*Chapter 45*: Chapter 45

Harry's POV:

"So, congratulations are in order I suppose." Tony said with a shit eating grin. Harry glared.

"Answer me honestly you dirty old man. When did you stop watching?" Harry demanded. He could feel Natasha trying to hold in her laughter from under his arm which was draped across her shoulders.

"What makes you think I stopped at all?" Tony asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You can either tell me or I can call Pepper to let her know you watched me have sex with a hidden camera."

"Before any penetration took place!" Tony immediately yelled as he back down. Harry just smirked at the man.

"You have my congratulations you two but we do have some more important matters to deal with." Fury finally said. He didn't look to happy but Harry had a feeling it was more to do with ruining a medical room rather than the actions themselves. Harry nodded at him.

"Banner here yet?" He asked. Fury shook his head.

"No but he's an hour out. Can you enlighten us to your plan now.?" Fury asked.

"Where's Thor?" Harry asked.

"He's currently making sure his friends and lover is safe. Did you know he had a lover?" Tony asked.

"Yeah, I believe I was supposed to have a business meeting with her at some point to talk about some sort of collaboration with my company. I would probably just throw money at her and let her do whatever she want's. If Thor likes her then she must be alright." Harry reasoned. Tony seemed to think on that before nodding in agreement.

"Yeah you're probably right. We should meet her. A triple date maybe?" Tony suggested.

"ENOUGH! Wolfe, plan! NOW!" Fury yelled. Harry just sighed at the man's impatience.

"Me and Banner are going to take on Thanos together. I with Magic and him with his strength. Even if he has the infinity stone, there are limits a body can be put through before the stone kills the host. That gauntlet of his probably allows him to wield it without killing himself in the process but it also probably limits how much power he can utilize. Plus, I have a little trump card to deal with him." Harry revealed to his audience.

"What kind of trump card?" Fury pressed.

"A good one. That is all I will say. I don't really want people to know about it. I'll use it against Thanos and that's it. So, tell me when Banner is here and also tell Thor to meet me when he gets back." Harry told him as he and Natasha started to leave.

"And your going where?" Fury asked.

"I'm going to have more sex with my wife-to-be." Harry called over his shoulder with a smile.

"You just like to call me your wife as much as possible. Does it honestly sound that good to you?" Natasha asked in amusement.

"Let me test it some more. Natasha my beautiful future wife will you come make passionate, primal, love to me?" He asked her. She raised an eyebrow.

"Hmm. I suppose we could go for another forty-five minutes. So how did it sound?" she asked. Harry smiled.

"It keeps getting better and better. It also gives me this weird electric charge kind of feeling that is pretty pleasant now that I think about it." Harry told her.

"You're a really strange man." She said before kissing which he happily returned in full force.

"Thor! Good you're here. Quick question, remember the infinity stone you took to Asgard? Which one was it exactly?" Harry asked the god of Thunder. Thor smiled at him and then gained a…queer look.

"Um. Harry, why are you wearing… why are you in such a state." Thor asked. Harry looked down at the black silk robe he was wearing. He and Natasha had gone to her private quarters for some more fun and she had been a little too impatient with how slowly he was taking of his clothes. Bottom line was that he had to borrow her robe until he flashed back to Wolfe Cove to get some fresh clothes.

"Ah. Well I asked Natasha to marry me and she said yes. Since then we've been having a lot of sex." Harry explained. Thor smiled at the first news and laughed at the second.

"Ah, it all makes sense now. Well congratulations on your engagement. You and Lady Widow will make a fine couple." Thor congratulated. Harry nodded. Although he seemed very innocent and noble, Thor was several millennia old and had been with quite a few women.

"So, about my questions.?" Harry pressed.

"Ah yes. The stone I took was the Reality stone. Said to be able to change and alter reality as well as its rules. It is said it can even create alternate realities as well. Well that, and the limitless power as is custom with any infinity stone." Thor said. Harry nodded in understanding.

