest was a walk in the park compared to storming Helheimr, saving Atlantis from an army of kaiju, and the ceremony of heroes that was in our honour when the last kaiju was slain.

"Haakon!" seven voices cried out in shock as my body shimmered in my recliner chair - a seat made of only the finest silks…and a massage option to turn on at my leisure.

Max's arms went to hug my body but only met air as she fell forwards into my seat. Stumbling backwards, Max looked down and tried to achieve some measure of information about my predicament.

"What the fuck?" came from Chloe's mouth, her sleeve tattoo's colours glowing in the warm lighting of the meeting chambers.

Exploring myself, I was in the same lane as Chloe. Our realm was one we could all access with little ease, just close your eyes then think of appearing in the realm - then voilà, and yet the avatar was not solid, what sat in my chair was a transparent afterimage as if I were a tv that couldn't get a good enough signal.

"This is strange." I summed up the situation perfectly in a faint, echoed voice, like talking to someone on the other side of a cave.

"This is strange, indeed." Came the suave, flirty voice of Aphrodite, strolling up with practised hip sways down to the millimetre. She reached out and pressed a palm on my head, before immediately pulling back. "Where are you, Haakon?" She asked.

"Another world. My battle with Khaos-"

"Khaos!" Roared the Goddess of Love - my reveal ripping off her face of beauty and sex appeal. "Why in all of Hades would you fight Khaos?!"

I grinned grimly. "Because it was the cause for the Calamity." The girls' stillness made me wish I was there with them, to hold them tight and make sure it was alright. "I was able to seal it away, however."

"No." Aphrodite disagreed, teeth gnashed and sweat poured from her like she was being bear-hugged by Herakles. "No, that's not possible. Khaos is the most powerful of the Primordials and the most powerful being in the cosmos. You are at best on Zeus' level and Zeus wouldn't have been able to get a small squeak in before Khaos obliterated him - and that's me being generous."

Reaching into my bag of holding, I called out for my own personal book of magic.

"Book!" A thick tome wrapped in thick chains across and over the battle-worn skin leapt onto my lap. Quickly, I opened the last page and showed Aphrodite.

"You stupid fuck!" Was her…overreaction. "You absolute idiot! Do you have any idea what you have done?!"

"What?" Came Exada. "What's he done?"

"Only combined his life force to the prison itself!" Aphrodite's face turned red, somehow making it work for herself. My own teeth ground, causing a loud screeching to occur, and fists clenched tightly around my tome. My temper hadn't always been the best, to be honest, something I gained from my father. "If Khaos somehow breaks free then this idiot dies!"

"It was the only way to beat him!" I roared, lightning and thunder reaching the same sound-breaking volume - the lighting whipping back and forth from off and on. "What would you have me do, Aphrodite?! What grand scheme can you think of that would punish the one being that had no rival?!"

My questions were met with nothing. Aphrodite waved her hands in frustration, and sat down on her throne - one made of strong marble and adorned with roses.

Minutes passed with not a word spoken. The girls stared at me with equal parts frustration, love and relief. Frustration at my bull-headiness that I will never apologise for, love that was grown over years of lust and friendship and relief that I was alive.

Max was the first to speak up, quiet but strong.

"So…what does this mean then?"

"It means, dear Maxine, that our lover boy is too far away to interact with this universe."

I smiled in comfort at her voice. An ash-grey hand reached out and gripped my chin with anger controlling it. Forcing my sight to look upon the Reaper. Pale skin, a soft smile and eyes buried with power, her hair darker than Nyx and aura more intimidating than all the world's gods and demons combined.

Death greeted me. The succour of her grip was offset by the pain.

"Lover." Purred Death. "I believe you have something to say to all of the girls. You worried them and you have made poor Aphrodite scared of the future. A future where you fade into nothingness and leave them all alone."

Grumbling, I forced the anger away and took a breath. Death was correct.

"I will not apologise for what I thought was right at the moment." I said, gaining a glare from everyone but Death. "However, I will…" Heaving another sigh I looked to my pantheon, the guilt catching up. "I'm sorry for not thinking of you. I…I was desperate and…idiotic." The word brought a smile to Aphrodite. "I can only hope that you forgive my actions."

These women were the ones that I grew to love. Helping through the nightmares cursed upon me by Hypnos, staying true to me despite my lustful appetite, and even when we couldn't communicate thanks to the other curse placed on my soul - they stayed.

I couldn't live without them or bear the thought of not seeing them in our home.

At Max, I explained what I did. "The prison that currently holds Khaos, is a spell that is forbidden, even to the Gods. To create the prison, one must connect your very essence: soul, flesh, bone and blood to create it, and as Aphrodite said, if Khaos somehow breaks out - then there is a high chance of my death."

"A chance?" Bastet parroted to which I nodded.

"Yes, if somehow Khaos breaks free, we have a small window for it to be forced back into its prison. If done correctly, then my life will not be threatened."

"Can it break free?" Rachel asked

"Only if someone, or something, helped it from the outside. I don't know who would, but Khaos caused the Calamity for some reason, and it might promise much for its freedom."

