
Chapter 28: Japan​

I went back home to the farmhouse and saw my Mom sleeping peacefully. I decided not to wake her up. Instead, I quickly and quietly went upstairs to my old room. The beautiful Japanese girl was kneeling on a yoga mat with her eyes closed. Meditating, but also waiting patiently.

"I'm guessing you heard the noise downstairs." I closed the door and walked up in front of the naked girl.

"Hai, Onii-sama." She opened her dark eyes and immediately saw my cum-coated cock, then looked up at my face and spoke in Japanese, "Anata ga manzoku shinai koto wa wakatte imashita."

"I'm never satisfied." I put my slimy fingers in front of her mouth and she sucked on them obediently. Then I used my other hand to run my fingers through her hair, "You're such a good girl, Tatsu."

She was leaking a lot of juices the moment I said that. It was so cute. I pulled my fingers out of her mouth and replaced them with my cock, "Yasashiku shite ageru yo. Shikashi, izure ni seyo shukketsu surudeshou."

I pulled my cock out of her mouth so she could tell me seriously, "It would be my honor to bleed for you, Onii-sama."

"Totemo yoi imōtodesu." I let her continue to suck me off on her knees for a few more minutes, before I pulled my cock out of her mouth again, "Dogeza."

"Hai." She prostrated down between my legs as I walked over and crouched behind her sexy little ass. I knelt down behind her and started molesting her cheeks gently as she trembled. She has really pale skin, while her anus is a lot darker. I poked my fingers inside her moist asshole as she moaned slightly, "Kitanai yo."

"It's not dirty." I snickered and used two fingers to probe inside her butthole, while rubbing my cock up against her mound. She stayed in that position though, no matter how good she felt, she barely moved her body at all. My cock throbbed slightly and her ass was lifted up, but then my dick moved down and she was back to the same position as before.

Eventually I stopped fingering her asshole and used both my thumbs to spread her dark vulva apart, "Your pussy is beautiful. Like a little flower."

"Arigatō, demo hazukashī yo." She was embarrassed and it was adorable, "I hope you enjoy using me, Onii-sama."

"Hai, I definitely will." I was already leaking precum as I poked the tip of my cock inside of her lips very slowly and carefully-

"Clark! Help!" Lois screamed in my ear!

"Fuck!" I felt like time slowed down to a crawl. I pulled my dick out of Tatsu's twat and headed straight for the window, opening it and flying out of the atmosphere in a moment! I looked around for what felt like a minute or two, but eventually found the source of Lois' voice.

"Why the fuck is she in Japan?!" I mean, she travels all over the world as a reporter, so I guess it's not weird. I shot down through the atmosphere, through the roof of a skyscraper and straight into a penthouse. I blocked the bullets that were flying towards Lois, then punched upwards to blast the falling debris upwards! I looked around the room at everything in super slow motion.

The brown-haired, blue-eyed trouble-maker was wearing a white dress shirt, a long black skirt and a black vest. One of her normal work outfits. There was an old Japanese man laying on a bed in the room, well, his brains were splattered against the wall already. There was also a young woman that was riddled with bullets but not quite dead yet. I moved quickly and reached inside of her wounds, plucking out the pieces of metal and whole bullets pretty easily. Then I used my Biological Forcefield to compress her wounds together, acting on an even smaller level, I forced them shut completely. Burning them shut with heat-vision would be really fucking dangerous and unnecessary. My heat-vision skills honestly weren't that impressive yet anyway. Using her own flesh to stitch her wounds back together on a microscopic level was much simpler and easier from my perspective.

Then I looked over at the angry Japanese dudes with submachine guns who apparently just broke into the room. I was on the verge of vaporizing or eviscerating them, but then I calmed myself down. I thought back to Batman and smirked.

There was always time to kill them later, but it's debatable whether killing is actually worse than what Batman does to people.

"Aaaaah~!" The first man screamed in agony, followed by the second and third. They quickly collapsed to the ground with their hands and guns crushed together into nice little spicy meatballs.

"Clark! Oh my God, you saved me!" Lois hugged me and then grunted in pain, "Ow! What the hell?" She looked down at my dick and complained, "Were you jerking off in the shower or something?"

"Or something." I grumbled, "Seriously Lois, why the fuck don't you have any bodyguards?"

"I had to leave them outside to interview…" She looked over at the dead old bastard and sighed dramatically, "Mister Yamashiro here was the head of a Yakuza syndicate responsible for trafficking those girls you-" Lois suddenly turned to the three men on the ground and screamed, "Will you please shut the fuck up?! I'm trying to talk here!"

