*Chapter 43*: Chapter 43

Harry's POV:

Harry pulled out his phone and immediately speed dialed his friend.


"Tony, it's me. I've turned off the anti-tracking on my phone. Get here now and bring the cavalry. They're here." Harry said before ending the call not letting Tony properly respond. He slid the phone back into his pocket as he eyed the strange aircraft that had attached itself to the top deck of the Helicarrier as he stood on the ocean's surface. It almost looked like it was made of some mix of stone and metal and nearly half the size of the carrier. He had definitely never encountered the material before. He debated if he should take out the craft first or go and give aid to Fury and his staff. He decided to go for the craft first to cut off the route of escape. He flashed onto the deck and found it littered with bodies, both human and Kree. Harry frowned. He had already called Ren to make sure their alien guest tried nothing while the invasion happened.

Harry ignored the bodies and walked up to the hull of the craft. He pressed his hand against it and tried to see if there was anything special about it. It felt extremely sturdy. The texture almost felt like unsmoothed concrete and was a dark grey in appearance, almost black. He tried to see if there was some sort of door or hatch. He couldn't see any but he cast a wide range unlocking/opening charm. It wouldn't get through any magical security but it was definitely useful to open most hidden doors especially the ones he couldn't find with magic. As soon as the spell took effect, part of the ship's hull opened and came down to the ground showing that it also functioned as a ramp. Harry stared to his right at the now opened ship. He immediately heard cocking from inside. He could not physically see them as he was off to the side but he could definitely sense them now. The way their bodies were positioned led him to believe they were armed with some sort of guns. He could sense six people looking at the entrance and two were making their way down the ramp.

Harry wasted no time as they were about to be in a position to see him. He cast an exploding curse at the pair. The difference between an exploding charm and an exploding curse was the after effect. An exploding charm stopped after the explosion. An exploding curse would also curse you afterwards if you were in its area effect even if the explosion did minimal damage to you.

The two that were closing in down the ramp died immediately, they were the lucky ones. The four others that had waited further back were only knocked back onto the floor. Harry walked onto the ship and stepped over the bodies of the Kree that were now screaming in pain as their bodies dissolved into a black goo onto the floor. Harry made a note to thank Sammy for the spell as it seemed highly effective. He made his way to what he assumed was the direction of the cockpit. He didn't make it far before more Kree seemed to come down on him with raised rifles. They started shooting though Harry already had a shield up and kept walking forward. The blue bolts bounced off the shield into complete random directions. Most went straight into the ship itself though some did end up back in the direction of his assailants. Harry watched and cast another exploding curse at the floor near them. Since the hallways were narrow, they were all lucky enough to die immediately before dissolving. Harry watched the process as he walked by them and couldn't help the shiver that ran up his spine. It was pretty disgusting to be completely honest. He grunted in annoyance as he kept wandering, though he picked up the pace and started jogging. This would have been easier if their damn ship wasn't connected to the helicarrier. Then he could just fiendfyre the damn thing and be done with it. Fury wouldn't like it though and he had a feeling that Fury was already angry at him for some reason.

Harry continued to murder his way through the ship and finally came to a heavily secured door which he was ninety percent sure was the control room. He touched the pad, channeled magic into it, and watched it spark angrily before the door slid open. He saw a terrified young Kree with his hands raised as he entered the room.

"English?" Harry asked him. The man just looked at him with confusion. Harry shrugged before conjuring a spectral spear and sent it through the man's skull. Harry was about to destroy the ship anyways so this was actually an act of mercy in his book as the young Kree died much quicker than he would have. Harry looked at the control panel and was drawing a complete blank. These were nothing like human controls. He looked at two things that semi looked like joysticks but bigger. He moved one and felt the engines start up and the ship trying to pull away towards the right. Seeing this, Harry jerked the control further in the direction that caused it to move away from the ship and watched as it plunge into the water. He had left the ramp open and could hear the water flooding into the ship. He touched the control console and sent another surge of lightning through it and watched as the controls stopped responding and the lights flickered out. Harry nodded in satisfaction and flashed back on board the helicarrier just as the water reached the control room.

