Open main menuAsianLitLoomOpen main menu0Home/Wait This Isnt an Adult GamePreviousNextOpen main menuChapter 5
With a Twisted Smile, Dark god worshipers.
Beings who cause chaos, conflict, war, and massacres in the human world.
Those who grow stronger by offering human blood to their malevolent deities.
Due to the nature of the gods they serve, these worshipers specialize in disguising themselves as people of specific social standing, sowing discord endlessly and dismantling society from within.
It's said that the most skilled among these dark god worshipers are so adept that even divine magic cannot reveal their true identities. As a result, countless worshipers still operate in secret, hiding throughout society to this day.
That's what I'd heard.
But now, it turns out that the priest of the Solar Order who came to accuse me was one of these dark god worshipers?
What kind of ridiculous coincidence is this?
I only had a moment to feel relieved that I'd narrowly avoided swinging from the gallows when..."He's a Saint! There's no doubt about it!"
"Saint, please heal us!"
"My daughter is sick! Heal her, please!"
The deafening roar of the beggars erupted like a tidal wave. Listening to their cries, I couldn't help but wonder if I'd made a mistake.
Even if I were to stand up now and declare, I'm not a Saint! I'm just a desperate loser using game skills to stop the end of the world, I doubted anyone would believe me anymore.
"I need to rest for a while. Please prepare food and a place to sleep."
I was exhausted.
After being so tense due to the Solar Order's arrival, the sudden release of tension left me feeling even more drained.
Not even five minutes passed before a bed—surprisingly soft by the slums' standards—and a hearty meal were brought before me.I ate the food, and as soon as my head hit the pillow on that plush bed, I fell asleep.
When I opened my eyes again, I was greeted by the sight of priests of the Solar Order , dozens of paladins, and armed police officers lined up before me.
I wanted to go back to sleep forever.
"Are you the Healing Saint of the Lilia Order?"
An elderly priest asked, looking down at me with a calm demeanor.
I slowly sat up.
What could they want now?
Were they going to expose the fact that a dark god worshiper infiltrated their order?
Or accuse me of stealing their potential clients from their territory?
Or maybe they'd conclude: You're a heretic, so die!
I felt like I was about to wet myself. My legs trembled, and I felt like all strength had left my body.
What do they expect me to do when they show up like this as soon as I wake up?
"I belong to no specific order. I am merely someone who cares for the lowly."
Please, just let me live for a month. I promise I won't do business in your territory.
Just spare me…
"Thank you, Saint."
The elderly priest suddenly bowed deeply toward me. Not only that, but he also took my hand and planted a quiet kiss on the back of it.
…What is this situation?
"Thanks to you, we were able to identify a dark god worshiper. This also gave us an opportunity to reflect on the mistakes our Solar Order has made."
The old priest looked up at the sky.
The radiant sun shone down on the slums, just as it did everywhere else.
"There is neither eternal shadow nor eternal light. The sun shines equally upon all. We had forgotten that for far too long."
I blinked, deciding to stay absolutely quiet.
The elderly priest, who had kissed my hand, turned to face the crowd.
"We interrogated the dark god worshiper who infiltrated our order yesterday! He confessed to turning the Solar Order into a haven for the greedy. He admitted to trying to make our order a church for the rich, rejecting the poor!"
The priest bowed again, this time toward the beggars. The other priests and paladins followed suit.
"Forgive us for our foolishness. And forgive us for failing to recognize the Saint and doubting him."
The priest raised his voice as he continued, "The dark god worshiper confessed! He said that when the Saint reached out his hand, he felt his heart stop! He described it as divine punishment!"
Yeah, no. That's because I accidentally cast time stop on his heart instead of his legs.
"He said that blow unraveled his disguise and broke the evil magic hiding his true self! The worshiper, who feared the Saint, was executed yesterday. No one can deny the miracle we witnessed! How could we doubt one who has performed such miracles?"
The elderly priest walked over to the armed police.
"I, Alois, High Priest of the Solar Order, guarantee on my name that the Saint resting here is neither a heretic nor an unregistered illegal mage. He is pure and noble. Protect him.""As you wish, High Priest."
The elderly priest… or rather, High Priest Alois…
High Priest Alois turned his gaze to me.
"The police and our Solar Order paladins will escort you. We have contacted the Lilia Order, and their priests and paladins are on their way. Until they reach you, we will protect you temporarily. May the sun always shine upon you, and may the grace of Lilia watch over you."
The High Priest offered a respectful bow before stepping back.
I couldn't say a word; I could only watch.
Was it because things were going too well?
It was because he mentioned contacting the Lilia Order.
I'm not a follower of Lilia. I've never even uttered the word "Lilia." How did it come to this?!
Won't they realize the moment they see me that I'm not a Saint of Lilia?
Won't they label me a heretic for impersonating a Saint of their god?
Won't being burned at the stake hurt like hell?!
Damn it.
This was bad—completely, utterly bad.
Where's the witch? I need to heal her and get out of here as fast as possible!
"Form an orderly line!"
"Do not push others! Falling could cause serious accidents!"
"The Saint needs time to eat, drink, and rest! There will be no healing during rest periods!"
"Children and those with severe injuries will be treated first! Those with minor injuries, please wait!"
The police and Solar Order paladins began organizing the crowd, preventing further accidents from the surge of desperate people.
Watching the beggars line up to be healed almost made me cry.
I made up my mind.
If things continued like this, I'd inevitably meet the Lilia Order priests, who would discover I wasn't their Saint and execute me for heresy.
Thankfully, it wasn't too late.
The Solar Order had already recognized me. That should count as some level of authority and fame, right?
Plus, I now had knights and police who could be used as resources.
I needed to find the witch as soon as possible. It was my only chance to survive.
"Sir Knight, may I have a moment?"
I paused the healing session and called over a Solar Order paladin who was guarding me."Do you know much about mages or witches?"
"There is a Mage Tower in the capital. I know its location, but I don't have any personal connections with mages or witches."
The Mage Tower.
Right. Since the person I'm looking for uses magic, the Mage Tower seems like the best place to start.
"That's fine. Could you go to the Mage Tower and see if there's a witch with four arms and a mask covering half her face?"
Based on what I saw in the prophecy, the witch's left face would likely be grotesquely deformed. She was almost certainly hiding it behind a mask.
"Four arms… a mask covering half her face?"
"Yes. I must meet her. Could you go and find out for me as quickly as possible?"
"If that is what the Saint desires, I will do so."
The paladin nodded and immediately ran off.
Before the Lilia Order people arrive, I need to quickly meet the witch, heal her, and disappear.There was a glimmer of hope.
I resumed healing, desperate to finish this dreadful Saint charade before it got me hanged or burned at the stake.
Meanwhile, in the Mage Tower…
Tuidel couldn't stay cooped up in the Mage Tower any longer.
She needed to produce groundbreaking research—something far greater than that despicable Erfa .
As she walked through the first-floor lobby to step out for some fresh air and research materials, her eyes caught an unusual man standing there.
He wore a distinct uniform emblazoned with the symbol of a blazing sun—the mark of a Solar Order paladin.
"You're looking for a witch?"
"Yes, a witch with four arms and a mask covering half her face. The Saint of Healing is looking for her."
Tuidel, overhearing the conversation between the lobby receptionist and the paladin, grew curious and stepped in.
"The Saint of Healing is looking for a witch?"
"Yes. Do you know if such a person is in this Mage Tower?"
Tuidel narrowed her eyes.
"Why is he looking for someone like that?"
"I don't know. But the Saint said he must meet her."
"Is that so?"
Tuidel studied the paladin with a strange expression before smiling faintly.
"Please wait a moment. I'll find out for you."
"Thank you, Witch."
Tuidel sent a subtle glance to the receptionist, signaling her to stay quiet, and headed back into the Mage Tower.
She walked straight to Erfa's private research lab and knocked on the door.