"Do you know which one it is that Thanos was using?" Harry asked.

"I believe it was the Soul Stone but I cannot be sure as I only glanced at it and Thanos did not use any of it's signature abilities. He used it more for power." Thor explained.

"Soul? That would make sense. I sensed death around the stone. What are its unique abilities?" Harry asked. Thor frowned.

"I am not so sure myself beyond the power that it can suck souls from its victims but that's all I can remember. It would have been better if I could ask Loki but the attacks have recently started up again and I need to be here to defend." Thor explained.

"I totally get it. Thank you for the help Thor. Have you seen Banner? I heard he had arrived." Harry asked him. Of course, he could have reached his senses out but he might as well just ask Thor since he had him here.

"He is in his old lab I believe." Thor said. Harry nodded and headed there immediately leaving Thor to go out and help with the invasion. It only took a moment for Harry to get there where he saw Banner looking into some papers in a lab coat.

"Banner." Harry called out trying to get the man's attention. Banner looked at him and gave a hesitant smiled.

"Hello, Wolfe. I hear some congratulations are in order." Banner said politely with his customary shaky smile as if he was worried he was going to lose himself at any moment.

"Indeed. Thank you. I look forward to seeing you at the wedding. Enough about that. Want to come help me save the world?" Harry asked as he noticed Banner didn't seem to be bothered by the fact he was in a silk woman's robe. He must be spending more time with Tony then he thought.

"I heard about your plan. Listen Harry. I know you mean well but-"

"Let me stop you right there. Banner I understand why you are so cautious about letting the Hulk out. Every time you do, people get hurt but we both know you can handle it. You handled it perfectly last year and even if something goes wrong, I will be there. We both know I can calm the Hulk down if it gets bad." Harry explained to the man logically. Banner reluctantly nodded.

"Yeah I know, It's just…I just wish that I could make a difference without having to debase myself to becoming a mindless beast, that's all." Banner said as he looked away sadly, Harry didn't say anything. He could kind of see where the man came from. Working you whole life for something only for people to find use for you in pretty much the exact opposite way. It must have been hard.

"Banner…I don't think I need to tell you what's going to happen if we let this go." Harry said. Banner said nothing but he nodded.

"Let's just…let's just get this over with." Banner said. Harry looked at him.

"Here, I'll tell you what, after this is over, I'll look into some runes that can possibly suppress the Hulk to at least only let him out when you want him to come out. How's that sound?" Harry asked the downed man. Banner looked at him in surprise.

"You'd really do that?" Banner asked. Harry nodded.

"Sure. We may not be as close as some of the team members but your still part of my team and that mean's I help you when you need help." Harry told him. Banner smiled. Not one of his shaky ones either, this one was real.

"Thanks Harry." Banner.

"…Alright enough of the sappy stuff. We have a job to do. Suit up and meet me at the hanger in twenty minutes. I need to change and pick up some supplies." Harry said.

Harry and Sammy stared at the red stone that stood on a pedestal protected by a blue impenetrable shield. At least according to Sammy, the shield was impenetrable until it was deactivated. Harry trusted her.

"So, can you lower the shield now?


"Oh, come on! We don't have the time for this Sammy, I do this or we all die." Harry told her as he glared at her in annoyance. Sammy just glared back.

"Ok, you just woke up from being almost put into a coma by Thanos. Now you want to use a power you yourself have admitted to not fully understanding. A power that might also kill you. A power that's LIKELY to kill you." Sammy hissed in anger.

"Sammy, I need to do this or literally everything I love will wither away and die. I promise you that I will do my best to not let the stone nor Thanos kill me." Harry said to her.

"You don't even know where Thanos is." She argued weakly. Harry just gave her a look. They both could clearly feel the massive presence that was Thanos currently venting his rage somewhere on the west coast of the United States. Probably somewhere near L.A.

