The cursed beauty


It was a lazy Sunday afternoon and Eluraa had just woken up from her relaxing night's sleep.

Yawning loudly, she stretched her thin scrawny hands and leisurely woke up from her deep slumber.

She lived in the axon era where the five elements and their energies were enriched beyond imagination.

The air thrummed with magical energy and terrifying monstrous creatures roamed the planet.

Civilization had progressed and cultivators, people who had opened their soul gate were able to interact and engage the elemental energies, enhancing their cultivation and consolidating mana cores.

The five elements were considered sacred and it was a blessing to be able to cultivate their energy into mana cores.

It was a long and arduous journey, but people who cultivated their mana cores stood at the pinnacle of the food chain and ruled everything.

They were able to unleash terrifying magical spells at the snap of their fingers and move mountains at their will.

Eluraa was just an average cultivator with a natural low-grade affinity to water elemental energy.

Though she was an orphan and was abandoned in the middle of nowhere, she was fortunate enough to have found kind and simple parents who cherished her and took great care of her.

After two failed attempts, she had finally passed her initiation exams for magical creatures hunter license successfully!

To top it off, she also showed a good affinity for water elemental in the testing crystal.

Her parents were extremely happy and went wild with celebrations. Their sweet daughter had brought pride and joy to their entire village.

Though being a hunter is potentially life-threatening, Eluraa only intended to discover new creatures and interact with them in a friendly way.

Magical creatures were of different levels and different kinds.

Some of them were wild and some of them were docile. Some intended to destroy anything and everything in its path, while some just wanted to survive.

Taming hunters mainly specialized in forming friendly contracts and bindings with rare magical creatures and helped preserve their diversity.

Since her childhood, Eluraa had been fascinated with her father's tamed frost panther and made it her life's goal to research and help magical creatures.

However, fate had different plans for her...

Every day morning Eluraa sat in front of the beautiful pond in their courtyard and silently contemplated the connection she felt with the water elemental.

The morning light of the rising sun, the beautiful reflection on the pond water, the tranquil atmosphere, and the water elemental aura enveloping her body, made Eluraa look like a goddess with her eyes closed.

Even her mother, who had raised her for 16 years couldn't help but stop, and adore the sight of her daughter cultivating every morning.

Eluraa's beauty had exponentially increased ever since she had first felt her connection with the water elemental.

She gave the feeling of peace and tranquillity to anyone who looked at her. Her azure colored eyes and her calm temperament instantly made people like her.

But alas.. this ended up paving the way for her eternal torture...

Eluraa's village chief was the great-grandson of a fire elemental cultivator, who was now employed in a prestigious position in the royal empire.

Only extremely talented mages were recruited in the royal army and this talent had blessed their entire family for generations.

The great-grandson enjoyed his position as the village chief and took good care of the day to day village affairs.

He was fair and impartial in general and had earned his respect among the villagers.

However, he had lost his wife soon after childbirth and as a result heavily doted on his only son.

Unfortunately for him, his son turned out to be a rotten spoilt fatso.

He was born with decent talent but never worked hard on anything in his life.

Day in and day out, all he cared about was lavishly indulging himself with various delicacies. With age, he slowly started showing a more perverted nature.

The chief distributed three elixirs yearly to improve one's connection to the elementals and there was usually a huge competition for this opportunity.

Many villagers secretly used their daughters to curry favor with the fatso and begged him to put in a good word with the village chief.

Moreover, the fatso was also one of the judges, and the villagers desperately needed him to favor their sons.

That fateful day, it was Eluraa's father's turn to watch over the village boundaries for signs of dangerous creatures and Eluraa decided to accompany him that morning to cultivate in front of the village river.

Little did she know that she was making the biggest mistake of her life...

The rotten fatty had slipped out his house early that morning to meet with a woman he had previously been gifted.

He had to secretly enjoy his gifts since he would be skinned alive if his father ever found out.

Unfortunately, when fatty was returning back to his house, satisfied and humming, he spotted Eluraa by chance and was completely and utterly breath taken by her beauty.

He became crazed with an urge like never before and resolved to make her his own.