Allies 2

The atmosphere was awkward, and the servant couldn't help but tense up. He quickly bowed and excused himself as he left Lia and the black-haired guy, who led her to Rag, alone.

For a good minute, they just stared at each other before he abruptly turned around.

"Wait!" Lia held him back.

"I told you not to follow me, didn't I?"

"How could I even fathom that you're the Lord's son?" then it dawned on Lia, "If you're the Lord's son then how come you were with those people? Surely you didn't fool them, no?"

The guy uncomfortably shifted around, "I don't play dirty unlike you."

"Fine, we shouldn't bother with this anymore. I indeed have something to talk about, so if you please do me the honour and listen to me for once," Lia motioned him to sit on the chair next to her.

"No, thank you," he walked to the door again.

His personality was very unpleasant and Lia also didn't want to deal with him if she could avoid it.

"When does your father, the Lord, come back then?"

His hand remained on the doorknob frozen, "Leave."

"I wasn't lying when I said I have something important to talk about."

"It's none of my concern."

Lia took a deep breath and then with force pulled the guy back until he landed on the floor, kneeling in front of her.

His surprised eyes stared at her cold ones, "I don't have any time to waste with you, little son. I've kept this rage for too long now, don't try to test me."

Truth to be told, Lia was not satisfied. She wasn't satisfied at all. Elder Z slipped through her hands, even though Elder C and P were killed by her, Elder G was murdered in front of her eyes by Xavi and his family.

This rage, this wrath, this anger, this turmoil of violent feelings inside of her- she has suppressed them for a long time now but she couldn't help but still feel them menacingly wanting her to take her revenge.

Bloody, brutal and merciless. As fast as possible, she wanted to take down Min with all her might. She wanted to see him suffer. But she also knew now that she had a duty to become the Immortal King and rule over both worlds.

She didn't live for her revenge anymore but this didn't mean her thirst for it could be quenched so easily. It only meant she knew what her priorities were right now but sooner or later, she would fulfil this hungry urge inside of her. Feed it bits with Min's dead corpse.

Each second she was wasting meant that this was another second away from becoming true. So, the guy, who dared to make her life harder by refusing to listen to her, made it inexplicable hard to control herself.

She had no patience with him anymore. Just because she slightly changed from her cold and lone attitude, didn't mean she couldn't return to it whenever she wanted.

Be ruthless yet charming.

Be everything and nothing to achieve what needed to be done.

This was the motto she lived by when she came back from the abyss.

"So?" Lia sitting on the chair while he was before her on the cold floor made her seem aloof and arrogant, "Will you listen to me now?"

The guy glared at her before standing up and dusted his clothes clean. Then he unwillingly sat next to her and with a monotone voice, suppressing his emotions, said, "Speak."

"Then will the little son be gracious enough to answer my questions truthfully and not evade any?"

"Don't belittle me. I will, satisfied?"

"Very much so," Lia gave him a small smile. If he didn't give her his word that he would willingly answer anything she asked him, she couldn't count on him talking to her at all. So, she needed to make sure at first.

Lia dropped her smile and turned serious, "Then do you know of the D family?"

He remained quiet but his eyes told her to reveal more, "I'm in search for one of the hidden families, D family."

"I've heard of the rumours, but I don't know anything," he prepared to leave when Lia stopped him with her leg from getting off the chair.

"Not so fast, I have the feeling you know more than you pretend not to. Didn't you agreed to answer truthfully?"

"Then make the first step," he stayed seated on the chair, "Identify yourself and your purpose for wanting to find one of the hidden families."

"Ah, I see. My bad," Lia finally understood why he was so wary, "You don't need to worry. I have no affiliation with the Ghost King. It's quite the opposite."

In order to gain someone's trust, one should reveal a card of themselves first. Lia has given her intention to him, it was now up to him to pick it up and throw one card of his forward.

However, he still remained quiet. His eyes sized her up, Lia continued, "I would like to ally with the D family."

That was as much as information she could give him without revealing any more.

After a long while, he sighed, "How do you know of the D family?"

"I think it's time for you to reveal something. After all, a conversation goes two ways."

"Depending on the circumstances, I can lead you to the D family."

"I see," he wanted her to lay all cards open before he would take out any of his, "That's fine."

She didn't mind. If he turned out to be an enemy, it would result in a fight. And fighting would bring her more experience. However, if he was really the Lord's son, then he might also have teleporting powers.

"The A family told me about the D family. Actually, I came with two people from the A family but unfortunately, we were separated after forced to play games with a Lord from another area."

"What's your purpose wanting to ally with the D family?"

"The hidden families are awaiting the return of the Immortal King and consequently want to take down the current Ghost King who has rather… unpleasant plans for both the immortal and mortal world."

"You know a lot," he rested his head on the back of his hand that was supported by the table.

"But the question is, who are you? You don't belong to any of the families."

"Indeed. I'm a candidate to become the Immortal King."

With this, the guy sat up straight. There were doubt and another emotion on his face. He seemed to be displeased.

"I don't agree with someone like you being the Immortal King. There's no way the D family will support you. Also," he stood up, "The D family refuses to get involved with the matters of the immortal world anymore."

"You talk as if you belong to the D family. So, my guess is right? This is not a Lord's mansion but the D family's. You do fool people here," Lia's lips curved up.

She had thought of the possibility of the Lord here in Rag actually being the D family, however, what she didn't know was if the D family was also a Lord or if they only pretended to be.

"Think what you want but my answer is no. Give up. The D family won't support or ally with you."

"Why not?"

He gave her a short mocking laugh, "You still don't know the reason? First because we have already decided prior to you appearing or the Ghost King that we won't get involved anymore. This is our life now. Second, how can I trust my life or anyone's life with someone as reckless as you?

Before Lia could retort, the servant from before came back with two other servants.

"Throw her out."

"Surely, this is not really your answer?" Lia has thought that all of the hidden families apart from three would support each other but it seemed like what Xavi said was indeed true.

Lia had no time to think about it anymore when the servants took her by the arms and carried her through the hallways to the entrance.

Only when they were outside did they let her down and told her not to bother them anymore. With that Lia was thrown out of the D family's residence.