"Come on Sammy. Just let me do this." Harry urged her. He didn't want to fight about something like this. Especially not with his most trusted confidant. Sammy looked upset but seemed to be caving in.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you." She demanded but Harry just shook his head.

"No. I'm pretty sure that Thanos is going to be looking for ways to hurt me after all the damage we did. I'm not sure if he can brute force his way past the wards I placed around the Potter's so, I want you to go there and make sure that Rose stays safe. You've already done enough to help me." Harry said as he put his hand on her shoulder. She punched him in his chest for the effort and it actually made him wince.

"OW!" Harry yelped as Sammy huffed and apparated away to the Potter's hideout, presumably. Harry rubbed the sore spot before picking up the red stone. He reached out with his magic and touched the stone. Immediately the stone reached out and tried to wrap around the tendril of magic. As soon as it did, Harry severed the connection and frowned. He could feel the incomprehensible amount of power behind the stone. The stone couldn't actually be real which is something he should have known already. It was just a physical manifestation that represented the power of reality on a physical level. That didn't bother him though, what bothered him was what the fact that the stone seemed to be acting on its own. Almost like it was semi-sentient.

"Stop doing that." Harry said as he felt the stone reach out its power to his magic with its own tendril of power.

"I said STOP!" Harry yelled at the stone, this time with magic enhancing and backing up the command. This time the stone's power retreated back into the storm and it went semi-dormant. Harry's frown deepened even more. That confirmed his thoughts that the stone seemed to be at least semi-sentient.

"I don't really know how much you can understand of what I say so I'll try to keep this short. I am going to temporarily borrow your power to kill a maniac that threatens everything I love. I would appreciate you not trying to kill or take over my mind while I borrow some of your power." Harry said. He waited for a moment to see if it responded. After a moment of silence, the stone seemed to give a small pulse before going silent. Harry wasn't sure but he believed the stone seemed to be agreeing with his request. That or was just a coincidence. Either way he was running out of time.

"I'm going to take that as a yes." Harry said as he flashed away back to the helicarrier.

Harry stood on one Shield's jets as he flew to L.A. with Banner who was nervously pacing around. He watched the man before looking back at the pilots.

"Status update?" Harry asked the pilot.

"We have confirmation via drones that Thanos has already leveled a third of the city. The death toll is in the thousands and the government is doing its best to evacuate everyone who is in fifty miles of Thanos." The pilot said to him. Harry nodded. He had thought about just flashing there but had deemed it too risky. He knew he couldn't beat Thanos alone and since Banner seemed to have problems with his flashing method of travel, they had to take the jet.

"Eta?" Harry asked.

"Were ten minutes out. We're going to airdrop you into the city from ten thousand feet as requested." The pilot said. Harry nodded before moving to the back of the ship with Banner.

"We're about to make the drop. You sure about trying to drop in?" Harry asked the man. Banner thought it would be safer if they would drop in directly on top of their enemy to limit any casualties the Hulk might cause on accident. Harry had agreed though still thought it might be a little unnecessary.

"Yes, I'm sure it will be for the best. As soon as we drop though you should move away from me and attack from long range. Get too close and I might squash you on accident." Banner said with some concern. Harry nodded. He was sure he could stop Banner from crushing him though.

"Were about to be over the drop zone." The pilot yelled back as the back hatch opened up.

"I'll meet you on the ground and won't engage until you do. Thanos can probably sense me at this range even with me suppressing my power so he's probably expecting a fight so go in loud." Harry told him. As soon as Banner nodded his understanding, Harry disappeared in a flash of silver. He appeared on the top of the tallest building in L.A. which he was surprised was still standing. He looked over the city that was now a battlefield. He frowned and felt his anger rise. Thanos had no real reason to attack L.A, he was just doing so because it was highly populated meaning he could kill lots of people for fun. It was disgusting. Harry looked up and saw a green dot falling from the sky. After a few moments, it landed in the middle of the city with an audible boom. He flashed closer to a smaller building where he would be able to see the battle. It was almost impossible to not notice the battle as soon as it got started. Harry found it extremely satisfying to watch Thanos get blasted back into a building. He took this opportunity to jump in and help Banner. He cast an explosive curse into the building and watched the entire floor explode into flames. The supports were destroyed and the building then collapsed on top of the Mad Titan.

