*Chapter 14*

July 25, 2007 (Tokyo)

Harry scratched his chin in thought. He had taken a contract for a Yakuza boss's life. The man in question seemed to partake in every crime under the sun and was some of the lowest filth Harry had ever encountered. Unfortunately, he had amazing security. The man had a convey with him at all times of at least thirty men. All of them had SMGs strapped to their side at all times. He could just use magic, but there was absolutely no fun in that. Plus, that would slowly erode all the other skills that he worked so hard to get.

Along with the convoy, the man had taken residence in a skyscraper with his office on the top floor. Harry had debated getting a sniper and going at him from long range, but sadly he found out that the windows had been modified for sniper fire a month ago, which put him in a worse position. If he went in loud when the man was with the convoy and didn't have all his men with him, he would most likely die unless resorting to magic. He continued to think.

'Well, I guess I will just have to do a mixture of the two then.' Harry thought as he got up and moved to prepare.

The same day, 8:45 pm

Harry was now walking into a nice fancy office building with a backpack and a huge suitcase. The building had low security, with only about five guards patrolling at night. Said guards only patrolled the first few floors unless an alarm went off on a different floor. As soon as he walked in, he looked around for any security. He saw one at the desk, lying against the keyboard of a computer he must have been working at. Harry quietly walked up to him and immediately saw something wrong. Blood was pooled around the man's head. He was dead. Harry shot his head up to look around him to make sure the killer wasn't still there. Once he confirmed there wasn't anyone, he looked back down at the dead man. He then reached down and grabbed the Taser from the man's belt and moved to the elevator. If that killer was still here, the rest of the security was probably dead, too, which meant he only had to watch out for one man. It was probably another assassin who had a similar idea on how to kill the target. The contract never said that it wouldn't hire multiple men. He lugged the suitcase to the elevator and clicked on the second-highest floor. He then walked over to the stairs and set down the luggage and backpack. He then unzipped the bag and pulled out a Glock that he tucked into his waist; he then took the Taser he stole and put it next to the Glock. Harry silently opened up the door to the stairs and started to walk up. When he got to the last floor, he silently opened the door and shut it before scanning the floor. He saw no one yet, but that didn't mean no one was there. He pulled out his Glock and began to move slowly and quietly around the room. Scanning around with his eyes and ears, he saw and heard nothing. He continued on until he saw a barrel poking out from one of the cubicles. After a second of looking at it, Harry quietly made his way to the back of that cubicle. He then stood up on a chair next to it and peeked over.

There, he found his assassin. The man had dark skin and looked Middle Eastern if he had to take a guess. The man had a good view of the target's building and was looking down the barrel of a high caliber rifle, waiting for the target to appear at any moment. Harry got down from the chair and pulled out his taser. He then quietly made his way over to the front of the cubicle and prepared himself. He took a deep breath and ran in as fast as he could. The man didn't even have time to move before he had Harry's taser pressed against the back of his neck and sending volts painfully throughout his body. The man was immediately knocked out. Harry took a breath and looked down at the rival assassin. He then looked at the sniper the man had brought.

"Amateur," He said to himself. The fool clearly did no research on the building the target was in; otherwise he would know that a sniper was going to be useless. Harry shook his head and went back down to the previous floor to get his things. When he brought them up, he put his set up right next to the failure of an assassin. He put down the backpack and clicked open the huge suitcase and looked inside. He had brought with him a SMAW rocket launcher, which would penetrate the man's glass and kill him. It would be messy and conspicuous, but he didn't have enough options and this would provide him with a way to leave without anyone seeing his magic.

Harry opened his pack and grabbed some gloves, putting the Glock and Taser away. Then, he picked up the giant rocket launcher and propped it up against the wall. Next, he walked up to the window and smashed it open with one of the office chairs. He looked across to the other building and saw the man in a meeting with what looked to be other yakuza members, but it was too far to be sure. He picked up the rocket launcher and aimed it at the top floor of the opposing building. He steadied his breath and lined the rocket launcher up before pulling the trigger. The recoil immediately pushed him back, but the shot still flew true. He watched it get closer and closer to the other building before making contact and exploding in a huge ball of fire once it shattered through the window. He put the rocket launcher down next to the passed-out man who had tried to take his kill. He then grabbed the man's hand and put it on the trigger.