After a moment, Erfa, as always, opened the door with her left face concealed behind a silver mask.
Her visible right eye widened in surprise.
"Tuidel? What are you doing here?"
She clearly hadn't expected Tuidel to visit.
Tuidel smiled sweetly at her.
"There's a paladin in the first-floor lobby looking for you."
"A paladin?"
"Yes, from the Solar Order."
Erfa's eyes narrowed.
She had met members of the Solar Order before during her research into miracles, but she didn't know anyone personally.
"Why is the Solar Order looking for me?"
"The Saint of Healing is searching for you."
Erfa froze, her expression blank.
The Saint of Healing?
"Are you sure he's looking for me?"
"He described a witch with four arms and a mask covering half her face. Do you know any other witch who fits that description?"
"…Alright. I'll go down and see."
As Erfa was about to close the door, Tuidel blocked it.
"Why is the Saint of Healing looking for you?"
"How would I know?"
"Does it have something to do with your hidden left face?"
Erfa flinched slightly.
It was brief, but Tuidel didn't miss it.
"It's not like that. I told you, this mask is just for decoration."
"Hmm. Really? For a decoration, you seem obsessively attached to it."
Erfa's right face twisted in irritation.
"Do I need to explain my fashion choices to you?"
"Of course not."
Witches and mages were known for being eccentric. From wizards who insisted on researching naked to witches who always enchanted themselves to walk on ceilings or pierced their bodies excessively—it wasn't unusual.
Still, Tuidel had never paid much attention to Erfa's mask until now. The mention of the Saint and her left face had sparked something in her mind.
"I just assumed your left face was horribly deformed, so you didn't want to show it."
"It's not like that."
"Are you not going down? Were you secretly hoping to ask the Saint to heal your face, only to be caught by me? If you're going, I'd like to come along. Watching him heal could be useful for magical research."
"It's not like that! He's probably a fraud! I was just going to reject him, but fine—since you're here, you tell him!"
For once, Erfa raised her voice.
"Now, leave. I have research to do."
She slammed the door shut.
It was a cold dismissal, but the twisted smile on Tuidel's lips didn't fade.
Tuidel returned to the first-floor lobby and approached the paladin.
"I looked into it, and there's no witch here matching that description. Perhaps you're looking for a dark mage instead."
"I see… Thank you for checking."
The paladin looked disappointed.
"Sorry I couldn't be of more help," Tuidel replied smoothly.
With a polite farewell, the paladin left.
Tuidel stood in the lobby, watching his back for a long while.
Her lips curled into a sinister, twisted smile.Close menuWait, This Isn't an Adult Game?!Chapter 18Chapter 17Chapter 16Chapter 15Chapter 14Chapter 13Chapter 12Chapter 11Chapter 10Chapter 9Chapter 8Chapter 7Chapter 6Chapter 5Chapter 4Chapter 3Chapter 2Chapter 1Chapter 0CommentsDiscussion ReviewCommentsClose menuCommentsDiscussion ReviewShow Comments⚙
Open main menuAsianLitLoomOpen main menu0Home/Wait This Isnt an Adult GamePreviousNextOpen main menuChapter 6
Tuidel sat on the sofa in her personal laboratory, lost in thought.
Although she hadn't initially chosen to, she had spent a long time observing Erfa.
Erfa was a witch who always maintained a calm and unflappable demeanor, brushing off any criticism or attacks with graceful indifference.
But yesterday, for the first time, Erfa had shown a glimpse of intense emotion.
The Saint of Healing.
And the left side of her obscured face.
What had started as a casual guess seemed to have hit the mark.
But no matter how much she thought about it, something felt off.
"If half her face is disfigured or injured, couldn't she just heal it with magic? Why would she go to the trouble of seeking out the Saint of Healing, someone who might even be a fraud?"
Erfa was a renowned expert in both body transformation and healing magic, widely acknowledged by others. She also had deep knowledge in transformation techniques.
Even if half her face were injured, it should be something she could simply heal. Why would she need to meet the Saint?
"Unless it's a condition that can't be treated with normal healing magic? Something so severe that it requires a saint's intervention."
Slowly, Tuidel combed through the vast knowledge stored in her mind, searching for conditions that couldn't be cured with conventional healing magic or body transformation spells.
A twisted affliction beyond normal magic.
And then, a thought struck her.
Every few hundred years, creatures cursed from birth with grotesquely distorted bodies are born. Legends say that such beings bring about great calamities.
Their horrific appearance is said to be the result of a powerful curse that cannot be undone by magic or human effort.
Of course, it's now been proven that this legend was nothing but a false rumor.
The truth behind the condition called "Abomination" lies in an imbalance of mana within the body, leading to physical deformities that can't be treated by conventional magic, potions, or miracles.
Nowadays, people understand it as a difficult-to-treat rare disease, and no longer believe it to be the devil's doing or a harbinger of disaster.
"Except for the White Order, who worship Dullanair, the god of justice."
The White Order was the empire's most prominent demon-hunting group, but they were also infamous for their outdated beliefs and controversial actions.
From conducting burnings that violated imperial law to accusing innocent citizens of being demon worshippers and executing them without trial, they caused numerous issues.
Nevertheless, because they uncovered and apprehended many demon worshippers and cultists each year, the empire was inclined to clean up after their messes.
And, naturally, the clergy of the White Order also attended regular academic conferences.If she could unmask Erfa there… wouldn't that be a sight to see?
"Erfa, you should look forward to it."
She'd likely be brimming with joy, imagining her thesis being accepted and her designation as the next Tower Master.
But the day when her laughter would be erased forever wasn't far away.
A rare smile of satisfaction appeared on Tuidel's lips.
"That witch isn't in the Tower, sir. Are you sure you're not looking for a dark sorcerer instead?"Hearing the knight's words, my vision darkened.
This was the worst-case scenario.
If she had been in the Tower and refused to meet me, it wouldn't have been this frustrating.A dark sorcerer? That was the worst of the worst.
How was I supposed to find a dark sorcerer who thoroughly hid their identity?
Should I just claim that I saw in a prophecy that the dark sorcerer would burn the world?
If I said that, I might get beaten or attacked before I could even seek healing.
That would only increase the chance of disaster.
In the end, the most straightforward and safest approach was to wait for the witch, somewhere in the empire, to hear about me and come find me herself.
But I didn't have the luxury of waiting.
Without ever mentioning the name "Lilia", somehow everyone had begun revering me as the Saint of Lilia, leaving me on a ticking clock.
"Thank you for your efforts, Knight. By any chance, do you know when the clergy of the Lilia Order will arrive in the capital?"
"The nearest Lilia temple is quite far from the capital. Even by train, it will take about three days."
Three days.
What were the chances that a four-armed dark sorcerer witch would find me within those three days?
A dark sorcerer was bound to be highly suspicious by nature. There was no way they'd come to me, dispelling all doubts, in just three days.
"Sir Knight, in that case, could you investigate dark sorcerers?"
"Our Order keeps a registry of heretics. It contains records of those who have used forbidden dark magic."
"Would it be possible for you to check that registry and see if the witch I described is listed?""It is possible, but… Saint, why are you so desperate to find that witch?"
Because if I don't, I'll die! The empire might be doomed!
Of course, I couldn't say that.
If I did, even if the witch were found, the knights might antagonize her and ruin everything.
"She is someone I must heal."
"I see…"
The knight looked deeply moved by my willingness to heal even a dark sorcerer.
"I will search the registry of heretics immediately, Saint."
"Thank you."
Once the knight disappeared again, I returned to the slums, where crowds had gathered.It seemed word had spread about a saint offering free healing. Endless lines of people waited for my aid.
"Saint! My child…!"
"Saint! My wife hasn't been able to walk properly since giving birth! Please heal her!"
Without rest, I treated one person after another, never letting my exhaustion show as I continued with a compassionate smile.
The more I worked on physical modifications, the more skilled and efficient I became.
