Dreams of the Future

This will be the final chapter. No, I won't continue anymore. These have all been 100% true, and this chapter is something I am only posting because of a YouTuber who trashes on those who tell the full truth. Well, that YouTuber and two friends. Emmanuel has been a great listener and influence for keeping me going since I started writing, but a Facebook friend gave me hope by showing even those halfway across the world and with different beliefs can have similar interests and experiences. There are only three stories in this chapter, but each one was more profound and turned out a different way each time.

To begin, thanks to the early high dosage medication I didn't dream for years. All it felt like was when you sleep in Minecraft, I'd fall asleep and wake up without a single dream or even anything more than two seconds of black. These three times were when I did dream, and the circumstances that followed were insanely weird.

So, the first dream I had was during 1st grade. Shortly after my birthday party going as bad as it could, I had my first dream as far as I can remember. I saw my elementary school, and a man had walked in through a side entrance. He picked me up and walked off. I was jolted awake before seeing anything else. This terrified me for a few days. Then, I went to the restroom during class around four days after the dream. I was within twenty feet of where the location shown in the dream was. I heard the side door open, and a fellow student who was watching the hall tried to say something. As far as I know, he was just about to finish saying "Uncle" when I heard the door open back up and nothing else was said. I walked out terrified, and saw the student was gone. I didn't say anything, to this day that student has been missing and it doesn't feel right that I didn't stop it out of fear.

The second time this happened, I was at a Bible Camp with my youth group in the fall of my 8th grade year. I had just left the nightly service, and fell straight to sleep without the medication. From what I was told, every person in the youth group male quarters had done their best to wake me up, even my brother who knew how to do it extremely well. They couldn't wake me up at all. Although, I couldn't tell they were even trying. I actually saw a bunch of images in the dream. Those images were burnt into my mind. The first was that I would be up on stage while my parents were in the front row. The second was that riches would come to the foster father. The third was that the younger biological daughter of the foster parents would marry a pastor who we knew, but I couldn't remember his name. The fourth was that her sister would marry a member of a church band. The fifth was that me and my brothers would return to each other. The sixth wasn't a picture, but it was auditory. I heard a phrase that I later found out would be the name of my favorite song. Just one word, Hope.

Out of all these, so far, all but the first have happened so far. When I returned to the foster home, I told the foster family all the things I saw. They laughed in my face. As christians, their faith was weak. However, within one year to the day, the third image came to pass. And they started trying to force their own to come true. The foster father became obsessed with his and bought twelve lottery tickets a week. The fourth happened within another two years, though during that two years, the eldest daughter kept trying to go out with various members of the church band. Three years after I graduated, the foster father's came true in a different way. He passed away, but the foster mother kept his accounts active with herself as a secondary. This means all the money from his death, a total of 300k$, had been transferred to an account bearing his name, but used solely by his wife who was focused on using only a little on the funeral. Immediately following this, I heard the twentieth One Piece opening song, Hope. A year and a half after that, and my brothers and myself were back together for the first time in years. The only one left is the first.

The final dream I had is an odd one. I had it a year after I saw all those images. Though I didn't know the exact time of would happen, I was amazed at what I saw. I was sitting at a campfire with three people. One was Princess Jolly, another was Emmanuel, and the third was Christian. We looked a little older, but also like we had been a lot closer than we normally would have been around that time. Slowly, all three of them back away. Then, Emmanuel returned and PJ would blip in and out. Christian would finally end up rejoining Emmanuel and I, with PJ staying in the shadows between Christian and I.

The only way to explain this is that it told my viewpoint of us in the years left in regards to all four of us. If you can't see the last part, neither did I until recently. I recently found out Christian and I were more similar in mind than I thought, and we grew closer as friends after finding out the truth from each other directly.