He packed his bags and took off his gloves. He could hear sirens in the distance. He headed to a small supply closet, just in case someone was watching him and flashed away into the night.

July 27, 2007 (Wolfe Cove)

Harry was sitting and reading the last book Dumbledore had given him. The magic that parseltongue allowed for him to use was impressive; there were healing spells that could heal diseases with no known cure and curses that honestly freaked him out. One such curse put a snake in your stomach that ate its way out of you. Nasty stuff. He had taught some of the things to Sammy, which was why he got the books in the first place. She could now use her bites to places curses on people. He had her practice on livestock he had stolen from farms. She could also heal people, but she didn't like learning such things. She was more interested in learning new ways to kill whatever she considered prey. He shut the book, stood up, and looked out the window of the house. It was a beautiful morning in the Caribbean. As soon as he thought that, he noticed a dark speck in the sky that seemed to be approaching his island. He went outside and sat on the patio as the speck got closer. It was a bird, not just any bird, but an owl. He wondered who it could be. Daphne had already written to him and he already wrote back. That girl was pretty nosey. She was trying to get him to tell her what he was doing this summer. He had simply responded that he was messing around with some stuff and had purposely been very vague, just because he knew she wouldn't like it.

He brought himself back to the present as the owl landed in front of him. It was brown and regal-looking, or at least it would have been if it wasn't about to pass out from the long flight. He took the note from the bird and the bird looked back at him looking like it wanted something.

"Sorry, but I don't have food, and I'm not sure if I want to waste my water supply on you," Harry said, turning away from the indignant bird and opening the letter it had been carrying.

Dear Harry,

Hi, Harry! It's Rose. You said you would come and visit and you haven't yet. You better come soon. You promised me.



Harry looked at the letter with a pang of annoyance. He still couldn't believe that he had been backed into a corner by a five-year-old. Sighing, he went back into the house and put on some warmer clothes, grumbling about little devil 5-year-olds.

"What the hell are you grumbling about?" Sammy asked from his bed where she was resting.

"I'm going to pay a visit to that demon 5-year-old so she stops bothering me," Harry said as he grabbed a hoodie and threw it on.

"Do I need to go?" she grumbled as she lifted her head to look at him. Harry sighed.

"No, it's fine. Enjoy your relaxation. You've earned it," Harry said, looking back at her.

"I'll be back later today," Harry said before he flashed away.

(Potter Manor)

Harry stared at the house he had left 8 years ago. He hadn't thought he would ever have to see it again when he left it. Sighing, Harry approached the door. He knocked twice and waited. Someone's footsteps approached the door and the door was thrown open. Lily had been the one to open it and as soon as she saw it was Harry, her eyes widened and a giant smiled appeared on her face. Harry stopped her before she could say anything by putting a hand directly in front of her face.

"I'm just here to see the brat, no one else. Just take me to her, so I can keep my promise," Harry said as he lowered his hands. Lily was still smiling as she nodded. She led him through the house and into the living room, where he saw the rest of the family. Arthur and James seemed to be having an extreme match of chess. Rose was sitting down and coloring, but as soon as Harry stepped in the room, she was immediately attached to his leg.

"Hey, kiddo," Harry said as he looked down at her awkwardly. She looked up at him with what was probably the biggest smile he had ever seen.

"Hi, Harry! Thanks for coming; did you get my letter?" she asked innocently.

"Yep. Got it today," Harry said as he looked down at her. Damn puppy eyes. She smiled even wider, if possible.

"Yay! Let's go and play!" she said as she started dragging him up the stairs and to what he presumed was her room. It was right next to Arthur's. As soon as they entered, she immediately went and grabbed some dolls and brought them to him. They were apparently about to play a game called 'house'.