Compared to when I first started, my speed had improved significantly.
But the stream of patients seemed never-ending.
Just as I was starting to feel drained, a father and daughter stepped forward.
"Saint! Glory to Lady Lilia! My daughter is ill. Please heal her. She's so frail, she keeps coughing up blood…"
The thin-faced man spoke with sorrow etched deeply into his features.
"Bring her forward."
A small, frail girl, so weak she could barely walk, approached me.
Her entire body was strangely covered in dirty mud.
Without thinking much, I placed my hand on her head to begin physical modification.
Through the 3D visualization of her actual condition, I noticed something odd.
Her skin bore marks of being whipped.
Her arms and legs showed bruises, likely from being tightly bound with some kind of rope.And inside her stomach…
That sloshing white substance.
It was labeled as male semen.
I stopped holding back on my physical modifications.With the situation this clear, there was no way I could stay silent.
"Are you this child's father?"
"Yes, I am. Oh, Saint."
"Don't lie! Speak only the truth! Are you truly this child's father?"
As my voice grew louder, the holy knights beside me, the police officers, and even the other impoverished onlookers turned their attention toward me.
"I—I really am this child's father! Why else would I have come to see the Saint?"
This son of a bitch.
He was clearly lying, and he thought he could get away with it?
Looks like I'd need to use another skill.
I had to be careful, though. If it landed in the wrong place, like when I used Time Stop last time, it'd be a disaster. Narrowing my eyes, I focused all my intent on the man in front of me, igniting my willpower.
Using skill: Absolute Hypnosis!
Thankfully, this time, the skill hit the target I intended.
"Speak the truth, without a single lie! Are you really this child's father?"
At my command, the man nodded with a face that screamed frustration and despair.
"No, I am not. I'm a human trafficker. This girl—I kidnapped her a few days ago from a nearby home..." He slapped his hands over his mouth in a panic, but it was too late.
"Remove your hands and tell the truth. What did you do to this child?"
"Well, since I was going to sell her anyway, I thought I'd... have a little fun first. But then she suddenly started coughing up blood! I panicked because if she was damaged, I couldn't sell her.
While I was wondering what to do, I heard rumors about the Saint. I thought I could get free treatment if I brought her here, so I—AAAAARRGH!"
The man began to run, but I had no intention of letting him escape.
Time Stop.
I'd used it once before, and now I concentrated hard, targeting his heart.
My control was still shaky, but fortunately, this time it worked.
A localized Time Stop locked the man's heart in place.
He clutched his chest and collapsed, convulsing on the ground.
"Gahhh! Aghhh! Ughhh!"
As he writhed in pain, I released the skill and lowered my hand.
"He's a criminal! Arrest him!"
"Take him in for interrogation!"
The nearby officers rushed in, pinning the man down and restraining him.
"Please, have mercy! Have mercy!" he screamed.
"I did it because I love it! I love the thrill of assaulting little kids! Why—why am I saying this out loud?!"
Because I hypnotized you, you bastard.
There'd be no need for interrogation at the station. He'd spill the truth with every question they asked.
As I turned my gaze from the disgusting man being dragged away, I saw the frail young girl he had been abusing. She was barely standing, her body trembling from malnourishment and fear.
I gently placed my hand on her head.
"Don't worry, child."
Unlike the others I'd helped before, I took extra care this time, focusing on her condition.
In less than three minutes, her frail body, covered in scars and bruises, began to transform.
She no longer looked like a victim of abuse but instead resembled a healthy, ordinary child.
I cleaned away the dirt and mud on her skin with my hands, revealing a bright, innocent face underneath.
But I didn't stop there.
I used my Absolute Hypnosis skill again, focusing harder than ever to erase the vile memories that clung to her like a shadow.
"I'll make you forget. Such filthy, horrid memories have no place in your life."
My concentration faltered for a moment, but I managed to stabilize the skill and apply it to the girl. Her vacant, unfocused eyes briefly flickered before returning to clarity.
"Wh-where am I? Who are you, mister?"
I smiled and gently patted her head.
This skill may come from an adult game, but it feels pretty good to use it for this.I looked over at the paladin standing nearby.
"Please find her parents and help ensure she's never lost again."
It was only after seeing the paladin's face that I realized I'd made a mistake.
He was crying.
"Glory to the goddess Lilia!" he exclaimed, his voice shaking.
"He's a saint! Without a doubt, he's a saint!"
The nearby impoverished citizens began to weep and bow before me.
Some even fell to their knees, sobbing.
Sweat poured down my back.
"We shall follow your orders, oh Saint of Lilia," the paladin said, his voice thick with emotion."For the last time, I'm not affiliated with any specific—"
But before I could finish, the paladin left, tears streaming like waterfalls as he carried the girl away.
I stood there, watching the retreating paladin and the chanting crowd, my sweat cold and unrelenting.
How did this happen?
I'd never even spoken the name "Lilia" before, yet here I was, a supposed saint of the goddess, hailed by everyone around me.
And if the actual Lilia clergy found out I wasn't one of them?
No doubt they'd brand me a heretic and burn me at the stake.
Burned at the stake. Shit!
"Next person, please," I called out, resuming my work.
As I continued treating the impoverished, one thought consumed me:
Please, someone find the witch with four arms already. Hurry!Close menuWait, This Isn't an Adult Game?!Chapter 18Chapter 17Chapter 16Chapter 15Chapter 14Chapter 13Chapter 12Chapter 11Chapter 10Chapter 9Chapter 8Chapter 7Chapter 6Chapter 5Chapter 4Chapter 3Chapter 2Chapter 1Chapter 0CommentsDiscussion ReviewCommentsClose menuCommentsDiscussion ReviewShow Comments⚙
Open main menuAsianLitLoomOpen main menu0Home/Wait This Isnt an Adult GamePreviousNextOpen main menuChapter 7
The annual academic conference had begun.
The Tower of Magic in the capital city of Mars was teeming with a diverse crowd from across the empire.
Representatives of the grand merchant guilds, powerful enough to sway the empire's economy.High-ranking priests from the most prominent religious orders.
And many more.
The upper echelons of society, all curious about the direction of magical advancements, had gathered in the Tower of Magic.
"High Priest! It's been ages! Hahaha!"
"And you too, Baikal Guildmaster! A pleasure to see you again! Hahaha!"
The attendees mingled leisurely, chatting over an assortment of snacks, tea, and alcohol in the reception hall.
Yet, the real focus of everyone's attention was elsewhere—on the representatives from the regional branches of the Magic Towers, who had been invited to present their research papers.Though officially described as a time for exchanging greetings, it was no secret: this was a stage to determine the next Tower Master or the leader who would spearhead the advancement of magic in the empire.
"I heard you're the author of the Mars branch's representative paper. Hahaha! Congratulations. Witnessing such brilliant intellects emerge is always a pleasure."
"Erfa It's been far too long! I'm looking forward to your new paper."
Person after person—many of them individuals of immense influence—approached Erfa, extending their hands for a handshake.
Even with four arms, Erfa found it difficult to keep up.
But she wasn't annoyed.
Not at all.
I'm being recognized.
Everyone was looking at her.
Reaching out to her, showing interest in her.
The same person her own parents had abandoned in disgust, unable to hide their revulsion, was now being acknowledged and accepted.
Erfa felt tears well up.
But every time such emotions surfaced, she reinforced the binding magic on the silver mask covering the left side of her face.
She would never let it be revealed.
Erfa repeated this vow to herself over and over.
If the hideous face hidden beneath the mask were exposed, the consequences would be unimaginable.
Just the thought was enough to make her soul feel like it was crumbling.
She didn't want much.
She just wanted to keep being acknowledged.
To have ordinary human connections.
To live among people, to belong.
She couldn't bear the thought of being abandoned, hurt, and left to endure a lonely existence again.
—They just think your left face is severely deformed and twisted, so you're hiding it.Those words.