"I'll deal with it." I took off the dead old man's dirty socks and shoved them into the mouths of two of the men, while the third guy was smart enough to be quiet.

"Thanks." Lois giggled and looked down at my dick again, "Seriously Clark, how are you still hard? I'm kinda worried about you."

"I'm fine." I kicked off the ground and flew up into the sky, then quickly gathered up every large and small piece of debris from the ceiling I destroyed. Otherwise somebody down below might get killed. Including Lois' bodyguards who were storming the building and having a shootout with some Yakuza members down there. I dumped the trash on a random parking lot and returned back in front of Lois before she could even realize I was gone, "Look. I'm soft now."

"I don't wanna look at your baby dick." She rolled her eyes at me, "Where was I? Oh yeah! So I've been working on this trafficking case ever since Lex told me about it last month. Most of the girls were Chinese and Japanese, but I'm not allowed in China, so I focused on Japan."

"Makes sense." I nodded and wasn't surprised at all that she'd be banned from China.

"From what I've gathered thus far, the old guy with dementia isn't actually running the organization anymore. Instead, his grandsons have been fighting each other for power and control of the Yamashiro Family. I think the person responsible for the drug and human trafficking is Takeo, but he could have been framed by Maseo. They're both pretty scummy, so I wouldn't be surprised either way."

*Papapapa~!* Gunshots came from outside the door a moment before they were broken down. I glanced at them and saw that they were wearing white and gray business suits that were stained by blood.

"He's already dead! We rushed here for nothing!" One of the men complained.

"What the hell's that naked white boy doing here?" A guy with a scar on his face pointed to me with a bloody wakizashi. Because in DC Comics, the Yakuza are fucking crazy sword-wielding maniacs per capita.

Another dude with a katana in his hand screamed, "What the hell happened to the ceiling?!"

"Run!" The man on the ground with his mouth not sealed actually screamed, "Don't fight, run! He's a monster!"

"The naked kid?" One of the guys with a pistol looked at me and then at the three men on the ground, then the ceiling. Then pointed the pistol at my face and pulled the trigger.

*Pop!* The bullet flattened on my forehead and the top half of his body exploded into a steaming gory mess.

"So anyway…" I turned back to Lois as my eyes started cooling rapidly. Then I plucked the flat bullet off my forehead and flicked it through the eye socket of the dude on the ground that warned his friends, "You're saying this is the Yakuza syndicate responsible for killing Tatsu's family and selling her as a child sex slave?"

"The Torios?" Lois looked over at the mess I made pretty nonchalantly, "Yeah, they're one family that was victimized by those assholes. One among many others. I'm hoping that my article will shed light on this human trafficking ring and maybe help put pressure on the Japanese government to stop allowing the Yakuza to exist."

"That's silly." I snickered and shook my head, "You could just give me a list of names and addresses of all the Yakuza members. Easy enough to hunt them all down and break their kneecaps. If they still wanna be a badass Yakuza after that, I can rip their arms off next. What's the point in making things so complicated?"

"Clark… You can't just go around beating up a bunch of random Japanese people." Lois put her hands on my shoulders and looked into my eyes, "The media will crucify you and by relation, they'll crucify me, Lex, the Kents, basically everyone close to you will be affected. At least you need to wear a mask and be sneaky about it."

"I was actually kidding, Lois. I'm not gonna go cripple tens of thousands of people. Jesus, it might seem like I'm doing shit in the blink of an eye, but do you have any idea how long it actually feels to me? I think I've lived a couple hundred years by now in Flash Time at this point!"

"Haha, yeah, I was just kidding too…" She patted my shoulders and cleared her throat, "But umm, at the very least, you could probably deal with Maseo and Takeo, right?"

"I mean, if you know where they're at, then sure." I wanted to go back home and fuck Tatsu, but my boner was gone for the moment anyway.

"Maseo is in Edogawa City and Takeo is based in Katsushika City." She picked up her laptop off the table nearby as the surviving Yakuza dudes tried to escape. I zapped the backs of their heads with my heat vision for only a moment and their hair caught on fire, well, the one bald dude got a free tattoo removal, along with losing a large portion of his scalp.

"Aaaaaah~!" Then there was the screaming again, but I just casually closed the double-doors and ignored it.

A cold breeze blew over the top of the roofless building, the night sky was pretty cloudy.

"Here, this is what they look like." Lois showed me the two men. They were pretty young. Only in their twenties at most.

"Okay, it'll take me a few seconds." I grabbed Lois and asked, "Anything else you need to take with you?"

