Chapter 5: Too Shy To Make Friends

                             *Age 13*

It was the third day of being blind. Just three days ago, the Doctor have told me that I totally lost my eyesight. I was too sad and awful upon hearing it, I stayed in my room for the whole day, crying and weeping.

At that point in my life, I wanted to disappear magically that no one can know where I am. I became too aloof and shy to make friends because I know that they will never see me as one.

"Sophie, I'll fetch you at lunch break. All right?" Mom told me with her usual dominant voice. Since I become blind, Mom always sends me into my room, every Monday to Friday. "I understand," I replied, lowering my head down.

I hold anything that I can just to reach my chair. It makes me wonder, why would Mom leave me outside of my room, alone? I'm not used to seeing nothing except darkness.

I thought it was my chair, I seated down realizing that it's mine. But, I was caught off my guard and slip into the floor. "Ouch! My butt!" I uttered, touching it.

I tried to stand but I'm too weak, I always plunge and it's hurt. "Hey! Need some help?" Someone asked me. "No! I'm fine." I replied shortly.

I don't want to make friends because no one will accept me as one, especially that I'm blind and I'm too shy, to be honest. "Come on! Let me help you!" The girl insisted. She helped me to sit down and said enthusiastically, "I'm Kate, and you are?"

When the time we lost our money, and in almost six years in Kyo School, I'm always alone. After grade two, I never tried to talk to my fellow students or even to make friends.

While seemingly wavering, I nodded my head and replied, "Sophie. I am Sophie Lim." I thought no one will talk to me because of my condition. She's the only girl who did it, and even if I'm hiding my true feelings, I'm happy and pleased. "What a humble name!" Kate replied.

I turned my back at her, facing the wall. I could feel it, through her voice. "Hey! Can we be friends? You're the only one that caught my attention." Kate hold my hands like we know each other for so long.

I'm not used to it, so I accidentally hit her hand without realizing what I've done. "Ouch! What's wrong with you Sophie?" I was taken aback. I'm not supposed to act like this.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you, but I don't want you to be my friend!" I've been waiting and hoping for someone who can save and protect me against the world. She's here, but I'm too scared that might she betrayed me.

"But why? I don't get it! All in our class have friends and you? Why Sophie?" Kate sounds confused and uncertain. "Because... Because..." I mumbled. "Because I'm too shy to make friends! Because no one will accept me! Because all of you are too far to reach on, and because I'm certain that all of those are correct. Go away! Leave me alone!"

Kate remains quiet for a while. Perhaps, it makes her think carefully. "Too shy? That you are blind? That no one will accept you? Sophie, how can you so certain with those things?"

Out of my anger, I punched my armchair furiously. "I've been bullied since I'm young and until now. Do you know why they bullied me? Because I'm blind! I'm sorry but I can't accept your offer, Kate." This time around, I turned my back at her. I don't want to trust anyone, never trust anyone Sophie.

"Whether you like it or not, we're friends since now, Sophie!" Kate walked out of me. I really wanted to have friends, even a single friend.

People always judged me without knowing my real story. They called me an aloof high school student, an introvert without asking themselves why.

Bullies are the reason why some of the students remained introverted and aloof. They choose to be alone all the time because they feel more secured and safe with themselves.

How can I go out of my comfort zone when bullies and judgments are waiting for me at the door? How can I fly high when I'm just a caterpillar? How can I express my feelings when people cannot see me? How can I help myself when I'm too weak?

How can I appreciate life, when I can't see it?

How ironic, isn't it?


I heard from our adviser that she will announce the lucky 15 students who qualified the audition for the contest.

"Sophie, as soon as Mrs. Xin came back from Mr. Yu's office, she will immediately announce the qualified participants! Woah! I'm too excited!" Kate told me, energetic and excited.