Spoken like a dagger by Tuidel , who had stormed in out of nowhere just yesterday.
They lingered, echoing endlessly in Erfa's mind.
The witch who had despised and envied her from the moment Erfa arrived at the Tower of Magic.
Who knew what Tuidel might try?
Erfa couldn't even begin to imagine.
All she could do was pray.
Pray that nothing would go wrong today.
"I now declare the 213th Annual Academic Conference open! Would all attendees please take their seats!"
Finally, the conference commenced.
The bustling crowd began settling into their seats.
Erfa, along with the other representative researchers from the regional Magic Towers, moved backstage.
This was where they prepared for their presentations.
Erfa took her designated seat, just like the others, and began revising her presentation one last time.
Luckily, Tuidel was nowhere to be seen.
Although the unease still lingered, Erfa managed to push it aside.
The binding magic on her mask, a spell she had designed herself, couldn't be easily broken.
To be extra cautious, she had physically secured the mask to her face with a fine thread today.
Even if Tuidel had malicious intentions, it wouldn't be easy to remove the mask.
Focus, Erfa. Let go of those thoughts.
She would not be exposed.
No matter what happened, she would not be exposed.
With that resolute thought, Erfa continued her preparations for the presentation.
The Prestige of the Conference
The annual academic conference boasted research befitting its prestigious status.
A thesis on a revolutionary mana engine.
A study on a new healing potion.
A paper detailing methods to increase the flight speed of airships.
The applause in the hall grew louder with each presentation, and the mages and witches who delivered them left the stage with prideful expressions.
"The representative thesis of the Mars branch: The Trichromatic Research!"
It was Erfa's turn.
Slowly, Erfa ascended the stage. She could feel the thunderous applause and countless eyes fixated on her.
Taking a deep breath, she gave a polite bow before conjuring her research into a projected illusion above the stage using a magic stone. Then, she began her presentation.
The Trichromatic Research was a study on the optimization of magic—a method to cast larger spells with less mana.
As her explanation continued, the eyes of the audience transformed.
This wasn't just a breakthrough.
It was a revolution.
Her research was both academically rigorous and immensely practical, applicable across countless fields.
Creativity, innovation, advancement—her work embodied all these qualities without compromise.
"With that, I conclude my presentation on The Trichromatic Research."
The moment her final words echoed through the hall, the entire audience rose to their feet in applause.
"Amazing! Absolutely amazing!!"
"This is the most remarkable research I've heard in years! Perfect, Erfa!"
Erfa looked out at the faces of the applauding crowd. Overwhelmed by emotion, she had to quickly avert her gaze.
She had been acknowledged.
The vision she had only dared to dream of had finally become reality.
She would no longer be rejected.
She would no longer be oppressed or mistreated.
People would love her.
Clutching her trembling four hands tightly, Erfa bowed her head low, whispering a soft, "Thank you."
She wished this moment could last forever.
As her bow deepened, the applause grew even louder.
Tuidel was nowhere to be seen.
"It seems we've found our next Tower Master," said Tower Master orgen, his voice carrying to the stage as he smiled.
Could there be any greater happiness than this?
As Erfa lifted her head with a smile, it happened.
Clap. Clap. Clap.
The deliberate sound of slow, loud clapping.
A figure stood from the audience and began walking toward her.
It was Tuidel.
The smile on Erfa's face vanished.
As Tuidel confidently stepped forward, the rhythmic applause in the hall faltered. One by one, people stopped clapping, turning to watch her instead.
"An excellent thesis! A truly remarkable achievement!" Tuidel exclaimed with a broad smile, her voice carrying clearly.
"If only it weren't hiding such an ugly truth."
Murmurs rippled through the audience, growing louder with each passing second.Confusion.
Tower Master orgen stood from his seat, his displeasure evident.
"Tuidel. What is the meaning of this?"
"I'm aware this is out of line, Master orgen. But there is a truth that must be exposed!""Whatever truth you claim to have, such behavior is unacceptable. Return to your seat immediately and—"
Tuidel's shout cut through orgen's words, freezing the entire hall.
The priests of the White Order, present among the audience, looked particularly grave.
"Witch Erfa is an abomination!" Tuidel declared, her voice brimming with triumph.
"She has deceived us all! A being of misfortune and disaster has been hiding among us!"
With a dramatic gesture, Tuidel pointed directly at Erfa's silver mask.
"Beneath that mask lies a hideous, revolting face! She has kept this secret from us for over ten years!"
"Is this true?"
The priests of the White Order rose from their seats, unable to contain themselves.
"It must be verified! Have you seen it yourself?"
"Of course I have. Beneath that mask is a face so grotesque, it feels as if one's very soul is being tainted just by looking at it."
But it was a lie.
She had never seen it.
The Gamble
Of course, Erfa had never revealed the left side of her face.
She was notorious for wearing her mask compulsively—not just when meeting others but even while sleeping.
To be precise, Tuidel was gambling.
If Erfa were to calmly remove her silver mask and reveal an unblemished face, Tuidel would suffer significant damage to her credibility.
Even if the revealed face was disfigured, as long as it wasn't grotesque enough to provoke revulsion—say, just an ordinary burn scar—Tuidel would lose.
For her gamble to pay off, what lay beneath Erfa's mask had to be grotesque, repulsive enough to shock everyone present.
And Tuidel was confident she would win.
She hated Erfa, but that hatred had driven her to study her rival meticulously.
Tuidel knew Erfa well because she wanted to defeat her. She had observed, researched, and prepared for this moment.
That's why she could stand before everyone now, filled with conviction.
"I swear on my honor and my status as a witch of the Magic Tower," Tuidel declared boldly.
Her words prompted the priests of the White Order to push through the crowd and advance.
Several elders of the Magic Tower, including Tower Master orgen, who held Erfa in high regard, stood in their way.
"This is unacceptable! Investigating a witch or mage of the Tower requires proper authorization! You cannot act based on a mere accusation!" orgen protested, his voice heated.
One of the White Order priests raised their voice in response.
"Then we formally request an investigation! As per protocol, if more than 70% of the mages and witches in the Mars branch agree, the investigation can proceed! Summon the mages and witches immediately!"
"Must it come to this?" orgen asked, his tone tinged with desperation.
"It must! An abomination cannot be ignored or dismissed!"
"Historically, most individuals accused of being abominations were simply patients with rare illnesses! Nine out of ten cases turned out to be misunderstandings!"
"And the remaining one out of ten brought disaster on a massive scale! Particularly if the accused is a witch, the risk is even greater! A single abomination could bring calamity upon the entire empire! The vote must proceed immediately!"
orgen realized there was no way to stop this.
"Summon the mages and witches of the Tower—"
"There's no need for that, Tower Master," Tuidel interrupted with a smug clap of her hands. "I've already summoned them."
At her signal, dozens of mages and witches filed into the conference hall in orderly rows.
"Seventy-five members of the Mars branch Magic Tower are present. That's well over 70% of the total. We can vote now, can't we?"
Tuidel smiled sweetly as orgen shot her a conflicted glare.
In the end, he had no choice but to step back.
"One of our Tower witches has been accused of being an abomination," orgen began, addressing the assembly.
"As you all know, 'abomination' was a term used in an era of ignorance to describe those suffering from rare conditions. The White Order has formally requested the right to investigate Witch Erfa."
orgen glanced at Erfa, who stood frozen and trembling on the stage.
"Erfa is an excellent witch. She has never harmed anyone and has walked the path of magic with great diligence and integrity. Her talents should continue to serve humanity in the future. That is my belief."
He paused, his voice somber.
"The White Order's request is baseless. Erfa is not an abomination. I hope you all agree with me."
With that, orgen drew his wand and waved it in the air.
A massive ethereal scale appeared, shimmering above the hall.
"We shall now vote on whether to accept the White Order's request."
