The Academy

It was the last day the academy opened its doors to people before it'd close for a year. The mass that flocked to the capital still didn't die down and many were getting concerned if they were able to even reach the gates of the academy.

The lines have split into five and in one of them Yano and Skyla queued up while Mil went out to buy some food he's never seen before and was eager to try. Skyla shared the thoughts of many others and complained,

"If only you didn't constantly interfere and led us to walk the path you wanted, we could've been here earlier! At this rate, we might not even get in!"

Frustrated, she stomped her feet and the males that inauspiciously crowded around her were even more mesmerised by her.

A fierce beauty! How rare!

Yano helplessly laughed and held his hands up, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Skyla ignored him and stood on her toes to see what was going on in the front. Her action was too abrupt and her skirt flashed. The males held their noses and wanted to get closer as Yano threw them all a dark look.

His calm and deep eyes felt like a torrent wanting to drown them in the bottom of an ocean. They quietly retreated a bit letting their gazes wander.

They completely retreated when Mil came back with a bunch of food and fed Skyla a skewer as he took notice of the leechers and just smiled at them. Then he got closer to Skyla until their noses touched.

To outsiders, it looked like they were kissing and they figured she already had a boyfriend. Skyla's face instantly turned red and she pushed Mil aside mumbling something about him taking her place while she was going to explore the capital.

Mil was left behind puzzled and turned to Yano to give him also a skewer. Yano took it and then remarked, "How bold of you."

Mil looked at the front as his face heated up and embarrassed ate his food. He also didn't know why he was so bold. He just didn't like the stares around Skyla. He sighed, all the males were always so troublesome.

The line finally moved and they could see the gates of the academy. The grand building that resembled an ancient temple yet was built out of white marble, reeked out and arrogantly showed off how majestic it was.

Mil almost dropped the food and exclaimed, "Wow."

The passerby also let out 'Wows' but not because of the academy but because of the handsome male that could even rival the Ghost King.

Was he related to him? If one was to compare those two, they were quite similar. The Ghost King was like a dark night while this good-looking guy was like calm water.

It depended on one's taste. Would they rather get lost in the exciting night to be completely swallowed or drowned in the pleasure of the calming water?

The females have long lost themselves comparing those two and then a vibrant, revolutionary thought entered their minds that forbid those two involving to hear: What if they fell for each other? The Ghost King and the mysterious attractive male?

Yet those thoughts instantly vanished by a tragic one when they realised the Ghost King still mourned the betrayal and death of his beloved fiance.

As for the Ghost King, he stood on the palace's balcony watching the overfilled streets and the academy that was not too far away. Leo joined him, "It's the last day."

"It is," Min briefly answered and his eyes swept across the crowd, "a big disappointment. A whole month and barely few capable ones."

"Your standards just too high!" Leo grinned but his eyes didn't hold any joy.

He waited long enough for the academy to start, even though Min already gave him powers he wanted to compare himself to others. Someone who was capable enough to wipe out the whole K family, must be really powerful.

Leo knew in order to kill an immortal one would need the approval of the Ghost King and four families, or someone could've controlled the vengeful ghosts to slaughter them but that thought was quickly thrown aways since the murder looked man-made.

If a ghost had killed an immortal, the flesh would've cleanly fallen off the bones and rotted as it was sucked dry. This was why the public believed Lia killed her own family, after all, she had powers and the Ghost King and the families would never give their approval to someone.

However, there were some conspiracy theories flying around but Leo didn't pay it any heed. He thought about it for a long time and the only conclusion he stumbled upon was that there was some truth to Lia's power killing her family. It wasn't Lia but someone who also had powers and might have retained them since the last Ghost King's disappeared.

And the only answer that surfaced was the Hidden Families. There were in total 16 families who served the Ghost King but even while the last Ghost King still reigned, eight families have left their position, status and council to hide themselves.

No one had any idea why they did that but soon the eight hidden families became forgotten amongst the public. Only the eight current families were aware of their existence, somewhere in the immortal world. But they also didn't know about their current status and no one knew what they were up to.

However, if they really still had their powers and were at odds with the Ghost King, the new arrival of a Ghost King would've triggered them and since the K family was the most loyal to the Ghost King and also had their powers, wouldn't they become a thorn in the eight hidden families' eyes?

So, they wanted to first get rid of the K family and then possibly attack the Ghost King himself.

Leo looked at Min with a complicated look. He told Min about his suspicions about the hidden families and surprisingly Min had the same line of thoughts. That was another reason for the opening of the academy. It was to lure out the hidden families.

They were bound to appear and send their children to the academy to train. And Leo was going to uncover who they were, then take his revenge so Lia could rest in peace. So, he had to wait to spend his days training and wait to tear off the disguises to reveal the hidden families.

