Torture Treatment

(Sorry this chapter came at the end. It was a legal hassle to complete, and I didn't have enough courage to place it little by little. All I've written is true. And now I truly complete my autobiography. Thank you for all your views. If anyone is going through a similar situation, please leave a comment. I will do my best to answer more for everyone who needs a person to listen bro their story. And I chose to name every foster family member imvolved)

This will be told year by year. And anything that was done on a regular basis will be put at the start and ending point (though not many ended).

To start, when I was 5 and starting school. The foster parents (Lupe and David) told me my little brothers would stay with them and be safe. They never even watched them. Instead, they lied to me and put them into daycare immediately. Even worse, starting that Halloween, they built a fear of that day into me. Starting on the Halloween after my 6th birthday with them. That day, they took me to a haunted house at a church. The church had the seven deadly sins as their haunted house. And David pushed me in front of the one for murder. A fake gun in my face, but I was too young to know that. After that day, David would try a different scare tactic to "cure" me of my fears. With every new fear came a new tactic. I was afraid of different bugs, horror movies, and soon associated David with torture. I was forced to go to a camp with him and the eldest foster child. At that camp, the David threw me into a small lake known for having eels. I didn't know how to swim and had no life vest. So, naturally, I sank like a rock in the exact spot he threw me. That spot just happened to be the exact center of the lake. I was saved by another councilor, as David was already heading back to the shore. Overall, throughout the year, I was told I couldn't leave the house and any friends I did get would be only seen at school. Pure isolation started at the age of 6.

I already said no one I invited came to my 7th birthday party. What I never said was what happened because of my reaction to it. I was in tears at the party. To "fix" me, both David and Lupe started slapping my head. Not with a loving mood, either. They left 3 bruises because I was making them look bad. And every gift I was going to receive was not given to me after all. Both foster parents said I wouldn't get a gift if I didn't act my age. Again, I was 7. I was forced to smile for the camera, and when I got home I was sent to my room and told to sleep. Even worse, Lupe forced the Clonidine down my throat because I started crying again. Later in the year, I had asked if they could take me to a friend's house. It was the first time I was ever invited, and they forced me outside instead. I was in the hot sun for a few hours, then forced to move stuff laying outside to the attic. The only way up was a ladder and David had to carry me up to the roof. He nearly dropped me the first time. And he laughed when he did. When I finally got up, I was forced into the attic where it went from hot to boiling. Once again, I was 7. Heatstroke could have killed me. And getting down was worse. Lupe had moved the ladder. That means I was flailing in the air for a few seconds before the ladder was put back. They both laughed at that. When I got to the ground, I was told to go to sleep because I didn't deserve to go to a friend's house if I couldn't not be afraid. I took the Clonidine myself, because, at that point, I didn't want more pain. I just wanted to be alone and cry. When I did, they placed a radio in the room. It was tuned to a Christian radio station and set to max volume. Turns out, they had people coming over. My crying was a distraction from what they had planned to do. They were going to a concert, and had their nephew was watching us. At this time, their house had been renovated to have a large room right outside what would have been my window to the backyard. I never got a proper cover to that window. So, for 9 hours I was forced to hear 5 different horror movies coming through my wall. After that, exhaustion took over. I woke up curled into a fetal position, shaking and sweaty. The first words I was told were easily the rudest awakening I've ever had. Lupe told me it was time for school and being a baby wasn't getting me out of it. Yeah, messed up, but it gets worse.

When I turned 8, I wanted one gift. A single video game. Well, they chose my birthday for a blood drawing. Yeah, they took me to get my blood tested thanks to all the medication. Well, what did this mean? Oh, nothing much. Just my fear of needles being born. Because during the examination, Lupe and David came in and distracted the nurse. The needle missed the mark, and I felt so much pain that I blacked out. When I woke up, the nurse was telling Lupe that she burst a vein and not to do it again. Bad news, they did it three more times. So, instead of two needles, I got 7 before I was done. Apparently, telling Lupe and David "no" meant "try me" to them. Yeah, I went to school and asked for the game before I got out of the car. My whole arm was purple. Hiding it wasn't even possible. So, I showed a few friends. They told the teacher, the teacher told the principal, and I was called in after school. Lupe and David denied they did it, and at that age confrontation wasn't good for me. I agreed with them. Well, while we walked out. David gave the video game to a random kid. When we got to the car, he told me that's what I get for showing what I shouldn't show.

