*Chapter 39*: Chapter 39

June 17th 2013

"You know, you do need to go back to the office at some point." Natasha commented as she looked at her boyfriend. Harry was sitting and doing work at the dining room table in just his boxers.

"No I don't." Harry responded without looking up.

"It's just a desk. Why don't you just buy a new one and get over it?" Natasha questioned.

"The desk was a heavy loss to be sure but that's not the problem. The problem is that I highly doubt that they only restricted their illicit activities to my desk while they were doing such activities in my office." Harry said back.

"Then just have the room sanitized." She exclaimed. Harry shook his head.

"Won't matter, I will still always have the knowledge that they were doing such activities in my office. I will always look at a piece of the room and wonder if it has been contaminated." Harry said back.

"If I recall correctly, we already 'contaminated' most of the room ourselves." Natasha said lightly with a smile.

"Of course but I liked it when we did it. I would look at my office chair somedays and just sit down with a smile at the memories." Harry said while smirking back at her. Natasha just shook her head at his antics.

"Well when are you going to at least start talking to Daphne and Tracey again?" Natasha asked.

"As soon as the image of them fucking leaves my head whenever I see them." Harry responded back. Natasha walked up behind him and draped herself on his shoulders.

"Perhaps I could help replace those memories with something more pleasant…" Natasha whispered into his ear. Harry couldn't help the small shiver he felt go down his back when she said that.

"What did you have in mind?" Harry asked her as he stopped looking at his papers and tilted his head more in her direction.

"Why don't we head to the bedroom, I'm sure I can think of something on the way." She said with a devious smirk. Harry gulped softly at that. He would like to think he was pretty good when it came to the art of love making but Natasha was something else entirely. She was definitely way more skilled than him but he had much more stamina than she did. Still, she would always take the lead in the bedroom, not that he had a problem with that or anything, but sometimes she got a little…extreme. Harry followed the woman he was equally scared and aroused by up to his room.

June 18th 2013

"You don't look so good." Ren commented as he looked at Harry in their newest facility. Azkaban was finally finished and had already been fully equipped. Ren had even employed his trusted staff on the projects they were assigned.

"Yeah, me and Natasha…. let's just say I had a long night and leave it at that." Harry finished as he looked over the men and women currently working and researching.

"I'm not even going to bother asking as I already knew you were a masochist." Ren said as he looked down at various papers that had research on them.

"I'm not a masochist." Harry said to the man blandly.

"Oh? Then what would you call yourself?" Ren asked.

"Someone who loves their girlfriend enough to allow her to occasionally do what she wants with my body?" Harry responded.

"I'm fairly sure you like it, therefore, you are a masochist." Ren told him as they started walking to what was Harry's newest office.

"Again, do you even HAVE a girlfriend or boyfriend yet Ren?" Harry asked challengingly

"And as I will say again, I choose to not have one as I am too busy. I also already told you that I am straight." Ren said with a glare as they reached the room.

"Sure man. Whatttteeeevvvveerrrr you say." Harry said as they sat down. Ren just continued to glare. Harry decided to stop the conversation there and move on.

"So, how's the projects coming along?" Harry asked as he looked at Ren. Ren handed him a folder to read over as he gave a verbal update.

"It's going well. Those magic containers we found are now called Mcells. Unimaginative, I know but we are pressed for time." Ren explained. Harry nodded at the explanation. The name wasn't terrible and if he found that it didn't fit, he would just change it later. He gestured for the man to go on as he opened the folder with the research.

"We have found that we can indeed clone them but we couldn't exactly take them out of blood so we are trying to make an artificial plasma that will work as a proper holder instead. We actually have already made progress on that front as well. We should have said plasma figured out in a month. Also, said plasma will only be able to be made through magical means." Ren told him.

"Good, that'll mean that even if world governments discover it, it will be very hard if not impossible to replicate." Harry said. Ren nodded in confirmation.

"We have been having problems with the ship creation itself though." Ren said Harry looked up from the papers and at Ren questioningly.

"You already started it's building plans?" Harry asked.

"No but we have been looking for materials that will be able to withstand the pressure of the speed we will need to achieve to go out of our solar system conventionally." Ren explained.

"Oh, go ahead and not do that." Harry told the man. Ren looked at him in surprise.

"Why? Are we cancelling that project?" Ren asked.

"No, we just won't need to travel at that speed in the first place." Harry said.

"Can you elaborate on what you mean?" Ren asked his young boss. Harry nodded.