Harry smirked at the turn of events but not for long. Thanos burst from the rubble with a roar. He looked at Harry and seemed about to say something, sadly for him the Hulk didn't seem to care. Banner immediately shot forward with a roar and engaged Thanos in combat once more. This time, Thanos was more prepared and was able to hold his ground against the Hulk as gold lines originating from the soul stones zig zagged over his body, enhancing him in some way.. Harry didn't sit idle himself. He started casting as fast as possible while also trying to make sure he didn't hit Hulk. He was pelting Thanos with as many curses as he could and didn't even bother throwing out a spell unless it was lethal. Thanos seemed to be struggling with their duel attack which was good but most of the curses still didn't seem to be doing more than causing him pain any annoyance.

Harry gritted his teeth in annoyance. He longed to cast one of his most powerful spells but with Hulk as well as all the innocent people around here, they would likely get caught in them. From his viewpoint on top of the building he could make out the Pacific Ocean several miles in the distance and his face scrunched up in thought. He looked back down at Hulk raging against Thanos. While Thanos was clearly not as strong as the Hulk, he retained his mind and was using actual hand to hand techniques whereas the Hulk was just throwing punches at the Titan. Still, he seemed to not being terrible mostly due to his superior strength and impressive speed for his size. At that moment, Hulk managed to punch Thanos and send him flying into an already destroyed building. As Thanos crashed into the building, a missile flew over Harry's head and struck the building where the Titan landed causing a violent explosion. Harry covered his eyes from the bright flash then looked up and glared at the two jets he saw flying away. The government was clearly trying to solve the problem themselves and had stopped thinking of the potential civilians they could be killing. Harry heard another loud roar of anger coming from Thanos. He looked down and saw the Titan starting to stand up from the crater. It actually looked like he had taken some damage and appeared to be bleeding on his arm and most of his golden armor was now covered in soot giving it an almost black appearance.

It didn't take long before the jets that had shot the missile to get shot out of the sky by Kree ships that had witnessed the act. Harry looked at the Hulk and quickly in front of him gaining the giant, green, mans attention.

"Hulk. We need to get Thanos away from the city. Lead him to the ocean and I will better be able to deal with him. Be quick, Thanos still hasn't shown his full power but I suspect he will soon when he sees this level isn't getting the job down." Harry said to the Hulk. The Hulk growled and Harry briefly wondered if he could understand him. He never got to confirm as the Hulk jumped at Thanos and punched the Titan again while he was cackling at the destruction of the jets. Harry watched Hulk punch him in the correct direction of the ocean and hoped that meant that Hulk understood enough of what he said. Harry then moved into help the Hulk developing a new strategy. When Thanos managed to land hits on the Hulk and beat him away from him, Harry moved in and started shooting transfiguration curses on the rubble making stone knights out of it and having them charge Thanos repeatedly. He watched as Thanos smashed through the transfigured knights though they certainly slowed him down and distracted the man. At least, for all of half a second before a wave of golden power exploded out of Thanos in an expanding sphere and destroyed all the knights around him. It even slowed the rapidly approaching Hulk that was coming up behind him. It didn't however, give him enough time to turn in time to avoid the strike to the back of his head.

Thanos fell to the ground heavily and Hulk gave him no chance to get up again. He grabbed the Titans legs, lifted him up, and repeatedly to smash him into the ground. He then lifted him once more and preformed an impressive spin throw launching Thanos high into the air and far into the distance. Harry's eyes widened at how far Thanos had been thrown. He had estimated it would take hours to get him to the ocean. Apparently, Hulk was not as patient as him. Hulk jumped far into the air after the Titan and disappeared. Harry sighed and was about to follow when he heard a voice coming from his pocket. He reached into it and pulled out his surprisingly undamaged phone which was sporting the face of an angry Shield Director.

