
Questionable Questing

Gusfes, Unfortunate_Soul replied to a thread you are watching at Questionable Questing.

[NSFW] - Waifu Catalog: Nightmare Mode (ASOIAF start)


AN: Okay, I'm back.

I'm still not in perfect health, but I've overcome the worst of it and am now well enough to write.

So let's get down to it.



He flew under the cover of the night sky, the cold wind battering against his face as he flew faster than most of the propeller engine airplanes from his previous life.

His flying speed reached 1000 miles/hr as he attempted to cover the distance of 420 miles between Kings Landing and Dragonstone within half an hour.

There was a time when flying at such a high speed was impossible for him. When even flying for a few minutes reduced his total Mana Points to zero. When the wind buffeting his face would've forced his eyes shut if not given his skin lacerations.

His heightened Strength and Vitality had made such things inconsequential to him now, particularly with the additional +10 to all his stats he had received for winning the war. In addition to that, he had also gained +30 free stats for accomplishing the additional bonus objectives such as 'Leading an army', 'Killing the enemy commander', and 'Defeating the Iron Fleet'.

The rewards he had received after the battle were so abundant that had he still been a regular human before the end of the war, the additional level ups and free stats he obtained would have undoubtedly propelled him into the Superhuman category.

Soon enough, he reached Kings Landing, and lowered his speed until he came to a stop over the city. Most of the city was shrouded in darkness at this hour, the only places that were lit were the Red Keep and the Street of Silk.

He activated his Nightvision (a skill book he gained from Goblin ID) to get a better looked at the various buildings in the street of silk until he found the one he was looking for.

Then he used Glamour magic (learned from Melisandre) to make himself look like a dark shadow before he descended on that building.

That building was one of the brothels that he'd bought after the Ironborn had killed its last owner in their wild frenzy across the city.

He gently landed upon the balcony at the top floor and peeked through the window to get a good look inside the room.

He found his target on her desk. Looking over dozens and dozens of small parchments that he knew she'd gained from her various informants spread across the city.

Varys might have cut off the tongues of his 'little birds' but he did teach them how to read and write, which allowed them to write any important details they'd learned into these small parchments before handing them over to him.

Noticing that her door was open, he flew inside and landed behind Lynalle, dispelling his Glamour magic as he did so.

Shaper power, which now allowed him to sense life around him in a radius of 10 meter, informed him that there were no guards posted outside the room. But there were a lot of whores, customers, and a few guards/servants in the floors below him.

Due to the placement of the candle and his own subdued prsence, she didn't realise that there was someone else in the room until he leaned down and whispered into her ear.

"Hello Lynalle."

Spoiler: Lynalle

Startled, the woman jolted in her seat and prepared to cry out in either panic or for help, but he quickly reached out and covered her mouth with his hand, preventing any sound from escaping.

In an attempt to make noise, she grabbed some items from her table and tried to hurl them, but he quickly seized her arms and pulled her chair away from the table. Despite her helpless state, she persisted in struggling, trying to make some noise until he leaned in once more and whispered into her ear.

"Shh… Calm down. It's just me."

Lynalle recognised his voice this time and immediately stopped struggling.

"Don't shout." He told her and once she gave a nod, he let go of her.

Lynalle took a deep breath before she turned in her chair and glared at him.

"Did you really have to startle me like that?" She asked, her lips turning into a pout. "My heart… my poor heart. I thought I was about to die."

"Sorry." He said, raising his hands in surrender even though the amused smile never left his lips. "I'll knock on your window the next time."

"That'll be appreciated." She said before she suddenly remembered herself, got up from her chair and bowed to him. "My lord. I didn't know that you've arrived at Kings Landing. Why didn't you inform me beforehand."

"I prefer to catch my subordinates off guard, my dear. You'd be surprised how much you can learn about your servants by observing their behaviour when they believe they're alone." He explained.

And then he used Observe on her.

Her skill window remained the same for the most part. But she had gone up by one level in the past few months. And her title had changed from 'Adapt Spy Master' to 'Advanced Spy Master'. Only one level below Expert Spy Maester. Something that Varys had been.

As he pondered the significant progress Lynalle had made in the last few months as a Spy Master, he began to question the need to search for a more experienced and skilled replacement.

Perhaps investing his resources into her and nurturing her potential could yield more benefits in the long run.

