Do What You Want

"Chen Ziyi, Do you really DARE to REPEAT what you said?"

"You don't need to emphasize every word like it's very significant. I can repeat whatever you want. Which part that you want me to hear? About I am not acknowledging you or her shameful part?"


Zheng Haozu slapped her left cheek and he hit at his most angriest peak. The slap was so hard that the sound was loud, and it woke everyone at that moment.

The slap left a red mark on her cheek and it was sting when her tears rolled down on her slapped cheek.

The slap made her recalled back how her second brother dauntlessly hit her for countless times in the past and this slap could be the hardest that she ever felt from him. Compared to the slap she had received in the past, the slap that she got for the first time in this life was a result of her provoking him.

'Congrats, Chen Ziyi. You just change your life course. You got your slap just earlier than you should have.'

Although she had been used to her second brother's hot-tempered wrath, her fifteen year old body could not bear the inertia so her body was pushed to the right, right into Han Meirong's embrace. She had been expecting the hit would come to her when she was the one who kept provoking him. However, she still felt unexpected that it really came, and that woke her up from her dream. She could not help but let her tears rolling down on her cheek.

'It sting on my cheek, but it sting more in my heart. I know it. I always know it.'

Worried, Han Meirong turned Chen Ziyi's body to face her but she herself did not know what to do, or where to hold. She slowly sorted Chen Ziyi's hair revealing her hurtful expression.

There were tears on both her cheek and a red right hand print on her left cheek. Her hurtful looks at that time was quite pitiful and any normal human who looked at her, would feel want to gently touch her face with upmost care and protect her.

However, at that time, they were more surprised for Zheng Haozu's rash act, and his reaction after the slap scene. It was because Zheng Haozu looked like he had no remorseful of what he did to his own sister.

He even looked like he was not satisfied and eagerly wanted to hit Chen Ziyi again. It was like he felt what he did was for a justifiable reason.

For the first time, Tian Qisong felt his friend was unbelievable rash and would be difficult to control.

"Are you CRAZY?" Tian Qisong asked Zheng Haozu when he saw Zheng Haozu was acting like he wanted to approach Chen Ziyi to hit her for a second time.

"Are you defending HER?" Frowned hard at Tian Qisong, Zheng Haozu clearly dislike when other people went into his way, especially when it was his friend that he was the closest to.

"You...!" Tian Qisong was stupefied when his friend questioned him like that. His eyes then looked around the area searching for something and Zheng Haozu failed to see what kind of favour that his friend was trying to do for him.

Failed to locate the one most important thing to him, he cursed. Damn it. "Zheng Haozu. Just do what you want. Like always."

"Ziyi, Are.. are you okay?" Han Meirong carefully hold Chen Ziyi face. Chen Ziyi's watery eyes slowly turned to Han Meirong and Han Meirong could see that Chen Ziyi was enduring the pain.

Chen Ziyi's face with tears flowed out clearly showed that slap was hard. It was obvious that Chen Ziyi tried to endure the pain but she herself could not stop the tears from flowing out. However, what made Han Meirong confused later, was how Chen Ziyi had a calm expression and even a smirk appeared on her face. Chen Ziyi should feel shocked and surprised, and later could not accept that a brother could do such thing to his own sister. Well, in this case, it was she and others that felt it was unbelievable that Chen Ziyi's own brother dare to lay his hand on Chen Ziyi.

Han Meirong could understand Chen Ziyi most of the time, but she could not apprehend why Chen Ziyi could show such calm and cynical expression facing the situation. It was like although it felt quite shock to have it, but she had expected such thing would happen to her. What an ill-sibling relationship they have!

"Ziyi, you.. it's pain right?" it was Wan Zhen's turn asked Chen Ziyi. He was not that close with her, but it didn't mean that he was going to ignore the unexpected current situation in front of him.

Everything went so fast, he could not help but unprepared and stuttered while he asked her. The slap sound was loud that it snapped his mind and the fact that the slap came from a man's hand so he could imagine the strong power that man held. He glanced coldly at the man who was supposed to be Chen Ziyi's second brother.

He was about to walk away, to start a fight with Zheng Haozu, but Chen Ziyi hold him off by pulling his arm sticking close to her.

"What are you going to do, Wan Zhen?"

Halted his steps, Wan Zhen turned to face Chen Ziyi.

"I'm going to fight with him for you. What else?"

Sighed, Chen Ziyi looked at Wan Zhen with a helpless expression before turned her gaze away.

"There's no need to do that."

"Just stay here, Wan Zhen." Chen Ziyi firmly insisted, which made the later unsatisfied for her restraining his action. Ignored Wan Zhen's protest look at her, she turned her gaze to Zheng Haozu

"Does it feel nice? I didn't think you would really hit me. Although you are that kind of person in my heart. But, you really brave enough to hit me at this place." Chen Ziyi gave a cynical smile towards Zheng Haozu.

"Do you think you could get away by hitting me? My friend already warned you, yet you still act like you own this place. You really are ignorant, do you know that? Compared to big brother, you and this girl are so stupid. Like dad. Hah! Big brother is so lucky that he inherited your mother genes. But you and her? Geez. I pity you get the most from dad. I wonder how can you even passed the entrance exam to Lanshu. It made me think, do I have same IQ level as you? Ah~ I forgot, you too, can use your connection. Your connection that help you this position."

They all felt weird of Chen Ziyi's reaction after was slapped. Did her head gone wrong way that she dared to provoke Zheng Haozu again?

"What? Are you going to hit me again? For her?" Chen Ziyi walked closer with her frail body facing her brother. She looked like she forced a burden upon herself to act brave and not suppressed by the people who tried to belittle her. "Hit me again if you dare, Zheng Haozu. I am threatening you! Do you really think you could get away? If my mother knew this, I supposed you know what will happen right?"

"Perhaps I might be the one who will ask mother to crush you. It never crossed to your mind, that I will do that, right? What? You think I would not dare? Do you really think after what you have done to me, I would let you off? That I will still care about you and Dad? Dad has never care about me anyway. Tell me, why should I care about you guys?"

"Tian Qisong, You must want to say that I am relying too much on my mother right? Well, she is my mother. I can ask anything what I want. It's not like you can say anything about us. Just to let you know, it is neither my fault not my mother fault for every bad thing happen to me. It was never my fault or my mother's fault for our dad being a cheater, womanizer, and even have a daughter as a result of an affair. It's his own fault for being so coward and could not stand par with my mother. Yes, I am talking about my father who abandoned me for another girl. A girl who was not worth anything-"

"SHUT the fuck up, Chen Ziyi!" Zheng Haozu was in his verge to hit her again, but two of his other friend went to hold him from doing any rash thing anymore that could lead them into trouble. It was like the girl warned to them, it was not their turf. Their parents could punish them for worst if today incident reached their ears.

"You really think you can manipulate me right? to hate my own mother? What a vicious heart you have. Let me tell you again, I am the proudest daughter when my mother protect me the most. I feel loved having a mother that would do anything to protect her own daughter. Tian Qisong, you should consider again of whether you should be friends with Zheng Haozu. He is not worth your time. Look at him right now. You can't control him. His mind only filled with the girl behind him. until forever."