Erotic Memory (I)

Listening to that, Lin Chao-xing froze and seemed cooled down a bit. She had an expression like realization had just came to her again.

'No wonder'.

'I thought she knew?'

"You don't know my aunt? I never talk about her and you never met her?" Lin Chao-xing massaged the space between her brows as she reconfirm again with Han Meirong.

With her innocent face, Han Meirong shook her head denying that she ever met the aunt Lin Chao-xing was questioning her.

Receiving that response, Lin Chao-xing twitched her lips. As she squinted her eyes to Han Meirong, she tried to recall any memories of her telling 'that topic' to any of her friends. It then came to her none of that happen.

She never talk about 'that topic' with her any of her friends. Regardless of how the topic was a thing that everyone must heard, they never talk to each other about it specifically. Thus, the probability her telling her friends about her aunt's connection with Chen Rumin is zero.

In addition, if she had ever told anything on her aunt to her friends, Han Meirong might not included in the circles. However, she confirm that 99.99% she never talk about that with her any of her friends. Thus, back to the present time, how come she ever thought that Han Meirong would know about it?

'Ah~ it's because it's related to that topic.' Lin Chao-xing had her thumb at her lip as she was having her inner thoughts.


Looking at how Lin Chao-xing engrossed with her thoughts, Han Meirong wanted to take the advantage to toss the cushion back to Lin Chao-xing. However, unfortunately, Lin Chao-xing who had landed her gaze at Han Meirong, had realized her intention beforehand. Thus, upon Han Meirong grabbed a bigger cushion behind her and turned her body to face Lin Chao-xing, Lin Chao-xing had already rushed to stop her from doing so.

Lin Chao-xing climbed into the bed and went onto Han Meirong, startled both Han Meirong and Chen Ziyi over her suddenness. She then tried to forcefully take the cushion that Han Meirong had in her hand, but Han Meirong refused to let it go.

They were both girl, wrestling on the bed, but it was clearly to Chen Ziyi who had the upper hand. She had already retreated to the wall with her laptop, afraid of getting way of the 'battle'.

She also wanted to save her laptop from the possibility get kicked or smacked for getting in the way. Unseen possibility is dangerous, and she was not that insane to think a misfortune couldn't happen to her laptop if she was not saving her laptop first.

Tightened her lips into a smirk, Lin Chao-xing pushed Han Meirong's body facing to the side and tried to take the cushion again, but Han Meirong instead took the cushion into her embrace, hugged the cushion tightly as if it was her last lifeline, making it impossible for Lin Chao-xing to take it from her.

"You, Lin Chao-xing! How can you be so rough?!!" Panting, Han Meirong who was still in her posture facing the door, lamented. The cushion was still in her embrace. The embrace was loosened but she tightened her grip. Her original intention to pay her revenge to Lin Chao-xing had already been forgotten. Is it?

Lin Chao-xing with her flushed face, suddenly seemed cooled down and retreated from the bed. It did not take while before Han Meirong loosened her grip, took a peak at her and prepared herself for a counterattack.

"What are you? Why are you acting so rough like a man- Lin Chao-xing!!" Unfortunately, Lin Chao-xing never intended to retreat. She was only tried to bait Han Meirong into loosening her guard before attack again.

So they went back to their 'wrestling' scene on the bed.

Lin Chao-xing also managed to take a pillow that Chen Ziyi had before they went back to wrestle on the bed. Chen Ziyi yelped, ran away from the bed along with her laptop.

Han Meirong screamed for help from Chen Ziyi, but Chen Ziyi with her laptop in her embrace, not knowing where to put the laptop, did not move to help her. In truth, she can actually put the laptop on her study desk, but the desk was not in her sight at all during that moment.

Her sight was full on the 'battle' on the bed before her eyes. She was scratching her head in confusion.

They were just talking about something, then Lin Chao-xing left them in the middle of conversation, and now, before her eyes, there were two girls had a wrestling show on her bed. Not a so rough wrestle like in the tv show. It was more on girl fighting and pinning the other using pillow and their body.

If Chen Ziyi could change the appearance of Lin Chao-xing to a man, the sight could turn to -

A memory flashed through her mind as she could not help but wanted to try to switch Lin Chao-xing's role to a man roles in her imagination. She did sometimes watch romance dramas and movies in the past, so she was aware of some sort of such bed scenes.

