Chapter 26 : Haru Kim --------------------------------------------------

"Xander, I checked his drivers. It is very similar to Viole's driver. Maybe he also picked a unique drive stone just like Viole."

"Okay, I'll interrogate him after he gets completely healed.

That time, he damaged himself to save us."

Later, in the Medic,

"Hey, Haru, I'm really grateful. Thank you so much for saving me there."

Haru laid on the bed still resting.

*Knock* It was Xander standing at the door.

"If it wasn't for him, I don't know if we would be here.

I want to talk to you about something."

"Yeah sure, go on."

"Okay, so, when our research team arrived along with backup, they found out that there was a big lake in between the Mist Forest.

Upon further research, they found out that the Manwols came here to drink the water and find their partners.

A specimen of the water was taken. The checking is going on at the moment."

"What?! We came here just to find out they visit the Mist Forest just to extinguish their thirst and find a partner?

Upon that, how many lives did we have to give up for it?"

"I know, Viole. But don't forget what else we found. We know that there's an intelligent being that's commanding them. He may even be the leader. Maybe if we kill him, we can find peace between Humans and Manwols.

I'll get going now."

Later, in the Auditorium,

"We suppose that the Manwol we faced was their leader. More like, " The King of the Manwols".

Its no ordinary Manwol though. Its very different. Taking upon the shape of a human and having devastating defense capabilities, we still aren't sure what its true potential is. It has a hard armor covering its vitals and thorns around his body to defend or attack upon the situation. With high intelligence, able to talk in our language and healing skills.

We have codenamed him the 'Fox'. He has a sidekick whom he called Sphinx. It was a Manwol in the figure of a lion.

We have to take precautions now that we know there's an intelligent being out there guiding the Manwols. For that, we are going to prepare walls inside the outer wall. We will evacuate everyone outermost region inwards and stand the walls in hope that it holds them back."

Everyone started murmuring with each other about the situation they're put in.

"Don't worry everyone, we're gonna do it together. We'll defeat the Fox and attain peace with the Manwols!"
