Do You Have An Opinion? 

Blood Eye-

Once they were also human beings!

Now, they are still human!

After that crazy predation, some changes have taken place in their bodies.

Their eyes are gradually turning red with blood. Even the teeth began to change after that. The upper and lower teeth slowly become sharp, like two rows of sharp, sharp and fine animal teeth. Once closed, even steel can bite through them.

Different from ordinary people, their teeth have the attribute of attack power, which is a thousand points of attack power from the very beginning.

They devour the flesh and blood of human beings or other lives and can acquire the skills of enemies.

Even, they can bite through the black wolf's skin.

In this city, even the demon gradually realizes the horror of these special human beings and dare not provoke them.

This time they are willing to join hands with the people in the stadium camp because their demand for star spirit stone is higher than others.

They agreed to join hands with Liu Heng.

Three hundred blood eyes were in charge of one place and rushed to the mine at the same time. They were blocked as they approached the killing area.

Not like troops pulled open a long formation, three hundred blood eyes gathered in one place, waving stone stick, stone axe demon weapons knocking on the air.

The attacked part flashed circles of blood-red ripples, rippling in the void like water lines, while the blood eyes heard the muffled sound of "bang, bang" in the air.

Blood eyes immediately realized that the mysterious man dared to occupy the mine and was indeed prepared.

This is like an energy shield in science fiction.

It's just ten points of life value consumption, too slow.

"Shit." The attack only started for more than ten minutes. A young bloody eye cried impatiently, "Even demon were-human ape has been torn to pieces by 300 people. But this, for more than ten minutes, cannot even break the shield."

Another slightly older bloody eye laughed: "I guess those who occupy here must have accumulated a lot of star spirit stone. Rush into the mine and we will rob star spirit stone. As long as we get it, eat it."

"Yes. Eat it in the first place." An old man in his fifties, whose eyes had completely turned scarlet and could not distinguish pupils from white eyes, said, "not too many. As long as there are two people who can harden their whole bodies, we can snatch the mine."

"Haha, yes. When the time comes, even if it is an army of 1,000 people, can he be arrogant?"

These bloody eyes looked respectfully at the old man.

It is not only a kind of respect for the elderly, but also a kind of worship with a little enthusiasm.

"he is right. The mine is ours."

A blood eye laughed wildly, the blood color in the eyes is thicker.

At first, they did not want to cooperate in mining.

They attacked together just to kill the man who occupied the mine.

They don't like ordinary people and believe that ordinary people don't like blood eyes either. as for strength, they will even slaughter the camp.

Their ears were only the roar of the light.

Hum, hum sound like firecrackers and thunder, they can't hear any sound except this sound.


Suddenly, dozens of blood eyes turned back together.

They smell blood.

It is the smell of fresh blood that has not dried up. Strong and incomparable blood breath, only dead more than ten people above the place will have.

They were crazy. They almost became wild animals. Although, in the end, they did not become wild animals, they seemed to activate some of the most original ability of people.

For example-smell!

When they looked back, the first thing they saw was a figure.

The figure was dressed in black, which was already stained with blood. Black and red blend together, making this dress flash with demon light.

Liu Hai ran to this side. Even if there are hordes of troops ahead, he cannot stop if he wants to keep the mine.

So Liu Hai wanted to use the strength of the charge to kill a few bloody eyes first.

When the bloody eyes smelled the blood, the man was 15 meters away.

That's the farthest distance they can smell blood, which is 15 meters.

When they turned back, Liu Hai had reached ten meters.


At this time, all the blood eyes had turned back, and Liu Hai was nearly five meters away in an instant.

They saw him clearly.

"It's him." The man in the center, suddenly understood and shouted, "surround him."

All the blood eyes immediately moved.

Liu Hai has also rushed to their approach, almost less than one meter away.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

On Liu Hai's body, dozens of wolf shadows rushed out together.

There is no negotiation, let alone any language.

These people are different from ordinary people. He does not know whether he can reason things out. Besides, there are other camp people still attacking the field. He doesn't know how long the field will last!

Dozens of wolf shadows rushed into the crowd like herds. In a moment, more than 30 people's bodies were torn open.


The effect of blade of burning blood was launched, and patches of blood mist exploded from the bodies of the injured and spread into the sky like a cloud of blood.

The wolf shadow passed through the man's body and rushed into the body of the rear man.

1,000-point attack power, which not everyone can bear.

