Counterattack 8

"How did this happen?" blood poured out of Skyla's mouth as she looked down at the gaping hole in her chest. Her eyes blurred as she saw Mill desperately racing towards her.

"Skyla! Skyla!"

"No, don't' come," Skyla wanted to say but nothing came out.

She had to watch as ghosts tore through Mil's chest just like her but even then Mil didn't stop.

He raced past the corpses and soldiers until he reached Skyla.

"No! Skyla..." Mil also gurgled blood as more poured out of his wound.

"I love you, I love you!"

Ah, these words they could never say to each other have been finally said.

The only thing was. It was too late.

Yes, they regretted it. Even if there was no need to say these words, they should've still done it. Now it was too late.