"Uh, no? Aaaah~!" Then she screamed as I shot up into the air, "I didn't think you'd take me with you!"

"Why not? If someone else comes to kill you, I'll have to fly back and forth again." I snickered as she hugged me tightly, her stocking-covered right calf rubbed on my dick and I almost got hard again.

"You know, flying is a lot scarier when you have to worry about falling to your death!" Lois complained loudly in my ear, since she probably couldn't hear much over the wind.

"Flying with me is a thousand times safer than flying in a helicopter or plane. Those fuckers crash all the time." I mean, seriously, especially in DC.

Author's Note: I think it's so fucking weird that I'm writing this story and something like that crash the other day happens. Plane was coming from Kansas to DC. The helicopter was a black military chopper without any lights on(remember the early chapters of the story?). It also happened at night. Crashed into the water, was writing about the Water Totem at the time. I feel like there were more weird coincidences too, but I forgot by now.

Anyway, I was looking up Katana and her sword, and found some interesting shit about both. One thing is that Katana is in a lot of pretty important situations, even though she's a relatively low-powered Hero.

The sword Soultaker makes her ageless in some continuities. Also enlightenment, whatever that means. It's also really strong in terms of magical bullshit weapons. Not sure about the durability, but there are some impressive feats.

From what I can tell though, the sword itself doesn't have that much power initially. Instead, the souls trapped in the blade are what fuels its OP abilities. Using the sword, she's shown to be massively hypersonic and able to cut down dozens of bullets from an uzi easily. She also seems to have superhuman strength and is able to clash against ridiculously powerful opponents. Without the sword, she's just a powerful human martial artist though.

Another Author's Note: Literally right after I wrote that AN, I went downstairs and my mother was like, "Did you hear another plane crashed?" So I need to stop writing about tragedies and write more sex scenes lol.

QQ AN: I wrote this back whenever that first crash happened, so that's why the AN mentions it. I still think it's pretty weird. Like Quote ReplyReport Reactions:Destrucfor, PJCG, Catastrofae and 61 others

Chapter 29: Katana​

"Oh hey, they're both in the same place." I landed on the roof of a random Japanese-looking building, watching the group of Yakuza fighting below.

"This is Edogawa?" Lois stood a little awkwardly on the slanted roof in her high heels, but I was holding her waist with my right hand, "It looks like Takeo is on the offensive then."

"Seems that way." I watched the humans fighting, killing and maiming each other, but didn't feel the need to get involved. Takeo and Maseo were fighting each other with katanas in the courtyard, bare chested, with lots of cool tattoos and scars. They were pretty damn tall too, with Takeo being like 6'3", while Maseo was 5'11". They looked like giants compared to the more normal-sized Japanese men at like 5'5" to 5'9".

"It looks like Takeo is winning the fight!" Lois pulled out a video camera from her purse and handed it to me, along with her laptop, then she took out a microphone, "Hurry up! What are you waiting for?!"

"Seriously?" I groaned and got a better angle. She also stood with her back facing the melee battle down below. There were lots of lights around the courtyard so visibility was pretty high.

"This is Lois Lane, reporting from Edogawa City!" She smiled for the camera, "On my investigation of the Yamashiro Crime Family, I was nearly killed during a successful assassination attempt on Akira Yamashiro! Now the two grandsons, Takeo and Maseo are fighting for control over the Yakuza syndicate! Literally fighting, with swords!"

After saying that, she turned and I could see her perking up her ass intentionally. Almost focused on his ass for a second there, but managed to zoom in on the two shirtless dudes that were fighting to the death with katanas.

"It looks like Maseo is actually winning! This is his home turf after all, so I'm sure he's more familiar with the environment and his men also seem far more confident!" She continued yapping into her microphone for another five minutes about the play-by-play of the fight. I could hear police sirens, but they were heading for the building where the gunfight was taking place, not this area with a bunch of dudes playing Mortal Kombat.

"Ah!" Lois gasped as Maseo's head tilted to the side and a massive amount of blood sprayed from his neck, "Takeo just killed his brother!"

I looked around and noticed that the fighting stopped almost immediately. With another swing of his katana, Maseo's head was completely lopped off and flew up into the air very dramatically, bouncing on the ground a few times. His eyes slowly closed halfway before he lost consciousness. I mean, it's not like people die instantly when their heads are cut off.

"Hahahaha~!" Then the bloody shirtless guy started laughing hysterically, "With this blade, I will rule Japan!"

"Clark, what did he just say?" Lois whispered to me away from the mic.