"So, we need to be careful and look out for any that are easily swayed." Exada said, a face of determination for the mission I was silently asking them.


The wordless decision between the girls terrified me in the beginning. Only after the first couple did I think to eavesdrop on their conversations, but quickly dropped the thought. Men should never think of investigating the dreaded 'girl talk'.

"Fine." Said Aloy. "We shall be vigilant for anyone showing signs of Khaos' corruption, but now we must discuss how to bring you back. Where are you?"

I grinned. "Hey, you know that old TV show, Games of Thrones?"

The girls blinked before Chloe gave a loud expletive and cackled.

"Lucky fuck!" Chloe gave again of her own. "What's the plan for you then? Gonna hate fuck the dumb out of Cersei?"

"Hard to do that when you're a few thousand years before her family name existed." I said.


"Yeah, but I killed the Night King and his White Walkers."


"Then those Gods the Northmen worship asked me to help repel those Seven-As-One worshipers."

"You really hate canon, don't you?"

"Anyway." Aloy interrupted with a glare at the two of us. "We still need to find a way to get Haakon back."

"You can't." Death revealed to my, and the girls, annoyance. "Haakon's body and mind has been transported to a realm and world far and deep into the omniverse. No spell can reach him; and I do not have the power or authority to simply pick Haakon up and plant him back here."

A scowl made its way onto my face. "Yeah, I felt the connection we made with this place strain as I journeyed. It inflicted agony on my body. Guess what ever pantheon or pantheons powered that banishment spell really wanted me gone."

Death smirked, as if chuckling interally at an inside joke. "Pantheon?"

Frowning at the Reaper's words, I couldn't but come to one conclusion. "YHWH? YHWH send me away? Why?"

The Grim Reaper gave an outward chuckle before giving you a quick little wink, out of sight from the others.

"Don't worry, they are not malicious." She told us. "They are more outsider's looking in."

"Well, tell them they need better entertainment." I muttered. Not thinking much of it. If Death did not think they were harmless, than that was enough for me. She always talked in riddles of the higher cosmos that ruled above aspects like Khaos. Infuriating but understandable - I had read Lovecraft's work and I didn't want to be a drooling mess trapped inside my own mind.

"Don't worry, I'll inform them." Death agreed, giving you another cheeky wink and smirk.

Not completely happy but I want to get this out before I literally start work. In the staff room right now. 

Will edit if something is wrong after Christmas, work is crazy at the moment and I only have C-Day and B-Day off this week and next week.

<< Index >>

Last edited: Jan 2, 2023

Dec 22, 2022Report

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João Max, Par Tzu, Nighttuner and 72 others like this.

DarcksageGetting sticky.


The_Exile said: ↑

Question, which Mjolnir look do you think is best?

There will be a questionnaire above for you to answer.

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4 is best

Dec 22, 2022Report

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ArsMagna1337, Cledo, Amos Martel and 1 other person like this.

God of Hentai[Verified Man of Culture]


The_Exile said: ↑

Yes, I know it's Anduril, the Flame of the West, but I couldn't think of a better sword look for Excalibur

Why not use Nasuverse Excalibur? It's the best one I found in fiction so far.

Dec 22, 2022Report

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The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


God of Hentai said: ↑

Why not use Nasuverse Excalibur? It's the best one I found in fiction so far.

I don't know what a Nasuverse is, so it didn't pop up in my searches.

Dec 22, 2022Report

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Bagrat likes this.

God of Hentai[Verified Man of Culture]


The_Exile said: ↑

I don't know what a Nasuverse is, so it didn't pop up in my searches.

It's the excalibur from the fate franchise. Just look up "Fate/stay night Excalibur" and it should pop up.

Dec 22, 2022Report

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Bagrat likes this.



Hope that Death Sentence/Spell gets resolved soonish. I like multi-crosses, and I like OP slice-of-life/Adventure fics, but I dislike stories that leave unresolved issues causing constant background anxiety/suspense. Like someone being a slave, or in this case, having their entire being be bound to a prison that will kill them at any moment if it is broken.

Dec 23, 2022Report

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RogueGlitch likes this.

RevelashNot too sore, are you?


Bruh it's so awkward whenever you write she or he when you mention death.

Dec 23, 2022Report

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Razor172022Making the rounds.


Dude don't make him care about politics your a god for gods sake and your playing politics, he has power don't make him play the weaks game, might makes right after all.

Dec 23, 2022Report

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RogueGlitch likes this.

MoonCliffThe moon god


The_Exile said: ↑

Question, which Mjolnir look do you think is best?

There will be a questionnaire above for you to answer.

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Spoiler: 5

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3 or 4

Dec 23, 2022Report

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A quite reader and Tobi like this.

The_ExileLurker on QQ, Newbie at writing on QQ


Merry Christmas, everyone! 

Last edited: Dec 25, 2022

Dec 25, 2022Report

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A quite reader, ShadowNic94, Saxxident and 4 others like this.

Threadmarks: 03: Interlude I