"And did you fancy what you discovered about me?" Lynalle inquired, promptly altering her demeanour from that of a dutiful servant to that of a seductive courtesan endeavouring to impress her patron. She shifted her posture to emphasize her ample curves, including her wide hips and generous bosom.

The young woman was quick to read the situation and adapt according to it. It was one of the things that he liked about her. Even if he wasn't looking for a quick lay right now.

"Yes." He said with a nod before he went and sat on the bed, gesturing for her to sit on the chair.

Instead of doing as he told her, she sauntered over to him and sat on his lap.

…he didn't really mind her boldness.

"Would you care for a drink, my lord?" She inquired, her voice dripping with seduction as she rested her hand on his shoulder and began to knead it gently.

"No. I'm here for business Lynalle."

"Business. Pleasure. I don't see why these two have to be mutually exclusive." Lynalle remarked as her dextrous fingers slowly skimmed their way up his thigh and toward his crotch.

He held her arm before she could lead him by the cock, literally, and jerked her closer to him until she was staring into her eyes.

"Business first." He told her and his Shaper power informed her how she became wet in an instant upon him taking the lead in the conversation.

"Does that mean that there's pleasure waiting for me at the end?" She asked 'innocently'.

"If I'm impressed by your work, then yes. Now… tell me every important thing that has happened since I left Kings Landing."

At that, she got up from his lap and went down to the other side of the room where she opened a secret compartment on the wall and brought out a stack of papers hidden there.

She sauntered up to him, her hips swinging side to side, and a wide grin on her face before she sat on his lap once again and started reading through the papers.

Over the next hour, she told him about every major event that took place since he left Kings Landing.

The majority of the papers pertained to his business affairs and properties, as well as his trading partners. Some dealt with influential figures in King's Landing, while the last few concerned the key players in the city.

"The Tourney at Lannisport finally came to an end, and Ser Jaime emerged as the winner of the joust. The King and his entrouge had already left Casterly Rock and were expected to arrive in the city within a moon or two." Lynalle said and he frowned upon hearing that news.

In canon timeline, Ser Jorah Mormont was the one who won joust of this tourney, crowned Lynasse Hightower as the queen of love and beauty, and proceeded to marry her.

This led to a series of events which eventually forced him to masquerade as a loyal servant to the Targaryens, but in reality, he was working for Varys. His ultimate goal was to receive a pardon and return home, and he believed that serving Varys was the best way to achieve this.

Spy or not though, Jorah eventually saved Daenerys' life on a few occasions. And later even fell in love with her.

If he had not already changed the timeline by such a large margin, then he would be worried about this particular event.

But as things stood, he already knew where the Targaryens were (they'd been taken up by a magister who was a loyal follower of R'hollor) and knew that Mel was keeping a close eye on them.

"What about the Queen? I would've thought that she would've made a move on my properties and businesses by now. But she has been strangely quiet in the past few moons. Want to tell my why that is?"

Lynalle looked amused at his words as she spoke up. "The Queen did try to attack your businesses a few times. Mostly by having the Gold Cloaks make trouble for them. But the people of Kings Landing are still loyal to you, so once public learned that some gold cloaks were harming your business, the troublemakers were swiftly dealt with."

"Is that so?" He asked with some skepticism. How the hell would the smallfolk know about his properties. And even if they did, what could they really do against a Gold Cloak.

"Well... I may have a hand in spreading a few rumours and giving some coins to the right people, but yes." Lynalle said with a smug smile. "The Queen has since then tried a few other methods to either harm or shut down your businesses. But once all those methods failed, she gave up and hasn't tried anything since then."

To think that Lynalle has done so much for the sake of his business already was impressive. Especially since reading her biology told him that she had not lied about anything to him so far. He'll have to find a way to reward her properly.

"Cersei is not really the kind of person who gives up easily." He said. "Keep an eye out for her, just in case."

Lynalle nodded and then perked up. "Oh! I also have information for you regarding a quarrel between the Lord Hand and his wife."

"Oh… what is this quarrel about?"

"Before we delve into that, I must report that the information you provided regarding Lord Hand's wife was true." Lynalle said and her face lit up with giddiness. "Lady Lysa Arryn has indeed been cheating on Lord Jon Arryn. And with one of his banner men, Petyr Baelish, no less. Though, they have been exceedingly discreet in their dalliances thus far."