She merely subconsciously had that desire to replay and compare of what she watched with what currently happened before her eyes.

However, she did not expect that another memory flashed, replacing the first scene.


The hiccup that was unexpected released was a soft one and went fleeting unnoticed by the two girls who were still 'wrestling' on the bed.

However, once you had a hiccup, like a cough, it won't stop.

"Hic!" The second one was loud that, fortunately, gained attention from the girls before her eyes, and stopped them from whatever they were doing.

"Chen Ziyi?" A head popped up from the bed. Due to Han Meirong was still pinned down by Lin Chao-xing, and only a head greeted her eyes, it became a quite comical sight.

Chen Ziyi knew that Lin Chao-xing clearly had the upper hand since the beginning, but to think that Han Meirong could never hold the candle to the other and could never able to pin Lin Chao-xing down for longer period than the other, making her have a thought on Lin Chao-xing's skills.- or maybe weight??

"Hic!" Wide eyes, she then cupped her mouth with her hands.

Gosh, she couldn't stop the hiccup. So embarrassing!

She knew she could not see her own face or reaction, but she could imagine her funny embarrassing state. Her neck and ear reddened as her face flushed with embarrassment for producing such sound. Only kids would hiccup. W-Wait. She is a kid right? But still! in front of her friends.

"Ziyi, why you-suddenly-?" Han Meirong crawled to Chen Ziyi after Lin Chao-xing loosened her weight on her.

Chen Ziyi wanted to laugh looking at that comical scene, but she could not. She was afraid to let the sound come out from her again.

"Here, give me the laptop. Why would you run so far from us?" Lin Chao-xing took the laptop from her and put them on the bed.

"I was afraid that you would accidentally kick- hic!"

Although Chen Ziyi did not complete her sentence because of the hiccup, both Han Meirong and Lin Chao-xing froze as they somehow could understand by themselves of the unfinish remark. Recalling at how rough their activities were previously, not knowing what to response, their head then slowly turned to face the after-scene behind them.

The bed was mess, and the pillow? They were all over on the floor.

Han Meirong bite her lip, turned back her body facing Chen Ziyi with her apologetic eyes. Lin Chao-xing meanwhile only let an awkward laugh while scratching her head.

Then, they heard hiccup came from Chen Ziyi again.

"I'll get water and rice for you." Han Meirong rushed out of the room.

While waiting for Han Meirong, Lin Chao-xing went to tidy up the bed and sorted the pillow that had fall all over in the room, to the bed.

"Gosh, Chen Ziyi! You're having a nosebleed!" Lin Chao-xing hurriedly rushed to Chen Ziyi, immediately pulled her to sit on the bed after she helped her lifted her head a bit upwards. Then, she reached some tissues and a compact mirror, giving them to Chen Ziyi.

Contradict to how Lin Chao-xing feeling worried about her, Chen Ziyi did not show any expression other than a flushed face. She took the tissue and put it at her nose, while looking at her reflection in the mirror.

'A hiccup, then nosebleed, how much you want to expose your shameful state to your friends, Chen Ziyi?' In spite of her calm expression that she had on the outside, Chen Ziyi cried out in her heart.

"Nosebleed?" A sound heard from out of the room.

Listening to that worried tone, Chen Ziyi turned to face the door, while holding the tissue on her nose.

The moment suddenly turned to silence for a while as if the time has stopped for them. Chen Ziyi was still with her flushed face only raised a brow at her. Unfortunately, Han Meirong seemed only catch at how reddened Chen Ziyi's face was and the blood at the tissue.

Terror. That was what showed on the face that looked at her.

Han Meirong whose each respective hand had a glass of water and a bowl of something that Chen Ziyi assumed as cooked rice, was looking at her with her extremely worry and scared look.

Chen Ziyi opened her mouth, wanted to tell Han Meirong to not too worry as it was just a nosebleed, but she did not make it in time when a footstep was heard, which she could already roughly imagine the worry look that the owner of the footstep would show to her later.

With how the indoor shoes that should not make a sound, it could be sounds from how the owner walked too fast and unconsciously put a bit strength on her footsteps when she rushed to the room.

Finally, another face showed in front of her room. Another pair of worried eyes, furrowed eyebrows, and terrorized face looking at her.