"After thinking about it, we will not be using speed to move from place to place. We will use wormholes instead, or at least, sort of wormholes. I'm going to call them wormholes for convenience." Harry said to the man. Ren raised an eyebrow.

"How do you propose that we create these 'sort of' wormholes then?" Ren asked.

"This is where I will come in. We are going to do extensive testing on how I travel when Flashing. After that we, will apply it to the ships so no major speed will be necessary, or at least, nothing past light speed.

"I see, you think you create your own miniaturized wormhole every time you teleport then?" Ren asked.

"If not then I'm still going to call it that but I do believe that you can use it for the ships method of travel. Here's what I am thinking, we measure a small distance of me teleporting. Then we have a computer calculate the distance that I teleported so it has a unit of measurement associated with my traveling. This will allow us what we need to know to calculate for travel, then presto. We make a wormhole then appear there."

"I really hope to god that you know it won't be that simple." Ren said as he looked at his boss.

"Nothing ever is but it's a start." Harry said with a smile. Ren nodded.

"I see. Well I suppose I'll get started right away." Ren said as he stood up to leave. Harry himself also prepared to leave as well.

"One more thing, do you know a Jane Foster?" Ren asked. Harry gave him a confused look.

"The name is vaguely familiar. Why?" Harry asked.

"She's been trying to get an audience with you from what I hear. Your assistant has been trying to get in contact with you to let you know but apparently you're ignoring her." Ren said giving him a pointed look. Harry grimaced. He should probably have a sit down with Daphne at some point to talk about the incident but he still wasn't sure If he could see her without…images popping in his head.

"I will take care of it. Thanks for letting me know." Harry said before flashing away.

June 19th , New York Penthouse

Harry looked around the penthouse full of people that all came exclusively from the 1% of the entire planet. There was a lot of women in dresses and men in tuxedos mingling with each other. This was the third fundraiser that Harry had been invited to and Natasha had told him that he needed to stop putting them off and just go to one. Of course he agreed as long as she came and suffered with him. She seemed to not have any problem with this arrangement sadly. Harry hadn't really thought about it but she had gone to quite a few of these type of events on missions already. Going to one more was nothing for her.

"You need to relax." Natasha said as she pressed herself against him.

"I am relaxed." Harry said as his eyes scanned the crowd of million and billionaires.

"No I mean relax to the level of a normal person not your fake version of being relaxed." Natasha scolded him playfully

"Tell you what, just don't leave my side tonight and I will try to relax." Harry replied with a small smile back at her. Natasha returned the smile and nodded slightly as they both started to make their way through the crowd of people. He greeted both men and women who seemed interested in meeting him. He had just released his car line in both the U.S as well as most of Europe. It seemed to be selling well so far and had gained his company a lot more attention. They had to start doing massive expansions in both offices and dealerships in a short amount of time. Harry had to constantly go to each country to speed up the contract process that allowed him to own new pieces of property for his business. It was both a hassle and necessity for his company. He was considering on starting a construction department within his company that specialized in both speed and reliability.

It didn't take long before music started playing and couples started to slowly dancing in the middle of the penthouse floor. Harry didn't even get a chance to ask Natasha before she was dragging him to the dance floor and wrapping her arms around his neck. Harry just smirked at her before wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You have been rather pushy lately." Harry commented.

"It's a new experience for me, I admit, to get to do whatever I want with someone. In the past, the most important thing was to fit my targets image of an ideal woman. I never really got think about what I myself enjoy to do. Now that I have you however, I find myself enjoying my newfound ability to decide my own preferences." Natasha said almost excitedly. Harry rolled his eyes.

"Glad that I can be of service." Harry said to her sarcastically. She just smiled back at him deviously.

"Don't lie. I know you love the things I do to you." She said back sensually. Harry felt a slight shiver go down his back.

"I will not confirm nor deny that statement." Harry said back as he continued to dance with his girlfriend for a few songs. Towards the end of the third dance, Harry started to notice some not so pleasant intent that he felt was directed at him. While dancing he allowed his eyes to scan the crowd in the direction that it was coming from. It was hard to pinpoint it exactly. So many people here let off so much greed that it was even able to cover the more sinister intent that he was feeling from whoever his unwelcome spectator was. After a few more moments, his eyes finally landed on a woman. She appeared to be European of some sort. She was clearly Caucasian but had a slight olive tint to her skin. She had long raven black hair that cascaded down her back and complimented her black and purple, backless, dress. She was quite beautiful and Harry could see that she was getting quite a few looks from members of the opposite sex and quite a few members of the same sex as well. Harry would have passed over her as a suspect if It wasn't for the quick glance she sent his way that was almost unnoticeable and clearly wasn't meant to be noticed either.