Harry looked at the bubbles that were all that was left of the Kree ship that had been attached to the Helicarrier. Confirming the Kree ships destruction, Harry flashed into the bridge only to immediately feel searing heat on his arm as a bolt, that was most likely not even meant for him, smashed into his arm. He growled before throwing up a shield and quickly summoning every piece of shrapnel in the room including the upturned tables that the Kree soldiers were using for cover. When all the shrapnel condensed into a thick ball above his head, he gestured towards the Kree and banished the shrapnel at them. It wasn't pretty. Some tried to jump for cover but since they were in the big room and most of the cover was being thrown at them, none were able to escape their fate. Most died from the bits of sharp metal and glass penetrating them though one died by being decapitated by the very table he had originally been using for cover. How ironic.

"Wolfe!" Harry turned to the growling voice. Fury was scowling at him. He didn't even bother to glare back.

"Fury. Seems I had to sweep in to save the day again." Harry said though his voice lacked the usual condescending tone as his eyes swept the room and watched the various agents immediately moving to help the injured. He started channeling healing magic into his arm causing the burns to recede and knit together. Fury himself looked like he had been through the grinder. His trademark trench coat was in tatters and barely staying on him and he had burns on his left shoulder indicating a bolt had come a little too close for comfort.

"Where's my agent?" He demanded. Harry looked at him and creased his eyebrows slightly in confusion before his face smoothed as he understood what he meant.

"She's on her way. I had dropped her off in New York earlier today and then later I found out you were attacked and decided to come help. Tony and Nat are on their way. Banner is on standby. I assume you know where Barton is." Harry told the man.

"Right here." Barton said as he walked into the room. He looked better than Fury but was still sweating.

"You finish clearing the rest of the ship?" Harry asked though he already knew the answer. Kree biology was different enough from humans that it was pretty easy to identify them if he was in a one mile radius. Well it was easier now at least. He practiced on Una before to help in preparation a few times when he wasn't busy.

"Yep, though, can't you tell?" Barton asked. Harry gave him a nod.

"Yes, but I would rather be sure. Especially under the circumstances." Harry said.

"What a smart move. Not as smart as ignoring your best friends phone calls, emails, and voice chat messages but smart." A new voice said. Harry didn't even need to turn as he knew who it was. He grimaced.

"My phone was destroyed pretty much on the first day of training and I only got a new one yesterday. I also wasn't exactly in a position to be sending messages out to people you know." Harry said as he walked up to the man and gave him a hug.

"Wow. A hug! You must be sorry. I can only imagine what you did to Natasha as an apology." Tony commented as he returned the bro hug before breaking apart.

"It's nothing that you could possibly imagine so don't even bother trying." Harry shot at him showing a small smile for the first time in almost a month.

"God now I'm even more curious. Did you do that thing I told you about with your tong-"

"If you finish that sentence, I'll put a bullet in your brain Stark." A beautiful redhead in a skin tight, black, latex outfit came strutting in. Harry's eyes roamed over his girlfriend. He had seen her just yesterday yet after being without her presence for so long, he constantly craved to be in it.

"Red! We were just talking about you." Tony said in amusement.

"Enough of this! We have a hostile alien invasion and you're cracking jokes? Shit stops now! Everyone get your heads in the game and let's figure out how to not die by tomorrow.

"Where's Rogers?" Harry asked finally.

"In New York. He's leading a group of Shield agents against what sounds to be a task force of these aliens. It would seem that Thor was correct in assuming they are after you as they went straight for your apartment." Agent Hill said from a console nearby.

"Alright. First off, we need to find the lead ship. That will be our target and most likely place where Thanos is. We kill Thanos and the Kree will most likely cut their losses." Harry said.

"You honestly think that all it will take is killing their leader?" Fury scowled at him again. Or was it one continuous scowl from before?

"In normal situations, no. However, the person we are dealing with is Thanos. If we can kill him the Kree will leave from fear. Thanos is one of the biggest terrors of the entire universe. Even his own men are terrified of him. If we can kill him, we prove that we're even stronger. No one is going to mess with someone stronger than Thanos. Especially not the race who he currently has a collar around." Harry explained to them. "Plus, I'm probably going to kill most of them in the process of taking him out anyways."