"He's saying he's gonna rule Japan with that sword somehow?" I shrugged and kept filming as the guy went crazy, hacking, slashing and stabbing his way through his brother's people. Even killing some of his own confused men in the process.

"More! Give me more!" And then he started massacring his terrified subordinates, "Yes! So much power!"

"Clark, are you gonna do something yet? This is getting weird." Lois put away her microphone and took the camera from me, along with the laptop.

"Yeah, it's basically over. Don't record this part though." I snickered and hopped down from the roof. Landing lightly on the bloody ground with my bare feet, I looked around at the chopped up corpses and asked, "Tanoshinde imasu ka?"

"Hai…" He turned around and looked at me curiously and spoke in English, "Who the hell are you supposed to be?"

"Superman." I darted in front of him and blocked his sword with the back of my left wrist.

*Thuck~!* The sound was juicy… I looked over as the pain appeared. The blade was actually lodged in my flesh and pressing against my bone?

"Hah!" Then he kicked me in the chest and I was sent flying backwards about an inch or two, before taking a step forward again. He slashed the sword at my neck, but I moved to the side a little faster. I tried to grab the hilt, but a spectral sword poked me in the eye!

"Fuck!" It really hurt!

"You won't stop me, Yokai! I'll kill you and steal your soul as well!" Takeo shouted excitedly as he swung his sword at hypersonic speeds! Every blade was so fast that I couldn't easily dodge it, so I darted backwards and aimed at his fingers with my heat-vision. Which he somehow managed to reflect back at my chest! Obviously it didn't hurt, but it was still super fucking annoying!

"What the hell is this magical bullshit again?" I picked up a giant hunk of dirt and threw it at him. Obviously he chopped it up into tiny pieces, but he was still smashed with a fuckton of dirt in the end.

"Honorless Hakujin!" Takeo shouted angrily as I grabbed his right wrist and then easily pried the hilt free with my right hand. He spat towards my face, but I blew it back in his eye before it could reach me.

"Fucking Dumbass." I looked at the blade of the magical katana and frowned, "What? Afraid to come out now?"

The sword was silent and didn't even try to mind-control me or whatever. I swung it a few times and the blood flew off, then I took the scabbard off the dude's waist and sheathed the blade, "Mine now."

*Bang!* Takeo shot me in the side of my face with a pistol, "What are you?!"

"Kryptonian." I answered casually and slapped the gun out of his hand, though his entire hand was also ripped off in the process.

"Aaaaaagh~! You can't kill me!" He roared and charged at me, "Even if I die, I'll still live forever in the blade!"

"Who said I wanted to kill you?" I grabbed his throat and shot up into the sky, reached outer space and shot back down towards Kansas before the bastard could enjoy the view!

"Are you a Kami?!" Was his response when I tossed him onto the snowy ground.

"Amaterasu." I snickered and left the fucker to freeze his ass out in the frosty field with a missing hand.

"Come back!" He shouted angrily and chased after me, but I kicked off the ground and flew away. It only took me a moment to enter Tatsu's bedroom window and close it. I looked down and noticed the little 14 year old girl's figure, still in the same exact position as nearly an hour ago. She was shivering from the cold, but still didn't move an inch.

"Sorry about that. Had to save Lois Lane." I feel like it's a cosmic curse that Superman always has to save her dumbass, no matter their relationship.

"I am glad that you were able to save her…" She spoke in a quiet voice, "You smell of blood and violence."

"I'll tell you the story afterwards." I knelt down behind her ass again and placed the sword to her right side, "Got you a present from Japan."

"Is that… Souruteika!" She recognized it immediately, "Arigato, Onii-sama! Arigato!"

"You're welcome." I put my hands on her cold feet and rubbed them, warming them up a bit as her toes curled. Then I worked my way up her ankles, calves, thighs and finally her ass, "You're my little sister. I should've helped you get revenge a lot sooner."

"Did you kill them all with the blade?" She sounded worried, "It is a cursed sword… I fear for the innocent souls trapped inside."

"Takeo was the one who killed them and he's still alive. For now." I looked over at the katana in the simple black scabbard, "I'm sure the bastard killed plenty of other people after your parents. Good people. Hopefully they'll protect each other from the assholes Takeo killed."

"Hopefully." She was still shivering, so I moved my warm hands up her back. Then I wrapped my arms around her chest, using my body to warm hers, my cock pressing up against her asshole in the process. I rubbed her tits as she moaned and pushed forward slightly, easily penetrating her surprisingly moist anus.

"That piece of shit is currently out there freezing his ass off, half-naked in the frozen fields. No clue where he is… Accidentally ripped his hand off, so hopefully he doesn't bleed to death while we're having fun." I kissed her neck and cheek as she moaned in a high-pitched voice.

