*What Is that?*
That was the one thought that the three could only think of right now.
The creature opened it's wings and fanned out a couple more feathers towards Henry.
Panicking Henry ran trying to find cover. As this was happening, Charles took Kayle and went to also go find cover.
"Charles what is that thing?" Kayle asked Charles.
"I have no clue, heh, looks like a big chicken though." Charles chuckled.
"How can you laugh like this? That thing looks dangerous." Kayle was scared and worried.
Just then Henry ran past them. " RUN! "
Following behind Henry was the "flying" bird who shot more "feathers" at him.
The three ran together dodging the feathers flying at them.
"Charles, you take Kayle ran run away, this thing seems to be going for me, I'll distract it." Henry seemed tired but still wanted to let his friends run away.
Before Charles could even reply, Kayle yelled, "NO WAY, we are in this together idiot."
Henry felt appreciated but he still insisted on them running in different directions.
A feather speedily flew in front of them. The bird creature also appeared in front of them too. It closed it's wings, the wings then started to shine brightly. That was when it once again opened it's wings, blinding lights shot out from it's wings.
"SHIT" Henry said outloud. Kayle and Charles also thought the same thing.
Henry then once more saw the world come to a standstill. "This again? What is this? Damn whatever works" Henry ran away from where he once stood. "Like this right?" Henry motioned with his hand like he did earlier when escaping the crevice. Henry pulled both Charles and Kayle towards him, and just like last time, the world began to flow once more.
Multiple explosions went off from where the three just were. The bird was clearly angered when he noticed he missed and the humans were still alive.
It began to shoot more feathers towards the humans.
Before Charles and Kayle had any time to process what just happened Henry looked at them both and told them to run, to which they did not hesitate to do.
The bird creature was noticeably slower than before. Even the frequency and speed at which it shot it's feathers were reduced.
"Guys, I think it's slowing down. I think what ever that thing did earlier, took a lot from it." Kayle told the other two as she observed the bird, of course while she was running.
"Good, then let's run full sprint ahead and see if we can lose it." Charles made a suggestion and looked around for answers.
Henry was extremely tired but he knew it was his life or death so he couldn't complain so he agreed. Kayle only gave a simple nod.
Seeing his friends agree Charles took the lead and ran into the forrest of trees. Henry and Kayle followed. "The trees!! Why didn't I think of that." Henry felt stupid. "The bird can't fly with all the tree branches blocking it."
The bird creature was slowing down, but was still bent on chasing the humans. Seeing them suddenly speed up, it knew it couldn't keep up, so it gave a loud shout and stopped flying to conserve strength.
After entering the forrest and hearing the loud cawk noise, the trio finally stopped to catch their breaths. Henry as soon as he stopped, immediately fell on his knees, and then fell on his back. Charles leaned against a tree to catch his breath. Kayle only stood there checking behind them in case the creature was still pursuing them.
You could tell that Kayle was the most fit and atheletic one of the group while Henry was not.
After a few minutes of looking. Kayle determined that the creature was gone. "What was that thing? That was crazy!" Charles agreed while still catching his breath. "Henry are you ok?" Charles helped Henry up to his feet. " Yeah- I'm *gulp* okay." Henry said even though he was short of breath.
"That chicken thing was crazy. We could've died man." Charles said in frustration. "Just be lucky we're alive." Kayle stated. Henry agreed with Kayle and looked in the direction in which they came from.
"Is something wrong?" Charles asked Henry seeing his behavior. "We left someone behind..." Henry whispered. "No we didn't, we're all here." Charles confidently said.
"No no we didn't, we left the thugs remember?" It was Kayle who reminded Charles.
A moment of silence occured as Charles remembered the thugs who were still trapped under the rubble. "We have to go back and help." Charles told the others. "My thoughts exactly, what about you Henry." Kayle looked over.
"Of course we gotta go and get them." Henry said with a tired voice.
The thought of saving the thugs however gave him some strength to not just sleep right then and there.
"You guys ready to go then?" Charles asked around.
"Yup, let's go." Henry said.
Kayle went first as she was the one who was the least tired. Following her was Charles and then Henry. They first looked around to see whether the creature had left the area.
"Hey don't you think it's weird?" Henry posed a question.
"What is it?" Both Charles and Kayle asked.
"Look at the ground." Henry then pointed to the area where they were standing on.
"What about it? It looks normal to me." Charles said.
"Exactly, remember what that thing shot at us? It's feathers. Now where are the feathers?" The other two looked around and realized that all the feathers that were shot at them disappeared.
"Maybe it went to pick them up?" Kayle gave a suggestion.
"I don't think so. I mean like all those feathers? It must've shot hundreds at us or something. It couldn't possibly pick up all of them in that amount of time." Henry explained his thinking.
"We aren't here to talk about feathers. We're here to rescue the thugs." Charles chimed in as he began walking in the direction were they left the thugs.
"Right." Kayle then followed and leaving Henry to his thoughts.
Eventually Henry gave up on his questioning and followed behind them too.
When they got close to the spot where the thugs were Charles saw that the rubble was ripped apart.
A bad feeling arose in the three as when they got closer they saw blood stains.
When they got to the spot, they saw body parts that were torn out, pools of blood, and torn clothing everywhere.
"That chicken bastard did this!" Charles gritted his teeth as he felt extreme anger.
To Henry it was a rare sight to see Charles get angry. Even though Kayle was quiet Henry knew she too was quite angry, just also sad.
A noise woke them from their anger.