The mages and witches pulled out their wands, each casting light from its tip that floated toward the scale.
Erfa watched, her face tense, as the light gathered.
Please, she prayed silently.
She had tried so hard to be kind to everyone.
Surely she hadn't done anything to make enemies among the Magic Tower's members.Not everyone was like Tuidel.
Not everyone would be consumed by jealousy and abandon her.
She wanted to believe that.
"The voting is complete. We will now tally the results," orgen announced.
The ethereal scale began to tip.
Erfa could only watch, her heart pounding as a tear slipped down her cheek.
"Of the 77 votes cast… 56 are in favor of the White Order's investigation."
orgen's voice was weak as he made the declaration.
The moment Erfa's heavenly triumph turned into a descent into hell.Close menuWait, This Isn't an Adult Game?!Chapter 18Chapter 17Chapter 16Chapter 15Chapter 14Chapter 13Chapter 12Chapter 11Chapter 10Chapter 9Chapter 8Chapter 7Chapter 6Chapter 5Chapter 4Chapter 3Chapter 2Chapter 1Chapter 0CommentsDiscussion ReviewCommentsClose menuCommentsDiscussion ReviewShow Comments⚙
Open main menuAsianLitLoomOpen main menu0Home/Wait This Isnt an Adult GamePreviousNextOpen main menuChapter 8
The priests of the White Order strode onto the stage, their movements deliberate and heavy.
On their hands were the Gauntlets of Exorcism, a symbol of their demon hunters.
Holy power radiated from them as they surrounded Erfa.
"Please remove your mask," one of the priests said.
The tone was polite, yet chillingly stern.
"I... I'm not... I'm not..."
Erfa's voice trembled as tears streamed down her face.
"I'm not an abomination."
"That will be determined after we see your left face. Please do not resist. Resistance will lead the entire White Order to deem you an enemy."
"Please! Don't do this! Tower Master!"
Erfa's desperate cry rang out, but orgen only looked back at her with a face full of helplessness."Everyone! Please...!"
Her tearful plea reached out to the gathered mages and witches, but the response was cold.Few showed sympathy.
Most wore mocking expressions, as if reveling in her plight.
It was in that moment that Erfa realized—Tuidel wasn't the only one who resented her.
She had been surrounded by envy and malice all along.
"Do not resist."
The priests moved closer, their hands reaching toward her face.
When one of them touched her mask—
Erfa screamed, unleashing a burst of telekinetic force that sent the priests stumbling backward.The sudden surge of magic stunned them momentarily.
"I am not an abomination!" Erfa shouted, her voice trembling with fury and desperation.
"I won't take off this mask! I refuse to yield to such unjust accusations!"
But her defiance could not change her fate.
"Restrain her!"
The gauntlets gleamed with divine light as the priests invoked their holy power.
In an instant, glowing rings of sanctity bound Erfa's body, paralyzing her.
She struggled, trying to break free.
She reached for her wand, intending to dispel the miraculous bindings tightening around her.
But before she could act, her wand flew out of her grasp, clattering to the floor far behind her.
Tower Master Orgen had intervened, his wand deftly disarming her.
"T-Tower Master..."
Erfa's voice cracked with betrayal.
"I had no choice, Erfa," Orgen said, his voice heavy with regret.
"If you truly aren't an abomination, you have no reason to resist. Just let them remove your mask."
"No! No! Don't take it off!"
Erfa's cries grew louder, more frantic.
"I'm not an abomination! You're misunderstanding me!"
"We'll determine that after the mask is removed."
The priests approached her again, their movements unrelenting.
Erfa's trembling form froze, her silver mask still in place.
And yet, the air was charged with inevitability, a verdict written before it could even be read.
The priests of the White Order stepped forward.
Among them, the one who appeared to be the leader reached out and placed his hand on Erfa's silver mask.
As the holy light from the Gauntlet of Exorcism surged, the binding magic on the mask—crafted by Erfa herself—was forcibly dispelled.
"No! No!" Erfa screamed, her voice desperate and raw.
But her cries could not stop what was happening.
Her mask was removed.
And before the entire assembly of the academic conference, her hidden left face was revealed."W-What is that?!"
"My god!"
A suffocating silence.
And then—
Laughter. Cruel, mocking laughter erupted all at once.
"Look! Look at her, everyone!" Tuidel exclaimed with a triumphant grin.
"I told you, didn't I? I told you she was hiding something disgusting!"
With a flourish, Tuidel cast an illusion spell, magnifying Erfa's exposed face so even those at the back of the hall could see clearly.
The grotesque sight of over ten spider-like eyes embedded chaotically on the left side of her face, blinking erratically, was enough to evoke visceral disgust.
Some vomited on the spot; others fled the hall in horror.
Tuidel burst into laughter, a pure and unrestrained joy lighting up her face.
After all, her gamble had paid off spectacularly.
"Priests of the White Order!" Tuidel called out.
"What do you think? Does this look like a mere rare disease to you, or is it clearly the abomination I claimed it to be?"
The priests responded not with words but with action, intensifying the suppression spell binding Erfa.
"This is undoubtedly an abomination," one of the priests declared.
"This is no rare disease. It matches precisely the descriptions in the records. A walking massacre with dozens of eyes. This is the form of a harbinger of calamity."
Tower Master Orgen closed his eyes tightly, anguish etched into his face.
"What will happen to Erfa?" he asked quietly.
"She will be transported to the headquarters of the White Order and dealt with swiftly before she can bring about the calamity foretold."
"I see," Orgen replied, his voice heavy.
"It has already been decided by vote. The Magic Tower will support the judgment of the White Order."
With that, orgen turned his back on Erfa and walked away.
"No! Tower Master, please!" Erfa cried, collapsing to her knees.
"I'm not an abomination! I can fix this! I've been researching! With more time, I can fix my face!"Tears streamed down her cheeks as she begged.
"Please! Everyone, give me one more chance! I'm not a calamity! You all know me! I'm just an ordinary person! I'm just... I'm just..."
"An ordinary person?"
Tuidel sneered as she climbed onto the stage, towering over the broken Erfa.
"With a face like that? Should we even call someone with a face like yours 'human'? And you've got four arms, too. I called you a spider before, but I never thought you'd look this much like one."
The dozens of blinking eyes on her left and the single, tear-filled eye on her right reflected nothing but despair.
Tuidel looked down at Erfa, her expression one of euphoric satisfaction.
"You're hideous, Erfa. Disgustingly hideous. Who would ever consider you human?"
"Enough," one of the priests said sternly.
"Provoking the harbinger serves no purpose."
Tuidel shrugged and stepped back, her grin unrelenting.
Erfa's body sagged, all strength leaving her as though her very soul had shattered.The priests lifted her with divine magic, beginning to carry her away.
The room was filled with a cacophony of reactions.
Some snickered.
Some looked on with pity.
And some were visibly pleased by her downfall.
Erfa, her face a mask of utter devastation, was dragged away by the priests.
Chaos consumed the conference hall.
And the one to restore order was none other than Tower Master Orgen.
"Due to unforeseen circumstances within the Mars branch of the Magic Tower," he began, his voice strained with sorrow,
"the 213th Academic Conference will be postponed until tomorrow. We apologize for the delay caused by this unfortunate incident."
With those words, Orgen announced the suspension of the conference, his voice heavy with guilt and regret.
As the academic conference dispersed in disarray, mages and witches filed out, their whispers loud and venomous.
"That girl always brought bad luck."
"Who knew she was hiding such a hideous face?"
"Is she even human? More like a spider, really."
The murmurs were filled with mocking laughter.
Great talent often invites envy and jealousy, and when resentment festers within a crowd, guilt becomes diluted, leaving only cruelty behind.
Among the mages and witches, there were many eccentrics, impulsive souls who acted without considering the far-reaching consequences of their actions.
Even though the priests of the White Order had clearly warned against provoking the so-called harbinger of calamity…
"Should we spread the word?"
