Mistand 8

Millions of thoughts raced through Lia's mind. What did Oldie mean by that? How did he know? Did he know her and her powers from the beginning? Just who was he?

However, these thoughts ran in a circle before coming to a full stop.

"Lia," Mika said and pulled Lia back who had absent-mindedly walked forward.

Lia halted and looked at him before she noticed the grand mansion surrounded by high gates in front of them.

"Is this?"

"I guess this is the T family's residence."

Lia couldn't believe it. They found it? So easily?

"Did he perhaps lead us here?"

Mika also thought the same, "I don't know, maybe."

Did Oldie really belong to the T family?

The mansion had no guards or anyone guarding it. The walls formed a rectangle and the mist was at least 4 metres away from the wall. The mansion looked like it was built amidst clouds, floating above the world. Even Mika was impressed by it.

While his mansion looked like a palace, the T family's mansion was akin to an iron fortress. Lia could only see the tip of the mansion lurking out yet she already felt its tremendous force keeping her out.

There was no sign of anybody and there were no lights indicating the mansion was inhabited. The mist slightly spilt over the ground towards the walls of the mansion secretly trying to sneak in through the tiny gaps, paired with the dark blue, black and purplish sky, this looked like the entrance to purgatory.

If ghosts roamed around the mansion, it'd have perfected the eerie ambience and stirred horror into anyone who dared to step closer and trespass the area.

Lia and Mika looked at each other and couldn't fathom what kinds of people could live here. Mika's mansion and the T family's was a contrast between heaven and hell. One was bright and the other frighteningly dark.

The iron gate was large and the walls were over two metres tall. On the gate were little patterns inscribed and a large metal ball hung in the middle.

It was just one round iron ball as large as two hands combined and as heavy as a gallon of water.

"I guess this is used to knock?" Mika tried to hold the ball but it wouldn't bulge. Using all of his force was still useless.

Only combined with Lia's help, the ball moved a tad before it, with a loud echoing dull bang, hit the gate and produced airwaves that resonated deep into the very bones.

Seconds later the sound started to fade but still vibrantly announced their arrival. Only when it completely disappeared did the gate open and a man appeared. Red robe laced with a black pattern and a black round hat with a talisman hanging over his face.

His hands were hidden in his sleeves and positioned in front of his stomach. He slightly bowed and spoke in an old-fashioned way with a quiet and mysterious tone, "How may I help you?"

Before Lia could answer, Mika said, "We're from the D family, here to see the T family."

The attendant slightly raised his head before lowering it again, "I'm afraid the T family does not wish to meet guests."

"What? Even not from other hidden families? Go and tell Elder T or whoever, we're here with important news!" Mika didn't deliberately get angry but the thought that Oldie was Elder T made him unintentionally rude to the attendant.

"Very well, I will convey your wishes. Please wait here for a bit."

After the attendant left, Lia turned to Mika and saw his frowning face, "This wasn't nice. You shouldn't have been this impolite and offending the T family."

"Off-?... I know," Mika surprisingly agreed with Lia and obediently nodded. He was also aware it was wrong of him, "But if it's Oldie, I'll-" Mika raised his fist and Lia lightly laughed.

Hearing Lia's pleasant giggle, Mika turned to the side and coughed.

Then he stayed silent. Not long after the attendant came back, his head still lowered so that only the talisman waving in front of his face could be distinguished.

"My deepest apologies but I am afraid you are not welcome here and ask you to please leave."

Lia found his word choice strange, instead of the usual, 'he doesn't want to see anybody', the attendant said they weren't welcome. Was this deliberately intended to be as unpleasant as it sounded like?

This time Lia spoke up, "Is it really not possible to talk to the T family? We would like to discuss something."

"The T family does not wish to be aiding in matters that involve the hidden families and the Immortal World altogether. Unfortunately, you are hitting a dead end here."

The attendant bowed even more as if to express his condolescence.

Lia found it even more strange that many of the hidden families didn't want to have anything to do with their name. When she first heard of the hidden families and their goal from Xavi, she had the impression that they all eagerly awaited the return of the Immortal King but half of them had no attachments to the past anymore.

"If that's so, we'll wait until we're seen," Lia didn't believe she couldn't change the T family's mind. She was already slowly thawing Mika's reluctant and vigilant heart against her, so the T family couldn't be worse.

"You can do that but you will not achieve any results. I cannot let you in and you will be outside here. Furthermore, I have to tell you that Elder T can be very cold-hearted, he will let you wait here forever. Once he made up his mind, it cannot ever be changed. Please be aware of this."

"Will you still tell Elder T we're waiting here?" Lia had the feeling the attendant was empathising with them, however, Lia's conviction slowly broke as she heard that Elder T wasn't easy to convince.

Just why was he so abrasive?

"I will do my utmost," the attendant bowed again and with a heavy push, the gates closed in front of Lia and Mika.

Forcing their way in would only have the opposite effect as intended.

They could only wait here outside hoping that Elder T would have a change of heart. Hoping that Xavi and the others would finally arrive and be safe.

Lia and Mika sat next to the gate and stared at the white mist with ghosts curiously staring back at them.

"We can't climb over the wall….?" Mika made this sentence sound like a question but at the same time not as if he himself wasn't sure if he should ask it or not.

"Don't be ridiculous, we'll only make Elder T angry," Lia sighed but then straightened her back as she saw movement in the mist, right coming at them.