"So they've been fucking each other while under Lord Arryn's nose?"

"Indeed. About once every one or two weeks. It makes me wonder if little Robyn Arryn even belongs to the old hand." Lynalle said, giggling in anticipation.

"No. Robyn is Jon Arryn's son." He said, his voice leaving no doubt on this matter. Mostly because he himself had been slightly suspicious about Robyn's heritage and had used his Shaper power to check up on it on the last time he was in this city.

"Are you sure my lord?" Lynalle asked and he nodded.

"100%. Now, what is this quarrel that you were talking about?"

"Well… this quarrel revolves around you, surprisingly."


"Yes my lord. More exactly, your ability to heal people with you blessings."

He thought on it for a moment before he realised just what those two might be quarrelling about.

"Let me guess. Lysa wants me to bless her son Robyn. Thinking that my blessing with heal the boy. And Jon either doesn't believe in these blessings. Or doesn't want to be in my debt for something that might not even work."

"Just so my lord." Lynalle said with a smile. "Though the quarrel ended a few nights ago, with Lord Arryn having decided that he'll ask you to bless his son the next time you're in Kings Landing."

"I see." He said as a plan begin to form in his mind. A plan that revolved around Lysa Arryn…

"And that's all the important things you needed to know about. The only other news of consequence is that I succeeded in sending a few of my girls to Petyr Baelish's brothels. Though they've yet to be put into any position of importance or find anything useful. This Baelish character is too discreet and keeps his secrets close to his chest."

He nodded at her words. " Train and send a few more girls to his brothels. I'll send you the gold to cover up your losses. And send me a letter if the Queen makes any more overt moves."

"I will my lord. Now… I've been a good girl. So do I get my reward?" Lynalle asked innocently even as she suggestively pressed her breasts against his chest.

Well… no point in disappointing a servant when she'd worked so hard for him.

He lifted her up and laid her down on the bed, a smile playing on his lips as he prepared to use his sexual skills and shaper powers to make this a night she would never forget.


Two days later.

He sat in a dark room played with a ball of biomass, a split off portion of his mind (with multitasking skill) counting down the seconds as he eyed the stars on the sky through the small window

Seconds turned into minutes. Minutes turned into an hour. And just when he was thinking that she'll not make it, the secret entrance to the room opened.

A woman hiding her face underneath a heavy cowl stumbled into the dark room. "Petyr… why is everything so dark?" She asked timidly as she used her candle to look around the dark room.

With a single thought the biomass in his palm changed its shape and size until it looked and acted like a candle. Another thought from him caused a biochemical reaction at its tip, lighting it up and showing his face to the other woman in the room.

"Petyr?" She asked in confusion as she took a few steps toward him until she finally got a proper look on her face and froze. "Y… you… y.. you are not-"

"No. I'm not Petyr, Lady Arryn." He said as he got up from his chair and walked over the to her.

The woman stumbled on her feet, trying to step away from him until he caught her arm and removed her cowl.

The face of Lysa Arryn became visible to him under the candle light. The woman looking pale as a sheet and trembling in fear as she looked at him with wide eyes.

"Surprised?" He asked, his lips forming into a cruel grin. "What? You thought that you'll cheat on your husband by sleeping your childhood friend and no one will find out."

Lysa's lips opened and closed a few times but no words came out of her mouth. He guessed that she was too shocked and terrified to speak out against him.

"What? Cat got your tongue?" He asked before he walked over to the other side of the room, dragging the poor woman behind him as he reached the torches and lit them up with his candle.

The rest of the room finally became visible to both of them.

It was an emergency storage room where the kitchen supplies were kept. Or that's what people thought at least.

In truth, very few people knew that this storage room even existed. And even fewer knew who held the key to this room. Only among those who did, only Petyr and Lysa knew that there was a secret tunnel in this room that led up to a chamber in Maegor's Holdfast.

A Chamber that Lysa took over and started living in as soon as Petyr informed her about this secret tunnel.

The lengths to which this woman would go to, in order to impress a man who merely wanted to use her.

Well… considering that he also only wanted to use her for the power that she'll have after her husband's eventual death, it wasn't like he could throw any mud on Petyr for his actions.

"W- what do you want?" Lysa asked, her voice coming out a little squeaky from all the terror she was feeling at being caught. "How did you learn about us?"