"Wolfe! What the hell is going on!" Fury demanded.

"We're making progress but it's slow. Thanos is strong and can shrug off most blows. I suspected that he wasn't using the full potential of the infinity stone he has but I actually think he is using it to protect himself from even my most powerful curses. While doing this he will probably be able to stay alive and kicking." Harry told the man as he heard distant roars in the distance signaling that the Hulk and Thanos were back at it.

"Damnit! Do you at least have some good news?" Fury asked.

"Hm. Send in medical evac for all the citizens downtown. Thanos is no longer here and the Kree ships are too busy dealing with air force. You should be able to get in and out easy enough. I have to go now. I need to back up Banner before he is overwhelmed." Harry said as he ended the call and started flashing towards the roaring. It didn't take long before he was back on them. Harry first watched Thanos to see if his theory was correct. He focused on sensing the power of the stone as Hulk managed to smash his fist into him. There it was. The stone seemed to draw on itself for a moment then coated the place where Thanos had been hit. All this happened in less than a second. Harry watched the ability over and over again before he seemed to get an idea of how it worked. The Soul Stone seemed to house life energy in it. When Thanos got injured, the life energy would seep out and heal him, even if the wound was only minor. It did so extremely quickly. The stone seemed to almost have a limitless supply of this energy and based on the name of it, he had a pretty good idea of where the life energy came from. It also explained why Thanos killed so much. While he did probably enjoy it, it also made him more powerful as well as pretty much immortal.

Thanos charged and let out another violent wave from the stone and blasted the Hulk back and off his feet. He then held out his hand and watched as Thanos seemed to grin down on the Hulk. The Hulk roared though this one sounded like one of pain instead of anger. He watched as a gold mist seemed to come from the Hulk as he grabbed his head and continued to roar in pain. Harry narrowed his eyes and identified it as Banner's life force. He sprang into action and launched a white spell that slammed into Thanos causing him to scream in pain as a white flame spread all over his body. Unlike before, the fire seemed to be actually burning him and causing him pain. Immediately the Titan cut off the stone from trying to suck the Hulk's soul and watched as the stone went to work putting out the flame and healing it's master. Like the reality stone, he could almost feel a, sort of, semi sentience coming off the stone. It almost felt angry at being interrupted from its feast on the Hulk. It seemed that while incredibly powerful, the stone could not multitask. It could either heal Thanos or suck souls. It could not do both.

Hulk immediately stopped roaring in pain and charged at Thanos who now was in an even worse pain. Hulk smashed into the man with his fist launching him several blocks. He quickly ran after him and' smashed the Titan again sending him flying another several blocks. At this rate, they would make it to the ocean in the next half an hour. Harry frowned as he kept attacking Thanos with Hulk. He had switched to lower powered spells to save energy after he found out that Thanos was basically immortal. No need to waste unnecessary energy while at the same time, he had to appear like he was still trying or the Titan would probably get suspicious. He contemplated how to get the Soul Stone away from Thanos but couldn't find a way. He had tried to summon it with a massive amount of power and yet it did nothing. He knew Thanos had mages under his command and perhaps they had helped to prevent him from doing so.

