new place

~Dusan~(January 19 79AD)

We finally reach that noble man's house. It was a 1 day journey. We got down, and were taken to a huge ground.

"My name is Guilford. I am an entertainer. I have bought all of you, and you are my slaves now, and I believe you all know that. You have to bring me enough profit by fighting. You have to fight to death, you know, that's how the games work.",the noble man said.

He then brought a man who was very muscular, larger than me. The noble man then continued, "Now you have to fight him and show your worth. You will be separated into groups according to your worth."

The muscular man had a wooden sword ready, and stood there to fight.

The first slave, an African I guess was called out. It was not a big fight. Just a few hits to see your strength. The African was labeled the red.

A few others went and were labeled the yellow. It was my turn.

The muscular man lifted his fake sword and swung it towards my left shoulder (he targeted my shoulder). I blocked it with mine, and with a lot of force I managed to push it towards my right, away from me.

I was labeled as the red. Maximus came and congratulated me. I didn't find myself as victorious as he sounded though.

He was a slave, who just did some household chores. So I had nothing to worry about. He didn't have to fight to death at least, unlike the rest of us here.

We were later taken to an underground chamber to forge some iron swords. The ones we make are the ones we would be using to fight. Even though I knew how to sword fight, I didn't know how to forge swords...

The muscular man started distributing the unforged swords from the hot fire. Everyone started hitting it... I didn't know what to do, so I too like a professional started hitting it.

"Thass(that's) not how you dowith (do it)." It was that African.

"Oh", I said.

"Give me I will dowit (do it)."

He took my sword and started hitting it.

"That was how I was doing it...", I said.

"No. You were hithing (hitting) the same place. Ith (it) would become uneven, and thath (that) will become a disadvantage when you fighth (fight).

Ith mighth (might) even break."

"You... Are new here?", I asked.

"Oh yes. I am noth (not) familiar with this language. Thass why I sound funny.", He laughed.

"Here you go!!", He gave the sword to me with a smile. I smiled back.

"Thanks!", I said and left.

The masked man took us outside to our quarters. It was a single roomed house, pretty small, but would fit all of us. I found Maximus there.

"How did the day go?", He asked curiously.

"We forged ourselves some swords. But I didn't do mine. It was done by that guy.", I pointed

"Kwame", The African guy said. He was taller than me, more muscular and had really long braided hair which reached upto his knees!

"Kwame.", I repeated to Maximus.

"yours?", I asked back.