*Chapter 7*

June 24th, 2005 (St. Thomas, British Virgin Islands)

Harry was currently lounging in a hammock reading a book on runes and their applications which he had discovered, was his new favorite topic. He and Nick were currently taking a break from missions and had gone into hiding because apparently all the constant mission taking they had been doing had gotten the FBI's attention which annoyingly meant that they need to hide away for a while so they could lose some of their heat. Luckily, they hadn't caught on to the fact that Nick had an accomplice which meant hey still weren't looking for Harry, but he still refused to leave Nick's side although it would probably be safer. He continued to lazily turn the pages as he read more and more about these runes. He had already started practicing the basics months ago but any time he had tried to make a runic change, the combination would literally blow up in his face.

He was getting pretty annoyed with having to continuously regrow his eyebrows and of course having to hear Nick's laughter on the matter. He decided to put the book down and go walk into the town that was a few miles away.

"Nick, I'm going to take a walk to town. I'll be back later." Harry called out into the bungalow next to the hammock he had been residing on.

"Okay. Don't be out too long." Nick's voice called out from inside. Harry didn't respond to this and started walking. Nick would know he had heard. He started his trek down the dirt road that lead back to one of the few towns on this island. Man, he loved it here. Nick did too which also turned out to be the reason why he had decided to hide out here. It was basically like a vacation that they both needed. For the past couple of years, they had been doing missions almost nonstop. Most of the time it was pretty fun. They got paid by criminals to kill other criminals. What was not to love about that? But it was nice to take a break like this once in a while. Harry briefly wondered what it would be like to live here on a warm Caribbean island for the rest of his life. Probably pretty boring. Harry stuck his hands in his pockets and pulled himself from his thoughts. He started to remember those annoying pesky wizards that had kept tracking him down. They only appeared when he was in Europe so he was assuming they couldn't go farther than that for some reason. He no longer saw them that often due to his ability to sense others' magic as well as now being able to suppress his own in case that was how they kept finding him. They were nothing if not persistent though. He was pretty sure that they just saw him randomly and tried to make chase at this point. Sadly for them, Harry was extremely fast, especially for his age.

Harry finally made it into town it seemed. He checked his watch and saw that it 3:30 local time. He decided to see what the locals had to offer. Many of the shops appeared to be for the tourist but there was plenty of regular places that more of the natives seemed to be occupying. He briefly wondered if there was a magical center here as well. He spread out his senses to check but found nothing. There were currently no magical presences on this island but he could sense one farther away, most likely on another island. He made note of that presence before continuing to walk around. He didn't have too much cash on him so he resided himself to just look around instead of shopping. He kept walking for a few hours until the sun had finally sunk under the horizon and bathed the sky in a lovely orange color. He decided that he should probably start heading back before it got too dark. Before he could start heading off, his well-trained ears heard a noise. The noise was muffled but it sounded suspicious like someone was trying to scream. Harry sighed. God damn his hero complex. This would be the third time this year that it got him into a situation that had nothing to do with him. He leisurely walked over toward the alley that the voice came from. As he went deeper into the alley and turned the corner he immediately saw the problem. Some dude seemed to be trying to force himself on a young woman. He had pinned her against the wall and had one of his hands covering her mouth and shoving her against the wall while the other was struggling to get her blouse off. Harry smiled. It would seem that tonight he would get to have some fun. He ran up to the man as fast as he could and dead legged him as hard as he could straight into his thigh muscle. The man immediately let go of the woman and fell to the ground. The man gripped his leg which was paralyzed in pain and groaned. Harry looked at the woman who was trying to fix her partially ripped blouse and regain her composure. He smiled at her.

"You should probably get out of here. What I'm going to next is not something you're going to want to watch. Oh, and I would love it if you never saw me here if you catch my meaning." Harry said nonchalantly to the scared woman. The woman nodded.

"Thank you." She said looking at Harry before she took off away from the scene. Harry looked back down at the man who was still groaning in pain on the ground. He smirked. He lifted his hand and pointed his index finger at the man. As if falling some unheard command by Harry, black chains exploded from the ground all around the man and wrapped around the man's different limbs and stretching them until he was in an X formation. The man looked terrified throughout the whole time as he found the chains incredibly strong. He looked back at Harry with clear amounts of terror in his eyes.

"El Diablo." The man whispered in fright at Harry who he was now convinced was Satan hiding in a child's body. Harry closed his eyes and smiled a big smile at the man giving him a truly insane look. He decided to play along with the man's fear.

"Oh my. It seems you have me at a disadvantage of knowing who I am while I don't have a clue of who you are. Not that it matters. I won't be here long." Harry said still smiling with his creepy smiled as he pulled out his flip knife and slowly approached the man adding even more to his creepy aspect.

"No, por favor. No por favor….."The man kept chanting as he recognized the danger he was in. Harry continued to smile at him.