"Does it really matter how I learn about you and Baelish?" He asked as he dragged the woman closer to himself. "And as for what I want?" He pushed the black robe she was wearing from over her shoulders, revealing her in all her naked glory.

Spoiler: Lysa Arryn

Lysa… wasn't really much to look at. If he had to give her points from 1 - 10 based on how good she looked then she'll receive a solid 5 from him.

Her face was not really all that pleasant to look at. But her body wasn't much to look at either. Small, saggy breasts. Small hips. Pouch belly. Little to no muscles on her thighs. A weird twin braided hairstyle that definitely didn't work for her. And on top of all that… she smelled funny.

The woman immediately tried to hide her body from him, her terror increasing to new levels as she realised that not only he did knew about her dalliance with Petyr but she was also in a secret room, naked, with a man. A man who was much more stronger than her.

He let go of her arm and she immediately picked up her robe and covered herself with it before she tried to run back to the tunnel she just came from.

"Run, and I'll tell Jon Arryn about you and Petyr." He shouted behind her and Lysa froze, her finger bare inches from the door as she slowly turned her head to look at him, her expression one of pure despair.

"I don't think Jon will hurt you. Not when Hoster Tully still hold the Riverlands." He said as he walked over to her and caressed her cheeks, wiping away the tears as she stared at him like a frightened rabbit. "But… what do you think will happen to poor Petyr? I don't believe that Jon Arryn would be nearly as merciful to a bannerman who fucked his wife behind has back."

Lysa shook like a leaf in a storm as she licked her lips and spoke in a barely audible voice. "No… he- he won't… he won't believe you."

"Jon Arryn won't believe me?" He asked, amused, even if she was half-right. "I've been keeping an eye on the both of you for many moons now. Do you think that I've not made the necessary preparations, gathered the necessary evidence, or witnesses to prove it to him?"

The look of despair in her eyes increased tenfold at her words. She opened her mouth to speak but no words came out.

"And besides." He continued speaking, "Even if I can't prove it to him, or Jon Arryn is unwilling to believe my words, do you think that he'll still keep Petyr Baelish as his Master of Coin. After Petyr has been accused in open court of fucking his wife? I doubt it. In fact, I doubt that he'll ever get another worthwhile job in the entirety of Westeros."

"no…" Lysa murmured and he smiled.

Got you bitch.

"So, you can either leave, Or… you can do what I want. And I won't tell Jon Arryn about anything. A win-win for both of us. What do you think?"

The look of despair immediately turned to one of hope and he could now see why Petyr was able to manipulate her so easily.

This woman really had no control over her emotions. Though it might be because of just what kind of situation she'd been put in right now.

"What do you want?" She asked, a desperate hope in her eyes as she grabbed his arms pleadingly.

"What do I want?" He smiled at her as he dragged her to a chair and forced her to sit down before he leaned down so that they were looking eye to eye. "I want to make a deal with you Lysa."

"What kind of deal?"

"I heard that you and Jon Arryn have been arguing about me blessing your son? Is that true?"

Lysa bit her lip and looked down at her feet and nodded.

"Well, here's the. I'll not tell your husband about your affair, and I'll even heal your son. In exchange…"

"…in exchange?" She asked, giving him a fearful look.

He moved forward and tugged at her robe until it went down her shoulder. She tried to hold onto it but her breasts and nipples were clearly visible to him.

He softly caressed her nipple with his thumb, using his Shaper power to decrease her negative emotions and increase her lust.

The change was almost instantaneous. The expression changed from one of fear and despair to one of… well, she still looked a bit fearful but but the way her cheeks darkened and her lips parted in a soft exhale told him that his plan was working.

He forcefully tugged at her robe until she lost her hold over it. The robe fell down and she was naked in front of him once again.

She still didn't look anything special but now there was a slightly wet patch in the middle of her thighs.

He seized her hair and yanked her head to face him, her breaths labored. "In return, I want to have sex with you. Today, tomorrow, the next day, and every day thereafter. Whenever I wish to have have sex, you'll make yourself be available to me. Is that clear?"

Lysa gulped and then exhaled a hot breath of air. "W- why are doing this?"