Until now, I can't believe that Kate is my best friend. She's rich, she comes from a wealthy family but she ended up with me, as her friend. "Sophie? Are you listening to me?" I laugh bitterly and lowered down my head. Silly me, I shouldn't doubt Kate for being nice to me. She's been in my life until now but everything seems a beautiful dream.

"I'm sorry. I just reminisce about our epic memories especially that very first day that you helped me." I honestly told Kate. Since I met her, I'd never see her smile, her face, everything!

Kate hit my head and said, "You were too stubborn Sophie! I'm too shy to make friends. Go away! Leave me alone!" I rolled my eyes at her, she would always mimic my line.

"Go away, leave me alone!" Kate said. I throw my handkerchief at her and laugh vigorously.

"Good afternoon everyone! The result is in my hands. Are you excited?" My classmates shriek out of excitement.

"All right!" I will be announcing the 15 lucky students who passed the first audition."

"Riri Xiang, 6th Grade

"Alice Teng, 6th Grade!"

"Lisa Ty, 7th Grade!"

"Tao Xing, 7th Grade!"

"Ling Shi, 8th Grade!"

"Quin Ang, 8th Grade!"

"Chu Zhie, 9th Grade!"

"Zoe Lao, 9th Grade!"

"Chloe Sy, 10th Grade!"

"Han Wang, 10th Grade!"

"Nicole Lim, 11th Grade!"

"Kylie Ty, 11th Grade!"

"Zoe Tan, 11th Grade!"

"Yhen Ching, 12th Grade!"

"And the last lucky participant is no other than..." I felt so hopeless, but I'm happy that Yhen was one of the lucky 15.

Deep inside, I'm praying and I'm hoping that I'll be called. That I'm the last lucky participant. Kate hold my hands tightly, please, call my name.

"Congratulations, Sophie Lim, 12th Grade!"

Kate and I cried out upon hearing my name. Finally, I have a chance to win this singing competition. "Congratulations! Sophie, you can practice here in our room every day. Don't you worry, I'll be your coach. All right?" I bowed as my respect.

"Class, you are all excuse starting today. See you next week, and I'm expecting your 100% support at our Foundation activities particularly the singing competition wherein your classmate is our representative. Is that clear?"

"Yes Ma'am!" We replied.

Starting tomorrow, I will do my very best to get the title. It's not for the sake of my personal intentions but it's for the sake of our school. If I would win, there's a lot of opportunity waiting for me.

"Kate, don't bother to send me home today because Mom told me that she will fetch me on time," I told Kate who's chewing bubble gum at my right side.

"No problem! But, I'll be here every day, I just want to make sure that you are rehearsing." She told me.

This is it! I've been waiting for this luck to be in my hands. I'm so excited to tell Mom and Dad that I nailed the audition. How grateful I am!

In life, if you stick into the positive and bright side you can reach everything you desire but if you choose the negative and dark side, you will be depressed and displeased.

"Kate, did you see my phone?" I nudged her, she's been quiet after Mrs. proclaimed the qualified students. "Here." She puts it in my armchair and stood up.

"What's wro–" My phone vibrated all of a sudden, I'm eager wants to ask Kate if she's facing a problem or what.

"Hello?" I said. "Sophie, I can't fetch you but don't be upset, I told someone to do it for me. Xiao!" Mom hung up.

"Kate?" I call her while putting back my phone in my pocket. No one answered, and I felt like I'm all alone. "Kaaaaaate?!" I'm starting to feel frightened. I can easily imagine a brutal scene like there's someone who's carrying a sharp knife and anytime soon, he will stab me into death.

"Sophie." I tried to guess where the voice coming from. "Who are you?" I asked him.

"Let's go home, now!" He told me like he knows where I'm living. "Leave me alone, Xian!" I replied.

I'm contented that I have Kate in my life, and I don't want to have friends with anyone aside from her. "Your Mom asked me a favor, come with me, or stay in this creepy and darkroom?" Xian asked me.

I don't have any other choice, but to come along with him, with Xian.