"Don't worry, this won't hurt much…..what comes next, more so…" Harry said down to the terrified man as he brought the knife down.

The same night, 3 hours later.

Harry walked back into the bungalow and immediately headed to his room after a long night.

"Harry. Where have you been? Thought you were going to be here a few hours ago." Nick said as he looked at Harry suspiciously.

"Oh, you know me. I got held up by a few things." Harry said dismissively trying to see if he could get Nick to let it go.

"….Harry is that blood all over your jacket?"

"…It's ketchup."

"Harry that is clearly-"

"IT'S KETCHUP." Harry finally yelled as he ran into his room and plopped down on the bed. He took off his bloo-… I mean ketchup stained jacket. As soon as he closed his eyes he was asleep.

July 1st, 2005 (same place)

Harry was currently on a beach practicing some magic and having some difficulty. He was trying to create a shield that could deflect all tangible objects like bullets or anything else shot at him. He didn't know why he was having so much trouble with it especially since he could already create a blade by condensing magic. He had Nick shoot in his general direction with a pistol several times already but after a few shots, the shield would break and leave him exposed. He figured it myself be his concentration. If there was anything he learned about magic it was that all that really mattered was your intention and concentration. That's all he ever used for his magic at least. Maybe he had to think of something on how tough he wanted the shield. When he made the blade, he had known how sharp it needed to be because he had felt blades for years and knew how sharp a good blade was.

With that thought, he went into the house to look for some sort of metal object that he could really observe the solidness of. He found a metal pole that looked like it once was support for something. He picked it up and started his close observations of it. It was hard. No matter the pressure he put on it, it would not bend or break. It felt incredibly solid and tough. He put it down and went to go look for Nick so he could help him with his shield.

"Nick. Where you at. I need your help with my shield again." Harry yelled into the bungalow.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm coming." Nick said as he appeared in the doorway of his room with a pistol in hand. They both walked outside. Harry moved to one side while Nick moved to either.

"Better watch your shooting this time. You almost nicked me last time." Harry said as he glared at Nick.

"You were fine. The bullet wasn't even close to you." Nick said trying to wave off Harry's concerns. He readied his gun and pointed it slightly to the left of Harry so it wouldn't hit him.

"Ok. Start off with 3 shots first on my go." Harry said as prepared himself. Nick nodded and turned off his safety. Harry concentrated. He remembered what the pole metal felt like. He remembered how solid it was under his touch. How no matter how much pressure he put on it, the pole wouldn't even bend. He concentrated on inducting the same feeling and strength into his shield. He erected his shield with those thoughts in mind. He could see the transparent blue shield spring to life in front of him.

"Ok. Go for it," Harry yelled at Nick. Nick nodded and before Harry could blink, pulled the trigger thrice. To Harry, the bullets looked like they were coming in slow motion. As soon as they hit, they didn't even dent the shield as the bounce off harmlessly.

"Yes!" Harry yelled out. "Alright, lets fire 7 bullets at it this time."

Nick then fired seven bullets at it before he reloaded. All seven bullets bounce off harmlessly.

"Alright, this is perfect. Now for the final test. Go get the M2010." Harry said. Nick smirked at him.

"You're that confident in that shield of yours?" Nick said as he started to walk back to the bungalow.

"It doesn't matter if I am or not. Still need to test if it can take it." Harry said as he waited for Nick to bring back the rifle. Nick came back with the rifle. He walked about 100 yards away from Harry and set up the gun under a palm tree. He put a silencer on it even though they were far enough from civilization that no one would probably here them. He aimed and waited for Harry to give him the thumbs up.

Harry erected his shield and gave Harry the thumbs up. Nick took aim and fired. As soon as the bullet hits, just liked the pistol bullets, it got crushed when it came into contact with his shield although this time there was a dent in his shield. Harry gave the thumbs up to Nick that it worked and that he could come back. When Nick was done packing and came back he asked how the shield held up.

"The bullet caused a slight dent but it held up for the most part," Harry said back with a smile, happy with his accomplishment.

"Well good. I'm sure it will come in handy for you" Nick said as he looked at Harry with a little bit of pride. The boy had come far from the snot-nosed little polite brat he used to be. He was glad he could help in making Harry the person he was today. He would always view that as his biggest accomplishment.

July 30th, 2005 (same place)

Harry was currently out on the patio sharpening his knife as he relaxed on the patio. It was a nice quiet peaceful night In the Caribbean. They had a bit of a rainstorm a few days ago both those come and go out here. There was an annoying helicopter in the distance which was slowly giving him a headache but he would let it go for now since he was in such a good mood.

