
Thalon stood in the door grinning. His hair was a dark blue nearly black, and his eyes like sapphires. He was dressed in black pants with a blue vest wrapped around a naked torso. Delyn could see the Dragon's avatar snaking around his body. Delyn never really cared for Thalon if he was honest, though he would never say it out loud. Oh sure, he was nice enough to the Drakes unlike most Dragons, but there was something sly always behind his eyes.

"Delyn! How are you? Did I over hear you right Brenton has a new pet Fae." Thalon grin was mischievous as he said it. Delyn winced he should have talked to Taylon elsewhere.

"His business is not mine to repeat." Delyn said looking away he had really screwed up.

"Oh, but you just where talking about it to your dear brother. I only want to hear this joyous news for myself." Thalon sat in a chair backwards he leaned his head on the back of the chair expectantly. Delyn stiffened Thalon could hurt him badly if he was angered. He decided to tell him a very edited version of the truth.

Delyn cleared his throat and said.

" My master honored the tradition that was implemented after the war, and found the human's offering to be to his liking." That was exactly the truth he felt no need to comment further. He stood walking back towards the door feeling slightly angry.

"Oh Delyn, Do tell your master I will be there to visit him very soon" Thalon said, grinning in a nearly malevolent way.