"Got it. Large ship is currently cloaked about 200 miles hovering above the North Pole. Most of these attack ships that have been flying around have originated from there." Tony said as he seemed to be messing with something that resembled a hologram phone.

"Good. Next, what's the current casualty report as of now?" Harry asked.

"So far they've tried to attack most major cities and the world's militaries as well as your anti-air defenses have been able to keep death to a minimum. I doubt it will stay that way. Clearly this Thanos has barely scratch the surface of what he can actually do."

"I don't understand, why even bother attacking the cities like this? Why not just shoot them from orbit where we can't get him?" Barton asked.

"His main goal isn't the destruction of Earth, that's just a side benefit. His main goal is to find me. He wants to kill me. I also believe he has another purpose here as well though I haven't figured it out. Either way. He can't just start blowing up cities until he has me otherwise he takes the risk of accidently killing me." Harry told them.

"Isn't that the point?" Fury asked.

"The point is to make it a spectacle. It was leaked that Thanos came here to kill one man. If even we know that then you can be damn certain his own men do. There's probably mutterings of him losing his touch or becoming weak. He can quail most of them I bet but he probably wants to kill me in front of everyone." Harry once again explained.

"I'm sorry, but you know this how?" Tony asked as he raised his hand like he was a student.

"Friend of mine developed a way to do some spying on ole Thanos. Couldn't do it much because of all the training but I have a general gist of somethings he's up too." Harry explained.

"This friend could be an asset. We shou-"

"No. Don't bother asking again. End of discussion." Harry said with a sense of finality. Fury scowled, again, but seemed smart enough to not continue the topic.

"Alright well let's strategize. How are we going to get on the mothership?" Tony finally asked.

"It's not a mothership. We will probably need to hijack one of their ships to make it on board if we plan to sneak in." Natasha said. She had her arms crossed under her chest. Harry was always impressed that she could do that without pushing up her breast, especially considering their size. He shook his head an ignored his libido. It had clearly been a long month for him.

"Friends. I see I am the last on here. I came as soon as I heard." Thor said as he entered the room. Harry looked at him with confusion. He had not noticed him come down to Earth. The Rainbow Bridge wasn't exactly subtle and was pretty hard to miss.

"Thor, glad you made it. We have the situation contained so far but if this Thanos is anything like you say, then he hasn't really started. He took out our propellers so we're restricted to the ocean at the moment. This puts us at a disadvantage." Fury explained. Harry was still confused. He was wracking his brain on his last meeting with Thor. Didn't he leave the day after their meeting? Harry was sure he had felt the Rainbow Bridge take him back to Asgard. Was he misremembering that or perhaps thinking of a different time altogether? Hmm, no he trusted his occlumency abilities. He remembered Thor leaving and he was sure he had not felt the Rainbow Bridge ever since.

"I see. Well we should-"Thor didn't get to finish as chains burst from the floor glowing red from heat as they wrapped around him by the hundreds. He yelled in pain as everyone jumped away from him in shock. Harry couldn't even blink as every gun in the room was pointed at him.

"WOLFE! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" Fury screamed at him.

"That's not Thor. Thor hasn't returned from Asgard yet. I can feel every time he comes because of the amount of power the Rainbow bridge produces. This man is an imposter." By now the fake Thor had stopped screaming and started chuckling. Harry found it strange that his chains seemed to have no effect on the man.

"Hahaha. He was right, you are smart." The Thor imposter chuckled at Harry. Harry watched something spark on his wrist before the image of Thor disappeared and was replaced with a Kree. The man certainly looked impressive. He was definitely one of the biggest humanoids he had ever seen and seemed to be incredibly packed with muscle.

"Oh good a prisoner. I volunteer for tortu-… I mean, investigation duty." Harry said as he moved closer to the man and observed his face. He actually looked vaguely familiar. "Have we met before, you look familiar? You haven't been impersonating others I know have you?"

"You kidnapped my daughter." The man scowled at him. Harry just blinked in response.