Nick had decided to go to sleep early since he had done some training today and was tired. Harry looked in the distance. That annoying helicopter was getting louder and louder as time went on. Probably meant some annoying millionaire was about to fly over in his private helicopter. He continued to continue sharpening his knife and tried to ignore the annoying helicopter. Just then he also thought he heard cars coming from the distance as well. He stood up suspiciously. Who would be coming down this way at 10 at night? Just then the helicopter finally made it to where their bungalow was located. Instead of flying past it though, it hovered above it. As Harry looked up at the helicopter he was hit by a giant bright light coming from it.

"THIS IS THE FBI! YOU ARE UNDER ARREST. DON'T MOVE." A booming voice for the helicopters said. As it said that he could hear sirens in the distance approaching fast. Harry bolted inside as fast as he could. When he got there he saw Nick already dressed with a gun out.

"WE NEED TO GO" Nick yelled at Harry. As they escaped out the back exit of the bungalow and headed to the forest.

They both sprinted into the forest. The helicopter tried to follow them but the forest obstructed its view. They could hear the ground units getting out of their cars as well as barking.

"Will have to sprint back to town and get on a plane Nick said as they sprinted in the direction of town. Harry said nothing in return so he could save his breath. They had a few miles to go and the people behind them had k-9's. They ducked and weaved through the shrubbery as fast as they could. Meanwhile, Harry was panicking. As long as he had been with Nick, they had never been this close to getting caught before. Not only that but the FBI chopper clearly saw him and now knew that Nick had a young accomplice with him. Plus they had left all their supplies back at the bungalows. All they had was Nick's Glock and Harry's knife. They stopped running after 2 miles so they could regain their breath before continuing for the last mile toward the town.

"You okay?" Nick asked out of breath.

"Yeah…how did they find us….thought we covered our tracks?" Harry asked between breaths.

"Not sure but I will find out as soon as we leave to get out of here," Nick said.

"We're going to have to go purchase new equipment. They are going to have both are fingerprints now." Harry said. Nick smirked back.

"Don't worry about that, I got that place rigged to blow as he pulled out a phone. He entered a few numbers and then clicked send. In the distance, Harry could hear an explosion going off and smiled slightly.

"Well, that takes care of one problem. What about getting out of here?" Harry asked.

"As long as we can get to the airport we should be fine. I got a small plane stashed that's full of gas. We can take it and it has enough gas to get us to Mexico. I have contacts there that will get us to somewhere remote." Nick said as he got up and prepared to run again.

"Alright, let's go before they catch up to us," Harry said as they started running again just when they heard dogs in the distance barking again. They started to run again. For some reason, time seemed to a slow down for Harry. He heard a loud bang and the next thing he knew, Nick was falling to the ground. He skids to a stop. Before running back.

"Nick are you okay?" Harry yelled in fright. This could not be happening. They were just about to getaway.

"Ugh, they got me in my chest…looks like they got me in an artery." Nick said as Harry sat him up against a tree.

"Don't worry, I'll heal it," Harry said as he pulled on his magic and watch as a green glow wrapped around his hands as he put them on Nicks's chest. Nick grabbed his hand.

"Harry you got to get out of here now. There is no reason they have to get both of us. There isn't enough time for you to heal." Nick said solemnly as he looked at Harry. Harry felt tears start to pool in his eyes.

"No. There's no way I'm leaving you. Were partners remember?" Harry said as he tried to pump more magic and watched as the wound started to close. The dogs were going to be real close now. They would be on them any second now, but there was no way Harry was going to leave Nick. He was the only family he had left. Nick looked like he was going to argue before his eyes widened.

"HARRY WATCH OUT!" He screamed as he through Harry off him and on to the ground just as several more bangs went off. Four more blood spouts appeared on Nick's torso were Harry had just been a second ago. Harry looked on in horror as Nick slumped to the ground and didn't move or speak.

"Nick… Nick, please answer me." Harry whispered in horror as tears freely fell from his eyes now.

"Please Nick, you're all I have, please. YOU CAN'T DIE!" Harry screamed.

"Harry..." Nick suddenly whispered as his eyes cracked open. Blood was flowing from his mouth and covered his teeth in a disgusting blood red as he spoke.

"My name…my last name…its Wolfe." Nick said as he looked at Harry "Figured…you of all people…should know…" Nick said as he smiled at Harry for the last time. Harry watched the light fade from his eyes as he passed on to the next world with his trademark smile on his face. Nick's time of death was at exactly 12:00 am, July 31st, 2005

Harry sobbed even harder as his only family, friend, and mentor passed onto the next world. He touched his forehead with Nicks begging Nick to come ack. His magic swirled around him in a bright white light. The FBI who had by now surrounded them looked on in awe at the beautiful light show. Harry finally looked up and screamed into the sky. His magic that was surrounding him seemed to implode with Harry and Nick being at the epicenter. This caused a bright flash forcing the FBI to cover their eyes. When the light faded and the looked back

Harry and the body of Nick Wolfe were gone.