Harry concentrated on her more fully now that he knew who was sending him such negative intent. He frowned in confusion. She felt…weird. Unlike any person he ever felt before. Even her heartbeat was different than anyone else he felt before. Natasha seemed to notice his frown and the direction of his gaze.

"Something interesting about that woman?" Natasha asked calmly. She didn't want to assume anything.

"Hm. I can't be one hundred percent sure but I think she may want to kill me." Harry said unsure of himself. Natasha raised an eyebrow.

"Oh? Why would she want to do something like that? Do you know her?" Natasha asked.

"No. This is the first time I have ever seen her before. She also feels weird to my senses." Harry commented as he made sure to stop looking at her to not arouse suspicion and just kept his attention on her with magic.

"Weird how?" Natasha asked while still glancing at the woman who seemed to be looking like she was trying to mingle with some of the other guest.

"I'm not sure how to describe it exactly. It's almost like…. she's not human or at least not completely. She feels like something else." Harry said with uncertainty. Natasha looked surprised.

"Do you mean like a mutant?" Natasha asked.

"No, mutants just feel like humans with a little or a lot of something extra depending on their power level." Harry answered. Natasha thought about that for a moment.

"What do you want to do about it?" Natasha asked.

"I think I'll give her an opportunity to kill me and go from there. Might interrogate her afterword. Would you mind going back home while I take care of this. Since this is a new entity that I have not encountered before, I would prefer to do this alone." Harry said to her. Natasha did not look pleased but nodded none the less. It wouldn't exactly be fair if she said no as she asked the same thing of Harry to allow her to do her own job with no interference from him unless absolutely necessary. Harry watched her smoothly make her exit. He threw up a few privacy spells before walking up to the unknown and preparing to give her the ole razzle dazzle.

"Beautiful event tonight isn't it? And for such a good cause too." Harry commented airily to the woman. The woman turned to him and immediately her eyes sparkled at seeing him. He felt her intent increase by two-fold.

"Indeed it is. I did always have a soft spot for children." The woman said back smoothly, referencing the fundraisers target to help orphan children all over the country.

"I just like helping those less fortunate than myself. Oh, where are my manners. Harry Wolfe. CEO of Wolfe Enterprises." Harry said while shooting a charming smile at the woman. The woman smiled back.

"Charmed. My name is Samantha. No title that goes with it I'm afraid." She said jokingly. Harry gave a convincing laugh at the joke.

"So Samantha, I don't believe I have seen you at one of these events before. Are you new to the area or did you perhaps just come in to some money that you wanted to give the less fortunate?" Harry asked while keeping his smile on his face.

"Oh I wouldn't really say recently. It's been in my family for a while but I just decided to stop letting it collect dust in some bank and actually spend it." She said back to him as she wrapped herself around his arm and they started to walk through the event.

"My how generous of you. I imagine your husband wasn't too pleased by that." Harry commented.

"I wouldn't know; I don't have a husband." She said back with a smile as she leaned into him a little more. Harry quirked an eyebrow.

"Wife then?" he asked. Samantha threw her head back and laughed. It was very convincing too. She clearly was quite good at acting which likely meant she was a professional. If Harry didn't already know that she was probably planning to kill him, he would have most likely been convinced. It also didn't escape his notice that she was slowly leading him to the elevator. That probably meant she didn't want witnesses.

"No wife either I'm afraid." She responded.

"Shame. Beautiful woman like you deserves someone who can make them happy all the time." Harry said alluringly.

"Maybe, perhaps you could help me with that." She said suggestively. Harry smiled at her.

"Well, who am I deny a lady." Harry said as they now picked up their pace to the elevator. He was glad that he had cast those privacy spells because it would be annoying if someone caught him with another woman so soon after he went public with his relationship with Natasha. As they reached the elevator Samantha was clinging to him extremely tightly. She was also making sure to press her, admittedly impressive, cleavage into his arms. It was at this point that Harry noticed something prickling at his mental barriers. He let it in slightly to see what it was and noticed it to be a probe similar to what Veela used to ensnare men. Harry looked at the woman and assumed it was from her. Especially since the probe did feel different then what he remembered from that French Veela he met those years ago at the tournament. He let it in just in case she could consciously tell when it was working or not but didn't let it affect him.