"Oh…You're her dad huh. Well, I mean, she did try to kill me you know." Harry said to the man.

"Good, that mean she can possibly be redeemed for being a failure." The man scowled.

"How did you mimic Thor's power signature? It wasn't perfect but it was close enough that I didn't notice right away." Harry asked him hoping to get some easy info.

"I'll say this in a way you humans would say it. GO FUCK YOUR MOTHER!" Harry just blinked hard at the man and thought for a moment.

"I think you meant Motherfucker and that swear doesn't really apply to how you were trying to use it." Harry said slowly. He could hear Tony laughing somewhere behind him. The man's face turned a darker shade of blue from either rage or embarrassment. The man tried to jump at him but he was still firmly restrained by Harry's chains.

"We have multiple ships in bound that seem to be of the same type as the ones that originally boarded us after the crash. Looks like four of them." Hill said.

"EVERYONE ARMOR UP AND PREPARE FOR CONTACT!" Fury yelled to his staff as they all jumped into action. Harry flashed and appeared on the top deck of the carrier. He sent out some feelers and felt the ships coming in from the North. Harry thought about that for a moment. He had a few minutes before they arrived. He had to destroy them before they boarded otherwise he would have to disable each one manually. Then again, he needed one to be able to board their lead ship and attempt to kill Thanos. Just thinking about it made Harry uneasy. The madman was clearly just playing with them at the moment and why had he sent one of his generals here in the first place. He must have known that he would have sniffed the man out pretty quickly. Thanos was a hard man to spy on but he had gotten the impression that he was every bit of a genius as he was insane.

"I'll intercept their ships and blow them out of the sky before they get here." Tony said as he got ready to take off in his suit.

"No wait…. get everyone inside. I have a plan. We need at least one of those ships to board the main ship. I have an idea to get one. I need everyone to be inside though." Harry said. Tony groaned.

"You always have all the fun!" Tony whined before flying off back to the entrance. Harry got down on one knee and concentrated. Had anyone been close to the water near the carrier, they would have been quite concerned about the fact that the water was glowing bright red and that a heavy mist appeared to surround the Helicarrier as the water evaporated into a gas extremely fast because of the heat. Harry then concentrated on putting a field of electricity surrounding the carrier and hidden in the mist. It would lay dormant until someone crossed and then it would focus all of its power on that point and zap it. If there were multiple objects crossing then it would jump between them at the speed of lightning. If the object was a person then they would die but on a space ship it would probably act as an EMP.

It didn't take long for the ships to be heard coming in and start flying circles around the mist. Harry waited patiently as they then started to enter the mist. Harry felt them enter the field and he immediately cast a powerful levitating charm on the nearest one in the mist. He heard four, almost simultaneous, loud cracks of thunder as the lightning consecutively broke the sound barrier to zap each ship. Three immediately fell out of the air and crashed into the ocean. The last however stayed in the air thanks to a quick levitation charm. He pulled it in close and carefully cast a weightless charm on the craft. It was too big to fully be put weightless but it did significantly reduce the weight which is what he wanted. He then carefully set it down on the surface of the Helicarrier. Harry then breathed a sigh of relief at his success of capturing one of their ships.

He didn't have much time to revel in his success as the ramp door opened and Kree started pouring out. Harry frowned as he noticed these Kree were a lot more heavily armored then the ones he had already killed. One even looked like he was caring some sort of RPG. He was proven right as the asshole then shot it at Harry. Harry quickly flashed behind the group onto the top of the ramp. He cast a curse that looked black in appearance. It hit the ground in the middle of the group and what looked like black ice shards exploded out in every direction and stabbed themselves into the Kree. As soon as the penetrated an icy sheen seemed to spread over their bodies and encase them like some sort of fucked up ice sculptures. He made his way into the ship and repeated what he did the first time. There was a lot more Kree on this ship than there were on the first one. Though, that was probably because most of the first one's crew were already in the helicarrier killing people or being killed themselves.

It hadn't taken too long for him to kill his way towards the control room. There was quite a few young men and woman who tried to run from him but he hadn't let them. It was actually starting to bum him out. It wasn't their fault that they were born under Thanos's thumb. Although they could have thrown down their weapons and surrendered before trying to kill him and then running away when they realized they couldn't. Harry looked around at the dead bodies before nodding to himself in satisfaction. He quickly flashed back into the bridge.