"I can only hope, today at least some good ones appear," Min made his way back inside. Leo remained a few minutes outside watching the crowd before he also left.


On the other side, Yano, Skyla and Mil finally were able to arrive at the entrance to sign their names for the test. The attendants took each of them to a different place.

"Good luck," Yano's small smile seemed to infuriate Skyla as she stomped away. Mil was excited,

"See you inside!"

The attendant took Min inside the academy. He was astonished by how much money the Ghost King must've blown on this as the insides were also marbled.

The academy was split into three large buildings that were connected through courtyards with outdoor training fields.

Min was led to the first building and entered a room that was black contrasting the white outside.

There was nothing in the room and the attendant told Min to stay inside, "In a few seconds the test will begin. Please do your best, I wish you to succeed."

The attendant left and the door clicked behind Min. It turned dark. He didn't hear nor was able to see anything. Soon, however, he knew the reason why many applicants have failed, stating the test was impossible.

Only a handful have been able to pass. Those that didn't make it weren't allowed to talk about the test and were immediately sent away.

"I see," once the vengeful ghosts appeared in his sight, Yano became excited yet still looked calm.

"This is truly vicious," letting innocent, powerless and unprepared people take the test, they'd have been immediately killed by the ghosts if it weren't for the fact the academy didn't dare to harm the applicants.

Yet, despite the fact Yano also didn't have powers, he remained level-headed and observed the ghosts. It was too dark and the ghosts still didn't notice him but he had trained his vision since he was a child and this proved to be of no difficulty to him.

After all, he had to enter the academy, receive the powers and the approval to go to the mortal world. If he didn't, his family would never spare him.

Yano has dealt with vengeful ghosts countless times before and each time he was able to successfully drive them away, however, the situation here was different.

He had no idea what the test was. Was it to stay alive for a certain amount of time? Was it to get rid of the ghosts? Was it to escape the room?

There were no clues from the beginning to the end. All the attendant said was he should do his best. That was it.

This was a headache for Yano and he didn't know whether to cry or laugh. What was he supposed to do?

He gave up thinking and just sat on the ground. He didn't care, if there were no guidelines he could just make his own. The vengeful ghosts just flew around him, they knew that their prey was close but for some reason, they weren't able to locate and feast on it. They were exasperated and hungry.

Outside the room, two examiners were also exasperated! What was he doing? Nothing! He just sat there peacefully as if nothing was wrong at the moment.

What was wrong? Everything about this!

The examiners looked at each other and nodded. This applicant was too frightening. Forget him being afraid of ghosts, the ghosts should be terrified of him!

Yano had no idea what actually went on outside and just counted the time in his head. As he reached 600, the door opened and the ghosts were sucked back into the translucent case in the back in the room that emitted a green light. Yano only noticed it now.

The attendant informed him he passed the test and beckoned him to follow to the dorms that were located at the back of the academy.

When they arrived, he saw Skyla and Mil coming. They excitingly waved at him.

"It seems like you know each other," the attendant took some documents, "you can choose if you want to live together or have your own room."

The three stared at each other for a second before blurting out at the same time, "Own room!"

Yano raised his eyebrow, "are you sure you two don't want to share a room?"

His teasing instantly let steam evaporate out of Skyla's head. She briefly gave Mil a shy look before grabbing the attendant dragging him with her, "Show me my room first!"

Mil was helpless, "You should really stop teasing her."

"Just make the first move," Yano's teasing also got to Mil and he abashed ran after the attendant.

Yano just shrugged his shoulders and looked around. It seemed no one else has passed the test yet.

The dorm was spacious and housed on each of the seven floors, 10 rooms. Each room was not a room but rather a penthouse in itself.

"Why are we in my room?" Yano sat on the sofa and looked between Skyla and Mil.

No one said anything. Yano let it go for once and asked, "How did you guys pass?"

"Oh," Mil started laughing but also looked rueful, "once they put me in a room full of ghosts, I was shocked by own genius!"

Yano rolled his eyes.

"Luckily I still had some food and played fetch with the ghosts."

Both Yano and Skyla gave him a 'Really? Seriously?' look.

"Since you cant grab and strangle ghosts-"

Yano and Mil exchanged worried glances.

"I kicked the walls so I could leave."

Yano couldn't help but retort, "isn't there a door?"

"Oh..." Skyla was sincerely surprised.

"What about you?" Mil magically pulled out some food again.

"Just sat down."

Skyla and Mil were furious, "That's it? Just like that? I could've saved energy! Damn!"

Yano shrugged his shoulders.

The ghosts in the rooms felt wronged. The examiners felt wronged. This was too unscientific! How in the world were ghosts just played like that?

In the end, there were only 30 students who successfully attended the academy.