Opinion and Proposition

An Huiyin frowned upon hearing her words. She was about to rebut but when she looked at Chen Ziyi's pleading eyes, she reluctantly nodded.

"Then, don't provoke him anymore. At least when you are not alone. No-Don't even meet him or that girl when you're alone. Hmm No-Don't meet him at all if you can." An Huiyin's upset exclaim and keep changing mind made everyone in room laughed at her.

"I am like this. If similar thing happen to you guys, I will act the same way. Of course I prefer nothing happen to all of you." Upset with them laughing at her, An Huiyin made her last exclamation before she shut her mouth.

Looking at An Huiyin's anger dissipated, their eyes then glanced at each other and they started to budge their shoulder to each other like they were teasing each other. It was a warmth scene of friends having a good time after had tough times together.

It was not they did not feel awkward about what just happened to Chen Ziyi, or not that they want to brush the fight off their mind and let Chen Ziyi to face it alone, but they were just too accustomed to not bother too much if it was not necessary.

In fact, they could see how Chen Ziyi did not seem to want to continue or hang with the event. It was like she did not even want to recall the fight that happened only few minutes ago. Her acting was like the fight never happened and the swollen on the cheek just appeared so sudden without any reason.

If Chen Ziyi did not want to bother with it so much, then they just moved along with how Chen Ziyi wanted to. They were clearly have good time together and both Fu Xingjie and his assistant could see that.

It was until Fu Xingjie realized the other problem that he must solve with Chen Ziyi. He was about to ask Chen Ziyi about what was in his mind, but Chen Ziyi talked about it first.

"What I am going to do about my cheek?" Chen Ziyi took her phone out of her sling bag and opened the camera application to take a full look her face. She shifted the angle and squinted, staring at the reflection of her red cheek.

"What you are going to about it?" Lin Chao-xing questioned her back.

"You definitely should tell your mother." Knowing how Chen Ziyi would be always like, Han Meirong voiced out her opinion first. She used her firmest tone to make others who listened to it knew that she would not budge about it.

She was not the type to give in to anyone that try to trample on her. And that include her friend!

Han Meirong then put her another hand to hold Chen Ziyi's hand that hold her left hand. She then looked at her with her pleading eyes but firm.

"Knowing you, I can imagine you might want to hide this from your mother, right? How you are going to hide that cheek from her is one thing. But, are you going to let them go just like that? I know he is your brother, but this is clearly overboard."

"Yeah, it's true, Ziyi. You should not let them go just like that. I am sure Huiyin was upset too since she too was pushed by your brother." Lin Chao-xing glanced at An Huiyin hinting her to support her statement.

"Yeah. I am so upset with your brother. But I am upset more on your behalf." An Huiyin said. She too tightened the hand holding hand and looked at Chen Ziyi with pleading eyes.

"Me too. Even if your mother might not be able to do much with how the Zheng family might protect Zheng Haozu and Zheng Shuyu, our parents can help you. We can make Zheng Haozu embarrassed by using his friends' involvement in the fight. Let it become the first warning to them. What do you think, Linna?" It was Lu Zixin's turn, voicing out his opinion.

"I agree. Although your mother might be angry so much on this matter, I am sure she should be more worried about you. And I think she would be more sad if you do not tell her about this matter or perhaps you tell her, but you want to let them go without any punishment or revenge. I don't think that good. Just like Lu Zixin said, let this become the first warning. Although you are going to move to Province Y, the world is not that big. The possibility for you to meet them again is not zero chance. This can be a rope for you to tie their hands from trying to do anything bad to you anymore," Ren Linna coldly remark.

"Wow, I didn't know you are the type to revenge, Linna. You know, with your exquisite face and cold but pretty smile, you totally look like some young lady from a super distinguished family who -you know-like in the drama series-where you making a plan on how to pay back your revenge. Kind of scary," Lin Chao-xing teasingly said to her.

"It is not that. It just- I believe we should make them know that Han Meirong's warning was not to be made fun or ignored." Flushed, Ren Linna defended her statement.

"And it's because I also angry with how he.. that Zheng Haozu.. can just do that to you. I always watched how a brother or male cousin that doted on their sister, no matter how rough or hash personality they have. That's- how my brother and his friends to me", Ren Linna spoke.

She was wearing a faint smile, recalling how her brother would doted on her and protective of her, in many ways. She knew that the appearance of Jiang Jingguo just now might be on her brother's instruction.

She noticed Jiang Jingguo's grumpy look when he stepped out of their private room, so he must be enjoying his meal when he was 'instructed' by her brother. She felt a twinge in her heart, relieve for having a brother like that.

Her brother, her male cousins and the friends of theirs, no matter what kind of personality of theirs, approachable or not, soft or cold temperament, they could never treated her and their sister in a way like what Zheng Haozu did to Chen Ziyi.

Just by listening to what Chen Ziyi argue with her brother, she could roughly imagine how stiff their relationship were and what kind of treatment that Zheng Haozu always give to Chen Ziyi.

That's why she was so surprised when Zheng Haozu slapped Chen Ziyi and even pushed An Huiyin. She never met such abusive man.

Chen Zyi only gave a weak smile hearing that from Ren Linna.

"They came to our turf and they boldly bully you at our own turf. I did clearly gave them warning but they still act like they own the place. Forget that your mother need to enter into their house just to punish them, we can just make them regret their choice from here," Han Meirong coldly said.

With her friends suggesting few things on how to solve the issue, Chen Ziyi had rough vision in her mind of what was going to happen when her mother saw her current state. Her mother would be furious that she might create another bedlam.

She might withdrew all her previous helps to her father's company and might sell the shares to their enemy. She might also use her connections to interfere with the Zheng family's way of living even to their cousins' life.

Her mother might even just walked directly to Zheng's house and slapped Zheng Haozu to avenge her and even though she would love if all that happen, she could not let her mother took the risk. The Zheng family would utterly defended Zheng Shuyu and Zheng Haozu to the end and her mother would only leave the house in much more foul mood.

Worst case, her mother could also file a lawsuit against Zheng Haozu and demanded the Zheng family to kneel to her and apologize to Chen Ziyi until she felt satisfied. Knowing her mother, she did not think her mother would feel satisfied when it involved the Zheng family.

She did not want that. Although she felt no attachment already to the Zheng family and would love to experience herself and enjoy the ruckus that her mother would turned the Zheng family upside down, she also didn't want to give opportunity to them to hurt her mother's reputation.

Too overbearing could let others see her mother in a bad way and that would be what the Zheng's love to see.

Although she was not going to involve her friends into her fight, but her heart was filled with warmth listening to how her friends discussing and giving suggestion on how to avenge her.

Why was she a fool in the past? Why can't she saw the kindness of her classmates tried to offer to her?

Han Meirong then saw how Chen Ziyi looked at them.

"What is that look?" Han Meirong sudden question made Chen Ziyi turned to her, confused.