"Arigato, Onii-sama~!" She was thanking me as I buried my cock to the base in her asshole, "Arigato gozaimasu!"

"You're welcome." I hugged her like that for a while until she warmed up, but then I pulled myself back and also pulled my cock out of her ass with a *Plup~!* sound. I rubbed the tip of my slimy dick against her pussy as she shivered in anticipation, "Aishitemasu."

"Ai-aishi~aaah~!" She screamed as my cock stretched her incredibly tight cunt and tore open her hymen in one thrust, "Aishite~! Onii-sama~! Aaaah~!"

"Finally…" I breathed out a sigh as I pulled back and pushed forward again. I watched her pale little ass jiggle with each thrust. That sexy butthole gaped and winked rapidly, "Have you thought about training to compete in the Olympics again?"

"H-hai! Aaaah~!" She only lost her parents a couple months ago. Before that, she was training for the Olympics in Karate, mostly. Though she was also really talented in Judo, Boxing, Wrestling and Taekwondo. Not to mention Gymnastics.

"I'm sure your parents will be proud to see you win some gold medals." I smiled and looked over at the sword, wondering if they could see me fucking their daughter at the moment?

"Hai!" She sniffled and whined as I slowly moved my hips. A decent amount of blood and cream was coating my cock when I pulled out, then that strawberry cream was pushed back to my base and balls.

"I'm proud of you too." I jerked my hips slightly as she trembled, "Fuck, I'm cumming already."

"Arigato! Aaaanh~!" She made her moans extra loud and whiny as I moved faster for a few seconds, spraying my Kryptonian cumshot as carefully as I could inside her fragile little human womb. It was so tempting to impregnate Tatsu. And the other girls for that matter. I wanted to breed them all.

Tatsu was already 14, Kuasa was 13, Mari was 10 and Lena was 9, but they're all very fertile and ready to become mothers. Money isn't even an issue either. I can take care of four or more babies easily, but they would be Half-Kryptonian, Half-Human. Not quite as overpowered as Kryptonians, but still pretty impressive as far as potential is concerned. If I have kids now, then by 2020 they'll be adults.

Do I really want or need to take care of children at the moment though? With all the crazy shit that's about to start happening and will be happening for a long time?

I grabbed Tatsu's long back hair with my left hand and pulled my cock out of her spasming cunt, "I'll give your pussy a break for now."

"Arigato, Onii~!" She started squealing again as I plunged my cock into her ass and fucked her mercilessly. I looked over at the sword again and smirked. Why does turn me on so much to think that her parents are watching me fuck their daughter?

*Knock-knock-knock~!* With that sound, the embarrassed girl immediately stopped moaning like a Japanese pornstar.

"Tatsu, Sweetie, do you know where your sister went? I can't find her anywhere in the house and I'm worried…" Mom said that, but I could see her biting her lower lip and rubbing her hairy ginger pussy with her left hand. There's no way she didn't see the messy bed and the creamy stains. She probably heard my voice at some point too.

"It's okay, Mom. I found Kuasa earlier and the two of them are having a reunion at the moment." I saw that the moment I spoke, she started looking at me and blushing. Then she licked her lips and winked.

"That's amazing! I'm so happy for them!" Mom turned around and bent over, pulling her nightgown up, she spread her sexy ass out for me to see.

"Yeah, their reunion was very emotional and… Touching." I moved my hips faster as Tatsu covered her mouth with her elbows on the yoga mat.

"I'm sure it was… You're such a good brother to those girls." Mom was rubbing her pussy with her right hand, while the left was holding the wall. She's so degenerate. I love her so much.

"Tatsu, is there anything you wanna eat?" I yanked on her hair and pulled her head back, forcing her to stop holding her hands over her mouth.

"Aah~!" She moaned and then stuttered, "I-I am f-fine with anything y-you make, Okaasan~!"

"What about a cheeseburger?" Mom was definitely thinking about the little girl eating her pussy from behind, "Clark loves to eat my cheeseburger."

"I love eating anything you make, Mom." I snickered and pulled my cock out of Tatsu's ass, ran forward and opened the door, then closed it behind me and slid my cock inside my Mom's hairy pussy! I protected her vagina, but I was moving insanely fast! I noticed something interesting though. A neat little trick.

When I'm fucking her like this, it feels really good! Okay, more specifically, because I'm moving so fast and also protecting her from getting hurt, it's like my cock is getting crushed by her vagina walls! There's a ton of friction too!