"Got us a ship. You should probably go get the dead bodies out of it. While you do that, I'll continue you the interrogation of tall, dark, and oddly blue." Harry said as he patted the large, tied up, Kree. The Kree growled and almost looked like he was going to try and bite him but he didn't.

"I'll come help." Natasha said.


"I wasn't asking. You're lucky I haven't mounted your balls on a mantle for disappearing for a month without a single word."

"…Okay you can come."

"Again, I wasn't asking." Natasha finished as she walked over and hoisted the man up. The man seemed to comply. And then smiled.

"I shall see you soon Wolf." The man said. Harry's eyes widened at the man. He wasn't sure what was about to happen but he reached out to grab Natasha away from him only for his hand to grab empty air as both disappeared in a distorted way. A portkey? How? He looked at the empty space for a moment


Third-Person POV:

The Kree general who had just disappeared from the Helicarrier with a hostage currently made his way into the throne room of his Master. He made his way to the center of the room and knelt down on one knee and bowed his head.


"The girl?" The deep voice of Thanos seemed to vibrate in the room even though he didn't even raise it.

"Captured as planned. They hadn't suspected a thing." The man said. As he said it the man's features seem to change. His skin seemed to pale until he turned Caucasian in appearance and his muscles significantly shrank. He looked almost human.

"What is your assessment of the boy?"

"He is strong in magic as you said. He was able to cast several powerful charms without even being winded. I'm sure even Loki couldn't defeat him as he is now." The man said. Thanos simply chuckled down at the man.

"If I may?" The man asked.

"Speak Yon." Thanos commanded.

"Why did we not just take the boy? Would that not have been better?" The Kree man now identified as Yon asked.

"Fool. The boy has abilities to teleport to wherever he wishes and the normal ways to counteract such acts do not work on his method. Since we cannot physically force him to stay on the ship we need to mentally and emotionally shackle him to us so he will not try to leave. Now that we have the woman, he will not be able to run or ignore us. He will come to us soon." Thanos bellowed before simmering down.

"Of course. Apologies for not seeing it sooner. By your leave?" He asked.

"Prepare for the second phase of our plan. Execute it as soon as the boy sets foot on this ship." Thanos commanded. Yon bowed before exiting the room. Thanos sat in the empty throne room by himself with his standard gold goblet that had his standard drink that looked suspiciously like human blood.

"Hmm. I hope you don't disappoint me little wolf. I haven't had a chance to really play in so long."

Harry's POV:

"Say it back to me one more time."

"I want you to go to my secret island in the Caribbean and pick something up for me." Harry said as he stood at the helm of the alien craft studying the controls.

"Right and how exactly am I supposed to find this heavily guarded and impossible to find island that exists in some sort of quasi-dimension according to you."

"Wolfe Cove is in the Caribbean, 25 miles off the coast of Cuba." Harry revealed to Tony who was already in his suit.

"My scanners don't…. wait what the hell just happened? How did it just appear like that?" Tony said.

"It's complicated. Now hurry up or I'll probably die soon, at least if Thanos doesn't kill me first." Harry mumbled the last part to himself.

"You still haven't explained what I'm picking up!" Tony exclaimed.

"Believe me Tony. You will know it when you see it. Now go and be quick about it for god sakes. I can practically already feel the echoes of pain on my body the longer you stay here." Harry said. He finally believed he was figuring out what each control did and was going to try and take off.

"Alright alright. Will I be able to go through the force field that your using the keep the rest of them off the plane?" Tony asked as he moved to the door.

"Yeah, it's only one way." Harry called after him. He felt Tony exit the ship after a few minutes and booted off the engine. He was surprised, but he was pretty sure he could still hear Fury screaming at him from outside even with the loud engines drowning him out.

"Man's got some lungs on him, I'll give him that." Harry said as he gestured the controls and pulled it right to face North.

"Alright you giant, purple, fuckball. You want to play? Let's PLAY!"