A fated encounter- side story 2

The moment Elder L brought a red-eyed and slightly sobbing boy home, Leo instantly welcomed this new friend.

"A brother?" Leo, as bright and innocent as ever, was joyful as he heard his father say, "Indeed. Min has no home to return to, so treat him well!"

"I will!" Leo took Min's hand and his eyes sparkled.

Min felt a bit uncomfortable but he shyly gave a sad smile. So, this was a council family. As Leo showed him around, Min's eyes sucked in this new place he'd live in. How…wonderful.

"Your mother left you?" Leo sat with Min on his bed and patted his back.

Hearing this, Min forced himself to tear up again and snivelled, "Yes."

"I'm sorry," Leo sadly replied before he grinned, "It's fine! Cry as much as you want! I won't blame you. My grandma also left my dad for the Mortal World, so we're sworn brothers! Or blood brothers! Or-"

"Really?" Min stared with big eyes at Leo before saying, "I'm sorry too."