Counterattack 5

"You're also here? Well, I could've guessed."

After the bang followed, a person stood up on the roof. A rose-gold veil surrounding her.

"Eri," Lia saw that Eri dusted her clothes off while Holn moved next to Lia.

"I'd prefer it if you don't call me by my name. We're not close, neither are we," Eri pointed at Holn who just grinned and then said, "Wow, your kicks are pretty strong, huh? Lia, she sent me flying here. From the plaza. Can you believe it?"

"Yes, because it just happened," if Lia could then she would want to settle this peacefully with Eri, after all, they had some history of going easy on each other, "But are you hurt?"

"Nope, I'm fine," Holn flexed his non-existent muscles on his thin arms as Eri's veil-like scarf started to attack Holn again.

"Wait!" Lia jumped in front of Holn and used the sword Lily gave her to defend Eri's attack.