Way Too Good

The next day, just like what Chen Rumin had planned, they made few stops on their way back to province G.

Chen Rumin wanted to make sure they were able to make it in time for all the stops she planned so they did not delay the moment they woke up the next morning, instead drove straight to the first stop.

Chen Ziyi did not mind much as she could still continue her sleep in the car. In fact, she was still not fully awake when her mother brought her walking around at the first stop.

To Chen Ziyi, there was nothing much difference in terms of tourist attraction between the two provinces her mother brought her. The places was beautiful and there were a lot of attraction and beautiful settings that people would love to make as their background picture.

Chen Ziyi did not underestimate the places they went to though. Each places have their own history and uniqueness. Her mother did not forget to share what she knew to her.

Her mother kept pestering her to take pictures and she could only listen to her, not wanting to ruin the day. Well, not that she didn't have the excitement to take pictures, but she felt quite awkward to pose just for a picture.

Don't blame her! How long had it been her posing for a picture?-No. The right question-had she ever taking a picture of her and posted it in her social media?-Never! She'd only been in group photo and that happen only when there was occasion at the company she worked for and it was only with her close colleagues.

So did she ever kept the pictures and posted on her Weibo?

"It looks good on you, miss."

It was the last stop they made at the province before they were to drive straight home.

The uniqueness of the place was the ancient Chinese buildings architecture and street liven up the theme. Other than the architecture being the main attraction itself, another key attraction that make the place memorable was where there were shops renting out various kinds of Hanfu dress to its visitors.

Feeling that they must not miss out the opportunity, Chen Rumin made her daughter into wearing one and pose around for her. Feeling entranced by the beautiful silk dress on her, Chen Ziyi who feel like walking in a fairy' dress from ancient times, for the first time, did not mind to sweetly enjoy the moment and pose for her mother.

Contradict to her mother's cold appearance to which people would deem as someone who wouldn't care much on taking pictures, her mother were acting as if she was a professional photographer. Her mother would nod her head or gave a short approval sound when she loves the pictures she took and she would frown and directly remove the photo from her phone when she she felt the the picture was not par to what she wanted.

With fan folding and bamboo umbrella as the prop, Chen Ziyi did not know how many shots taken by her mother. She did not even want to know about it. She noticed how the hand that hold the mobile phone would move around to make sure the camera angle was at the best position, but she only gave a smile at the effort. Her only request from her mother was a one portrait-size shot of hers with the main building as her background picture.

"I could never expected that you can fill up my phone with this amount of your pictures, in just one day," Chen Rumin said, while her hand scrolling the photos in her gallery. "In just one day, okay," she added, emphasizing the 'one day' word, while her eyes still looking at the photos, not noticing the speechless look that her daughter had on her face right now.

"Why do I feel like you're way so good in this?" Her fingers clicked at one photo. "Why this one is so good? It's like I'm taking a photo of a model." "You are my baby, right? the one I gave birth to?"

"I know you got my good genes, but how can you be this good?" Chen Rumin's eyes keep staring at few pictures from the collection she had. Compared to the previous shots she had, it was clearly to her the currents one she see at this time was better.

With how the silk dress was way too complimenting her daughter's fair skin and how she was playfully acting like a princess from ancient times made her look like a real princess who was enjoying her walk around her castle. Looking at the shots where her daughter were looking at the camera, with how she had a sharp but still quite nice expression, entranced her for a moment. It was as if her daughter was doing a real photoshoot for the Hanfu dress.

It even crossed to her mind for a second, whether she should try make her daughter volunteer as a model for her friend. Just for fun and life experiences.

Her fingers then scrolled to the picture that her daughter requested to have. The portraits size. Her lips could not help but to curl up when her eyes catch the smile and expression her daughter had in the picture.

The Chen Ziyi in the photo that her eyes currently stare at right now, are the perfect imitation of her daughter in flesh right now. The cold and aloof her daughter had always been but there were softness in the way she smile. The daughter that mysteriously changed these days. Thinking that, concern flashed on her eyes for a second before she gave her attention back to the picture.

Gosh, this way too good.

"Now, my daughter, tell me, are you going to try this field?"

Chen Rumin felt like she could give her daughter freedom a bit if she want to try do photoshoot just for fun. She could just contact her friend for that.

But for a career path, she wouldn't encourage her daughter to do so. In fact, she didn't think that her daughter had any interest to enter such industry. At least, that's what she know so far. No, she didn't think her daughter had such desire. Not even when she's this good. She's only being herself right this moment that it looks good. Yes.

Her daughter was not one who enjoy such limelight's life and she herself was not feeling good to allow her daughter to choose such path life. Not that she had no faith that her daughter would not let the society affect and influence her life. But, to let her daughter live a celebrity's life and struggled just to survive in such industry, no thanks. This is the bottom-line for her.

As her mother, as she tried her best to continuously give her daughter freedom a bit here and there, just to experience various things in life while growing up, she will still carved a path for her daughter. The best path.

Rolling her eyes, Chen Ziyi ignored her mother's question and walked away. Seems like her mother really did forget how awkward she was previously, to do various pose just for picture-taking sake. Compared to the current ones that she enjoy taking her sweet times, for previous shots that was taken at other places they visited, she merely stood with a small sweet smile.

"You did not answer my question just now. You have no any slightest interest to choose this as your career path, right?" Her mother voiced out her dissatisfaction in the car.

"What field?"

"Acting, entertainment,.."

Chen Ziyi raised an eyebrow at her mother's suddenness. She thought her mother gave up already. In fact, she already forget about it.

"Who knows? I have this icon that I like. I was thinking that perhaps that I can become like her." Ah, it's been so long bickering with mom.

"What icon?" Not liking the suddenness interest that her daughter had, she asked. Since when her daughter were having interest on those kind of things? Recalling of the history of websites that her daughter went to, other than study material, she didn't think there were entertainment channel on them.

She didn't think she was prepare enough if her daughter suddenly want to go that way. She would prefer her daughter to avoid such life. It will be not easy for her daughter to survive to fight against power and hierarchy. Connection is one thing, but main problem is the fan and haters. A normal people couldn't care less about haters, but celebrity were not able to do so.

"A musical actress. She can dance too."

"You want to become an actress? and dance, like seriously? I wouldn't even imagine you dancing around, but who are you going to lie by telling me you want to become an actress? Enough with the teasing." Yes. She was aware that her daughter just want to tease her, but she still need to know her daughter's opinion on the matter.

"Who knows I perhaps can?"

"No perhaps. You know that you can't."

"Then, what the h-" she almost curses in front of her mother. Well, she didn't think the curse was that kind of heavy curse like fxxx word, but which 15 year old girl that would know curse words. Her mother would later interrogate her on where the hell she learn that.

"Mom, what makes you ask me this question? On what ground, you think I might go into acting or the entertainment industry?"

Seeing that her mother went into silent, she continued, "well, I don't know about dancing, because I never dance. But... I don't think I dance. And acting? Do I look like I can act?"

Hearing that, Chen Rumin nod her head before release a long relief sigh that Chen Ziyi didn't know since when her mother was holding it up.

"No. You can't act. at all."