
Brenton flew as fast as he could tracking the scent of both Delyn and Treasca. It appeared his bride had decided to give him the slip again, but rather than be amused now by her antics he was frantic. Something was very wrong, it was if a candle had been snuffed out and that part of his mind that kept track of where she was would no longer function. He was reduced to sniffing around like a dog after a hare, and it made him very uneasy. Delyn he could still feel, but something was off. Delyn was in a great deal of pain, perhaps even mortally wounded. Who could or would hurt him that badly? He knew Treasca could not and would not do it despite wanting to escape very badly. Would the fae hurt him? Brenton breathed in deep, and smelled it at last Thalon. Fury raged in him spilling out is mouth in an earth shattering roar. Everything within hundreds of miles heard it and cowered. He knew Thalon had fled though he knew Treasca was no longer with him, her scent had gone north and his west. Brenton dived into the trees changing into human shape before touching the ground. He rolled gracefully and sprinted towards the smell of blood.

Delyn lay in a pool of his own blood. He had known Thalon would overpower him, but he had needed to buy his master time. He had hoped that Treasca had hidden nearby. He was too weak to try to find her himself, but he knew his master would be here very soon. He had little more than finished the thought when the roar shook the earth beneath him. Delyn winced at the sound. His master was royally pissed, and once he found out what Thalon had done his fury would be a truly frightening thing. Brenton walked towards him then eyes a cold white fire.

"Hello master..." Delyn started to say but coughed blood pouring out of his mouth. Brenton winced looking at him he sat on his heels, and touched Delyn gently on the shoulder. Delyn felt his body rapidly repairing itself leaving him slightly faint, but otherwise well.

"What happened?" Brenton asked coldly his voice sounded thick still with emotion. Delyn explained as quickly as possible getting slowly to his feet, and searching the trees. "To make matters worse, Treasca is no where I can now sense." Brenton said eyes searching desperately. "If she has wandered here looking for the Fae, I fear for her. The Harpies are the only fae nearby, and they will drain her dry."