He watched the Hulk continue to pound into the Titan when he suddenly had an idea. He quickly summoned rubble towards himself and quickly started to transfigure them together. One of the problems with magic was that density factored in. That's why metals were considered pretty much impossible to make for wizards without alchemy. This was untrue, making metal was indeed hard by hand but it could be done. Harry himself could easily make iron which was the basis of his swords and chains he made. Knowing this, most would be surprised over the fact that Harry was sweating heavily as he condensed his magic and changed the rubble until it was condensed and hard enough to smash through and pierce even one of Tony's suits. It was close to if not equal to titanium in density but like the actual metal, it was extremely strong. He continued to shape until it took the form of an extremely large sword. A sword no man would ever be able to properly wield which was fine since he had no intention of having it be for a man to use. Harry waited for a moment in which Hulk was away from Thanos and did not have to wait long. Thanos had managed to knock Hulk to the floor and picked him up and threw him through a building and onto a different street. Harry immediately flashed to the Hulks side.

"Hulk take this. We need to get that glove off Thanos so cut the fuckers hand off." Harry said as he levitated the sword to the Hulk. The Hulk looked at the sword for a moment before a wide grin spread over his face. Harry actually felt a chill go down his spine for a moment at seeing it. The Hulk grabbed the sword and charged back at Thanos with a roar. Harry watched the look of surprise on Thanos's face as Hulk charged at him with a new toy from a rooftop he had flashed onto. Harry resumed transfiguration on the rubble but didn't have his creations attack. He instead kept making a bunch of them until he had what looked like a small army of stone warriors waiting in lines to attack. Harry then finally set them upon the Titan who was still fighting with the Hulk. Harry watched as they set upon Thanos like a swarm of bees. They wouldn't kill him or heavily damage him but the goal was to distract him so Hulk could find an opening. Thanos looked disgusted by the creations as he looked away from the Hulk and sent a wave at the stone warriors blasting them all apart. Harry smirked as he watched Thanos not see Hulk come from behind and slash down on his outstretched hand. The audible 'schlick' was music to his ears. Immediately Harry flashed over and took the hand away before Thanos could retrieve it before he flashed away. He appeared in his home on Wolfe Cove in the basement and left the hand there before reappearing at the scene of the battle. Thanos was roaring in pain and holding his stumped arm.

"Hulk. Ocean. Now!" Harry ordered. Hulk complied immediately and dropped the sword before taking the Titan by the leg and once more launching him far into the distance. Thanos screamed in anger the whole way. Harry looked at the Hulk and smiled.

"Good work man. You've done all that you can. I will handle it from here." Harry said with a smile at the green rage monster. Hulk smiled back before jumping off into the distance. Harry dropped his smile and flashed to the beach where he eventually found an angry Thanos. Thanos looked at his approaching for with rage.

"I will kill you for this. I will strip the flesh from your body before cutting you to pieces and feed you to my beast. You think you have won? You have won nothing! You cannot kill me and I will come for you. I can sense it boy. You have run out of power. You are barely standing. It will not be long before my army arrives for me and captures you." Thanos spat at him. Harry was pretty impressed the man could even sense his power levels with all the pain he was in. Even more surprising was that he was right. Harry was running low on magic from so much casting. He had used almost exclusively powerful spells until pretty much the end when he had changed his strategy towards transfiguration which was only slightly less consuming.

"Hmm. You're right. I doubt I could cast anything powerful enough to kill you and none of my allies are close enough to help me before your army arrives. It's just me and you. That's the way I wanted it too. I had some questions I wanted to ask you before I kill you." Harry stated as he kneeled down and looked into the eyes of the Mad Titan. Thanos just laughed.

"Ask your questions. It will only stall for my men to come and kill you." Thanos taunted. Harry shrugged.

"How did you know of me? I am sure we have never met once before you arrived yet I'm pretty sure you have been aware of me since birth." Harry asked. Thanos smirked at him.

"Prophecy." Was all the Titan said. Harry frowned in annoyance. He hated prophecies from the bottom of his heart, he really did.

"Must have been specific." Harry commented.

