Mortal World 20

In the hotel room, a hundred unknown feelings swirled around. The temperature was neither warm nor cold. Solely tenderness and anticipation crashed with each other, the particles shattered around the sole two people in the room. One on the bed, the other one sitting next to it.

"You know the motives of Min?" the surprise and expectations made Lia's voice hoarse. A moment of silence had followed after Yano asked her if she wanted to know.

Yano tilted his head and a scowl appeared on his face, "Don't call him by his name."

"Oh, I mean the Ghost King," Lia realised that she has been referring the Ghost King as Min. No one that wasn't close to him or knew him personally would do that. Why did she do that? She wasn't this careless usually. It was just that she was used to it and she felt comfortable around Yano enough to let her guard down, not that she would admit it to him.

"Why are you calling him Min?"