I moved fast, even from my perspective. A few minutes later and I was spraying my load through her cervix and into her barren womb!

I pulled out and some jizz sprayed across her back in slow motion, even getting in her messy hair. I turned around and opened the door, then got back behind Tatsu's little ass. My cock fit back inside her gaping anus very snugly and I started moving again, as time returned to normal and the final spurt of jizz quickly coated her rectum!

"Ung!" I heard Mom moan and then hiss. I also watched as her pussy slammed shut and spurted out cum a moment later. Her whole body shook violently and she even got down on her hands and knees.

"Are you okay, Okaasan?!" Tatsu shouted anxiously as I pulled my cock from her ass and pushed it back down to her pussy again, "Mnmf~!" She covered her mouth as I started fucking her again.

"I'm, I'm fine. Don't worry. I'll… I'll go make some eggs and bacon. Something simple. Come downstairs when you're done fooling around, okay?" She struggled to stand and walked away slowly, cum trailing behind her as she left. I'll have to clean that up before it causes a problem.

I held Tatsu's hips and moved slowly, steadily, but didn't stop for a moment, "So… How do you wanna deal with Takeo Yamashiro?"

The little girl was silent for a long time, not even moaning anymore. It wasn't until she finally had an orgasm, or another orgasm, that she finally decided to speak.

Looking over at the sword, she held the hilt with one hand and the sheath with the other. Pulling the katana out slowly, she whispered, "Justice."

Chapter 30: Jor-El​

"So anyway, we brought the dude back to the grave of her parents and made him apologize and beg for forgiveness. Naked. Recorded the whole thing and posted it on the internet." I wondered why it was so hard for Takeo to kill his brother in the duel, but apparently the Soultaker Sword doesn't always help its wielder in battle. And the help it offers varies depending on the situation. So against a Godlike Monster, the Sword and the Souls in the blade got scared enough that they used their full power against me.

"She didn't kill him?" Lena was surprised after I told her the story, "If someone killed my family, I probably wouldn't kill them either. I'd torture them forever."

"I'd just kill 'em and figure out a way to resurrect my family." I shrugged, "Of course, after they died, I'd make sure their Soul went to some form of Hell and they'd actually stay there."

"Fair." She giggled and held my left hand in the cold barn. The two of us were standing only a few meters away from where my Dad buried the spaceship. She turned to me and sighed, "We don't need to do it now, Clark. You're right to be worried."

"I mean, I think I'm probably a lot stronger than the average ten year old, but if we start fucking around with the ship…" I couldn't help thinking of Zod and Astra, "There's a good chance that more Kryptonians might show up. In much, much bigger ships. And we barely have any weapons to fight against them with."

There's also the Daxamites, who aren't much weaker than Kryptonians and will most likely have a fully operational fleet, with a whole damn infantry to back it up! Once we get started down this path, we're only gonna be facing more and more powerful enemies in the future. But even if we don't do this, those things might still happen, we just won't be as prepared when they do happen.

"It's probably not a good idea to find a bunch of ways to target and kill you in preparation for dealing with other Kryptonians." Lena smiled wryly and hopped up on her toes to kiss my left cheek, "Besides, Earth isn't weak."

"That's true." There were a lot of other monsters involved with Earth. Literal Deities. All kinds of magical artifacts like that random-ass Soultaker Sword that could almost cut my hand off. And that was in the hands of a regular human dude. If I was using it? Uh, I might break before it cuts through Kryptonian bones, but that's beside the point.

"So~! Spaceship time!" The little girl jumped up and down happily, "Come on~!"

"Okay, okay." I snickered and let go of her hand. Then I bent down and easily ripped the wooden boards out of the way. I put one hand into the soil and yoinked everything out instantly, tossing it aside to reveal the triangular silver shuttle. It was… Tiny. There was only room in the little oval-shaped capsule at the back for an infant to fit. The rest of it was mostly flat. Reminded me of an arrowhead, honestly.

"Cool! It looks like something from Star Wars!" Lena was excited regardless of how simple it seemed on the surface. She hopped down into the hole next to me and started touching it. Of course, I made sure there was no radiation or whatever first, not even alien microbes, just the regular kind from the dirt.

"Yep. This is my spaceship…" I cautiously touched the surface and the egg-shape on the back opened up to reveal the comfy little seat for my baby self. I remember it pretty clearly, even though I was probably in a coma for most of the trip.

"I don't see any visible engines or propulsion systems, how does it fly? Is it gravitationally powered, but even if it is, where's the power supply? Can you see through it? What does the inside look like?" Lena was about to start hyperventilating after talking so much and so fast.

