"Study Date"

I was knocking on Nathan's door and it flung open and he was just standing there all I could do was look down "H-hello Nathan" he smirked then grabed my hand pulling me close to his chest and he looks at me while im still trying to look away from his butiful pale skin and his pink lushus lips "aww come on Ella dont look away from me play with me a little" my face would flush with red "i-im not playing" I would rip my hand away from his grasp while he pouts a bit "alright dont play with me" he smirks "now come on inside" I walk inside, I look around then i get up the courage to ask "where are your parents" he looks at me stunned then tries to hold back a smile "Im guessing you wanna do some bad things tonigh?" stunned not knowing what to say I try to defend myself "n-no what why-" befor i could say more his hands were covering my mouth and he kisses my neck and nibbles on my ear, my only choice was to stay steal or try to stop him even though he's alot stronger than me i chose the safe way "N-nathan what are you doing?" he looks at my then tuggs on my hair pulling me to follow him "stop nathan that hurts" "Ella shush you didnt do anything this is your fault you turn me on now zip it and follow me!" befor I could relize where we were going we were already in his room "Ella lay on the bed now!" I shake my head no "No I wont!" he makes a seriouse face walking up to me with his mouth close to my ear "lay on the bed Ella or ill force you and Ill do more than you can take" me being the stuborn person I am again shakes my head no "no i wont and you cant force me to!" He looks at me stund "Then you leave me NO choice" he grabs my arm and shoves me down on the bed I try to get back up but he's to strong before I know it both my legs are tied up O start to kick to get free "LET ME GO NATHAN" he smirks "let me do this then ill let you go" he ties up my arms and all I can do is jerk around to get free but before Ican jerk around to get free he's kissing my chest so gently and the sensation of his lips on my body fill so good but i cant except this "Nathan please let me go" he ignors me and unbotttons my shirt lower "oh kitty why would I stop I know you love this" he starts slowly sliding his hand down my body "N-nathan" he smirks unbuttoning my shirt fully "how about we play a game" i look at him shoked "w-what kind of game" "Ella you ask me a question if I answer yes to the question you decide what I do to you if I answer no well i'm sure you can figure that out" I gulp "but Ella if you say no to the game ill do so much to your body and not stop" I nod in agreement to the game "great Ella whats your first question" "a-are you a virgin" he laughs a little "that's your first question well then my answer is No Ella I'm not a virgin" I close my eyes worried on what he's going to do "Ella I won't do to much at the start" he grabs a blind fold "i'm sure you dont want to see me do this stuff to you" he puts the blind fold on me and I fill so worried I cant see a thing, he puts his hand in my uper thigh I flinch because his hands are cold "Ella like I said i wont do anything to bad at first" he puts his hand on my underwear strap "see thats as far as ill go this time now whats your next question for me" I try look at the ropes but I cant see the ropes that well "d-do you tie people up often?" he shakes his head "no i don't" I tilt my head a bit "then why tie me up?" "Ella i said one question at a time now i get to do one more" "b-but" "no buts" i felt him kiss me deeply then slide his hand down my panties a bit and all I could do was just let him "ah~ N~Nathan no more pls" he looks at me "ill stop when I give you more than you can handle" "Nathan I want to stop" he kisses me "kitty cat I promise it wont hurt now whats your next question" i think for a minute "my question is do you like me?" he looks shoked but then kisses me " yes Ella I like you now what do you want me to do to you?" I think heres my chance to get free "un-tie me" "Ella I do think your ropes need to be redone" I am shoked I thought he would let me go "n-no un-tie me fully" "nope Ella only a little" he unties my leg then pulls off my pants kissing my legs i quickly pull my legs away from him "oh Ella you think you could do that?" he takes my under where off and I start trying to kick him but before I could kick him he started rubbing my cl*t and all I could do is moan "N-nathan ah~ s-stop" he smirks then ties my legs up reaviling it all "nathan don't" he then unties only one of my arms and ties it to my other arm "Ella like I said ill stop when you cant handle it no more" he takes the blind fold off "there you go Ella now you can see" he takes his shirt off reaviling his abs the gets his face near my vagina and he licks it once really slowly "N-Nathan you cant do that I didnt ask a question" he looks at me "im doing this because I was getting anoyed by you asking for me to let you free" he sticks one of his fingers in that only made me jolt in disbelief "Stop it Nathan now" he kisses my knee "Oh Kitty why would I this is sooo fun" I look at him with a poutty face "Now now Ella thats not going to work now whats your next question for me?" "Um do you kiss girls often" I say that so quickly before I could think if he would say yes or no "Ella I would assume you would know the answer to that, its a NO, no Ella I dont kiss girls often now what should i do to you not like its your choice but still" he unzips his pants slowly I start kicking around and yanking on the rope that has my hands tied "NO Nathan no just let me go" i start crying and he looks at me with a simpithy type look "dear Ella I promise Ill go slow" my eyes widden "NATHAN IM A VIRGIN and i do not want you to take away my virginity!!" He looks at me and almost laughs "Ella i know your a virgin" im shoked and I dont know what to do but befor he could do anything I started kicking again "Ella stop! or ill drug you" I stop " I dont want you to do it" I start balling my eyes out the he zips his pants back up "Dear Ella it wont hurt but ill wait 'till tomorrow to do that" he unties my legs and i pull them close to my body so he dosnt do anything "Dont touch me again!" he looks at me then unties my hands I huddle in a ball not wanting him to touch me again "Ella I un-tied you showing im not going to do anything" he tosses me his T-shirt and some shorts and my panties "put them on" he stands there crossing his arms "Go out first" "I just tied you up and seen you undressed fully and your still undressed nothing has changed just put the damn close on Ella!" I start to put his T-shirt on "why cant I where my clothes?" "well i need to make sure youll stay the night" I roll my eyes then finish getting into the clothes "i wanna go home" "nope" he sits on the bed where I am and he sees me scoot away from him but before i can he grabs my arm "Your staying right next to me are we clear!?" I gulp then nod in agreement "good" he takes his shirt off then pulls me close to his chest and starts petting my head "I promise I would never do anything to hurt you" i look at him "why me why do this to me youve always been mean to me" "Ella iv always loved you but I couldnt hold my self back this time" I lay on him unconsciously then close my eyes and fall asleep in his arms