By age 10, they had injured me thirteen times. And started to notice that the other students were smashing my fingers. Did they inform the principal? No! David did it himself to help me build a resistance. In fact, they never cared to inform the teachers unless I was doing something odd. They started to cut down on my food when I would "talk back" or anything close to that nature. In reality, I would simply tell them the truth on situations involving my brothers (I had never been an inherently bad kid, the only time I really lost it at this point was when something big happened). And because of the lower food intake with my medication getting increased, I started chewing on random objects. Not to eat them, but to give myself something to taste while I was deprived of actual food. This was one of those odd things. And a reason they added Methylphenidate to my medication list.

By age 12, they had started isolating me again. I would get a lot of friends at the school I switched to, but whenever each one had an event planned, I wouldn't be able to go. Even for projects I would be forced to do my part alone and add it at school. Most people in my class would think I was alone because I wanted to be, and they were technically right for the wrong reason. I actually didn't want them at the foster home because I was treated horribly there. And when David and Lupe found out I could sing, they did their best to smash my hopes of joining the talent show. If it wasn't for GG and my other friends, I wouldn't have joined. And David didn't care to go, he wanted me to be a sports kid when all he let me do is play video games. Lupe even kept away any potential girlfriends because they were afraid they would open my eyes to what she was doing.

By 14, I was nearly killed 5 times. From various electronics slammed on my head and even a hammer slammed with enough force to partially crack my head, they started getting much worse. Desirae joined David and Lupe by this time. I would be forced into a closet every weekend, and, once a month, I would nearly get smashed by the hooks attached to the door to hold shoes, the iron, and ironing board. Each time, Desirae would say the Devil wanted me dead because I was a liar. Deanna wouldn't do as much, but going to school she would tell me if I didn't babysit her son, she would personally kick me out.

By the time I graduated, I had already gotten multiple concussions. David had started to also suffocate me when I would try to explain myself. I was forced away from anime club three times, each time as a lie from Lupe. After my graduation party, I was forced to eat the leftover pizza for the following two weeks. Each day I ate at least 3 pounds of pizza, to the point where I started throwing up after a week. Even worse than that, if I did throw up, I was told it was my fault for choosing the place we got it from.

After a few months, Lucy died. The worst part was I was called to help Lupe help her. I was holding a bucket to her mouth as she coughed up blood, and she kept trying to tell me something. She never got to, because after coughing up the last of the blood she died in my arms. To this day, Lupe will never say the truth about that day. She says Lucy died peacefully in her sleep. I don't know why, and I feel it is the worst thing to say when Lupe had a hand in it. Lupe gave her an higher than normal dose of painkillers the night before because Lucy had climbed over the railing of her bed. Lupe is the reason Lucy is gone.

A few years after, David was diagnosed for a heart disease. Lupe didn't care. She made him work three times as hard. Every single job in the house had to be done by David or myself. Then, we went to Corpus Christi with the entire family. David took me on a fishing trip alone. He told me whatever happens to him, protect Lupe. To do what's best for her. A week after that, we went to Vacation Bible Camp and David stayed at their house. We got back, and David was lying on a bed. No noise. At exactly 1:45am CST, July 7th, 2018, David was confirmed dead. She had woken me up to "wake" David. I tried to resuscitate a dead man. With what he told me, I spent a year doing my best to assist Lupe. During that year, I was locked in various cars, with no ventilation or windows down for 9-15 hours at a time six times a week. I watched out for someone who hated my guts. And a year after David's death, I got away. Lupe threw me out of a moving car, called me trash, and since that day I've been with my real family.

I'm not saying this is all foster children's lives. But I am saying that the Ruiz Family was a horrible family to be with. They only cared about money. Yet, despite everything, I survived. If you want to say something, please comment. If you have questions, ask them in the comments. I will answer what I can because I don't want anyone going through what I went through. Thank you all for reading this, it is finally finished.