Nearly half of them vomited blood.

At the moment when the blood was spurted out, there was also blood spurted out from the five orifices.

A shock of dozens of wolf shadows killed more than 50 people.

"How is that possible?" The bloody eyes that were supposed to jump up got a fright.

"Are you kidding me?"

"Fifty people were killed in this way."

"This, this is an active skill, everyone be careful."

Living blood eyes are startled, instantly flustered.

They never thought that the owner of this mine still had attack skills!

Can they stop such a person?

"do it! Kill him here, his skills are yours."

The other party has already killed people since he came up. Is there anything else to say?

Besides, they understand the ability of blood eyes.

All the blood eyes have understood that the black dress person attack without saying a word.

"I've torn you apart." All the blood eyes roared together, and their eyes were redder. The red eyes were like a mass of blood rotating in their eyes.

"I want to see what kind of face you look like. Do you dare not see people?"

The bloody eyes jumped together like a group of red-eyed beasts.

Liu Hai has a dagger and a blade of burning blood in his hands.

At this time, his hands demon weapons drew out at the same time.

The arc drawn by demon weapons drew wounds on the four bloody eyes, and in a flash blood mist emerged from the bloody eyes.


A blood eye jumped on Liu Hai's back behind him and bit off a large piece of flesh and blood on his shoulder.

Ignoring Silver Armour's attack?

Liu Hai hit his head back fiercely.


Liu Hai's 1,000 points of life value disappeared.

The outbreak strike was launched.

In an instant, the increase of 1,000 attack power is enough to kill anyone with Liu Hai's current strength.

The man on Liu Hai's back, his head was smashed directly.

Liu Hai's skull also made the sound of fragmentation.

At this time, more blood eyes rushed over.

"The closer you get, the faster you die!"

Liu Hai has only more than 200 mutant demon spirit bead left,

However, he is not stingy at all.

Once again, dozens of demon spirit beads were broken, wolf shadows rushed out, and a ferocious face appeared in front of everyone.


The screams started again.

The people around Liu Hai were desperately low and lying on the ground, trying to escape.

All of a sudden there was a mess around.

Even this time they were careful and prepared, but there were still more than a dozen people hit by wolf shadows.

More people lay down to avoid the impact of wolf shadows.

He sneered stepped out with a fierce foot, heavy stepping on a bloody eye lying on the ground.


The man's spine and heart were shattered by this foot.

Liu Hai stepped on a man's head again, then rushed towards the old man.

"Protect Wang!"

The rest of the bloody eyes are crazy.

They all got up and rushed at Liu Hai.

The two men hugged Liu Hai's arm and tried to drag Liu Hai.

Before the two men could exert their power, Liu Hai's head swung fiercely and hit one in the face.


The man's facial bones were smashed and subconsciously loosened his hands.

Liu Hai moved his hand out of control and his dagger pierced the bloody eye neck.

"Hold him down!"

Bloody eyes watched their companions fall down one by one, as fragile as life harvested by death.

They began to fear.

Because no one can have seen such a fierce person.

He kills like mowing grass, mercilessly attacks, violence, ferocity, and coldness!

"Now get out of here and stay away from the mine!"

Liu Hai watched the old man and shouted.

His steps did not stop, but he was still approaching the old man.

The old man's face changed slightly and he wanted to retreat, but he was blocked by the killing field behind him.

Six or seven people jumped on Liu Hai together.


The wolf shadow resurfaced and bloody-eyed bodies fell off Liu Hai.

Blood eyes are horrified!

Many people still keep the forward posture, but abruptly stop in the same place.

they don't understand what kind of skill this is. It can be released indefinitely. It is simply invincible.

Liu Hai is less than 20 meters away from the old man.

The old man's heart trembled, he had not calculated that this person would be so horrible!

"Friend, will you stop?" The old man's voice trembled and said, "Everything is easy to discuss. We are also here for star spirit stone. As long as you are willing to trade for us star spirit stone, everything is easy to talk about."

Liu Hai stared at the old man and said coldly, "You can not retreat. Then let's continue to fight. I'd like to see if you are alive or I am standing!"

Liu Hai's voice was low, cold, and domineering, and there was no room for discussion.

The old man's face was livid and he stared at Liu Hai coldly, with a gleaming light.

"Do you have an opinion?" As soon as Liu Hai saw the old man's eyes, he said coldly, "If you don't accept it, we will fight. I see how many of you will die!"

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