The Pain of the Past and Yu Fangzhu's End (1)*

[Mature Content]

Water dripped from the cracks of the walls. The moss and vines felt earthly to her as she stared at the man mounted to a makeshift cross that the foreign countries would use to mount their sinners. But this cross was not to show mercy to a sinner but to torture them.

Standing before Yu Fangzhu, a silent tear fell down her cheeks that she didn't bother wiping away. This was the last tear she will shed for this man. This tear was not because of him but an offering to all that fell from his hands and her fellow prisoners in this man's schemes and lies.

The guardsman went out to take the rest of the items that Lin Xiaofei requested of Gu Yan. He returned with a tray of clippers, leather whip that had thorns around it, and several others that could turn any strong-willed man to become as weak as a sheep in the gallows.