"Let's take it away from here first. At least if something happens, I don't want that something to happen in Smallville." I put my palm on the surface of the bow and picked her up with my other arm. Then I flew away from the barn and down to Nevada. Bringing it inside our secret base house, since someone might see something on the satellites somehow if we were outside. For that matter, I brought the ship down to the bottom level of the underground bunker, which was completely surrounded by lead. Just in case.

"Ah!" Lena was stunned by the sudden change at first, then she quickly got over it and focused on the ship again, "We need to run some tests. A lot of tests!"

"All the tests." I chuckled and watched the little girl excitedly climb into the tiny baby cockpit to try and figure out how to bring up some kinda display system. I sat on the side, next to the silly brat. I watched for a while before I put my finger into a small hole and turned it, causing a holographic display to appear.

"Is this Kryptonian? I'll need a while to learn it." She didn't feel overwhelmed at all by the new language, just excited.

"I think they programmed the language into my genes. Do you want some help?"

"Nope." She shook her head, "I want to learn it myself!"

"Okay then." I didn't rush the genius girl, just handed her a laptop and any other device she asked me to bring over. Eventually she figured out how to open up a special compartment on the bottom of the ship. There were lots of shiny white crystals and golden metal wiring.

"I guess we found the propulsion system and power supply." I turned the ship on the side as she hopped down and ran over to check. I couldn't help checking out her ass in that cute pink skirt for a moment, but I already came like twenty times, so I wasn't very horny for the moment.

"Wow! It's so tiny!" She was surprised, "How advanced is the Kryptonian Civilization?!"

"Stupidly advanced. So advanced they somehow ended up committing mass suicide." I mean, there are some versions where some dumbass blew up most or all of the shuttles, it could also have been a massive loss in starships during the rebellion led by Zod, either way… They should've been able to escape. Just look at what happened with Argo City. All it took was a decently powerful shield and a whole city full of people survived in Supergirl. Of course, Kara's father died tragically as usual, but still.

"It's really weird. You'd think they would've had lots of colonies everywhere." Lena knew a lot of what I knew, not everything, but most of the important shit. My own speculation as well.

"I think they were most likely plotted against by Gods and Devils. Maybe other advanced civilizations too." There were quite a few other alien civilizations that were competitive with Kryptonians after all. It could have easily been a combination of shit. Meanwhile the poor Daxamites were just sharing the same solar system as them and got hit by the fucking aftermath of Krypton's destruction.

"I need to see how it works first, before we start reverse engineering anything." Lena didn't touch the shiny crystals. I lowered the ship back down and she climbed back inside the cockpit, "I'm sure your parents would've left some instructions too. Like how to build various technologies and stuff."

"They probably did. It probably requires my genes to activate that kinda info though." I hopped up next to her and put my finger in the little hole again, then felt a prick. A moment later, the holographic screen was displaying a video.

"Kal-El, the last son of Krypton… My son." There was a handsome man who looked eerily similar to the actor who played Clark Kent in Smallville. He looked like he was in his forties though.

"I wonder why he's speaking in English?" Lena asked curiously.

"I am an artificial intelligence based on Jor-El, father of Kal-El." He responded calmly and with a subtle smirk on his shaved face, "Before sending Kal-El to Earth, Jor-El programmed me with every major human language. I was meant to teach him… Unfortunately, he was taken from me as an infant."

"Shit happens." I shrugged and asked the dude inside the holographic screen, "So anyway, does this ship send any special signals that are gonna attract enemies?"

"That would be extremely foolish." He looked at me like I was an idiot for a moment as Lena giggled, "I am designed to nurture and protect you until you can protect yourself. There were some complications, but my primary purpose remains the same. I would not endanger your life by casually releasing easily traceable signals that the enemies of Krypton could locate."

"What about other Kryptonians though?" Lena asked before I had the chance.

"Kara Zor-El was also sent to Earth to become Kal-El's guardian and protector. My sensors are unable to locate her vessel. It is unfortunate, but it seems that she has not made it to Earth yet." He didn't seem too concerned, but then again, he was just an AI shaped like my biological father. Even if he has sentience and sapience, it doesn't mean he actually gives a fuck about anyone or anything outside his programming. Relatable honestly.

"She might be trapped in the Phantom Zone." I suggested and his expression actually changed.

"Kal-El, I don't know why you would think that, but you must not venture into the Phantom Zone to search for your Cousin." The dude finally looked a little serious, "The Phantom Zone is another dimension where time and space work differently. You might think you're powerful growing up under a Yellow Star, but that power is ephemeral. It is merely an illusion. You are only a ten year old child. Even the strongest, most hardened criminals and soldiers can barely survive there for a short time."