"Imagine what people will say when they see that spider freak!"
Fueled by curiosity and spite, a group of young mages and witches decided to do the unthinkable—not because they truly hated Erfa, but because they thought it would be fun.
Their jealousy was real, but their ignorance of Erfa's true power was even greater.
As a recluse, Erfa rarely ventured beyond the Magic Tower, except for significant occasions like the conference.
Even Tower Master Orgen, who had brought her into the Tower, didn't fully understand the depth of her magical potential.
And so, the young mages and witches, blinded by petty grudges and naivety, followed the priests escorting Erfa.
"Stay focused," one priest instructed the others.
"We must maintain the suppression miracle at all costs. If she breaks free, it will be catastrophic."
The four priests poured all their energy into maintaining the divine restraints binding Erfa.
This effort left them oblivious to the young mages trailing behind, masked by cloaking spells.
The priests, having shrouded Erfa in cloth to conceal her appearance, quietly slipped out of the Magic Tower through a back entrance.
Then, just as they reached the main street—
A sudden burst of magical fireworks exploded into the sky.
"Remove the cloth!"
The cloth covering Erfa's grotesque left face was torn away, exposing her to the public.The timing was perfect. The crowd's attention, drawn by the fireworks, immediately turned to her.
And there she was—Erfa, her left side grotesquely marked by the spider-like eyes blinking erratically.
"Oh my god!"
"What is that?!"
The crowd erupted in chaos.
The priests scrambled to find something—anything—to cover her face again, but the cloth had been whisked away by magic.
"Damn it all!" one priest cursed.
"We told you—don't provoke the harbinger!"
"Move back! Move back! Stop gawking and disperse!" the priests shouted, but the crowd was unmoving, eager to witness the spectacle.
"What kind of monstrous face is that?"
"She's a spider! A spider!"
"Disgusting! I'm going to lose my lunch!"
Someone threw filth.
The muck landed squarely on Erfa's face.
The priests' desperate shouts grew louder.
"This is dangerous! Step back! Step back!"
But their hands were tied. All their energy was focused on maintaining the suppression miracle restraining Erfa. They couldn't spare any power to drive away the crowd.
"Request reinforcements! Call for paladins and more priests from the nearby White Order chapels! Now!"
While the priests tried to regain control, Erfa stood there, motionless.
Covered in filth, drenched in sewage, her spirit and soul shattered beyond repair.
Meanwhile, in a nearby slum, a self-proclaimed saint was tending to the sick.
"Saint! Saint!"
A paladin, sent to investigate the witches, came sprinting toward him, panting heavily.Oh, had they found her? Was it a black witch?
"Did you find—"
"The witch you mentioned is being pelted with filth and insults in the streets!"
Surely he had misheard.
A witch, someone potentially as dangerous as a ticking time bomb, was being paraded through the streets?
"A witch with four arms and a face half-covered with countless eyes is being escorted by priests of the White Order! Civilians are throwing garbage at her while mocking her! I just witnessed it on Third Street!"
"Where? Where?"
"Near the Third Street alley! But Saint, it's dangerous to go alone—"
Before the paladin could finish, the saint had already taken off running.
"Damn it. Damn it!"
He swore under his breath as he sprinted.
She's in the capital? That witch?
They must have discovered her because of her dark magic!
"Hang on! I'm coming!" he muttered, panic rising in his chest.
"I'll heal you. I swear I'll heal you! Just please—please don't lose control before I get there!"Close menuWait, This Isn't an Adult Game?!Chapter 18Chapter 17Chapter 16Chapter 15Chapter 14Chapter 13Chapter 12Chapter 11Chapter 10Chapter 9Chapter 8Chapter 7Chapter 6Chapter 5Chapter 4Chapter 3Chapter 2Chapter 1Chapter 0CommentsDiscussion ReviewCommentsClose menuCommentsDiscussion ReviewShow Comments⚙
Open main menuAsianLitLoomOpen main menu0Home/Wait This Isnt an Adult GamePreviousNextOpen main menuChapter 9
It probably began when the extra pair of arms started to grow beneath her original ones.
That was when her parents must have decided to abandon her.
When they discovered the lower arms—fully grown within just three months—they tried to cut them off.
They tied her down, forcing her to endure as her father's saw bit into her lower arms.
Terrified and in excruciating pain, she instinctively unleashed magic for the first time.
Her father and mother were flung backward, crashing into the walls.
Her father was injured. Her mother screamed at her, staring with horror-stricken eyes.
"We should never have given birth to something like you."
Erfa remembered her mother's words. She remembered the knives and sickles they held, calling her a demon and demanding that she leave.
When she begged to stay, her mother swung a knife, leaving a deep gash across her face. Only then did Erfa flee the house.
If her own family reacted like this, how could she expect anything different from strangers?
She learned quickly. Stones and sticks rained upon her wherever she went. She was chased and beaten, forcing her to retreat deep into the forest.
Afraid her lower arms would terrify others, she chose solitude.
Thankfully, her natural talent for magic allowed her to survive, even as a child.
With four arms, she could work twice as efficiently as others.
But at the age of twelve, her left face began to change.
Eyes—one by one—started sprouting.
Even she found her appearance horrifying.
So she began covering the left side of her face with leaves.
Alone in the forest, Erfa mastered countless spells without a single teacher.
Her words summoned fire, felled wild beasts, and prepared meals of roasted meat before her.
Yet, despite her mastery of magic, she couldn't fix her grotesque body—her arms, her face.
One day, haunted by dreams of her parents abandoning her, she resolved to take drastic action.
At just fifteen years old, Erfa repeatedly passed out and woke up again as she tried to sever her lower arms and scrape away the deformities on her left face.
She cauterized her wounds with fire, hoping desperately that when she woke the next morning, she would finally look normal.
But her body betrayed her.
The next day, she awoke to find her arms regrown, and the eyes she had plucked out returned, glaring mockingly at her from her scarred, discolored skin.
No matter what she did, no matter how powerful the magic, they refused to disappear.
For the first time, she felt the desire to learn proper magic—not for survival, but for change.
She wanted stronger magic to rid herself of her monstrous features.
She wanted to be normal.
To live among people.
So when Tower Master orgen stumbled upon her in the forest and recognized her extraordinary talent, inviting her to join the Magic Tower, Erfa didn't refuse.
She studied obsessively, immersing herself in research.
Her relentless dedication culminated in the Trichromatic Research—a study born from her unyielding determination.
At its core, the research was about optimizing magic, maximizing efficiency.
But on a deeper level, it was a means to an end: a way to harness the unimaginable scale of magic needed to fix her own body.
To be human again.
To live as one of them.
She clung to that hope.
And yet—
"You hideous witch!"
The words echoed in her mind, shattering the dream she had fought so hard to make real.
"Disgusting! Absolutely revolting!"
"Ugh! I'm gonna puke!"
Even if she could return to normal, would they accept her?
Even if she appeared before them as a perfectly ordinary human, would they ever treat her as one of their own again?
Mud, filth, and rotten debris splattered against her head, snapping it to the side.
Through the haze of pain and humiliation, she glimpsed young mages and witches hidden among the crowd, giggling as though this was nothing more than a joke.
Was this a game to them?
Even in this moment, as her soul, her life, and her very sense of self were being torn apart, were they truly laughing?
Because I'm ugly?
Is it just because I don't look like them?
She had done nothing wrong—absolutely nothing—and yet this was what they had reduced her to.
A burning rage began to consume her.
Slowly, her overwhelming mana and unmatched talent started to churn, directing the inferno of her fury toward the very people who mocked her.
If she combined the results of her Trichromatic Research with the mana boiling inside her, she could obliterate the entire capital.
No—she could destroy the entire empire.
She was tired.
Tired of clawing for recognition, of striving to be accepted by people who had only ever rejected her.
Her years of struggle seemed foolish now, and she no longer had the will to continue.
