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[NSFW] - Martial Primordial Sovereign System (Martial God Asura SI)


Spoiler: Pre-Chapter Author's Note


As the two thousand new inner court disciples gathered to celebrate their new and improved status within the Azure Dragon School, Long Feiyu silently walked to his assigned new, private residence within the inner court. In the outer court, Long Feiyu had to share the same apartment building with other outer court disciples, but now that he was in the inner court, he had a small house all to himself, equipped and stocked with all the basic necessities to survive. Being an inner court disciples came with a lot of benefits, must of which had the purpose of allowing the disciples to focus solely on their martial cultivation.

Now that he was an inner court disciple and wouldn't be surrounded by people most of the time, Long Feiyu knew that he possessed more freedom to act. As long as he didn't make it painfully obvious that he was directly interfering with Chu Feng's fate, that is.

Speaking of Chu Feng, Long Feiyu noticed that he also wasn't going to participate in the celebratory banquet, but that wasn't surprising to Long Feiyu, as he was aware of every thought and action Chu Feng would take in the future for now.

At a distance of three hundred meters, Long Feiyu kept a subtle eye on Chu Feng as he continued to make his way towards his residence. He did it from so far away so the Blind Old Man that was watching over Chu Feng didn't notice what he was doing. And the only reason Long Feiyu could subtly observe Chu Feng from such a distance was that now that he was the 3rd Level of the Elementary Realm of Spirit Power, he could finally use the Spirit of Observation innate spirit skill.

Spirit of Observation was an innate spirit skill that Long Feiyu was able to use thanks to his Sovereign Bloodline. 'A Sovereign must always be aware of the happenings within his domain,' Long Feiyu thought of the concept behind the innate spirit skill. It allowed him to use the spirit energy coursing through his meridians to infuse his mind and senses into his surroundings, which in turn allowed him to perfectly perceive every single thing that existed and happened within his range in real time. Since he was at the 3rd Level of the Elementary Realm, his current range was 'only' three hundred meters, but Long Feiyu instinctively knew that while he was in the Elementary Realm, every level he gained within the realm would result in a one-hundred meters increase to his range.

After finally arriving to his private residence, Long Feiyu was very pleased to realize that Chu Feng's own residence was within his range, which meant that Long Feiyu could have an easier time keeping track of Chu Feng's whereabouts as he continued to mess with his fate.

With a smirk on his face, Long Feiyu stopped observing Chu Feng and comfortably laid down on top of his bed. He pulled out the Three Thunder Styles martial skill book in order to memorize it so he could start practicing later. He didn't bother refining the five Saint Spirit Grasses in his inventory for now, since he knew that they wouldn't be anywhere near enough to allow him to breakthrough into the 4th Level of the Spirit Realm.

The next day, before Chu Feng went out of his residence, Long Feiyu stepped out of his and used Body Flicker to quickly make his way towards the Martial Skill Building of the Inner Court.

The Martial Skill Building of the Inner Court possessed a total of six floors. In the first floor, Rank 1 martial skills could be found, the second floor had the Rank 2 martial skills and the third floor was where the Rank 3 Martial Skills were located. The fourth, fifth and sixth floors had the equipment and facilities needed to cultivate and learn those martial skills.

Long Feiyu went directly towards the third floor, knowing that the Rank 3 martial skill 'Illusory Palm', the strongest and most difficult to learn martial skill within the Inner Court, which he wanted to learn for three main reasons. The first one was because having such a martial skill in his arsenal would undoubtedly prove to the be useful. The second reason was the Long Feiyu decided that it was time for him to start becoming a prominent figure within the Azure Dragon School. And finally, the third reason was that if he could stop Chu Feng from learning it as well, it would amuse him greatly.

"Young man, I recommend that you don't bite off more than you can chew. The skills in here are not suited for you," and aged voice stopped Long Feiyu in his tracks the moment he properly entered the third floor.

Long Feiyu turned towards the voice and recognized the speaker as Elder Ouyang, the director of the Martial Skill Building.

Long Feiyu cupped one hand over the other and respectfully bowed towards Elder Ouyang. "This disciple respectfully greets the Elder and thanks him for the advice. However, this disciple wishes to see with his own eyes what his limits are," he said, somehow managing to not burst out laughing at the manner he just spoke.

Elder Ouyang sighed and shook his head. "Very well. Don't be surprised when you are disappointed by your own arrogance," he said dismissively.

Long Feiyu respectfully saluted him again before he went to look for the Illusory Palm martial skill book. Since the martial skills were arranged in alphabetical order, Long Feiyu was quick to find it. He was however, slightly disappointed that there were a few more copies of each martial skill books, which meant that he wouldn't be stopping Chu Feng from learning the martial skill. Long Feiyu just shrugged. At least, Chu Feng wouldn't be learning the Three Thunder Styles martial skill, so there was a silver lining.

Long Feiyu went back to Elder Ouyang and presented him his chosen martial skill book.

Elder Ouyang gazed at Long Feiyu with disappointed eyes. "Are you sure you want to train in this Illusionary Palm?"