"I'm not saying I'm gonna rush into the Phantom Zone. I just wanna know if there's a way to pull Kara's ship out safely, without accidentally pulling any other prisoners along with it?" After all, according to the Supergirl timeline, her ship would become the key to saving Fort Razz in only two years. If it's some other version, like the one that got stranded on a dying Argo City, then I have no idea when she'll arrive or if she's already dead.

"Saving Kara Zor-El is unnecessary." He shook his head, standing there arrogantly in his fancy white Kryptonian robe. He pointed towards Lena and suggested, "This human female child is fertile. You were designed to breed sexually with genetically compatible lifeforms. Although your offspring won't be fully Kryptonian, perhaps that would be for the best. It will allow you to maintain superiority and dominance over them in the future."

"Clark, I don't like this AI." The little girl pouted and held my hand,."Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to find and save your Cousin."

"He does have a point about the Phantom Zone though. And while I would love to save my Cousin, she basically just held me once or twice as a baby and that was the extent of our relationship." I didn't really know her at all, just a cute 12 year old girl at the time, "We have other things to worry about first. Like figuring out how to make our own ship."

"Creating a functional starship is an important milestone in every child's development." Pseudo Jor-El nodded calmly and brought up several large and small ship designs, "There are many components and it might be overwhelming at first glance, but the important thing is to pick a starting point. First you need to understand the Kryptonian Crystal technology and how to fabricate Kryptium. Using your abilities under the Yellow Starlight, it should be quite simple and easy to reproduce the gravitational conditions required to forge Kryptium."

"That's true!" Lena nodded excitedly as she waved her finger, flipping through some schematics rapidly, "Oh! I really like this one! But this one is also super cute!"

"You're so adorable." I snickered and kissed her on the cheek, before turning towards the tiny holographic man that left the screen and was floating around the room in a three-dimensional form.

"Lead lining will prevent many scans and signals, but Kryptium is much more effective." He turned towards me again and suggested, "Rather than a static base, a mobile fortress would be far more effective. For now, we will start with shuttles. In the event of a cataclysmic disaster, it would be best to find a new star system to call home."

"That makes sense." I wasn't gonna argue with him. Hell, not to mention another star system, I had contingency plans to take the people I care about most and escape to other fucking Universes if necessary. If it was possible, I'd love to escape DC altogether, but the main crossovers I've seen in canon are The Watchmen, Marvel and Mortal Kombat. None of which are any safer.

"There is a legless human female imprisoned in this facility?" He seemed slightly intrigued, "What is her purpose?"

"She's my Mommy!" Lena explained casually, "She died, but Clark and I brought her back to life with magic. But she went crazy, so we have to keep her locked up."

"Magic? Interesting." He didn't comment on it any more than that, "I suggest starting with a small shuttle. It will require too much time and resources to build something larger without any infrastructure in place."

"I like this one." Lena picked a ship that looked somewhat similar to the one we were sitting on, except it was huge. There was a decent sized cockpit and also a second, much larger egg shaped cabin behind it.

"A reasonable choice." Jor-El nodded and appeared in front of us, "We will start from the beginning then. Forging the Kryptium for the frame. We can also begin growing the crystals now. The process will require several years."

And so, we started building a damn Kryptonian starship under the Mojave desert. Though I'm not sure whether we'll be able to finish it before some bullshit happens that makes it unnecessary. There were other things besides starships though and for the most part, Jor-El didn't seem to think we were too young to learn pretty much everything and anything.

Stories: World of Warcrimes: A Series of Smutty Warcraft Shortstories, If You Were Superman, Fenrir Helason(Marvel), Devil Fruit Are Real?, Ancient Arena, Pocket-Mew, Chronormu the Menace, A Song of Earth and Fire, Kami, Asmodeus, The Bug Maniac, Gine's Overpowered Kids!, A Neti Hope, Survivors System Gamer(Vampire Survivors). ASS. BCJ, Another Goku Story (Dragon Ball SI), Glory Wall

Snipits: Depravity Collection: So Much Smut, So Little Morality

Quests: Khorned Beef: Azeroth

My AO3

This is my Ko-Fi: Depravity DevilLast edited: Feb 21, 2025 Like Quote ReplyReport Reactions:PJCG, Catastrofae, magnumdraco and 61 others

Author's Note: I've been so fucking horny lately, but my writing speed is pretty damn impressive lol. Like Quote ReplyReport Reactions:Catastrofae, magnumdraco, Aron and