If the empire had done nothing but wound her, then she would burn it all to ash.
The mana within her began to boil over, surging with intensity.
The miracle binding her body would shatter in an instant if she unleashed the magic she was preparing.
All she had to do was let it out.
Let it all out, and it would end—for her, and for them.
As she lifted her head, ready to release the storm within her—
"Stop! Stop this at once!"
"It's the Saint! The Saint is here!"
"Don't you dare throw anything at him, you lunatics!"
Through the haze of chaos, Erfa's eyes focused on an unfamiliar sight.
A man, walking toward her.
He was looking at her directly, unflinchingly, as if nothing about her appearance fazed him.
And he kept walking, step by deliberate step, closing the distance between them.
Are we all trying to die today?
The thought screamed in my head as I saw the chaos unfold.
Filthy projectiles flew through the air, aimed at the four-armed witch being dragged through the mud by White Order priests who were visibly overwhelmed.
It was a circus.
A catastrophic circus happening on top of a metaphorical nuclear bomb.
As I saw the so-called harbinger of calamity on the brink of exploding—not just metaphorically—I bolted toward the mess, my instincts kicking in despite every fiber of my being screaming to turn back.
The roads were a filthy mixture of mud, trash, and waste. Modernity had yet to grace this era—no paved streets, no radio broadcasts—just the raw, unfiltered brutality of a society still finding its feet.
I pushed through the crowd, wading into the chaos as people gleefully hurled filth, stones, and bottles at the witch.
And then it started.
Mud mixed with feces splattered onto my clothes.
A piece of debris, or maybe a shattered bottle, slammed into my head, splitting the skin open. Warm blood trickled down my face, mixing with the filth.
I barely noticed.
The priests of the Sun Order, along with some of the police and even the impoverished people I'd been helping earlier, rushed in to shield me from the barrage.
"It's the Saint!"
"Stop this madness at once!"
"Don't you dare harm the Saint!"
The mood shifted as the crowd, recognizing me, hesitated. The torrent of projectiles ceased as the mob was forcibly subdued by the reinforcements.
But I couldn't afford to let my guard down. Not yet.
The witch—this ticking time bomb—was still there, and I knew she was on the brink.
"Stop! Don't go any closer!"
"She's an abomination! A bringer of calamity!"
"If you come any closer, we will—"
The White Order priests raised their hands toward me, but they were immediately silenced by the Sun Order paladins forming a protective barrier around me.
"Do you dare threaten the Saint, chosen by the goddess herself?"
"Show respect! This is the Saint, blessed by the divine!"
I'm not a saint!
I wanted to shout it, but my survival instincts overruled my frustration. Any wrong move, any poorly chosen word, could trigger the witch's explosion.
So I stayed silent, inching closer to her.
"Don't… don't come any closer..."
Her trembling voice reached my ears as I cautiously approached.
The priests, perhaps mistaking my expression for divine determination instead of raw fear, faltered. Their hesitation broke the miracle restraining her.
As the bindings fell away, the witch began to collapse into the filth. Without thinking, I caught her.
God, this is terrifying.
Holding her trembling body, I carefully began wiping the filth off her face and arms.
Stay calm. Don't explode. Please don't explode.
My hands worked mechanically, like soothing a cat before surgery.
"You're okay. You're okay," I murmured, my voice unintentionally shaky. Fear? No—it was terror, thinly veiled behind an unconvincing calm.
Finally, I succeeded in cleaning her face, revealing the mass of grotesque, spider-like eyes on her left side.
Oh, yikes. That's... yeah.
To my modern, internet-damaged brain, it wasn't as shocking as it could've been. It reminded me of those monster-girl memes or something out of a niche horror anime.
But she didn't know that.
"Do you... do you think I'm hideous too?"
Her broken whisper made my heart plummet.
Shit. Shit. Shit. She's gonna blow.
I had no clue how to handle this. My past life hadn't prepared me for emotionally delicate, magical, explosive women.
In my panic, I leaned down and kissed her grotesque left cheek.
Please don't explode.
Her body flinched violently. She began trembling even more.
Oh no. Oh no. Was that a mistake? Is she about to go off?!
My brain scrambled for something—anything—to say.
A line from a movie? A book? Anything to defuse this situation!
Finally, a line surfaced in my mind.
Forgive me, Miyazaki. I'm borrowing this one.
"You're not hideous," I said, holding her tightly.
Her trembling didn't stop, but I pressed on, my voice cracking under the weight of the moment."You are beautiful."
I couldn't bring myself to look at her face, not out of fear of her appearance, but because I was terrified that even a hint of displeasure in her expression would send me into a full-blown panic attack.
Please. Please. Don't explode.
Don't explode.Close menuWait, This Isn't an Adult Game?!Chapter 18Chapter 17Chapter 16Chapter 15Chapter 14Chapter 13Chapter 12Chapter 11Chapter 10Chapter 9Chapter 8Chapter 7Chapter 6Chapter 5Chapter 4Chapter 3Chapter 2Chapter 1Chapter 0CommentsDiscussion ReviewCommentsClose menuCommentsDiscussion ReviewShow Comments⚙
Open main menuAsianLitLoomOpen main menu0Home/Wait This Isnt an Adult GamePreviousNextOpen main menuChapter 10
{When they lifted their eyes to the saint, they saw him bleeding and weeping.
He willingly wallowed in filth and muck, loving and pitying even the most vile and unclean.
He called the wretched "beautiful" because, since the beginning of time, true beauty had never existed.
Through this, you shall witness the grace of the living goddess.}
— The Book of Grace, Chapter 51, Verse 12
It had been about three minutes since I tightly embraced the witch, patting her back gently.I could feel my shoulder growing damp.
The witch in my arms was crying.
I couldn't tell if she was sobbing because she was calming down, moved by emotion, or—hell—so furious that she needed to vent before setting the world ablaze.
I pulled her even closer.
"It's okay. It's going to be okay."
It's not okay. Damn it.
Can't you please stop crying and calm down?
I can't tell if this is the prelude to an explosion or if you're actually cooling off.
As I half-lost my mind, continuing to pat her back, the priests of the White Order erupted behind me.
"No matter how saintly you are, this is unacceptable!"
"That is an abomination! A calamity! It will bring ruin upon the world!"
"We must act quickly! Saint, step aside! We cannot let this stand!!"
"A calamity that will bring ruin upon the world," huh?
Yeah. They're right.
She is a calamity.
But seriously, can't they see I'm bending over backward to save their miserable lives?
You idiots! If I don't console her now, she'll blow!
Still raw from my near-death experience earlier, my nerves were on edge. I glared at the priests, raising my voice.
If I wanted to survive, I had to take the witch's side.
"Why do you call her a calamity?"
At my question, the priests pointed at the witch, their voices frantic.
"She's an abomination, Saint! Abomination!
Look at those spider-like four arms, her twisted left face, and those hideous, bulging eyes!"
"It's not some rare disease! She's cursed! That's why she's so grotesque!"
"She will bring ruin to the world!"
These crazy bastards!
The witch can hear you, you know!
What are you going to do if she blows up?!
I shouted furiously, "Are you saying she's a calamity because she's ugly? Is that all it takes to destroy someone's soul and life?"
Still holding the witch, I stood up.
Maybe it was because my life was hanging by a thread, but my voice came out terrifyingly loud—even to me.
It was the desperate cry of someone clinging to survival.
"What truly makes someone ugly?! Is it a distorted face and body? No! It's not! That's not what ugliness is!
The real ugliness is in your hearts!"
I turned to the citizens who had been hurling filth and mocking her moments ago.
"You're the truly ugly ones! Throwing trash at someone, destroying their life and soul just because of how they look!"
Next, I glared at the wizards and witches who had been chuckling and whispering.
"You're uglier still! Laughing and gossiping like it's a joke while someone is falling apart!"
And finally, I directed my voice at the priests of the White Order.
