Just Talk

Treasca scream seemed to startle the strange creature. He jerked back as if burned. She stopped, and tried to compose herself.

"I am very sorry, I just have never seen anything like you." She said wiping away chilled sweat from her hands.

"Scared...scared...I scared you. I tree...tree....tree...tree nymph. We...we..we are cousins. You...you..can call me Neal." Neal's stuttering seemed to grow worse as he spoke as if afraid himself.

"Neal...It is nice to meet you. I am Treasca." She bowed solemnly. She was still not completely sure she trusted Neal, but she really didn't want to hurt his feelings if he ment her no harm.

"Can you tell me how to find the fae? A dragon has taken me prisoner, and I would like to seek their aid in my escape." She hoped if anything they could help her tell her family what had happened to her. Neal crouched on the ground using a long finger to scratch in the dirt. At first Treasca was confused as to what he could be doing, then it dawned on her he was sketching out a map for her.

The twins escorted Brenton to the line of tents that had been mostly hidden from the road. The Traveler's paused as they passed stopping any activity they had been doing mid motion. One man had even over filled his tankard sloshing dark wine all over himself. He had cursed, and tried to salvage his stained shirt. The small boys looked over their shoulders every so often as if making sure their prisoner was still in tow. They had not bound him in anyway yet he still felt as if they where leading him off to be judged. It had been a bit unnerving, but it wasn't as if he couldn't just fly off whenever he felt like it. Hell, he could probably swallow them both up in one bite. He probably wouldn't, but the thought had crossed his mind when those insolent faces had accused him. They didn't just come out and say, 'We know you took our sister you monster.', but he felt as if the accusations was implied. The tent they appeared to be heading towards was very large, and was imposing compared to the other smaller ones. A very large man stood in its opening his arms crossed his face hostile.

"Are you another of those bastard guards here to drive us off by threat, and violence?" He asked loudly. Silence filled the clearing making Brenton look around. Every man, woman, and child in the Traveler's party stood in a Simi circle around him.

"No sir, I am not. Merely a curious passerby too polite to turn down eager children." Brenton said very calmly he could feel the pain, and anger rising from this man. He really couldn't blame him.

"I see. Then what can we do for you?" The man seemed less hostile, and some of the tensions eased.

"Well to be honest, I heard of what happened, and hoped I could get some answers. Women disappearing is not good for the economy here, and the way you where treated is highly suspicious." Brenton said looking at the man willing him to believe. It was a very small spell, and should not be detectable.

"Well, are you some kind of government officer then? What is your name, sir?" The man was agitated again.

"I am, but I think something corrupt maybe going on behind my back. My name is Brandon. The mayor was the one who threatened you wasn't he?" And just like that Brenton had found a scapegoat.