They both stepped in the elevator and watched as the door closed behind them. Harry noticed immediately that there was no camera in the elevator and wondered if she would notice and try to make her move in here. He didn't have to wait long because as soon as the thought crossed his mind, she reached over and pressed the stop button on the elevator. Harry gave her a pretend look of confusion which she returned with a sensual smile. Harry tensed slightly in preparation just in case. It caught him completely off guard when she actually reached over and brought him into a deep kiss. Harry's eyes shot open.

'What the actual fuck! Why the hell is she kissing me? Is she not going to actually kill me or even try? Could my senses have been wrong or tricked somehow? Did I misread the entire situation? Oh Fuck, Nat is going to rip off my testicles and watch me choke to death with them shoved down my throat!' Harry thought as he looked wide eyed at the woman. It happened almost immediately after that, he felt the pull from his body and realized that the woman in front of him was literally pulling his energy and life from his body through the kiss. He made a mental sigh in relief that he had not terribly misread the situation and that this random woman did not have the hots for him.

He put a magical barrier on his lips to stop this woman from killing him. Her eyes opened in confusion as she then focused on him. She tried to pull herself away but Harry reached out and grabbed her arms. She had no time to react before both her and Harry disappeared in a bright silver flash from the elevator.

She immediately jumped away from Harry and surveyed her new surroundings. She had no idea where she was. She assumed it was a room or cave of some kind considering how dark it was. She could barely see anything a few feet in front of her.

Harry watched her try to get her bearings from a corner of his room. They were in his hidden basement on Wolfe Cove. He hadn't used it since he mentally destroyed Voldemort after torturing him for hours. He sent out a mental signal to Sammy to let her know he was here and that he had a guest. Sammy acknowledged this and was making her way down to the basement as well since she was apparently bored.

Harry didn't do anything as he watched the woman try to regain her senses. He didn't bother attacking especially since Sammy wanted to come. Harry just watched her with an almost bored expression. She seemed to have some sort of technology on her arm that she uncloaked. He was willing to bet that there was something on it that would give her light to see but she didn't want to use it because she thought that he might still be here with her. A smart thought if he couldn't already see in the dark with magic as if it were midday. While she tried to figure it out the door to the basement opened. Harry had to do a double take when he saw a female silhouette in the light streaming through the door frame.

'Sammy? Are you using some sort of illusion?' Harry asked over their mental link.

'No.' she responded without an explanation. Harry watched as the silhouette entered the room as did their killer guest. The would be assassin backed up into the shadows as fast as possible to not be seen. The silhouette closed the door behind her and walked down the now revealed stairs. She then moved to the middle of the room and looked at the woman who was trying to hide in the shadows. She was doing fairly well too. Sadly, even if Sammy didn't have magical eyesight, she was still a reptile. She could clearly see the woman.

"So who are you?" Sammy asked dully. As she said it, Harry finally took in her appearance. His snake's form had long black hair much like his prisoners and was a tanner color skin tone. The clothes she was wearing were also a simple blouse with jeans that he knew that Natasha owned. They must be constructs or illusions. There also seemed to be something wrong with her skin. He couldn't see in enough detail to identify it though. Harry turned his attention back to his would be assassin. She seemed to be debating something.

"My name is Samantha. Can you please help me? I don't know where I am." The woman said clearly trying to pretend to be someone in distress. Harry almost smirked in amusement but managed to contain himself. Sammy on the other didn't bother and an amused smirk came onto her face.

"You don't know where you are huh? That is quite unfortunate. Any idea how you got in here?" Sammy asked the woman said with a hint of her amusement. Harry couldn't tell if his would be assassin noticed though.

"I have no idea. One moment I am with this man and the next moment he's grabbing me painfully and now I'm here." Samantha said with a sniffle.

"You're talking about Harry I assume." Sammy said. Harry got the feeling that she glanced in his direction when she said that. Samantha looked slightly more tense at Sammy knowing his identity.

"You're…you're not with him are you? Please help me! He wants to kill me. I beg you!" Samantha pressed.

