Leaving Family Zheng House (ii)

"Huo Yan!"

"What?!" the old lady with her reddened eyes glared at her husband, to which make him not able to continue whetever he was about to say. She was his wife after all.

"Ever since she was child, I only felt heartache by looking at her. Cold-tempered, always causing fights, never try to yield to others. Poor my other grandchildren had to be wary of her all the time."

"Chen Ziyi. Apologize to your elder cousin then go."

"NO need! Have she ever sorry for whatever she did? What can we expect from this girl anyway-" Huo Yan then seemed rose ahead and then she hit Chen Ziyi's leg. "Just get out of this house. I don't want to see your presence at all in my house. Get out!"

"Grandma, calm down. I am fine. I just fell abit. It was not that serious," Zheng Xiaomeng persuaded her grandmother.

"Xiao Meng, it's fine. I have been wanted to do this. Since you're moving out, just go already. Don't come back. Go! It will be much better if you not exist at all."

"Huo Yan!"

"I dont care. She must get out of this house today. I dont ever want her to remain in this house any minute longer!"

While the old lady keep hitting and pushing Chen Ziyi's leg, no one noticed the eye interaction between Zheng Xiaoqi and Zheng Xiaomeng as it was a short one.

Zheng Xiaoqi who's her hand just now was still holding Chen Ziyi's arm now turned to her leg instead. Her hands was on top of her grandmother's hand who was hitting and pushing Chen Ziyi's leg.

"Grandma, don't hit anymore. It was just misunderstand." Zheng Xiaoqi said while 'holding' the old lady's hand.

"NO! I dont care anymore. I will only feel satisfied if she get lost already!"

At this moment, Zheng Xiaoqi's eyes met with Zheng Xiaomeng.

"What are you trying to do to Chen Ziyi??!" Han Meirong who has left already just now came back. They didn't know when she had arrived there, but her eyes locked at the the multiple pairs of hands at her friend's leg.

Han Meirong then stepped closer to them then hastily pushed the hands away, to which made both Zheng Xiaoqi and Huo Yan to fall as well.

"Grandma!" Zheng Xiaomeng quickly helped Huo Yan.

"You! What are you trying to do to us?! You-- ,"

"I push you. So what?" Han Meirong retorted back.

Huo Yan stunned upon hearing that. "Y-You!- Chen Ziyi! What kind of friends are you making? No respect towards elders. Being so rightous even after she pushed this poor old lady. They say, birds of a feather flock together. I was surprised that you able to make friends outside, but this girl turned out are just the same. Good good."

"Enough already. Don't you feel tired embarrasing yourself?"

"Did you listen to that? W-What did your friend scold me for?"

"Enough already, grandmother. Meirong is right. You're embarrasing me. Can you stop, now? -"


A slap fall on her cheek. Since Chen Ziyi's hand was still holding box, she couldn't touch her left cheek which was slapped by her grandmother. She took a deep breathe before continue her words.

"I - will go now. No need to kick me out. I already intended to not come back, but grandfather begged me to. But since you dont want to see my face anymore, dont worry. I, Chen Ziyi won't come back. May you be happy now with your lovely family".

"I just couldn't understand what kind of teaching that Rumin taught you. Just get out already from this house! Hateful child. Get out! You are not my granddaughter anymore. Listen here, everyone, dont let her enter this house anymore, ouch, my back".


Ignoring whatever screams of commotion behind her, Chen Ziyi walked down the stairs, with Han Meiorng following her at the back.

"Be careful of your steps. Do you need my help carry one of the boxes?" Han Meirong did not ask Chen Ziyi whether she alright or not, since her face just looks fine. The face seems hinting 'Don't ask me about the slap. Let's just get out of this place.'

Han Meirong recalled of the what happened just now, so she stopped following Chen Ziyi and called out her name.

"Ziyi, I think I left my earpod in the washroom upstairs."

"Oh? do you need me to come with you?"

"No, its fine. I can find myself."

"Sure. If-you met with my cousins or my grandmother, just ignore them."

"Of course, I am really good in ignoring people."

"Okay, I am glad hearing that."

Han Meirong headed back to the 'stairs' scene upon she made sure her friend really walked far enough from her.

Upon Chen Ziyi walked out of the manor, she unconciously released a deep breathe. A small smile formed on her mouth while she looked at the only white scenery in front of her eyes.

"Why you don't just asked for my help to carry them?" Han Mujing approached her after he opened the car's trunk..

"It's fine. They're not that heavy, senior." After she said that, Han Mujing still took the boxes from Chen Ziyi and put them in the trunk, before his eyes were searching for someone.

Knowing who he's looking for, Chen Ziyi said," Meirong left her earpod in the washroom. She went picking it up."

"Is this everything else? Nothing else to put into the trunk?" Han Mujing asked.

"Yes. I will hold this one in the backseat." Chen Ziyi said, walking to the backseat door.

"Holla". Han Meirong walked to them, straight to the front passenger's door.

"Have you found your-?" Han Mujing about to say 'your earpod' until his eyes saw that the item was actually in the car. He raised his eyebrow to his sister.

"Ha-Ha. I actually forgot that I took to the car already." Chen Ziyi nodded, believe it. But not her brother who gave her a side eye from the front driver's door.

'I'll-tell-you-later' Han Meirong mouthed to her brother.

'Sure.'Han Mujing mouthed back.

"So, my sister, where is my next destination?" Han Mujing asked, pulling the seatbelt.

Han Meirong who was still standing at the door, was about to reply but her eye noticed someone on the road. He seems related to the Zheng family if he was walking to the door. A maid greeted him and he seemed turned his face to their car after that. The maid probably tell him about Chen Ziyi visiting the house.

"Ziyi, that-s your older brother, right?" Han Meirong truly wanted to slap her own mouth.

"Hm. Let's just go. No need to meet him."

"O-okay." Han Meirong entered the car and pulled the seatbelt over her body.

"Next destination is hmm -Chao-xing's house. We will move together with her and Wan Zhen from there." Han Meirong replied, before she remembered something that she almost missed out.

"-But, we need to stopped by Ziyi's home first to drop the stuff before we go to Chao-xing's, can you?"

"Okay, okay. Let's go now?"


With that, the car gradually leaving the Family Zheng House.

Chen Ziyi was trying to recall any good memories to ponder of, but nothing came out in her mind. With a bitter smile formed on her face, she threw last look towards the manor. Ignoring the teenage lad who's face still fixed on the car she ride, she turned back her head to front scenery.

Han Meirong would sometimes checked on her through the side mirror.