"And you! You claim to hunt evil, yet your hands are stained with the blood of the innocent. That's the ugliest thing of all!"
The priests faltered, stepping back.
With how booming my voice had been, I couldn't blame them.
To be honest, I didn't even know what I was saying anymore. It was more or less verbal diarrhea born out of my desperation to stay alive.
"...A distorted appearance doesn't just happen. It's a curse from the gods, Saint."
"Indeed. If you let her live, she will eventually... inevitably, cause ruin, Saint."
"Leaving such an abomination alive puts the empire at risk. We are only acting to save everyone, Saint."
The priests stammered out a feeble reply.
They have a point.
Honestly, everything those priests said is correct.
The White Order, famed for their demon hunters, certainly lives up to their reputation. How else could they have pinpointed this dark sorceress and witch, escorting her here like this?
But I had to stop this witch from going berserk.
If they kept pushing her, we were all going to die!
"Sure, some gods might curse people. Not all gods are benevolent, after all."
I needed to dissuade these priests.
How could I do that?
Stick to my original plan, twisted as things might have become.
I had to fix her face.
"And if there are gods who curse, there must also be gods who lift curses."
I gently placed my hand on the witch's head and activated my skill.
Skill: Body Modification activated!
A familiar customization window appeared, displaying a 3D model of the witch's body.
After modifying countless impoverished folks, this interface had become second nature to me.Slowly, I began to alter her body.
I removed the extra pair of arms protruding from her lower torso.
The grotesque burn scars marring her left face were smoothed away.
The cluster of bulging eyes was eliminated.
Piece by piece, I cleaned up everything.
When I was done, there was nothing more to adjust.
Her natural features were already stunning—once everything was fixed, she was breathtakingly beautiful.
"Ah! Uh...! Ngh!"
The witch let out odd noises as her body transformed.
It wasn't unusual; most people made strange sounds when their muscles and bones shifted during modifications.
But why was her body starting to glow?
Wait. What was this?
Why was her body emitting light?
As the process concluded, a sudden burst of brilliance radiated from her body, so bright it felt like being blinded.
The light faded, leaving behind a single figure—a woman so beautiful she sat dazed in the muddy ground, her radiance almost otherworldly.
"W-What in the world…"
"Oh my gods…"
The priests of the White Order were so stunned, they collapsed to their knees.
"Saint! Saint!!"
"A miracle! You've performed yet another miracle!!"
The commoners followed suit, dropping to their knees and bowing toward me.
"By the Sun, I swear I have never seen a truer saint."
"The Goddess of Grace is truly among us!"
Even the holy knights of the Sun Order crossed themselves and bowed deeply to me.
All of this… because of that final flash of light.
Honestly, even I couldn't deny it looked like a miracle.
I slowly examined the witch.
She's stunning!
Good enough to debut as a top-tier idol in Korea right now!
This should count as a complete recovery, right? No more berserking. Hopefully. Please.
"Whether it was a curse, an illness, or scars inflicted by others, they're all gone now. Woman, live a righteous life from now on and sin no more."
The witch tentatively touched her once-scarred left face, then looked up at me. Tears streamed silently down her cheeks.
Judging by those tears, it's the kind of crying that happens when someone's moved to their core!
I mean, if she exploded after this, that would've been ridiculous.
"You are beautiful. Truly."
I smiled warmly as I said that to her.
With a compliment like this, there's no way she's going to blow now.
The healing's done. Now, all that's left is to slip away quietly before the Lilia Order catches wind and arrives at the capital.
Erfa touched her left cheek.
The once-bumpy texture of hideous, horrifying eyes was gone. All she felt was smooth skin.
Everything was exactly as she had dreamed it to be.
A human form.
The extra pair of arms were no more, and the grotesque eyes had vanished.
Unconsciously, tears began streaming down her face.
To be honest, she had doubted the man standing before her up until moments ago.
She was a genius among geniuses, yet despite all her years of effort, she had never been able to change her appearance.
How could this man achieve in an instant what she couldn't in a lifetime?
But she had been wrong.
Something inexplicable had occurred—a phenomenon beyond the realm of magic.
Her extra arms disappeared, and her distorted face returned to normal.
At the moment of transformation, she had been so astonished and overjoyed that she'd lost control of her magic, inadvertently releasing it. That release had caused a blinding burst of light.
Even as she touched her face now, she couldn't believe it.
Erfa slowly rose to her feet and looked at the man before her.
The gentle smile on his face, even as blood trickled from his injured forehead, was radiant.
Even the sight of him bleeding seemed holy.
Just standing there, he exuded a sacred aura so overwhelming that it was difficult to meet his gaze.
Now she understood why the impoverished called him a saint.
He had performed a miracle.
Not just by changing her appearance, something nearly impossible even with magic.
If she had employed some advanced magic techniques using tricolor theorem, perhaps she might have been able to alter her own looks.
But even if she had done so, it would not have erased the twisted hatred and resentment buried deep in her heart.
Nor would it have changed how others, who had once seen her hideous face, now gazed at her with astonishment and reverence.
The man before her had achieved all of that at once.
So simply.
He had overcome challenges that no human effort could surmount.
Her heart began to race uncontrollably.
Erfa had never experienced love—not once in her life.
She had always been grotesque, repulsive, and dirty.
A few men had approached her, enchanted by the right side of her face, but they had left the moment she showed them her left side.
She had convinced herself that love was not for her, suppressing her emotions, burying herself in research.
She had lived as a recluse, isolated and determined.
But not anymore.
"Your name. I want to know your name."
Erfa grabbed the saint's sleeve with a trembling voice, her face flushed deep red.
"I am but a humble servant caring for the lowly, Witch."
The saint smiled warmly as he tried to gently pull his hand away, but she couldn't let go.
"Please… please tell me your name."
Erfa stepped closer and firmly clasped his hand.
At her touch, the saint's body trembled, his hand shaking as if he were a leaf in the wind, damp with cold sweat.
Erfa understood what was happening.
She knew that priests who performed powerful miracles sometimes exhibited these physical symptoms afterward.
As someone who had once researched miracles in hopes of healing her own body, she recognized the signs.
A miracle so profound that even she, a magic genius, couldn't replicate it—it must have taken an unimaginable toll on his body.
Seeing the blood streaming from his forehead, she suspected he might also have an infection.
"The saint is trembling! This is the aftershock of using a miracle!"
Erfa's cry spurred the Sun Order knights and White Order priests into action.
"Is he in divine rapture?"
"Yes! He is! He's sweating and shaking! He must rest!"
"Rofus! For all the destitute lives you've saved…!"
"Hurry! We need to prepare a place for him to rest! If we ignore this, it could end in disaster!"
At her words, the White Order and Sun Order began moving in unison.
"The Sun Order's base is closest. I'll lead the way!"
"Saint! Please, let me carry you!"
A knight hoisted the saint onto his back as Erfa and the White Order priests followed closely behind.
"Make way! The saint is unwell! Clear the path!"
The impoverished parted to form a path, and the knights quickly carried the saint through it.
Erfa followed.
Her face, her appearance—it all ceased to matter anymore.
That man being carried on the knight's back—he was her life now.
He had kissed the left side of her face, the side she had found so revolting that even she couldn't look at it.
"Live. You are beautiful."
The saint's words echoed vividly in her mind.
As she ran to keep up, Erfa's face burned red, hotter than she'd ever felt.
One thing was certain: this was no ordinary blush from strenuous exercise.Close menuWait, This Isn't an Adult Game?!Chapter 18Chapter 17Chapter 16Chapter 15Chapter 14Chapter 13Chapter 12Chapter 11Chapter 10Chapter 9Chapter 8Chapter 7Chapter 6Chapter 5Chapter 4Chapter 3Chapter 2Chapter 1Chapter 0CommentsDiscussion ReviewCommentsClose menuCommentsDiscussion ReviewShow Comments⚙