"If Harry wants to kill you and brought you here to do it, then you must be a really bad person. You clearly don't know where you are. The fact that he brought you to this room is not a good sign for you. He's only brought two other people here. One was never seen again and the other is brain dead. Also you no longer need to put up this pathetic act. You aren't even close to fooling me." Sammy said nonchalantly. Samantha paused for a second before straightening herself. Funny how just the posture change alone seemed to change her whole attitude from pathetic crying mess to a confident woman who showed no fear. At this point, Harry decided to turn the lights. He snapped his finger and instantly the room was filled with light. Harry watched Samantha squint trying to adjust to the light and looked around. When her eyes landed on him, he could feel the steel enter her eyes.

"Sorry to cut your chat short Sammy." Harry said. He saw Samantha about to respond, assuming that Harry was talking to her.

"It's fine, I'm more interested in what happens next anyways. You didn't even bother to restrain her. Does that mean you don't even plan to kill her?" Sammy responded. Harry tilted his head slightly.

"Will see. I want to know some things before I decide that." Harry said. He saw Samantha frown. Harry then diverted his attention. He reached his hand towards her and silently summoned whatever was on her wrist that he had spotted earlier. As soon as it came off, Samantha went through a big change. The most obvious thing was that she went from an average height, Caucasian, woman to a tall, slightly muscled, blue woman. Harry raised an eyebrow but wasn't too surprised. He already knew she wasn't a human after all. He went from looking at the woman to looking at the fascinating piece of technology off her wrist. It seemed to be something that one attached to their wrist and went half way towards the elbow. He couldn't really make much of it besides the obvious. It was obviously a very advanced piece of equipment that could at least cause some sort of visual cloak on someone that could fool at least the sense of sight and touch. He would make sure to give it Ren for study. His eyes then turned back to the now glaring blue woman.

"So, I take it your name isn't Samantha then." Harry said lightly as he looked at the woman. The blue woman just continued to glare at him. Harry noticed she seemed to have black markings on different parts of her body. He wondered what they symbolized.

"If you don't speak then I will be forced to invade your mind. You will most likely try to stop me which will cause me to do damage to you as I extract the information from you." Harry said. Harry watched her eyes widen at the statement and become thoughtful. He noticed a certain look cross her eyes that he recognized.

"Don't bother. I can still retrieve the information from a corpse and it would probably be easier for me. This is a lose-lose situation for you. I would just try to run damage control if I were you." Harry said. The woman was back to glaring.

"And how would I go about doing that against someone who could read my every thought." The woman said in a challenging tone of voice. Harry noticed that Sammy had conjured a seat for herself and was watching.

"If you cooperate, I won't enter your mind. You will only have to answer the questions I ask." Harry offered. The woman scowled.

"I will not bend to your will so easily." She yelled. Harry saw this coming though. 'Samantha' charged at him. Harry had to admit, the woman was fast. He was thirty feet from her and she crossed the distance in a blink of an eye. Harry was ready though.

The woman reared back her fist and brought it towards Harry's face at an alarming rate. Harry was just as fast though. He moved his right foot forward and turned his head to the side and watched the fist sail by. Before she could move back to cover her vulnerability, Harry drove his elbow directly in between two of her ribs. She lurched forward in pain and immediately jumped backwards to get away from him. Harry just calmly stood and watched the woman who was panting in pain from the hit.

"You did not research anything about me before trying to kill me did you." Harry asked with a slight smirk. She glared at him in response. She took one deep breath and got back into a pose of some sort. It didn't look like any particular style that he knew of but it was entirely possible that she was using some unknown style. Or she could not be using a style and just going off of experience. She charged more carefully this time. She tried to tackle him instead of a straight strike, Harry watched her dive at him. He simply dropped to his knees and watching the woman sail over him. She landed on the ground with a big shake that showed that she was most likely heavier than she looked.

By now, Harry could tell that she was just going to attack him with different moves until she could find out what his weakness was. She was most likely use to relying on the fact that she was physically stronger and faster than most humans to try and go for the long run where she took a few hits until she found something to use against him. With this figured out, Harry decided to cut this little game they were playing short. He stood up and moved over to her form that was still on the floor and about to get up. Harry raised his foot and stomped on her stomach, knocking the breath out of her harshly before putting his foot on her throat.

"As fun as this for me, I'm going to have to cut it short. Do you accept my terms or am I going to have to break into your mind? Nod your head for yes and shake it for no." Harry said to the woman that was literally under his foot. He waited for a few seconds for her to catch her breath. She then tried to use her strength to grab Harry and throw him. Sadly, for her, Harry was through messing around and would not budge. After finally stopping with the pointless struggle. She glared up at Harry and reluctantly nodded. Harry removed his foot and backed away a few steps. He watched her stand up cautiously and rub her throat while keeping an eye on him.

