*Chapter 3*: Chapter 3

author's note. Now onto other things. I don't own Harry Potter or Marvel.

May 1st, 2001

It had been 7 months since Harry had been picked up by Nick. There was no other way to describe those months except by calling them hell. The training regime that Nick had made up to improve Harry enough to be useful enough for him was brutal and would definitely get him thrown him in jail forever for the kind of child abuse he was issuing to Harry. From 4 am to 12 pm was when Harry did his physical exercise. Then from 1 pm to 5 pm, he would study magic from the books he had taken from Potter Manor. The first exercises that Nick had Harry doing were cardio-related such as running and teaching him how to free run and climb things. Harry wouldn't be allowed to stop until the time was over. No matter how tired he was, Harry would not stop until the time was over mainly because the one time he did, Nick had tied him to a tree in the forest they were currently living in at the time and left him there all night. The wind was too cold so he was forced to stay awake the whole night.

After that one incident, Harry made sure that he had completed all his exercises for as long as his mentor told him. The results were definitely showing through. Although he was too young to gain any real muscle, his endurance and flexibility shot through the roof. He knew for a fact that the amount of 5-year-olds with his physical endurance was probably less than the number of fingers he had on one hand. Still, he would complain to Nick every day for the physical torture known as his training.

The second part of the day was by far, the easiest for Harry. He got to do his favorite thing which was just sit down and read. Nick had told him to read up on all medical magic he could because for someone who had such a dangerous and life-threatening job. Having a medic on the field would immediately shift the odds more in his favor. Harry himself definitely saw the logic in his thinking. Plus learning medical techniques would most likely help him in the long run too. So every afternoon, after lunch, he would go sit down against a comfy enough tree and read his books about healing. When he thought he got the basic idea of how to heal basic breaks and similar injuries, he asked Nick how he was going to practice. Nick simply stood up and told him he would be right back. When he came back with a bird whose wing had clearly been shot through by a bullet, he gave Nick a look before using his magic to try and heal the bird the nearest way he could to how the book was telling him too. At first, it didn't look like anything was happening until a low golden glow surrounded the bird's wing and the bullet wound slowly closed until it was completely gone.

After that moment, Harry practiced healing wounds from simple cuts and bruises to heal his broken arm after he misjudged the distance of a jump while practicing free-running one morning. Incidentally, Harry found that healing his own injuries was much easier than healing others' wounds. He also found out after he healed his broken arm that the bone seemed more solid and strong his other ones. When telling Nick of this phenomenon, Nick simply responded that his magic was trying to reinforce his bones to prevent future breaks from happening. Harry wished he never told Nick about that. Ever since then, Nick had been increasing his training intensity knowing by now that Harry could heal almost all wounds he gained.

Now, however, it was time to put Harry's training to the test. Nick had finally deemed him smart enough to join him on a mission with him. Harry wouldn't lie and say he wasn't the least bit excited. One, he could finally test out all the skills he learned and two, they would finally be leaving this god-awful forest in the middle of nowhere.

"Alright kid, you ready to head out? Got us a car that's waiting for us on a road about a mile from where we currently are." Nick said with his stupid happy-go-lucky grin on his face. Harry really hated that grin.

"Yes let's go. Sooner we leave this forest, the better," Harry said in a monotone. He knew Nick hated it when he spoke like this because it made him sound not human. Which was also the reason he only talked in monotone now.

"Ugh. Cut it out with the voice kid. It's creepy as hell." Nick half yelled at him

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Shall we leave?" Harry asked blandly.

Nick shivered. "Yeah, let's get out of this forest" Nick replied.

They both started the mile trek to wherever Nick had parked their car. Harry thought about the mission they were about to do He honestly didn't know much about it at this point. All he knew is that there was supposed to be some high-class party being held by some of Britain's most financially elite members. Nick didn't give many details about the target. All he knew was that their target was some middle-age man that apparently liked to exploit poor African countries for their natural resources or something similar.

By now we had made it to the car which was a sedan that appeared to have a silver lion roaring on its hind legs.

"Put the baggage in the trunk and hop in back," Nick said. Harry nodded and moved to grab the luggage while he opened the trunk so Harry could put in our bags. When Harry was done, Nick motioned for him to get in the backseat while he took the wheel. Harry slept for most of the way there so he couldn't be sure of how far they were from London. When he opened his eyes again from his nap, the sun looked a little past its highest point in the sky meaning it must have taken a few hours to get here since they left at 8 in the morning.