The next few hours were probably the hardest of Harry's life. Pretending to play real-life with toys really did a number on his sanity. He had tried to escape multiple times, but Rose would just activate her puppy eyes as soon as it looked like he was trying to leave. Harry was convinced that Rose could cast some mental magic when she looked at him with those eyes. There was no other way to explain why he had no defense against such a frightening ability. Perhaps one needed to build up a tolerance for it first? He had promised himself that afternoon that he would develop a defense for it.

"Harry: where do you live?" Rose asked in the middle of their game. Harry looked back at her.

"Why do you ask?" He asked back at her.

"Because you don't live here," Rose said back. Harry contemplated what to say.

"I have an island that I bought and live at," Harry said. Rose's eyes widened.

"You live on your own island? Can I come? Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease!" She asked, holding her hands together in a begging motion. Harry chuckled at the sight. He reached out and ruffled her hair.

"Maybe one day. Although the rest of your family can't come with you, so you would have to ask your parents if that's okay first," Harry said, trying to pacify her. Rose immediately squealed and ran out of the room. Harry could hear her yelling at her mom from the room.

"Mom, Harry said that I can go to his island if you're okay with it. Can I go? Pleeeeaaasseeeee?" She asked. As soon as Harry heard that, he jumped up and ran down the stairs and immediately went to where he heard the begging.

"Now hold on Rose, I didn't mean right now. I said 'one day'," Harry said as he found her next to a slightly amused Lily. Rose immediately turned to him, slightly teary-eyed, using her devastating ocular prowess.

"You mean I can't go?" She said with a heartbroken undertone. Harry had no defense.

"Well…I mean…umm…*sigh*fine," Harry said as he looked away from her so he could try to shake off the dazed feeling he was getting from looking at her with teary puppy eyes. God, this girl was GOOD!

"Yay! See, mom, he said I could go. So, can I?" Rose said, directing her attention back to her mom. Lily looked back down at her with a slight smile.

"Well, we can't do it today. It's almost your bedtime and we don't even know where the island is. I will talk to your father about letting you go some other time," Lily said patiently as she looked down at her daughter.

"Awwww, but I wanted to go today!" Rose whined back.

"None of that young lady. I didn't say no, I just said not today," Lily said as she looked at her daughter strictly.

"Okay…" Rose said back glumly.

"Well, I guess I should leave, as well," Harry said as he finally saw his chance to escape.

"No! Not yet!" Rose exclaimed as she looked back at Harry.

"Don't worry kid, I will be back soon," Harry said.

"Tomorrow," Rose demanded as she looked at him with a stern expression.

"Uh. Well, I don't know if it will be that soon, but it will be soon," Harry stammered before Rose used her eyes on him.

"Fine. As long as you come back and play with me soon," She said pouting and puffing her cheeks. The sight was extremely adorable and forced Harry to turn away.

Harry nodded before telling Rose goodbye and flashing out of there so he wouldn't have to say anything to the rest of the Potters.

Wolfe Cove

Harry landed back into his bedroom and sat down on his bed. He took off his jacket and leaned back on the bed. Before he could close his eyes all the way, he heard a hiss.

"How was it?" Sammy asked as she slithered next to him.

"Not bad, I guess. The Potter's stayed out of the way, which I was happy about," Harry said as he took a deep breath.

"You know, the girl is a Potter too," Sammy said as she looked at him.

"I suppose so. But when I see her, I don't feel the need to constantly squash her like a bug," Harry said as closed his eyes.

"As long as you realize the problems you will have to endure because of her," Sammy replied as she slithered away, most likely to find somewhere to sleep. Harry pondered what she had just told him for a minute. It was true that any affection that he had for her would end with problems. Her parents would always bother him to get him to go with them. If any of his enemies found out about her, they would gladly use her against him. Still, they would have to go through him first. He drifted off into the world of dreams with one final thought.

'Might not be so bad…having a little sister.'