"Specific enough. I had my magic users scry the rest of the information I needed. At first, I had hoped to control the prophecy and possibly even defy it. I sought to cause a situation in which you would naturally die. You preserved despite that. You made an ally and you grew stronger. I was impressed. I thought I may offer you a position in my army and use you as a weapon against my enemies instead of myself. Yet you changed. The cold heart you had once cultivated began to melt and you became weak once more. Look at you. If you had not settled for domestic pursuits and continued to train and grow powerful then you could have no doubt taken me on single handedly. Instead you relied on the green beast to aid you. Pathetic." Thanos spat blood at his feet when he finished. By now. Harry could vaguely see Kree ships approaching in the distance.

"My parents…" Harry didn't continue as it was clear what he was asking.

"Their minds were weak. It was only too easy to get them to forget you. To leave you." Thanos said. Harry closed his eyes in thought before opening them and looking directly at Thanos.

"It seems I have to thank you. Though you did it with malicious intent you made my life better than it could have ever been. I will live and grow old and die content many years from now. I will do so with my beautiful wife and most likely some children. You however, will have no such future. You die here." Harry said as he stood up. Thanos just chuckled in amusement.

"You bluff. You cannot kill me. You are out of magic and you have no weapons. My men are just moments away. You're talking has sealed your own fate." Thanos laughed. Harry just smiled down at the Titan.

"Well, I do have one thing…." Harry said as a runic array glowed on his hand and a red stone came into existence. Thanos had stopped laughing and looked on with fury now.

"The Reality Stone? No, it's a fake. It was sent to Asgard, I know it was!" Thanos said clearly trying to convince himself. Harry just smiled.

"Goodbye Thanos. Thank you. For everything." Harry said as he reached out with the little magic he had left and touched the stone with it. The stone latched on without a bit of hesitation. Immediately it was like the world seemed to stop. Harry stood frozen as he watched horror fill Thanos's eyes. He had not seen such a look on him before. It looked strange and out of place on the Mad Titan. He watched as his world exploded into a red mist that surrounded him and everything around him. He watched as wrapped around Thanos until it was fully covering him. When it receded, the Mad Titan was gone. Dissolved into nothingness by the Reality Stone. Not even the atoms of his body remained. It kept going though as it spread out. Harry did not know how far but if he planned this right, it was now blanketing everything within a mile of him. He could feel the Reality Stone trying to push past the limits he placed on it. Trying to take over his body and destroy him. Despite this, Harry was calm, almost to the levels of being unconcerned. This was not a battle of power but of the mind. Harry would never lose in a battle of wills. The stone kept pushing before it quit and grew still and receded back into it's stone form. Harry breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the beach. He saw the Kree ships come in. They slowed when they got close and Harry got the feeling they were looking down at him and wondering where their lord went. They hovered for a moment before one slowly lowered itself to the ground. It didn't take long for it to open up and a familiar Kree to emerge. Una's father, he seemed confused.

"Where…where is our lord. Why…why can't I remember him. I know he existed, I know I was here to meet him but I can-…I can't remember." The man seemed very genuinely confused.

"I erased him. I bent reality itself and erased his very existence from the universe. Soon it won't be just you but everyone who forgets him. It'll be like he never existed." Harry told the man tiredly. This response seemed to anger.

"What you speak of is impossible!" He spat at Harry. Harry shrugged and once emore pulled out the reality stone. He let it pulse and wash over the man. Just from his eyes, Harry could tell he already knew what it was.

"It's true. How could you possibly…"

"Enough! No more questions. You have 24 hours to get your people lightyears from my planet. If you ever attack again, I will erase your race form existence. I am in no more mood to answer your questions. You have killed a lot of my people. You will leave, NOW!" Harry finally said as he demonstrated his control over the reality stone by having a red haze start to come out and approach the man. He stepped back quickly.

"We will do as you ask." He said, and with that he moved quickly away back to his ship. Soon it started lifting into the sky with the others who were still waiting and took off together. It didn't take long before Harry saw other ships start flying away in the same direction. He sighed in satisfaction and laid his head down on the suddenly very soft sand. He closed his eyes and started to drift.

It had been such a long day.