

Okay, this is my life. It gets tragic and terribly sad, but I made a promise to those who read Son of Time. Now, we start at my birth. After this, it jumps around a few times, since I don't remember much until age 5. Welcome to my life!


Everything has a start, so I guess I'll start with mine. I was born on October 29th, 1996. My father named me Gilbert Saber Enriquez III. My middle name was chosen because parents with children born that year were using the French spelling rather than the way mine is spelled. This may surprise you, but I don't remember much until the age of four. It's a side effect from something that happens later, and I'm sorry that I don't have many stories from this area of my childhood.

At the age of 2, my brother Sebastian was born. His name was chosen for the same reason as mine. Though at the time of his birth it was the Spanish spelling. And at the age of 3, my brother Juan was born. I would devote the next few years to protecting them. At the age of four and a half years, my mother left me and my brothers at a shelter without my father's approval. She did this while he was deployed out of state. After a year of my father trying to take us back, we were sent to a foster home. This place gives me mixed emotions, but I still wanted to protect my brothers. I told them I wouldn't live with them without both my brothers. They took us all in.


Sorry, to end it here, but each chapter after this will be a year in my life. And I felt like this would start getting a bit long. Look forward to Saturday, the first year in foster care (Still thinking of a name).