"Why am I doing this?" He asked, a mocking smile as he played with her nipple. "Why did you do what you did with Petyr? You did it because you wanted to, disregarding the pain it would cause Jon Arryn. And now I'm doing what I want to do, regardless of the pain it may cause to you. It's not that difficult to comprehend,"

"I'll... I'll tell Petyr." She said, her words coming out in a husky breath as she tried her best to fight the arousal.

He chuckled at her words. "You'll tell him what?" He asked mockingly. "That you got fucked by another man. Do you think he'll even want to look at you after that. After you've been soiled. Do you think he'll still care for you?"

Lysa had no words for that and he put some pressure on her shoulder and had her kneel on the ground. Then he sat down on the chair himself and lowered his trouser until his cock came out of its confines.

Lysa took one look at his giant cock and her mouth dropped in shock.

"That's… that's… how is it…?"

He dragged her closer and slapped her face with his cock.

"This is for you Lysa." He told her as he dragged his cock over her lips. It said something about how horny she must be feeling right now that she almost opened her lips to take him in. "Go on, open your lips and take it in your mouth."

Her lips shut instantly at his words and she glared at him. "No… I don't want to."

"That's fine with me. Because that's the deal I'm giving you. Either you take it in your mouth and seal the deal. Or… take your clothes, leave out of that secret tunnel, and by tomorrow morning, you and Petyr will be on trial for adultery in front of the entire populace of the Red Keep."

Her defiance crumbled at his words and she looked at his length with indecision.

He took his length and rubbed it across her entire face, a slight bit of premium leaking through its head and baptising her lips, nose, and head.

Then he put the dick directly in front of her lips and spoke. "I don't have all night Lysa. Make your decision. Now."

Lisa looked at him and then at his dick. And then back and forth for a few moments before her lips finally parted and she took the head of his cock in her mouth.

Her warm tongue enveloped his cock and before she could taste his sweet chocolaty texture properly, he dragged her forward by her hair and shoved his cock into her mouth until it was buried into her throat, her nose coming to rest on his pubes.

A good thing that he removed her gag reflex or she'll probably be vomiting all over the place by now.

Lysa struggled for a few moments, hitting him ineffectually on the thighs before he pulled out, allowing her to take a breath and then he pushed back in, stuffing his cock down her throat once again as he closed his eyes and groaned at the pleasant sensation.

They continued in that rhythm for a few minutes before he finally let go of his control and came down her throat.

He took out his cock and the woman fell on her floor, coughing and spitting out some of his seed.

While she did that, he went behind her and picked her up before pushing her against the chair with her ass facing toward him.

He spread her legs and held her hips with one hand while positioning himself with the other.

Lysa turned her head around and looked at him in shock and indecision. "Wait- No." And he thrust forward, his pushing his cock past her pussy lips and deep into her velvety walls until his entire length was resting inside her.

"No" She moaned in despair, though he could sense her pleasure skyrocket due to some of the chemicals secreted from his cock.

"I think you meant to say 'Yes'." He said with a smile as he took hold of her hair once again and used it as a handle before he started pounding into her.

With his bullshit abilities, it didn't take long for her sobs to turn into cries of pleasure.

Throughout the rest of the night, he took her in more ways than he could count. Bending her against the wall. Fucking her doggy style on the carpeted ground. Bending her in half and mating press her. Picking her up and bouncing her on his cock in full nelson. And a dozen other positions.

By the time he was done with her, she was too tired and too sore to even move.

He had to heal her, clean her up and then carry her back to her room before depositing her on her bed.

And when she clung onto him in the aftermath of their passionate sex marathon, half delirious from the pleasure he'd bestowed onto her, he realised that he'd taken the right gamble and that she'll fall to him sooner or later.

The Oxytocin and other bonding chemicals he'd filled brain with would see to that.

And when that happens...

Those 2 point will belong to him, along with the key to Vale.


AN: One of my Patreon supporter said that this chapter came off as a bit rapey.

I can't say that the guy was entirely wrong, considering that Stephen did blackmail Lysa and then forced himself on her. But at the same time, I really, really don't like Lysa.

She's a woman who left her sister, her brother, uncle as well as her nephew and nieces to their fates when she could've easily helped them. And she did all this for a man who only ever wanted to use her.

I have absolutely no sympathy for Lysa. And some of that bias might have showed itself in the last scene.

Tell me whether you guys like that scene or not. And what are your personal feelings about Lysa.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. And as always, I love you guys. Have a nice day :)View This ThreadUnread Watched Threads

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