"Hey, let's go grab some lunch and then explain to you exactly what's going to go down tonight," Nick said as he walked towards a nearby café. Harry nodded and followed him in. While Nick ordered them sandwiches. It seemed pretty packed which Harry guessed was normal since it was lunchtime and they were in the middle of London. When Nick was done getting their sandwiches they headed back to the car to eat them and to talk privately.

"Alright, this is how it's going to work…" Nick started as he opened up his sandwich and started taking bites. "The target is going to arrive at the hotel at around 8 according to my contacts. We're going to do this clean without getting other involved. When he goes inside, one of his 4 security guards is going to go park his car in the private garage for this party. You are going to wander in pretending that you are just some lost kid who was trying to get into the party with his parents. When you see the guard you will mentally overpower him and convince him that he parked the car and went back to the party without any problems and that he did not see some 5 years old along the way. While doing this you will have to also avoid the garages security team that watched over the cars to make sure no one tampers with them. If you get caught then just mentally overpower them as well and keep on going with the job. You will find the targets car which is a new 2000 black Bentley. Once you find it, you will crawl under the car and plant a c4 charge. Once down you will leave the garage without attracting any attention to yourself. You got all that." Nick asked as he finished his explanation of his plan.

"Yes, I believe so. Sounds simple enough but what will you be doing while I plant the bomb?" asked Harry more curiously than worried that his mentor was planning to betray him or something else equally foolish. Nick smirked at him

"The garages has cameras in it. Since you don't know how to hack yet I will be doing that to play the cameras a looped feed to not arouse suspicion." Nick said as he then continued to eat his sandwich.

"I see." Said Harry as he thought over this plan that Nick had made. In theory, the plan sounded great but Nick told that no plan survives first contact with the enemy.

"And what if something goes wrong with this plan," Harry said slightly worried as he took the last bite of his sandwich. Nick shrugged back at him.

"This plan has a low percentage of going wrong since even if we do run into a problem you can most likely just force anyone we run into to leave us alone," Nick said nonchalantly.

"Unless we run into more than one person. I can definitely hold down one person but more than that would be much more difficult." Harry said trying to express his worries.

"Well then I guess we both better not screw up to bad then huh," Nick said as he smiled at Harry.

"Your laid back attitude does not bode well for my survival," Harry said bluntly, Nick pretended to pout.

"Awwww, Harry you wound me. Don't tell me after all these months of working you don't think you can handle such a simple mission. You know a mission rarely gets any easier than this and were lucky I got it before someone else did." Nick said, still pretending to pout.

"If you say so. Perhaps we should start to prepare since according to the clock we only have 5 hours till the man gets to the party." Harry said to the now smiling again Nick.

"Harry you just read my mind," Nick said as he started the car and drove to their hotel so they could prepare for the evening.

The same day, 7:45 pm

Harry was currently standing across the street in a small tux waiting for the man to get to the hotel.

"Checking in, Harry can you hear me?" asked Nick from the earpiece that was currently was in Harry's ear.

"Yes, I hear you clearly. What's the status of the target?" Harry asked as he started to head to the parking lot and get in position while also trying to talk quietly so no one would notice some random kid talking to himself and call the cops.

"Excellent. The target is on the route and currently 3 blocks away according to these street cameras I've temporarily plugged myself in to. How are you feeling? Any first mission jitter?" Nick asked seriously for once.

"I would be lying if I didn't say I wasn't a little nervous but it's fine. I have it under control. I'm currently by the parking lot know and in position. Soon as you give me the word, I'm good to go." Harry said still trying to talk quietly.

"Good. I'll tell you when it's time to make a move." Nick said then went silent. Harry to go silent. He started to think about what he was about to do. He was going to be killing another human being for the first time or at least help with the killing of one. He knew he was going to eventually have to do this as soon as he joined up with Nick but knowing it and being in the moment about to do it were two different things. He took another deep breath of the cold air to try and calm himself.

"Target just arrived at the party. The mission is a go." Nick said suddenly through his earpiece. As soon as he said it, Harry was moving. He went to the back entrance that had the least amount of people near it and was connected to an alley. He then waited a few minutes for the car to appear. When it did, it zoomed past and up the ramp to the next floor. Harry followed it up the ramp since taking the stairs would run the risk of bumping into someone. As he crouched behind a car to avoid 3 members of the security team as they walked by, he noticed the car slide into a spot on the side of the garage.

"Car has just parked. The driver is getting out and departing downstairs as we speak. Make sure to keep an eye on him in case he happens to have forgotten anything in the car and come back." Harry said as he crouched and moved his way to the Bentley while occasionally ducking behind other cars to hide from the guards.