Long Feiyu smiled and nodded. "Mm!"

"Did you look over the description of this martial skill, young man?"

Long Feiyu nodded again. "I have, Elder."

Elder Ouyang sighed. "So, you do know that the Illusory Palm is the hardest martial skill to learn within this Martial Skill Building," he reproached.

"Elder, if I want to successfully test my own limits, the hardest martial skill available is the perfect one for doing so," Long Feiyu replied respectfully, but firmly.

Elder Ouyang looked deep into Long Feiyu's eyes and he gave up when he saw the young man's conviction to head down this path. While he still disapproved on principle, Elder Ouyang was unable to stop himself from developing a bit of respect for the young man in front of him. "Very well. Just remember that if you hit a bottleneck, you can always stop and pick an easier martial skill to learn."

As he took back the martial skill book, Long Feiyu nodded and respectfully saluted Elder Ouyang. "Thank you for the advice, Elder. I will keep it in mind."

Elder Ouyang dismissed him and Long Feiyu immediately made his way towards the sixth floor of the Martial Skill Building, since it was the one that had the least people in it. The reason for that was because the sixth floor was meant to be used to practice Rank 3 martial skills, which not a lot of inner court disciples even dared to contemplate.

Long Feiyu entered one of the private practice rooms in the sixth floor and locked it behind him. Once he did so, he pulled out the Illusory Palm martial skill book and memorized the instructions on how to perform it.

From that point onwards, Long Feiyu only stopped practicing in order to eat and sleep. Long Feiyu also made sure to greet Elder Ouyang every time he walked in and out of the Martial Skill Building, since he wanted Elder Ouyang to remember who he was.

In a single day, Long Feiyu managed to grasp and learn the process of successfully performing the Illusory Palm technique. For Long Feiyu, who had the Primordial Bloodline, the Rank 3 martial skill was very simple to learn. In order to perform it, one simply needed to gather martial energy around one's attack in order to create a quick illusion to fool the senses of the target, making them believe that attack was heading in a direction that it actually wasn't and allowing the user to bypass the target's defenses.

As for the Three Thunder Styles martial skill, that one actually took Long Feiyu three days to grasp completely, since as a Rank 4 Martial skill, it was a few times more complicated than the Illusory Palm martial skill. In order to grasp it successfully, one needed to first learn the special movement steps of the martial skills and that was followed by circulating martial power through the body in a particular manner in order to enhance it and achieve greater speeds. The final step required to grasp the Three Thunder Style martial skill was to give the martial energy circulating through the body the aspect of lightning. Thanks to Long Feiyu's experience with the Body Flicker, Long Feiyu was capable of grasping the first two steps in a single day. For the third and final steps, Long Feiyu ended up needing two days, but he managed to do so.

After learning a Rank 3 martial skill and a Rank 4 martial skill, that had the potential of a Rank 5 martial skill, in just four days, Long Feiyu could feel the intestines of cultivators all over the Nine Provinces Continent turning green and he basked in it.

But Long Feiyu didn't stop there. With six more days to go before anything relevant happened regarding the plot moving forward, Long Feiyu took the opportunity to learn to spirit skills, in order to give himself more options during combat. The spirit skills he chose were generously provided by the Sovereign Spirit Arts combat method and they were simply called 'Restrain' and 'Thrust'.

The Restrain spirit skill was binding type spirit skill that did exactly what its name implied. It restricted the targets movement, using the user's spirit energy to lock the target's body in place. The Thrust spirit skill was an attack type spirit skill that used the user's spirit energy to send a wave of pure kinetic force towards the target. Each one took three days for Long Feiyu to fully grasp, but that was only because Long Feiyu was still a bit inexperienced using spirit energy in order to perform spirit skills. Also, while Long Feiyu would currently give Restrain and Thrust a Rank 4, he instinctively knew that just like Body Flicker and Shadow Fist, the two spirit skills will grow stronger as his level and realm of spirit power grew.

During the ten days that Long Feiyu spent learning new martial skills and spirit skills, check on Chu Feng from time to time using Spirit of Observation. Since Chu Feng also spent most of the time in the sixth floor as well, keeping regular tabs on him was a trivial matter for Long Feiyu. Like he expected, Chu Feng also chose the Illusory Palm martial skill to learn. But from what Long Feiyu managed to observe, Chu Feng also practiced and learned two other Rank 3 skills, a movement type martial skill and a defense type martial skill. Proving that he was indeed the protagonist, Chu Feng managed to grasp the three Rank 3 Martial skills in ten days.

Long Feiyu did nothing to stop that from happening, since he was unable to find away to do so without making it obvious that he was directly interfering with Chu Feng. In the end, Long Feiyu could only shrug and accept it while thinking 'It is what it is.'

But now that ten days have passed and he increased his repertoire of martial skills and spiritual skills, Long Feiyu felt that he was ready to tackle the events of the Spiritual Medicine Hunt and benefit greatly from them.


Spoiler: Authro's Note

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