"Good, now that we've got that nonsense out of the way, lets start with something easy. What is your name?" Harry asked almost politely. The woman continued to glare for almost a solid minute before speaking.

"Una- Rogg." She almost spat out. Harry tested the name in his head.

"Well then. Una- Rogg, what did you hope to gain by killing me?" Harry asked. She looked conflicted again as if she really did not want to say.

"I…hoped to use you as a peace offering." She said. Harry was puzzled at that.

"Who would want my corpse as a peace offering and why are you apparently at odds with this person?" Harry asked

"I was to offer you to The Mad Titan as a peace offering. When I was young, I was chosen by The Mad Titan to be trained and used as one of his assassins. I did not want to do this so I ran away and hid on this planet." Una said reluctantly. Harry tried to process this information.

"I see. The Mad Titan is a title I assume. What is his name and why does a being who I don't believe I have ever met want me dead?" Harry asked.

"His name is Thanos, one of the most powerful beings in the known, and most likely unknown, universe. He is also known as the Avatar of Death. He has killed billions and destroyed entire planets. I do not know why he wants you dead but I do know he definitely does, though only his top generals know of this desire for your death. I found out from my father." Una continued to explain. Harry was, now, more than a little concerned. This being did not sound like someone he ever wanted to meet. Anyone who could cause the death of billions and entire planets was not someone who he wanted to be on the shit list of.

"He doesn't sound friendly." Harry commented dryly.

"He wishes to rule and enslave the entire universe. No he is not very friendly. Part of the reason I wished to not serve under him and have done my best to stay off his radar since leaving my people." Una said back equally dryly. Harry looked at her.

"What are your people anyone. You look humanoid for the most part except for the enhanced muscles and being blue." Harry said. Una just looked at him.

"We are known as the Kree. A great and powerful race that rules over countless worlds." Una said in an almost arrogant fashion.

"So this Thanos guy is also Kree then?" Harry questioned. Una shook her head.

"He is not a Kree but he does rule over us for the most part. I do not know of his race or origin other than the fact that he is called a titan." Una told him. Harry nodded slowly at that.

"Hmm I see. Nothing else you can tell me about him then?" Harry asked. Una shook her head.

"You know as much on him as I do now." She told him. Harry sighed.

'So, a recap. There's a super-powerful, evil, warlord after me that's destroyed entire planets. He also happens to have an entire race at his beck and call. Great. Just fucking fantastic.' Harry thought to himself. Sammy seemed to be listening to his thoughts as she was still sitting and trying to not laugh at him.

"Alright, I guess that all that is left is to decide what to do with you." Harry pondered out loud as he looked at the blue woman. Una found herself suddenly feeling very nervous. She had honestly been truthful the whole time because she assumed he had a way to tell if she were lying or not. She had also tried to get him to relate and understand her cause enough to not want to kill him.

"Perhaps I can be of some use to you." Una stammered out in an attempt of self-preservation.

"Tell me, did you have any training in the assassination before you left?" Harry asked. Una was caught off guard by the question.

"I only ever mastered the basics. I am much more skilled in seduction with some skill in acting as well. I have experience with some fighting as well from some training." She said very quickly. She didn't know where this was going but she hoped it kept her alive.

"Hmm…that explains earlier I guess. When I first saw you, I assumed you were much better than you were but clearly you're better at subterfuge than at fighting or killing. Though I imagine that kissing trick you tried earlier is pretty effective against most people that aren't me." Harry said out loud. Una felt herself blush a little at the reminder of her failed attempt on his life. She didn't say anything more though. Harry just looked at her for a few minutes before gaining a strange glint in his eyes that Una noticed. A very dangerous looking glint. A glint that made her want to curl in on herself.

"I have a job that I think you would be perfect for," Harry said as he slowly walked towards her. Una was very much reminded of how a predator would approach cornered prey. Which meant that she was probably the prey.

"What do you mean? What job?" She asked a little nervously as she watched him approach with his freaky smile.

"A very particular job." Harry continued as he crept closer.

"Stay-…stay away from me," Una said as she backed up into a wall.

"Why Una that's not very nice. And I thought we were becoming friends." Harry said as his eyes started to glow red.

Una couldn't remember what happened after that very well. All she remembered was blacking out as her captor laughed like a psychopath over her.