
The hooded men cut her lose steadying her. Guards rushed forward to grab each of her arms.

"Listen Traveler, " Governor Jackson said tone serious, " I did not want any of this to happen. I will not be responsible for what that thing does, understand?" He said pointing back to where the dragon had flown off.

" I thought him a myth all this time. I mean no one has even laid eyes on him in a hundred years! I will take you to him, not because I want to, but because if I do not he will destroy us all. I hope you understand." He said bowing his head in defeat.

Treasca was having a hard time sympathizing with lunatics that nearly fed her to a monster. but she held her tongue. She needed a plan to escape these men and make it back to her clan before they could hand her over to the dragon. She knew eventually she would be killed by the thing if she did not find a way to escape.

They took Treasca to a well furnished room with no handle on the inside and no windows. The only light was a single oil lamp high on the wall. It flicked there was not much oil in it she had maybe an hour before it went out leaving her in the pitch dark.

"Change and lay down." The guard said gruffly before pushing her inside and slamming the door shut. Treasca could hear heavy locks being turned into place. There where at least four she heard. She struggled out of the heavy annoying dress, and slid into the too decorative to be comfortable night gown. Pretend to be obedient was her first phase of her plan. She knew she stood a much better plan of escape in the open than in a city crawling with guards. She lay down staring at the ceiling until the light finally flickered out leaving her utterly alone.

Treasca must have dozed off at some point, because the next thing she knew there was a knock on her door before it opened and the same maids as before strolled in.

"To think you survived, and get to be a queen now how thrilling." The chattest one with moss brown hair said setting the traveling gown of a noble on the foot of the bed. "No one believed you would honestly, no one else has." She continued unphased by the withering look Treasca gave her. The other three maids silently pulled Treasca to her feet and pulled the night gown off without even looking at her. The chatty maid would have said something more, but the oldest one who looked to be in her thirties gave her a look that silenced any further talk. They dressed Treasca quickly and placed sturdy leather boots onto her feet. They braided her hair back in a long sensible strand and fastened a heavy dark brown cloak of velvet around her shoulders. The hunter green dress complimented the cape well, but Treasca knew that these clothes where far to silly for traveling. They marched Treasca out of the door to the guards who stood waiting for her at the end of the hall. They marched here without a word to a back gate that lead out of the city. No one would even see them leave Treasca noted frowning. She had hoped to signal someone from her clan. She just knew they would be frantically looking for her. The lead guard put her onto a large brown mare, then climbed up behind her. Once they where mounted he gave a hand motion and they set out silently into the still dark early morning.

They raced along the deserted cobblestone road. They pushed the horses hard which at first pleased Treasca, because tired horse would slow them more than any speed they gained now. However, they had not been riding for three or four hours when more guards stationed along the road met them with fresh horses. Treasca scowled not knowing how far away the dragon king lived from the city. She could see it in the distance barely visible through the tops of the trees. She could feel her heartbeat race, would they be there before nightfall?

They finally stopped once full dark had made it hard to ride further. The lead guard tied her wrists around a tree while they brushed down the horses. They didn't make a fire but sat around eating break and cheese not talking or even looking at Treasca. She wondered if she was going to be allowed any food herself or even the latrine. Finally she cleared her throat politely.

" May I use the bathroom?" She asked wearily trying to make herself sound sad and weak.

" Take her just within the treeline, and make it fast." The lead guard snapped at the youngest guard. He jumped up and obeyed quickly. The boy was maybe seventeen, but already looked hardened somehow. He was gentle and polite turning around to give her privacy which made her feel a bit guilty when she pushed the palm of her hand to the boys head knocking him out with magic. Sleep was an easy spell the body needed it, and these men where exhausted she didn't even need to touch the others before they slumped over snoring loudly. The horses she left awake she would need at least one of them.