"Good thinking. I'm watching him. Looks like he just left the parking lot and headed to the party but I'll keep my eyes out for him." Nick responded sounding slightly impressed. Harry slowly approached the car and then slid under it as soon as he was sure no guards were watching.

"Under the car. Planting charge." Harry said. He only had one stick of c4 but since he was planting it under the gas tank, Nick said that it would be fine.

"Good now hurry up and get out of there. Don't want any trigger, happy guards, to see you before the mission is even halfway over." Nick said back.

"Ok," Harry responded. Once the fastened the stick under the gas tank, he rolled from under the car and started to make his way back the way he came. He went down the ramp and was walking to the back entrance.

"Hey!" a man said from behind as he grabbed Harry on the shoulder from behind. Harry almost jumped out of his skin when he felt the huge hand slam down on him. Before he could make a move the man spun him around.

"What do you think you're doing here kid? This is a private garage and you are not authorized to be here." The man said glaring at Harry suspiciously. Acting fast, Harry stretched his magic to the man as fast as he could and took him over. When he saw the man's eyes go glassy he took a breath. He forced the man to think he never saw Harry and that everything was fine before turning him around and marching him off somewhere else. As he saw him march away Harry took a deep breath.

'That was a way to close' Harry thought to himself as he turned and left the garage.

"This is Harry. I have left the parking garage and am making my way back to our hotel." Harry said still short of breath from his near failure.

"Understood. Is everything okay? Sounded like you almost got compromised." Nick asked.

"Yes, everything is fine. Just got a little spooked is all." Harry said. "I'll see you back at the hotel."

"Roger that. See you when you get here" said Nick.

Harry took a deep breath when he heard only silence. He didn't want to be this exposed out in the night so he jogged back to the hotel they were staying at. The hotel was only three blocks away from the hotel their target was at. Harry thought that was a little close but when he voiced his concerns to Nick, He just waved him off and said it was fine. As Harry entered the hotel he felt himself relax a little. He entered the elevator and punched in his floor before waiting. When the doors reopened to let him out, he went immediately to Nick and his room and knocked. The door opened showing Nick smiling and ushering him in. As soon as he came in and the door shut behind him Nick spoke.

"I have to say, for the first time, that wasn't bad. Will have to work on somethings but definitely not bad. Congrats on a successful plant Harry." Nick said while patting Harry.

"Even if you say that I still messed up. I had to rely on my magic to get myself out of a sticky situation. I want to be able to gain enough skill to not have to use an ounce of magic on a mission." Harry stated sullenly at the fact that in his mind he had failed.

"That's a good goal to have. Tell you what. The party doesn't end for a few hours. Why don't you get in some shut-eye and I'll wake you when the fireworks start." Nick suggested. Harry nodded gratefully before taking off his jacket and laying himself out on the couch. He must have just been awake on adrenalin alone because as soon as he closed his eyes, he was out. Harry woke up several hours later when Nick was shaking up.

"Hey, Harry the fireworks are about to start. You need to get up. You're not going to want to miss this." Nick said. Harry shook his head to clear the blurriness and stood up.

"Alright, so where are we going?" Harry asked.

"To the roof. Follow me." Nick said as he led Harry out the hotel door. They took the stairs since the elevator didn't go up to the roof. When they go there, Nick walked over to the edge which was protected by a stone railing of sorts. Harry followed closely behind. Nick looked at Harry and motioned him to look down. Harry complied and look down and at first didn't see what Nick meant. It was two at night so he wasn't sure exactly what he was supposed to be looking for. That's when he noticed that a black familiar looking car was about to drive past the hotel.

"It's the target in his car," Nick said to confirm Harry's suspicions. Nick reached into his pocket and pulled out what looked like a remote. He handed the remote to Harry and looked at him with a serious look on his happy face.

"Time for you to make your final choice harry. I've trained with you for 7 months. But to truly show me that you're in this with me, I want you to click that button. If you don't want to then give it back to me and you can walk away from this life right now. Nick said as he took a step away from Harry to allow him to choose. Harry panicked. Nick expected him to be the one who clicked the button. He wasn't sure he was ready for that. Sure he wanted to learn the skills that Nick had to offer him but he wasn't sure if he wanted to kill people for it. Although his mind was panicking, his heart already knew the answer he would choose. When he first met Nick he wanted to use him for his own advancement but after spending so much time with him, that had changed. Nick treated him in a way that no one ever treated him before. He was strict and rough with but that was only so he would learn and be able to survive later in life. If he was honest to himself. Nick was the first father figure he had since he was one. There was no way he was going back to the kind of lonely life he used to live. So he took what last look at the car and then looked back at Nick. Then he held up the remote

And clicked the button.